Home Chassis What can be made from polendvitsy. Dried polendvitsa - Belarusian recipe with photos step by step. Ukrainian recipe for dry-cured polendvitsa

What can be made from polendvitsy. Dried polendvitsa - Belarusian recipe with photos step by step. Ukrainian recipe for dry-cured polendvitsa

Polenvitsa is a wonderful invention of the Belarusian cuisine and is a salted chunk of meat with subsequent natural curing. The result is an incredibly tasty meat delicacy, which has a significant advantage over purchased sausages. For its preparation, the most natural ingredients and spices are used, and there are no artificial flavor enhancers, dyes and other harmful substances.

How to pickle polendvitsa at home in a rustic way?


  • polendvitsa (pork loin) - 2 kg;

  • salt - 500 g;

  • black peppercorns - 50 g;

  • cumin - 50 g;

  • garlic - 1 large head.


Starting salting polendvitsy at home according to this recipe, peel the garlic and finely chop with a knife, and rub the black peppercorns well in a mortar. Mix the garlic mass and chopped pepper with cumin and salt. A piece of pork loin can be left whole or cut into two parts, and then washed and dried thoroughly. Now roll the meat on all sides in the spicy mixture, rubbing it well and breading again. Spices with salt should completely cover the surface of the meat pieces.

We put the meat in an enameled or glass container, sprinkle with the remnants of the spicy mixture, place a load on top, cover the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator for six to seven days, turning the meat daily.

After the time has elapsed, we take out the polendvitsa in a colander set over the pan and leave it for a while so that the juices drain completely. Then we wrap the polendvitsa in a gauze cut, folded at least four times, tie it with thin clean twine and hang it in the kitchen near the stove or on the balcony. We leave the meat for about three weeks. The holding time depends on the desired degree of softness of the finished product.

Such a home-cooked polendvitsa turns out to be much more budgetary and tastier than purchased. At the same time, you will be completely sure of its naturalness.

Homemade chicken polendvitsa - recipe


  • chicken breast fillet - 1 kg;

  • non-iodized salt - 0.5 cups;

  • purified water - 3 l;

  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.;

  • ground bay leaves - 1 teaspoon;

  • clove buds - 6 pcs.;

  • garlic - 2-4 teeth;

  • dill seeds - 1 teaspoon;

  • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;

  • horseradish - 40 g;

  • dried parsley - 40 g;

  • dried dill - 40 g;

  • granulated sugar - 15 g.


To prepare chicken polendvitsa at home, pour purified water into a saucepan, throw in ground and whole bay leaves, clove buds, mustard and dill seeds, add salt, heat the mass to a boil, boil for about five minutes, and let it cool completely. We put the chicken breast fillet in the cooled brine and leave it for five days in a sufficiently ventilated place, ideally on the balcony.

After the time has elapsed, we remove the chicken meat from the brine, let it drain, and dry it with napkins.

We clean the garlic cloves, grind them through a grater, mix with granulated sugar, horseradish, dried parsley and dill and rub the chicken breast with a carefully obtained spicy mixture. Then we wrap it in parchment paper and leave it for twenty-four hours at room temperature. Then we place the meat in a colander over the pan, press it with something heavy and leave it for another day to get rid of the juices. After that, we clean off the remnants of the spicy mixture with a knife, wrap the meat in a gauze cut, folded at least four times, tie the bundle tightly with twine and hang it in the kitchen or balcony and dry it for ten to fifteen days.

Polendvitsa pork - 1 kg

For marinade:
Salt - 100 g
Sugar - 5 g
Water - 1 l

Spices for sprinkling:
Ground black pepper - 5 g
Coriander - 5 g
Whole cumin - 5 g
Ground allspice - 2 g
Nutmeg - 2 g
Ground bay leaf - 2 g

Based on the requests of Internet users, salting polendvitsy is very popular. It is understandable, easy to prepare, a minimum of time, and as a result one of the most delicious products. So I will continue the topic, and I will provide for your judgment and taste one more way of salting this product, which I use. Salting polendvitsa can be done in different ways, depending on what product we want to get at the exit based on our taste preferences. If salted, then in the end we will get meat with a dense dry texture. Wet salting suggests more tender meat, "ham". Although here, the dryness of the final product can be controlled based on the drying time.
Today we are going to cook Polendvitsu using the wet salting method.

