Home Generator How to prevent the cake from sinking. What to do if the pie in the oven is not fully baked and is raw in the middle? Why does the cake fall

How to prevent the cake from sinking. What to do if the pie in the oven is not fully baked and is raw in the middle? Why does the cake fall

I think many people love closed pies from regular yeast dough. This is probably one of the most Russian dishes. Its main trick is that you can put anything in it, for example, potatoes, onions, chicken, meat, mushrooms, fish and so on. And it’s not that difficult to prepare. But there is one problem, after 45 minutes of baking in the oven, it becomes quite hard and dry. How can you make a closed pie soft? Or rather even like this:
I remember that as a child, my mother covered such pies with film and covered it with a pillow or blanket, in general, she made a real bathhouse for pirogue. This method can, of course, be used. In this case, the cake will steam and become soft.
You can also cover the cake with a towel soaked in hot water, again you will get a steam bath, but even in this case the cake will turn out soft.
But it turns out there is a completely simple and easy way that will definitely make your covered pie soft. In this method, after the pie is ready, remove the pie from the oven, immediately make a small cross cut in the center of the pie and place a glass jar with the neck on the pie in this place. And literally in 10-15 minutes, your closed pie will be soft.
Bon appetit everyone, see our recipes for making a covered pie:

But bad luck! Often, as a result of considerable effort, the appearance of the sponge cake resembles a burnt and scorched pancake. Isn’t it a shame that after more than one hour of cooking you have to throw away a failed dessert or hide it away from the eyes of your loved ones or friends? Obviously, the cooking process has some peculiarities or even secrets. If you familiarize yourself with them, then after baking the biscuit will not lose its shape and will not settle.

Why the prepared biscuit settles: possible reasons

The reasons for the settling of the biscuit lie in mistakes made during its preparation:

  • Egg whites are not beaten well enough. Experts consider this oversight to be the most common mistake and the main reason for the sponge cake to settle. Everything is explained simply. The dough is almost half air. Protein molecules are able to hold it because, when whipped, they combine with oxygen and coagulate with it. They can maintain this structure for a long time. If you add an insufficiently whipped ingredient to the dough, then when heated it will certainly become active and rise. But the protein structure is not strong enough to retain air after a sharp drop in temperature. Therefore, a sponge cake containing under-whipped whites quickly collapses when moved from a hot oven to the kitchen table.
  • Mixing ingredients too vigorously. Whipped whites and yolks must be mixed very carefully and portionwise with the dry ingredients of the dough (flour, starch, sugar, baking powder). If you do this too vigorously, the air will evaporate from the dough, and it may fall before being placed in the oven.
  • Incorrect temperature setting. Do not put the dough into an oven that is too hot. Even proper beating and stirring will not save the sponge cake from settling if you bake it at a temperature exceeding 180 degrees. This “inferno” will not allow protein molecules to firmly connect with the air and retain it when moving the biscuit from the oven.
  • Availability of intervals during the cooking process. You shouldn’t be distracted by a phone call or watching some part of the program, while leaving already whipped whites, prepared dough or a preheated oven in standby mode. Such pauses can ruin the work already done.
  • Untimely opening of the oven door. This harmless movement will instantly reduce all efforts to nothing. The temperature difference will do its bad work, and the sponge cake will look more like a pancake rather than a cake.

How to bake a fluffy sponge cake

There are several secrets (or simply rules) for preparing a sponge cake that does not lose its fluffiness after being taken out of the oven:

