Home Salon How to cook thick cherry jelly, recipe with starch. Cherry jelly - recipe

How to cook thick cherry jelly, recipe with starch. Cherry jelly - recipe

First, let's look at frozen cherry jelly. It perfectly retains its taste, aroma and vitamins, so the drink from it turns out to be very pleasant to taste and healthy.

The thickness of the jelly can be adjusted by the amount of starch. For liquid, 2 tbsp is enough. per liter of water, for thick water – 4 tbsp.

The process of making jelly from frozen cherries:

  1. Defrost the cherries by sprinkling them with sugar. Drain the juice, it will come in handy.
  2. Remove pits from cherries. Grind the berries through a fine sieve or grind in a blender into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour water over the cherries and boil.
  4. Dissolve starch in half a glass of cold water.
  5. Strain the cherry broth through cheesecloth or a sieve and place on fire. Gradually add starch and water, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from appearing.
  6. Bring the jelly to a boil, add sugar.
  7. Pour in the juice remaining after defrosting the cherries.
  8. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat.

Serve the jelly warm or cold. Adjust the amount of sugar depending on the sweetness of the cherries and your taste preferences.

And another unusual way to prepare jelly. It takes a little longer, but the drink is especially aromatic thanks to the use of seeds and berry pulp.

Required Products:

  • Fresh cherries – 2 cups.
  • Sugar – 0.5 cup.
  • Corn starch – 4 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 l.

Before cooking jelly from cherries, remove the pits from them, fill them with water and cook for 3 minutes. Let cool in the broth so that the bones infuse. Strain.

Cover the cherries with sugar and let stand for half an hour, stirring to actively release the juice. Drain the berries in a colander and transfer to the broth in which the seeds were boiled, and use the juice later.

Boil the cherries for 3 minutes, remove from the pan with a slotted spoon. Grind the berries in a blender into puree and return to the broth. Bring to a boil.

Dissolve the starch in a glass with a small amount of cold water, add cherry juice, and slowly pour into the cherry broth. Stir to avoid lumps.

Bring the jelly to a boil and turn off. To prevent an unpleasant film from forming on the surface, sprinkle the jelly with sugar. Let it cool and pour into serving bowls.

Cherry jelly is a great option for an afternoon snack or snack that both children and adults will enjoy.

By far the most delicious jelly is obtained at the height of the berry and fruit season, when fresh fruits give this drink all their vitamins. But even in winter you can cook healthy jelly if you take care in advance and freeze fresh berries. Juicy berries are best suited for preparing this drink: red and black currants, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, plums. The ratio of water and starch depends on how thick your jelly is. If you want the drink to be viscous and liquid, then take 2 tbsp. spoons of starch per 1 liter of water. If you like thick jelly - 4 tbsp. spoons of starch per 1 liter of water.

Before you start preparing the jelly, you need to prepare the berries. To do this, they need to be defrosted, drained in a colander, and pitted. It is better to grind small berries through a sieve. Large fruits can be left unchanged, or they can be chopped in a blender.

Cherry jelly from frozen berries

This recipe for cherry jelly is very easy to prepare and is not inferior in taste to its counterpart made from fresh cherries.

To make cherry jelly from frozen berries you will need the following products:

  • frozen cherries – 2 cups
  • starch - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar – 7-8 tbsp. l.
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method

Any berry jelly is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Secrets of delicious cherry jelly

Even nutritionists noticed the nutritional value of drinks due to the starch they contain.

The soft enveloping property makes it possible to drink the dessert drink for those who have stomach problems.

During Soviet times, the technological map of this drink was studied by students of culinary colleges, and jelly was mandatory on the menu of every sanatorium.

Kissel can be made from any berries, but the one thing it won’t work without is starch. Both corn and potato are suitable. Just remember that potato makes a more transparent drink, while corn makes a more fluid, delicate drink.

By the way, earlier, before the appearance of potatoes in Russia, jelly was considered not a drink or dessert, but a complete meal and it was cooked not from starch, but from rye and oatmeal broth. And now, if suddenly the jelly is already being cooked, but there is no starch or not enough, take wheat flour (ideally rye or rice) at the rate of:
1 tsp starch = 1 partial tbsp. flour.

