Home Chassis Why does a dog's mouth smell like rotten meat? What to do if the dog's breath smells: causes of stench and methods of treatment

Why does a dog's mouth smell like rotten meat? What to do if the dog's breath smells: causes of stench and methods of treatment

Bad breath in a dog in most cases signals a problem, and not always the fault of the oral disease. For example, sometimes the breath of dogs with kidney or endocrine ailments smells disgusting. In this article, we will try to identify the causes of bad breath in a dog.

Causes of bad breath in dogs

The scientific term for bad breath is halitosis. Such a pathology develops for many reasons, we list the most common of them:

Photo: Beagle with open mouth | pixabay.com

  1. The dog has strong breath, if any dental problems. An unpleasant spirit from the mouth can be, for example, with gingivitis, when the gums are inflamed. It also smells bad from an animal with stomatitis or glossitis, tartar. This problem also happens in very small puppies, when the indigenous ones have already “hatched”, but the milk teeth have not yet left the mouth. It also smells bad from the mouths of old dogs, whose teeth are in poor condition due to age;
  2. Other reasons why a nasty smell can come from a pet's mouth are considered nasopharyngeal diseases- laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis;
  3. It happens that the cause of stench from the mouth lies in insufficient or even poor oral hygiene. In the process of chewing, particles of food get stuck between the teeth of the dog, which begin to “smell”;
  4. Dogs have bad breath and with improper feeding when in the bowl of the animal there is only meat and a little other protein food, but there is no carbohydrate food in the diet at all;
  5. The nasty smell from the dog's mouth can be felt even when the animal ate some spoiled product like an old rotten bone or something worse (carrion, excrement). True, in such cases we are not talking about halitosis, since the smell from the mouth soon becomes normal;
  6. The "aroma" of acetone from the dog's mouth - symptom of diabetes. The same sharp chemical odor occurs with an imbalance of carbohydrates in the body;
  7. A sweetish rotten breath in a dog can signal oncoprocesses of the oral cavity(such as cancer of the gums or tongue) or Gastrointestinal organs(stomach, intestines);
  8. Specific smell from the mouth of dogs with problematic liver and bile ducts(biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver necrosis). Also, a bad smell can be felt from the mouth of a dog suffering from gastrointestinal ailments (gastritis, colitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis, etc.);
  9. The smell of urine from the dog's mouth lets the owner know that the dog has violations in the work of the organs of the genitourinary system(pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc.).

What to do to keep your pet from smelling

So, an unpleasant smell can occur both for a completely harmless reason (for example, because the dog ate something wrong), and because of a serious illness. How to get rid of bad breath from a dog? To begin with, it is worth watching a four-legged friend: are there any symptoms of a serious illness besides an unpleasant smell from the mouth? And if there are alarming symptoms, it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Naturally, the treatment of bad breath from the dog's mouth in such cases will be to heal the underlying disease. For example, if a dog smells from the mouth due to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), then therapy with the involvement of antibiotics, diuretics and herbal remedies, antispasmodics and painkillers will certainly be required. After proper treatment, the problem of bad breath usually disappears.

But it was not in vain that we mentioned that the main reasons why pets have bad breath are still problems with the oral cavity. If the dog is relatively healthy, but suddenly began to eat poorly, if his gums are swollen and red, if his teeth are loose, salivation is increased, then you should visit a veterinary dentist as soon as possible. In most cases, after the canine dentist's manipulations, the bad smell from the animal's mouth disappears, although sometimes, unfortunately, the problem turns out to be much more global when the dentist is unable to help. The same oncology, for obvious reasons, cannot be cured as quickly as, for example, stomatitis or caries.

