Home Locks Is it possible to install a towbar. Towing device (towbar) for the car. Registration law

Is it possible to install a towbar. Towing device (towbar) for the car. Registration law

Any car is a complex system consisting of mutually influencing units and parts. The manufacturer, developing the design of the machine, initially tries to take into account all the nuances that the use of each individual device entails.

As a rule, unauthorized changes to the design of a car only lead to the fact that it becomes more dangerous in operation - both for the driver and for other road users. That is why the installation of additional units requires special procedures, coordination with the traffic police, and often - and auto-technical expertise.

Here, one should be guided by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011, which determines that such dismantling of units or installation of units not provided for by the design of the vehicle will be considered a modification of the design, which will affect the safety of road traffic.

Important: Among the nodes, the improper installation and operation of which is dangerous, also includes the towbar (or, as it is officially called in the documents, a towing hitch for a passenger car).

This unit is designed to attach trailers to the car - and therefore, in the event of its destruction or sudden slippage, an uncontrollably moving trailer may appear on the track, into which other cars may crash, or it may collide with them.

Regarding towbars, however, the registration situation is twofold:

  1. Some of them require mandatory registration and approval from the traffic police.
  2. But for many, the explicit order of installing this node is enough.

What determines the need for registration?

When is it necessary to do this?

It is necessary to register the towbar in the following cases:

  • If its installation was not initially provided for by the design of the car. In this situation, the owner of the machine, before installing a new device, may need to conduct an examination in a certified laboratory, which will confirm the safety of the changes made.
  • If the design of the car allows the installation of a towbar, but there are no necessary documents for this unit. In particular, this situation can arise when installing handicraft towbars.

In what cases is it not necessary to make changes?

Car owners had questions about installing a towbar so often that, as a result, a number of regional traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation gave official explanations in 2016. Their essence boils down to the following. If the vehicle manufacturer allows the installation of the towbar, then additional registration of changes in the design is not required.

However, this requires the fulfillment of several conditions:

Therefore, in order to install a towbar on a car, the owner will need:

  • Passport for towing hitch with marks of the seller and installer.
  • Certified copy of the towbar certificate.
  • Payment receipt and sales receipt or device invoice.

These documents should be kept in the car and presented to the traffic police inspector if, during the check, questions arise regarding the changes made to the design of the car.

Moreover, if the car is new, then the towbar can be installed in only two ways:

  1. At the service center of an authorized dealer.
  2. In a service station that has a corresponding certificate of conformity for the services provided.

If this is not done, then the traffic police will have no claims to the TSU - however, the car warranty will be terminated.

Important: The design of the towbar can provide for both its constant use and the installation of a fastening unit immediately before using the trailer.

The latter option is mainly used on modern vehicles manufactured in countries where the use of a trailer hitch without a trailer is prohibited. Of course, no approvals are needed for such a towbar: this is a standard vehicle unit that can be removed or installed.

How do I know if a car is provided?

In order to determine whether it is possible to install the towing hitch on a specific vehicle, the following steps should be taken:

How to register a TSU on a car: rules

In the event that a towbar is installed on a passenger car, it can be legalized as follows.

What is required for registration?

It will be required to register a towbar with the traffic police only if there is no evidence that a particular TSU model has been approved. In this case, you need to be guided by the traffic rules and the Federal Law "On Road Safety" No. 196-FZ of 1995.

Attention: If there is no data on the approval of the towbar design by the car manufacturer, you will first need to submit an application to the traffic police for a preliminary examination.

In this case, auto experts must assess how safe the resulting design will be and whether it can ultimately be released on public roads.

In this case, the following is submitted to the traffic police:

  1. Registration application.
  2. A copy of the TCP.
  3. Technical documents for towing hitch.
  4. STS for a car.

Certificate of conformity for the tow hitch

In some cases, when automakers did not take the trouble to describe the conditions for using the towbar, but the installation of the towbar itself is legal, a certificate is required that confirms the compliance of the coupling assembly with the standards.

The certificate is issued:

As a result, if a towbar is installed on the car, then the certificate for it:

  1. Can be restored again.
  2. Can be obtained if it has not been previously issued.

In the first case, in order to get a duplicate, you need to contact:

  • To the official representative office of the company with a request or at least with a copy of the sales contract. Basically, the sales offices serve customers who have purchased new cars of the corresponding brand and have encountered difficulties. However, they often provide assistance to all car owners who own a car of the corresponding brand.
  • To the official website. Often this kind of documents are laid out by carmakers in the public domain.
  • On a specialized Internet resource. Quite often, users collect a collection of regulatory documents. Even if such data is not officially accepted, the car owner will know what to start from.

