Home Heating Credit card number generator. Educational Card Generator Why do you need a credit card generator?

Credit card number generator. Educational Card Generator Why do you need a credit card generator?

The proposed generator will allow you to quickly and easily print the required number of double-sided cards with words or phrases that are used, for example, in learning foreign languages.

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The user of the service agrees that the source materials downloaded by him using the service can be saved and used by the author of the service for any purpose, without notifying the user.

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How to print received cards

After clicking the “Create Cards” button, a document will be created in PDF format, which must be printed on a printer to receive paper cards.

If your printer supports duplex printing, then use this option and do not enable the Manual Duplex checkbox. Then the pages in the resulting document will be arranged in the following order: 1-A, 1-B, 2-A, 2-B, 3-A, 3-B.

If your printer does not support duplex printing, then turn on the Manual 2-sided printing checkbox. Then the pages in the resulting document will be arranged in the following order: 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 3-B, 2-B, 1-B. Print the first half of the pages (pages 1-3 in this example), then place the stack of printed sheets in the printer output tray (without reordering the individual sheets) and print the second half of the pages (pages 4-6 in this example). If necessary, perform a test print or refer to the printer documentation.

Technical support

Please send all questions and comments regarding the operation of this service to the author by e-mail (address at the top of the page).

A credit card generator is a program that, using a special mathematical formula, is capable of generating a payment instrument number. You can download it from the Internet or use the online version. It is worth learning more about what it is needed for.

The meaning of credit card numbers

Best credit card offers:

Best loan offers:

All credit cards have a 16-digit number, which is generated using a similar program, this allows you to identify the credit card according to various criteria.

The first digit indicates the type of activity of the institution or industry for which the card was issued:

  • 1 and 2 – airlines;
  • 3 – tourism and entertainment business;
  • 4 – Visa payment system;
  • 5 – MasterCard payment system;
  • 6 – financial organizations;
  • 7 – oil industry companies;
  • 8 – telecommunications companies;
  • 9 – domestic enterprises.

The next 5 digits correspond to the TIN of the institution that services and issues this credit card. Then, starting from the 7th and ending with the 15th digit, the owner’s account in a specific organization is displayed.

The last, 16th, digit allows us to identify inconsistencies and erroneous information from all 15 first thanks to the Luhn algorithm, developed in 1954.

Why do you need a credit card generator?

Generated numbers for credit cards.

The generator allows you to generate either an existing credit card number or the one with which it will be issued in the future. According to statistics, the most popular of them among users are Visa and MasterCard.

However, having a credit card number generated by the program does not mean that you can make purchases or withdraw funds from your account. To ensure the security of all online payment transactions, there are additional security systems such as CVV code, owner information and expiration date.

Mostly teenagers use the credit card number generator to access certain sites where they need to undergo a paid registration or pay for membership in various communities. This algorithm is also often used to test various programs. It looks like this:

The requirement to enter a credit card number is provided by the developers of various services to confirm the age of majority of their visitors.

As practice shows, the demand for a credit card generator has allowed a new offer from scammers to appear. They offer to purchase a similar program with supposedly valid data numbers for banking products indicating information about their owners for a lot of money. However, such bases are actually impossible to buy. Fraudsters who were able to create a database with real data would be subject to criminal liability.

Here is an example of random points (red) and polygons created from them:

The shapes and sizes of polygons are quite uneven. Random numbers are more "clunky" than people usually expect. I wanted to achieve something closer to semi-random "blue noise" or pseudo-randomness, rather than random dots. I got closer to the desired result using a variant of Lloyd's algorithm, which is a fairly simple way to distribute random points more evenly. Lloyd's algorithm replaces each point with the centroid of the polygon. In my code I barely average the angles (see improveRandomPoints). Here is the result of applying the approximation twice with Lloyd's algorithm:


I've posted the Actionscript source code under the MIT license and it's available on github. If you can read Java or Javascript, then I think you can understand Actionscript. I don't expect the code to be immediately useful to everyone, but it might be a good starting point if you want to use these techniques to create your own game maps.
  • Map.as is a basic map generation system
  • graph/*.as - representation of graphs (polygons, edges, corners)
  • mapgen2.as - demo with rendering and GUI
  • Roads.as - a module that adds roads along contour lines
  • Lava.as - a module that adds fissures with lava on edges with high heights
  • NoisyEdges.as is used in the demo to create noisy edges
The charts in this article are created from 300 polygons, the default in the demo is 2000 with a maximum of 8000. Some of the code for creating the charts has not been tested because it is "quick and dirty" code written just for the charts in this article and is otherwise useless.

