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Wheeler of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. New blog of Oleg Lurie. Cases and prices

The father of the former deputy head of the GUEB and PC Boris Kolesnikov does not believe the official version that his son committed suicide. In an interview with the site, Ivan Kolesnikov told who he considers guilty of the death of his son

Former deputy head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Boris Kolesnikov. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Many are now trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the death of Boris Kolesnikov. The Investigative Committee reported suicide. But your son has previously stated more than once that he fears for his life.

Ivan Kolesnikov: They wanted to kill him even earlier, when he was hospitalized with a broken skull. Then there was another attempt. And now they are starting to engage in nonsense and say that it was suicide. He has three small children!

Tell me, since your son’s arrest on February 27, have you been able to meet him at least once in the pre-trial detention center?

Ivan Kolesnikov: No. Together with his wife, we asked and demanded many times. But we were never given a date.

What motivated the refusal?

Ivan Kolesnikov: They said that we would harm the investigation, that we would set it up incorrectly and give the wrong testimony. In general, they categorically refused.

Did investigator Sergei Novikov refuse?

Ivan Kolesnikov: Yes he. Lieutenant colonel. Both he and the judges (they made the decision on the arrest, extended it, and also considered complaints from Kolesnikov’s defenders - website) acted as the FSB ordered them. This is real murder. In extreme cases, driving to suicide. No, he didn’t throw himself out! They say he scattered the convoy. Yes, this is nonsense, there were such big guys guarding him.

Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya, who managed to talk after the incident with another defense lawyer of Boris Kolesnikov, Sergei Chizhikov, who was present at the interrogation, told a different version. According to Chizhikov, she knows that Boris Kolesnikov went to smoke with investigator Sergei Novikov on the balcony, and then the investigator ran into the office shouting that the accused had jumped out... Did you manage to talk to the lawyer?

Ivan Kolesnikov: No, I still haven’t reached Chizhikov on the phone...

Did you manage to see your son in court?

Ivan Kolesnikov: Yes, on June 11 in the Basmanny Court, when the complaint of his defender Georgy Antonov against his removal from participation in the case was considered. Boris lost 30 kg. He looked terrible - all that was left of him was skin and bones. When his skull was broken for the first time in the pre-trial detention center, that’s for sure - they intimidated his family, they said that his family would suffer. Therefore, the son said that he was supposedly washing the window and fell. When he was admitted to the hospital, the lawyers were presented with medical documents. From them it followed: how many times did you have to fall to get such injuries and break your skull? Doctors at Hospital No. 5 gave a preliminary conclusion that the blows were inflicted by a blunt, hard object on the motionless head. So, he lay there and was swept away...

Despite the severity of his injuries, Boris Kolesnikov did not stay in the hospital for long?

Ivan Kolesnikov: He was quickly transferred from there, they said that he would escape from the hospital. He had fractures to the front and back of his skull. What kind of minor injuries are these? And the second time, according to lawyers, his face was covered in abrasions and bruises. This means that they swept him away a second time... Well, now they’ve finished him off.

His wife left for Bulgaria with her children after her husband’s arrest. Was Boris afraid of something?

Ivan Kolesnikov: Certainly. But it’s better to ask his lawyers about this.

The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper wrote that your son allegedly used cocaine...

Ivan Kolesnikov: Yes, this is nonsense. When Boris' arrest was extended on April 10, his wife saw that he was wearing torn shoes. She also asked investigator Novikov for permission to buy him sneakers: “Well, is your general sitting here looking like this?” He allowed it. She ran, bought it, and immediately threw these old ones in the trash. And when Boris was brought back to Lefortovo, the employees saw the new shoes and took them away, taking them to the warehouse. She lay there for more than a month. And these sneakers have cavities in the sole and, so, they started to get rid of it, they came up with the idea that the wife allegedly gave cocaine (in the shoes). What kind of cocaine is that? The shoes were straight from the store. Boris simply adored children and constantly relaxed with them. Which drugs?!

