Home Locks Collection from vehicle owners in Belarus. All about toll and maintenance: prices, benefits, innovations

Collection from vehicle owners in Belarus. All about toll and maintenance: prices, benefits, innovations

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that respondents supported the new draft law. The main innovation is penalty point system. Points will be awarded for committing administrative offenses against traffic safety and transport operation. Also, the list of offenses for which points will be awarded will be expanded. not provided.

The new system will be structured in such a way that points will be awarded for a person committing an administrative offense if the sanction of the violated article provided:

  • A fine of up to 3 basic units or the offense was recorded by automatically operating technical means with photo and video recording functions. 1 point
  • Fine up to 5 basic units - 2 points
  • Fine up to 10 basic units - 3 points
  • A fine of more than 10 basic units or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle - 4 points

However, scoring not provided for committing administrative offenses, which are provided for in Part 6.8 of Art. 18.12, Art. 18.20, part 5 art. 18.22 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus.

Penalty points are taken into account and are awarded during a year preceding the day of commission of the last administrative offense entailing the accrual of penalty points.

Kit 15 or more points entails termination of the right to drive a vehicle for a period for 6 months.

You can get acquainted with the number of penalty points using mobile application, which is developed by the internal affairs bodies.

Also, the majority of respondents agreed that needs to be replaced“perpetual” driving licenses, thereby creating a level playing field for all drivers. The issues of passing exams in a car with automatic transmission were discussed.

This bill is planned submit for consideration to Parliament, all that remains is to make the necessary adjustments to the document.

Motorcyclists get ready

The law amends the article entitled “Failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory signals, violation of the rules for transporting passengers or other traffic regulations.” Now, riding a moped, a motorcycle on one wheel, as well as driving when the driver does not hold the steering wheel or does not keep his feet on the pedals will entail a fine of from 5 to 10 basic units With deprivation of rights vehicle management term up to 6 months or without deprivation.

Also, actions of the driver that forced other road users to change speed, direction or take other measures to ensure traffic safety are subject to a fine. t 5 to 20 basic units with deprivation of control TS up to 2 years or without such deprivation.

More changes:

WITH January 31, 2018 In 2009, some changes came into force in the administrative code that relate to traffic rules.

The article was changed. 18.17 Code of Administrative Offences. It states that now in the event of an accident, when only damage to the property of the vehicle occurs, then liability arises for specific points of the traffic rules, non-compliance with which is the cause of such a road accident.

Canceled responsibility for forgotten documents confirming the right to drive a vehicle.


Due to the new changes, it will be possible to pay the fine within 1 month (previously 5 days), if you decide to pay such a fine on the spot (if you do not pay on time, the penalty will increase by 2 basic amounts)

If a fine is imposed, more will not be confiscated driver's license ticket.

Article 18.19 - now for repeated driving of a vehicle within a year by a person who does not have the right to do so administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Also in Article 18.13 it was proposed not to deprive people of rights for repeated speed violations, but in the second reading of the bill there was an initiative to maintain the old norm. That is, for speeding from 20 to 30 km/h and from 30 or more km/h, committed repeatedly within a year - threatens with deprivation of rights to drive a vehicle.

About technical inspection and registration

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 6, 2017 No. 933 adopted a resolution that amends the regulations on the admission of vehicles to participation. It contains a list of cases when an employee of the Beltechosmotr Unitary Enterprise transfers a mark to the certificate of technical inspection. The mark is transferred in the following cases:

  • issuance of a duplicate vehicle registration certificate
  • making changes to the vehicle registration certificate
  • issuance of a new inspection certificate
  • state registration of a vehicle by the new owner during the period of validity of the permit for admission of the vehicle to participate in road traffic


A necessary condition for transferring this mark is confirmation of the issue of a permit to allow the vehicle to participate in road traffic (legal material taken from the National Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus).

About registration of snow and swamp-going vehicles and ATVs

A decision was made on state registration of snow and swamp-going vehicles of categories G, S, type 1 and type 2, as well as snowmobiles and UTVs in the state technical supervision inspections of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

In the future, they plan to implement a notification system about received fines via SMS and minimize contact between the driver and the traffic police officer by creating a portal where it will be much easier to register a car without leaving home.

Fines and fees

About new fines

As is already known, from January 1, 2018 the basic value is 24.5 rubles, which means that fines have increased. Now more about this.