If you find the code or my thoughts useful, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Projects exploring other algorithms

  • Andy Gainey experimented with Voronoi diagrams on a sphere and decided instead to create a map of subdivided icosahedrons with tectonic plates, air currents, temperature, humidity and biomes. I've been asked how to extend my map generator to create continents: it's worth checking out Andy's project for that.
  • Martin O'Leary's beautifully explained map generator uses Voronoi diagrams with another terrain generator, erosion simulation, stylized renderer, city/region generation, name generator and label placement algorithm, complete with shading, contour lines and roses winds, but the source code is not available as of September 2016. Ryan Guy created a project based on Martin's work.
  • Miguel Cepero of Voxel Farm was inspired to create a political map with terrain based on Voronoi regions, as well as a map generator using plate tectonics and an alternative to using Voronoi diagrams.
  • Tommy Waters explores plate tectonics. He shows how he creates continents, not just islands, so that mountain ranges are not always at the center of mass of the land.
  • ylcorcronlth explores humidity calculation based on random walk
  • Cory Lee created a political map generator using Voronoi regions.
  • Jesse Morgan took ideas from this map generator and created a city generator ( project page and source code)
  • Sword & Scroll uses a Voronoi map generator to create political regions (baron lands)
  • Phill Spiess also uses Voronoi diagrams with noisy edges in his project, but does not give details.
  • Christophe Le Besnerais created a Javascript version with an extended water flow model. luckylooke wrote a version for Phaser.io.
  • Kaelan Cooter has a world map generator of hexagons with elevations, humidity, biomes, rainfall, aquifers and territories.
  • Richard Janicek wrote a Haxe version that compiles to Javascript+Canvas with a demo. He also created a Javascript version with a demo.
  • Jeff Terrace wrote patches and a utility for converting XML to COLLADA, as well as an application for viewing COLLADA on WebGL.
  • Alex Schröder worked on a Perl version that generates SVG output.
  • Christopher Garrett wrote a port of Voronoi/Delaunay for iOS.
  • Adam Martin maintains a fork of the Voronoi/Delaunay port for Unity, forked from the Julian Ceipek port.
  • Christophe Guebert wrote a version of Java+Processing.
  • Baran Kahyaoglu wrote (the source code) and abhimir created the Unity version of Chris Herborth's version of Baran's code.
  • Tommy Waters has another Javascript version with sources and a blog post.
  • Egor Kharvat wrote a version for Haxe/NME.
  • Connor Clark has a Java version.
  • Kylepixel has created a Javascript project that also uses Voronoi domains to generate maps.
  • Nuclear Horse Studios has a C#/Unity version (MIT license).
  • Stafford Williams wrote a version for C#/Unity (MIT license).
  • Gareth Higgins has a map generator in C#.
  • Martín Candela Calabuig created a C++ version.
  • Tobias is working on version for C++
  • Spencer Judge has written to generate maps using these techniques.
  • BitAlchemists has a version for Dart.
  • Thomas R. Koll has a Lua port that he uses for Autonomous Planetary Research Individual 50.
  • Island is a Scala project that uses techniques similar to those described in my article.
  • PtolemyJS is a Javascript game engine with a built-in map generator based on the Voronoi domain principle.
  • Jay Stevens created a C++ version for Unreal 4 (MIT license).

