Home Nutrition "America, stand up": rapper Eminem furiously attacked Trump. Eminem - The Storm song translation, translation, Russian version Diss on Trump translation

"America, stand up": rapper Eminem furiously attacked Trump. Eminem - The Storm song translation, translation, Russian version Diss on Trump translation

Translation of Eminem's freestyle "The Storm", which Marshall performed at the BET Hip-Hop Awards 2017.
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Everything that happened before was the calm before the storm...
So where should I start?
Oh yes, I almost forgot, that's right.
This is terribly hot coffee.
Should I splash it in
Donald Trump?
Probably not..

But for now, that's all I can do.
I make up the plot as I go.
I have a plan, I need to act.
I'm like an Apache helicopter with its missiles.

I'd rather go to the mosque for Ramadan.
And I will pray for every fucking word that Melania said.
It looks like a mop.
It's time to finish.
Although, you better tell Obama how to rule!
And about the fact that kamikazes are now working in the White House.
Which, if not today, then tomorrow, will begin a nuclear holocaust.
And when all the fuss dies down,
then all he will do is take off on his own
airplane and will fly in circles until
The bombing will not end.

The situation is heating up, tension is growing.
Trump, when it comes to interpreting speech, you are greedy, just like me.
But once it comes down to figuring out which one of us has the tougher balls,
you immediately hide them.

Fuck, yes, it's all because you don't have them.
There is a hollow, an empty place.
The only thing he's good at is racism.
All he can do is throw rocks, and he's orange.
Well, you have a terrible tan...
Apparently that's why he wants us all to separate.
Because he won't be able to resist the fact that we are not afraid of Trump.

Fuck it, what's the point of hitting you in the balls?
I'm here to trample them!
Apparently that's why he shouts:
"Drain the swamps."
Although he himself got stuck in quicksand a long time ago.
First we took a step forward, and now we take a step back.

This is one complete distraction maneuver.
Looks like he doesn't get enough attention...
So the next time he starts to sort things out with the NFL,
Let's discuss in more detail..
Instead of talking
About Puerto Rico, or about that incident in Nevada.
Of course, these are terrible tragedies, but he is bored...
He's much more interested in arguing with the Packers on Twitter.
He promised everyone that he would reduce taxes, but who will pay for it?
luxury trips?

Here and there, from your own golf club to the family mansion.
I don't understand why people say Hillary is a liar.
After all, you yourself are the same...
From Bannon's approval to support for the Ku Klux Klan.
Torches, tiki in the hands of black guys.
They just returned home from Iraq.
And then they are told: “Go to your Africa.”
This old racist has a dagger and fork in his hands.
He does not appreciate and ignores all our past historical achievements.
Now, in our time, if you are a black athlete, then you are spoiled
Small child.
Who uses his position to speak out.

What about freedom of speech?
This asshole says, "You're spitting in the face of the veterans who fought for us."
True, this does not apply to prisoners of war, who are tortured and beaten.
This man doesn't like the heroes who were captured.
No, don't think about it, I have nothing against the military.

Fuck you, I raise my fist for Colin.
And I continue like the Trump bitch.
He promised to get rid of all immigrants.
He was going to build a wall so high that they couldn't climb.
Well, if he does build it, then I hope it will be from the very
hard stone.
After all, just like he did in politics, I will restore it with some tricks.
I'll throw this idiot against the wall until he sticks to it.
To all my fans who support him, I will draw a line in the sand.
On the one hand “for”, on the other “against”.
And if you still haven’t decided who you like best, then
I decided it for you - fuck you!

Come on, America, wake up!
We love our military!
And of course we love our country!
But damn, how much we hate Trump!

Irina Alksnis, for RIA Novosti

Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, threw some more wood into the firebox of the multi-part battle “Trump vs American Stars.” At the BET Hip Hop Awards, a video of the musician was shown in which he sharply - and often obscenely, as the genre suggests - criticizes the American president.

The musician took a harsh look at Trump's position on North Korea, calling him "a kamikaze who could lead to a nuclear holocaust." The president's reaction to the recent riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, to the hurricane in Puerto Rico, as well as his public attacks on Twitter on National Football League players for insufficient patriotism during the playing of the American anthem and much more were also criticized. In addition, the rapper demanded that his fans who sympathize with Trump make a choice between them: “you are either for it or against it.”

For Eminem, criticism of Donald Trump is already a public position and creativity. A year ago, during the presidential election campaign, the musician prepared the song Campaign Speech, and then insulted the president in the track No Favors.