State fee for permission to participate in road traffic

  • 73.5 rubles - up to 1.5t
  • 147 rubles - from 1.5 to 2t
  • 196 rubles - from 2 to 3t
  • 269.5 rubles - more than 3t

Cost of replacing a driver's license

Renewal of a driver's license after expiration; changes in last name, first name, patronymic, gender; category restoration; destruction, for a new used sample: 49 rubles + computer service and application form 2,94 rubles

It is also worth noting that for a duplicate driver’s license you will have to pay 73,5 rubles + for computer services and application processing - 2,94 rubles

Speeding recorded by a traffic police officer:

  • from 10 to 20 km/h - a fine of up to 1 basic unit (up to 24.5 rubles)
  • from 20 to 30 km/h - from 1 to 3 basic values ​​(from 24.5 to 73.5 rubles)
  • at 30 km/h and more - from 3 to 10 b.v. (from 73.5 to 245 rubles)
  • at 20 km/h and more, committed repeatedly within a year - from 5 to 15 b.v. (from 122.5 to 367.5 rubles)

Speeding recorded by automatic camera

  • from 10 to 20 km/h - 0.5 b.v. (12.25 rubles)
  • from 20 to 30 km/h-2 b.v. (49 rubles)
  • from 30 to 40 km/h-4 b.v. (98 rubles)
  • at 40 or more km/h - 6 b.v. (147 rubles)

Also, the following types of fines will be changed

  • The fine for failing to pass a technical inspection is from 1 to 3 b.v. (from 24.5 to 73.5 rubles)
  • The fine for repeatedly failing to pass a technical inspection within 1 year is from 2 to 5 b.v. (from 49 to 122.5 rubles)
  • The fine for talking on a mobile phone while driving is up to 2 b.v. (up to 49 rubles)
  • The fine for violating the rules for transporting passengers is up to 4 b.v. (up to 98 rubles)

From July 1, 2018, electronic PTS will be introduced

WITH January 1, 2018 entered into force Agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union.

An electronic PTS is being introduced on the territory of the Customs Union.

What is this?

An electronic passport of a technical device (PTS) is the same PTS that you have in your hands in paper form, only the “new” one will be stored in the database, and you get access to it at any time. This introduction has been planned for a long time; back in 2014 there was an initiative to introduce it, but this will only be implemented in the summer of 2018.

What is it for?

The electronic form is very convenient; you don’t have to take a paper form of the PTS with you all the time before driving your car. This makes life much easier. The traffic police officer no longer needs to demand from you, and you, in turn, will not give him a passport for the technical equipment. Now you just need to go to the database and look at everything about the car: model, make, owner of the car, what accidents there were, information about technical inspection, as well as the mileage of the car. With the introduction of this innovation, it will be impossible to fake a PTS and to rewind the mileage (as unscrupulous car owners like to do in order to sell the car at a higher price).

What about the old PTS?

Nothing is known about this yet. Most likely, the paper version will not be canceled yet, but there will be an electronic version in the form we are familiar with. A gradual transition to the new standard is planned; people need to get used to it.

Who will have access?

The vehicle owner, traffic police officers and authorized bodies will have access to the system. Now the history of your car will become transparent and understandable both for you and for the officer who stopped you.

Unconfirmed changes

They plan to revise Article 18.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus. Now it says that if a driver exceeds the speed limit by 40 or more km/h, then this threatens with a fine in the amount of 7 to 15 basic values. It is very important here that the mention of repeated violation and liability in the form of deprivation of rights has disappeared.
They want to equalize the responsibility recorded using photographic evidence and that of a traffic police officer for exceeding the speed limit.
Also, for failure to comply with the requirements of traffic control signals, violation of the rules for transporting passengers will be applied not only to drivers, but also to persons who do not have the right to drive a vehicle
Will remain liable for traffic violations resulting in minor injuries - necessary request of the victim to initiate an administrative procedure.

Thus, compared to the current size, it will increase by 2 rubles, or almost 9%. Following the basic one, payments depending on it will also increase.

It will become more expensive to violate

The main application of the basic value is in the field of fines for offenses. Actually, this is why it was introduced in 2002.

So, for example, traffic police fines will change as follows.

For speeding recorded by a traffic police officer:

– from 10 to 20 km/h – up to 1 base value (25 rubles);

– from 20 to 30 km/h – from 1 to 3 basic (25 – 75 rubles);

– at 30 km/h or more – from 3 to 10 basic (75 – 250 rubles);

– 20 or more km/h, committed repeatedly within a year – from 5 to 15 basic (125 – 375 rubles).

For speeding recorded by an automatic camera:

– from 10 to 20 km/h – 0.5 base value (12.5 rubles);

– from 20 to 30 km/h – 2 basic (50 rubles);

– from 30 to 40 km/h – 4 basic (100 rubles);

– 40 km/h or more – 6 basic (150 rubles).

