Home Heating Game speed caps do it yourself. Speed ​​caps - board game

Game speed caps do it yourself. Speed ​​caps - board game

I'll tell you how I made the yoke "Speed ​​caps", Amigo Spiel with my own hands. I found cards for the game on the net, bought a bell, made the caps myself.

The drawings are not very complicated, if you wish, you can draw them yourself or find similar black and white pictures on the Internet, and then color them. How do I make caps. It’s hard to call them caps, because I have jars of sour cream. I covered them with colored tape.
The set should contain 20 caps in five colors, 24 task cards and a bell. How to play? Each player receives five plastic caps of different colors. A deck of 24 cards is shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table next to the bell. On the cards, colored objects are depicted vertically or horizontally: flowers, trains, cubes ...
One of the players turns over the top card, and everyone tries to arrange their caps as quickly as possible according to the colors in the sequence drawn on the card.

The player who has placed the caps hits the bell. The one who called first gets an open card.
The one with the most cards wins. Rules of the game Download cards for the game

Finally, I got around to talking about the board game "Speed ​​caps"
I must say right away that I will not repeat the reviews that have been online for a long time, they are well done and accessible. Here Igrovedovsky https://www.igroved.ru/games/speed-cups-series/speed-cups/
And this is from Alexander 2 chips http://2fishki.ru/obzory_igr/skorostnye_kolpachki_tcvetovye_posledovatelnosti

Today I want to write something completely different :)

So, first of all, why I liked this game.
She works very well with coordination on a plane, in space. However, the game is very simple. There are only 5 elements, and the tasks simply cannot be made very difficult.
Here is a picture that shows the location of the caps, here is how they should be placed. Everything is simple!

Therefore, I would suggest this game as one of the first for 2-3 year olds! It is clear that there will be no talk of playing for speed. Most likely, the child will complete only a couple of cards at a time. But he will do it, and ring the bell, get new experience and joy. This is a good thing :)

This game is also good because it can be given to children in a not quite even company. Those. if you have children 5-6-7 years old, they will be able to play it on an equal footing.
BUT! I bought not the original game from Amigo and not its official edition from Lifestyle. And not even a Chinese replica on Ali. I bought the version from Las Games. The same Chinese, only in profile, as they say :) This is a company that makes replicas for different games, but our people make them. Therefore, very convenient additions and ideas that are good in practice often appear in them.
So, in our version of the game there are 2 additional rules, they are visible on the card in the photo.

Rule 1
If there is an object-object that is very different from the others (for example, all the birds have their eyes closed, and one is open, or, as in the photo above, one light bulb is double or more), then the cup that denotes a different object must be placed. .. flipping!

Rule 2
On many cards (on horizontal cards) a small figure is drawn in the corner: a check mark, a semicircle, P, etc. So, this means that the cups must not only be arranged in order, but also in the form of this figure.

Why are these complicated rules necessary? They allow players of different levels to play the game... on an equal footing.
We played four.
Alenka simply arranged the cups by color - the basic rules.
Alice played with additional rule 1
And Slava and I followed both rule 1 and rule 2.
Thus, the chances were equalized, everyone won from time to time :)
The game becomes truly family friendly. It can be played by an adult with a child and not give in!
By the way, rule 2 is easy to draw on ready-made cards of the purchased game :)

But to be honest, I'm against speed play with preschoolers. Therefore, when we play together with our daughter, we are not in a hurry. Made a call. Everyone just calls (because they are high), and both are happy :)

When we play in the company of children, we get rid of speed simply: we agree that we draw a card in turn. Who pulled out - collects. The rest are watching closely to get it right. This option turned out to be the most optimal.

