Home Lighting Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the senior preparatory group. Didactic game as a means of introducing children to the world around them Didactic about the world around them for preschoolers

Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the senior preparatory group. Didactic game as a means of introducing children to the world around them Didactic about the world around them for preschoolers

Card index of didactic games
getting to know the outside world.
1.1 “Putting in the cradle.”
1.2 “What is this? Who is this?".
living or inanimate object.
Purpose of the game: to introduce children to the concept of “word”, meaning
Equipment. Animate and inanimate objects (table,
book, toys, birds, fish, etc.)
Description of the game. We told the children that: “There are many different things around us.
items. And we can ask about every subject. I will ask you, and
You answer me in one word: “What is this?” Showed different objects
for example: book, table, etc. “How can you ask about these items?” "What
Then they asked: “Now I’ll ask you differently. Who is this?" And
pointed to animate objects: a bird, a fish, a nanny, etc. And
They asked the children: “How can you ask? (Who is this?)" They called different
objects, and the children asked the question “Who?” So we gradually
brought the children to the concepts of “living and non-living”.
1.3 "What has changed."
Purpose of the game: to teach children to name objects correctly, to enrich
what helps
concentrate. Foster a love for your toys and a habit of cleaning
them after the game.
Develop memory and attention,
Equipment: toys of different sizes and colors: teddy bear,
a bunny, a baby elephant, a kitten, a little fox, 2–3 small dolls, cubes of various things
colors and shapes.
Age: 3–4 years.
Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to play together and
identify the most attentive and observant. For this it is necessary
see and say what item is missing.
You can conduct a lesson with the whole group of children at once and
individually. If the game is collective, then the leader asks everyone to stand up
in a circle, in the center of which he places several prepared toys in
in a certain order.

Then the teacher tells the children that they should be very careful
look at objects and remember in what order they are. After
this is why the guys close their eyes and turn away from objects, and at this time
The leader swaps the toys or removes one of them.
When children turn around, they should notice changes that
happened and tell the teacher about it. This continues for 710 minutes.
The winner of the game is the child who gave the most
number of correct answers.
1.4 “Item friezes”
1.5 "Seasons".
Goal: To teach children to understand weather changes by season and behavior
plants and animals, as well as the lives of people at different times of the year.
Assignment: you need to select pictures and objects that match
time of year.
Rules: remember what happens and at what time of year; in Group
to help each other; You can play individually with your parents
and use their tips.
Material: round disc divided into four parts. Each of the parts
decorate or cover it with fabric that matches the color of the season
(white is winter; green is spring, pink or red is summer, and yellow or
orange – autumn). Such a disc will symbolize “All Year Round.” On
each part you need to select several series of pictures with the corresponding
topics (changes in nature, animals and birds, people working on
earth, children having fun).
1.6 “What has autumn brought us?”
Target. Teach children to recognize and name vegetables. Learn to understand and perform
instructions “take one at a time.” Teach children to repeat after the teacher
simple phrases.

Description of the game. The teacher tells the children what is in the basket that is standing
There are vegetables on the table.
“Now I will take the vegetables out of the basket one at a time. I'll see, you know?
you them,” says the teacher and takes out carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
cabbage Shows them, clarifies the names and puts them back in the cart. There,
where appropriate, he specifies the color, size, and purpose of the vegetables.
1.7 Didactic exercise “Who needs what?”
Target. To clarify children’s ideas about which animal eats what (mouse
chews a crust of cheese, a dog chews a bone, etc.); activate children's speech
verbs to lap, gnaw, eat.
Description of the game.
“Grandfather planted a turnip,” says the teacher, “the turnip grew...
(big big big). Grandfather began to pull a turnip out of the ground... (pull). Pulls, pulls,
pull out... (cannot). Grandfather called... (grandmother). Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip
- pull, pull, pull... (they can’t). Who else came running to pull the turnip?”
At the end of the fairy tale, the teacher asks what the grandfather and woman did with
turnip (They took me home, washed, cleaned and began to eat and praise:
“Sweet turnip! Sweet!")
“Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter,” says the teacher and puts up figures of people
separately - they eat sweet turnips. They eat and praise: “Very, very tasty.”
turnip." What turnip? (Choral, several individual answers.)
The bug, cat and mouse look at people, but don’t eat turnips. They have another granddaughter
I prepared the food. For the cat - milk and a piece of sausage: “Luck up, pussy,
milk! Eat the sausage! (Choral and individual repetitions.) Zhuchke -
bone: “Gnaw, Bug, bone!” To the mouse - a crust of cheese: “Bring it, mouse,
cheese for mice! (Choral repetitions.)
Next, the teacher invites the children to repeat who eats what: “Grandfather, grandmother and
granddaughter eating sweet turnip"; “The cat eats the sausage and laps up the milk”;
“Bug's dog is gnawing on a bone”; “The mouse is enjoying a crust of cheese.”
1.8 “Wonderful bag”.
Goal: To form and consolidate children’s knowledge about various natural
objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills
fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.
Material: Beautifully designed pouch,
various toys,
imitating animals, real or dummies of vegetables and fruits.
Progress of the game:
The leader holds a bag with objects and offers the children one at a time
come up and identify the object by touch without pulling it out, and name it

characteristic signs. The rest of the children should guess from his description
what is this object that is not yet seen. After this, the child pulls out
object from the bag and shows it to all the children.
1.9 Didactic game “Let’s arrange a room for the doll”
Target. Exercise children in correctly naming pieces of furniture; learn
pronounce onomatopoeic words clearly and correctly.
Description of the game.
Children sit in a semicircle, in the center of which is a coffee (children's) table.
The teacher brings in the doll. “It will be here,” the teacher gestures with his hand.
table surface, – Katya’s room. Katya will live here. Katya, for you
do you like your room? (Children also address the doll with these words.)
“No,” Katya answers. – I don’t like my room. There is no table, no chair.
There is no bed""
The teacher sets up the bed. He asks the children: “What is this? Why Katya?
bed?" Invites the doll to lie down in bed. “Lie down. Lie down, Katenka! –
Children are also offered. (Choral and individual repetitions.)
Katya lies down. Children sing a lullaby: “Bayubay, bayubay, hurry up.”
go to sleep" (repeated twice). “Let him sleep,” says the teacher, and we
We'll put furniture in her room. We'll set up a table. Do you need a table? "And chairs
are needed,” one of the children will definitely say. “Why chairs?” –
the teacher is interested. He listens to the answers and puts chairs in the room.
Katya wakes up. She is happy with the new furniture.
1.10 “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.”
Goals and objectives:
Cultivate a caring attitude towards things,
mutual assistance to each other when dressing.
Develop fine motor skills of hands,
visually effective
3. Teach children to distinguish and name items of clothing,
differentiate clothes for boys and girls, recognize them on
pictures, consistently dress the doll.
Equipment: didactic game “Dress the doll”, Gosha doll,
Masha, clothes for dolls, illustrations with clothes and shoes

