Home Lighting Who can work on. Who to work without education - a short list of specialties for which you are not ashamed. Course for a young specialist - how to make the right choice

Who can work on. Who to work without education - a short list of specialties for which you are not ashamed. Course for a young specialist - how to make the right choice

Not a single bank or firm, not a single enterprise, organization or financial corporation can do without jobs that will go to yesterday's graduates of economic faculties.

So, when entering the Faculty of Economics, who can work after graduation:

  • analyst-economist;
  • accountant;
  • specialist in foreign economic activity;
  • financier;
  • manager of the economic department;
  • actual economist.

The job responsibilities of certified economists will include compiling and maintaining periodic reporting documents, systematizing and summarizing statistical information, analyzing the economic and financial activities of the enterprise, performing various kinds of calculations, developing measures to optimize costs and improve work efficiency, monitoring budget execution, economic support of any processes related to the financial or economic component of the enterprise.

The Faculty of Economics at Synergy University has been operating since 1995: it trains valuable personnel for government and commercial structures. University graduates are the most prepared in comparison with their peers to carry out the practical activities of an economist, since they have employment opportunities from the very first year of study. Why is it important? Because today it is extremely difficult to find a job in almost any specialty without having the relevant experience. And the experience of an economist is especially appreciated by employers and allows you to find a job that will become the key to well-being.

Studying at the Faculty of Economics

Dreaming of a prestigious education as an economist, applicants often have a rather vague idea of ​​what job prospects await them, what they can expect given the peculiarities of the labor market in modern conditions, how to build a successful career as an economist, and what is the average income of a specialist who graduated from the Faculty of Economics. To begin with, it is worth clarifying what future economists do during their studies, what skills and knowledge they acquire and what they can offer their future employers.

Studying at the Faculty of Economics involves mastering such disciplines as micro- and macroeconomics, corporate finance, statistics, econometrics, information systems in economics, taxes and taxation, international accounting standards, financial reporting, auditing, marketing, financial management and many others. Thus, graduates of economic specialties acquire the ability to think strategically, make forecasts, carry out financial and economic planning, keep records, analyze financial activities, operate with numbers, statistics and world experience for the benefit of the enterprise, regardless of the industry in which it operates.

As it turned out, a specialist or master's degree is not the ultimate dream for an ambitious graduate, because "postgraduate" is a much more honorary title for a student of a higher educational institution. However, here the student has great and bright prospects in terms of a future career, and the proposed positions are “honorary and profitable”, so to speak. And, nevertheless, it is definitely worth sorting out this issue in order, getting to the main topic, who to work after graduate school?

What is graduate school?

So, graduate school- it is, first of all, an independent form of education, which provides high-quality training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the highest qualification. The knowledge and skills gained in the classroom are rather practical, and lectures prevail in small quantities.

Simply put, a student has been studying the theory in depth for five long years in the chosen specialty, and now in graduate school he can apply the acquired knowledge directly in practice. In this case, numerous experiments are welcome, as well as an in-depth study of practical material within the framework of the chosen specialty.

Postgraduate studies are necessary to obtain scientific knowledge and design your own developments. Speaking again in a simple and accessible language, then every interested graduate student should prepare for his future doctoral dissertation.

To do this, it is desirable to pay attention to such aspects of knowledge as:

1. Creation and promotion of own scientific works;

2. Publication of their work in scientific journals;

3. Postgraduate student presentation at scientific conferences;

4. Conducting practical and laboratory work for individual groups of students;

5. Preparation of a future doctoral dissertation.

So there are plenty of classes for three years of study, the main thing is to set priorities in a timely manner and set a goal that you tirelessly pursue.

How to get into graduate school?

Now it becomes clear to everyone that the already certified master did not achieve his goals, therefore he is thoroughly preparing for the high title of “candidate of science”. However, achieving such heights is not so easy, and for many, admission to graduate school remains an unrealizable dream at all.

For example, only graduates with the status of "master" or "specialist" who have brilliantly passed several entrance candidate exams can count on this training. For other categories of graduates, this category of education remains completely inaccessible and transcendental.

