Home Rack Mathematical model. Mathematical model of a two-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets Mathematical description of a synchronous engine with permanent magnets

Mathematical model. Mathematical model of a two-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets Mathematical description of a synchronous engine with permanent magnets

The fundamental differences between the synchronous motor (SD) and the SG are in the opposite direction of electromagnetic and electromechanical moments, as well as in physical essence The latter, which for SD is the moment of resistance of the MS of the transmitted mechanism (PM). In addition, some differences and the corresponding specificity are in St. Thus, in the considered universal mathematical model of the SG, the mathematical model of the PM is replaced by the mathematical model of PM, the Mathematical model of SG for CG is replaced by the corresponding mathematical model of SD for SD, as well as the specified formation of moments in the rotor equation, the Universal Mathematical Model of the SG is transformed into a universal Mathematical model SD.

To convert a universal mathematical model of SD into a similar model but synchronous engine (AD) provides for the possibility of resetting the excitation voltage in the engine rotary circuit equation used to simulate the excitation winding. In addition, if there is no incommmetry of rotary contours, then their parameters are specified symmetrically for the equations of rotary circuits on the axes d. and q. Thus, when modeling blood pressure from a universal mathematical model, an excitation winding is eliminated, and otherwise their universal mathematical models are identical.

As a result, to create a universal mathematical model of the SD, and accordingly, hell, it is necessary to synthesize the universal mathematical model of PM and SV for SD.

According to the most common and approved mathematical model of many different PM, the equation of the moment-speed characteristic of the form:

where t nch. - the initial statistical moment of PM resistance; / and nominal moment of resistance, developed by PM at a nominal torque moment of an electric motor corresponding to its nominal active power and a synchronous nominal frequency from 0 \u003d 314 C 1; o) d - the actual rotational speed of the rotor of the electric motor; with di - the nominal frequency of rotation of the rotor of the electric motor, in which the torque of the PM resistance is equal to the memorial, obtained by the synchronous nominal frequency of the rotation of the electromagnetic zero of the stator CO 0; r - The indicator that depends on the type of PM is most often equal p \u003d. 2 or r -1.

For arbitrary loading PM SD or Hell, defined load coefficients k. T \u003d r / r no and arbitrary frequency network © with F. CO 0, as well as for the basic moment m S. \u003d M HOM / COSQ\u003e H, which corresponds to the rated power and the base frequency of CO 0, the reduced equation in relative units has the form

m M. CO "CO ™

where M C - -; m CT \u003d. -; CO \u003d ^ -; CO H \u003d - ^ -.

M S. "" O "O" O

After the introduction of the designations and the corresponding transformations, the equation acquires the view

where M CJ \u003d M CT -K 3 - COSCP H - static (frequency-independent) part

(L-M CT)? -Coscp.

the moment of resistance to PM; t Ш \u003d- - "- dynamics

ekay (frequency-independent) part of the moment of resistance of PM, in which

It is usually believed that for most PM, the frequency-dependent component has a linear or quadratic dependence on CO. However, in accordance with the power approximation with a fractional indicator of the degree is more reliable for this dependence. With considering of this fact, the approximating expression for a / y-oh r has the appearance

where a is the coefficient determined on the basis of the required power dependence is calculated or graphically.

The versatility of the developed mathematical model of SD or blood pressure is provided by automated or automatic controllability M as well as M S. and r Through the coefficient but.

Used CDs have a lot in common with SV CG, and the main differences are:

  • In stock The zone of the insensitivity of the ARV channel to deviate the stator voltage of the SD;
  • Arv at the current of excitation and ARV with compounding of different types It occurs mainly similar to similar SS.

Since there are special specifics in the CD operation modes, special laws are needed for ARV SD:

  • ensuring the constancy of the relations of the reactive and active capacities of the SD, called ARV for the constancy of the specified COS power factor (p \u003d const (or CP \u003d const);
  • ARV providing specified constancy of reactive power Q \u003d. Const SD;
  • ARV PA inner corner Load 0 and its derivative, which is usually replaced by less efficient, but simpler ARV for the active power of the CD.

Thus, the previously discussed universal mathematical model of SB SG can serve as a basis for constructing a universal mathematical model of CD after making the necessary changes in accordance with the specified differences.