Yesterday the Investigative Committee published an official statement that Kolesnikov tried to commit suicide twice in a pre-trial detention center...

Ivan Kolesnikov: They are now trying to present those two cases of beating as suicide attempts. During the interrogation at the Investigative Committee, I asked to see evidence on what basis the people - my son and other employees of the GUEB and the PC - were imprisoned. They say: "We have proof." And I say: “You have nothing!” This is revenge on them from the FSB, one hundred percent. I myself worked as an investigator in my youth and know this system from the inside. She's completely rotten.

When is your son's funeral planned?

Ivan Kolesnikov: My daughter-in-law and my other two sons went today regarding this issue. But they are not even allowed into the morgue. They didn't even see the body. It is necessary for the Investigative Committee to issue some certificates, but for some reason the Investigative Committee does not issue them. I asked when we would bury him. But no one knows anything. Need help? They do what they want, complete chaos.

In the Investigative Committee of Russia website When asked about the reasons for the delay in issuing documents to Kolesnikov’s relatives, they asked to send an official request in this regard. The request was sent, but at the time of writing the material there was no response.

It is worth noting that Kolesnikov himself and most of the defendants detained with him, including his boss - the ex-head of the GUEB and PC, Lieutenant General Denis Sugrobov - deny the existence of a criminal community within the police structure. They reject accusations that, in order to increase the quantitative indicators of their work, employees of the anti-corruption department exceeded their official authority and, with the help of agents, provoked suspects into mating. GUEB officers explain their criminal prosecution by a conflict with another powerful structure - the FSB, whose employee they began to develop. Currently, 10 employees of the GUEB and PC are under investigation - ex-head of the department Denis Sugrobov, several mid-level managers of the department and their subordinates, as well as three agents of the main directorate. The police officers were arrested.

Three years have passed since the death of Interior Ministry General Boris Kolesnikov. He was the deputy head of the GUEBiPK Denis Sugrobov, who is now in a pre-trial detention center.

Kolesnikov died after falling out of a window in the building of the Investigative Committee, where he was brought for interrogation. We are publishing our material from three years ago, in which police major Ivan Kosourov spoke about the death of Boris Kolesnikov. He was taken that day to the Investigative Committee for interrogation along with Kolesnikov. And he was the last one to speak with the deceased general.

The GUEBiPK employees under investigation told PASMI about the exertion of powerful psychological pressure, as well as the use of torture. In one of the materials we promised to talk about the meeting of the deputy head of Directorate “B” of the GUEBiPK, Major Ivan Kosourov, with General Boris Kolesnikov. Before the last interrogation, Boris Kolesnikov was taken to the Investigative Committee building in the same paddy wagon with Ivan Kosourov. It was June 16, 2014, the day the general died. He told Ivan Kosourov about some details of his stay in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.

Boris Kolesnikov ended up in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center back in February. Both at court hearings and in interviews with journalists, he always declared his innocence. However, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Kolesnikov with organizing a criminal community, exceeding official powers and provoking a bribe. These accusations themselves caused moral suffering to the GUEBiPK general.

In addition, in the pre-trial detention center the general was subjected to psychological and physical pressure. Boris Kolesnikov stated that psychotropic drugs were mixed into his food and drink, which made him feel bad.

Boris Kolesnikov

Boris Kolesnikov’s father said in an interview with one of the publications: “Boris has lost 30 kg. He looked terrible - all that was left of him was skin and bones. When his skull was broken for the first time in the pre-trial detention center, that’s for sure - they intimidated his family, they said that his family would suffer. Therefore, the son said that he was supposedly washing the window and fell. When he was admitted to the hospital, the lawyers were presented with medical documents. From them it followed: how many times did you have to fall to get such injuries and break your skull? Doctors at Hospital No. 5 gave a preliminary conclusion that the blows were inflicted by a blunt, hard object on the motionless head. So, he was lying there and they swept him away...”