  • Pay due attention to preparing the baking dish. This procedure should be done like this:
    • grease the bottom of the mold with butter;
    • place parchment on top;
    • also cover the paper with a thin layer of butter;
    • place the form in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes;
    • pour the prepared dough onto the chilled dish and place it in the oven.
  • To preserve the fluffy shape of the dessert, starch is added to the biscuit dough (a teaspoon per glass of flour). It is mixed with all the other dry ingredients.
  • It is important to beat the whites to the desired state - a strong and stable foam. To achieve this you need:
    • make sure the quality of eggs and use only fresh ones;
    • choose larger eggs, since they contain more protein;
    • very carefully separate the whites from the yolks;
    • Use completely dry and clean mixing bowls. The presence of fat residues or other products on the walls will result in wasted labor;
    • Be sure to cool the whites before beating. The whipping time is from 5 to 10 minutes. This depends on the power of the kitchen assistant (mixer).
  • It is important to add the finished proteins to the dough gradually - 3-4 spoons at a time. They mix very carefully with the flour when the mixer is turned off. Use a wooden or silicone spatula.
  • It is advisable to mix the whites, yolks and dry ingredients not in a circular motion, but from top to bottom. This technique will keep air bubbles inside the dough and prevent the finished biscuit from settling.
  • Bake the biscuit for the first 15 minutes at 180 degrees, and then reduce to 150.
  • Under no circumstances should the oven door be opened for 15–20 minutes after loading the mold. It’s even better not to touch it until the process is complete. But this can be done when all the oven’s capabilities have been fully studied and the baking time has been tested in practice.
  • To prevent metamorphosis from happening to the biscuit at the very last moment, you need to properly check its readiness. You cannot do this with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Through the small hole left by such devices, the air will quickly fly out, and the biscuit will settle instantly. Therefore, you need to take a spatula and lightly press the surface of the biscuit. If it springs, the fragrant product is ready.
  • It is advisable to place the mold with the finished biscuit on a damp towel for 3-5 minutes - the baked goods will easily separate from the walls and will not be damaged.
  • There is no time to waste and wait for it to cool completely. To prevent the biscuit from falling off and losing its shape, it must be transferred to a plate hot.
  • To prepare the biscuit, only dry flour is used. You can check its status like this:
    • sprinkle some flour onto your palm;
    • make a fist;
    • open your palm. If the flour remains in a loose state, it is dry. When lumps appear on your hand, the ingredient is not suitable for making a biscuit.

And you shouldn’t be distracted during the cooking process. It is necessary to organize your work so that the oven is heated on time, and the prepared dough does not lose oxygen while the baking dish is greased and covered with parchment paper.

Creating culinary dishes is always magical. First, you send the raw dough into the oven, so that you can then take out a ruddy pie or crispy fluffy buns. But, unfortunately, sometimes baked goods fall off during the cooking process, or immediately after they are taken out of the oven. Why is this happening? What is this connected with? Let's try to figure it out together.

The main reasons for falling baked goods:

  • During the cooking process, the dough was accidentally shaken, for example, by sharply slamming the door;
  • early opening of the oven (according to the rules, no earlier than 10-20 minutes);
  • The oven is not warm enough;
  • the dough was beaten with a mixer for a long time;
  • violation of proportions, for example, too much liquid or flour;
  • After baking there was a sharp temperature change. The dish should remain in the oven for at least 10 minutes after turning off;
  • there is a large amount of filling, under its weight the pie often settles (it should be remembered that partial collapse is considered normal for cottage cheese baking; in order for the dish to retain its attractive appearance, put a little more cottage cheese in the central part).

How to prevent baked goods from sinking?

Here is some advice on this matter from experienced housewives:

  1. Be sure to sift the flour several times before kneading. The dough becomes more airy.
  2. The yeast propagation liquid must have an optimal temperature (36°C). If it is colder, this will lead to a slow increase in the volume of the dough, and if it is hot, it can generally spoil the yeast.
  3. If you need to beat the egg whites separately for the cake, make sure that the whipping bowl is completely dry. It is very important to carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  4. Follow cooking instructions strictly. Sometimes the temperature needs to be adjusted during the baking process.
  5. The soda must be extinguished in the dough itself, otherwise some of the gases will evaporate and the desired fluffiness will not be achieved.
  6. Before putting the pie in the oven, let it rise for 15-20 minutes and brush it with egg before baking.
  7. Shortcrust pastry pies should be removed from the molds when cooled.
  8. The baked pies are allowed to cool in the same room where they were baked.
  9. To keep the cake soft and fluffy, while it is still hot, cover it with a thick cloth.

Why does the cake fall?

The cake can fall a lot:

  • Due to a sharp change in temperature, when shaken, they abruptly took it out of the oven and slammed the door, especially if it was slightly underbaked. Therefore, it is better to leave the baked cake in the oven for a while so that it cools a little and remove it from the oven warm.
  • If it is a sponge cake, then it is better to leave it in the oven until it cools completely. It is better to cut it on the 2nd day - it is much tastier this way, especially if it was prepared with additives (for example, a sponge cake with apples).
  • The cake should not be baked at a very high temperature, as it will immediately “set” (harden) on top but will remain raw inside. And, naturally, it will fall off.
  • The ideal temperature that is suitable for baking most biscuits is 180°C, shortbread cakes are 160-180°C (for yeast dough - from 170-175°C to 240°C (and even higher) - depending on the size and type baked product, in addition, the behavior of the yeast dough is influenced by the recipe and cooking mode).