For failure to pass a technical inspection on time - from 1 to 3 basic units (25 - 75 rubles).

For talking on a mobile phone while driving - up to 2 basic (50 rubles).

For violation of the rules for transporting passengers - up to 4 basic units (100 rubles).

Conscientious motorists will also have to pay more

As you know, since December 31, 2013, Belarusian motorists have been paying the so-called transport tax. This is the nickname in Sineokaya for the introduced state duty for issuing a permit for a car to participate in road traffic. It is also calculated based on the size of the base value.

– for cars up to 1.5 tons – 75 rubles;

– from 1.5 to 2 tons – 150 rubles;

– from 2 to 3 tons – 200 rubles;

– more than 3 tons – 275 rubles.

Other fees in Belarus also “dance” from the base value - when applying to the court, the civil registry office, internal affairs bodies and other government agencies.

What else will change after the basic one?

In general, the basic value in our state affects the quantitative indicators of more than 200 regulations in Belarus. Along with fines and state fees, some taxes and benefits, the cost of services and accommodation fees, for example, also depend on its size.

Thus, the base value is used when calculating unemployment benefits, the amount of which currently ranges from 16.1 to 46 rubles per month, and from January will be 17.5 to 50 Belarusian rubles.

From January 1, “thanks to” the base value, the craft fee will also increase, along with the fee for agroecotourism. Both are equal to 1 base, which means they will increase by 2 rubles.

Living in public rental housing and hostels will also become more expensive. The cost of accommodation fees also depends on the size of the base fee. As well as the “dog tax”, which is 30% of its value, and for dogs of potentially dangerous breeds - 150%.

Among the “hostages”, the basic ones include notary fees, the cost of real estate services and financial assistance to the unemployed.

Until 2002, the base amount was used in Belarus for calculating penalties, which were calculated based on the minimum wage. But from 2000 to 2002, the minimum wage skyrocketed by 450%. As a result, the corresponding approach to indexing fines became unacceptable, and then the institution of the base value became independent. Thus, the basic value acquired a real size, approved by resolutions of the Council of Ministers.

How did the base change?

Over the past ten years, the basic amount in Belarus has increased more than 7 times - from 35,000 non-denominated Belarusian rubles (3.5 denominated rubles) to 25. Initially, on March 1, 2002, its size was only 10,000 Belarusian rubles (1 denominated ruble) .

Two years ago, the transport tax in Belarus increased in price. During the period 2014-2015. the base value on which this type of fee is calculated increased by 20%, i.e. from 150 thousand to 180 thousand. In this regard, many car owners have a logical question: will the road tax in Belarus rise in price in the new year, 2016? Let's look at these indicators for various categories of citizens. It is immediately worth noting that from January 1, 2016, the base amount required to calculate this type of tax has increased again and now amounts to 210 thousand Belarusian rubles.

For individuals

For equipment weighing no more than 750 kg it will be only 2 basic values, and for trailers of greater weight - as much as 11 values. Owners of so-called caravan trailers received a small relaxation this year. They will have to pay a fee of only 2 BV (previously it was 5).

This difference in tariffs by government employees is explained by the fact that larger trailers are most likely used not for private needs, but for business. Therefore, the tax rates for them are quite high.

Apparently, for the same reasons it was established for bus owners. True, it all depends on the number of seats:

  • ˂ 20 - 12 BV;
  • 21-40 will “pull” by 17 basic values;
  • ˃ 40 is already as many as 22 magnitudes (basic).

The most profitable way for individuals to travel on the country's roads is by motorcycle. Road tax in Belarus for this type of transport will cost its owner only 2 basic units per year.

For legal entities

It is much worse for legal entities in this matter. For them, of course, road tax rates in Belarus are significantly higher. So if you are the owner of an organization or business, you may want to reconsider the need to maintain a large fleet of vehicles.

A passenger car, depending on its weight, will cost the company the following amounts:

  • ˂ 1 ton - will require parting with 7 BV;
  • from 1 to 2 tons - will cost 9 basic units;
  • 2-3 tons - the tax will be 11 BV;
  • for a car weighing ˃ 3 tons you will have to pay 14 BV of road tax.

With trailers, things are also not so simple:

  • up to 750 kg - 5 BV;
  • over 7.5 tons - 12 BV;
  • for a summer house on wheels (caravan trailer) you will have to pay 5 basic units (until 2016 this figure was 7 BV).