Journalists made different assumptions about the causes of the head injury received by Boris Kolesnikov in the pre-trial detention center. Most publications agreed on one thing: the general “fell off his perch.” But the medical report, on the one hand, and the nature of the injury, on the other, do not confirm this version. The injury was localized in the frontoparietal region.

It is impossible to imagine an adult over 180 cm tall falling onto this area of ​​the head! How Boris Kolesnikov received these injuries and for what reason remains a mystery. However, the veil of secrecy was slightly lifted by Evgeny Shermanov, who in one of his interviews with PASMI stated: “There are interested parties in the corruption of government structures.” Unfortunately, neither E. Shermanov nor Denis Sugrobov’s other subordinates can now name these individuals. Boris Kolesnikov couldn’t either, because he was worried about the safety of his family.

Ivan Kosourov and Boris Kolesnikov rode together in a car transporting prisoners to the Investigative Committee building. The general told his colleague about some details of his stay in the pre-trial detention center.

Ivan Kosourov: “Kolesnikov said that S.A. Novikov and other investigators of the investigative team are putting psychological pressure on the general: they threatened Kolesnikov that they would prosecute his wife. S.A. Novikov and other investigators persuaded the general to self-incriminate himself on the charges brought against him, as well as to give incriminating testimony against subordinate employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation D.A. Sugrobov and other high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

By the way, Denis Sugrobov says in an interview with PASMI that Boris’s most serious worries were concern for the safety of his wife and children: “It was precisely the threats to prosecute his wife for committing a particularly serious crime, to deprive her of freedom for a long time, and to send her three young children to kindergartens.” at home, and offers to avoid all this in exchange for slandering his colleagues became the impetus for Kolesnikov to choose the path that, in his opinion, allowed him to protect his relatives not at the cost of lies and loss of honor and dignity, but at the cost of his own life.”

Let us pay attention to one important fact: it was the investigator of the RF IC S.A. Novikov, mentioned by Boris Kolesnikov in his confession to Ivan Kosourov, did not give the general the opportunity to see his wife and children. According to Ivan Kosourov, S.A. Novikov repeatedly threatened him with physical violence in order to induce him to incriminate himself and give false testimony against his colleagues. It is noteworthy that it was S.A. himself. Novikov considered all complaints about illegal actions of officials of the Investigative Committee against imprisoned officers of the GUEBiPK.

Let's give another story. Prosecutor of the Leningrad Special Prosecutor's Office A.E. Kozlov told I.Yu. Kosourov (they were cellmates) that the same style - threats to prosecute the spouse - S.A. Novikov also worked on it. In addition, father S.A. Kozlova, who was a witness in his son’s case, was driven to attempt suicide. After recovery, the father tried to bring the investigator to criminal responsibility for exceeding official authority and for driving a person to suicide (Article 110, 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). But these complaints never reached the court. Guess why? They were examined by investigator S.A. himself. Novikov.

It is obvious that no one will have to answer for abuse of power to the family of the deceased Boris Kolesnikov, which includes three small children.

Not only people in uniform participate in the fight against corrupt officials. They cannot do without the help of civilians, and usually this help is provided by brave and worthy people. What happened in this story? Why did citizens who collaborated with the GUEBiPK as agents doubt the legality of the actions of the Gueb officers who carried out operational search activities (ORM), although they knew that the corrupt officials were caught red-handed and admitted to the facts of theft and taking bribes?! What made S.A. Laskina, A.A. Klyushkina and A.V. Leonov to incriminate GUEBiPK employees? All the same methods of S.A. worked. Novikov and other investigators?

General Boris Kolesnikov is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the modern Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tragic fate, sudden accusation of corruption, strange death. There are many ambiguities left in his case; he was a significant personality in our country, participated in solving many corruption cases, and ultimately he himself found himself under investigation and accused of fabricating cases.