Preliminary work: Learning nursery rhymes on the topic “Dressing”,
looking at pictures “Clothes”, “Shoes”, working with children on
dressing sequence.
1.11 “Let’s teach a doll to undress.”
1.12 “Bathing a doll.”
Target. Help children remember and teach how to use names in speech
objects, actions, qualities: bath, soap, soap dish, towel,
lather, rinse off soap, wipe, hot, cold, warm water;
Show kids how interesting it is to play with a doll.
Description of the game.
The teacher places a bath of water on the table, next to it there are two buckets and a mug.
“Today,” he tells the children, “we will bathe Katya. We'll be in the bath
bathe. What kind of water?” (Warm.) The teacher invites the children
determine what kind of water is in the bath. Brings a doll. He takes off her shirt and
puts him in the bath. He offers to bring soap to one of the children (all
the necessary things are laid out on the next table). Tells kids that
a soap dish is a house for soap. Children repeat: “The soap dish is a house for
The teacher asks the child to find a sponge and let the children touch it (soft, with
holes). He asks why the sponge is needed. Washing Katya. Lathering the doll
head, the teacher whips up the foam and says:
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere. (Repeat 2–3 times.)
Then the teacher says: “I have hot water in a yellow bucket.
(He asks the two three children what kind of water is in the bucket.) And in the blue one -
cold. I'll mix hot water with cold. And the water will be... (warm). This
“I’ll wash off the remaining soap from Katenka with warm water.” Washing the doll
pronouncing words from E. Blaginina’s poem “Alyonushka”:
Warm water
Let's pour on our bird.
Children also repeat these lines.
The child brings a towel and explains its purpose. Holding a doll
which the teacher wipes. “The water in the bath is dirty and soapy,”
says the teacher. (Children repeat the teacher’s words.) “It needs to be poured out.”
The teacher puts the soap into the soap dish, saying: “Here is a little house, in
Soap lives there,” hangs up the towel to dry, wrings out the sponge.

1.13 “Putting the doll to sleep.”
1.14 Didactic game “Living Pictures”.
Target. Teach children to distinguish and name birds, develop attention.
Description of the game.
“The sun came out, and a little girl came out into the yard,” says
teacher – Here it is (shows a picture). The girl went out to feed the birds.
First they came to her... (ducks). Then they came... (geese), then they came...
(turkey), they came running... (hens).
The birds ate their fill and gathered in all directions. First he left... close your eyes (children do not
must cover their eyes with their hands).” The teacher removes the picture and says:
“Open your eyes. Tell me, who left? (Turkey) Close your eyes. And now
open. What do you think? (The geese left. They went to the pond.) Close your eyes again.
Open. What do you see now? (The hens left, and the cockerel came.) “And so
Further. (The geese returned, the pigeons flew in, the girl ran away, etc.)
1.15 “We’ll make tea.”
Goal: To teach children to consistently brew tea, distinguish and name
tea utensils.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows a box of tea, pours it out
on a tray, children look at it, determine its smell and color. Show
items of tea utensils, demonstration of brewing tea with boiling water in an infuser
chatznik, explains that the tea must steep, then offers it to the children
taste the tea by adding milk.
2. Knowledge about yourself and your family
2.1. "I am" .

Goal: To familiarize children with the human structure, to form
ideas about gender.
Material: pictures of a boy and a girl, cards –
Progress of the game: the teacher names any part of the body, the child finds
It is applied among the cards to the image of a boy or girl.
2.2 "My mood"
Goal: to form an idea of ​​mood and feelings, to develop
the ability to determine mood by facial expressions, gestures, contribute
increasing psycho-emotional stability.
Progress of the game: teacher shows illustrations “Guess the mood”, children
guess the mood by facial expressions and gestures.
2.3 “Me and my family.”
To consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about the family and their place in it;
ability to understand the role of adults and children in the family. Develop speech
preschoolers. Make children feel joy and pride in having a family.
Didactic material.
Family photographs of pupils, large cards with the image
family members, schematic representation of people (grandfather, grandmother, mother,
dad, brother, sister), card with a list of relatives, planar
multi-story houses, small cards with objects.
Game rules.
Act on the teacher's signal. Maintain priority and partnership
Progress of the game.
The teacher shows the photo and asks: “Whose family is this?”
The child who has identified his family comes out with the help of questions
adult, talks about his family.
Questions - helpers:
- What is he (she, they) like (which one)?
- Who is the youngest (eldest) in your family?
- What are you all doing together?
- What affectionately does your mother call you? Etc.

2.4 “I myself.”
Goal: To foster independence in children, develop caring skills
yourself, maintain neatness, encourage children to pay attention to
appearance, independently eliminate disorder in clothes and hairstyle.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows illustrations where the children independently
dress, wash, help mom.; they say that they
they can do it on their own.
2.5 “Who is happy, sad and angry?”
Goal: To teach children to distinguish moods by facial expressions.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows pictures of people who have different
mood, children distinguish by facial expressions, cheerful, sad, angry.
2.6 “Get to know your relatives.”
Goal: Encourage children to look at photographs and simple pictures with
picture of a family. Name family members, their actions (mom cooks soup,
dad is vacuuming, grandpa is reading the newspaper.)
Progress of the game: Children are shown photographs, pictures, they talk about
to your family, reflecting stories from life.
2.7 “What would I praise myself for?”
Goal: To teach children to highlight kind deeds towards each other.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows the pictures, the children make up
2.8 “How we help mom.”

Goal: Continue to teach children to show a kind, caring attitude towards
your parents.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows the pictures, the children make up the pictures
2.9 "How we play."

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1 Card index of games to get to know the environment for children 3 7 years old Prepared by the teacher of the kindergarten “Yagodka” Malysheva E.B.

2 plant is possible only after describing any characteristic one by one. A driver is selected from a group of children, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under some plant (tree, bush) so that the other children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the driver describes the plant (if it is difficult, the teacher helps). Whichever group guesses faster what plant the bunny is under, goes to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under a pine tree. The leader asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: “This is a tree, it has a strong, mighty trunk” (Answers from the children of the 1st subgroup), to the 2nd subgroup: “The leaves of this tree turn brown in the fall” (Answers from the children of the 2nd subgroup) . “Our friends” Goal: To expand children’s ideas about the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), about caring for them, about their homes, to cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them. Material: lotto cards with images of animals: parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, hamster, turtle, etc. Small cards depicting their homes (cage, terrarium, aquarium, box, etc.), food. Lotto cards are distributed to the participants of the game; the presenter has small cards with the image turned down. The presenter takes any card and shows it to the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal. To make it more difficult, you can add squats that are not related to these animals. “Where does it grow?” Goal: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to develop quick reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, and discipline. Rules of the game: sort out the vegetables and fruits, and put some in the garden, others in the garden (imitation of a picture of a garden). The team that quickly puts all the items in their places wins. The children are divided into two teams: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (dummies can be used) are laid out on the table. At the teacher’s signal, children sort vegetables and fruits into the ones corresponding to the pictures. The team that finishes the job first wins. Children not participating in the teams check the correctness of the selection. After this, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams. “Flower Shop” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about plants (meadows, indoors, gardens), to consolidate the ability to find the right flower according to the description. Learn to group plants by type. Material: you can use botanical lotto cards; you can take real indoor plants, but not very large ones. A leader is chosen, he is the seller (first the leading adult, and then you can do the counting), the rest of the children are buyers. The buyer must describe the plant in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what plant he is talking about.

3 “The postman brought a parcel” Purpose: To form and expand children’s ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., to teach them to describe and recognize objects by description. Material: objects (dummies). Each is individually packaged in a paper bag. You can use riddles. The parcel is brought to the group. The presenter (teacher) distributes parcels to each child. Children look into them and take turns telling what they received in the mail. Children are asked to describe what is in their bag using a description or a riddle. “Edible is not edible” Goal: to form and consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory and coordination. Material: Ball. The presenter names a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object, throws the ball to one of the participants, if the object is one of the given ones, then he catches it. You can play with the whole group at once using claps (clap if the item is not one of the given ones) “Wonderful bag” Purpose: To form and consolidate children’s knowledge about various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, and speech of children. Material: Beautifully designed bag, various toys imitating animals, real or fake vegetables and fruits. The presenter holds a bag of objects, invites the children to come up one at a time and identify the object by touch without pulling it out, and name the characteristic features. The rest of the children must guess from its description what kind of object it is, which they have not yet seen. After this, the child pulls out an object from the bag and shows it to all the children. “What first, what then?” Goal: To form and consolidate children’s knowledge about the degree of ripeness of vegetables, fruits, the order of growth of various plants, living creatures (fish, birds, amphibians). Material: Cards with different order of maturity of cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), order of growth (seed, sprout, taller sprout, adult plant). Children are given cards with different orders. At the leader’s signal, they must quickly find and line up in order with the required pictures in order.