© AP Photo / Invision for MTV / John Shearer

© AP Photo / Invision for MTV / John Shearer

The artist's new video brought with it the usual wave of public support from prominent public figures such as fellow rapper Snoop Dogg and famous American football player Colin Kaepernick.

In this entire ongoing (and never-ending) aggressive campaign against Trump, there are a number of moments that reveal extremely serious internal processes of the American system.

On the one hand, it is certainly impressive that the fight is raging almost a year after Trump won the election. Considering the challenges and problems that the United States faces in almost all areas, it is obvious that it harms not so much Trump himself, but the country as such. Failure to understand this fact, which is quite obvious from the outside, reveals problems with the qualifications and professionalism of the people behind this campaign (well, if we exclude the conspiracy theory that they are all interested in weakening and undermining the United States from within).

On the other hand, the active use of show business stars in political campaigns has reached its absurd apotheosis. The personal anti-record in this regard belongs, of course, to Morgan Freeman with his recent. However, in terms of the number of heavyweight stars involved, the anti-Trump campaign really has no equal. True, this raises the question of the degree of influence of traditional politicians, since such intensive treatment of the population by show stars, actors and singers suggests that trust in professional public figures is in deep crisis.

And on the third hand, it seems that the flywheel of Trump scandals has, in some sense, gone into self-winding mode. Moreover, the American president, being a showman by his inclinations, himself adds fuel to the process. Mutual attacks, public insults, and unrestrained squabbles on Twitter allow participants to maintain media hype, attention to their personalities (which is useful for both politicians and stars), and the mobilization of supporters. In fact, Trump’s active participation in the story of football players and the US anthem clearly shows that, like his opponents, he uses any information opportunity to promote what is now commonly called hype. Well, this story doesn’t look like it deserves the close attention of the country’s leader that was given to it.

Of course, given the intensity of the campaign against Trump, one can understand his desire to use every opportunity to shift American public opinion in his direction.

At the same time, with each excess it becomes more and more noticeable that the confrontation, cobbled together by the joint efforts of Trump and the anti-Trump clique, is acquiring its own will and logic of development.

The problem is not that the US information space is split into several camps. It is that this split increasingly coincides with very real socio-political fault lines in American society - be it the liberal coasts and the conservative hinterlands, keepers of the memory of the Confederates and fighters against the racist legacy. Plus many other lines of splits.

And “public opinion leaders” are increasingly exploiting them.

And for none of the participants, this escalation, noticeable to the eye and already causing a lot of trouble, is for some reason a reason to fear for the country and try to slow down.

And the fact that neither side is able to stop or at least find alternative approaches to overcoming the growing conflict is precisely what gives reasons for pessimistic forecasts regarding the future of the United States.

You may not believe it or stubbornly ignore it, but there is a large parallel universe called “rap”.

People there speak a language that is incomprehensible to most and discuss, as a rule, completely different things than ordinary citizens, while attracting a huge amount of attention to themselves. Sometimes very bright flashes occur in this universe, and then ordinary earthlings, as was the case with the battle between Oxxxymiron and Gnoyny, begin to discuss it.

By the way, the hero of that battle, Gnoyny, will become a judge of a song show on one of the TV channels. “Now everything works according to different laws. The time of pop kings has passed, now we are the main ones,” Gnoyny commented on this news. Before that, he and his Antihype partner visited the Culture channel. In general, sometimes this universe bursts into our (your) quiet life and begins to turn everything upside down. And laughter and sin.

On another continent, representatives of rap began to take on a lot, seriously intruding into the big world of politics.

One of the most (if not the most) popular rappers in the world, Eminem, once again did not stand aside and released a rap provocation - a freestyle criticizing US President Donald Trump.

The video was shown at the BET Hip Hop Awards. BET Networks published it on its YouTube channel. Within six hours of publication, the post received more than 2.5 million views. Now there are already more than 4 million.

“We better support Obama, because the one we got now is a kamikaze who could lead to a nuclear holocaust,” Eminem rapped.

The American rapper also criticized Trump for racism and disrespect for veterans. One of the topics of his freestyle was the president’s reaction to protests by National Football League (NFL) players against the oppression of African Americans in the country. During the national anthem, they got down on one knee and joined hands, rather than standing with their hand on their hearts. In response, Trump proposed a ban on kneeling during the anthem.

This may seem funny, but the rapper also drew attention to the president's expensive trips. To be honest, in this the president is not far behind American rappers. “He says he wants to lower our taxes. Then who will pay for his extravagant trips back and forth with his family to his golf resorts and his mansions?” - said Eminem.