4 common mistakes when baking

  • Eggs not beaten well enough. Perhaps this is the most common mistake and the main reason for the sudden subsidence of the sponge cake. Biscuit dough is approximately 50% air. Such a large amount of air can only be retained due to protein molecules, which, when whipped, are able to unfold, attach to air bubbles and fold again together with the air, maintaining such a structure for some time. So, if the egg whites are not whipped well enough, the protein molecules are not able to maintain a strong structure for a long time. You will see that when heated, the protein will activate and rise, but its structure will not be strong enough to retain air when the temperature drops sharply. Therefore, after the sponge cake on under-beaten egg whites comes from the oven to room temperature, it immediately settles.

How to determine whether eggs are beaten enough? Well-beaten eggs should increase significantly in volume and turn into a white fluffy foam. You need to beat the eggs for the biscuit for 5-10 minutes, depending on the power of your mixer. If your mixer is powerful enough, beat at the penultimate speed for 5 minutes, and if weaker, then at the highest speed for 10 minutes. Sugar can be added from the very beginning and gradually.

  • Mixing too intense. After the eggs are well beaten, we need to stir in the flour mixture. If we stir the dough too actively and carelessly, the air will instantly “evaporate”. And the dough will fall before it even gets into the oven. Then in the oven, under the influence of temperature, it will rise a little, but after baking the biscuit will certainly settle. Proper mixing of the dough is 50% of success. Sift the flour or flour mixture with starch into the beaten eggs and, using a slotted spoon (preferred) or a silicone spatula, gently mix with folding movements from the bottom up and from the edges to the center. You don’t need to mix for a long time, but you need to do it quickly so that there are no unmixed parts left. That is, so that the flour is completely mixed into the egg mixture.
  • Baking temperature too high. If your oven is too hot, even with proper beating and stirring, your cake will collapse after baking. Do not set the temperature to 180º. Allow the protein molecules to firmly attach to the air. The biscuit should be baked at 150º for 35 minutes. But this, of course, is not an absolute indicator. Baking time will directly depend on the size of your sponge cake.
  • Too long downtime. Another very popular mistake of inexperienced housewives. If you leave already beaten eggs to sit, even for a short time, the air formed during beating will simply “dissipate” and the sponge cake will lose its main property - airiness. Make sure in advance that your oven is preheated at the time of baking, and that the desired pan is greased and covered with parchment. Prepare all the necessary tools and weigh all the ingredients before you even start beating the eggs. The less time the dough rests, the more air you will retain in it.

What to do, if?..

Dough doesn't rise

If the dough does not rise, there can only be two reasons for this: either the kitchen is too cold - the temperature is less than 22 degrees, or you did not heat the milk before mixing it with the yeast. The temperature of the liquid mixed with yeast should be approximately equal to body temperature, that is, 36 degrees.

The finished curd cake settles

Ready-made curd cakes always decrease in volume, especially in the center. Therefore, you need to put a little more dough in the center than on the edges. When the baking time is up, leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door closed until the temperature drops.

Bread falls off

Let's look at the common reasons that lead to the top crust of homemade bread falling off:

  1. Excess water in the dough, causing it to become sticky and “weak.” The result is a sagging (failed) top crust of the finished bread, large pores and an unbaked crumb. Next time when kneading the dough, reduce the amount of water by 10-20 ml. (When kneading, pay attention to the bun - there should be no liquid mass trailing behind the spatula.)
  2. You have added a lot of yeast. Follow the recipe strictly, because both excess and lack of yeast have a bad effect on the final result.
  3. You have used the wrong bread program. For wheat, wheat-rye bread, the “Basic” program (“Standard”, “Basic”) is best suited; for rye-wheat – “Rye bread”; for sweet, rich bread, Easter cake - “Sweet bread” (“Butter”, “Dessert”). The programs listed have different kneading, rising and baking times to suit specific types of bread.
  4. Did you open the lid of the bread machine while the dough was rising or baking?

I was baking a biscuit and looked online for some questions. I found a list with very useful and necessary information about baking. I am sharing with you!

The sponge cake is ready when it becomes soft and easily pulls away from a wooden skewer.

The sponge cake will not fall off if, after baking, you turn it over onto a wire rack and let it cool without removing it from the pan.

The sponge cake must be removed from the mold when it has cooled, and pies made from yeast dough after baking are immediately laid out and cooled without a mold.

The sponge cake will not dry out if you put a cut apple in a cardboard box with it.

Baking paper will not warp if you grease the baking tray with oil, and then place the paper on it and press it.