4 “What insect, name it?” Goal: To develop the concept of “insect” in children. Recognize and name representatives of insects: fly, butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, bee, bug, grasshopper. Didactic material: Cut pictures of insects. Methodology: Children must assemble a picture quickly and name the insect. If someone finds it difficult, you can use riddles. “Tops of Roots” Purpose: To teach children to make a whole from parts. Didactic material: two hoops, pictures of vegetables. Methodology: Option 1. Take two hoops: red, blue. Place them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop you need to put vegetables whose roots are used for food, and in the blue hoop you need to put those whose tops are used. The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect there should be vegetables whose tops and roots are used: onions, parsley, etc. Option 2. The tops and roots of vegetable plants are on the table. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first groups take the tops, the second roots. At the signal, everyone runs scattered. At the signal “One, two, three, find your pair!” “Guess what’s in your hand” Didactic task. Find out the named object using one of the analyzers. Game action. Run to teacher with an object recognized by touch. Rule. You cannot look at what is in your hand. You need to find out by touch. Progress of the game. Children stand, forming a circle. The teacher lays out vegetables and fruits in their hands behind their back. Then shows everyone, any of the vegetables. Children who have the same one in their hands run up to the teacher on command. Note: The game is recommended for children 3-4 years old “Guess what you ate” Didactic task. Recognize an object using one of the analyzers. Game action. Guessing taste. Rules: You can't look at what you put in your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is. Equipment. Choose vegetables and fruits that vary in taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. The same objects are laid out on the table in the room where the children are sitting for control and comparison. Progress of the game. Having prepared fruits and vegetables (cut into pieces), the teacher brings them into the group room and treats one of the children, after asking him to close his eyes. Then he says: “Chew well, now tell me you ate it.” Find the same one on the table.” After all the children have completed the task, the teacher treats all children to fruits and vegetables. Note. In the future, you can ask children to name taste sensations. The question should be asked in such a way that, in cases of difficulty, children can choose the appropriate name to determine the taste: “How did it feel in your mouth?” (Bitter, sweet, sour.)

5 “Find something to tell me about” Didactic task. Find objects using the listed characteristics. Game action. Guessing a plant based on its characteristics. Rule. You can name recognized vegetables or fruits only at the request of the teacher. Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that the distinctive features of the objects are clearly visible to all children. Progress of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher asks one of the children: “Show it on the table, and then name what I told you about.” If the child has completed the task, the teacher describes another object, and another child completes the task. The game continues until all children guess the item from the description. “Describe, I’ll guess” Didactic task. Identify and name the characteristic features of an object in response to questions from an adult. Rules. You cannot name what is being described. Answer the teacher's questions clearly and correctly. Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out on the table. The teacher's chair is placed so that the plants are not visible to him. Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, choose one. I will ask what he is like, and you answer. Just don't say its name. I’ll try to guess from your answers.” Then the teacher begins to ask questions in a certain sequence: “What form? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there any holes? What colour?" Etc. Children answer questions in detail. After the children talk about the characteristic features of the object, the teacher guesses riddles. “What’s missing!” Didactic task. Name the plant from memory (without visual control). Game action. Guess which plant is gone. Rule. You cannot watch which plant is being harvested. Equipment. 2 3 plants that are well known to children from previous games are placed on the table. Progress of the game. The teacher invites the kids to look at what plants are on the table and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one plant. When the children open their eyes, the teacher asks: “Which plant is gone?” If the correct answer is received, the plant is put back in place and the game is repeated with another object. Note. The above games are recommended for children 3-4 years old. “Find a piece of paper that I’ll show you” Didactic task a. Find objects by similarity. Game action. Children running with certain pieces of paper. Rule. Only those who have in their hands the same piece of paper that the teacher showed can run (“fly”) on command. Move and games. During the walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and asks them to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared by shape, and how they are similar and how they differ is noted. The teacher leaves each person a leaf from different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher picks up, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. These leaves flew off. Show me how they flew." The children, holding maple leaves in their hands, spin around and stop at the teacher’s command. The game is repeated with different leaves.

6 “When does this happen?” Goal: To teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of poetic words, show the beauty of different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people's activities. Didactic material: For each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter, poems about the seasons. Methodology: The teacher reads a poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season mentioned in the poem. “Animals, birds, fish” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to classify animals, birds, fish. Didactic material: Ball. Methodology: Option 1: Children stand in a circle. One of the players picks up an object and passes it to the neighbor on the right, saying: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? The neighbor accepts the item and quickly answers (the name of any bird). Then he passes the item to another child with the same question. The item is passed around in a circle until the stock of knowledge of the game participants is exhausted. They also play by naming fish and animals. (you cannot name the same bird, fish, or animal). Option 2: The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word “bird”. The child who catches the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example, “sparrow,” and throw the ball back. The next child must name the bird, but not repeat himself. The game is played in a similar way with the words “animals” and “fish”. “Fold the animal” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals. Learn to describe using the most typical features. Didactic material: pictures depicting different animals (each in two copies). Methodology: one copy of the pictures is whole, and the second is cut into four parts. Children look at whole pictures, then they must put together an image of an animal from the cut parts, but without a model. “The Fourth Extra” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about insects. Didactic material: No. Methodology: The teacher names four words, the children must name an extra word: 1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee; 2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie; 3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; 4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, May beetle; 5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; 6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito; 7) cockroach, fly, bee, cockchafer; 8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug; 9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly; 10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

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“Where is the bunny hiding!” Purpose: to describe, name plants based on their characteristic features and in connection with the environment. Write descriptive riddles and guess riddles about plants. Rules of the game: name

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Didactic games for getting to know the outside world (compiled by teacher of MBDOU 45 Malinova A.A.) Game 1 “Tops of Roots”. Did. Objective: teach children to make a whole from parts. Materials: two hoops, pictures

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APPENDIX 6 DIDACTICAL GAMES Didactic games for physical education of preschoolers. Play is not only a source of positive emotions, it is also an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary for further development.

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Stage 1. 2.Stage. 3.Stage. Target. Tasks Teach children aimed at the goal. Teach children Activities to form dedicated forms of verbs in the present tense (drawing, improving work with pictures Activities

Hide the mouse from the cat. Goal: Learn to distinguish colors. Equipment: Flat houses made of cardboard, painted in different colors. Planar image of a cat and a mouse. Vocabulary: Cat (meow meow), mouse (pee pee

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Teachers Sycheva I.N. Who do I look like? Goal: developing the ability to look at oneself from the outside, compare a person with other animal organisms, find similarities and differences, promote the development of imagination.

D/game “Balloons” Purpose: to introduce children to four colors by matching them according to the pattern. Name the four colors of the spectrum (red, yellow, blue, green). The teacher tells the children that they will play


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Appendix 3 Card index of didactic games on ecology in the middle group March When it happens (riddles) Purpose: to learn to guess riddles based on characteristic features. What is the weather like today (story pictures) Purpose:

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development 4 “Zvezdochka” Krasnoyarsk

Games for developing attention and memory in children of senior preschool age. To develop attention, it is useful to carry out exercises well known to educators: “Find the differences”, “Find an object that is not similar”

This card index contains educational games that can be divided according to three criteria:

1. Games for familiarization with flora and fauna, aimed at introducing children to the way of life of plants and animals.

