Home Chassis How many wives cheat on their husbands. How can you tell by your underpants that your wife is cheating? The first reasons when a wife cheats

How many wives cheat on their husbands. How can you tell by your underpants that your wife is cheating? The first reasons when a wife cheats

Darkness, emptiness, melancholy, hopelessness - this is how people most often define the situation, talking about the betrayal of a husband or wife. “I will never forgive. Treason is the end, I’ll leave right away, ”theorists of the issue most often say. When it comes to practice, thoughts change. I'm not looking for excuses for traitors. I want to help those who had to learn about the betrayal of a partner.

Why cheat on husband and wife. Reasons for cheating

  1. The most common cause common to both men and women is a lack of love. The second half is busy with work, a child, friends; there is no time for each other, it is impossible to have a dialogue, no - the most frequent components that make up this cocktail. At this moment, a person becomes an easy victim: a nice girl will pay attention, smile, say: “You are the most intelligent, kind, sexy” ... Or vice versa - a man will come across who will talk about “amazing eyes, lips” and so on. In such a situation, there is something to work with, you can save the family.
  2. The second reason is not walking up. There are no special excuses here, but there is hope that you will work up.
  3. They change for new sensations: it has become boring, does not attract a husband (wife), you want something else. Utopian option. As a rule, the saying "The old horse does not spoil the furrow" is remembered too late.
  4. A new love breaks out - there is nothing to talk about, anything can happen.

Harsh statistics says that 70% of men and 50% of women cheat at least once in their lives. Moreover, most of them regret this, do not want the betrayal to be repeated or half of them to know about it.

Men are more likely to cheat physical attraction. But it is important to remember that in treason, as in any problem in family life, both are always to blame. Look at yourself in the mirror, remember your conversations for the week, think about the last time you had sex. Do you know the exact date? That is, he is on schedule, by mutual agreement, in the agreed positions?

Not guilty, you say? Men need sex. They did not give birth, everything is normal with hormones, and at some point their brain sinks into the organ between their legs. So, either you have to live with this in mind, or do not look for evidence of male infidelity, especially if you are not ready to find them!

Women change with ears. It is so important for them to hear about their uniqueness, uniqueness, to receive gifts, romantic messages from a fan. Women want to be loved. If men read this, they will say: “Yeah, they want money, and an apartment, and a car.” It's true! But practice shows that without love, or rather, without manifestations of this love, it is hard for a woman. And as soon as there is a man who admires her, she can hardly resist. And sex is more of an inevitability that occurs at the initiative of the admirer.

Treason: is it possible to save a family

In fact, the variant of not physical, but emotional betrayal is very common: correspondence with “objects” on social networks, SMS, fantasies. And you can not say that this is a safe option. A serious feeling often grows out of it, and then it is difficult to save a family.

Is it worth it? Everyone decides for himself. Most are trying to save the marriage, and, I must say, successfully. Couples need to find a reason, to speak out. We must endure the offense and be able to move on. And after everything has been clarified, discussed and put to an end, it is strictly forbidden to return to this topic! If every day you start a conversation “Of course, I’m bad, but yours is ...” - that’s it, this is a dead end, you can’t get out of it.

The traitor must realize, draw conclusions and never repeat such actions! Otherwise, it's also a dead end. Option one - put yourself in the place of your half, imagine an avalanche of this destructive pain ... Better yet, imagine these feelings before a destructive thought visits your head. Because of lust, whim, you can lose everything that is really valuable in life.

You can forgive, survive, if there is love and respect. Do not share this with anyone you know. They will definitely remind you later and give a bunch of emotional advice. It is better to address to the psychologist, the expert. After all, friends will almost certainly tell you: “But I will never forgive!” But they are not in your place now.

If the wife is cheating: 4 types of women

It is not customary to talk about this topic, especially publicly. After all, it is painful, difficult to understand and causes a flurry of emotional assessments from others. But we will try to understand the origins of the problem and understand why women cheat.