Born on June 27, 1977 into an educated family. His father was a professor at the Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so the boy’s fate was initially decided. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose biography, like any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is not very public, received from his father all the necessary knowledge in order to become a good defender of law and order.

He began his career as an ordinary police officer together with his future leader Denis Sugrobov, with whom he later solved many crimes side by side.

He began his career in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern District of Moscow, actively fighting crime. Later he was transferred to the Central Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He worked for several years as an ordinary operative, and then received a promotion and became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Professional activity

After reorganization at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in August 2011, he was transferred to the position of head of the department for combating crimes in the public sector. And exactly a year later he became deputy head of the GUEBiPK, and was now engaged not only in investigating crimes in the public sector, but also in the fight against corruption. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose biography is full of various events, received the police rank of major general in October 2013 at the age of 36.

He participated in solving many high-profile cases: the Oboronservis case, participating in exposing the scam with tomographs, solving the bribery case of the head of Rosreestr, the head physician of the clinic Anatoly Brontvein and in other high-profile cases.


Little is known about the personal life of Boris Kolesnikov. He was married and happily married. General Kolesnikov Boris, whose wife Victoria Kolesnikova, had three minor children in his marriage. The former major general treated his family very kindly, loved his wife and his children.

His wife Victoria did not believe in her husband’s suicide. Immediately after Boris's death, she repeatedly told reporters that her husband was killed.


The worthy career of the young major general was cut short in an instant. At the end of autumn 2013, his department began developing a case against the leaders of the FSB. One of those being developed was the head of the FSB employee fund, and the other was the deputy head of the FSB department. After that everything went wrong. General Boris Kolesnikov was summoned to the investigative committee for interrogation, which smoothly turned into arrest. He was accused of abuse of power, bribery and was taken into custody. There is information that Boris Kolesnikov and Denis Sugrobov admitted their guilt and tried to bribe the Investigative Committee.

According to the investigation, Boris Kolesnikov and Denis Sugrobov owned property worth more than 300 million rubles. One of the versions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees was even based on the fact that the general and 12 other operatives under his subordination independently fabricated corruption cases, framing officials.

Various unpleasant rumors began to appear in the press regarding the major general, regarding his use of drugs. Whether the case against the young Interior Ministry employee was fabricated or not still remains a mystery. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose family was confident of his absolute innocence, was taken into custody and placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Press about the arrest and death of Boris Kolesnikov

The case of Boris Kolesnikov received wide attention. Various theories were put forward in the press regarding the guilt of the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the crimes of which he was accused. There was an opinion that General Boris Kolesnikov ended up in prison because he too actively involved law enforcement officers in the development.

However, this version is nothing more than a theory, undocumented. A huge number of photographs of the general under investigation, in prison, during interrogations, behind bars in a cell appeared in newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

In March 2014, General Boris Kolesnikov was stripped of his title by Presidential Decree. In April of the same year, he tried to present his version of events to senior officials. A month later he wrote a statement to the ECHR saying that his life was being threatened. During the same period, while in a pre-trial detention center, he began to receive “domestic injuries” one after another. There is information that, while under investigation, he repeatedly attempted to commit suicide.

Death, funeral

Kolesnikov’s life was cut short on June 16, 2014. According to the official version, during the interrogation he asked to go to the toilet, but, going out into the corridor, he knocked down a police officer, ran to the window and jumped off the balcony. He fell to his death after jumping from the 6th floor. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose photo is in the article, committed suicide.

According to Boris Kolesnikov's lawyer, Georgy Antonov, the former major general was prohibited from being buried with honors. There was no escort, no salvo, no military band. He was buried at about 150-200 people gathered at the funeral. But none of the former colleagues came in military uniform.

Versions of death

The death of General Boris Kolesnikov occurred in a pre-trial detention center. However, the exact cause of his death has not been established. According to one version, he was driven to suicide. The father of the deceased told the Kommersant newspaper about this.