Prevention of bad breath in dogs

In order to prevent such a misfortune as halitosis, it is important to systematically perform such simple actions:

Photo: Dog with open mouth | pixabay.com

  1. Annual visits to the clinic are required for prevention. Plus desirable visit the veterinary dentist from time to time;
  2. Let some careless owners believe that brush your dog's teeth- this is a whim. In fact, this is a necessary procedure that must be carried out at least once every 4-5 days. For such purposes, you can use a purchased special toothbrush or a piece of bandage, which the owner should wrap around his finger, as well as animal toothpaste;
  3. Beyond pasta pet teeth can be cleaned with special treats - bones(consisting of rawhide, vegetables, cereals, etc.). Such products are not only healthy, but also tasty, dogs eat them with pleasure;
  4. If the condition of the dog's teeth is neglected, then a regular brush and paste may not help. Even natural plaque can be difficult to remove, what can we say about tartar? So in some cases it is more expedient immediately go to veterinarian where the animal’s teeth will be cleaned using ultrasound (such a service in clinics will cost about 1,500-3,000 rubles);
  5. A big role in how the dog's mouth will smell is influenced by animal diet. There are two options: feeding with premium quality feed or natural and varied food (in addition to meat, dogs also need vegetables, cereals, dairy products). Poor quality, spoiled or monotonous food is the enemy of dental health. Tartar is one of the reasons a dog's mouth smells bad. To prevent such a problem, it is important to regularly give your pet raw vegetables, bones, crackers, and if the animal is accustomed to dry food, then, most likely, tartar will not appear;
  6. Feeling that the pet’s mouth suddenly began to smell unpleasant, you can resort to rinsing with non-hot and strained chamomile broth three times a day;
  7. If the gums of the animal often look inflamed, a good effect will be given 3 rinses per day with hydrogen peroxide (1%) or Chlorhexidine;
  8. Experienced dog breeders know that to prevent problems with the formation of tartar, you can use natural tomato juice(or the tomatoes themselves). Juice or chopped vegetables are added to your pet's food twice or thrice a week;
  9. Strong teeth and fresh breath in a dog that receives vitamins (A, C, B, D) in abundance from good feed or high-quality natural animals. If the fortification of the animal is poor, you should definitely ask the doctor what drugs will help fix the problem. Plus, it is important to consider that calcium is important for dental health, which can also be obtained from food or special calcium-containing preparations.

Many pets have bad breath. Animals do not know how to take care of oral hygiene in the same way as people, so owners often assume that an unpleasant stench is normal and do not attach serious importance to this fact.

It must be understood that any noticeable symptom indicates certain health problems of the pet. Therefore, you should not wait for more serious manifestations of pathologies, but in a timely manner to identify the cause of the unpleasant odor.

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    If the puppy's mouth smells

    The owners of young pets traditionally worry about their health much more. If the puppy has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, then it is easier to diagnose the problem on your own. Representatives of small breeds of dogs have difficulty with milk teeth. If the molars start to grow too fast, then the young canines do not fall out automatically. This leads to decay of milk teeth. Accordingly, from the mouth of a young puppy will smell bad.

    In some situations, everything is complicated by the fact that the gums become infected. This leads to a violation of the microflora of the mouth. Because of this, the putrid smell becomes more distinct. In this case, it is recommended to carefully examine the pet's oral cavity and identify inflammation of the gums.

    It should be borne in mind that in adult dogs, teeth grow denser than in young animals. If food gets stuck in the cracks, then over time it begins to rot. This problem is the easiest to fix. All you need to do is brush your teeth.

    Young dogs are more active. They eagerly gnaw at everything that falls into their mouths. If a puppy sinks its teeth into sticks and hard toys, then damage to the gums is inevitable. Small scratches lead to infection, which also causes a violation of the microflora of the puppy's oral cavity.

    If the mouth of an adult dog smells

    The older the puppies get, the more serious their ailments are. In this case, we are talking about pathologies that have already developed. Most often this is due to problems of the oral cavity or gastrointestinal tract.

    Dental problems

    An older dog may suffer from tartar. To identify the problem at home, it is enough to examine the dog's mouth. If brown or yellow plaque is visible on the teeth, as well as growths, then this is clearly the problem.

    To remove tartar, you need to use special pastes and treats that will help get rid of growths. If they are too old and deeply penetrated into the gums, then such preventive measures are useless.