This is not the first battle between Eminem and Trump.

Let me remind you how at the end of August Eminem forced a crowd of fans to chant insults against Trump.

“I don’t want to cause any controversy, so I won’t name names,” the rapper said during the concert. At the same time, he added that he “cannot stand Donald Trump” and called on the audience to chant the name of the American president after he shouted an obscene expression.

Fans supported the idea of ​​the idol and chanted insults at the American leader for some time.

It is not surprising that Eminem's fans were in solidarity with him. According to statistics, 56% of Americans consider Trump unfit to be president.

But that's not all.

You can also remember how in October 2016, Eminem released an 8-minute recording called Campaign Speech criticizing Donald Trump, who was then just participating in the US presidential election. He urged to be wary of him and called him “an unpredictable guy with his finger on the button.”

In this way, the world-famous rapper constantly reminds of his civic position. This is real American hip-hop, which, by the way, Trump respects and listens to.

It must be said that in America this is generally the order of things, and there are almost fewer rappers who have not spoken out about the new president than those who loudly declared what they think about this matter.

For example, rapper Snoop Dogg considers November 9, 2016 the worst day in US history. After the victory of billionaire Donald Trump, Snoop seriously thought about changing his place of residence and even asked his colleagues for help in moving. The rapper also shot a video where Donald Trump is hit on the head, and then the rapper himself shoots him with a toy gun. The President responded on Twitter: “Can you imagine the uproar if Snoop Dogg, whose career is on the decline, pointed a gun at Obama and fired? A prison would be waiting for him.”

It is also worth noting Mac Miller's video for the single Donald Trump, the number of views of which exceeded 135 million. Trump called the rapper a young Eminem, but was going to sue him for $75 million for allegedly illegally mentioning his name in the song. On one of the talk shows, the rapper said that he hates the new president.

However, among the top rappers there are also those who took Trump’s side. For example, rapper Kanye West said at one of his concerts that he did not go to the polls, but if he had gone, he would have voted for Donald Trump. Billionaire Kanye West called the presidential campaign brilliant. The rapper also noted that it is time for African Americans to stop focusing on racism. “We live in a racist world, okay? It's a damn fact. We live in a racist country, period,” the rapper said, after which he caused a lot of indignation from his rap brothers.

It's funny that the worlds of politics and rap in America are in such close contact - perhaps because they have a lot in common.

You know what another famous rapper, Drake, said about Donald Trump? “If he were a rapper, he'd be Tupac right now. He is hot".

Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, threw some more wood into the firebox of the multi-part battle “Trump vs American Stars.” At the BET Hip Hop Awards, a video of the musician was shown in which he sharply - and often obscenely, as the genre suggests - criticizes the American president.

The musician took a harsh look at Trump’s position on North Korea, calling him “a kamikaze who could lead to a nuclear holocaust.” The president's reaction to the recent riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, to the hurricane in Puerto Rico, as well as his public attacks on Twitter on National Football League players for insufficient patriotism during the playing of the American anthem and much more were also criticized. In addition, the rapper demanded that his fans who sympathize with Trump make a choice between them: “you are either for it or against it.”

For Eminem, criticism of Donald Trump is already a familiar part of his image, public position and creativity. A year ago, during the presidential election campaign, the musician prepared the song Campaign Speech (“Election Speech”), and then insulted the president in the track “No Favors.”

The artist's new video brought with it the usual wave of public support from prominent public figures such as fellow rapper Snoop Dogg and famous American football player Colin Kaepernick.

In this entire ongoing (and never-ending) aggressive campaign against Trump, there are a number of moments that reveal extremely serious internal processes of the American system.

On the one hand, it is certainly impressive that the fight is raging almost a year after Trump won the election. Considering the challenges and problems that the United States faces in almost all areas, it is obvious that it harms not so much Trump himself, but the country as such. Failure to understand this fact, which is quite obvious from the outside, reveals problems with the qualifications and professionalism of the people behind this campaign (well, if we exclude the conspiracy theory that they are all interested in weakening and undermining the United States from within).

On the other hand, the active use of show business stars in political campaigns has reached its absurd apotheosis. The personal anti-record in this regard belongs, of course, to Morgan Freeman with his recent “Russia is waging war on us.” However, in terms of the number of heavyweight stars involved, the anti-Trump campaign really has no equal. True, this raises the question of the degree of influence of traditional politicians, since such intensive treatment of the population by show stars, actors and singers suggests that trust in professional public figures is in deep crisis.