Form of study in graduate school traditionally budgetary and under contract. In the first case, the master brilliantly passed the entrance exams and scored a passing mark, so the following years he can carry the proud title of “postgraduate student” absolutely free of charge. If for some reason it was not possible to enter the budget, but the prospects for such an applicant are the most promising, then the management of the graduate school offers him a paid study head start. To agree to such a proposal or not is the choice of each graduate.

The compulsory entrance exams are foreign language(privileged English) and philosophy, as well as majoring subject and a subject in the direction of the university.

By the way, you can change the mastered specialty in graduate school, however, such nuances will need to be negotiated individually with the leadership of the university (not all higher educational institutions make such concessions to the graduate).

What is important to know in graduate school?

If you think that the process is important in graduate school, then you are greatly mistaken, since it is the result of such training that plays an important role, that is, the successful passing of candidate exams on time.

For success in this matter, it is extremely important to regularly attend lectures not only on the subject of future PhD work, but also for the overall development of sociology, economics, psychology, statistics and even pedagogy. However, the main subject is still the core subject.

It is not difficult to study in graduate school during the semester, but in candidate exams you will have to work hard and demonstrate the depth of your knowledge in each subject as much as possible.

During the semester, a graduate student goes to lectures, performs practical classes, but the main difference from student life is a unique opportunity for teaching practice with the right to evaluate student work. In the latter case, the pedagogical activity of a postgraduate student is negotiated with the dean or the head of the department individually, and practice hours are strictly limited.

Separately, it is worth clarifying that graduate school is the path to professional pedagogical activity, and it is possible that it will take place within the walls of the native university. That is why, while still a graduate student, you can always make useful contacts and establish relationships with teachers who are now partly considered colleagues.

Such a smart approach will definitely help you “catch on”, because it is possible that soon some professor will put in a couple of pleasant words for you in the rector’s office, for example. Of course, it is necessary to storm the university only with knowledge, but useful contacts in this matter certainly will not hurt.

Combining work and graduate school: legal or not?

A graduate student obviously cannot live on one scholarship, and the minimum number of teaching hours that the university allocates to him is not paid properly. That is why there is an urgent need for an additional source of income, not related to pedagogy and vocational training. However, here there is one, but a very significant BUT.

According to the official rules that any postgraduate student should know, a full-time postgraduate student has no right to work in any other place that is not connected with the walls of the university and science.

The rule, of course, is strict, but, as you know, all rules are made to be broken. That is why all graduate students neglect such recommendations and prohibitions, and in order to improve their financial condition they are looking for part-time money.

Postgraduate students should not know about this, although, according to unofficial data, professors understand financial difficulties and turn a blind eye to some violations.

Such rules do not apply to graduate students - part-time students and applicants, however, training for them also includes a longer period of time. The defense of a Ph.D. thesis becomes the finish that provides a good position and quite a decent salary.

The terms of training are individual, but the result, in fact, is the same, as are the prospects for a young, but already qualified specialist.

Applicant or student?

Not everyone who wants to become full-time graduate students, since the number of budget places is strictly limited. But the chances of becoming a graduate student - correspondence student or applicant are much greater. Someone will ask, what's the difference? This is where some publicity is needed!

So, correspondence postgraduate studies, first of all, eliminate attending lectures, go well with work, and also leave time to prepare for a dissertation. A graduate student has a certain place of work, where he is provided with a 30-day paid vacation. In this case, it takes four years to study, while in full-time education this period is only three years.

But the applicant is a creative person who is still in search of himself and his self. His main task is to pass the candidate's exams as an applicant, and only after that you can enter the graduate school without entrance exams.

He studies according to an individual plan, but at the same time, once a year, at a scheduled meeting of the department, he reports on the work done. By the way, a person who has completed a postgraduate course on a budget can no longer be an applicant.

Who to become, a university graduate in a state of euphoria decides on his own, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons of such a fateful decision. There may not be a second such chance in the future, so it's time to seize the right moment and "be at the right time in the right place", so to speak. A third of graduates decide to take such a responsible step, but no more!

Who can work after graduate school?

As the trend of several years shows, many full-time university graduates choose postgraduate studies instead of a certain profession in order to raise their level of knowledge to the honorary mark of “professional”. Of course, you still have to learn and not a year at all, but the result of such efforts will provide a promising future.