    The presence of tartar is unable to lead to the death of the animal. But the dog will suffer and bring discomfort to the owner, as his mouth will constantly smell of rot. Therefore, the problem should not be ignored. It is better to consult a specialist.


    Neoplasms in the mouth of an animal can also be detected with the naked eye. If there are seals or bumps on the gums in the pet's mouth, then this should not be taken as an aesthetic problem. Treatment should only be carried out by a specialist.

    Most often, dogs with a short or upturned muzzle (for example, pugs) suffer from such an ailment. However, in other breeds, such problems are not uncommon. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically inspect the pet's oral cavity.

    Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system

    In this case, the stench comes not only from the pet's mouth, but also from saliva. Notes of ammonia are clearly traced in the smell. This is because this component is no longer properly excreted from the body of the animal, due to which it passes into a liquid environment, including saliva and blood.

    Ammonia gets into the tissues, which leads to not the best consequences. If a dog develops hypothyroidism, it will lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, gum rot, and deformity of the tongue mucosa. The smell will be pronounced and very unpleasant.

    Hormonal problems

    If the mouth of an animal stinks of acetone, then this is a sign of the development of autoimmune processes. If the unpleasant smell is very strong, then the problem lies in diabetes. In the first stages of this pathology, the stench is not so strong, but over time, the bad smell becomes more distinct.

    It can be caused by thyroid or pancreatic disorders. To make an accurate diagnosis and get rid of the smell of acetone as soon as possible, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct a blood test for biochemistry.

    liver problems

    If the pet smells like rotten or spoiled fish from the mouth, then this is due to liver pathologies. The cadaverous smell indicates that the animal's organs have already begun to decompose. This is possible only in the most advanced stage.

    If a pet is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, then things are bad. But do not exclude the possibility that the dog ate carrion found on the street. In this case, the unpleasant odor comes from it.

    Food that enters the dog's body is not digested. Instead, it literally begins to rot. In addition, pets often suffer from tapeworms. Similar problems occur in dogs of small breeds and in larger pets.


    If the dog's breath smells, in this case we can talk about a disease of the oral cavity. With gingivitis, the dog has swelling of the gums, and the tissues become infected. The main reasons for the development of this disease are beriberi, indigestion, gastrointestinal pathologies and helminthic invasion.

    If the source of the problem is not removed, then gingivitis will turn into a more serious form. In this case, there is a risk that ulcers and necrotic areas are formed.


    Both toy terrier owners and those who have a larger dog can face a similar problem. Allergies are characterized by very extensive symptoms. Most often, animals suffer from a food variety. In this case, an unpleasant stench will come from the mouth of your beloved pet.

    It is not worth diagnosing allergies on your own and fighting it. If the animal suffers from another ailment, and its owner will give him pills for an allergic reaction, then there is a risk of aggravating the situation. Allergy is difficult to confirm with the help of laboratory tests. But if the animal has itching, then it is likely that it suffers from this ailment.

    If we talk about how to treat bad breath in a dog, then you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Surprisingly, one of the most common questions for most first time owners of a toy terrier is the smell of the animal. This material will help to resolve the accumulated questions and give advice on how to cope with this situation.

Any animal has its own smell - this is an axiom, because even a person has his own set of "aromas". The reason for the appearance of the smell can be several: the condition of the skin, coat, glands, internal organs, teeth, and even the diet of your animal. With age, the nature of the smell also changes.

Puppies usually don't smell harsh and are quite pleasant. As the owners of toy terriers themselves note, young dogs can exude the aroma of milk, milk with honey, or wild flowers. Even after a walk in a summer meadow, your dog can bring natural scents into the house that will last for quite some time. With age, the nature of the smell can change, as the hormonal composition of the body changes.

Owners of toy terriers should remember that dog hair like a sponge collects a variety of smells. That is why you should not let smoking people hold the animal, it will be quite difficult to remove the smell of tobacco and cigarettes, and the pet is unlikely to like to communicate with a smoker. The same applies to other unpleasant odors associated with human activity.

Why does bad breath occur?