Let me give you a letter from a reader as an example.

“Larisa, there are still two weeks before our communication on Skype, and I’m going crazy. Maybe you can write an article about my problem? I know I will be judged, there will be many angry opinions, but I don't care anymore. I am 31 years old, I am married, we have two children, they are 8 years old and 3 years old. She went to work from the decree, fell in love with her boss, cheated. The husband found out, forgave, he does not say a bad word. But for a year now I have been destroying myself, I hate myself, I cannot live. How could I? I don't understand... Yes, there were problems at home, but is that an excuse? Dismantle, I beg you, the reasons for women's infidelity! Help me survive!

When we talk about male infidelity, then we, women, understand everything: he is a goat, she is a victim. And when is it the other way around? Would you say this is an exception? Meanwhile, in my work, I constantly encounter female infidelity. And there are several categories:

  1. Women who cheat regularly throughout their marriage. This does not bother them and often suits the husband. They are partners and friends, but sex has not been glued for a long time, and these betrayals are committed for the sake of physical satisfaction. No long-term relationships, emotions or love. There are very few such stories, and such women come to a psychologist not at all because of infidelity, mentioning them by the way, in the context of a different problem.
  2. Cheating with the aim of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge" - the husband cheated, she took revenge. Relationships rarely last after that.
  3. Cheating as a result of great love. As a rule, the family also breaks up and a new one is created, with the object of passion.
  4. But most often such wives come to me as the author of the letter. It seemed to them that they were loved, appreciated, respected, adored, but in the end they got what they deserved. In such betrayals, emotional experiences dominate, not sex. They have a lot of correspondence and a touch of romance. Such relationships have no prospects, they quickly get tired of them, but they suffer a lot when everything ends!

Cheating husband: what's next?

According to statistics, women experience much more severe remorse after infidelity than men. And they often go with this feeling of guilt to a specialist. This is truly one of the best ways to help yourself.

  1. If you want to deal with this yourself, then look for and analyze the reasons! It will get easier.
  2. Whether or not to talk about cheating on my husband, I can’t decide for you, but you can ask for forgiveness from him both in thoughts and in actions. So it will be easier for you.
  3. If you are a believer, turn to a pastor, this often helps.
  4. Be careful with confessions to friends and relatives, very often such confessions turn against you.
  5. Prevention is everything! Talk to your husband, have a constant dialogue, do not be silent. Dear men, please communicate with your wives! After all, sometimes you can lose a loved one because of stupidity.
  6. Be sure to rest! Lack of rest and constant stay "within four walls" throws you into the arms of the first one who only calls.
  7. Men, say kind words to women. After all, they love with their ears. Even a message once a day with a kind word is already good!
  8. Live each other's lives, share the interests of a partner, be interested in his work. You should be united by something other than children.
  9. If the “accident” happened, try to save the relationship after all. This is possible if you are important and need each other.
  10. There is no need to categorically assert that treason cannot be forgiven, that to forgive means not to respect yourself. Only very wise and strong people are capable of forgiveness. They deserve great respect!

No one is immune from adultery. Most often, this act is committed by husbands, but wives can also become unfaithful. However, for this they need good reasons. At the same time, women are very good at hiding an affair on the side. How do you know if your wife is cheating?

Why do women cheat?

Most often, men themselves are to blame for the betrayal of a woman. It is their behavior that brings wives into such an emotional state when they are ready for many rash acts, in particular, an affair on the side. Among the reasons pushing for treason are the following:

  • Indifferent attitude of a man.
  • The presence of family problems.
  • Dissatisfaction in intimate life with a spouse.
  • Constant jealousy of the husband for no reason.
  • Monotony in the joint life of the spouses.

All these unpleasant moments can become an impetus for a woman to cheat on her life partner. With the help of her lover, her self-esteem rises again, she gains self-confidence, feels desired. Moreover, relationships on the side always pass without problems and worries.

Changes in behavior

A woman changes before her eyes after infidelity.

