Home Salon How they cheat in car services. Repair at the service station. Revelations of mechanics or how we are deceived in car services. Inflated cost of spare parts

How they cheat in car services. Repair at the service station. Revelations of mechanics or how we are deceived in car services. Inflated cost of spare parts

To give a car for repair to an unknown service is like playing the lottery. They can do it quickly and efficiently, or they can break even more. How do servicemen cheat and what to do in order not to get into a mess?

They can cheat in any car service. As in other areas, the likelihood of meeting dishonest "specialists" increases when contacting small, unknown "offices". It is impossible to row everybody with the same brush: "Uncle Vasya" from garages sometimes repairs better than an official dealer, but it is still better to go for repairs for the first time to large auto centers.

The problem of finding a good car service is usually inherent in novice car owners. People who have had a car for more than a year, in most cases, already have "their" jobs and specialists. Therefore, when planning to make a visit to a specific auto repair shop, try to collect as much information as possible from friends and relatives about it.

The most fertile ground for deception in a car service is the low technical literacy of the car owner. A professional car mechanic can assess the level of this very literacy from the first words. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to be able to drive a car, but also to have at least a general idea of ​​its structure and.

How can you cheat in a car service?

Installing old parts under the guise of new

The classic form of deception is to install (read, sell) old parts under the guise of new ones. As in other areas, in the field of spare parts there are certain technologies that can give a completely marketable appearance to a worn item. The old part can be washed, WD-40 and other chemicals, finally, sandblasting.

Worn parts appear in a car service by removing them from other vehicles that have arrived for repairs earlier. Therefore, it is good practice to return the dismantled elements to the vehicle owner. In other words, if you have changed the pads, then the old ones should be put in a box and put in the trunk or salon. Thus, the car service makes it clear that the parts removed from your car will not remain with the mechanics and will not be installed on another car. The reverse is also true - your car is unlikely to have pads removed from another car owner a few hours ago.

Deliberately incorrect "diagnosis"

Another "classic" is the finding of non-existent faults. This trick works great when the client cannot tell the tank from the. In this case, a cunning auto electrician can find anything in your car. For example, a burned-out light bulb in a headlight (replacement ~ 150 rubles) suddenly turns into a short circuit in the power supply circuits of the head light. Finding a short circuit is a long and unpredictable business, and the cost can immediately reach 500-800 rubles. In order not to pay this money, you can check and, of course, if it is.

Another example: the engine cooling fan on some models of the VAZ "classic" may not work due to the displacement of the fuse in the legs of the mounting block. Putting it back in place is a matter of seconds (and cheap), and then you can "check" anything you like and pass off something more expensive as the cause of the malfunction.

Complete lack of work

Perhaps the most arrogant and less common way of cheating in a car service is the actual absence of work performed. What does it look like? They take a car from the client, for example, so that they drive it to the workshop and the person does not see what the car mechanic is doing. After half an hour, the car is returned and reported that the oil has been changed. At the same time, the canister with the new oil remains in the service, and the client leaves happy with the old one, not even suspecting that no one has done anything with the car. The described technique is suitable only when working with a car "aged". In such cars, new oil poured into the engine most often turns black within a few minutes after starting. In order not to fall for a deception, you need to check the presence of new oil on the dipstick even before the engine is started.

Purchase of spare parts

When car service specialists undertake the purchase of spare parts for your car, they must agree with you on the possible prices and provide sales receipts. If there are no documents, then a “branded” part for 1000 rubles (you pay) can actually be produced in a nearby garage and cost 100 rubles.

To avoid difficulties, you can purchase parts yourself, however, in some cases, another type of deception arises.

Issuance of low-quality work for defective spare parts

A part installed with violations may not last long. When the car owner makes a claim to the service, he receives an answer that the part is most likely defective. Moreover, if the spare part was bought by the owner of the car, then they try to shift the responsibility onto him.

Thus, in order to avoid cheating in car services, you should adhere to three rules:

Know the device of your car and its possible malfunctions

If a breakdown occurs, try to fix it on your own.