Very often, the owners of toy terriers are disturbed by bad breath from the dog. The cause of its appearance can be many factors: from age-related changes to serious diseases. Most importantly, do not start taking action, otherwise it will be quite difficult to deal with the stench.

For natural reasons, bad breath can appear during the change of teeth and during estrus in a bitch. At the end of these periods, the “aromas” will disappear by themselves. If you do not want to put up with the smell, then you can brush the animal's teeth with a special toothpaste that will beat off the stench for a while.

The appearance of an odor may be due to a change in diet. Quite often, when toy terriers are transferred from traditional food to dry food or vice versa, the owners begin to complain about unpleasant odors. The solution is to return to the old diet or take special bioactive drugs that the veterinarian must prescribe.

The presence of an unpleasant odor also indicates possible diseases of the oral cavity. Only treatment and proper hygiene will help. Teeth and gums of toy terriers should be treated by veterinarians who have the necessary equipment and medicines. In addition, stench may indicate digestive problems that a specialist can resolve.

Why does it smell like piss?

"My dog ​​smells like dog!" - a popular replica on the forums. Most often, the problem lies in the poor condition of the skin and coat of the animal. The owners themselves start the care procedure, and then they are surprised at the “aroma” that has appeared.

To maintain the high quality of the toy terrier's coat, it is necessary to comb it regularly. This will allow you to get rid of the old wool, and it becomes pleasant to stroke the decorative dog. Additionally, special vitamin complexes can be included in the diet, which will improve the condition of the coat.

Can't find where it smells from

However, it is not always easy to find the source of the smell in a dog. Toy Terriers can delight with "aromas" even from the pads of their feet. But even here the problems are more than solvable.

The problem with paraanal glands is very popular. They are located closer to the anus and various secretions periodically accumulate in them. Foreign matter is what causes bad odour. You can clean the glands yourself, but if you have never done this, then you should not start. Contact veterinarians who will quickly and with minimal discomfort for the animal carry out all the necessary procedures.

An unpleasant smell can be from the ears of a toy terrier. Carefully inspect the ears for any pus or other discharge. Ear mites can cause odor and, if left untreated, deafness. If you suspect problems with the ears, you need to contact a specialist who can carry out the necessary treatment.

Often, toy terriers bring with them an unpleasant "flavor" from the street. First, males may accidentally wet their feet and stomach when doing their business. Secondly, various substances can accumulate on the pads of the feet and between them, which, under the influence of bacteria, will begin to rot and cause an unpleasant odor. Therefore, after a walk, it is necessary to wipe your pet's legs and tummy.

An unpleasant smell from wool can be removed with the help of special napkins that literally lock the smell. Well, do not forget about the need for regular washing of decorative dogs. Compliance with the rules of hygiene will help rid the animal of an unpleasant odor.

In the modern world, the working "function" of dogs is fading into the background. If a dog sits on a chain for years and performs exclusively the function of a territory guard, then not only his psyche suffers, but also his health, and many symptoms of problems simply go unnoticed. One such symptom is bad breath in dogs.

Any loving owner of an animal is constantly in contact with him during the day, and in this situation it is not difficult to notice that the pet smells unpleasantly from the mouth. Why this happens, what it may indicate and how to treat, we will analyze in this article.