Attention: In the same case, if the towbar was not initially certified, the owner of the car will have to either refuse to install it or go through the certification procedure.

To do this, you need to contact an auto laboratory that has permission to conduct the relevant examinations and is accredited with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Only after the corresponding document is received from there, we can talk about installing a non-standard towbar.

How much does the procedure cost?

If the design of the car provides for the possibility of mounting a towbar, and there are legally issued documents on the unit itself, no additional fee is required. It is enough to put the towing hitch and drive, having the relevant documents with you.

If it is necessary to legalize the changes made to the design of the car, then payment will be required:

  • carrying out an auto-technical examination. It will cost at least 3 thousand rubles;
  • payment for technical inspection - at least 400 rubles;
  • obtaining a certificate of conformity - at least 800 rubles;
  • changes in the TCP according to Art. 333.33 Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 350 rubles;
  • new STS - 500 rubles.

The prices are indicative.

What if the hitch is already installed without documents?

If the car owner has already installed the towbar and he only needs to legalize the alteration, the prices and procedure will be the same as when installing an unlicensed towbar. However, it must be remembered that in certain cases the installation will be an administratively punishable act and you will have to pay a fine.

When is it prohibited?

The ban on the installation of a towbar exists in two cases.:

  1. When the car manufacturer did not provide for the possibility of using it as a tractor, and therefore the operation of trailers is unsafe for road users.
  2. When the design and attachment of the towbar do not provide safety.

In this case, the perpetrator will be fined from 500 to 5000 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Registration of a towbar is a procedure that is not always required. The vast majority of cars can be used as trailers, but where the towing device does not meet the requirements, problems can arise.


Watch a video about the need to register a towbar:

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Hitch and its varieties. Legal ways to install a towing hitch. When it is necessary to register the vehicle with the traffic police and when you can do without it.

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Many car owners use car trailers for their needs. To mount them in the rear of the car, a special towing device is mounted - a hitch.

But traffic police inspectors tend to pay increased attention to this detail of the car's design and are fined for its illegal appearance.

Let's figure out in which cases it is permissible to install a useful device on a vehicle, and when it will be an offense.

General information

In Russia, since 2015, it has been in force that regulates the safety requirements for wheeled vehicles. There are also provisions concerning towing devices, their installation and use.

It is considered safe to use such devices in compliance with the following requirements:

If these conditions are not met, then the installation of the towbar falls under the definition of a change in the design of the vehicle.

According to the current legislation, such changes must be registered without fail with the traffic police with a technical examination of their safety for all road users.

Initial data

Not all manufacturers provide for the possibility of equipping their products with towbar. This is due to some structural characteristics of the vehicle that prevent it from towing a trailer.

In addition to the operating instructions, such information is contained in the load table under the hood of the vehicle.

Varieties of devices

According to the method of attachment to the car, it is fashionable to divide all towing hitch into three groups:

  • removable, fixed with special locks;
  • conditionally removable for which bolts are used;
  • fixed, welded or end.

The legislation of many countries allows car owners to use only removable devices, prohibiting them from being on a car without a trailer. In Russia, it is necessary for the towbar to meet safety requirements.

The legislative framework

The safety requirements for cars are set out in an international document to which Russia joined in 2015.

This is the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union called "On the safety of wheeled vehicles." The rules for the installation and registration of the TSU in it are devoted to Art. 77.

Traffic police officers impose a fine on the basis. Its first part, in turn, is a reference. The document to which she refers is from 10/23/1993.

This document approved the Basic Provisions for the Admission of the Vehicle. Clause 7.18 of this normative act contains a ban on the use of vehicles, in the design of which changes were made without the permission of the traffic police.

Penalty for a towbar on a passenger car in 2020

Illegal installation and use of a towing vehicle on a passenger car is a traffic violation. For this, the drivers are subject to administrative responsibility.

Let us consider on what basis it is drawn up, what is the amount of the fine for such a misconduct, and whether other types of punishments are envisaged.

Do I need to register with the traffic police

Registration of the installed towbar is not required in all cases. gives a list of situations when you do not need to contact the traffic police.

