Home Heating Approaches to the study of leadership and leadership qualities. Bookstores see growing demand for business literature focused on seizing opportunities

Approaches to the study of leadership and leadership qualities. Bookstores see growing demand for business literature focused on seizing opportunities

Everyone dreams of a prestigious profession. And one of the options for satisfying your ambitions is the profession of “editor”. Creative, exciting, but also difficult work for strong-willed, purposeful people with an organizational streak.

Is it possible to become an editor from scratch, and what do you need to know about future work?

Features of the editor's work - what does an editor do on an Internet resource, a graphic editor or an editor in a publishing house?

First of all, it is worth noting that an editor is one of the most responsible professions. It is the editor who “gets hit” in case of errors or false information in the final version of the article.

Therefore, the main task of the editor is to tirelessly and vigilantly vigil, that is, to monitor the work of his subordinates and the quality of their work.

However, a lot depends from the job profile.

The editor may be...

  • Literary.
  • Technical.
  • Scientific.
  • Artistic.
  • Or an editor for television broadcasting or websites.

Features of the job depend on the specifics of the particular job.

What does an editor do - main responsibilities:

  1. First of all, editing materials, their correction in accordance with standards, styles, certain formats, etc.
  2. Assistance to authors (note - to improve the structure of texts).
  3. Solving technical and artistic issues.
  4. Selecting and formulating relevant topics for materials, forming a plan and determining the progress of work.
  5. Preparation of materials for printing, publication, and broadcast.
  6. Management functions: distribution of tasks among subordinates and control over their execution.
  7. Etc.

Required personal qualities and professional skills to work as an editor - is this job right for you?

WITH Among the main qualities that an editor should have are...

  • Responsibility.
  • Attentiveness and accuracy.
  • Excellent memory.
  • Logic and intuition.
  • Patience, endurance, emotional stability.
  • Analytic mind.
  • Communication skills.
  • Organizational skills.
  • Competent oral/written communication.

What are the professional skill requirements?

The editor must know...

  1. Fundamentals of legislative acts.
  2. Fundamentals of economics (note - publishing, media).
  3. About the prospects for market development.
  4. On the procedure for creating plans and schedules in editorial processes.
  5. Copyright.
  6. Basics of editing and all preparation of articles, manuscripts, and other materials.
  7. On the procedure for concluding contracts.
  8. Printing/production technology.

Features of an editor's career and salary

Today, an editor can work not only in the editorial office of a newspaper, in a book publishing house or on TV.

The scope of editorial work also includes professional activities in electronic media, radio, news agencies and production companies etc.

An editor can also work remotely (note - freelancing).

What is the editor's salary?

It all depends on the place of work. On average, in large cities, an editor's monthly salary can be 25000-70000 rub.

It is worth mentioning the competition, which is quite high in prestigious places. While it is not so difficult to get a job in the editorial office of a small newspaper or in an electronic publication, the queue of ambitious specialists in prestigious publishing houses and media is very long, and often the companies themselves ensure that the competition for vacant positions is becoming more intense.

However, a self-confident professional with a solid base of knowledge will never be left without work.

Career growth - what can an editor expect?

As for prospects regarding the career ladder, they depend on experience, place of work - and, of course, region.

In the editorial office of a small newspaper somewhere in the outback, you won’t be able to rise high, of course.

In megacities there are much more opportunities, and every specialist has the opportunity to become a department head or editor-in-chief.

For example, a career as an editor in a paper or electronic publication looks like this:

  1. Graduate journalist turned correspondent.
  2. Next is the department editor.
  3. And the production editor.

And in book publishing...

  1. Freelance editor or junior editor.
  2. Leading editor.

How to become an editor from scratch - where to study to become an editor?

It is clear that without education you will not be able to get a job as an editor in a prestigious place (or even in a small newspaper), higher education in the humanities is one of the main conditions.

Moreover, the closer it is directly to the specifics of the chosen profession, the greater the applicant’s chances for the position.

If you have great ambitions and demands, you will have to master...

  • Linguistics and philology.
  • Journalism.
  • Publishing.
  • Literary creativity.
  • Editing.

There are many universities in our country that teach these specialties. And you don’t have to go to the capital to study.

You can start your job search with freelancing to gain experience. Today, many electronic publishing houses are recruiting remote workers - this is an excellent opportunity for people living in a small town, as well as for people with disabilities.