2. Games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at becoming familiar with the relationships between living objects and the environment.

3. Games for familiarization with the human-created habitat of people and animals, aimed at familiarizing children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.

Didactic games, correctly used in the educational process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, they are a kind of practical activity for the child to master the surrounding reality.

Life in seeds.

Goal: To introduce children to the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, stages of plant development. To develop the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds by shape, color, size.

Materials: Vegetable seeds, cards depicting the stages of vegetable development, special cups with lids and a wet filter.

1. The number of players depends on how many sets have been prepared; The number of players can be increased by playing in teams.

2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.

Whose trace?

Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals and their way of life in the winter garden. Introduce the concept of “traces”, find out how traces appear in winter and why they are not visible in summer. To introduce the types of tracks of wild animals, to develop the ability to correlate the animal with the tracks it left in the winter forest. Develop logical thinking, imagination, coherent speech.

Material: Didactic picture of a winter forest, pictures of wild animals, a variety of traces in the picture.

1. Carefully examine the picture of the winter forest.

2. One after another, express your thoughts and wishes about which of the animals should be placed where.

3. Determine the owner of the tracks (select the desired one from the animals and place it next to its tracks).

1. The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

2. The child who correctly places the animals in the winter forest wins.

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about insects and butterflies. To develop the ability to visually correlate the proportions in the structure of butterflies, shapes and colors with the existing reality in the world of butterflies.


Various flowers are depicted on the field of the didactic game, among them there are pictures with whirling butterflies (of different sizes, proportions, structure).

Exercise. Choose a butterfly that does not exist in nature, tell why you think so.

2. Play in turns.

3. The winner is the child who collects the most non-existent butterflies and is able to explain why they need to be removed from the meadow of flowers.

Let's put animals in our forest.

Target. Introduce children to the habitats of various animals. Find out how the image of an animal and its habitat are related. To develop children’s ability, based on the appearance of the animal, to relate it to its environment

(land, water, air).

Material. A didactic picture depicting a forest area in which there is a river, various dwellings of wild animals, cards depicting forest inhabitants.

1. Choose one of the animals, think about where it would be convenient for him to live, explain why.

2. Move the animal into a certain house and explain your choice (why he can live in one house or another and cannot live in others).

1. Play in a team (3 teams of 2 - 3 people each).

Mother's outfits are earthly.

Target. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the change of seasons, the main features of each season, and the natural phenomena characteristic of it.

Material. A didactic picture, divided into four parts (depicting autumn, winter, spring, summer); cards depicting natural phenomena (rain, snow, wind).

1. Select cards depicting those natural phenomena that correspond to a particular time of year and place them on the corresponding part of the didactic picture.

2. Talk about the reasons for the choice.

1. The game can be played by 12 to 16 people.

2. The correct choice of a particular card is discussed only by team members without the involvement of adults and outsiders.

3. The winner is the team that completed the task quickly and without errors.

River fish.

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about fish, their structure, and the characteristics of their habitat. To develop the ability to correlate the structure of a living creature with its environment and way of life. Find out how the coloring of river fish helps them hide or protect themselves from other river inhabitants. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. A didactic picture depicting a flowing pond, a river; carved images of river fish.

1. Look carefully at the fish offered.

2. Select only river ones from them and name them.

3. Place in a reservoir in a separate place - where this or that fish likes to live.

1. Number of players: 3 – 4 people.

2. The winner is the one who correctly chose the fish, explained his choice and placed them on the didactic picture.

My room.

Target. Identify each child’s ideas about what his room should be like. Find out what objects, things, toys he likes, whether he is interested in books, how the child correlates color schemes, what his mood is. Develop spatial thinking.

Material. Sheets of paper of different colors (empty rooms), one for each child; cards depicting furniture of various color shades, toys, curtains (dark and light tones); cards depicting indoor plants, pets, books, computer.

1. Arrange your room.

2. Choose cards with items you like.

3. Arrange everything yourself.

4. Talk about your choice.

1. The number of players is 5 – 6 people.

2. Work independently.

3. When choosing cards, use your own opinion.

4. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than others and can clearly explain his actions.

City and village.

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about people living in cities and villages, about the types of their activities. Find out what causes the differences. To develop the ability to think logically and generalize already known information about the world around us. Foster respect for working people.

Material. Cards depicting various objects of the city and village (forest, field, farm, cinema, stadium, factory, urban and rural houses, people of different professions (combine operator, poultry house, milkmaids, worker, doctor).

Exercise. One team must create a picture of the city, the other – a picture of the village.

1. Play in teams (2 teams of 3-4 people each).

2. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

Do the right thing.

Target. To form in the child ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life.

Material. Poem by V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”; a series of pictures depicting children in various everyday situations corresponding to the plots of the poem - examples of both positive and negative behavior of children, green and red circles.

1. Carefully examine the card received and evaluate the actions of the heroes.

2. Set aside cards depicting positive actions in one direction and negative ones in the other.

1. The number of players is 5 – 6 people.

2. For each correct answer, the child or team receives a commendable prize - a sun.

3. The child or team that collects a large number of suns is considered the winner.

Types of labor

Target. To give an idea of ​​the physical and mental labor of people in our country. Identify children’s knowledge about the activities of people with mental and physical labor, find out the significance of each type of labor. Develop interest in people's work activities. Instill respect for working people.

Material. Large map divided into two parts; one depicts a man at a table, the other a man with a hammer, cards depicting a teacher with children, a doctor in a medical office, an engineer with drawings, an astronomer with a telescope, a factory worker, a bus driver, a builder at a construction site.

1. Select cards depicting people with physical (for one team) and mental (for another team) labor.

2. Talk about your chosen professions.

1. Children need to be divided into 2 teams of 3-4 people.

2. Each team member takes part in the game.

3. The team whose members completed the task quickly and correctly is declared the winner.

Traffic light

Target. Identify and expand children’s ideas about the purpose of the street. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road: behavior on city streets, crossing the roadway at traffic lights (red - stand, yellow - get ready, green - go). To develop the ability to identify oneself with pedestrians, car drivers, and law enforcement officers, that is, to role-play the everyday life of the city.

Material. Models of traffic lights, houses, green spaces, car models (or toy cars, figures of pedestrians, drivers, etc.

1. Choose a figurine for yourself, that is, a piano, which the child will play.

2. Play, analyzing traffic situations and observing traffic rules (obey the traffic lights when crossing the street).

1. Number of participants 5 – 6 people.

2. Children who impeccably followed traffic rules are declared the best pedestrians and drivers.


Target. Introduce children to the protective properties of snow. Talk about the structure of snowflakes, the variety of patterns and shapes. Strengthen the ability to cut out various shapes of snowflakes.

Material. Didactic picture of a winter forest (snow only on trees and bushes); pencils, paper, scissors - for each child.

1. The number of players should not exceed 5 - 6 people.

Dulina Kristina Andreevna

Current page: 1 (book has 7 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

L. Yu. Pavlova

A collection of didactic games to familiarize yourself with the world around you

The game as a phenomenon has not been ignored by many domestic and Western teachers and psychologists. The use of the game to solve various pedagogical problems contributed to the development of both its form and content. Recognizing the influence of play on the development of mental formations and on the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, both emphasized that the opportunity to play is very important for children.

