Home Wheels Characteristics of a Scorpio woman born in the year of the dragon. Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man from A to Z

Characteristics of a Scorpio woman born in the year of the dragon. Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man from A to Z

The imperious Scorpio Dragon, whose characteristics warn of the danger of those who try to encroach on her well-being. The Scorpio dragon bravely endures life's trials; difficulties strengthen character. He reacts painfully to advice, prefers to make decisions on his own, and is reluctant to discuss his career and personal life with loved ones.

Career is a battlefield

The global plans of a strong woman are accompanied by serious difficulties, a stable position is preceded by a difficult path, and often you have to start from scratch. An active woman does not lose heart, tirelessly fights for her place in the sun, fate generously rewards her for her patience and hard work, and achieves a stable financial situation.

Vindictiveness is a serious flaw of a successful career woman; she severely punishes for grievances.

Anger doesn't go away with time. Capable of holding a grudge while waiting for the right moment.

Scorpio in the year of the Dragon needs active activity, without work becomes unbearable, finds fault with close people, gets unreasonably angry, offended.

The contradictory characterization of a secretive employee casts doubts on the employer, of which not a trace remains after the interview. She has a unique gift of persuasion, is able to highlight the main thing in her work, and is not afraid to take risks. Cunning combined with intellectual abilities is a set of qualities of a successful business woman and politician. A gambling representative of the fair sex can become a victim of a casino, it is difficult to stop her, the only way to escape is to fake the illness of a loved one. A sympathetic woman will not leave the people she values.

Dangerous Passion

She has a unique energy that no man can resist.

Prefers partners with a strong character; gentle romantics irritate the predator. Scorpio Dragon is ruthless towards members of the opposite sex, breaks hearts. Fans' suffering has a positive effect on self-esteem. An independent woman is afraid of love and prefers arranged marriage.

Necessity performing household duties drives a strong personality to hysterics, a housekeeper is the only chance to save the family.

Children adore an extreme mother who happily takes part in active games, travels, and spends money on entertainment. The predator needs to realize her energy: work, play sports, attend entertainment events.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% description of qualities, because... Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.

All Dragons are very passionate, unpredictable and decisive personalities, which is why real theatrical dramas can develop in their lives. One of the advantages of such people is that they always go towards their goals and never agree to compromise. Almost all Dragons throughout their lives seriously suffer from severe jealousy, as they are very suspicious natures, and thanks to the addition of the mystery of Scorpio, a very strong personality is created, with whom it is better not to come into conflict.

The Scorpio-Dragon horoscope will tell you not only about an assertive, but also a very attractive personality. Such people have rightfully received the title “people-magnets”, since they are always in the zone of everyone’s attention, starting from early childhood.

As a rule, the Scorpio Dragon is a very pleasant and positive person, always ready to come to the rescue of his friend and comrade, even if his own interests suffer from this. However, at times they can be very capricious and demanding of others. Such people are always full of optimism and are never afraid of hard or dusty work, because they are used to always achieving their goals.

The Scorpio-Dragon man is an excellent organizer and loves neatness in everything, so they try to be friends with those people who love order and deny all kinds of chaos. Such people will become faithful partners, as in relationships they give their all one hundred percent and strive to create strong and long-term relationships.

Dragons born under the sign of Scorpio are very ambitious individuals, which is why they always set fairly high standards and will never give up in the face of difficult situations, not only in work, but also in love relationships. They always accept a challenge and take their responsibilities seriously, so they always get things done. Such people have a truly unique gift - they are always in the right place and at the right time, which gives them a lot of great opportunities to earn extra income.

Scorpio-dragon women are very inventive and observant, because it is thanks to these qualities that they can easily and quickly solve a problem. Such skills will be useful not only in work, but also in love relationships, so in the future they can become simply ideal and caring wives. Excessive self-confidence cannot be considered a character flaw, however, sometimes such people can be very demanding and take on too many responsibilities on their shoulders.

A Scorpio-Dragon child is a very dangerous mixture, because over time his character will strengthen and he will soon become a strong personality who will not give in to any obstacles. In such children, the secrecy of Scorpios and the openness of the character of the Dragon are simultaneously hidden. That is why such people have to constantly try to restrain themselves so as not to get into serious trouble, but sometimes it is very difficult to keep emotions under control.

These men have an amazing attraction, because they have unique natural abilities to attract people to themselves and have the desired effect on others. The disadvantages of such men include the fact that they are very quarrelsome, constantly trying to inject people with something, and many of them are very dangerous. Most often, he hides these “ugly” qualities under the guise of tenderness and kindness. If you don't control your desire to hurt people, many Scorpio-dragons become real energy vampires.

Scorpio born in the year of the dragon is a very demanding person and always independently selects their social circle. It is very difficult to achieve friendship from such people, but if they begin to be friends, they are always loyal and ready at any moment to come to the rescue of a comrade in trouble.