There is a theory that as a result of the traumatic brain injuries he received in the pre-trial detention center, his psyche was impaired. On that ill-fated day of interrogation, his blood pressure rose and he was very depressed, which is why he jumped out of the window. The media describe Boris Kolesnikov as a drug addict who smashed his head in a pretrial detention cell and jumped out of the window.

One suggestion is that he suffered a traumatic brain injury in prison and was then thrown out of a window. There is an assumption that his death is connected with a change of power in the “cash” sphere, because it was Kolesnikov and Sugrobov who “oversaw” this sector of the market.


Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya spoke about the events that took place on the day of the former general’s death, June 16. According to her, Kolesnikov and investigator Novikov went out onto the balcony together. What happened there is unknown. But the investigator returned alone. He said that the major general jumped out of the window.

And a little later, Vladimir Markin, a representative of the Investigative Committee, voiced another version, according to which the defendant knocked down a policeman, ran to the balcony and jumped off it. But there is a small inconsistency here: how could Boris Kolesnikov know where exactly the balcony is open?

The defendant’s wife, Victoria, has repeatedly said that she was forbidden to see her husband, and she never met him while he was in jail. Victoria could not believe that her husband committed suicide, leaving her alone and three small children. He loved his family too much and would never have done this, she said.

Anton Tsvetkov, chairman of the Public Monitoring Committee, said after the death of the suspect that Boris had repeatedly expressed concerns and was afraid of something while he was in the pre-trial detention center. He even said that he was afraid of someone close to him. Boris Kolesnikov died at the age of 37, leaving behind his wife and children. And a single version of the cause of his death has not yet been established.

On June 16, deputy head of the department Boris Kolesnikov, who was arrested at the end of February this year, died after jumping from the fire escape landing located on the sixth floor of the building of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The largest criminal case in the history of the “silovik wars,” in which almost the entire leadership of the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was arrested, received a tragic continuation. On June 16, the deputy head of the department, Boris Kolesnikov, who was arrested at the end of February this year, died after jumping from the fire escape landing located on the sixth floor of the building of the Investigative Committee of Russia (Tekhnicheskiy Lane).

Let us remind you that a criminal case has been opened against General Kolesnikov and his former boss - the head of the Main Directorate Denis Sugrobov (), as well as 11 other high-ranking officials and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under three articles of the Criminal Code: “Organization of a criminal community”, “Organization of provoking a bribe” and “ Exceeding official authority" ( see publication in Novaya Gazeta).

The day before the arrest of Lieutenant General Sugrobov (May 6 this year), Boris Kolesnikov was taken from the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center to the neurosurgery department of city clinical hospital No. 5. According to Kolesnikov’s lawyer Anna Stavitskaya, her client was diagnosed with a moderate brain contusion, small focal bruises of both frontal lobes, fracture of the frontal, parietal bones, bruised wound of the parietal region. The deceased general’s lawyers insist that their client was beaten, and are ready to provide evidence of medical experts who confirmed head injuries from blows to support their words. Doctors indicated the presence of serious bodily injuries, life-threatening, and the consequences: a problem with intracranial pressure and the possible development of exogenous mental disorders (depression, increased excitability).

The pre-trial detention center employees, in turn, put forward the version that Kolesnikov. Then they started talking about suicide attempts - as if the general himself was banging his head against the walls, and they hinted at his drug addiction. Relatives and lawyers of the arrested person categorically denied this information.

Despite the fact that Boris Kolesnikov’s defense petitioned the investigation and the management of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center for the need for long-term inpatient treatment in a specialized medical institution, on May 12, 2014, the general was transferred to the Matrosskaya Tishina prison hospital, having spent less than a week in a civilian clinic.