Experts note that play, to a certain extent, is one of the ways to understand the world around us, especially when children use the game as a reflection of reality. Game, as Professor A.V. Zaporozhets pointed out, does not arise spontaneously, as a product of individual creativity, but under the influence and as a result of the assimilation of social experience. A child, like an adult, is a social being. He lives and is brought up in the society of his parents, peers, surrounded by kindergarten workers, etc. This is how a personality is gradually formed. It should be noted that the environment in which a child develops is not limited to the natural sphere; it includes both the production sphere and relationships between people. The child learns about the world around him through sensory perception and through certain sources of information (adults, older children, peers, literature, art, media, etc.). A small child is a kind of carrier of certain biophysical components, which, on the one hand, make him a part of nature, and on the other, distinguish him from other living beings found in nature and society.

It should be noted that there is some difference between how the world actually is and how the child perceives it. A teacher will help a child to correctly understand the surrounding reality (natural and social) in the educational process through certain forms of work with him. The impressions received by children not only create the basis for the development and formation of correct ideas, but also provide a certain basis for conducting joint games. In our daily work, we use didactic games as a means of introducing and clarifying knowledge about the natural environment and, more broadly, as a means of introducing children to the social world. Games prepared by the teacher, taking into account all the requirements for their implementation, will help ensure the correct, painless assimilation of social experience by children. During the game in situations modeled by the teacher, it is easier for the child to plan his activities and learn the norm of behavior in the world around him.

The educational nature of the game increases as a result of enriching children with knowledge, that is, in the process of educational work. M. Gorky believed that “education has three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and the world around him; character formation and will development; formation and development of abilities.” A game is a kind of activity that can solve these problems, because in a game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, and ideas. At the same time, there is an interaction between play and real relationships between children.

At the present stage of development of society, a new type of personality is required, one with deep knowledge about the world around us, who knows how to choose the right behavior and a healthy lifestyle. The behavior of each person is related to the amount of knowledge available to him. In the education of the younger generation (in this case, preschool children), it is the didactic game that turns out to be the most effective means for introducing, clarifying and systematizing knowledge about the surrounding not only natural, but also social world.

When planning the content of a didactic game to familiarize children with social reality, the teacher must first of all create conditions under which there will be an impact on the intellectual, moral and volitional development of the child and the formation of his emotionally positive attitude towards the environment. For example, the content of the didactic game “Do the Right Thing” is aimed at developing the child’s ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life. This game is based on V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.” The material for this game is a series of pictures that depict children in various everyday situations that correspond to the plots of the poem, that is, examples of both positive and negative behavior of children are given. During the game, children are asked to look at the images, evaluate the actions of the characters, and put cards depicting positive actions in one direction and negative ones in the other. Find out what children would do in similar situations. This game reveals children's ability to assess the situation based on their own experience and the rules and norms determined by society. In a playful form, the initial skills to sympathize, empathize, and come to the rescue are developed, that is, the child’s life position in the social and everyday environment is formed. A child’s comprehension of events and explanation of the actions of characters from a series of plot pictures enriches the preschooler’s experience and forms an emotional and evaluative attitude towards the society in which he is located.

An integral part of familiarization with society is made up of didactic games, the content of which is related to people’s professions. For example, you can bring to children's attention a game "Map of professions." The material for it is a large painting consisting of fastened multi-colored sheets with various public institutions depicted on them. In this picture there is a starting position for the players, from which there is a path of circles to one or another institution. Moving along one of these paths, the child names the professions of the people who work where the path leads. This game is aimed at identifying children’s general ideas about where adults work, knowledge of specialties, correlation of place, specialty and type of activity (a doctor works in a hospital, clinic, he treats people, a teacher works in a school, he teaches children, etc. .d.). After such a game, it is advisable to introduce games to familiarize yourself with a certain type of profession (builder, postman, driver, etc.), which give a more complete understanding of the work and uniqueness of people’s professions. The content of these games also includes familiarizing children with the mechanisms that help people work (builders, drivers, loaders, ambulance crews, etc.).

Games in which children are invited to play the role of people of a particular profession are effective. For example, in a didactic game "Make up a fairy tale" children become animators: they independently compose “frames” for a filmstrip based on a familiar work. The materials for this game are an improvised “film strip”, “frames”, filled and empty, which the children themselves must sketch, and colored pencils. The opportunities inherent in this game not only help the intellectual development of children and the development of visual arts skills, but also develop in children the ability to work together. The result of the children’s joint work will be the compilation and sketching of a “film strip.” With its help, you can work on composing creative retellings.

The structure and features of these games determine their great potential. A unique combination - the replacement of real objects with figurative ones and the presence of a didactic task inherent in the game - allows the teacher, on the one hand, to achieve cognitive goals during the game, and on the other hand, to simulate various (real and unreal) situations in which children decide how to gaming and cognitive tasks. Balancing between the real and the figurative, existing and fiction, of course, attracts the attention and interest of children. The imagery of the content of many didactic games allows us to compare them with a fairy tale, but only the game allows children to be active, which is very important for preschool children. Actions in a didactic game can be different both in practical and mental terms - from actions that allow the development of sensory processes to complex logical conclusions. The game fits organically into all sections of educational work with children.

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to think through the content of games for each area of ​​educational work with children. You can include a game in one form or another more than once. At the same time, new elements need to be introduced into the content of games already known to children. The use of a particular game is dictated not only by the didactic tasks and content inherent in it, but also by the set of visual didactic material. It is advisable to use a wide range of visual materials of large and small forms, you can involve musical accompaniment, and include artistic and creative activities of children.

The games offered to the attention of children must be interconnected in each form of educational work. The interconnection of didactic games is quite easy to implement if certain requirements for these games are met: from game to game the mental activity of children should develop; each subsequent game should, if possible, continue the sequence of actions and events of the previous one; After each topic covered, it is necessary to create a set of games to practice the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Let us now illustrate how these requirements are met using the example of several educational games.


Target. To identify the level of children's knowledge about the professions of builders, machines that help build houses, building materials for building a house, the construction process, and consolidate knowledge of ordinal counting (1st, 2nd floor, etc.). Develop the ability to form nouns with suffixes -schik-, -chick–(crane operator, mason, plumber etc.).

Material. Pictures depicting blocks, panels of houses, pictures depicting machines that help in the construction of houses, etc.


1. Select from a large number of proposed mechanisms and materials necessary to build a “house”.

2. Establish the sequence of construction of the “house”.

3. Build a “house”.

During this game, the teacher explains to the children that building a house is a complex process. Draws children's attention to a certain sequence of work of builders. First, the architect determines the location for the construction of the building. At this site, workers and engineers dig a pit to a certain depth and level it. Next, they begin to build the foundation. Foundations can be different: strip, on piles, etc. - depending on the bearing capacity of the soil on which the building is built. When the foundation work is completed, work begins on the construction of the building itself, floor by floor.

Plan your city

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of what a city is, what buildings, institutions, houses are located in the city. Find out with your children how best to plan the construction of a city using a map. Draw children's attention to the ecology of the city. To develop the ability to create a city model from a large “Builder” based on a map, and the ability to operate with substitute objects. Pay attention to the beauty of architectural structures in Moscow.

Material. A large map of the city, large cards depicting city objects and cards depicting trees, bushes, fountains, a large “Builder”, colored pencils, adhesive tape, scissors.


1. Outline the center and outskirts of the city.

2. Move hazardous industries outside the city limits.

3. According to the plan, build a model of the city from a large “Builder”.

These games reinforce children's knowledge of building houses in the human world. The first game gives children the opportunity to implement the knowledge acquired in the classroom in elementary play activities. This game is not particularly difficult, but it teaches the child to use knowledge and listen to the opinions of peers.