To implement the zone of the insensitivity of the ARV channel on the deviation of the stator voltage of the CD, sufficient at the output of the adder (see Fig. 1.1), on which D U, Include the link controlled nonlinearity of the type of insensitivity zone and limitations. Replacing in the universal mathematical model of the variables of the variables with the relevant variables of the regulation of these special laws of the ARV SD fully ensures their adequate reproduction, and among the mentioned variables Q, f, R, 0, the calculation of the active and reactive capacity is carried out by the equations provided for in the universal mathematical model of the SG: P \u003d U to m? Q? + U D? To m? I. d,

Q \u003d U Q - K M? I D - + U D? To m? I. q. To calculate variables F and 0, also

remedies necessary for modeling these laws of the ARV SD, equations are applied:

Construction and principle of synchronous engine with permanent magnets

Construction of a synchronous engine with permanent magnets

Ohm's law is expressed by the following formula:

where - electric current, and;

Electrical voltage, in;

Active resistance chain, Ohm.

Matrix of resistance

, (1.2)

where is the resistance of the contour, and;

The matrix.

The Law of Kirchhoff is expressed by the following formula:

Principle of formation of a rotating electromagnetic field

Figure 1.1 - Engine design

Engine design (Figure 1.1) consists of two main parts.

Figure 1.2 - Engine Operation Principle

The principle of operation of the engine (Figure 1.2) is as follows.

Mathematical description Permanent Magnets Synchronous Motor

General methods for obtaining a mathematical description of electric motors

Mathematical model synchronous motor with permanent magnets in general

Table 1 - Engine Parameters

Mode parameters (Table 2) correspond to the engine parameters (Table 1).

The paper presents the basics of designing such systems.

Works provide programs to automate calculations.

Source mathematical description of a two-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets

Detailed engine design is shown in applications A and B.

Mathematical model of a two-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets

4 Mathematical model of a three-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets

4.1 Source mathematical description of a three-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets

4.2 Mathematical model of a three-phase synchronous engine with permanent magnets

List of sources used

1 Automated System Design automatic control / Ed. V. V. Solodovnikova. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1990. - 332 p.

2 Melsa, J. L. Programs to help learn the theory of linear control systems: per. from English / J. L. Mesa, Art. K. Jones. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1981. - 200 p.

3 Problem of safety of autonomous spacecraft: monograph / S. A. Bronov, M. A. Volovik, E. N. Golovovkin, G. D. Kesselman, E. N. Korchagin, B. P. Sustin. - Krasnoyarsk: NII IPU, 2000. - 285 p. - ISBN 5-93182-018-3.

4 Brons, S. A. Precision positional electric drives with dual power engines: author. dis. ... dock. tehn Sciences: 05.09.03 [Text]. - Krasnoyarsk, 1999. - 40 s.

5 A. s. 1524153 USSR, MKA 4 H02P7 / 46. A method for regulating the angular position of the rotor of the dual power engine / S. A. Bronov (USSR). - № 4230014 / 24-07; Declared 14.04.1987; Publ. 11/23/1989, Bul. № 43.

6 Mathematical description of synchronous motors with permanent magnets based on their experimental characteristics / S. A. Bronov, E. E. Noscova, E. M. Kurbatov, S. V. Yakunhenko // Informatics and control systems: Interunion. Sat Scientific Tr. - Krasnoyarsk: NII IPU, 2001. - Vol. 6. - P. 51-57.

7 Brons, S. A. A set of programs for the study of an electric drive system based on the inductor dual power engine (Description of the structure and algorithms) / S. A. Bronov, V. I. Panteleev. - Krasnoyarsk: Crapp, 1985. - 61 s. - Manuscript dep. In Informelectro 28.04.86, No. 362-fl.

To describe the AC electrical machines, various modifications of differential equations systems are used, the type of which depends on the choice of the type of variables (phase, transformed), directions of velauses of variables, the source mode (motor, generator) and a number of other factors. In addition, the type of equations depends on the assumptions adopted when it is derived.

The art of mathematical modeling is to make many methods that can be applied and factors affecting processes, choose such that ensure the required accuracy and ease of performing the task.