If you are interested in knowing who you can become after graduate school, then there are several options. Most often, graduates remain within the walls of their native university as already qualified teachers and also teach yellow-mouthed students.

Whatever specialty is chosen, a graduate student associates it with scientific activity, which later becomes the meaning of his life. There are no random graduate students, but everyone consciously chooses a profession related to science!

Conclusion: If you are a university graduate, but strive to continue your studies and become a qualified teacher in a few years, then you simply have to know who to work after graduate school.

On the informative site, the site describes all the subtleties and nuances of this issue, which in the future will help determine the final choice of the future profession.

Now you know, who to work after graduate school.

So, now in Russia such a profession as management is very popular. It gained its distribution thanks to a rather loyal system of admission to a specialty at a university. And many applicants prefer it. But is management really that good? What are its pros and cons? And in general, who to work on graduating from the university? Let's try to deal with you in this really difficult question.


What does the profession "management" mean? In general, if we translate this word from English, we will get something like the meaning of "manager". That is, this is actually a leader who is in charge of something. And this word is very attractive to applicants. No one wants to be a subordinate, only a leader.

But in fact, the profession of "management" involves the work of the most ordinary manager. In Russia, these are middle-level people who will work anywhere. And occupy completely different positions. It can be a manager, a salesperson, or even a cleaning lady. It all depends on where exactly you get a job. And now we will try to find out the pros and cons of the management profession, and then we will see how you can build a career by entering and graduating from this direction.

Positive sides

Let's start finding out what attracts applicants in our current specialty, as well as what positive aspects it has. It is worth noting that not everyone imagines what they "subscribe" to when they enter. But, nevertheless, they still study hard in the direction.

The profession of "management" is available to almost everyone. For admission, now you need to pass exams in Russian and mathematics (non-core), as well as social studies. Simplicity when submitting documents is very important.

Also, this direction is not very expensive. For example, the profession "management" requires payment of 20,000 rubles per semester, and all other specialties in a particular university - from 40,000. That is, perhaps everyone can afford to become a manager.

With the right employment, you can occupy very high positions. And the ones you didn't even know existed. For example, to become the chairman of the board of directors or the rector. These are high-level professions. In Russia, you can find a job with them, you just have to try.

During the training process, you will be given only the information you need. Basically it's the economy. The profession of "management" is more economic than mathematical. There will not be a lot of algebra and geometry in it.

Also, the release manager will be able to find a job almost anywhere. Now this specialty, perhaps, is needed for the "crust". To just have at least some kind of "tower". And after graduation, you will be able to view the labor market and find yourself a suitable vacancy.


But the profession of "management" has a number of disadvantages. For some, they are insignificant. But many people doubt entering this direction after they find out what awaits them in the future. Let's find out about the disadvantages of the profession, so that later there are no surprises.

The first problem that you may encounter is a lot of competition when applying for a referral. There are quite a few budget places, but there are also plenty of applicants here. Fortunately, contract training is much easier to enter.

Managers are not well liked among the society. Many believe that this specialty is the lowest level of education, which has long since become unnecessary. And therefore, some individuals express their dissatisfaction and show disrespect for students and graduates of the "management" direction.

Building a good career as a manager is often very difficult. After all, people who are not accustomed to making their way "in the light" will continue to sit in the work where they take them. Moreover, society will assure that "management" is not the direction that will allow you to get good earnings and climb high up the career ladder.


And now it's worth finding out who you can work in the profession of "management". To be honest, there are a lot of options here. And we'll start with the less common ones. For example, after graduating from this direction, you can go to work as a logistician.

What does such an employee do? Your responsibilities will include managing the supply of goods. Develop a variety of directions, choose the best place to establish the company (for example, in which place to build a store for maximum income), calculate the utility of the area, and so on.

In principle, logisticians are very valuable employees. And not everyone knows that they are obtained from the profession of "management". The salary of such an employee fluctuates, but remains at a fairly high level. Today it is from 25,000 rubles. In principle, not every graduate earns so much.


Another very interesting scenario is work in the field of marketing. That is, a marketer. Such employees are also highly valued in Russia. And if they additionally have an economic education, then employers will literally fight for such personnel.