  • She behaves very constrainedly, answers her husband's questions vaguely, often completely runs away from the answer. She keeps her cell phone nearby, and when she calls, she immediately leaves for another room, she speaks barely audibly.
  • Also, the cheating wife regularly writes SMS messages. Among other things, the woman looks very happy, she is always cheerful and cheerful.
  • The wife stops paying attention to minor household troubles, no longer scolds her husband for socks scattered all over the room, leftover garbage or dirty dishes, although earlier this could cause a scandal.
  • A woman now always deletes her browser history, exits social networks if the spouses use the same computer, although she previously did not hide anything from her husband and allowed him to use her pages.
  • The girl no longer changes clothes in front of her husband, but tries to go to another room for this purpose. Perhaps she wants to hide the new underwear, bought only for her lover.
  • In addition, a woman is very annoyed if her husband touches her handbag or purse, although earlier she often asked to bring something from her bag or take some thing there. The cheating wife has no access to her personal belongings.

Changes in appearance

  • A girl who has cheated on her husband begins to actively take care of herself, pays too much attention to her appearance. She puts on makeup for a long time, bringing out every feature, uses types of makeup that emphasize her beauty favorably.
  • The wife wears only the clothes that suit her best. Usually these are things that give more sexuality, emphasize all feminine virtues.
  • How do you know if your wife is cheating in her underpants? It is necessary to observe what kind of underwear she wears. If a woman is cheating, then most likely she will start buying beautiful lace underwear. At the same time, the husband does not even know about such purchases, he finds things quite by accident. Wife puts them on just before leaving.
  • The cheating lady begins to visit the solarium, the gym, goes on a diet. And all this in order to maximize your appearance. If earlier the wife did not take her own appearance so seriously, and suddenly such changes, then this is unlikely to be a surprise for her beloved husband. Most likely, such changes are an attempt to please another man.

Change in the intimate life of the spouses

A good way to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband is to observe her behavior in intimate married life. There are two options for the behavior of the wife.

  • Firstly, a woman can completely cool off towards her husband, thereby refusing sex under various pretexts.
  • Secondly, a completely opposite scenario is possible, that is, sexual life becomes the most vivid. A woman behaves differently in sex, she is distinguished by maximum confidence and looseness. She wants to try more sex positions or role play. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the wife in the new role-playing game behaves confidently, which gives the impression that this is not such an innovation for her.

But this is not a 100% way to convict a wife of infidelity, because nowadays you can watch and learn anything on the Internet. Therefore, you should not immediately build accusations on changes in sexual life alone. Perhaps the wife changes the tactics of sex in order to just diversify the family sex life.

Lack of expression of your feelings

You can check if a wife is cheating by observing how she treats her husband. Most likely, the woman will stop talking about her feelings for him, although she previously confessed her love regularly. If a man tries to ask himself about her love for him, then the wife will begin to translate the topic, make excuses, answer dryly and in monosyllables.

To determine that the feelings of wives have cooled down, it will be quite simple for men. It is impossible not to notice it. It also happens that a girl herself does not like to confess her love once again, therefore she did not do this often before. But in any case, the wife always shows love through care, the desire to please. But with a romance on the side, you don’t have to wait for a delicious and beautifully decorated dinner, neatly ironed shirts, and constant calls.

How to know for sure?

In order to accurately recognize whether a wife is cheating on her husband, you can use the following tips:

  • A woman should not be left alone. A husband should try to go everywhere with his wife. If she cheats, then she will definitely be against joint leisure, she will begin to come up with a variety of tricks to leave on her own business. If the wife does not have an affair on the side, then she will not object to joint walks. Moreover, it will even improve relationships in the family.
  • You can tell the woman that the boss is sending her on an urgent business trip for a few days. During this time, you just need to watch what the wife will do. This is the surest way to get accurate information.
  • In especially neglected cases, you can install a hidden video camera to the apartment and monitor what it does in his absence. Of course, this is not entirely ethical, but if it is impossible to convict of infidelity in another way, then you can decide to take such a step.