As a rule, when modeling the AC electric machine, the real machine is replaced by an idealized, having four basic differences from the real: 1) the absence of saturation of magnetic circuits; 2) lack of losses in steel and turning out current in windings; 3) the sinusoidal distribution in the space of the curves of the magnetizing forces and magnetic induction; 4) the independence of inductive scattering resistance from the position of the rotor and on the current in the windings. These assumptions greatly simplify the mathematical description of the electrical machines.

Since the axis of the stator windings and the rotor rotor of the synchronous machine during rotation is moved mutually, the magnetic conductivity for the winding streams becomes a variable. As a result, mutual inductance and inductance of windings change periodically. Therefore, when modeling processes in a simultaneous machine using equations in phase variables, phase variables U., I., Prepaid periodic values \u200b\u200bthat significantly makes it difficult to fix and analyze modeling results and complicates the implementation of the model on the computer.

More simple and convenient for modeling are the so-called transformed equations of the mountain park, which are obtained from equations in phase values \u200b\u200bby special linear transformations. The essence of these transformations can be understood when considering Figure 1.

Figure 1. Picture vector I. and his projections on the axis a., b., c. and axis d., q.

In this figure, two coordinate axes are depicted: one symmetrical three-line fixed ( a., b., c.) And the other ( d., q., 0 ) - orthogonal, rotating at the angular speed of the rotor . Also in Figure 1 shows the instantaneous values \u200b\u200bof phase currents in the form of vectors I. a. , I. b. , I. c. . If you geometrically add the instantaneous values \u200b\u200bof phase currents, then the vector will be I.which will rotate with the orthogonal axis system d., q.. This vector is called the current current vector. Similar depicting vectors can be obtained for variables U., .

If we design the depicting vectors on the axis d., q.The corresponding longitudinal and transverse components of the depicting vectors are new variables that are replaced by phase variables, voltages and streams.

While phase values \u200b\u200bin the steady mode periodically change, depicting vectors will be permanent and fixed relative to the axes d., q. And, therefore, they will be constant and their components I. d. and I. q. , U. d. and U. q. , d. and q. .

Thus, as a result of linear transformations, the AC electric machine is represented as a two-phase with perpendicularly located windows over the axes d., q.that eliminates mutually induction between them.

The negative factor in the transformed equations is that they describe the processes in the machine through fictitious, and not through actual values. However, if you return to the above Figure 1, you can establish that the reverse transformation from fictitious values \u200b\u200bto phase does not represent a special complexity: sufficiently according to the components, for example, current I. d. and I. q. Calculate the value of the image vector

and design it on any fixed phase axis, taking into account the angular velocity of rotation of the orthogonal system of the axes d., q. relatively fixed (Figure 1). We get:


where  0 is the value of the initial phase of the phase current at T \u003d 0.

System of the synchronous generator equations (Park-Gorev), recorded in relative units in the axes d.- q., rigidly related to its rotor, has the following form:













where  d,  q,  d,  q - the streaming of stator and sedative windings along the longitudinal and transverse axes (D and Q);  f, i f, u f - streaming, current and excitation winding voltage; i d, i q, i d, i q - states of stator and sedative windings along axes d and q; R is the active resistance of the stator; x d, x q, x d, x q - reactive resistance of stator and sedative windings along axes D and Q; x F - reactive resistance of the excitation winding; X AD, X AQ - resistance of the immigration of the stator along the axes D and Q; u d, u q - voltage over the axes D and Q; T DO - the time constant of the excitation winding; T d, t q - constant time of sedative windings along the axes d and q; T j - inertial time constant diesel generator; S is a relative change in the rotor of the generator rotor (sliding); M kr, m SG - torque of the drive motor and the electromagnetic moment of the generator.

In equations (1), all essential electromagnetic and mechanical processes in a simultaneous machine are taken into account, both sedative windings, so they can be called complete equations. However, in accordance with the previously admitted assumption, the angular speed of rotation of the rotor of the SG in the study of electromagnetic (rapid) processes is accepted unchanged. It is also permissible to take into account the sedative winding only on the longitudinal axis "D". Taking into account these assumptions, the system of equations (1) will take the following form:




; (2)






As can be seen from the system (2), the number of variables in the system of equations is greater than the number of equations, which does not allow for simulating to use this system in direct form.