In the next game, the content and tasks become more complicated, children are given complete independence in building a city model, and the teacher’s participation in this game is minimal. Children outline the center and outskirts of the city; based on their life experience, they determine what should be in the city and what should not be; determine where government buildings and offices should be located, and where residential areas and social infrastructure should be located. The teacher deliberately leaves objects that are not fully ready for the game (bakery, pharmacy, etc.). Children work independently with substitute objects - finishing the drawings, gluing them. In this game, the teacher has the opportunity to find out how children communicate (determine the level of communication), how they distribute play responsibilities among themselves (who will do what), and, of course, identify the level of knowledge of each child.

It should be noted that the development of children’s cognitive activity is influenced not only by the gradual complication of games in terms of cognitive tasks, content, game actions, rules, but also by the amount of visual material used. It can either increase or decrease. Didactic games with a minimum amount of visual material are useful.

The content of didactic games conducted by the teacher with children must correspond to the seasons, because with the changes occurring in nature, changes occur in the world of people, starting with clothing and ending with the activities of people characteristic of a particular season. For example, in the autumn period games are held, the content of which reflects the autumn phenomena of inanimate nature and their impact on living nature, as well as the life and activity of living beings in nature and humans in cities and villages during this particular period of time (harvesting, preparations for the winter, taking care of pets, etc.).

In each season, children need to become familiar with such didactic games, thanks to which they realize the beauty of this time of year, its beneficial effect on human activity (people create paintings, music, sculptures, poems, fairy tales, etc.).

Didactic games to practice terminology are important. For example, you need to practice terms related to the structure of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flowers, bud, fruit, etc.). The names of such parts of a plant as leaves, flowers, roots are learned well by children, but names such as stems cause certain difficulties. Children can call it both “stick” and “pillar”. Teachers have developed various games on this topic. Playing only one game does not give a significant result. It is necessary to conduct several games, which one after another will introduce children to the structural features of plants, while continuing to create conditions for practicing terms.

For example, after using three consecutive games “Miracle flower”, “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing”, “Prepare medicine”, children begin to correctly name the various parts of the plant and more easily master the term “stem”. The didactic game “Miracle Flower” is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about the appearance of a plant, its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit), to familiarize themselves with the needs of a plant in certain external conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air , heat) for normal growth and development, to become familiar with the stages of development of a living being, its properties, qualities, and to develop generally accepted aesthetic standards.

The game “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing” introduces children to the place of residence of the plant. In what places does it like to grow: in a sunny meadow or on a shaded edge of a forest, next to water or in water (what kind of it is - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-loving, shade-tolerant)? How does it adapt to the abundance or lack of moisture? During the game, one becomes familiar with the variety of appearance of the plant, the structural features of the root, leaves, etc.

In the “Make Medicine” game, children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, where it grows, the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties that are inherent in certain parts of it. Children are thus offered various games that have one goal: to develop children’s knowledge about the structure of a plant, its characteristics and benefits for people.

This book contains educational games that can be divided into three categories:

– games for familiarization with flora and fauna, aimed at introducing children to the way of life of plants and animals;

– games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationships between living objects and the environment;

– games for familiarization with the human-created habitat of people and animals, aimed at familiarizing children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.

Didactic games, correctly used in the educational process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, they are a kind of practical activity for the child to master the surrounding reality.

Games to familiarize yourself with flora and fauna

Life in the seeds

(game for children 5–7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas), and the stages of plant development. To develop the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds by shape, color, size.

Material. Vegetable seeds, cards depicting the stages of vegetable development, special cups with lids and a wet filter.

Exercise. Examine a seed, select the desired set of cards, arrange the stages of development of a vegetable crop in order, talk about the life and development of this plant.


1. The number of players depends on how many sets have been prepared; The number of players can be increased by playing in teams.

2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.


1. The teacher tells the children about the life of a small seed.

“Throughout the long winter, our seeds were sleeping in a box. Look how small and defenseless they are, but in each of them lies an extraordinary power of life. Now in every small seed the life of the future plant sleeps. We will wake them up and then dream about what they will be like.

The teacher, together with the children, places the seeds of various vegetable crops in special cups on a damp filter and closes with a lid. After a while the lid fogs up.

– These are our seeds that have woken up, they are breathing. It won't be long before each of them has a little white tail. (Shows a sprouted seed.)

– What do you think this is? (This is a small spine.)

– This sprouted seed needs to be planted in the ground, and an adult plant will gradually grow from it, unless, of course, you forget to take care of it.

– Now let’s dream about what plants will grow from our seeds (pepper, tomato, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas).

2. Each child is given a seed, asked to carefully examine it and select cards for him or her depicting the stages of development of this vegetable crop. (On each card there is a picture of the seed from which the given plant grew. The shape, color and size of the seed drawn in the pictures help guide the selection of cards.)

3. Children select the necessary cards, lay them out in the correct sequence, and talk about their plant.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Build a house for an animal

(game for children 6–7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the life characteristics of various wild animals, their housing, and the building materials they use. To develop the ability to select the right material for building a house for any of the animals.

Material. A large didactic picture, cards with images of animal houses (anthill, beehive, bird's nest, etc.), building materials (twigs, blades of grass, fluff, leaves, etc.), and the animals themselves.


1. Choose from the proposed animals those you want to help.

2. Choose from the proposed building materials only what is needed for your animal.

3. Choose a house for the animal.

4. Talk about your choice.


1. The game is played in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each).

2. Whoever completed the task quickly and correctly and was able to explain his choice won.

Alexandra Kuyanova
Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the environment (senior group)

"Name the insect"

(average, older)

Didactic task

Game rules

Game action: guessing.

Move games






Didactic task: To clarify children’s knowledge about the structural features of a houseplant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Learn to name parts correctly and construct sentences. Practice assembling an object from parts. Develop visual perception and logical thinking. To instill in children a caring attitude towards plants and an interest in them.

Dictionary: geranium, chlorophytum, stem, cactus.

Game rule: do not make a mistake in choosing.

Game action: finding parts and putting together the whole picture.

Move games: The teacher invites the children to look at parts of the whole picture. Children choose a flower to fold. They say its name. Then they create their own flower from the set of pictures.

During games The teacher asks the children questions:

Position the plant correctly.

Why should plant parts be arranged this way and not another?

Why does a plant need leaves, stems, roots, flowers.

Bottom line games: The one wins who folded the flower before others.

"Everyone goes home"


Didactic task: Find the whole from its part. Develop attention and reaction speed.

Game rule: Act after the signal.

Game action: searches "yours" houses according to a certain characteristic.

Dictionary: elm, viburnum, voyage, plane tree, acacia, lush, powerful, slender.

Move games: The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of tree leaves.

Speaks: “Let’s imagine that we went on a hike. Each squad pitched a tent under a tree. You are holding leaves from the tree under which your tent is located. We are walking, but suddenly it starts to rain. Everyone go home! Children run to their house at the signal. They stand next to the tree from which the leaf comes.

Bottom line games: Whoever finds the tree using the leaf faster wins.

"Flies, jumps, swims..."


Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the methods of movement of insects, animals, birds. Develop the ability to compare, find signs of similarities and differences. Cultivate determination and endurance.

Material: cards with images of insects, animals, birds.

Game rule: answer after receiving the pebble.

Game actions: passing a pebble.

Move games: The teacher puts out a card with an image, for example, of an insect and asks to name the actions that the butterfly performs. Children passing pebbles to each other They say: “Flies, flutters, flutters, sits, waves, spreads...” The one who does not name the actions is out games. Then the next picture is displayed - a grasshopper...

Bottom line games: The winners are those children who did not drop out games(2 - 3 children).

"Seek and you will find"


Didactic task: Exercise in distinguishing the characteristic features of individual seasons. Develop attention, memory, speech.