Classic recipe

Kissel is the easiest homemade dessert to prepare, and at the same time the healthiest. It contains a bunch of vitamins and is much better than buying various yogurts and curds for your child, with dyes and preservatives. Adults will also like jelly.

The recipe for jelly is simple - berries, sugar and a little starch, so you definitely won’t have any problems preparing it. As a result, you get a beautiful and incredibly healthy drink.


Recipe information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: drinks, desserts
  • Cooking method: on the stove
  • Servings:2-3
  • 30 min
  • 500 ml water
  • sugar to taste
  • glass of pitted cherries
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Cooking step by step

The cherries need to be washed and then completely pitted. In preparing jelly you You can use fresh cherries, dried, canned or frozen.

We put water on fire. It is important to use stainless or enamel utensils, as they are best suited for making jelly.


Aluminum pans should not be used, as the jelly contains a certain amount of acid, which can interact with the metal when heated.

As soon as the water boils, add the cherries into it and cook.

While the cherries are cooking, stir the starch in a glass of cold water.

The amount of starch depends on what kind of jelly you want to cook - liquid or thick. For liquid, 2 spoons are enough, and for thick, the norm can be increased to 3 or even 4 spoons.

Let the cherries boil for about 5 minutes, and then add sugar and diluted starch.

Mix well and leave to cook.

As soon as the jelly begins to thicken, it is ready; you can turn off the heat and cool it.

The jelly is ready, you can drink it!

Cherry jam recipe

Cherry jam is suitable not only for pancakes; jelly from it turns out no less wonderful.

It is better to take a seedless preparation.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. cherry jam
  • 4 liters of water
  • 8 tbsp. starch
  • 8 tbsp. Sahara
  • citric acid – 1/4 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. Place the water with the added jam on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. At this time, pour 2 cups of cool water into a separate saucepan or bowl. You need to stir the starch in it until smooth - the result is a slightly whitish liquid.
  3. Starch diluted in water is poured into the boiling liquid in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly. If you don't stir it hard enough, you will end up with unappetizing lumps in the jelly.
  4. Then add sugar and lemon juice to the resulting mixture, stir thoroughly and cook for 6-8 minutes over medium heat.
  5. After the cooking time has passed, the jelly should be allowed to cool and thicken. After this, the dessert can be poured into cups and served.

There is a misconception that starch cannot be boiled for a long time; the jelly will become liquid. This is incorrect - the consistency deteriorates a little, but the thickness remains, so do not rush to turn it off immediately after boiling, especially if you are cooking for future use. Otherwise, the drink may spoil ahead of time.

Making jelly from canned cherries

Many people make twists for the winter, and if you find a jar of canned cherries in the pantry, then drink the compote, and don’t rush to throw away the berries - you can make a delicious jelly from them.


  • 0.5 liters of canned cherries;
  • 2 liters of water
  • 6 tbsp. potato starch
  • large orange
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. We put the water on high heat, immediately add the berries and the orange cut into thin slices. We are waiting for it to boil.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes. At this stage, add sugar to taste.
  3. Pour the starch into a glass of cool water, stir well and pour into boiling water in a thin stream.
  4. After this, the jelly is allowed to boil for another 5-6 minutes, and then cooled and poured into cups.

Assorted berry jelly

If you like different combinations of berries, then cherry jelly with the addition of other berries would be a great idea.

Raspberries, strawberries, and currants will perfectly complement cherries.

I suggest preparing a thick dessert from frozen berries in the summer.

Required Products:

  • 300 g cherries from the freezer
  • 200 g remaining berries
  • 3 liters of water
  • 0.5-1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 10 tbsp starch.

Cooking method

  1. Kissel from frozen cherries is just as easy to prepare as from fresh ones. The berries do not need to be defrosted first. Immediately put it on the stove, fill it with water.
  2. While everything comes to a boil, dilute the starch in a small amount of cold water.
  3. 6-7 minutes after boiling, add sugar, pour in the starch mixture, stirring. Cook over low heat for another 3 minutes.
  4. You can strain the cooled drink, or you can eat it as you like.