I purchased a large, thick polendvitsa, but to speed up the salting and drying processes, I cut it into two halves.

But before that, I prepared a brine for salting, because. it should be cold 2-5 ° C. For the brine, boil 1 liter of water, add salt 100 g and sugar, boil for 4-5 minutes. (It will turn out 10 * brine, from my practice, the polendvitsa turns out to be lightly salted, but if you like it saltier, then the amount of salt can be increased based on the composition).
Then cool and put in the refrigerator to chill. Pour the cold brine over the polendvitsa and leave it in a cold place for 8-10 days.

At the end of salting, we take out the polendvitsa and put it under a load for 3-4 hours to remove excess moisture.

Pat dry with paper towel and

hang in a ventilated, cool 5-8 ° C place for drying for 14-15 days, and then dry for 7-10 days at room temperature. Although the curing and drying time can be longer if you want a drier product, depending on your taste.

Bon Appetit!

Polendvitsa is a dry-cured meat tenderloin product. This dish belongs to the Belarusian, Lithuanian and In these countries, almost every family has its own recipe for polendvitsa at home. We offer two excellent options for preparing this dish.

How to choose meat?

No matter how good the homemade polendvitsa recipe is, a delicious dish will turn out only if you choose the right semi-finished product. It is prepared from beef or pork fillet, less often from horse meat.

The meat must be fresh. It is very easy to check this. If you click on it, the surface should return to its full shape. In stale meat, bumps may remain. Naturally, a good semi-finished product does not have a bad smell.

Wet way of salting pollendvitsa. Dried and dried product

We take a kilogram piece of fillet. If it is thick, then it is recommended to cut it lengthwise into two parts. This will speed up the process of salting and drying meat.

First, let's look at how to pickle a Polendvitsa. We make a pickle. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add one hundred grams of salt and five grams of sugar. Be sure to boil the brine for five minutes and cool. Fill them with chopped fillet and forget about it in the refrigerator for eight to ten days.

Then we take it out and put it under the load. It is better to place a wooden circle first, and something heavy on top. These actions will remove excess moisture and leave the surface even and smooth. It will take four to five hours in total. Dry the meat thoroughly and roll with your favorite spices. The ideal option would be a combination of black and coriander, cumin, nutmeg in equal proportions. Add some bay leaf. It is recommended to grind spices in a mortar and carefully distribute over the surface of the fillet. Spread a piece of gauze, put the meat, wrap it up and tie it with twine. Each piece of fillet - in a separate material.

In order for the meat to ripen, it must be hung in a cool (5-8 degrees) place for at least two weeks. But it must be necessarily ventilated, otherwise the dish may deteriorate. Then leave in a warm place for seven to ten days. For example, you can hang over the gas. Dried pollen is ready. You can cut it up and serve it. An excellent addition to meat prepared in this way will be vegetables, herbs and sauce.

Dry method of salting the product. Curing and drying

Meat (approximately one kilogram) is recommended to be taken with fatty streaks, you can bandage it a little. This recipe for polendvitsa at home is very similar to the previous one. The exception is that the salting process is carried out in a slightly different way.

First, we prepare the aromatic mixture. To do this, mix seventy grams of salt with chopped seasonings (five bay leaves; in equal proportions - black and allspice, cumin and coriander). Pour the mixture on the table and carefully roll the meat in it.

We wrap the fillet in cheesecloth very tightly, in several layers, and twist it with threads. Then we proceed to the next stage.

We put the pieces of meat in a container and leave for five days. It is recommended to turn them every day. Then we hang for a week in a cool and always ventilated place, and in the end - in a warm place. It will take fourteen days to make an excellent dish. Now you can take a sample.

How to determine the degree of readiness of a dish?