Causes of bad breath in adult dogs

First of all, the cause of bad breath can be not only some kind of violation in the oral cavity, but also a problem in other body systems.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Disease name Description Symptoms Treatment
  • - inflammation of the gums. The most common cause of gingivitis is scratches on the gums that are infected.
  • Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontium (tissues surrounding the tooth) and leads to the destruction of the jaw.
  • Putrid odor from the mouth.
  • Refusal to eat due to pain.
  • The gums are reddened and swollen.
  • You need to find out the reason, for this, consult a doctor.
  • At home, you can wipe the gums with a solution of chlorhexidine several times a day, using a cotton pad or bandage.
  • Abscesses
  • An abscess is a purulent inflammation of the tissues, manifested as a noticeable swollen formation (tubercle) filled with pus. Caused by trauma to the tissues of the oral cavity or stuck foreign objects.
  • Solid growth in the oral cavity (often under the tongue, on the upper and lower palate).
  • Dog something. interferes with the mouth.
  • Refuses to feed.
  • Small abscesses may go away on their own. And large and painful ones require medical intervention. They must be opened and the resulting cavity processed. Don't try to do this at home!
  • Tartar
  • Tartar is lime deposits on the teeth. Plaque is formed from mineralized food residues, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus salts.
  • At the base of the tooth there is a light yellow plaque, which becomes darker over time, up to black.
  • At first, the coating is soft and loose, but eventually hardens.
  • Professional cleaning with a special device in a veterinary clinic is necessary.
  • Melanoma
  • fibrosarcoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • These neoplasms are malignant tumors. The external differences between them are not very large, the doctor should determine during an internal examination.
  • Most often painless formations in the mouth.
  • Bleeding from the mouth.
  • Itching.
  • Smell from the mouth.
  • An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. It is recommended to treat surgically.
  • Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Depending on the type of inflammation, ulcers and vesicles form on the mucosa.
  • Redness of the gums, mucous.
  • Inflammation can go to the tongue.
  • Eliminate from the diet foods that can "sag" the oral mucosa.
  • Treat the cavity with furacilin solution (1:10000).
  • Seek medical attention if ulcers are present.
  • foreign body
  • A foreign body stuck in the oral cavity (between the teeth or embedded in the tissues) will subsequently begin to decompose.
  • Rotten smell from the mouth.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • The dog tries to get something out of its mouth, often champs.
  • It is necessary to get a foreign body and process the oral cavity. Often it is impossible to do this at home, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Sometimes "pockets" are formed in the oral cavity where pieces of food fall. These may be folds on the gums or mucous membranes.

Metabolic problems

Disease name Description Symptoms Treatment
  • Kidney failure (uremia)
  • A serious disease in which metabolic waste is not excreted from the body, but enters the bloodstream.
  • A distinct smell of ammonia (urine).
  • Urinary retention or absence.
  • weight loss.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Depressed state.
  • You must contact the veterinarian immediately!
  • A disease in which the level of glucose in the blood rises, and sugar is not absorbed, which leads to carbohydrate starvation.
  • Sour smell from the mouth (smell of rotting fruit) at the beginning of the disease. Subsequently, a clear aroma of acetone.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Requires special nutrition and supportive care for life. For necessary appointments, contact your veterinarian.

When the paraanal glands are blocked, the dog's mouth can smell like fish. Since bacteria form in the clogged glands, which the dog licks off due to itching.

Respiratory diseases (damage to the respiratory system)

Disease name Description Symptoms Treatment
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • You won't always smell a bad odor from your mouth, but it's possible.
  • Nose discharge (snot).
  • It is necessary to find out the cause, because allergic rhinitis is possible (if the disease is accompanied by itching). Contact your doctor.
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, and all structures of the lung tissue are affected.
  • Rotten smell from the mouth.
  • Cough, .
  • It is necessary to consult a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
  • lung abscess
  • Purulent fusion of lung tissues in the form of a limited area.
  • Bad breath.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • General weakness.
  • Cough with scanty expectoration, when the abscess opens, the expectoration is copious and offensive.
  • A doctor's supervision is necessary.
  • Broad spectrum antibiotics.
  • Complex symptomatic therapy.

Dermatological pathologies (skin diseases).

Disease name Description Symptoms Treatment
  • Pyoderma is an inflammatory skin disease caused by bacteria.
  • A putrid smell comes from the affected skin, but when the lesion is near the mouth, it seems as if the dog had bad breath.
  • Comprehensive long-term treatment in the clinic is necessary.
  • Eosinophilic granuloma
  • This is a disease in which nodules and plaques form in the oral cavity or on the tonsils. The exact reason is unknown.
  • There is bad breath.
  • Papules and plaques of the oral cavity.
  • More common in Siberian Huskies and.
  • Small lesions may go away on their own.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • drug rash, hives
  • Breathing is heavy, with an unpleasant odor.
  • Rash on the body.
  • Itching.
  • Temperature increase.
  • The mild form goes away on its own in a few hours.
  • It is best to consult a veterinarian in order to avoid Quincke's edema.
  • Antihistamines.
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Pemphigus complex (Pemphigus)
  • Autoimmune disease.Sometimes the disease affects the liver and kidneys, then the breath smells of acetone or ammonia.
  • The skin is affected, more often on the face.
  • Sores.
  • Redness.
  • Scales.
  • The unpleasant smell comes from the skin, but it seems that from the breath.
  • Maintenance therapy is needed throughout life.