Help with the editor's work - useful books, websites, programs and applications

Among the Internet resources useful to the future editor are...

  1. starling.rinet.ru(note - grammatical, etymological and other dictionaries).
  2. kursy.ru(note - course by A. Levitas on errors of word usage).
  3. typo.mania.ru(note - about typography and more).
  4. www.kursiv.ru/ (note - about the proofreading process in the publishing house).
  5. www.litsite.ru/category/pomosch-redaktora (note - extremely useful blog by editor Raisa Piragis).
  6. az.lib.ru/h/hawkina_l_b/text_0010.shtml (note - Khavkina’s 2-digit tables).
  • An editor of a print publication would benefit from having experience as a journalist; for an editor of an online publication it is important to know the principles of SEO, and for a book editor it is better to start his career as an assistant.
  • Develop your typing speed and general PC skills, including all important programs (from Excel and Word to Photoshop, etc.).
  • Get better at authoring, try yourself in various genres, focus on the target audience, choosing the language and style according to the objectives of the texts.
  • Learn to work with serious amounts of information.
  • Learn to check facts quickly.
  • Learn the basics of spelling. The editor has no room for error (in every sense).
  • Find a part-time job at a local newspaper. Even if they pay pennies, this experience (even remotely or for half a day) will be useful to you. Look for an opportunity to work as an assistant to a professional editor.
  • Read a lot. Don't miss the opportunity to expand your horizons and look for mistakes. The more you read, the more mistakes you notice, the sharper your eye.

Although in any case, leadership qualities are needed equally both in the business sphere and on the personal front. So today, dude, we will try to inspire you to find your inner charismatic person with the help of another selection of excellent . Ready? Go!

1. “Emotional leadership. The Art of Managing People Using Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Don't be fooled by the dull long title of this book: in fact, the thoughts and ideas expressed in it may well be considered worthy of your precious attention. Pick it up and learn the classic lessons of interpersonal communication based on empathy and understanding, because these are incredibly powerful tools that are completely undervalued in our modern society. The author of the book describes how, with the help of empathy, you can manipulate people and lead them, blinding the unfortunate with the aura of your charisma and charm. The main thing is to remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

2. Seasons of Life, Jim Rohn

A thought-provoking book that focuses on the fundamentals of human behavior and how it influences optimal performance, personal and professional. The author of the book tries to help the reader learn how to generate complex ideas and simplify them in such a way that they bring quick results. In a way, this is another textbook on how to learn to live well. But unlike a ton of other similar waste paper, this book really knows how to “hook” and reach the reader’s consciousness.

3. Leader Without a Title, Robin Sharma

All of the books by this Canadian writer and leadership coach are easy and interesting to read. “Leader Without a Title” is a work that will be appreciated by both established business owners and those who have just embarked on the thorny path of entrepreneurship. The author writes: “To become a great leader, first become a great person,” and this idea runs like a red line throughout his work, which is popular both with psychologists and with ordinary mortals puzzled by personal growth and self-development.

4. “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” John Maxwell

The moral of this book is that if you follow the described “laws” of leadership, then leadership will follow you. Maxwell's work is a powerful set of principles that are very easy to understand, and the vivid descriptive examples accompanying each point will help even the most pathetic rag to find the beginnings of leadership qualities and apply these skills in their lives today.

5. “Emotional Intelligence 2.0”, Travis Bradbury

It turns out that successful people owe their fortune not so much to a high level of IQ, but to EQ - emotional intelligence. It is he who determines the effectiveness of a person’s interaction with the people around him and with the world in general. Self-awareness, self-control, empathy and relationship skills are integral components of the harmonious emotional development of a human being. You can find out how to establish the relationship between all these components and improve the quality of your life if you read Travis Bradbury’s book, or simply by drinking a cold beer in the warm company of your best friends.

6. Turn Your Ship Around, David Marquet

The book, written by the commander of the US Navy nuclear submarine Santa Fe, Captain David Marquet, is a convincing and clear guide for those who want to change the course of their lives, but do not yet know where to start their search. Tips, examples, tools and tactics - you will find all this on the pages of this intelligent work, where preference is given to practice rather than theory.

7. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

This is one of the most popular personal development books ever published. Stephen Covey has created a desktop guide for anyone who holds the reins of power in their hands or is just thinking about it. The global bestseller, written in clear language and not without practicality and humor, will fill your gaps in knowledge about leadership, both personal and professional, and set the right course for the changes that you will finally decide to make.

8. How to Become a Leader, Warren Bennis

The author identifies the lack of leaders as a new social disease and strives with his book to help the reader understand himself, thereby joining the ranks of healers of the above-mentioned disease. Leafing through these pages, we read that leaders are not born - they are definitely made. Managers at any level and in any field who consider investing in their education to be the most rewarding investment should definitely read the work of the recognized guru and leadership coach, Warren Bennis.

9. Good to Great by Jim Collins

Jim Collins will introduce you to the best leadership practices drawn from the experiences of the world's most famous organizations and businesses. Forbes magazine included Good to Great in its list of the best business books published over the past 20 years. This encyclopedia is recommended reading for company directors, business owners, development directors, management consultants and all those who want to raise their own bar and try to aim for something more than they currently have.

10. Life at Full Power, Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz

The authors of this book argue that the real key to high productivity is not how well you manage your time, but how well you control your emotions and wasted energy. So, even if you have eaten a couple of dogs on planning and time management, you are powerless without good health and a stable emotional state. Living at Full Power is the crash course you need on a very important topic: Well-Being.

Over the past year, sales of books about business, collections of recommendations from famous businessmen, and books on self-development have increased significantly, according to sales data from bookselling companies. Young and experienced entrepreneurs and managers are interested in improving their skills during a crisis, and ordinary people are increasingly interested in self-development. The businessmen surveyed were divided in their opinions about the benefits of such literature.

According to Russian and St. Petersburg bookstores, over the past year the demand and sales of business literature have increased significantly. Sales of books for managers are growing, consumers are increasingly interested in success stories of famous businessmen, are studying tips on achieving personal effectiveness and want to learn everything about the personality of an ideal leader. In addition to directly specialized business literature, sales of books on self-development are growing.

Among the bestsellers, market players name “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, “Elon Musk. Tesla, SpaceX and the Road to the Future”, “The Art of Management Struggle”, “The Ideal Leader: Why You Can’t Become One and What Follows from This”, “45 Tattoos manager. Rules of a Russian leader" and other books.

Request for development

The online store records a 10% increase in sales of business literature from January to March 2017 compared to January-March 2016 and explains this trend by readers’ interest in self-development.

According to the observations of Sergei Turko, editor-in-chief of the Alpina Publisher, sales of books related to personal development have been growing for several years. “After the start of the crisis in 2014, the market fell sharply, and a confident recovery began only in June 2016. This may be due to an increase in moderately optimistic sentiment in society,” says Alpina Publisher.

Read it - put it into practice

It is impossible to clearly identify the target audience of business literature. Among them are office workers, business managers/owners and civil servants of various stripes, as well as students and housewives, Sergei Turko lists. Potential groups of buyers are really different, the House of Books agrees. Buyers include middle managers who want to improve their self-management and motivation skills, top managers who develop leadership skills and competencies and manage subordinates, as well as coaches and HR specialists.

The St. Petersburg businessmen interviewed by DP differed in their views on the effectiveness of business literature. A number of players are skeptical about business literature and do not believe in its benefits for businessmen, but others constantly read new books and apply knowledge in practice.

According to the owner of the holding, in his work he is not guided by business literature. “Business is an art, you cannot read a book and become a talented businessman, just as you cannot read a drawing manual and become Michelangelo,” the billionaire is sure. The owner of the holding agrees with his colleague; according to him, even specialized business education does not always help in practice, and businessmen are more likely to be born than to become, even after reading mountains of literature.

But the ex-co-owner of a chain of stores, the owner of a factory and a number of other companies is confident in the usefulness of business literature and he himself relies on the advice of some authors. “I’m interested in books on marketing, communications and team building, these are some kind of teacher books for company managers. Nowadays more and more young entrepreneurs are appearing, and this is an excellent opportunity for them to acquire new knowledge,” says Arkady Pekarevsky.

The owner of the company continuously studies business literature and even keeps a “to-read” sheet. As the entrepreneur says, when there is a lack of competence on certain issues, Shocobox staff begins to read specialized literature in parallel with going to trainings and educational programs. According to the general director of the chain of stores, Andrei Melnikov, more than half of the business literature turns out to be useful for him to manage the company, and in almost every book the top manager finds an interesting thesis.