More convenient and efficient is the transformed system of equations (2), which has the following form:






; (3)






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"Maps and schemes in the Fund of the Presidential Library"

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The synchronous motor is a three-phase electrical machine. This circumstance complicates the mathematical description of dynamic processes, since with an increase in the number of phases, the number of electrical equilibrium equations increases, and electromagnetic connections are complicated. Therefore, we will reduce the analysis of the processes in a three-phase machine to analyze the same processes in the equivalent two-phase model of this machine.

In the theory of electrical machines, it is proved that any multiphase electric machine with n.phase stator winding and m.-Fased rotor winding under the condition of the equal impedance of the phases of the stator (rotor) in the dynamics can be represented by a two-phase model. The possibility of such a replacement creates the conditions for obtaining a generalized mathematical description of the processes of electromechanical energy transformation in a rotating electrical machine based on the consideration of an idealized two-phase electromechanical converter. Such a converter was called a generalized electric machine (OEM).

Generalized electric machine.

OEM allows you to present a dynamics real Engine, both in fixed and in rotating coordinate systems. The last idea makes it possible to significantly simplify the equation of the status of the engine and the synthesis of control for it.

We introduce variables for OEM. An affiliation of a variable of one or another winding is determined by the indices that are indicated by the axis associated with the windings of the generalized machine, indicating the ratio to Stator 1 or Rothor 2, as shown in Fig. 3.2. In this figure, the coordinate system is rigidly associated with a fixed stator, designated, with a rotating rotor -, - an electrical angle of rotation.

Fig. 3.2. Scheme of a generalized bipolar machine

The dynamics of the generalized machine describe four equations of electrical equilibrium in the circuits of its windings and one equation of electromechanical energy conversion, which expresses the electromagnetic moment of the machine as the function of the electrical and mechanical coordinates of the system.

Kirchhoff equations, expressed through streaming, have


where and is the active resistance of the phase of the stator and the active impedance of the phase of the rotor of the machine, respectively.

The streaming of each winding in general is determined by the resulting effect of all windows of the machine


In the system of equations (3.2) for its own and mutual inductors, the windings adopted the same designation with a substitution index, the first part of which , indicates which winding makes EMF, and the second - What kind of winding it is created. For example, the own inductance of the phase of the stator; - mutual inductance between the phase of the stator and the phase of the rotor, etc.

The designations and indices adopted in the system (3.2) provide the same type of all equations, which makes it possible to resort to a generalized form of recording this system convenient for further


When operating the OEM, the mutual position of the stator and rotor windings changes, so the own and mutual inductance of the windings in the general case are the function of the electrical angle of rotation of the rotor. For a symmetric non-operating machine, the own inductance of stator and rotor windings does not depend on the position of the rotor

and the mutual inductance between the stator or rotor windings is zero

since the magnetic axes of these windings are shifted in space relative to each other at an angle. Mutual inductance of stator and rotor windings pass full cycle Changes when rotating the rotor at the angle, therefore, taking into account the adopted in Fig. 2.1 directions of currents and angle of rotor rotation can be recorded


where is the mutual inductance of stator and rotor windings or when, i.e. With coordinate systems coincide and. Taking into account (3.3), the equation of electrical equilibrium (3.1) can be represented as

, (3.7)

where relations are determined by relations (3.4) - (3.6). The differential equation of electromechanical transformation of energy will be obtained by using the formula

where is the rotor rotation angle,

where is the number of pairs of poles.

Substituting equations (3.4) - (3.6), (3.9) in (3.8), we obtain an expression for the electromagnetic moment of OEM

. (3.10)

Two-phase immovable synchronous machine with permanent magnets.

Consider electrical engine In Emur. It is an innovable synchronous machine with permanent magnets, as it has a large number of pairs of poles. In this machine, the magnets can be replaced by an equivalent winding of excitation without loss () connected to the current source and creating magnetorevizable force (Fig. 3.3.).

Fig.3.3. Scheme for switching on the synchronous motor (s) and its two-phase model In the axes (b)

Such a replacement allows you to represent the equilibrium equations by analogy with the equations of the usual synchronous machine, therefore, putting and in equations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.10), we have



Denote where - the streaming to a couple of poles. We will replace (3.9) in equations (3.11) - (3.13), as well as subjectedly (3.12) and substitute to equation (3.11). Receive


where - the angular speed of the engine; - the number of turns of the stator winding; - Magnetic stream of one turn.