Other projects

  • PolyWorld is based on Connor Clarke's Java code and is now part of the Terasology game (see below). This Video).
  • Conquest uses these techniques to create some of the game's maps.
  • Besiege applies these techniques to a procedural map generator.
  • TerraFirmaCraft 2 uses techniques to play with a grid of hexagons.
This map generator was not intended for direct use, but Welsh Piper (monster encounter tables, Minocra), Kingdoms in Trevail, Cresta and other (, , , , , ) games use the map generator to create maps. Click the "export PNG" button to export a 2048x2048 PNG file, which you can then customize in Photoshop to color, style, and add markup.

Appendix: Additional map functions


I've been trying to structure the presentation of the maps so that modules can mark them up without creating a code dependency. The GUI module mapgen2.as depends on Map.as (base module) and Roads.as (side module), but Maps.as Not depends on Roads.as. Each polygon, edge, and corner in the graph has an index that can be used as a key in an external table. Roads.as has an array road , indexed by edge index.

Where the map base code can reference edge.river as a base on the field, the module cannot do this. Instead, the module references the local variable road. This works for both polygon centers and corners. At the same time, the base code remains clean.

I have three modules: Roads, Lava and NoisyEdges.


Realm of the Mad God doesn't use most of the features of this map generator, but I created a road generator for it. I noticed that in the game, users naturally explore rivers. Rivers lead players to the mountains, where they die. I wanted to build roads at the right angles to the rivers.

I calculated the contour lines along the corners. Where the contour level changes is the road. This is a fairly simple algorithm that works in most cases, but sometimes creates small loops:

As rivers meander along Voronoi ribs (blue lines in the diagram above), roads follow Delaunay ribs (red lines). Roads are not treated with noise. Instead, they are drawn as splines between the midpoints of the edges:

Most polygons have two “neighbors” with roads. For them, a regular spline is used, connecting the two midpoints of the edges. For polygons that have more than two “neighbors” with roads, I draw an intersection with splines from all edge midpoints to the center of the polygon. In the diagram above, the bottom left polygon has an intersection and the top right one is a regular spline.


Lava and rivers follow the same paths. Lava rifts occur in high, dry areas and are assigned to a subset of edges. In the game, lava and water will, of course, be different, but they differ only in color and location. Lava edges are processed with noise:

Appendix: Opportunities for Improvement

Abstract rendering

Map should correctly display relevant parts of the world, not all details. In this project, I generate maps with a certain level of detail, but do not go as far as detailing vegetation or cities, although the maps are not entirely abstract at the same time. It might be possible to render more abstract maps in the style of Middle Earth maps (like this one). I wrote notes about what I would like to see in game maps.


By following the downward arrows (see description in the section on heights), you can always find a path along the edges from any corner of the polygon to the coast. I use them to mark where water should flow into the ocean. All corners with the same source location can be considered part of the same watershed.

The watershed code is not complete. The demo has a watershed mode, but I don't like it. I tried using the centers and corners of polygons as watershed boundaries, and in both cases the results were not good enough. I decided to put off the watershed calculations until I needed them.

I think watersheds could be useful for naming large areas. In the demo there are approximately 1000 land polygons on the map. For a game map, it would be nice to have fewer named areas than polygons grouped together. For example, XYZ mountains may be located above XYZ valley, through which XYZ river may flow. Players will be able to understand that all these place names are connected. I haven't made much progress on this project, but I can return to it sooner or later.

Impassable borders

In my map generator, all boundaries between polygons are the same. There are smooth transitions between them. It might be interesting to make some of the edges discontinuous so we can create cliffs, chasms, plateaus and other sudden changes in elevation. See , it talks about how Voronoi regions can be interesting for gameplay.

Relief analysis

On polygon maps, pathfinding should be quite fast and can be used for terrain analysis. For example, if two points are spatially close, but the path between them is long, then this may mean that there is a bay or mountain in the way, and that this would be a good place for a tunnel or bridge. The pathfinding algorithm can also find places where bridges to nearby islands are required. Polygons located strategically on paths can be more valuable than infrequently used path polygons.

Named areas

As I mentioned in the section on watersheds, I want to name different areas of the map. By combining this function with terrain analysis, you can name rivers, mountains, lakes, groups of polygons, coastlines, oceans, forests, peninsulas, valleys, etc. Titles in the same area may be related. I didn't work on this part because I think it will only be useful in a specific game and not in a general map generator. Not only should the title be related to the theme of the game, it may also include items, quests, and story elements. For example, XYZ sword can only be found in XYZ valley.