This can be done in the following way. The suspended product must be squeezed by hand. If it is clearly determined that the outside is a dry hard crust, and inside you can feel the flesh, then the product is definitely ready.

How to store the finished dish?

There is an opinion that it is not recommended to cook raw meat at home, because it can go bad. But this fact does not apply to the salty semi-finished product. Therefore, the main thing is to choose the right proportions. In this case, salted meat will not spoil.

Regardless of which polendvitsa recipe was used at home, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. If necessary, you can get it, cut it into thin plates and clean it again.

The finished dish can be stored for as long as needed. But you need to keep in mind that it will be getting harder and harder every day. Therefore, polendvitsa retains its optimal taste for sixty days from the moment it is fully prepared.

Belarusian recipe for dry-cured pork polendvitsa is passed down from generation to generation, therefore, despite the ancient history, today we can try this meat delicacy. For this, choose a sirloin or loin, always fresh, not thawed. Since it is still raw, it is important to know the exact proportions of salt and the correct technology. step-by-step preparation of Belarusian-dried polendvitsa with a photo. Those who first come across dry-cured sausage or meat find it hard to believe that these dishes can be eaten without fear for their health. But meat was harvested in this way for many centuries, when there were no refrigerators or sausage factories. Salt is a natural preservative, it destroys bacteria, keeping the product usable. Pay attention to the temperature at which the pollendwitz should dry in the recipe. It is good to dry meat in autumn, winter and early spring.

Ingredients for making belarusian dried polendvitsa

Step-by-step preparation of Belarusian-dried polendvitsa with a photo

Cut the polendvitsu into thin layers, serve as an appetizer or make sandwiches. Bon Appetit!

Pollendwitz is salted cured meat. This is a dish that will adequately decorate any feast, and it is easy to cook at home. This will take 7-10 days in total.

Pork is usually used, lean parts, tenderloin is best. The meat is cut into long strips, which is then convenient to dry. The thinner the strips, the faster it will be ready. Before further processing, the meat is dried with a napkin.

What spices are needed for polendvitsa?

In order for the Polendwitz to come out tasty, natural spices are used. Of course, it all depends on individual tastes, but usually they take ground black pepper and cumin, mustard and dill seeds, bay leaves, garlic, cloves and dried herbs can be used.

How to cook polendvitsa at home in a wet way

The so-called wet method of cooking polendvitsa at home involves soaking the meat in brine. Dry spices are poured into a saucepan and brine is boiled at the rate of 3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. The liquid that has boiled over for 5 minutes is cooled and the prepared meat is poured over it. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-5 days.

Here it must be borne in mind that the longer the pork stays in brine, the more salty the finished product will come out. However, underexposing meat is more dangerous than overexposing it. If salted polendvitsa can still be used - in thin slices in salads, in broth - then under-salted simply runs the risk of spoiling without being cooked.

Salted meat is washed and excess water is blotted with a napkin. Now it should be coated with a mixture of chopped herbs and garlic, you can add mustard, cumin. Wrap in parchment and leave at room temperature for a day (in the summer it is better to put it in the refrigerator). Further, after cleaning off the “coating” of spices a little, they are wrapped in several layers of gauze, tied tightly and hung up. Readiness comes in 5-7 days.

Cooking polendvitsa in a dry way - recipe

The dry method means that the meat is not soaked, but it takes about the same cooking time as the wet method. The tenderloin is coated with salt and placed under the press. In this form, it should stand in the cold for 3-4 days. After that, the salt is cleaned off, and the future polendvitsa is rubbed with spices, gauze is wrapped and determined to dry for 6-7 days.

How and where to dry polendvitsa at home?

A little about drying (drying). The meat is usually wrapped with several layers of gauze, which is secured with twine or thread. For drying, you need to choose a place with a draft, while it should be warm enough. Usually, housewives use a cornice in the kitchen, closer to the stove, where they hang meat “snacks”. Both heat and a window with an extractor hood give the necessary air movement, preventing the smell from spreading throughout the apartment.

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