One more moment. There are few cards in the game. In the official version 24, in ours too. The soul asks for more :)
In fact, making similar cards is not difficult at all. And I even made 6 pieces: we take a coloring book, reduce the picture to the desired size, arrange it in the right way - print it, color it.
But there is good news! A long time ago, redesigns of cards were made by wonderful people who shared them with everyone! Made, ready for printing in both black and white and color.
Thank you very much comrade Farmacevt, who posted all this on the forum http://www.boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=9549.0

So I printed other black-and-white versions for our cards, and the girls and I colored them with the most ordinary colored pencils. Attached to cardboard with tape. And, voila, we got a wonderful additional set of cards, which we began to play with pleasure.
Well, if you have the opportunity to print them in color right away, then laminate them ... or print on self-adhesive, and then on cardboard ... In general, then even cooler :)

Cards can be offered to draw by children themselves. It is easy to draw simple combinations on a sheet in a box. And you can offer simple drawings-coloring. See

There are shoes, tights, a dress, hair and a bow. The child paints them with 5 pencils of his choice, and we get a ready-made simple vertical card :)

An example of a horizontal picture

Here we paint the locomotive with 2 colors, we get 2 cups on top of each other, and 3 cups next to each other. You can, of course, find a coloring page with 4 wagons (or copy the wagon again in a graphics editor yourself). Then there will be just 5 colors in a row.

But the coloring is more complicated with its location.

5 elements, paint all the same colors, but when we start to collect, we get 2 cups at the bottom, and 3 cups above them.

The most important thing about homemade cards is that now I can safely give this game to a children's company without fear of losing valuable components. Cards are easy to complete. It's hard to break the bell (yes, we have 2 more spares from 2 versions of halli galli), that's just cups ...

By the way, it is quite possible to make the game yourself. Buy plastic cups/sets of stacks, paint them with acrylic or glue them with self-adhesive of the desired color. There is another option in the topic - a painted egg carton or plastic bottle caps. I initially planned to do so, because in Igroved the price seemed a bit high to me. The las igras option turned out to be more budgetary, so I didn’t bother :)

One more rule can be added to the game :)
Rule 3
We play from memory. We turn the card over for a short time (for example, count up to 5), after which, the players place caps not only who is faster, but also from memory. After we have collected everything, we tapped the bell one by one, open the card and check. First the very first. That's right - his card. Wrong? Then the next one had a chance :) We check it. That's right - the card goes to him. No - next.

Well, it is clear that the presence of colored cups in itself provokes a few more familiar, but at the same time very cute and useful games. For the sake of them, of course, we will not buy the game. But, when you have already played by the basic rules, why not play like that too?

We arrange the cups in a row of 8-10 pieces. We hide something under one of them (a button, a candy wrapper, etc.)
The task of the second player is to guess as quickly as possible where exactly the "treasure" is hidden, asking questions that can only be answered with yes or no.
- Under red?
- No
- Under blue?
- Yes
You can introduce a restriction on questions about color. For example, color can be asked only 2 times. So it will become more difficult to play, but more interesting :) Now there will be questions, for example, about evenness: is there a treasure for an odd glass? Or you can go from half (we divide the existing ones in half and ask the question: is the treasure in the first half? / to the middle one? and so on in half further)

Description location
An excellent game that trains not only spatial perception, but also prepositions, speech:
put the red glass on the table. Put a blue glass on it, turning it upside down. To the right of red - green, bottom up.
and so on.

As a summary.
Very cute game. I regret a little that we did not have it a couple of years earlier. I'm sure it will be one of the kids' favorites because it's easy to play even for little players without adult intervention.

In life, we often meet with sequences, especially often this happens in children. Let's take, for example, a math lesson: while the teacher writes a series of numbers on the blackboard, at the back of the desk, the student goes through the next level in the game, stage by stage, collecting coins. The teacher sees this, calls the player to the blackboard and puts the fifth deuce in the journal. Arriving home, the owner of the diary gives it to his father, he takes off the belt and consequently ... Although, no, more humanism and philanthropy! Today on the Pink sofa - caps - a rotational board game "Speed ​​caps".

All of the events listed above have one thing in common - sequences. Even an ordinary traffic light is a sequence of three colors. A variety of sequences no longer surprise anyone, but ... I will try to dissuade you from this with the help of a call, five caps and several dozen pictures.

A convenient plastic organizer contains sets of plastic cups, a bell, a stack of cards and game rules. There is enough free space inside the box to replace the small bell with an equally tiny ship's bell.