Note to the hostess

  • The easiest way to make jelly is from ready-made cherry juice. You just need to dilute the starch in cold juice and boil everything, stirring.
  • To make multi-layer jelly, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of starch more, and pour each subsequent layer into the container only after the previous one has completely cooled.
  • To prevent unappetizing foam from forming on the surface of the jelly during cooking, it must be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Useful video

Here is another way to prepare jelly, which is interesting because the berries are first pureed in a blender:

Kissel is a very tasty dessert, known since ancient times. A thick drink can be prepared from a variety of products. In the summer, the most refreshing dessert made from cherries is best. This drink is not only tasty, but also healthy and nutritious. This article will discuss how to properly cook cherry jelly.

Composition and calorie content

The composition and calorie content of cherry jelly largely depend on the recipe used to prepare the dessert. The amount of calories is primarily affected by the amount of sugar used in the recipe. For those who are watching their weight, it is best to use the version of jelly without granulated sugar.

The classic recipe for a thick cherry drink involves using 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of potato starch and 400 grams of cherries per 600 milliliters of water. The calorie content of such a dessert will be 67.8 kcal per 100 grams. If the cherry drink was brewed without adding granulated sugar, then its calorie content will be 51 kcal per 100 grams.

The chemical composition of jelly is determined by the ingredients it contains. Cherries contain many vitamins and microelements, which are preserved even after heat treatment of the berries, if you follow the preparation technology correctly.

Thanks to the cherry, the following elements will be present in the jelly:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • ellagic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • manganese;
  • menadione;
  • potassium;
  • copper.

Another main component of cherry jelly is potato starch. It also contains a large number of useful substances. First of all, these are B vitamins, tocopherol and ascorbic acid.

Starch also contains a large amount of minerals, such as:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium.

Benefits and harms

In addition to its excellent taste, cherry jelly is very beneficial for the body. Thanks to the cherry content, the drink helps remove toxins from the body. Kissel, depending on the amount of starch added, can have different consistencies: from liquid to thick. However, in any case, the drink will be viscous, due to which it can reduce pain during exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers, since when it enters the stomach, the jelly envelops its walls.

Dessert has a beneficial effect not only on the stomach, but also on the intestines, normalizing its functioning. Also, drinking cherry jelly has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys and the entire body as a whole due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in the drink.

As for contraindications to drinking cherry jelly, first of all, the drink should not be drunk by people who are allergic to the components of the dessert. It is also not recommended to consume jelly for diabetics and overweight people: the product contains berries and starch and contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates, which can negatively affect health in diabetes and obesity.


There are several options for making cherry jelly. They differ in components and consistency. The dessert can be made not only from fresh berries, but also from frozen cherries, juice or even jam. Based on consistency, there are liquid, medium-thick and thick jelly.

Classic version

To prepare classic cherry jelly, only fresh berries are used. Making such a drink is not particularly difficult.

Let's look at this process step by step.

  • Fresh berries must be washed well and it is advisable to remove the seeds. For 1 liter of water, take 800 grams of peeled cherries.
  • Pour water into the pan, not adding half a glass. The liquid is brought to a boil, after which berries and granulated sugar (6–8 tablespoons) are added to it. The compote is simmered over low heat for 7 minutes.
  • You need to dilute potato starch in half a glass of water. To obtain a liquid drink, take 2 large spoons of potato starch, medium-thick - 3, thick - 4. The starch mixture is added to the compote with constant stirring.
  • Continuing to stir the drink, you need to bring it to a boil over low heat, after which it is removed from the stove. You can immediately pour the jelly into cups and let it cool slightly.

From frozen berries

A thick berry drink can be prepared throughout the year if you freeze the cherries in advance. When properly frozen and stored, the berries do not lose their beneficial properties. There is no need to defrost the cherries before preparing the jelly. Two glasses of frozen berries are immediately filled with 800 milliliters of clean water and placed on the stove.

The compote is cooked over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling. After the specified time, the boiled berries are removed from the liquid and kneaded in any convenient way. If the cherries were pitted, the easiest way is to chop them using a blender. The resulting mass is put back into the compote and mixed. Then strain using a sieve or gauze and place on the stove.

If desired, you can add granulated sugar. Otherwise, the jelly will turn out sour. In a glass of cold water you need to dilute 4 teaspoons of potato starch. The resulting mixture is gradually poured into the compote, while constantly stirring the jelly. After the drink boils, remove it from the heat and let it brew under the lid for 15 minutes.