If you cannot cope with the malfunction on your own, contact a proven car service that your relatives or good friends can recommend.

How they fool us:

Sergey, Zlatoust

Eight years ago I bought my first car - a "six" and went to one of the major car services. Then I didn’t understand anything in cars, but the verdict of the locksmiths was as follows: “hodovka” for replacement completely, “otherwise, at best, you will only drive until autumn” (two months, author's note), rear springs and rear brake hose.

As a result, the hose was changed and the brakes were pumped as follows: one locksmith just stood in the pit, and the second pressed the brake pedal several times and refilled a little "brake" into the reservoir. Even then, it seemed to me that these actions were not enough, but now I just do not go to services, but I do everything myself.

Nikolay, Novokuznetsk

I somehow turned to the service to change the tube in the cooling system, and as a result I got to replace the radiator. The workers said the fitting was cracked, but there was no leak. I suspect that it was simply stupidly broken, especially since no one agreed with me to replace it - they just changed it and that's it.

Mikhail, Saratov

Once I drove into the workshop - the headlight did not burn, the electrician carried all the garbage about short circuits and asked to leave the car for two days !!! As a result, I repaired it myself in half an hour - I pulled out the contacts from the block, cleaned it, squeezed it, put it back in and everything works.

Auto experts told AiF.ru how to check if the mechanics did their job in good faith.

On the threshold of a car service, you shouldn't tell its employees that you know nothing about a car. The more you talk about it, the more expensive the renovation will cost you. Hearing such words, mechanics quickly inflate the cost of repairs, change quite suitable parts and create the appearance of serious work, experts say.

“It is impossible to thoroughly know the structure of the machine. If you are sure that there is a need to repair a unit, then you should read automotive resources, where motorists exchange operating experience. You can ask the question - is repair possible under such and such circumstances. You need to understand for yourself what kind of malfunction you are going to a car dealership. The question "something is knocking at me" always ends with a big score, so you need to study everything in advance in order to talk in detail about repair in the service ", - says Vladimir Bakharev, chief trainer of the "Movement without Danger" center.


Before repairing, it is advisable to diagnose faults, the expert believes. It will help you find out exactly what needs to be repaired - and with this data you can already operate, talking about repairs with mechanics.

“The user is unlikely to be able to identify any complex technical nuances on his own. The result of the diagnostics should be a detected malfunction. If it turns out that the diagnostics showed one thing, and repaired another, then this is the responsibility of the service. Don't overpay. You pay not for the process, but for the result. After the malfunction is identified and the service claims that they will repair exactly this, it is necessary to speak, and it is better to fix on paper the required amount of work, which parts will be changed and what the material costs will be. That is, there is no need to give the car away with the words “please do it”. Such a phrase will always end in a big score, ”says Bakharev.

It is better to carry out diagnostics at authorized dealers, especially if the factory warranty is still valid, otherwise there is a risk of losing this warranty partially or completely during repairs.

“The quality of services offered by official dealers is the same plus or minus. But the only thing that can be advised is to study the reviews on the forum of the owners of this car brand and do not hesitate to ask questions. If there are certain positions in the preliminary calculation that seem unjustified or doubtful, you need to ask questions and then discuss them with the master-receiving ", - says autoexpert Yuri Uryukov.

If the warranty period has long expired, then diagnostics and repairs can be carried out in services that do not work with all car brands, but specialize in a particular brand.

“Owners of used cars do not go to a dealer, they are looking for more profitable and cheaper options. Here you need to rely on your instinct and feedback. There are many services, so it is better to contact the one that specializes in a specific brand, because there are no universal solutions. Cars are all complex and differently designed. If the service deals with everything in a row, this is a disturbing sign. You need to contact professionals who, even if they work with one or two brands, but know how to handle them, ”says Uryukov.

Replacing a serviceable part

It is necessary to agree on the list of planned works even before the start of the repair. “You can't let everything go by itself and pay the bill without looking. If faults are found during the repair process, they must always be agreed with the owner. If this does not happen, this is just a sign that something is unclean in the work of the dealer or service center. In fact, all this can be done when filling out an application for repairs by writing in it the phrase "I ask you to coordinate all types of repair work with me." If the dealer does not do this, no matter whether there was a written agreement or not, then this is in any case an alarming sign and you need to look for another option, ”says Uryukov.