Thus, equations (3.14), (3.15) form a system of equations of a two-phase immocent synchronous machine with permanent magnets.

Linear transformations of the equations of the generalized electrical machine.

The advantage of obtained in paragraph 2.2. The mathematical description of the processes of electromechanical energy transformation is that as independent variables, the actual currents of the summary of the generalized machine and the actual voltages of their power are used. Such a description of the dynamics of the system gives a direct idea of \u200b\u200bphysical processes in the system, however, is difficult to analyze.

When solving many problems, a significant simplification of the mathematical description of the processes of electromechanical energy transformation is achieved by linear transformations of the original system of equations, while replacing real variables with new variables, provided that the adequacy of the mathematical description is preserved by the physical object. The condition of adequacy is usually formulated as a requirement of power invariance when converting equations. The newly administered variables can be either valid or complex values \u200b\u200bassociated with real variables of conversion formulas, the type of which should ensure the condition of the power invariance.

The purpose of the transformation is always one or another simplification of the original mathematical description of dynamic processes: elimination of the dependence of inductors and mutual inductance of windings from the rotor rotation angle, the ability to operate in non-sinusoidally changing variables, but their amplitudes, etc.

First, consider valid transformations that allow you to move from physical variables defined by coordinate systems that are rigidly associated with the stator and with a rotor with a good variable corresponding to the coordinate system u., v.rotating in space with arbitrary speed. For a formal solution of the problem, we will present every real winding variable - voltage, current, streaming - in the form of a vector, the direction of which is rigidly associated with the coordinate axis corresponding to this winding, and the module varies in time in accordance with the changes in the variable depicted.

Fig. 3.4. Variable generalized machine in various coordinate systems

In fig. 3.4 Winding variables (currents and voltages) are indicated in a general form of a letter with the corresponding index reflecting the affiliation of a given variable to a certain axis of coordinates, and the mutual position is currently in the current time of the axes, rigidly related to the stator, axes d, Q,rigidly related to the rotor, and an arbitrary system of orthogonal coordinates u, V.Rotating relatively fixed stator at speeds. Reminted as defined real variables in the axes (stator) and d, Q. (rotor) corresponding to them new variables in the coordinate system u, V. You can determine as the amount of projections of real variables on new axes.

For greater clarity, the graphic constructions necessary to obtain the transformation formulas are presented in Fig. 3.4A and 3.4B for the stator and the rotor separately. In fig. 3.4A are the axes associated with the windings of a fixed stator, and the axis u, V.rotated relative to the stator at the angle . The components of the vector are defined as projections of vectors and on the axis u., components - as the projections of the same vectors on the axis v.Having summarizing the projections on the axes, we obtain a direct conversion formula for stator variables in the following form


Similar constructions for rotary variables are presented in Fig. 3.4b. Shows fixed axes, rotated relative to them to the angle of the axis. d, Q,machines related to rotor rotated relative to rotary axes d.and q.at the angle of axis and, V,rotating at speed and coinciding at every moment of time with axes and, V.in fig. 3.4A. Comparing fig. 3.4B Fig. 3.4A, you can establish that the projections of the vectors and on and, V.similar to the projections of stator variables, but in the function of the angle. Therefore, for rotary variables, the conversion formulas are


Fig. 3.5. Transformation of variable generalized two-phase electrical machine

To explain the geometrical meaning of linear transformations carried out by formulas (3.16) and (3.17), in Fig. 3.5 Additional construction. They show that the conversion is based on the representation of the variable generalized machine in the form of vectors and. Both actual variables and, and converted and are projections on the appropriate axes of the same result vectors. Similar ratios are valid for rotary variables.

If you need to go from transformed variables to the actual variable of the generalized machine Reverse conversion formulas are used. They can be obtained by constructions made in Fig. 3.5A and 3.5Banalogic constructions in Fig. 3.4A and 3.4B


Formulas Direct (3.16), (3.17) and reverse (3.18) conversion coordinates of the generalized machine are used in the synthesis of controls for a synchronous motor.

We transform equations (3.14) to a new coordinate system. To do this, we substitute the expressions of the variables (3.18) in equations (3.14), we get


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