From jam

Kissel is prepared not only from frozen and fresh berries. You can also use cherry jam for cooking. In the first option, only the mass separated from the berries is used. Half a glass of this cherry liquid goes to 1 liter of water.

The amount of starch depends on the desired consistency of the jelly and can range from 2 to 4 tablespoons. Since cherry jam already has a sweet taste and contains sugar, additional granulated sugar can be omitted or added in small quantities as desired.

Water, minus one glass, must be poured into an enamel pan and brought to a boil. Potato starch is diluted in a glass of cold water, after which it is poured into boiling water in a thin stream with constant stirring. After the starch mass has dissolved, add sugar and jam to the pan. The jelly is cooked for 5 minutes, after which it needs to be given some time to brew.

The second option for making cherry jam jelly involves using fresh apples. For a liter of water you need to take 3 medium or 2 large apples.

Fruits must be thoroughly washed, peeled and seeds removed. The peel of the fruit does not need to be thrown away immediately - it is also used in preparing the decoction. The peeled fruits are cut into small cubes (no more than 1 centimeter) and sprinkled with lemon juice or covered with granulated sugar so that a brown coating does not form on the surface.

Water, minus one glass of water, is poured into a bowl and placed on the stove. Apple peels are also placed in the pan. Bring the water with the skin to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the broth must be filtered and the apple peels discarded.

The broth is put back on the stove and pieces of apples are added to it. You need to cook the compote for 5 minutes after boiling over low heat. After this, potato starch, previously diluted in a glass of water, is poured into the pan.

The amount of starch, as in the first recipe with jam, will depend on the required consistency of the dessert and can range from 2 to 4 large spoons. After adding the starch mixture, bring the jelly to a boil and add jam to it. The drink needs to be simmered for another 5 minutes with constant stirring.

The consistency of the jelly is not affected by the cooking time after boiling, but by the amount and type of starch used. If, for comparison, we take drinks made with potato and corn starch, which were added in the same amount, then the first will be thicker than the second. Therefore, if the recipe specifies potato starch, and you need to replace it with corn starch so that the consistency of the jelly is the same, you should take the product in double the amount of the specified amount.

For example, if the norm for adding a potato product is 2 tablespoons, then if you use corn starch, you need to add 4 tablespoons. The easiest way to prepare cherry jelly is to use the base in the form of juice. To obtain the dessert, starch is dissolved in cooled juice and brought to a boil on the stove.

To avoid this, the dessert must be lightly sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar.

Flour can be used instead of potato starch. It is better if it is a rye or oat product. As a last resort, if you don’t have the necessary ingredients at hand, you can use wheat flour. One small spoon of starch is replaced with one level tablespoon of flour.

To learn how to cook cherry jelly without sugar, watch the video below.

Very tasty, aromatic cherry jelly can be prepared from fresh fruits during the season, and at other times it will be no less tasty and incredibly healthy from frozen berries.

Our cherry season is a little behind us, so I made jelly from frozen ones that were picked when the harvest was still in progress.

First of all, I took out a bag of berries from the freezer and poured them into a pan suitable for making jelly.

I immediately filled them with drinking water and put them on the fire, they will quickly defrost there and there will be no need to wait.

After boiling, I cooked the cherries for about 7 minutes. We don’t really like cherry jelly with berries floating in it, so as soon as they have given their taste, color and aroma to the water, I drain the liquid through a colander.

I put the liquid back on the fire and add sugar to taste.

In a separate bowl I dilute the starch with cold, clean water. The amount of water and starch depends on the consistency of the jelly in the end. We like it quite thick; children drink (or even eat) it with spoons. To do this, I dilute a few tablespoons of starch in a glass of cold water.

And I pour it, stirring constantly, into the “compote” that formed after boiling the cherries. I immediately turn off the heat. At this moment, when I pour in the starch and stir, the jelly begins to thicken, as they say, “before our eyes” and you can adjust its thickness by adding more diluted starch or stop in time and not pour any more.

I leave the jelly in a closed saucepan until it infuses and cools. You can drink it hot, but be very careful, since under the top, already cooled layer there is a hot one, which is especially dangerous for children; they can burn their lips and tongue. It’s better to drink this drink completely cooled, it’s tastier and safer. In general, it’s great to eat it with a spoon if it turns out thick, like jelly.

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