When giving the car for repair, it is necessary to discuss with the service workers so that they do not carry out work on the replacement of additional parts without your agreement.

“The part may have a lot of wear and tear, but it may still work. The decision to replace such parts should remain with the owner of the machine, not with the service. If you have agreed on the replacement of parts in advance and you have a list of works, but the works that have been completed have not been agreed with you, then this is a precedent that needs to be considered at the level of administrative law, ”says Bakharev.

Inflated cost of spare parts

A dishonest craftsman can deceive you by installing a non-original spare part, the cost of which is much lower, and breaking it down at the original price. It is better to use original spare parts and keep track of their replacement, says Bakharev. In modern services, you can be present in the workshop, this somewhat disciplines the staff. You should only leave the car for long-term repairs.

They can also cheat with the planned maintenance of the car, especially when changing the oil. Unscrupulous workers change oil and other consumable parts without following the automaker's regulations. “The decision should always be with the car owner. Before you go and change the oil, you need to clarify the filling volume, how many liters are included. It is worth bringing your oil and putting your autograph on the jar, and after replacing it, ask to return the jar. In this case, you will not have to overpay for extra liters. Otherwise it will look like this - you will pay the cost of the oil, but you will not be filled with it. The oil will be put on the table and then sold to another car owner, ”says Bakharev.

Time of work

In order to increase the average check for repairs, the foremen artificially increase the time of work. The client is told that another breakdown was found in the car, which interferes with the main work, etc. You can check this with the help of video recorders, or, if you have free time, then follow the master during the repair.

“Professional drivers very often upload videos from DVRs. They leave the appliance on and turn off the shutdown function. The registrar is constantly filming everything, and in this way you can then see what happened. But this is not a guarantee, since the grip of the device will be small. An alternative solution is to use the increasingly popular “escort in the service” service. What does it mean? A person is assigned to the machine, who, as an independent person, will monitor all work. This is a third party and, as a rule, these are people who have worked in appraisal and technical companies. This step will give some kind of guarantee, but these are additional costs, which not everyone will go to, ”says Bakharev.

Try to pick up the car yourself, rather than asking a friend, relative, or wife to do it. They have a vague idea of ​​what kind of repairs were carried out, and will not be able to assess whether all the work has been completed. “If you passed it yourself and accept it yourself, then you can evaluate all the changes and compare with what happened,” says Bakharev.

On the basis of the contract, otherwise the driver will not be able to compensate for poor quality service.
If the service is performed in the presence of the customer, you can limit yourself to requiring a check.
In addition to the contract, an acceptance certificate is drawn up.
The service employee transfers the car back according to the delivery certificate. Both acts specify the characteristics of the vehicle, taking into account all defects and damages.
This is not a violation, however, any changes must be agreed with the customer.
The customer has the right to terminate the contract or refuse to pay for work not agreed with him.
The motorist has the right to demand:
- correction of defects at the expense of the service;
- reducing the cost of repairs;
- repeated repair or manufacture of a new unit instead of a low-quality part;
- payment for work to correct the defect, performed independently or in another service.
Go to law.
Payment for damage, lost profit as a result of violation of the terms of repair (if the vehicle is used in operation), as well as compensation for moral damage

Of course, first of all, the cost of maintenance is associated with the policy of the owners of technical centers, as well as whether the car service is an official representative of a particular brand. But also with a special trick of auto repairmen. So how are they deceiving us or trying to spin us for large sums in car services? Read the most popular ways to cheat at car services.

Imposing unnecessary repairs

The most effective way to increase your check at a car service is to impose unnecessary repairs or unnecessary work on the client. How does this happen?