It won't be a design change:

  • Hitch installed at the factory;
  • Towing hitch specially designed for this brand and model of the vehicle;
  • TSU, which has passed the safety test and supplied with the appropriate certificate.

The place of performance of work in this case does not play a big role. If you wish, you can do all the work yourself, following the instructions of the car manufacturer.

But it is still preferable to contact a car repair shop. The report of the work performed will convince the road inspector of the safety not only of the device itself, but also of its installation.

To register you will need:

  • to conduct a preliminary examination;
  • car registration certificate;
  • car owner's passport;
  • towbar documents.

In case of a positive decision, you can go to the service to carry out the work. After their completion, you will need to go through an unscheduled inspection, and then register the changes made with the traffic police.

Justification for violation

Traffic police officers, writing out a fine, refer to paragraph 1 of Art. 12.5 Administrative Code. It punishes the use of a car with unregistered design changes.

In this case, the term "constructive changes" is understood as it is given in the Technical Regulations - installation or, on the contrary, removal of elements, equipment and fixtures that were not originally provided by the car manufacturer.

But only those changes are taken into account that affect traffic safety, in particular, causing it to decrease.

Does the installed device affect security

One of the characteristics of road safety, according to, is security, including from road accidents.

The towbar protruding beyond the main dimensions of the car reduces this security. Cars driving behind have to maintain a great distance.

In a collision, the vehicle in the rear will be more severely damaged. A small, protruding metal part will cause more damage than a flat, long bumper.

It is these considerations that are guided by the traffic police when applying administrative punishment for an uncoordinated change in the design of the car.

Penalty for unregistered installation

Installing a towing vehicle in violation of the requirements of the law can lead to an emergency, that is, it threatens the safety of both the driver himself and other road users.

To punish violators of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a monetary fine is applied. It goes to the state revenue and will be used in the future for the implementation of various social programs.

There are no other punishments, such as deprivation of a driver's license or administrative arrest, for this offense.

Video: tow bar

The amount of the penalty

The fine for an unregistered towbar is 500 rubles. This amount will be indicated in the decree on the application of administrative punishment.

The standard time frame for the payment of the fine is 2 months. But, since this traffic violation does not belong to the category of serious ones, there is an opportunity to pay only half of the fine.

To do this, the money must be transferred no later than 20 days from the date specified in the document. The smaller amount must be entered on the receipt or in the electronic form yourself.

How can you avoid punishment?

The easiest way to avoid punishment for installing a towing device on a car is by registering the changes made in the traffic police, as required by law.

But first you need to make sure that this is approved by the manufacturer. As a rule, most models of modern cars provide for the installation of a tow bar.

Information about this is reflected in the instruction manual developed by the manufacturer. The towbar may be included with the vehicle initially, when it is sold from the factory.

In this case, additional registration or examination is not required, the design of the machine has not been changed.

The installation of a towing vehicle designed specifically for this car model will not raise questions from the traffic police. The manufacturer issued a passport and all the necessary certificates for it.

If in the documents for the towbar there is no indication of its suitability for installation on a specific car model, then you will first have to obtain documentary evidence of the conformity of the selected device.

If such a document is available, and the installation of the towbar is allowed by the car manufacturer, then the installation will be completely legal and does not require registration with the traffic police.

1. I decided to install a spare wheel bracket on the VAZ-2131. The product description indicates that it meets the requirements of GOST R50577–93 and does not require certification. Will there be any problems with passing the technical inspection?

The spare wheel carrier is indeed not subject to mandatory certification as a vehicle component and is technically permissible to install it. However, a number of conditions must be met during installation. According to GOST R 50577–93 “State registration signs of vehicles. Types and basic sizes. Technical Requirements "the license plate must be installed along the symmetry axis of the vehicle or to the left of it in the direction of travel. The registration plate must be located perpendicular to the reference plane of the vehicle with a deviation of no more than five degrees. The height of the lower edge of the rear registration plate, measured from the reference plane of the vehicle, must be at least 300 mm, the height of the upper edge of the plate must not be more than 1200 mm. In addition, the installed bracket with a spare wheel must not overlap the rear lighting equipment, the visibility requirements of which are set out in UNECE Regulation No. 48. The rear license plate lighting device is subject to mandatory certification. Installing a spare wheel bracket on a vehicle that is not provided by the vehicle manufacturer is a design change, may affect the risk of injury to the outer protrusions (UNECE Regulation No. 26) and therefore must be recorded in due course.