In a single-crust pie, fold the edges of the dough to prevent the filling from leaking out. In a two-layer pie, the raised edges are sealed together. To achieve a simple edge, lift the edges of the dough evenly around the perimeter of the pan, flush with it. Dip the tines of a fork into the flour and gently press in a circle around the inside of the dough. (This can also be done with the rounded part of a spoon). To make a simple scallop, lift the edge of the dough 1 to 1.5 cm around the side of the pan. Grasp the outer rim of the pie with your right hand. Pull the dough toward the center of the pie with your index finger, pressing away from the center of the pan with your left thumb to create a V shape. Repeat this step along the entire edge of the pie.

Berry pies should not have too much filling - the pie will turn out wet and the juice will flow. Five large apples or a glass of berries are quite enough for one pie. It is recommended to sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.

When baking pies in the oven, the tops sometimes bake faster than the bottoms and may burn. To prevent this from happening, the top of the pie must be covered with paper soaked in water.

Products should be baked on evenly greased baking sheets, sheets, or molds, otherwise the products will stick to them.

The baked product should be kept on a baking sheet or in a mold until it cools, only then taken out and decorated.

The baked goods will turn golden brown if you brush them with a small amount of warm milk 10 minutes before they are ready.

A tall sponge cake is usually cut into 2-3 layers lengthwise. The baked biscuit needs to cool completely. Make cuts on the sides of the biscuit with a knife. Take a thick thread, fold it in half, insert it into the notches, cross the ends of the thread in front of you and pull them in different directions. Then the cake will be cut evenly.

A hot dough product should be poured with cold syrup, and a cooled dough product should be filled with hot syrup.

It is better not to cut a hot pie. But if you still need to do this, it is recommended to hold the knife in hot water, and then quickly wipe and cut.

Ready-made flour products made from yeast dough should not be left on baking sheets for a long time, as this will cause the bottom crust of the products to become wet and acquire the smell of the metal sheet.

The finished cake cannot be immediately taken out into the cold, as it may settle due to a sharp temperature change.

To bake a frozen pie, preheat the oven. Unwrap the pie, place the pan or pan with the pie on a baking sheet and cut holes in the top crust (if the pie has two layers). Bake the pie undefrosted, adding 15-20 minutes to the baking time indicated in the recipe.

To freeze a baked cake, cool it completely after baking and wrap it tightly in cellophane. If frozen, it can be stored for up to three months. Thaw at room temperature for 30 minutes. Unwrap the cake and bake it for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C.

To prepare a variety of puddings, casseroles and dough products, either special molds or pots and deep frying pans are used. In order for the finished product to have a beautiful, evenly fried surface, not stick to the mold and not deform when removed from it, the mold must be lubricated with an even layer of fat. The most suitable fat for lubricating molds is odorless fat - lard, refined vegetable oil or ghee.

In order for the cakes to come out of the mold well and easily, it must be greased with cold butter and sprinkled with flour.

The oven must be preheated for 10-15 minutes before placing dough products in it.

If the oven is set to the desired temperature, do not open the cabinet door frequently until the baked product is completely ready.

If the finished cake sticks to the baking sheet, you need to hold the baking sheet over steam or wrap it in a damp towel for a few minutes.

If the cookies burn during baking, you need to cool them, then run a fine grater over them several times and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

If the cake in the oven begins to burn on one side, you need to place a bowl of water under the baking sheet.

If the cake does not come out of the mold, place it in cold water for a few seconds or hold it over steam.

If the cake is stuck to the pan, take a string and run it under the cake.

If the soufflé is in the oven, do not open the door. Otherwise, the soufflé will fall under the influence of the air flow.

If the dough burns in the oven, place a heatproof bowl with water in it.

If the dough has risen but the oven has not yet warmed up, you can stop the dough from rising by covering it with well-moistened paper.

Freezing unbaked fruit pies preserves their fresh flavor. Prepare the fruit filling as usual, adding an extra spoonful of thickener for each pie. Cover the pie with the second layer, but do not cut any holes in it. Wrap the pie in cellophane and freeze. In this form, the pie can be stored for up to three months.

Dried cookies will become soft again if you put them in an airtight jar and add a piece of apple.

Dough products must first be greased with butter and then sprinkled with sugar, and not vice versa, otherwise the sugar will dissolve and be absorbed into the butter.

The baked pie should not be immediately removed from the mold; you need to let it cool slightly. But you can’t leave it on the baking sheet for a long time - this makes the cake moist and smells like iron.

The baked dough is easier to remove from the mold if it is cooled slightly.