For example, you come to a technical center with some problem that does not clearly say where the source of the breakdown is. In this case, complex diagnostics are required to establish the cause of the problems. In the end, we agree to diagnose the vehicle in the hope that this will help identify the true cause of the malfunction. But in reality it turns out quite differently. Often, after diagnostics, the wizard announces to us that more than one problem has been found that requires elimination in the first place, pushing the malfunction with which we turned to the auto repair shop into the background.

As a result, we agree to repair the component that we did not even suspect of a malfunction when we went to the technical center. Yes, of course there are respectable craftsmen who will never deceive you and impose unnecessary repairs. But, unfortunately, in most cases, the opposite is true.

Arriving at a car service, you, as a rule, give the car for service and wait in a special designated place. After completing the work, you receive a vehicle with the confidence that everything is in order. But remember that even an expensive and well-known dealership is not a guarantee that respectable craftsmen work in it. How? Very simple. For example, during an oil change, you will pay for a certain amount of engine oil and for the work performed, but in fact, unscrupulous workers will pretend to have changed. There are usually two types of deception:

1. An imitation of an oil change, the purpose of which is to create outward signs that work has been carried out. For example, cunning auto repairmen can specially stain the engine cover with engine oil, and also attach a special sticker on which the date of the engine oil change is indicated. Thus, workers will simply create the appearance of work being done. .

2. Partial engine oil change. For example, dishonest craftsmen will only drain half of the old oil from the engine. Next, fill in new oil, partially mixing it with the old .

The purpose of this scam is to "promote" the client for money, as well as to steal engine oil, which was paid for by the unsuspecting owner of the car.

Cheating on the cost of spare parts

This method of deception, as a rule, occurs at unauthorized dealerships. For example, if you arrive with a breakdown, you agree to pay the cost of the original spare part and the cost of the repair. A dishonest master can deceive you by installing you an unoriginal spare part, the cost of which is several times less than the original one.

Also, you can really get the spare part that you paid for, but in fact you will overpay, since dishonest auto repair workers can deceive you on the cost of components for the car. For example, you can be sold a spare part twice as expensive as its cost in online auto parts stores, or even more expensive than it costs from a dealer.

Artificial increase in the rate-hour

Usually, . For each type of work at any car service there is its own hourly rate. At many technical centers for the repair and maintenance of cars, in order to increase the average check for repairs, the foremen artificially increase the time of work. It is noteworthy that even if the master sees that the owner of the car is savvy and is familiar with the maximum time for replacing a particular part, the client can still be deceived. How? Very simple. In this case, the client may unexpectedly find out that another breakdown has been found in the car, which interferes with the main work, etc.

In order for you not to artificially add the time spent by the car in the workshop, before putting the car for service, ask a mechanic or foreman what is the deadline for repairing or servicing the car. Also, never hesitate to ask in advance how much a job will cost and how much the required part will cost.


Of course, within the framework of this article, we cannot tell you about all the methods of cheating in technical centers during car repair or maintenance. Naturally, there are a huge number of ways how we can be deceived at a car service when repairing a car. Despite the fact that it is impossible to find out all the methods with which we are deceived in auto repair shops, each of us is able to protect ourselves from fraud. To do this, you need to be vigilant, not trust the words and check everything that was done at the car service after maintenance or repair.

The sooner the car service realizes that if nothing is hidden and does not deceive the client, then a queue will line up to the moon, the better for him. But the temptation to "weld" here and now is great - few people today understand the prices and device of the car.

Therefore, among the car services in Moscow and individual masters, there are outright "bastards". They are ready to sacrifice their reputation and deceive you in small things or in a big way. Let's look at ten common tricks of the capital's technical centers and service stations, with which they cash in on customers.


The easiest.

Often a car service customer is poorly guided by prices. And there is no time to find out them - breakdowns always happen at the wrong time and you want to fix them as quickly as possible. From here there is a rush and a call to the first service that comes across (not everyone has their own proven master). The client simply does not have time to estimate the cost of similar offers on the market. This is what they use. As a result, a simple replacement of nuts and bolts pours into a tidy sum. But the work has already been done and will have to be paid for.