And on the third hand, it seems that the flywheel of Trump scandals has, in some sense, gone into self-winding mode. Moreover, the American president, being a showman by his inclinations, himself adds fuel to the process. Mutual attacks, public insults, and unrestrained squabbles on Twitter allow participants to maintain media hype, attention to their personalities (which is useful for both politicians and stars), and mobilization of supporters. In fact, Trump’s active participation in the story of football players and the US anthem clearly shows that, like his opponents, he uses any information opportunity to promote what is now commonly called hype. Well, this story doesn’t look like it deserves the close attention of the country’s leader that was given to it.

Of course, given the intensity of the campaign against Trump, one can understand his desire to use every opportunity to shift American public opinion in his direction.

At the same time, with each excess it becomes more and more noticeable that the confrontation, cobbled together by the joint efforts of Trump and the anti-Trump clique, is acquiring its own will and logic of development.

The problem is not that the US information space is split into several camps. It is that this split increasingly coincides with very real socio-political fault lines in American society - be it the liberal coasts and the conservative hinterlands, keepers of the memory of the Confederates and fighters against the racist legacy. Plus many other lines of splits.

And “public opinion leaders” are increasingly exploiting them.

And for none of the participants, this escalation, noticeable to the eye and already causing a lot of trouble, is for some reason a reason to fear for the country and try to slow down.

And the fact that neither side is able to stop or at least find alternative approaches to overcoming the growing conflict is precisely what gives reasons for pessimistic forecasts regarding the future of the United States.

Illustration copyright Eminem/Twitter Image caption Eminem recorded a trailer in which he asks his fans to tune in to the TV channel where they are showing the BET awards ceremony

Rapper Eminem lashed out at US President Donald Trump at the BET Awards, where a 4.5-minute video of his new freestyle song was shown.

In a profanity-laced a cappella rap, the rap star calls Trump a "94-year-old racist grandpa" and accuses him of disrespecting the military. In the recording, Eminem rushes around an abandoned car park in Detroit, as if engaging in a duel with the camera.

The record immediately received praise from other prominent rappers. Snoop Dogg posted a vlog praising Eminem for taking a political stand, while J. Cole called Eminem a "rap god."

This is not the first time Eminem has spoken out against Trump - last year, in one of his songs, he compared the Republican candidate to a cannonball fired from a cannon.

However, this track, called "The Storm", goes much further not only in the power of expression, but also in the detail of criticism.

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Its name is dictated by the comments of Trump himself, who last week wrote about his meeting with the leadership of the armed forces that it was the calm before the storm.

Illustration copyright BBC/AFP Image caption Strangely, Trump once jokingly called Eminem a presidential candidate

Here are five of the harshest lines from Eminem's rap song.

1) "Kamikaze ready to cause a nuclear holocaust"

Here Eminem is referring to the conflict with North Korea over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program.

The president has more than once disparagingly called North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “rocket man,” and recently, judging by his statements, he has abandoned the search for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, writing on Twitter that “only one thing will affect Pyongyang.”

2) "He shouts - drain the swamp, because he has fallen into quicksand"

This line seems to criticize the Republican Party's stance against Donald Trump, especially when the president said both sides were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville this past August between left-wing radicals and white supremacists.

3) "He attacks the NFL, and we discuss it like it's the right thing to do - instead of talking about Puerto Rico or gun reform in Nevada."

Illustration copyright PA Image caption Members of the Jacksonville Jaguars kneel in protest during the American anthem at Wembley Stadium in London.

Eminem criticizes the president's attacks on black American football players who publicly protest racism in America by refusing to stand during the national anthem.

Eminem dedicated these lines to Colin Kaepernick, the NFL football player who was the first to protest in this way. Kaepernick later thanked the singer for his support on Twitter.

4) "He doesn't like it when heroes get captured"

Here, Eminem is referring to Trump's attacks on Senator John McCain, who spent five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. In 2015, Trump questioned McCain's heroism, tweeting, "I like people who haven't been captured."

5) "America, rise up"

The song ends with an ultimatum. Eminem draws a line in the sand, declaring that Trump supporters can no longer be his fans, and demands that they make a choice - either for Trump or for Eminem. This is followed by unprintable expressions addressed to the current president.

The track ends with the following words: "America, rise up, we love our military and our country, but we hate Trump."

The President has not yet responded to this rapper’s demarche. However, many Eminem fans now recall how Trump supported Eminem as a candidate for the presidency of the country in a satirical program on the MTV music channel.

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