The quality of a baked product can be determined by its weight: the lighter, the better baked.

The cake crust should not be baked at high temperatures, as it will burn on top and the middle will remain raw; Bake at a moderate temperature, preheating the oven.

The crackers will stay crisp if you put them in an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator.

You can only fill cakes with thick, cooled cream. Cocoa powder is added to the chocolate buttercream along with vanilla powder at the end of whipping.

Don’t be afraid to deviate from the strict recipe, experiment; If some components are missing, try replacing them with others.

There is no need to grease the sheet on which the pastry is baked - it is better to moisten the sheet with water. In order for the dough to bake better, there is no need to roll it out over the entire area of ​​the sheet.

Do not put the crust in a hot oven, otherwise it will be hard on the outside and raw on the inside. Preheat the oven, but do not heat it, bake the cake over low heat. Place the finished cake on a wet, cold towel without removing it from the mold, and it will easily come out of the mold. Do not take the cake out into the cold - it may settle.

Do not put the pie in the oven immediately - let it rise for 15-20 minutes. It will rise and become more magnificent. After that, brush it with a raw egg and bake.

Do not slam the oven door - the cake may settle.

Do not brush the edges of puff pastry products with egg - they will harden during baking and the dough will not rise.

Never try a new recipe on the eve of a holiday, because it may not work out, and then you will be disappointed. It’s better to try the recipe you like in advance, and if everything works out, you can safely bake for guests.

Egg yolks add a special shine to baked goods. You need to grease the dough evenly with a soft brush so as not to wrinkle the product and so that the grease does not drip onto the sheets.

The dough must be completely proofed before baking; if the proofing is not complete, it does not rise well, and products made from it do not bake for a long time.

Allow the cake to cool before cutting. If this is not possible, then you need to warm the knife in hot water, wipe it and quickly cut the pie.

The cake can be easily removed from the mold if you immediately place it on a wet cloth from the oven.

The pie can be decorated in an original way with scraps of dough. Shape the scraps, roll out the dough again and cut it using decorative grooves of various shapes. Brush the rim of the pie plate, or the top crust if the pie has two layers, with beaten egg or water and arrange the dough shapes nicely, pressing them lightly.

The pie will not burn if you place a sheet of coarse salt sprinkled on it under the baking sheet with the dough.

Pies will not dry out for a long time if you keep them in a clay dish covered with a napkin.

A potato cut in half and placed on a fork can be used as a brush for greasing the pan when baking pancakes.

Donuts and pies are best fried in the following mixture: 30% lard, the same amount of beef and 40% vegetable oil.

Before putting the pie in the oven, you need to let it rise for 15-20 minutes, then brush with egg white.

When baking fluffy cookies (meringue), be sure to place a sheet of clean paper on a baking sheet.

When baking flour products with fillings containing a lot of moisture, in the initial period the oven door needs to be opened slightly to allow the steam accumulated in the cabinet to escape.

When baking pies, grease the pan and sprinkle with semolina. This way the dough will not stick to the walls, and when it is baked, it will easily move away from the mold.

When preparing a soufflé, grease only the bottom of the mold. The walls of the mold can only be greased up to the middle of the height, otherwise the soufflé will fall off.

Cut pie will stay fresh longer if you store it in a container with a slice of apple.

The crumbly cake is easy to cut by dipping a knife into boiling water for a minute.

Sweet dishes always complement lunch or dinner; they should not cause feelings of oversaturation.

The soufflé is best cooked in a water bath. It turns out especially tender.

The soufflé increases greatly in volume. Therefore, the form must be filled to 3/4 of the height.

The soufflé increases in volume well if you put a small pan of water in the oven along with the soufflé.

Cut the warm fluffy cake with a hot knife - then it will not wrinkle. You can use a thick thread or fishing line: taking it with both hands, carefully separate the desired piece.

The dough will bake better if you leave empty spaces around the pie on the baking sheet.

Flour products will have a beautiful golden brown crust if you brush them with beaten egg or yolks 5-10 minutes before baking. This should be done with a soft brush and very carefully so as not to wrinkle the product.

Confectionery products packed in packs and boxes remain fresh for a long time.

Bread will stay fresh longer if you put a piece of apple in the bread bin. Bread and rolls can also be kept fresh longer by keeping them in the freezer.

Stale pies and bread can be refreshed by moistening them with water and warming them in the oven.

To ensure that the biscuit is easily removed from the mold, it is recommended to line the bottom and sides with parchment.