How to fight. See prices on service aggregators. This is something like a bulletin board. In one place, in five minutes, you can get acquainted with the cost of a specific service in many car services in the region. There you will also find reviews and ratings of organizations, based on which you can choose the appropriate option.

Non-existent problems

Suppose you have something knocking in the harness.

And you are poorly versed in its structure. You come to the service, the master sees that the penny silent block is out of order. Instead of honestly replacing the silentblock, the serviceman begins to groan loudly and say that at the same time the lever itself will have to be changed - it is very loose. You might even tug on it to demonstrate a knock. Of course, the lever will play and knock until the silent block is replaced. If the lever itself has no deformations, the knock will go away without replacing it.

Or here - there was a real case when a guy far from mechanics came to the service. A dipstick in the washer reservoir broke off to check the fluid level. Instead of taking it out and replacing the cap, the customer had the tank replaced. They said that the tail cannot be taken out of the old tank, but it can slip into the engine and get stuck in the box. The automatic transmission will break down and will have to be changed. And this is very expensive ... As a result, buying a new tank instead of a penny lid with a dipstick.

How to fight. First, you need to be at least a little interested in your car. If something breaks, Google 10 minutes - it can save you thousands of rubles. Secondly, if you are a complete "kettle" in this matter, take with you a friend who knows how to fix cars. If there is no such friend, carry out a partial diagnosis of the car at two different car services before deciding on a repair.

Fictitious replacement of serviceable parts

Very often, if the car service has its own spare parts store, and the client is not present when servicing the car.

The meaning of the scam is that diagnostics reveals a non-existent breakdown of a serviceable part, which will still work for a couple of years. But you are told that it needs to be replaced. And on the check, it seems, they change. But you don't get the old part in your hands - "we have already thrown it out, lost it, immediately disposed of it according to the law, dropped it into the crater of a volcano ..."

Of course they lost it, because it remained inside the car in the same place.

And a new part from the warehouse is written off as sold and goes to re-sale "to the left".

A variation of deception. The part can really be replaced with a new one, and the old ostentatiously with you thrown into the trash with the words that it is no longer good for anything. You leave the service, and your slightly used part will be taken out of the trash can, the dust will be blown off and sold as an inexpensive analogue, or a used spare part.

How to fight. Demand that the old part be returned to you.

The rules for the provision of services (performance of work) for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, approved by the government of the Russian Federation of 11.04.2001 N 290 (as amended on 31.01.2017), in paragraph 35 contain the following lines:

“After the fulfillment of the contract or the consumer's refusal to fulfill it, the contractor is obliged to issue to the consumer certificates-invoices for the numbered units newly installed on the vehicle, submit to the consumer a report on the expenditure of spare parts and materials paid for by him and return their remnants or, with the consent of the consumer, reduce the price of the service (work ) taking into account the cost of unused spare parts and materials remaining with the contractor, as well as return the replaced (faulty) assemblies and parts "

The Consumer Protection Act is also on your side. Article 35 of this law states that the performer is obliged to submit a report on the use of material and return the rest.

Feel free to claim yours by right.

Partial oil refill at the price of a complete oil change

Service stations often sin with ostentatious oil change.

Instead of completely draining the waste, flushing the engine, replacing the oil filter and filling with fresh oil, the master does it his own way - he simply adds oil to the required level and changes the oil filter. This is a little like changing the engine oil correctly.

This is done for the purpose of reselling unused oil from the canister, especially if it is a premium oil.

How to fight. Observe the oil change procedure. If this is not possible, be sure to check the oil dipstick after the end of the procedure. Soot with dirt on it will subtly hint to you that the oil has not changed. Fresh oil in a clean engine should be free of impurities and have a golden hue.

Intentional damage to silent blocks

One of the tricks of the capital's technical centers and service stations in the diagnosis of the suspension.

When a mechanic finds a real problem with the suspension arms or stabilizer struts, he will remove them. Together with them, silent blocks are removed, which the master unnoticed for the client cuts or burns out. What for? To show the breakdown to the client and dilute it also for an expensive replacement of the silent block.