What does a marketer do? To be honest, his duties include promoting the company in every sense. Here and research of the target audience of buyers, and the study of competitors, and the development of strategies for the behavior of your corporation in the labor market, and even the development of a "plan B" in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In principle, if you studied well at the university, then you will not have any problems with this job. Show your knowledge, be creative - and you are guaranteed a good career as a marketer. You definitely won't be offended by the salary. It is approximately the same as that of logisticians - from 20,000 rubles.

middle link

In general, the description of the profession "management" includes such a thing as three career links. We have already spoken about the higher. It is extremely difficult to get a job in such positions, and in addition, as a rule, they ask for a second higher education. Now we will find out who you can work with after graduating from "management" in the so-called "middle level".

Typically, this area involves positions of managers above the lower level. These are different bosses: sales department, senior managers in the company, heads of workshops, as well as deans. The salaries of such employees, to be honest, are also quite high. And anyone with an experience of approximately 3 years can apply for these vacancies. If you started your career as an ordinary manager, then over time you can "rise" to a senior. In principle, in most cases, the "middle link" is the main one in a particular company. It entrusts subordinates with work (sometimes their own), and then receives a higher salary than the "lower link".

Lowest link

The profession "management" reviews in general from applicants and graduates is quite positive. And the negative can be heard only from those who got a job as the "lowest link". To be honest, this is where many successful people start their careers.

What kind of managers are called inferior? These are sales managers, sellers in stores and supermarkets, sales representatives, cleaners, movers, fast food cafe workers, and so on.

The salaries of such employees, to be honest, are not very high. But the responsibility is huge. And there is plenty of work. Often, the "lower level" is assigned tasks that are not related to their duties, but they still have to fulfill the instructions.

Popular destinations

But what professions after graduation from the Faculty of Management are now popular and most common among graduates? This:

  • cashier;
  • Sales Manager;
  • worker in a fast food cafe;
  • loader;
  • Sales Representative;
  • senior manager;
  • cleaner.

These statistics do not at all indicate that after management you can forget about a career at all. Many people simply become self-employed, open their own business, and then develop quite actively and rapidly. If you have ideas, you can try to bring them to life.

Most of us study in order to find a good job later. In turn, every self-respecting university is interested in the position of graduates in the labor market and their assessment of the education received. One of the latest studies of the HSE Center for Internal Monitoring is devoted to these issues. In the spring of 2011, 1748 graduates who graduated from the university in different years (2004-2010) were surveyed.

“We study not for school, but for life” - this is the motto of the Higher School of Economics. “HSE is trying, first of all, to provide students with an analytical tool,” the rector explains the principles of education at the Higher School of Economics. - It is impossible to teach the entire array of knowledge in any branch of knowledge, you can teach it to extract. It is completely unknown what our students will earn in five years, technologies in material production, and in computer science, and in social life, and in financial life are changing so quickly that if we teach everyone well-developed tools for making money today, it’s not a fact that they won't lose tomorrow. It seems to me that a graduate of a research university should be able to master any technology on his own, and this distinguishes him, distinguishes him from a standard university.”

That is why HSE focuses on teaching theory and developing personal skills that help students adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions. A survey of graduates shows that for the majority, the knowledge and skills acquired at the university within the framework of the specialty correspond to their employment in the labor market. For example, respondents were asked to assess how their current job corresponds to the specialty they received. The ratings were given on a 7-point scale, where 1 - "does not correspond at all", and 7 - "completely corresponds". The majority of graduates evaluate the compliance of the current work with the received specialty at 5-7 points (55%). It should be noted that among those who completed two stages of education at the Higher School of Economics (bachelor's and master's), there are almost no those who talk about the discrepancy between their current employment and the education they received.

Speaking about the acquired competencies, the majority of the respondents noted that they learned to cope with a large amount of work, independently master new areas of knowledge, clearly and clearly express their thoughts in writing, developed creative abilities and general erudition, learned to work in a group on joint projects , developed the skill of oral presentations, presentations, improved knowledge of foreign languages, expanded the possibilities in using basic computer programs, acquired practical skills for work.

Answering the question about what education at the university contributed to the most, 55% of graduates noted the emergence of their confidence in the possibility of self-realization, 48% indicated that thanks to their studies they received a profession that is in demand on the labor market, 46% formed a circle of like-minded people and relatives according to the spirit of people, 27% have a circle of professional contacts, 20% have acquired the necessary connections for employment.