Game rule: Answer one after another.

Game action: description of the card, relating it to a certain time of year.

Dictionary: snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, autumn, summer, winter, spring.

Move games: The teacher lays out cards in front of the children, then names the season. Children find a card that can be used to determine the sign of this time of year. Define this time of year. Children receive chips for the correct answer.

Bottom line games: Whoever earned the most chips wins.

“Describe it, I’ll guess!”


Didactic task: Identify and name the characteristic features of an object in response to questions from an adult. Develop connected speech and thinking.

Dictionary: black currant, pomegranate, apple, pear, tomato, cherry, plum, gooseberry, red currant, sweet cherry, grapes, sour, sweet, rosy, small, striped, round, juicy, aromatic.

Game rule: You cannot name what is being described. Answer the teacher's questions clearly and correctly.

Game actions: asking riddles.

Move games: Children are given cards with pictures of vegetables and fruits. Without showing it to the teacher, they describe the depicted object. If the description is short, the teacher asks additional questions.

Bottom line games: for a correct and accurate description, children receive chips and are considered winners.

"Tops and Roots"


Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots, and non-edible ones - tops. Practice composing a whole plant from its parts. Develop intelligence and speed of reaction.

Dictionary: tops, roots, vegetable garden, beets, potatoes, eggplant, radishes, turnips, white, burgundy, oval.

Game rules: You can look for your spine or top only when given a signal.

Game actions: searching for your mate.

Move games: The teacher divides the children into two groups. One of them gives the tops, the other the roots. “All the tops and roots are mixed up. One, two, three, find your match!”- says the teacher. After the signal, the children choose a pair for themselves.

Bottom line games: The couple that finds each other the fastest wins.

Shop "Flowers"


Didactic task: Group plants according to their place of growth, describe their appearance. Develop memory, speed of thinking, speech.

Dictionary: dandelion, snapdragon, rose, carnation, tulip, meadow, field, indoor, garden.

Game rules: The buyer must describe, without naming the plant he wants to buy, indicate where the flower grows. The seller needs to recognize the plant, name it and issue the purchase.

Game actions: Search for the desired card.

Move games: Children play the roles of seller and buyer. To buy, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but not name it, just say where it grows. The seller must guess what kind of flower it is, name it and the department in which it is located, then he issues the purchase.

Bottom line games: If the child gave an accurate description of the plant, then he gets a chip.

“Find a tree by description”


Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the types of trees, their external differences and similarities. Learn to describe trees: shape of leaves, location of crown and branches, color and size of trunk. To develop children’s ability to tell each other riddles about trees, to describe the signs of a tree without naming it.

Dictionary: spruce, acacia, plane tree, poplar, birch, oak, honey locust, maple, rowan, pine.

Game rule: listen carefully to the teacher, look at pictures of a tree.

Game actions: make riddles.

Move games: Children come up to the teacher’s table, choose a card with the tree they like, but do not show it to the other children. They sit down in their place, think over a description of the tree and take turns asking each other riddles.

Bottom line games: For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. Who's at the end games The player with the most chips is considered the winner.



Didactic task: identify the characteristic features of fruits, vegetables, flowers. Develop coherent speech. Develop auditory attention.

Dictionary: tasty, sweet, ripe, stem, petals, bulk, elongated.

Game rule: The child the teacher named takes the card.

Game action: description of the item.

Move games: Children sitting around the table, on which the cards are laid out face down. One child is a gardener. With a watering can he goes around the children and speaks: “I have a big garden. Go, Anya, pick something.". Anya chooses a picture for herself. Looks at it and then describes what is depicted on it, but does not name it. Children guess.

Bottom line games: The one who guessed right becomes the gardener.

“What first? What then?


Didactic task: To clarify children’s knowledge about the sequence of seasonal changes in nature. Develop attention and quick thinking.

Dictionary: digging, watering, caring, collecting, cleaning.

Game rules: Start at the command of the leader.

Game actions: arrange the pictures in order or according to the teacher’s instructions.

Move games: The teacher looks at the pictures with the children. He suggests putting them in a certain order, in accordance with the seasons. He calls two children and, at a signal, they lay out the pictures. The rest ensure that the task is completed correctly.

Bottom line games: The one who completes the task correctly and quickly wins.

“Do you know how potatoes grow?”


Didactic task: Introduce children to planting, growing, harvesting potatoes. Introduce with an origin story. Learn to lay out cards in the sequence of development of potato tubers in the ground. Develop thinking and visual memory.

Dictionary: potatoes, tubers, variety, starch, plant, roots, sprouts, blooms, harvest, cook, fry, water, weed, loosen, hill.

Game rules: listen carefully to the teacher’s story, lay out the cards in the correct sequence, help comrades who have difficulty.

Game actions: laying out cards.

Move games: The teacher tells the children the history of the origin of potatoes.

“Even two thousand years ago, the inhabitants of South America in the foothills of Peru grew potatoes. The Spaniards brought the strange plant to Europe in 1565. But at first no one knew what to do with it. Potatoes were valued for their unusual, unprecedented flowers. Cavaliers gave potato flowers to noble ladies, who pinned them to their ball gowns. Only later did it become known that the tubers of this plant can be eaten. But it took time for potatoes to be planted in almost every garden. Nowadays, potatoes are planted and dug using machines. These same machines sort it. Certain varieties of potatoes are used to prepare starch, from which we then make jelly and sauces.”

After this story, the teacher introduces the children to the stages of potato development (shows pictures). Then he mixes the pictures on the table and invites the children to put a chain on the board, explaining the choice of card.

Bottom line games

"Find out and name"


Didactic task: Exercise children in the names of animals, quickly find a picture in accordance with the task. Tell us about its appearance, what it eats, where it lives. Develop memory, speech, visual perception.

Dictionary: wild animals, animals of hot countries, similarities, differences.

Game rules

Game actions: Search for identical pictures.

Move games: The teacher gives group of children task, find a certain animal among the cards lying on the table. Answer questions: "Who is this? Where does he live? What does it eat?”

Bottom line games: For a correct and complete answer, children receive chips.

"Flower shop"


Didactic task: Improve the ability to describe indoor plants, find their essential features, recognize a plant by description. Develop intelligence, activity and independent thinking. Strengthen your knowledge of store rules.

Dictionary: carved, striped, multi-colored, bright, fragrant, fragrant, clusters, petals, blooming.

Game rules: The seller sells a flower if the buyer has spoken well about it.

Game actions: Use a counting machine to select a seller; description of the plant, guessing.

Move games: The teacher says that a new store has opened. There are so many flowers here. To buy them, you need to do one thing condition: do not name the flower, but describe it. Based on the description, the seller guesses what flower you want to buy and sells it to you. The seller is selected by a counting machine.

Bottom line games: The one who bought the most flowers wins.

“Guess who I’m telling you about”


Didactic task: Teach children to recognize aquarium fish by describing their characteristic features. Develop auditory attention and memory. Cultivate a desire to play with friends.

Game rules: Do not interfere with the guesser’s ability to solve the riddle on his own. Listen carefully to the teacher.

Game actions: guessing, choosing a card with the image of a given fish.

Move games: The teacher says that he bought fish for an aquarium at a pet store. The children will have to guess what kind of fish he bought. Then the teacher describes the appearance of the fish, highlighting its characteristic features. Children call. The teacher puts out cards with pictures of fish, and the one in question is selected.

"Recognize a fish by its tail"


Didactic task: Teach children to recognize fish by their tail. Develop the ability to hold a specific goal in memory without being distracted by extraneous things. Independently identify the purpose of body parts and define them in words. Develop speech, attention, auditory analyzer. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of the natural area.