If the spouse still knows that his wife is unfaithful to him, then you should not make scandals, this is unlikely to change the situation. You just need to sit down and calmly talk with a woman. For many wives, this will be a relief, as they were afraid to talk about their affair earlier.

However, today everything is turned upside down in relationships, and just as often as the opposite sex, experts say.

Family psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, director of the Me and You dating agency Elena Kuznetsova says that, according to recent sociological studies, men are more monogamous today, while a woman can have two or three partners at the same time. And female adultery today, alas, is not uncommon.

“Scientists say that modern, like men. They do not consider a relationship on the side to be a betrayal of their partner just because they are looking for a more successful earner, hunter, and so on. Since men become smaller, a woman through the bed, including, is looking for a more profitable party. We are not talking about feelings here. There are exclusively business relations,” the psychologist states.

In pursuit of the prince

If you do not take into account nymphomaniacs, then in most cases a woman, like a man, goes to the side if something does not suit her in the family: the partner is bad in bed, gives little money, does not pay any attention to his lady etc.

It is not difficult for a modern woman to decide on treason if the new chosen one, as it seems to her, is more than a legal husband. Or he can be exactly the same status as the spouse, but more romantic and more gentle towards the woman. If a potential lover offers the young lady what she does not have or what she currently wants, she will follow him. Even despite the fact that the new man in fact may turn out to be much worse than her husband, he will tell the lady a couple of compliments that she has not heard at home for a hundred years, and thereby bribe his counterpart.

“Very often a woman comes up with problems for herself. She does not want to fight for her husband, to talk with him, because she does not believe in any changes on his part. It is easier for a wife to concentrate on a new man, especially if he poured honey into her ears. We hear what we want to hear. And we see what we want to see. And often husbands are a hundred times better than lovers, but it’s just that wives don’t really look at them, ”says Elena Kuznetsova.

Sex - yes

Women decide to cheat even when they. This often happens when the spouses are the same age, but the husband, for example, is less temperamental, or with age he starts having problems with potency, and the woman is still in the juice itself.

Leave not to return

Women cheat on completely different men, it all depends on the ambitions of the lady herself. Some representatives of the weaker sex can endure the most worthless man by social standards all their lives just because he is hers. And for some, it seems that her man is not rich enough, and they find a more wealthy gentleman.

Deciding to cheat, a woman admits the idea that she can leave her current husband forever for another man. And this is the main difference between women's infidelity and men's. Representatives of the stronger sex, going on a spree, most often do not want to ruin the family.

“Women experience their own infidelities more easily, leave their husbands faster. Ladies have a more flexible psyche, they are more corrupt,” explains Elena Kuznetsova.

At the same time, the psychologist notes that a woman always stands up for the stability of relations, and she decides to leave her husband only if the new chosen one calls her for him. She will follow him to.

Sly conspirators

In terms of hiding cheating, women will give a hundred points ahead of men. Ladies are much more difficult to convict of treason, because they are more cunning. They carefully cover the traces of the "crime", taking care of all the little things.

However, you can still catch your wife cheating. Usually her daily routine changes, she is often not at home, she becomes more well-groomed, even if before that she also always carefully looked after herself. In addition, a woman often takes out her anger on her husband, because, as it seems to her, he interferes with her happiness. The husband becomes an active external irritant for the lady. Plus - she does not want to have sex with him at all.