How do graduates find work?

As a rule, HSE students found their first job on their own or on the recommendation of students and teachers: 30% - through specialized websites, 19% sent resumes directly, 14% came from the companies themselves, 12% were recommended by teachers or HSE employees, 11% got a job through students or HSE graduates. Those who found work through relatives or friends were 23%.

It should be noted that in the event of a subsequent change of job, the percentage of those whom representatives of a particular company contacted on their own is much higher - 30%, which indicates an increase in the demand for HSE graduates in the labor market as experience is gained. And the more time passed after graduating from the university, the smaller the proportion of people who got a job on the recommendation of HSE teachers or staff (4%).

How quickly do HSE graduates find a job?

Only 6% of the surveyed graduates were not working at the time of the survey. Taking into account the fact that graduates of the specialty, bachelor's and master's programs participated in the monitoring, it should be noted that many of the respondents do not work precisely because they continue their education at the next levels. However, there were those who simply do not need constant income. In figures, their number is most likely close to the statistical error.

The vast majority of respondents (94%) are employed. At the same time, 48% of respondents started working before receiving a diploma, the rest got a job in the first months after graduation.

First job after university

93% of graduates work for hire in various companies and organizations, 3% are engaged in their own business, another 3% become freelancers, that is, they carry out projects for various customers as "free artists".

In recent years, the proportion of employees among graduates has been gradually decreasing. If in 2004-2007 their number was 96-98%, then in 2008 the share decreased to 94%, and in 2009-2010 - to 91%. The turning point was 2008. Until that time, the share of entrepreneurs and freelancers was 1-2% for each category. And among the graduates of 2008-2010, there were already 3-5% of those who started their own business. The number of freelancers over the years has reached 4-6%.

How much do graduates of the Higher School of Economics get paid?

The most interesting here are the starting salaries of 2010 graduates. So, last year's graduates started their careers with a salary of 25,000 rubles after a bachelor's degree to 35,000 rubles after a master's degree. The largest average monthly starting salary for graduates of all levels in 2010 (after taxes) was observed at the Faculty of Business Informatics (38,000 rubles), the smallest - at the Faculty of Sociology (28,000 rubles). It should be noted that the analysis did not include data on faculties where less than 20 respondents indicated their starting salary.

In the future, the salary of former students increases. If we take into account that almost half of the respondents were already working before graduation, then the career start of 2010 graduates took place in the spring-autumn of 2010. The next "measurement" of their salaries falls on the spring of 2011, when monitoring was carried out and when they were asked not only about the starting salary, but also about the current one. So, a year later, the average earnings of 2010 graduates have grown and range from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles. The leader here is the former - the Faculty of Business Informatics with a salary of 55,000 rubles. Graduates of the Faculty of World Politics and World Politics also turned out to be the most highly paid - 45,000 rubles. It is noteworthy that the least paid former students of the department of business and political journalism did not go far from the leaders in terms of wages - 33,000 rubles.

Where do HSE graduates work?

We can say that former HSE students work all over the world. Of course, the vast majority (94%) is employed in the Russian economy. But there are those who work in European countries - Germany, France, Switzerland and others, such 2%. 1% of respondents work in the UK. The share of other countries, such as the USA, China, is less than 0.5%.

The fields of activity of graduates are quite predictable, given the main focus of the university. Most often, monitoring participants noted the following: banks, investments, leasing, finance (11%), IT, Internet, telecom (10%), PR, marketing (9%), trade (9%), education and science (6%) . It should be noted that the humanities faculties - historical, philological - do not yet have graduates. And as soon as they appear, we can expect that the list of areas of activity of HSE graduates will expand.

The distribution of graduates of individual faculties by spheres of employment is quite natural: in the banking sector, graduates of the Faculty of Economics, ICEF and World Economy and World Politics predominate. The majority of those employed in the field of information technology are graduates of business informatics, in marketing, graduates of the faculty of sociology and applied political science, as well as the department of business and political journalism, clearly have a preponderance. Trade seems to be a more diffuse area, however, it can be noted that 16% of graduates of the Faculty of Management are employed in it.