Twenty-four cards contain non-repeating drawings, painted in five colors. Some cards need to be viewed vertically, while others need to be viewed horizontally. This is not an error that crept in during printing, but the developer's idea.

To solve tasks, rivals will use five multi-colored plastic caps, and a bell with a button will announce the player's success.

Multicolor row.

Opponents receive five multi-colored plastic caps and sit around the table. Put a bell within reach of all players, next to it, face down, put a mixed deck of tasks. A player with a shape close to a torus starts the game.

Remove the top card from the deck and place it face up. Opponents simultaneously enter the game and try to put their caps according to the color sequence given in the picture. Please note: if the picture is horizontal, then the caps are placed in a row.

If vertical - then on top of each other. In any case, the alternation of colors must be strictly observed.

The first one to solve the task strikes the bell with lightning speed. At the same time, the opponents continue to solve the task, since there is a chance that the first player was in a hurry and made a mistake. As soon as all players solve the task and hit the bell, it is necessary to check the correctness of the collected combinations in order of priority, from the first "ringed" to the last. The player who makes the correct combination takes the card as a prize.

Please note: after you hit the bell, it is forbidden to change the order of the caps!

Then the next card is removed from the deck, and so on. As soon as the deck runs out, opponents count the cards they have collected: whoever completed the most tasks wins. The winner is awarded a lollipop with numerous colored stripes.

Blue-green sailboat.

Fast and fun game for reaction and attentiveness. Players try to orient themselves in the colors as quickly as possible and put their cups in a certain sequence. Sometimes cups fall off the table, thus causing the joyful approval of others. Solving tasks takes literally seconds, and ... again, children will not leave their parents a single chance. As in "", small players have supernatural speed and lightning-fast reactions.

Plastic cups, which caused bewilderment when opening the box for the first time, turned out to be very comfortable and of high quality - they are pleasant to hold in your hands. The only "disadvantage" of games of this type is the incredible noise that children make when solving tasks. Screams of joy and the rumble of a bell will be heard in a neighboring house, and it will be extremely problematic to put a company of 5-8 year old players to sleep.

But if you are ready to put up with it, then pay attention to "Speed ​​Caps" - fast, emotionally, positively. A game for relaxation and good mood.

Before buying, be sure to try the board game in the Igroved store, whose sellers will provide expert assistance in selecting and choosing the product you are interested in.

Original taken from

I'll tell you how I made the yoke "Speed ​​caps", Amigo Spiel with my own hands. I found cards for the game on the net, bought a bell, made the caps myself.

The drawings are not very complicated, if you wish, you can draw them yourself or find similar black and white pictures on the Internet. How do I make caps. It’s hard to call them caps, because I have jars of sour cream. I covered them with colored tape.

Includes 20 caps in five colors, 24 task cards and a bell. How to play? Each player receives five plastic caps of different colors.
A deck of 24 cards is shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table next to the bell. On the cards, colored objects are depicted vertically or horizontally: flowers, trains, cubes ...
One of the players turns over the top card, and everyone tries to arrange their caps as quickly as possible according to the colors in the sequence drawn on the card.
The player who has placed the caps hits the bell. The one who called first gets an open card.

The one with the most cards wins.

The task is further complicated by the fact that the pictures on the cards are shown not only vertically, but also horizontally:

with kids, you can arrange the caps like this:

  • Reveal the top card of the deck.
  • Players immediately begin rearranging the caps so that their colors are in the same sequence as the colors on the opened card. Note that some cards alternate colors horizontally, while others alternate vertically. If the colors on the card go horizontally, arrange the caps in one row one after the other. If the colors are vertical on the card that opens, place the caps on top of each other (as in the examples below).
  • The player who has placed the caps must immediately press the call button.
  • The one who called first gets an open card. After that, all players check if he has placed the caps correctly. If he made a mistake, the card goes to the one who called second (if, of course, his caps are placed correctly). If he makes a mistake, the card passes to the next player and so on.
  • New round.
  • Easy option. Before starting a new round, arrange the caps in one row (one after the other). Option for experienced players. For more fun and extra challenge, leave the caps as they are, in the order you placed them in the last round.

  • The game will end when the deck runs out of cards. The winner will be the player with the most cards.

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