Variable Density

You can use Fortune's algorithm to subdivide a polygon into smaller polygons. A map in which most of the world is roughly outlined, but some areas are more detailed, can look interesting. As an alternative approach, we can arrange the seed points at varying densities so that some areas have more polygons than others. For example, oversampling smoothing can be applied instead of Lloyd's algorithm.

Improving noisy edges

I implemented a very simple system of noisy edges with jagged lines. When you zoom in on the map, the corners are very noticeable. You can improve the system using spline curves or fractal expansion, which will look more detailed when scaled.

Appendix: Process Improvement

This article was originally three posts: Part 1 about polygons, map presentation, islands, oceans, lakes, beaches and land; part 2 about altitudes, rivers, humidity and biomes; part 3 about rendering, demo and source code.

If anyone is wondering how I got to this point, here's a short history:

  • In December 2009, Rob and Alex from Wild Shadow Studios asked if I had a quick way to generate maps. I was already thinking about using Perlin noise to generate maps, so I tried it and got good results. I made a working prototype in a day, and another month was spent setting up and selecting variations. Most of the variations didn't fit, and I realized there were limitations to this approach. A month of work was enough, so I finished working on the maps and moved on to other small projects - graphics, animation, groups of monsters, AI for NPCs, etc.
  • In June 2010, I was inspired to work with maps again. I spent a month writing down ideas on paper and trying out different prototypes. I've tried using hex meshes, hex river basins, generating rivers based on quads, volcanoes, hills, erosion, weather systems, and a few other things. Everything ended in failure. However, I learned a lot in the process. For example, Delaunay triangulations did not work for me, but they led to Voronoi diagrams. Generating rivers based on quads didn't work, but the quads came in handy later when I started working on noisy edges. The erosion system didn't work out, but some of the ideas were useful when working on rivers.
  • While taking a course on procedural content generation, I jotted down a few more map generation ideas. I implemented these over the 4th of July long weekend and they worked great. That weekend I created Voronoi polygons, map views, island generation, noisy edges, elevations, biomes, rivers, and elevation redistribution. I felt a sense of flow. And it was amazing! I created most of the basic system in just three days.
  • Every weekend in July and August I made improvements, many of them quite significant. I also made many changes that didn't work, so I had to remove them. Once the basic parameters of the map became good enough, I shifted my focus to the rendering and UI of the map. After improving the rendering and UI I was able to see new flaws on the map, and found many errors. I also did extensive refactoring to simplify code that had previously grown organically.
  • By the end of August, I realized that I was only working on minor improvements and decided that the project was ready to wind down. I spent the long Labor Day weekend recording the results in this article (and posts). A lot of time went into creating high-quality diagrams. The diagrams revealed new bugs, so I moved on to fixing them, significantly simplifying one function (height redistribution) and implementing a new one (humidity redistribution). I've also renamed and commented the code to make it easier to explain.
Why am I keeping track of all this? Because I'm trying to improve the process of working with such small (1-3 months) projects. Here's what I want to remind you:
  1. Useful to have key idea, pushing the entire project forward. The simple maps I made in January were based on Perlin noise. Current maps are based on Voronoi diagrams. I needed to make a choice and continue working, but it took time...
  2. Before finding the right idea, sometimes it was necessary experiment a lot. Until I came up with Voronoi as a basic structure, I worked on ideas for about a month. I need to write down a lot of ideas.
  3. I have had a lot of failures. It’s important to make mistakes quickly, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. I need to keep my spirit up.
  4. I made the basic system in three days. Rapid prototype can tell a lot about the viability of an idea. In the early stages, I need to focus on the prototype and forget about the high-end system for now.
  5. At a very early stage it is more important study the system than creating good code. I need to ask myself what I want to learn from the prototype.
  6. Mistakes sometimes come in handy later. We need to save them. I deleted the code as soon as I saw its flaws, but maybe I should have created more branches in git and kept it there.
  7. Ability to observe visually can be a big help in understanding what's going on. I missed a few errors in the code because I didn't bother creating a visualization of some of the data. You need to visualize as much as possible.
  8. Sometimes they appear small deviations, which actually mean there are errors in the code. Often I simply brushed them off. Even if at that moment it was not the time to find and correct errors, you need to record them for further research.
  9. Was a huge help writing blog posts. They forced me to understand all parts of the system, look at all data, and ensure that all code was understandable. The posts forced me to test every step of map generation and improve those that were difficult to explain. You need to start writing blog posts much earlier in the process. Explaining is a good way to learn.
  10. and and biome classification schemes and different biomes.