If your company has trucks, prepare the following amounts:

  • ˂ 2.5 tons - 12 BV;
  • 2.5-3.5 t - 17 values ​​(basic);
  • from 3.5 to 12 tons - as many as 22 base values;
  • for a mass over 12 tons you will have to pay 25 BV.

But the bus fare for legal entities is no different from that for private owners (individuals). Probably, such tariffs are set because an individual who has a bus at his disposal is unlikely to go to the supermarket for groceries on it, but will use it for business purposes.

It is also profitable for entrepreneurs to ride motorcycles. It will cost only 3 base units.

How to pay

Most often, the amount of road tax in Belarus is collected from car owners during the period of vehicle inspection. Depending on how old your car is and what category it belongs to, road tax can be paid according to the following scheme:

  • once every 2 years;
  • annually;
  • twice throughout the year.

Those motorists who are allowed to undergo a vehicle inspection once every 2 years must pay a double rate toll.

Are there any benefits

Nevertheless, there are categories of citizens, as well as vehicles, for which road tax in Belarus is paid at a reduced rate. True, there are not so many of them:

  • medical vehicles;
  • transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the KGB, the Ministry of Defense and the State Border Committee;
  • buses and trolleybuses (public transport).

It is important to note that starting from January 1, 2016, the 50% benefit previously established for pensioners was cancelled. Now a discount of half the fee is given only to WWII veterans, and then only if there is a medical document confirming the applicant’s fitness to drive a vehicle (in other words, if the veteran was able to pass a medical examination), while in fact a completely different person can drive the vehicle.

For taxi

Unfortunately, there are no relaxations for this type of vehicle either. The amount of road tax in Belarus, according to the law, is paid by taxi drivers twice a year, since that is how many times they must undergo technical inspection. Tax rates are determined based on the actual weight of the vehicle indicated in the registration certificate.

When can the money be returned?

Sometimes, however, road tax in Belarus can be refunded. Such an action is regulated by Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus. A partial or full refund of transport tax can be made if:

  • the state duty was paid in a larger amount than necessary or should not have been collected at all;
  • the person who paid the fee refuses to obtain the permit to participate in road traffic until he contacts Beltechosmotr;
  • the car did not pass technical inspection, the owner was denied a permit.

If you paid the toll for the whole year and sold the car, for example, in April, no refund is provided. Moreover, if, for example, in June of the same year you purchase a new car, you will have to pay the transport tax again.

Where will the money go?

Officials traditionally explain the considerable cost of the road tax in Belarus by saying that the money collected will be used in full for the construction of new state roads, as well as for the repair of existing pavement. This is quite difficult to believe, because highways and highways from Minsk to regional centers, as well as secondary roads, have not been modernized for quite a long time.

It is expected that this year road funds received from toll collection will be equally divided between the local and republican budgets. But for now these are just plans. Today, all money received as a result of collecting transport duties is accumulated in the republican budget. It is there that they decide which roads to repair and when. The manager of the accumulated funds is the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Belarus.

Updates 04/08/2019: “We decided to postpone the project on a new road toll in order to once again weigh all the pros and cons,” Andrei Rybak, chairman of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications, told ONT.

From April 1, 2019, the state duty for individuals was planned to be replaced with a “fee for participation in road traffic.” It would have to be paid monthly (minimum for one month, maximum for 2 years). Failure to pay will result in a double penalty.

The new rules can come into effect exactly from April 1, but until the project is signed, the old rules, which are indicated in this article, apply. If you want to stay informed when changes are made, subscribe to comments on this article. As soon as there is news, I will write a comment and you will receive an email. The screenshot below shows how to do this:

Not every car owner took for granted the changes made to Article 249 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus after December 31, 2013. According to them, a new state duty has appeared in the country - the so-called transport tax, as it was aptly dubbed by those who cannot imagine their life without a “steering wheel”. What is its feature and why is it needed? Where and how can I pay this tax, duty, or participation fee in 2019 in Belarus? About all this - in the detailed material below.

What is transport tax and why is it needed?

Back in 2016, every three Belarusians owned at least one personal car. Apply this simple statistical calculation to the total population of the country - and you will understand that about 3 million vehicles ply the roads of Belarus every day. And only personal cars are taken into account - to the resulting figure you can safely add those vehicles that are on the balance sheet of various enterprises.

Of course, such intense traffic causes irreparable damage to existing roads, and the government of Belarus tried to solve this issue by introducing the above-mentioned state duty. It is legally enshrined in the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus in Article 249 - read paragraph 1.64. The proceeds are sent to the republican and local budgets for the construction of new roads and repair of existing ones.