How to fight. During the repair process, you can carefully monitor the tools in the hands of a car mechanic so that a blowtorch does not appear there. If you asked for the suspension, it is better to inspect the silent blocks yourself when the car is raised.

Simulation of serious damage to automatic transmission

Everyone is afraid of automatic transmission breakdown. Everyone thinks it's expensive. But there are times when the repair of individual elements of the box costs a penny. And the masters don't like it. Fuss a lot - little money. I want more.

Therefore, it happens that when draining the oil from the gearbox, metal shavings are carefully poured into the drain container. Then they show sawdust in used oil - this guarantees an indelible impression. And now the client already believes that the box needs a major overhaul or, if the service is lucky, its complete replacement.

How to fight. Only control diagnostics of the box at another service station, or your attentiveness.

Used part instead of new

The classic, although it is more common in roadside services, where the client was accidentally, passing through and on an emergency basis. They already know that the client will never return to them. And he can be slipped instead of a new part, an old one, but well washed and even painted. For the price of the original factory.

How to fight. Check the receipt, look at the nomenclature and the name of the part that was punched. Be vigilant if the check contains an undefined "product 1" or "service N". Follow the clear filling of the purchase order. Check the presence of the name of the master and the description of the warranty, or the presence of a separate warranty card.

It is best to carry out scheduled maintenance of the car on time. Do not delay replacing worn-out parts until the breakdown catches you on the track and you have to call in a roadside service.

And if you find fraud, know that you have on your side Article 10 of the Law on Consumer Rights, which reads: "If the product purchased by the consumer was in use or the deficiency (s) was eliminated in it, the consumer should be provided with information about it."

Imposing services that surfaced during the repair

A favorite topic for employees of Moscow (yes, everyone in the world, probably) service stations.

The client gives the car to replace the hub bearing, and in the process of work the master (not from straightness of hands) breaks the hub itself. At the end of the repair, he claims that this part had to be changed - it was unusable. Although initially this was not stipulated and the issue of replacing the hub was not on the order sheet.

As a result, the representatives of the service station insist that the customer will have to pay for the hub, otherwise he will not receive his car back.

How to fight. Pay only for what was originally agreed. And feel free to take the car. If the auto repair workers prevent this, call the police. If there is an opportunity to leave without a car, go to court and win it (with 100% probability) with compensation for the damage caused - count how many days you were without your transport, what profit you lost, how much money you could earn at that time if would have been "on wheels."

The law is on your side.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" it is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the compulsory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to a free choice of goods (works, services) are reimbursed by the seller (performer) in full. In accordance with part 3 of the same article, the Seller (performer) is not entitled to perform additional work, services for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for such works (services), and if they are paid for, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller (executor) the return of the amount paid.

Additional consumables

Most often, this problem occurs with officials. They are trying to make money on literally everything. Especially where only one cylinder of WD-40 or any other lubricating or cleaning liquid was consumed during the repair, they will happily add three such cylinders to the order.

How to fight. Based only on gut feeling, which tells you that eighteen cans of wheel grease per bearing is overkill. You can try to make a scandal and demand to provide an empty container.


The trick of the director of a company that has a full-time driver. This person at one point may decide that you are paying him little. He may be conspiring with the workers of the car service, which is constantly serviced by your company car.

Further events can develop in all the ways described. Only the service station will deceive you through an intermediary (your driver), who will assure that competent guys work there and he completely trusts them. And the fact that calls to the service have become weekly is because the car is just already very old.

The driver with the workshop masters is in the share. It is profitable for him to "repair" the car more and more often.

How to fight. Control your car maintenance costs. If they grow, this is an indirect sign of deception. Watch the driver's behavior. If he has bosom friends-comrades on the service, with whom he increasingly meets and mentions in conversations - also a bell.

Suspicions arose - change the service. Drive the car for diagnostics to any other service and ask to be present at the inspection.

How to behave at car services

    Google the problem and compare prices

    Demand old parts

    If possible, be present during the repair (even if it infuriates the master)

    Check receipts, follow the nomenclature

    Claim a guarantee

    Pay only for what you agree on

    Make a check inspection in different services

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