According to lawyer Anna Stavitskaya, health problems continued to progress, and on June 3, 2014, for this reason, the investigative actions even had to be interrupted: the general lost consciousness and vomited. However, prison doctors found no reason to hospitalize the arrested person in a specialized clinic and even hinted that he was a malingerer.

In the prison hospital, General Kolesnikov was visited by members of the Moscow POC, to whom the prisoner complained of poor health, he was depressed, and human rights activists noticed blood on his pillow (journalist Zoya Svetova, a member of the commission, told Stavitskaya about this).

The pre-trial detention center staff's explanation was as follows: he loses consciousness, falls and is injured.

Anna Stavitskaya also told Novaya Gazeta that a few days before her death, her client gave the lawyers a handwritten statement in which he expressed fears for his life.

On June 16, he was taken to the Investigative Committee for questioning regarding the injuries he received in the pre-trial detention center. As his lawyers assure, the defense was not informed about this - they found out by chance when they arrived in prison on a meeting with a client. However, lawyer Sergei Chizhikov managed to catch the investigative actions.

According to the defense, during the interrogation, the head of the group investigating the “GUEBiPK case,” Sergei Novikov, entered the investigator’s office and took General Kolesnikov away to smoke.

Smoking is naturally prohibited in the offices of the Investigative Committee, and for this purpose the fire escape, which is located on the side of the building, is sometimes used. There is an exit from each floor, but the doors, as a rule, are locked, which means it is very difficult for a visitor to the insurance company to get there without being accompanied by employees.

After some time, investigator Novikov ran into the office where the lawyer was waiting for his client and reported that the general had suddenly rushed downstairs.

The Investigative Committee of Russia, as stated on the official website of the department, has begun a pre-investigation check into the death of the ex-deputy head of the anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The statement from the press service says the following: Kolesnikov, accompanied by two guards, was taken to the toilet and, according to the instructions, the handcuffs were removed from the accused in such a situation.

“Suddenly running out of the toilet and knocking down a police officer, and then the second guard who was in the corridor, Kolesnikov jumped out onto the balcony and jumped down from the 6th floor,” the report said. The Investigative Committee also noted in its statement that Kolesnikov had twice previously attempted to commit suicide.

According to lawyer Anna Stavitskaya, of course, there is no need to talk about premeditated murder: most likely, it really was suicide, but it is fundamentally important to understand what was the reason and reason for such a decision, and how the consequences of previously received injuries could have influenced this.

Investigations Department

What made the person involved in the high-profile case of abuses in the GUEBiPK commit suicide for the third time?

The news of the suicide of ex-deputy head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Boris Kolesnikov on Monday literally blew up the information space. It was difficult to believe in her at first. The general, who was suspected of faking two accidents in his cell at once, jumped out of the window of the 6th floor of the building of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Tekhnicheskiy Lane, where he was brought for interrogation.

Kolesnikov’s suicide may become a new starting point in the high-profile case against GUEBiPK employees accused of creating a criminal group. According to one version, a high-ranking anti-corruption fighter was pushed to take a fatal jump. According to another, the general, who was rumored to have used cocaine in the wild, could not stand the harsh life behind bars.

The reasons for the fatal fall of one of the youngest and most scandalous generals in Russia were investigated by the special correspondent of MK.

The courtyard of the Investigative Committee. The general's body is behind the car.

The emergency happened on Monday at about noon. On this day, Boris Kolesnikov was unexpectedly summoned for questioning by the Investigative Committee. Unexpectedly - because the lawyer was not warned about this in advance. From the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, where he was being held, he was accompanied by two guards to the Investigative Committee. According to rumors, they were transported alone in a paddy wagon, and not with other prisoners... The official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Vladimir Markin, spoke about what happened next:

The interrogation of Boris Kolesnikov, accused of committing a series of malfeasance, was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. That is, in the presence of his lawyer. Then Kolesnikov, accompanied by two employees of the convoy regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, went to the toilet. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions, the handcuffs were removed from him. Suddenly running out of the toilet and knocking down a police officer, and then the second guard who was in the corridor, Kolesnikov jumped out onto the balcony and jumped down from the 6th floor. As a result of his injuries, he died. I note that earlier, while in custody, Kolesnikov twice attempted suicide.