Don't back down, don't give up

You should never admit to cheating. Unlock to the last, even if you are pinned to the wall. And in general, any woman, even if she walks right and left from her husband, should tell her husband that he is the only one for her and that she loves only him alone. Oddly enough, but almost all men believe in it.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

Return of the Shrew

If, having learned about his wife's betrayal, he nevertheless decided to forgive her, a new period begins in family life. Of course, the spouse will never be able to forget about the betrayal, but a smart man has the brains not to reproach the woman who returned to the family with this. After the reunion, both need to talk frankly and find out what exactly did not suit the wife in the relationship. A woman should keep in mind that, speaking about the reasons that pushed her to cheat, she gives her husband a definite instruction on how he should act in the future. A man will take this instruction specifically. That is, if a woman says that she gave little or no money, he will fulfill all this with accuracy in the future. And if by “attention” you meant flowers and going to the theater, and your spouse just began to spend more time with you at home, then don’t blame me.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected]

Women are more cunning, so it is not as easy as one would like to guess about the deceit on the part of the wife. But if the changes in her behavior have become too obvious and are happening very rapidly, it is worth thinking and watching your spouse, - recommends Anna Taipova, a Gestalt psychotherapist.

How to tell if your wife is cheating

Movie frame ">">

Frame of the film "28 bedrooms" / © Kinopoisk

"Suddenly happy"">

"Suddenly Happy"

Previously, she was oppressed by household chores, but now she is in a great mood">

Previously, she was oppressed by household chores, but now she is in a great mood


A love affair on the side involves compliments, gifts, positive emotions. A woman will not be able to hide the enthusiasm and feelings that have washed over her, notes psychotherapist Maria Burmaka. If you notice that your wife has been too happy lately, but at the same time no cardinal changes in a positive direction have occurred in your family, perhaps the reason for her joy is not you.

Movie frame ">">

Frame of the film "Leviathan" / © Kinopoisk

Criticism of the husband">

Criticism of the husband

Everything about you irritated her. And you breathe too loudly too!">

Everything about you irritated her. And you breathe too loudly too!


Check out the calendar. If irritability is not related to "women's days", then analyze the reasons for the criticism against you. Perhaps you really have become unbearable. Or your lady has found someone better.

Movie frame ">">

Frame of the film "Swing" / © Kinopoisk

Calls from the bathroom">

Calls from the bathroom

She does not let go of the phone. Turns on the water in the shower and talks to someone, constantly texting">

She does not let go of the phone. Turns on the water in the shower and talks to someone, constantly texting


If you ask to see her cell phone, you will most likely get a tantrum in response: “Don’t you trust me? I can’t talk on the phone? Yes, in the bathroom, because there you don’t get me with your questions!”. Etc. If earlier your chosen one did not have an addiction to the phone and social networks, and now the mobile has turned into an extension of her hand, psychologist Marina Burmaka recommends talking to your wife about these changes. You are probably being deceived.

Movie frame ">">

Frame of the film "Fatal Attraction" / © Kinopoisk

Sex is not the same

Sex is not the same

She now always has ">">

Now she always has a "headache", "no mood", she is "very tired". And if intimacy happens, it would be better if it didn’t exist.


A man after infidelity is trying to "hide his tracks" in bed with his wife, arranging for her a new "honeymoon". Women, as psychologist Anna Taipova notes, do not know how. From a sense of shame or in connection with a romantic attachment to a new chosen one, a woman cannot have sex with the one she is deceiving. And if she nevertheless steps over herself, then cold intimacy does not bring pleasure to any of the partners.

Movie frame ">">

Frame of the film "Attraction" / © Kinopoisk

Romance is everywhere but marriage">

Romance is everywhere but marriage

In her social networks there are pictures and quotes about love. Sometimes at home there are bouquets that ">"> content

It is difficult for her to contain the romantic mood, so she shows it to everyone around. Husbands sometimes think that the spouse is thus hinting at gifts and flowers and trying to make them jealous. But, according to psychologists, very often a woman boasts of her new hobby through social networks.

Women rarely change "out of curiosity." There is always a reason for female adultery. Often the reason is revenge on the cheating husband, lack of attention, dissatisfaction with intimate life in marriage. Therefore, before looking for signs of a wife’s betrayal and making scenes, it’s better to talk to her first, Anna Taipova explains.

If you are in the mood for a frank conversation and are ready to hear the truth, you can use several conversation options.