The document itself is stored on the national Internet portal: you can view it at any time.

Yes, from the point of view of legislation, the so-called transport tax, or road tax, is a simplified and common designation for “issuing permission to admit a vehicle to participate in road traffic.”

Only after you have paid the fee is your car allowed to undergo inspection. It was this link that caused outrage among many car owners, for whom the simultaneous payment of a new tax and the cost of technical inspection became a tangible blow to the family budget.

How much do you have to pay (table)

One of the main nuances is the age of the car. If your vehicle is “younger” than 10 years, then you need to pay transport tax 2 years in advance. This rule does not apply to trucks and buses.

The total weight of the car is also taken into account. There are 4 generally accepted categories:

  • up to 1.5 tons;
  • from 1.5 to 2 tons;
  • from 2 to 3 tons;
  • more than 3 tons.

Transport tax rates

For maximum convenience, we have reflected the most current rates for all existing categories in a detailed table.

The cost of the road participation fee, which is planned to be introduced for individuals instead of the duty, is the same. But you can pay individuals not immediately for the year, but by months. And when paying for a year or more - a 20% discount. Those. the indicated amounts must be multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.8. To calculate how much to pay per month, divide the amount by 12.

Rates for legal entities: Rates for individuals:
Number of basic quantities Price per year,BYN Maximum permitted weight Number of basic quantities Price per year,BYN
Bus with number of seats
up to 20 inclusive 12 306 12 306
from 21 to 40 inclusive 17 433,5 17 433,5
over 40 22 561 22 561
A car
no more than 1 ton 7 178,5 no more than 1.5 tons 3 76,5
more than 1 ton, but not more than 2 tons 9 229,5 more than 1.5 tons and no more than 2 tons 6 153
more than 2 tons, but not more than 3 tons 11 280,5 8 204
more than 3 tons 14 336 11 280,5
Trailer no more than 0.75 tons 5 120 2 51
Trailer over 0.75 tons 12 306 11 280,5
Trailer-dacha (caravan) 7 178,5 5 127,5
Freight car
no more than 2.5 tons 12 306 8 204
more than 2.5 tons, but not more than 3.5 tons 17 433,5 17 433,5
more than 3.5 tons, but not more than 12 tons 22 561 22 561
more than 12 tons 25 637,5 25 637,5
Motorbike 3 76,5 2 51
Truck tractor 20 510 regardless of the permissible maximum weight 20 510

Are there any benefits?

Yes, people with 1st and 2nd disability groups pay 50% of the cost of the “road tax”. Some time ago, the same benefit was available to pensioners, but since 2016 it has been officially abolished.

Payment Methods

If you are an individual, you can pay transport tax at any bank or post office. Please note that even if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, you still use tariffs for individuals to pay.

But payment of tax by legal entities (organizations) is only possible in a bank.

How to pay through ERIP?

We will demonstrate how transport tax is paid through ERIP. For this you can use either a regular information kiosk connected to the System (CALCULATION) or any online banking that you use.

In our case, it will be a software product of Belarusbank, but there is no difference - the ERIP Tree has a universal structure and looks the same everywhere.

1. In the main services branch, open the “Other payments” section.

2. Select “Beltechosmotr”.

3. Click on the “State Duty” section (presented for both individuals and legal entities).

4. To pay, you will need the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate.

After making the payment, you can save the electronic receipt and print it - it will serve as an official document confirming your payment of the transport tax. However, it is not at all necessary to do this and keep the receipt - all information about the payment remains in the ERIP database, and Beltechosmotr employees can easily find the necessary information using the transaction number.

Important: do not confuse the state fee for permission to participate in road traffic with payment for the technical inspection itself.

What happens if you don't pay?

Since the transport tax in Belarus today is still tied to technical inspection, without paying it you simply will not be able to obtain permission to drive.

Of course, you can always turn on the imperturbable ignore mode and get behind the wheel, but not small ones.

From April 1, 2019, in the absence of a fee for participation in road traffic, violators will be charged double the fee. It is planned that payment control will take place automatically using video cameras.

Planned changes in 2019

And the impossible is possible. On October 5, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Rumas, at a speech in the House of Representatives, announced that the transport tax would soon be untied from technical inspection.

This is expected to be done as early as July 2019. One of the key changes is the ability to make monthly payments through ERIP. This decision seems fair for those drivers who do not use their car for a whole year. Also, breaking it down into small shares will help those who do not want to part with a large sum of money to decide on paying taxes.

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