Also, often the smell from the dog's mouth does not signal an illness, but only that the dog has eaten something smelly. For example, or.

Also, many dogs have a very poor craving to eat carrion that they find on the street, in which case a sharp smell of rotten meat comes from the dog's mouth.

Another "headache" for many owners is when their pet has coprophagia, the name given to the craving to eat feces. It smells like a pet at the same time appropriately. Since such a habit entails negative consequences in the form of indigestion, helminth infection, etc., this must be fought.

Causes of bad breath in puppies

For puppies, the situation is somewhat different. They have much less reasons for the appearance of bad breath.
The most common cause of bad breath in young dogs is teething. Or rather, those cases when this process does not go according to plan.

In small breed puppies, the molar tooth may grow behind or in front of the milk tooth. Consequently, the milk tooth does not fall out as it should, but begins to rot. Hence the smell. You can cope with this problem only with the help of a veterinarian, he will remove the tooth that has not fallen out, treat the cavity with high quality and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics.

Another reason lies in the particular location of the teeth. Unlike adult dogs, whose teeth are quite close together, puppies usually have gaps between their teeth. Food particles fall into these gaps, get stuck and the process of decay begins, which causes bad breath.

Well, in the appendage, all dogs, and puppies in particular, love to gnaw on everything. Whether it's toys, the master's slippers or sticks. Just the latter can cause quite strong damage to the baby's gums. Even through just a scratch, an infection can get in, a putrefactive microflora and a corresponding smell will develop. In this case, it is also better to consult a veterinarian, as surgical debridement and a course of antibiotics may be required.

To prevent the above problems, you need to periodically brush your pet's teeth. It's not difficult and not expensive at all. This procedure will help prevent rotting of stuck pieces of food. And also, during cleaning, you inspect the pet's oral cavity and notice any pathological changes in time.

How to take good care of your mouth

In order for your pet's teeth to be in order, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene. There are several ways to clean your teeth.


For a natural cleaning of the dog's teeth, it is necessary to adjust the diet. A dog is a carnivore, and for healthy teeth, it needs to gnaw.

  • From natural products, it will be useful to give well-digested cartilage, pig ears, beef bones (namely, the head of the hip joint, in simple words - maslaki). Also, the dog can be given to gnaw carrots or an apple.
  • If you feed dry food, then it in itself prevents the development of tartar and the likelihood of food getting stuck in the teeth disappears.
  • In the modern market, pet store shelves are bursting with special treats "bones", which are designed specifically for brushing teeth and are completely safe at the same time. Plus, pets love it.

Using brush and paste

brush and paste must be specially designed for dogs, never use human devices!

This cleaning should be done 2-3 times a week. It is necessary to accustom a pet from puppyhood and gradually, the dog should not be afraid of such a procedure.

Benefits of this cleaning:

  • Cleans teeth from stuck food.
  • Prevention of tartar formation.
  • You examine the pet's oral cavity and notice pathological changes in time.

The only downside is that it is time consuming. But it's really a must if you want your pet to be healthy.

At the veterinary clinic

In advanced cases, when cleaning the house will no longer help, tartar has appeared, you need to contact the clinic. Teeth cleaning is carried out with ultrasound.

The procedure is painless for the pet and is performed under light anesthesia. If your dog is calm and easily tolerates such manipulations, you can do without anesthesia at all.

Important! The veterinarian must clean from the stone not only the front of the teeth, but also the back and gingival surface.