Game rules: The pinwheel is handed over to the participants games in turns. Say the words together, helping the arrow to select a card. The one who rotates the arrow needs to stop it at the signal "Stop!".

Game actions: Saying words, rotating the arrow.

Move games: Cards are laid out on the table, the teacher says that only the tails of the fish are hidden. You need to find out and name the fish whose tail is shown by the arrow. The selected child rotates the arrow, all together in unison They say: “Arrow, arrow, spin around. Show yourself to all the cards. And which one is dearer to you, show us quickly. Stop!" The children put aside the card that the arrow points to and guess.

Bottom line games: Children receive chips for the correct answer.

"Who lives in the aquarium?"


Didactic task: Teach children to describe fish by their characteristic features and recognize them by description. Develop the ability to be observant. Activate the processes of thinking, recall, attention, and speech of children. Foster a desire to play in a team.

Game rule: listen carefully to your comrades, do not give hints.

Game action: writing a descriptive story about a fish.

Move games: The teacher makes a wish riddle: “There is a pond on the window, fish live in it. There are no fishermen near the glass shores.” Children guess - aquarium. The teacher suggests populating the aquarium with fish. One by one, the children come to the table and take cards, without prompting each other. Then take turns describing the fish on their card. The rest are guessing. If the fish is guessed, the card is placed on the table.

Bottom line games: For correctly guessing the fish, the child receives a chip.

"Whose branch is the baby from"


Didactic task: Clarify the appearance of indoor plants. Learn to recognize a plant by its leaves and flowers. Develop attentiveness and visual analyzers. Cultivate perseverance.

Dictionary: round, oval, elongated, smooth, rough, carved.

Game rules: Only the one named by the presenter can express their answers. Prompting each other is not allowed.

Game actions: children's answers.

Move games: The teacher, together with the children, examines indoor plants and names them. Then he takes out cards with pictures of leaves of indoor plants. Offers to find out which indoor plant this leaf or flower is from.

Bottom line games: The one who correctly named the plant gets a chip.

“What grows in an aquarium?”


Didactic task: Teach children to describe algae, find their essential features, recognize algae by description. Develop the ability to be observant and activate children’s speech. Cultivate the ability to rejoice in a friend’s success.

Dictionary: richia, valisneria, hornwort, swamp ludwigia, duckweed, cabomba,

flat, fluffy, needle-shaped, long, narrow, curly, curly.

Game rules: give an accurate detailed description of the algae, listen carefully.

Game action: description of algae, guessing.

Move games: The teacher displays cards with images of algae. It says that these plants grow in water, in an aquarium. Gives a description of one of them, offers to find its image and name it.

Bottom line games: The correct answer gets a chip

“Recognize the animal by description”


Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about animals kept in a corner of nature. Learn to recognize them by description. Develop attention, auditory perception, memory. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

Dictionary: fluffy, bouncy, big-eyed, nimble, motley.

Game rules: Observe complete silence; it is forbidden to name the object or suggest it to a friend.

Game actions: Description of the animal, guessing.

Move games: One of the children chosen by the teacher describes an animal from a corner of nature (appearance, habitat, nutrition) The rest are guessing.

Bottom line games: The one who names the animal first receives a card with its image.

“What grows where?”


Didactic task: Exercise in classifying plants according to their place of growth. Based on the development of children’s ideas about differentiated growing conditions, develop logical thinking and mental operations (analysis, synthesis). Cultivate friendships in the game, rejoice in the successes of your comrades.

Dictionary: field, garden, houseplant, meadow.

Game rules: take one card from left to right.

Game actions: take a card, name the depicted plant, habitat.

Move games: The teacher lays out cards with pictures of plants on the table with the reverse side. The child comes up, takes one card at a time and names what is shown on it, where this or that flower grows.

Bottom line games: For the correct answer he gets a chip.

"Know an animal by its part".


Didactic task: consolidate children’s knowledge about animals in a corner of nature. Develop the ability to compare body parts. Determine who they belong to, based on the characteristic features of the structure. Develop visual analyzers, thinking, and intelligence. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

Game rule: take one card at a time, name the animal clearly and loudly.

Game actions: guessing animals.

Move games: The teacher lays out the cards on the table with the reverse side. The called child comes up and takes the card, examines it and names the animal whose body part is depicted on it.

Bottom line games: for the correct answer the child receives a chip.

"Name the insect"


Didactic task: Teach children to solve riddles. Develop intelligence and mental operations. To consolidate knowledge about insects, their appearance, habits, the benefits and harm they bring. Foster environmental thinking.

Game rules: The one who was asked answers.

Game action: guessing.

Move games: The teacher invites the children to guess the insect that is hidden in the box. Makes a riddle. The child who correctly guessed the insect receives a card with its image.

1. Guess who this is - is it a golden fly?

He goes on a flight so that there is honey in the house.

Busy and bold from our apiary.... (bee).

2. A helicopter landed on a daisy at the gate,

Golden eyes, who is it? ... (dragonfly).

3. From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass

A spring jumps, a green back... (grasshopper).

“Make a riddle, and we will solve it!”


Didactic task: Teach children to describe insects by their characteristic features, recognize them by description. Form observation, concentration, stability and arbitrariness of attention. Develop the ability to follow certain rules, learn to control your behavior.

Game rules: Listen carefully to your comrades.

Game actions: asking a riddle, imitating movements.

Move games: “Let’s imagine that we are in a clearing, and you are all insects. Think about what kind of insect you will be, but don't say out loud. The one the teacher calls talks about the insect he has in mind, without naming it. The others must guess who he is. If the answer is correct, children imitate the movements of the guessed insect.

Bottom line games: A child who successfully guesses a riddle receives a chip with the image of this insect.

“What first? What then?


Didactic task: Teach children to understand the sequence of the plot, cause-and-effect relationships. Develop mental operations, imagination, observation, coherent speech, self-control. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Dictionary: friendship, make friends, forever, tiny.

Game rule: listen to the teacher.

Game actions: Place the pictures in order.

Move games: The teacher chaotically lays out a series of pictures in front of the children and reads poem: "Kids"

One little mouse

And a little frog

And a tiny cuckoo

Haven't met anywhere yet.

Because there is a mouse in the hole,

Near the river there is a little frog,

And high up the cuckoo

Sits in his nest.

But the mouse will come out for a walk,

The little frog is jumping,

And a tiny cuckoo

Will come down to them from the nest.

And from now on, the little mouse,

And a little frog

And a tiny cuckoo

Make friends forever.

Children are asked to place the pictures in order, explaining their actions.

Bottom line games: Active children are encouraged by the teacher.

“When does this happen?”


Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons. Develop the ability to remember, correlate knowledge with the image in the picture. Develop thinking.

Dictionary: blooming, autumn, winter, warm, cold.

Game action: listen to the teacher’s question and answer it.

Game rule: do not interfere with each other, listen and respond.

Move games: The teacher shows a picture depicting the season. Children answer question: “What season is depicted? By what signs did you recognize this? Come up with a riddle."

Bottom line games: For a correct and complete answer, children receive a chip.

“What came first, what came next?”


Didactic task: Clarify and understand the sequence of development of individual plants, as well as the sequence of seasons. Develop logical thinking and reaction speed. Develop the ability to follow rules games.

Dictionary: grain, bulb, mighty, mustachioed, bitter, acorn, golden.

Game rules: act on the teacher’s signal.

Game actions: laying out cards.

Move games: The teacher lays out cards on the table and invites the children to look at them. At a signal, the cards are laid out in a certain sequence. Explain why they posted it this way, connecting it with the time of year.

Bottom line games: Whoever completes the task first is considered the winner.

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