    Wikipedia also has a good list of landforms that you can try to generate using a game map generator. For my project I didn't study this list.

    Ken Perlin is a master of noise and invented Perlin noise. He also created the lesser-known simplex noise (PDF). In my project I used Perlin noise to create the overall shape of the island. Joe Slayton has a page on how to turn Perlin noise into islands. I was looking for information on blue noise and, before finding Lloyd's algorithm for improving the distribution of random points, I came across , as well as Wang's recursive tiles. I also looked at Craig Reynold's textures, but didn't have time to apply them anywhere.

  11. delaunay triangulation
  12. procedural generation
  13. perlin noise
  14. Add tags

Attention! The presented credit card generator only creates fake credit card numbers according to the Luhn algorithm. Using this data in stores will get you nowhere. Only for those who understand what we are talking about. For personal use, at your own risk. Have a suggestion or found a bug? Write in the comments, we will correct it.

Analysis of settings

The credit card number generator itself is very easy to learn, and most importantly, it is completely online, but just in case, let’s go over the possible settings.

Select a template

There are two options presented here: choosing based on the existing list and manually creating a template.

Let's go through the list. The first item is the parameter "Random Card". In fact, the map is not completely random, but is simply generated based on the templates available in the list. But each time when generating templates, they are selected randomly.

You can select any template available in the list. Templates are provided as examples only; for the most part, only manual generation is used. There are additional add-ons for Visa and MasterCard. By the way, if you noticed, it is no longer presented, but we hope it will not be needed. But if anyone suddenly needs to add their own bins to the list, please leave them in the comments.

Let's move on to manual generation, the most interesting moment. The card number is provided in the format:

Everything is reasonable - 16 digits, separated into groups by spaces. Instead of "X's" we freely enter our own numbers. And the Luna-based algorithm will already be looking for the correct numbers for the free fields (I hope you know that the card number is not completely random and has a control check). When you select a template from the list, notice how the field rearranges itself.

Output Settings

All other settings directly affect the output only.

Delimiter provided in 3 formats: space, – (hyphen), no separator. Affects the format for displaying the card number - set it as it is more convenient for you. According to the classics, the card number on the bank card itself is separated only by spaces.

Quantity– determines how many cards ultimately need to be generated for withdrawal.

Format. Several formats are provided for different needs. The simplest is CSV, for use in simple text or table form. Nothing complicated. For special needs, JSON, SQL, and XML formats have been introduced.

Checkmarks EXP And CVV are responsible for the need to generate the expiration date and card (on the back). By default they are displayed, also use them according to your needs. Usually the card number is enough, and no format checks are imposed on the expiration date and code.

These are the meanings we are talking about

Is it possible to enter your own function?

And we will repeat it again. Do you want to make your own addition or have you found some error? Feel free to write in the comments. Let's work together to create a cool and convenient solution for everyone. In the meantime, let's use it. I hope you know what to do about it. And remember - this is just a fake. You need to be able to use them.


August 26, 2018 Now, if you check the “Full name” checkbox, the owner’s name will be generated for cards using the “IVAN IVANOV” template. The list contains the TOP25 male and female names, as well as the TOP50 surnames. Let's try!

November 17, 2018 Fixed a bug due to which some cards were not included in the random generator. As a bonus, the “In order” checkbox has been added - when you set it according to the template, the first random card is generated and then all the cards from there in order according to the Luhn algorithm.

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