  • Take on a show- lie that you know everything, mutual acquaintances told you everything, and now it's her turn to reveal the cards.

If you suspect that something is wrong in your relationship with your spouse, you may need to consider cheating on your wife.

Even if you think that your marriage is something special and indestructible, and cannot happen in any way, take a closer look at the behavior of your other half.

There are signs of a wife's infidelity, by which one can judge the likelihood of an affair on the side.

Below are some of the signs of adultery.

And if you notice a few or most of them, your marriage is in trouble.


1. Your intuition tells you that something is wrong. If you feel like you are being lied to, you are most likely being lied to.

2. Do you have doubts about your wife's fidelity? Ask her about it directly in the forehead in an inappropriate context for this question. If treason has taken place, it is highly likely that the spouse, due to the lack of sufficient time to prepare for the answer to the question, will stupidly look at one point, not knowing what to answer.

3. Your wife stops trusting you, does not seek your advice and does not share her experiences.

4. You can find gifts for a man that will never be given to you.

5. She begins to give you gifts to alleviate her guilt.

Unusual behavior

1. Your wife appears without a wedding ring or suddenly stops wearing it, giving unconvincing reasons as an explanation for this. This also applies to jewelry that you gave her if she used to wear it all the time.

2. She changes her routine at work and at home for no apparent reason. Irregular behavior.

3. She seems distant, shows a lack of interest in you, or shows an inexplicable aloofness that wasn't there before.

4. She suddenly forgets, and you have to repeat what she said several times. Her thoughts seem to be somewhere else.

5. Your wife suddenly begins to completely you and stops listening to what you say, or vice versa, she suddenly begins to treat you very reverently, with more excessive feelings than usual.

6. She encourages you to travel out of town or on a business trip, as if she is trying to drive you out of the house.

7. She starts deliberately with the opposite sex, and this has never happened before.

Control over the conception of children

If you found contraceptives in your spouse's belongings, and you were convinced that you were trying to have children, you should be wary.

Fragrances and showers

1. She leaves the house in the morning, fragrant as usual, and returns in the evening with unusual smells.

2. She comes home and goes straight to the shower or bath.

3. Her clothes smell of unfamiliar men's toilet water.

4. She used the same perfume for many years, but suddenly decided to change them.

social discomfort

1. Your mutual friends start acting weird towards you because they either know about the infidelity or have been told stories about what a terrible spouse you are.

2. Your wife's employees feel awkward around you because they know more than you.

3. Your spouse avoids social events with you, ie. she doesn't want to be seen in public with you.

4. You irritate your howling wife, and she easily falls into a state of anger while in your company.

Phone and laptop

Mobile phone

1. You get the feeling that your wife does not part with her mobile phone.

2. She takes her phone with her when she goes to the bath.

3. She turns off the sound on the phone at night.

4. She puts the phone with the display on the table surface.

5. It deletes incoming and outgoing calls so you don't see them.

6. She forbids you from using her cell phone.

7. She suddenly set a screen lock.

8. She is constantly texting someone.

9. She gets mysterious phone calls that don't seem to make sense, and when you ask who called, she replies: "Nobody", "Wrong number", "Yeah, never mind", "Why do you need to know that?" "Do you suspect me of something?"

10. As a result of your answering an incoming call to her phone number, the caller hangs up after hearing your voice. Usually, when a person dials the wrong number, before hanging up, he will ask: “Can Petya?”.

11. She hastily picks up the phone to answer the call before you do.

12. She leaves the room to talk on the phone.

13. She whispers while talking on the phone.

14. She behaves differently or abruptly ends the phone conversation when you enter the room.

15. She went to visit a friend, but for some reason her phone became unavailable.


1. Excessive use of the Internet, especially late at night, is a negative sign.

2. Your wife doesn't let you use her laptop and also password-protects the laptop.

3. She suddenly closes her laptop when you enter the room.

4. She carefully guards access to her social media accounts.

5. It erases the history in the browser after using the laptop.

Changes in behavior

1. She raises hypothetical questions such as "Do you think it's possible to love two people at the same time?"

2. She suddenly shows an interest in music that she did not like before.

3. She loses focus during housework and seems forgetful, distracted, as if she doesn't care.

4. Her attitude towards all family members in the house, including children, changes.

5. She loses her desire to do housework, stops cooking, cleaning the house, etc. However, she may accuse you of never doing anything or treating the child badly.