To ensure that the top and bottom crusts of the baked pie are soft, you need to place it on a soft napkin and cover it tightly on top. If the crust of the pie is very dry, you need to put it on a damp napkin and cover it with a dry one on top.

In order not to grease the pan when baking pancakes, you need to pour a little vegetable oil into the prepared dough and mix (one tablespoon of oil per 2 kg of dough).

To determine the readiness of the dough without removing the product from the oven, just stick a thin wooden match into the dough and immediately remove it; If there is dough on the match, it means the product is not yet baked.

To refresh dried buns or cookies, you need to put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle them with water, or dip them in milk for a second, then place the baking sheet on a large vessel with water and put them in the oven for a few minutes. Under the influence of steam, the products will become as fresh as new. You can dip the buns in milk and place them in a slightly heated oven.

To keep the cake soft and fluffy, while it is still hot, cover it with a thick cloth.

To make the pie delicious, do not open the oven for the first 15 minutes.

To prevent the pie with cottage cheese from settling after baking, you need to carefully remove it from the oven and cut it 2 cm deep around the perimeter of the mold.

To prevent pies from drying out, it is better to store them in a clay dish, covered with a napkin, or in a plastic bag.

In order to avoid swelling and tearing when baking kulebyak and rolls, the products must be pierced in 2-3 places.

So that when preparing kulebyaki with two or three types of fillings, the bottom layer on the inside does not turn out wet, you must first put a less wet filling on the dough, and on it a more juicy one - meat, fish or mushroom - seasoned with a thick sauce. For this purpose, very thin pancakes baked from unleavened dough are sometimes placed on the dough under the minced meat and on it.

To cut a hot pie, you need to first hold the knife in hot water and quickly wipe it off.

In order for a layer cake with fruit filling to bake better, you need to pierce the bottom layer of dough in several places.

To prevent the dough from burning when baking in the oven, you need to pour a little salt under the pan.

To find out if the cake is ready, you need to stick a wooden stick into it. If the stick is dry, the pie is ready.

They did not calculate the number of delicacies ordered, and food delivery brought you more than you could eat? Or perhaps custom birthday cakes have already turned out to be unnecessary? Or perhaps you baked pies yourself and now you don’t know how to keep them fresh?

We will try to tell you how to make sure that the pies do not go stale for a long time and at the same time retain their freshness and rich taste.

The time it takes for baked goods to go stale directly depends on the recipe of the dough itself. You might have noticed for yourself that buy baked goods which you can buy in any store will remain soft much longer than homemade pies. It's all about the right recipe and some tricks, which, by the way, you can resort to.

When preparing the dough, add a little vegetable oil to it and then your baked goods will remain soft longer. Potato starch is also added to the dough for the same purposes. Another trick will also help keep the pies airy - let the dough rise several times, as soon as it rises, remember it and let it sit again. This way the dough will be saturated with air and will not quickly become stale after baking.

When kneading pies, add a little sour cream to it, it will soften the baked goods. But you can put fewer eggs: the protein in the egg gives the baked goods rigidity. But the surface of the baked goods can be greased with egg, so it will acquire a beautiful color.

When baking, do not add heat, as this will immediately make the baked goods dry. Also, after your pies are cooked, grease them with a small amount of margarine and cover them with a plastic bag, and place a towel on top until they cool completely. Moreover, it is worth making sure that the bag does not become too wet, then it is better to replace it with a dry one.

If it's hard for you baked goods, buy which is much simpler, we advise you to turn to the bakery chain for delicious fresh and soft pies " Pekarushka", official website which will open before you a large selection of baked goods for every taste.

If you want to store baked goods that you have already prepared or bought, then no matter how trivial it may sound, it is best to preserve its softness in a plastic bag. It will keep baked goods soft for a long time. There is another way to keep the cake fresh - store it in a clay dish, covered with a napkin or towel. This method is much more effective than the package. Firstly, earthenware retains heat perfectly and therefore it will not only prevent your baked goods from going stale, but will also keep them fresh and warm. And covered with a napkin or towel, pies or puff pastries, or pies, will not become damp, as, for example, this can happen with a bag. The towel allows a little air to pass through and absorbs moisture perfectly. Warm baked goods will not have time to cool down and will remain just as tasty.

But, as practice shows , pies delivery Omsk from “Pekarushka” I have never known a case when pies to order, bought in our bakeries, would remain on the tables. No matter how many pies you order, by the end of your holiday, they will all be eaten.

Store your pies in a clay dish, covered with a napkin or towel, and they will not go stale for a long time.

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