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One day, millionaire and successful business owner Richard John asked the question: “What makes successful people successful? He conducted 500 interviews with the most successful people, including Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, JK Rowling analyzed hundreds of interviews, biographies and memoirs and wrote the book The Big Eight. In it, he talked about the eight main qualities of all leaders. We've selected five for you.

1. Passion

The first quality common to successful people is love for their work. All qualities are important, but I put PASSION at the top of the list. Love for your work will give you the opportunity to more easily develop the other seven qualities.

When I ask successful people what helped them reach the top, the first things they mention are “love” and “passion.” When Russell Crowe told me what led him to the Best Actor Oscar, he used both words: “The main thing is that I love acting. I love you passionately. I like to tell stories, so it’s easy for me to do my business.”

“The only path to true satisfaction is through work that you consider outstanding. And the only way to achieve great work is through your passion for what you do,” said Steve Jobs, Apple CEO. And JK Rowling said: “I love writing books. I don't think anyone enjoys reading them as much as I do making them."

2. Hard work

The second common quality of successful people is hard work. When I asked Martha Stewart what helped her achieve phenomenal success, she replied: “I have always worked hard. I just work, work and work all the time. Never trust that someone else will do your work for you.” Ted Turner said that his work helped him win the America's Cup in sailing races. “You can't win a yacht race unless you work harder than your competitors,” Ted adds. - Nothing comes by itself. In my first eight years of racing, I didn’t even win my club’s championships. But I kept working and working and working. This is the secret of my success.”

Labor has become the key to Google's success, as the co-founder of the global search service notes Larry Page. “We started working on this search engine eight or nine years ago, when we were still at Stanford University. And we always worked on it very hard, 24 hours a day.

Inspiration alone is not enough for success. It probably consists of 10 percent inspiration, and 90 percent work until you sweat.”

3. Concentration

The third personal quality that all successful people have in common is the ability to concentrate. Famous film director Norman Jewison told me: “I think everything in life depends on your ability to focus on one thing and devote all of yourself to it.”

I am sure that the ability to do one thing well gives not only satisfaction, but also a feeling of self-confidence.” Professor of Mathematics Arthur Benjamin said: “I think every successful person spends most of his time focusing on what he truly loves.” Arthur's concentration on mathematics made him "America's Best Calculator."

4. The ability to overcome yourself

The fourth personal quality that all successful people have in common is the ability to force themselves to do something necessary. Legendary management consultant

Peter Drucker summed it up very clearly: “Force, force and force yourself to act again.” Then you will see the results≫.

Founder of Virgin Group Richard Branson told me: “Whatever you do, always push yourself to the limit of your capabilities.” I love challenging myself and finding out what I'm really capable of.

I think this lifestyle brings people the most satisfaction.”

5. Creativity

The fifth common quality of successful people is the ability to generate good IDEAS. This is a powerful source of mental energy. The better your ideas, the more energy you can move forward. There was once a popular song called “You Light Up My Life.” It was about a person, but the phrase also applies to a good idea: it can really light up your life.

This happened with Bill Gates. He said: “I came up with an idea: to create the first PC software company.” And this then small idea made Bill a giant in the field of high technology and the richest man in the world. TV channels used to broadcast news only a few times a day, but Ted Turner I thought: why not make it so that you can watch the news at any time of the day or night? And the world's first CNN network with 24-hour broadcasting arose. This idea struck

Ted's path to success changed the world of television. It is not surprising that he said then: “I intend to conquer the world, but not with bombs, but with good ideas.” CEO of General Electric Jack Welch well understood the power of ideas. He said: “My job is to find good ideas, develop them and spread them throughout the business world at the speed of light.”

The author of the book, which has become a global bestseller, is entrepreneur, business expert and managing director of the Japanese division of the corporation, Eitaro Kono. Here he shares tips and life hacks on how to develop leadership skills while separating the functions of a leader and a manager. Kono also describes in detail methods for selecting an effective team, competent task setting, problem solving, development and motivation.


A leader is a person who senses change, has a new vision of the situation and guides his team along a new path of development. The work begins with selecting a team. Its structure must have a balanced composition. If you compare this task to baseball, you can say that you should not pick up only aces. A leader who is capable of achieving a new quality of work is always happy to expand his team to include people with different views, invites them to join him and correctly evaluates them. And there is no need to surpass your subordinates in everything.