Commentary by Tatyana Dubova, Director of Partner Relations at the Higher School of Economics(The Directorate for Work with Partners maintains the university's relations with other universities, as well as with HSE alumni. - Note ed.)

How do you evaluate the results of the survey?

First of all, I am very glad that a new monitoring study, important for the School, has been given a successful start, receiving feedback from graduates. We all understand that the success of graduates is an objective indicator of the success of the university. If we evaluate the results, then as a psychologist I am more interested not in integral indicators, but in the specific people who stand behind them. The study not only provided us with interesting data, but also raised new questions. For example, why do some of our graduates not immediately find a job? Agree, if a person cannot get a job for several months after graduation, this can be a serious personal problem for him. Of course, the reasons can be very different. More often than we might think, when talking with graduates, we also come across the following wording: “I wasn’t looking for a job, I wanted to take a break from studying.” If a person can afford to meditate for half a year - this kind of pause can be very productive - it remains only to be happy for him.

But the most typical situation faced by graduates is the unwillingness of employers to hire specialists without work experience. This partly explains the relatively high percentage of our students who combine study with work. On the one hand, they get a comparative advantage over those who just studied after graduation. The reverse side: such a combination is not good for studies, since the leading activity for the student was no longer study, but work. Since the survey was anonymous, we cannot see correlations with its performance. Or is the reason that the graduate failed to show his competence in the interview situation? Agree, the conclusions that follow from this one figure are completely different.

Or take a job in the specialty. It seems to me that it is not necessary to absolutize the importance of this indicator. A person can work in his specialty all his life and hate it fiercely. In my opinion, it is much more important that a person never stops looking for himself and moving towards an ideal occupation for himself. It is good if he immediately found a place to his liking, but in practice this happens quite rarely, given the perfection of the vocational guidance system that does not exist in the country. This is also confirmed by Grigory Kantorovich based on the results of the current admission of documents to the magistracy - an increase in the number of those who change their direction of study after four years. I think that this is good, we should actively use the range of available opportunities. In the meantime, a typical situation is when an applicant (or rather his parents) chooses a university, and not an educational program.

According to expert estimates, in the next ten years, 80% of existing technologies and equipment will become obsolete, by which time 4 out of every 5 employees will have education received more than 10 years ago. What does this mean? Only one thing: there is no alternative to continuing education. Sorry for the truism. That is, learning becomes an obligatory (but not sufficient) condition for success in life. The task of the university is to help graduates quickly fill the identified gap in knowledge or competencies by offering flexible programs of professional "tuning". Therefore, the HSE slogan gets a new sound: With the School for life!

The monitoring showed that graduates are generally satisfied with their education. And how satisfied are employers with their knowledge?

This question is better to ask the director of the HSE Career Development Center, which maintains contacts with a wide range of employers. But, as far as I know, no systematic studies of the opinion of employers about our graduates have yet been conducted. I saw the results of a small study conducted by SFK "Rus" on graduates of sociological faculties, but it was purely pilot in nature. This kind of research is quite complex and time-consuming. Currently, together with the Faculty of Management, we are launching the first study of employers. One of the goals of this study is to obtain international accreditation for the Master's programs in the Faculty of Management. In the fall, we will be able to compare the opinions of graduates about their education at HSE with the opinions of employers about our Masters in Management. It's very interesting what happens! Then we will be able to conduct such surveys on a regular basis. I am sure that the results will be useful to the university, especially the educational unit for correcting educational programs.

The quality of research started directly depends on the collected contact base of graduates and employers. Believe me, this is a very difficult task. It is enough to imagine how difficult it is to find contacts of those who graduated from HSE many years ago. It is very pleasant that the response to the questionnaire turned out to be higher than we expected - almost 50%. In this regard, I would like to appeal to all alumni with a request to help us update their contact information by registering on the site. Stay in touch - we are interested in you! And we hope that the interest is mutual.

The head of the HSE also answered questions about the employment of HSE graduates.

Olga Aleksandrovna, how easy is it for a HSE graduate to find a job?