6. She is always tired or shows a noticeable loss of interest in relationships.

7. She sleeps separately from you at night.

8. If you go to bed in the same bed at different times and she tells you not to wait for her, if you always did that before.

9. She asks about your schedule more often than usual, wanting to know where and when you will be.

10. When talking to you, she treats you abusively, with contempt, disrespect, or excessive sarcasm. She may start to find fault with everything you do to justify her betrayal.

11. She has become extremely critical and sometimes taunts you.

12. To dull her guilt, she accuses you of cheating.

13. She heats up the situation and leads to a quarrel so that she has an excuse to leave home.

14. She reluctantly kisses you or criticizes you for being too attentive.

Changes in her life

1. She joined the gym even though she used to hate exercise.

2. Your wife buys sexy new lingerie but doesn't show it to you.

3. She suddenly became preoccupied with her appearance.

4. She suddenly changed her hair or style of dress.

5. She started buying just a lot of different clothes.

6. She started spending a lot of time with her girlfriends.

7. She fails to maintain eye contact with you when you ask her why she's late home, how her night was if you didn't spend her together, or why she started to pay so much attention to her appearance.

Car signs of cheating wife

1. Passenger's seat is configured differently than you configured it.

2. Your wife removes a child seat or toys from the car for no particular reason.

3. You find suspicious items in the car, such as phone numbers, receipts, condoms, or strange hair.

4. She takes a change of clothes hidden in the trunk of the car.

5. Vehicle has unexplained mileage or lack of mileage.

6. She went to the store for half an hour and returned after 5 hours.

Bank card expenses

1. You discover credit card receipts for gifts you didn't receive (such as a men's watch).

2. You find credit card receipts from places you don't know or places that look suspicious.

3. You notice an increase in cash withdrawals from ATMs on your bank statement.

4. She has stopped asking you to pay her cell phone bills and is doing it herself because the length of calls and the cost of calls seem excessive.

5. You notice unusual charges appearing in your bank account that you weren't aware of.

Sexual signs of cheating wife

1. She is no longer interested in working with you or comes up with various excuses to do it as little as possible (not in the mood, her head hurts, she's stressed at work, the gynecologist forbids).

2. Changes in her sexual behavior. She suddenly begins to do something in sex that she has never done before, which her lover may have taught her.

3. She is reluctant to kiss you and shows no affection for you.

4. Unexplained scratches or bruises appear on her body (neck, back).

5. She suddenly wants to have sex a lot more often.


1. She started working more hours than usual.

2. She allegedly works a lot of overtime, which is in no way paid.

3. Her work routine changes for no apparent reason.

4. She becomes very angry if you call her at work.

5. Her phone is often unavailable when you try to reach her during business hours.

6. She calls you back for a long time.

7. She prefers to go to corporate parties alone and tries to talk you out of attending them.

8. She begins to go on business trips more often and does not even allow you to drive her to the station or airport.

9. You accidentally became aware that she took a vacation at her own expense or part of the next vacation, while in those days she allegedly worked.

10. She is at home much less often than before.

11. She is often late from work and always has an excuse.

12. She claims to have problems at work if you start asking what's wrong.

You can hear from her

1. “This guy and I are just friends (colleagues)! You should have seen him…”

2. “Why are you asking about this?!”

3. “What nonsense! I don't even want to talk about it!"

4. "I need you to respect my privacy!"

5. "I'm not sure if I love you..."

6. "I need time to sort out myself and my feelings."

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