2. On a 2011 Daewoo Nexia (discontinued model) I want to change the high and low beam lamps to LED. How to do it legally?

Whenever you make design changes to lighting fixtures, including replacing a light module (as in your case), a safety assessment is required. Installation of non-standard light modules is not allowed if the illuminating surface of the diffuser in the zone of passage of the light beam has optical elements participating in the formation of the beam (in other words, if the glass is corrugated). The procedure for conducting a safety assessment is as follows.

  1. Obtain from the testing laboratory the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination on the possibility and procedure for making changes.
  2. In the technical supervision of the traffic police, fill out an application for making changes to the design.
  3. After making a decision on your application, carry out the appropriate work.
  4. After making the changes, apply to a testing laboratory accredited to confirm the conformity of lighting and light signaling devices and undergo a vehicle check for compliance with UNECE Regulation No. 48 "Uniform provisions concerning the certification of vehicles for the installation of lighting and light signaling devices".
  5. If the check is positive, a design safety assessment protocol will be issued with the changes introduced.
  6. Based on the protocol, the traffic police department of technical supervision will issue a certificate of conformity with the vehicle design. With the certificate, you should contact the registration department of the traffic police and make notes in the documents.

3. Do I need to issue a towbar of a car if it is installed by an authorized dealer and has a certificate?

The service performing the installation work (it can also be an official dealer) must provide a certificate of conformity for the towing hitch (Hitch). Otherwise, it is impossible to confirm the safety of the component installed on the vehicle, as well as the compliance of the vehicle itself with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011. The TSU certificate confirms its safety as a component. However, you need to make sure that this device is installed correctly and the vehicle with the installed tow bar complies with the safety requirements for the vehicle as a whole. That is why the towing hitch is subject to mandatory certification, and its installation on a car is considered a re-equipment that requires changes in the design.

4. I would like to install on UAZ-3153 instead of the standard engine UMZ-4218 a tractor diesel D-154 or D-155T (manufactured by VMTZ) with a GAZ-63 gearbox. I have seen such converted cars and I know that they have proven themselves well in operation. How can you legitimize this installation?

Installation of such an engine instead of a standard one is impossible. Firstly, this tractor diesel does not meet the environmental requirements for cars, and lowering the environmental class when converting the machine is unacceptable. In addition, the mass of such a motor (400 kg ± 20 kg, depending on the attachment) is more than twice the mass of the standard one, which means that the load on the front axle will inadmissibly increase. Therefore, such a change will require full testing of the vehicle itself.

5. Recently installed gas equipment. But I plan to replace some of the components with newer ones. Is this a design change? Do I need to register with the traffic police?

Interference in the design and completeness of the installed gas equipment (LPG) during operation is not allowed (according to Appendix No. 8 to TR CU 018/2011). If it is necessary to replace a reducer or a cylinder, authorized organizations issue a certificate of conformity of LPG to safety requirements, which the owner of the machine presents at periodic checks of LPG.

6. I want to install shelves in the PAZ bus. What requirements must be met?

Installation of shelves in a PAZ bus is permissible. After installation, the interior of the bus must comply with the requirements of UNECE Regulation No. 21-01 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their interior equipment”.

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Registration of the towbar (TSU) in the traffic police. Do you need it or not?

Recently, we are often asked the question: "Do I need to register the hitch with the traffic police?"

Specifically, in order to clarify this issue, we turned to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chuvash Republic. The official response was not long in coming. So, in the traffic police, you need to register only the changes made to the design of the vehicle, and the installation of a towbar on 99% of car models is allowed by the manufacturers of these cars (see the car's manual) and this is not a change in the design of the vehicle. We received similar answers from other Departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, two answers were sent to us by our clients.

Therefore, the hitch is not subject to registration with the traffic police if:

1. Installation of the towbar on the car is provided by the car manufacturer (see the car manual)
2. The towbar has a certificate of conformity and a passport
3. The towbar is installed according to the instructions specified in the passport, i.e. without making changes to the design of the car

When buying and installing a towbar, you must have:

1. Passport for the towbar with a mark of sale and installation
2. Copy of the towbar certificate certified by the selling organization
3. Receipt of payment and sales receipt (invoice)

If the car is under warranty from an authorized dealer, then the towbar can be installed not only by an authorized dealer. It can be installed in any other organization that has a certificate of compliance of the services provided for the installation of a towbar with technical regulations and GOST, while the car will remain under warranty from an authorized dealer.