In general, it's easy. This situation is due to a combination of several factors. First, of course, the prestige of the university and the high level of education that students receive at the HSE. Employers actively demand such graduates in many areas. In particular, among the active partners of the Career Development Center are more than 700 companies and institutions, including representatives of the financial sector, civil service, consulting, FMCG, oil and gas companies, research companies and others. Moreover, employers are trying to attract HSE students through various recruiting and HR-branding events, and companies are also involved in the educational process, starting from the third year. The competitive struggle of leading Russian and foreign companies for potential employees is already unfolding during this period. Students are invited to complete an internship, industrial or undergraduate practice, to go to work on a flexible schedule. So, for example, during the 2010-2011 academic year, about 100 recruiting and career-educational events were held at the HSE with the participation of 150 companies, and about 40 new employers were added to the number of active partners. Next year, according to our forecasts, the activity of companies will be even more intense.

Secondly, this is due to the active position of the students themselves. HSE students attend career events (Job Fairs, Career Days, master classes, presentations, trainings for employer companies), seek career and career guidance advice, and follow labor market news in their area of ​​interest.

Thirdly, by combining work and study, students undergo internships with potential employers. According to the annual career monitoring of graduate students, which was conducted by the HSE Career Development Center from 2005 to 2010, it is not uncommon for a graduate to have already held a managerial position or had at least 3 years of work experience (in his specialty!) by the time he received his HSE diploma.

Fourthly, the presence at HSE of special services and departments for students and graduates that assist in personal and career development, close interaction between faculties and representatives of companies, active cooperation between the university and business in various fields.

What difficulties do you face when looking for a job?

It is often difficult for a graduate to decide which field to choose, since the education received opens up a wide range of opportunities for him. Some resort to the advice of specialists, others study the market on their own, others (if they didn’t do it during their studies) advance by trying themselves in various areas of the economy.

Also, employers note somewhat inflated career ambitions and salary expectations of graduates (although the economic crisis has corrected this situation, the self-esteem of young specialists in the labor market has become more adequate), unwillingness to “work with their hands”, to rapid, but still gradual growth and advancement .

All this can be overcome and belongs to the category of minuses, easily converted into pluses. Thus, a multifunctional specialist can easily move between areas, mastering new areas, working at the junction of areas, thereby possessing great innovative potential. Exaggerated ambitions are corrected over time and become “healthy”, turning into an effective “engine” of graduates on the career ladder, they stimulate continuous learning and self-development, which is initially laid down in university students.

Elena Kalinovskaya, HSE Portal News Service

Thousands of specialists graduate every year from higher education institutions, who then hopelessly try to find jobs that match their diploma qualifications. If in the old days this problem was easily solved through state distribution, and young employees were required to work hard and strictly follow the instructions of the mentor, now the situation has changed radically. A person independently decides his own destiny, including his career. Therefore, it is extremely important when entering a university to seriously approach the choice of faculty and profile of study in order to have an idea in which direction to subsequently look for a job.

What does management mean?

Management is a fairly new word in everyday life among compatriots, but it quickly gained popularity. When you open a newspaper or a website with a description of the required specialists, you can always notice that companies need managers. Let's try to figure out what this concept means, and who can work in the specialty "organization management".

A person who has never come across this concept often thinks that it means management. In some way it is, because the concept of "management" comes from the Latin manus (hand), which is reflected in the English verb to manage - "to lead". However, management is a broader concept, which implies the ability to manage any systems, including automatic ones, while management is the art of creating a product with the hands of other people. This means that a manager is a person who manages people and at the same time possesses

Organisation management. Who can work, having received this specialty?

Labor exchanges are overflowing with requests to find smart managers. This is due to the development of domestic business.

Any leader understands how important it is for a company to have a qualified staff, so that each division is headed by an outstanding leader who can increase the organization's trading profit. This is possible in two cases: when the manager has chosen his life path correctly, and his personal qualities are fully consistent, and when he knows how to correctly allocate the company's resources.

The prospect of managing a company or being the head of a department leads many students and their parents to choose the specialty "organization management". “Who can work in reality with this profession?” - a question that should worry applicants in the first place. The most interesting thing is that there is no single answer to this question. The business environment is constantly changing, which means that it is possible that at the end of the five-year period of study, students will be required to acquire new competencies that were not originally expected in their job profile.

At the moment, there are definitions in the scientific literature that imply that the organization of management at an enterprise is a management area aimed at planning the company's activities, a step-by-step system for ensuring its vital activity, control over the functioning of individual units and the skillful distribution of time, labor, information and

Manager and owner of the company - what's the difference?