Now I’ll try to describe in more detail how it all happened. The SK building is a square with a “hole” inside. There are balconies on the outside, which are located on each floor. These are fire balconies and, according to the instructions, they should not be locked (so that in the event of a fire people can get out). Did Kolesnikov know about this? For sure. Therefore, when the handcuffs were removed from him, the first thing he did was rush to the balcony door, which was exactly opposite the toilet. The fact that he could cope with two guards is, in principle, not surprising. Boris Kolesnikov is a 36-year-old, tall, strong man. He managed to quickly climb onto the balcony and jump over it. Everything took seconds.

Strange things began to happen to the general on May 5th. It was on this day that Boris Kolesnikov was urgently taken from Lefortovo to city hospital No. 5 with a severe head injury. The emergency immediately caused a stir, because the prisoner is an important figure (more recently he was the deputy head of the main anti-corruption department, he put the highest-ranking bribe-takers behind bars, opened cases against ministers, mayors, etc.). The version of the administration of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center - he was washing a window, slipped and fell. Kolesnikov himself said that he doesn’t remember anything. It is curious that almost immediately after this, Kolesnikov’s boss, the head of the GUEBiPK Denis Sugrobov, was arrested.

It’s hard to believe that a person can fall and break both the frontal and parietal bones at once,” his wife Veronica said then.

There was no CCTV in that cell. But taking into account the fact that he falls all the time (he also fainted in the Matrosskaya Tishina hospital), we have now placed him in the cell where the video is available,” said the deputy head of the pre-trial detention center literally an hour before the general’s death. Who would have thought that these measures would be in vain and that Kolesnikov would choose the RF IC for suicide!

They didn’t say anything about the general’s falls. And that he is pretending so that later he will be declared mentally insane, and that in this way he is trying to attract the attention of the public and the president personally.

Now I remember what Kolesnikov was like when he first found himself in the pre-trial detention center, what he said, how he behaved. When human rights activists came to him for the first time, he behaved as if he was in uniform with general’s shoulder straps. He talked to the jailers as if they were subordinates. "Who it? Deputy the head of the institution? Where's the TV? Why is there dust on my sneakers? He was absolutely sure that he would come out soon. But time passed, and he remained in Lefortovo. And now he is completely different. Somewhat confused and tired. “I want to make a statement: I am being drugged with psychotropic drugs. I understand that this cannot be proven. No way. But I focus on how I feel.” Then the first fall happened. And so Kolesnikov says: “I don’t remember anything.” Second fall: “It’s hard for me to speak, my head hurts all the time. It’s hard for me to stand...Can I lie down?”

The Russian Investigative Committee apparently considers these two cases to be suicide attempts. But none of the doctors I talked to think so. Then where are the investigators so confident?! He did not talk about suicide either in conversations with the guards or with his relatives. But the feeling of strong depression, depression, was undoubtedly present.

“We think he was driven to commit suicide,” his colleagues say. - We ourselves know a lot of psychological techniques... There are a lot of strange things here. What if he started telling everything and it scared the prominent government officials who looked after the GUEBiPK?

There is another version of suicide. According to it, the general used cocaine for a long time. Moreover, in huge quantities. Some subordinates even called him “cocaine head,” explaining Kolesnikov’s sometimes absurd orders. Cocaine is a dangerous thing and causes depression upon withdrawal. And then there are bars and bars... I remember how in response to my question, “Are you under a lot of stress?” The general, throwing up his handsome head (he was really very handsome and was destined for a career as a film actor), replied: “Yes... I am charged with Article 210. From 12 to 20 years. Can you imagine?!”

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