Good bad boss. The most common mistakes and misconceptions of top managers

The British, Carey Cooper, an entrepreneur and professor of psychology, and Stefan Stern, a journalist and professor at the University of London Business School, wrote this book to debunk myths about leadership and management. For example, they say that managers can work on a flexible schedule and not necessarily 24 hours a day. The authors appeal to a list of 50 top managers who devote 3-4 days a week to work. In providing examples, Cooper and Stern appeal not only to theories of management, but also to popular culture, history and politics.


The misconception that flexible working is not suitable for managers is one of the most harmful and difficult to get rid of. To work flexible hours, you need to trust yourself and your colleagues. Evidence shows that employee productivity and well-being only increase as a result.

However, example must be set from above. Don't expect anyone to work harder than you. Make flexible working a reality for yourself and your entire team and watch your business take off.

The bilingual book - in English and Russian - is a collection of quotes from various interviews with the famous Chinese billionaire, founder. The authors have collected here the key statements of the entrepreneur about leadership, competition, business, venture projects and investments, e-commerce, success and failure.


Never deceive anyone - neither in business nor in life. In 1995, I was deceived by four companies - and not one of them exists today. The company will not get far with deception.

The system cannot depend entirely on one or two people. If the company collapses with my departure, it means it was poorly built.

Agile management. Leadership and Team Management

Dutch entrepreneur and one of the top 100 speakers on leadership issues, Jurgen Appelo, worked on the material for the book for ten years. All this time he studied business product and team management. In the book, he presents the main conclusions of his research, which, however, revolve around one idea: effective leadership is built on innovation, creativity and flexibility. And this means growing a self-organizing team that is able to solve problems independently and make decisions together.


Delegating control is the best way to ensure projects are manageable. Smart managers understand that they must make as few decisions as possible. To improve the management of a complex system, most decisions must be made at the subsystem level. You push decisions and responsibilities down to a level where people have less information and more accurate information.

The authors of the book are engineer and CEO of the Lean Leadership Institute Yorgo Trachilis and professor at the University of Michigan, head of the consulting firm Optiprise, Jeffrey Liker, who previously wrote the bestseller “The Tao of Toyota.” In the context of the well-known system, they derive a new concept - the lean leader. In their opinion, such a leader must constantly engage in self-development and coaching other employees, and manage the team as efficiently as possible. As examples, Trachilis and Liker cite the business strategies of Japanese corporations, including the already mentioned Toyota.


Lean leaders achieve more with less effort and resources. They realize that ambitious goals seem unattainable only at first glance. They develop people and teams and adapt processes to changing reality.

In her book, American entrepreneur and business consultant Laura Stack approaches leadership primarily as managing an effective team. It gives readers four keys to achieving maximum results in management: fair treatment, accountability for results, systems and technology. This is a kind of roadmap for the leader to restart the team. There are tips on conflict resolution, effective decision making and communication.


You have powerful tools at your disposal to improve your work efficiency. You may think you know exactly how to drive your team car, but until you truly understand what each of your colleagues is capable of, you won't be at your best.

The purpose of the book by Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Jeffrey Pfeffer is to help readers get rid of imposed stereotypes and popular illusions about leadership, as well as critically perceive others. To do this, he examines various business cases and describes the reasons for the failures of large companies and individual entrepreneurs.


Leaders fail and let themselves down. For example, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who had every chance of becoming the next president of France, was arrested for sexually harassing a maid in a New York hotel. Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla, resigned due to political support for anti-gay actions. Former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson was kicked out because he indicated on his resume that he had a higher education in computer science, although in fact he did not have one. The flaws in the modern understanding of leadership are obvious and have serious implications for how people - often to their detriment - manage their careers.

Tough management. Make people work for results

A revised and expanded edition of the book in which serial entrepreneur and business coach Dan Kennedy emphasizes the importance of being a strong employee manager. He describes three important principles: leadership, direction and control. According to the author, only strict adherence to clear rules will help build a stable business.


Every employee thinks he is smarter than his boss. Your employees believe that they are overworked, underpaid, that they invest much more into your business than you do, and therefore may well ignore or bypass your instructions, standards and algorithms. If you are under the illusion that your business is an exception, you are wrong.

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