Briefly about the main

  1. Bad breath from a dog's mouth can be due to various reasons. This phenomenon can be both a signal of illness, and simply that the dog has eaten something strongly smelling.
  2. It is necessary to carefully monitor the oral hygiene of the pet. And it is entirely your responsibility if you want your pet to be healthy.
  3. Brushing your dog's teeth is not a whim, but a health necessity. The main thing is to do it right.

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A dog in the house is not only a joy for the family, but also a great responsibility. And if the animal shows signs of some violations, you can not leave it unattended. One of the unpleasant phenomena is the appearance of bad breath (halitosis).

The smell from the mouth is a symptom that indicates certain processes that occur in the body. It can be associated not only with problems in the animal's oral cavity, but also signal diseases of the internal organs. To get rid of the smell, you must definitely consult a doctor, examine the dog and find out its root cause.

Causes of Bad Smell

The problem can appear both in a small puppy and in an adult dog. The causes of halitosis are different.


Diagnosing the causes of mouth odor in puppies is easier than in mature pets, since there are not so many of them:

  • Change of milk teeth to permanent ones. Milk teeth, as a rule, sit very firmly in the mouth, and do not always fall out on their own. A new tooth can grow when the previous one has not yet fallen out. At the same time, a process of decay occurs in the milk tooth, which causes a bad smell.
  • Damage and injury to the gums while playing or eating. Pathogenic bacteria get into the wounds, causing dental diseases and the appearance of a bad smell, as one of the symptoms.
  • Accumulation of food debris in the interdental spaces. If the teeth are not brushed regularly, then the food begins to rot and causes unpleasant amber.

In adult dogs

There are many more causes of halitosis in adult animals than in puppies. The most common:

  • tartar;
  • violation of the integrity of the tooth;
  • inflammatory processes in the mouth (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis);
  • quinsy;
  • tumor formations in the mouth and pharynx (epulis, fibroma, melanoma);
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with the digestive organs (gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis);
  • cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
  • helminthic invasions;

On the page, read about the first signs, symptoms, and treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs.

With gastritis, enterocolitis, enteritis, pancreatitis, groups of drugs can be prescribed:

  • stimulants of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cytoprotectors;
  • antiseptics;
  • astringents (for diarrhea);
  • antispasmodics;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins.

For intestinal obstruction, the dog is given oil-based laxatives, prescribe warm enemas with disinfectants. Often you have to resort to surgery to restore intestinal patency.

Dog oral care rules

First of all, you need to purchase a special brush and toothpaste at the pet store. Depending on the breed and condition of the oral cavity, it is recommended to brush your dog's teeth 1-2 times a week. You need to brush your teeth at an angle of 45 degrees, making circular movements with a brush in the direction from the gums. If during the procedure the gum began to bleed, treat it with 1% hydrogen peroxide. To enhance the effect and prevent unpleasant odors, some owners use special rinses that destroy pathogenic bacteria.

If tartar or plaque has formed, and it is still soft enough, you can remove it yourself with a special scraper, but it is better to contact the clinic. The specialist will do it more efficiently and professionally.

To control the oral cavity of the dog, it is recommended to conduct a preventive examination twice a year. If there are damaged teeth, they must be treated or removed as a breeding ground for bacteria.


The appearance of a smell from the mouth of a dog is not considered the norm. Therefore, you need to take all measures to avoid such a problem.

  • Regularly examine the dog in order to timely diagnose diseases that cause halitosis.
  • Feed your pet a quality and balanced diet.
  • Teach your dog to brush their teeth from an early age. Do it regularly.
  • Buy hard toys that allow you to clean your teeth naturally.

Dog breath can be caused by a variety of reasons. In any case, this is an anomaly, it is worth looking for ways to get rid of it. It is better to conduct a comprehensive examination and find out what causes the occurrence of halitosis. Only in this case, the measures taken to eliminate it will be effective.

Why does a dog's mouth smell bad and should I be worried? Learn more useful information about the causes and treatment of halitosis in a pet from the following video:

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