Domestic business does not always keep pace with foreign innovations, so very often there is embarrassment in the interpretation of certain concepts. came to our country from the West and quickly covered all segments of the market, but for many it still remains a mystery: what is the difference between the owner of the enterprise and the manager, if both of these persons, by definition, are decision makers. In fact, there is no difference between these subjects. Their responsibilities include the same list of tasks, but they are separated by a difference in the level of authority. In other words, a manager is a hired employee who is called upon to skillfully manage an organization, while its owner is a person who has invested his own funds in its development, but does not necessarily manage it. However, as the experience of foreign companies shows, any company owner is a priori obliged to be a good manager.

Manager's Responsibilities

The management system of an organization implies that each company has functional units, which should be headed by a decision maker. In practice, the manager most often acts in the middle management, whose immediate responsibilities include:

  • planning and implementation of measures to modernize the work of the enterprise;
  • analysis of the company's work;
  • overall control over the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the personnel;
  • creating a favorable climate in the team.

The goal of a manager as an employee is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, therefore it is extremely important for him to be able to see the situation as a whole and understand how the work of his department can increase the KPI of the entire company.

Qualities that a manager in the modern world should have

Graduating from a university, getting a diploma and maybe even experience are far from determining success factors for an employee in the field of management. In addition to the above nuances, each manager should work on improving personal characteristics and develop the following skills and qualities:

The management appreciates to the greatest extent those specialists who are able to quickly and efficiently distribute the resource base of the company, and also achieve maximum profit at the lowest cost, which is why the organization of financial management plays an important role in the enterprise.

Areas of work after receiving the specialty "Management of the organization"

According to the statistics of universities that offer applicants to become students and master the profession of a manager, their graduates work in the following areas:

  • public service;
  • restaurant and hotel business or, as it is now called, HoReCa;
  • wholesale and retail trade;
  • banking and insurance services;
  • financial institutions;
  • Information Technology;
  • industry;
  • education.

Among the frequently asked questions there is also the following one: “Management of the organization - who can you work with?” This is not surprising: companies offer an incredibly extensive list of vacancies for potential employees. Of course, most guys dream of starting their own business, but in an aggressive competitive environment, it is desirable to have prior experience, so many follow the path proven over the years: they get hired employees.

Today there are so many opportunities for the manifestation of their own abilities that there is a job for everyone. Organization management as a specialty covers a fairly wide horizon of activities that will satisfy the ambitions of everyone who is ready to make an effort. Consider the most promising areas for realizing our potential.

Consulting services

Today, this is a very attractive field of activity, where not only entrepreneurs who have previously had successful business experience, but also beginners who are ready to assist the leader at first, can find application for their skills. To join a consulting agency, you need to have skills in the field of services provided and have good communication skills, since the job involves widespread communication with people and the ability to convey information of varying complexity to them.

Marketing and advertising services

Today it is one of the most promising areas of activity. It is dynamic, requires creativity from managers and is ideal for those guys who like a democratic organization of management. Management within such a company should be based on the ability to clearly plan activities and advertising campaigns, position oneself in the market, knowledge of the basics of pricing and financing schemes, the ability to find markets and the skills to promote one's own product.

Personnel Management

First of all, management studies the levers of influence on people, allowing them to be effectively managed. Many companies have long come to the conclusion that their most valuable resource is people, and therefore they focus on creating a favorable microclimate in the team. Team building and training on the basis of the enterprise, all kinds of social guarantees and convenient working conditions - this is not at all a humane desire of the leadership to do more good in the world, but a carefully planned action. That is why at large enterprises vacancies for HR managers are everywhere - people who care about the performance of each employee. These professionals are designed to motivate employees to improve their personal performance. Most often, these positions are recruited by girls who, in addition to paper analytical work, are also involved in organizing corporate events and other personnel development programs. Those who wish to receive such a position should pay close attention to the study of the Labor Code, special software, office work and psychology, since HR managers are often involved in recruitment.

If someone still has questions “what will happen if you go to study at the management of an organization”, “who can you work after graduating from the university”, then you should think about your personal qualities and fantasies. is so vast and opens up so many possibilities for people that it can rightfully be called universal.

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