The towbar is considered one of the special attachments that complement the vehicle. This accessory is used to be able to hitch a trailer or trailer. For many car owners, such a question is very relevant - a monetary fine for an installed towbar, because there is such an action as a penalty for a towbar on a passenger car.

A towbar is considered to be a special towing device for a motor vehicle, which is necessary for towing trailers and various trailer designs.

As part of this device, there are several main parts, some of which are such as:

  • Crossbar. This part of the towbar is installed in special holes that are unique in their basic location for any vehicle, namely: specialized holes made in the car body or on the frame.
  • Ball knot. This towbar element is installed to the car beam.

The towbar is used by people who carry relatively small loads or who often use their vehicle for long trips.

Attention! It is possible to attach a special residential type trailer to the towbar when there is a need to travel out of town with the whole family. It is very convenient and practical, therefore, such devices are now in high demand and popularity among people who prefer to relax in nature.

Many vehicle owners install the towbar as a safety device. For example, in case of a possible accident, it is the towbar that will take on a large impact force. But, this is a mistake and it is necessary to remove the towbar when it is not used for its intended purpose.

Types of towbars

There are three types of towbar, which differ in their basic design:

  1. A removable towbar is installed in such cases when there is a need for it.
  2. Welded - considered the most common and commonly used type of towbar. It is installed at the factory, so it will not be removed in the future. The main disadvantage of this design is the unattractive appearance of the vehicle.
  3. Flanged design.

Is it required to register the installed towbar on the car with the traffic police?

Many car owners have a question: is it necessary to register a towbar for a passenger car? This add-on is permitted for installation and does not require registration unless there are changes to the automotive design.

If the installation of a towbar on a car is provided by the manufacturer, then registration of a towbar in the traffic police is not required.

You can find out these points in a special manual that is available for a particular vehicle.

In cases where the towbar was purchased separately and installed on a car, the car owner will need:

  • Passport, where there are special marks of purchase and subsequent installation.
  • A copy of the certificate for the installed towbar.
  • Receipt of payment.

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How to check a car for prohibition of registration actions?

Most often, it is not necessary to register the towbar, but if such questions arise, then it will be necessary to submit documents that can confirm the fact that no changes have been made to the general design of the vehicle.

Attention! Registration of the towbar installed on the car is needed only in certain cases, that is, when certain changes are made to the existing structure.

What is the penalty for an incorrectly installed towbar in 2019?

In cases where the towbar installed on the car affects the creation of an emergency on the road or is considered a change in the vehicle, then according to Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a certain fine for a towbar for a car owner is determined from 500 rubles to 5 thousand Russian rubles.

This takes into account the level of danger that a given violation provides.

In certain cases, traffic police officers can issue a warning to the owner of a vehicle with an installed towbar that does not have the appropriate documents.

Can a monetary penalty be evaded?

There are certain options when a fine for a towbar installed on a car will not be considered legal:

  • Art. 12.5 of the Administrative Code defines an alternative to a fine, which is a warning from traffic police officers. That is, you will need to report that you will soon correct the situation with the towbar installed on the car.
  • Purchase of a detachable type of towbar. With this design, it will be difficult to prove that the towbar affects the design of the vehicle.
  • There is no need to pay a fine when the towbar was originally installed by the car manufacturer.
  • It is necessary to have with you certificates of full compliance with the used towbar, which will help in difficult situations to avoid a traffic police fine.

All these points must be taken into account if you have a towbar installed on your vehicle, which is of a non-removable type.

Attention! When the towbar has a specially issued certificate of conformity in accordance with the current requirements for motor vehicles, then this will mean that it has successfully passed all the checks necessary in these cases.

Legal grounds for using a towbar on a car

In Art. 12.5 of the Administrative Code indicates that various design changes to a vehicle are dismantling or installation by the manufacturer of certain equipment:

  • Special fixtures.
  • Component parts and elements.
  • Auxiliary parts and fixtures.

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that all devices that are directly installed on the vehicle must be installed by the manufacturer and, when driving, not create dangerous situations that can lead to an accident.

Is it possible to sell a car with a towbar installed?

Most often, car owners use removable towbars on their cars, so there are no problems with selling your car with this device.

There is an opportunity to remove the device before the sale and sell it as an additional element to your vehicle. Therefore, the legal reason why the towbar can become an obstacle to the sale of a vehicle cannot be inherently.

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