The Scorpio dragon, whose characteristics are described in detail in this article, are very strong emotionally, and they can have real angelic patience, be generous and kind, or fall into a state of devilish irritation. At such moments, you need to try to stay as far away from them as possible, so as not to accidentally get caught and find yourself guilty of all mortal sins.

Intimate life can be a trap for him, since he is sensual and often enters into these relationships out of curiosity and a desire to gain experience.

Scorpio dragon man what kind of woman does he need

As a result, he depends on a woman who is not suitable for him, especially in terms of interests. That is why he is recommended to select a woman based on interests and personal qualities, and not succumb to sensual appeals. In this case he can be happy.

Scorpio man, characteristics of the zodiac sign

The Scorpio man is always secretive, he is closed from prying eyes, and from the first meetings it is absolutely impossible to see what he is like. But this man, who is a walking mystery, attracts attention precisely with his mysterious, even mystical aura, which gives him an unearthly, unreal charm. His interlocutors get the impression that he knows how to influence people not only with words or actions, but also with hypnotic vibes that shine through from his velvety, half-closed gaze. But, despite the apparent coldness and even some arrogance, the Scorpio man is very passionate and hot, he is a maximalist, both in friendship and in love.

The Scorpio man is very sociable and pleasant in society, he may seem carefree, cheerful, friendly and open, but he will never let others get closer to him than at arm's length, and he answers all questions about his personal life or the secrets of his activities either with jokes, or avoids answering altogether. It is impossible to catch a Scorpio man in anything or take him by surprise - he is a smart strategist who knows how to think through the entire path of his movement forward, and also prepares retreat routes in case of failures. It is impossible to defeat him, he was born to win, but his victories are not loud and visible, but quiet and calm. It is useless to compete with a Scorpio man in strength and wisdom; he will never go out into open battle, but will gladly prove his superiority to the enemy as soon as a favorable opportunity arises for this. The only situation that can provoke anger and aggression on his part is someone’s attempts to hurt his pride. It can explode like an oxygen tank and deliver a sudden blow to the offender, which will be very accurate and very painful. All people who are trying to enter into a fight with a Scorpio man must remember that he never forgives insults and never misses when struck. It is better to be friends with this representative of the zodiac circle than to have him as your enemy. There is never too much love for a Scorpio man; he prefers to love immeasurably, excessively, in order to have an outlet for all his emotions and passions in sensuality. He does not care about the opinions of the people around him, he is not at all guided by the advice and warnings of his friends, because he prefers only his own sensuality, his own laws and his own orders in everything. The Scorpio man knows how to make friends, but he always has a very small circle of true friends who are able to understand him and endure his difficult character. The Scorpio man never remains indifferent to anything, although outwardly he may be cold and indifferent. Nothing escapes his attention, and therefore deceiving a Scorpio man is a thankless task. He loves beautiful women very much, he can court his chosen one for a long time and even romantically, propose to her on his knees, but this is not an impulse coming from the soul of a Scorpio man, these are attempts to comply with the norms of behavior in society, to adapt to a model of behavior so as not to scare your partner from the very beginning.

Scorpio dragon man, who do you know?

In a relationship, a Scorpio man can be very gallant and emphatically courteous, but he can become a real tyrant if his partner is constantly trying to deceive, outwit, and trick him. The Scorpio man always has very high demands on his chosen one, and does not tolerate any compromises. The straightforwardness of a representative of this zodiac circle often becomes the cause of suffering for his chosen one, because he can calmly express his undisguised truth and caustic remarks about her in a crowd of people; this is the favorite pastime of the Scorpio man. In personal relationships, the Scorpio man will never tolerate dictatorship from his partner, he will always fight only for sole rule in the family, and will become a demanding, strict, but fair father to his children. A woman who has linked her destiny with a Scorpio man needs to accept him for who he is, not take his criticism to heart, trying to reduce everything to humor, and then the relationship in the couple will be completely harmonious.

Scorpio - Dragon: characteristics of a man (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

(from 02/13/1964, from 01/31/1976, from 02/17/1988, from 02/05/2000)

He is a rather complex combination, which is primarily difficult for himself. On the one hand, he is passionate and secretive, and on the other, he is open and soberly assesses reality. As a result, he often cannot establish internal harmony and suffers from difficulty understanding himself. Communication with such a guy is difficult, since he himself does not understand what he needs from other people.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man in LOVE

He carefully chooses his partner, but he does not always manage to choose the right lover. The fact is that he soberly evaluates a woman, but his emotionality and sensuality often take over. As a result, he does not feel support in the relationship and simply tries to find support from the woman who is next to him. But this is not always possible, since the choice in his case should be based on interests.

In relationships, he becomes softer and less critical. The fact is that he values ​​his beloved and tries to make the relationship harmonious. He is ready to do a lot for the sake of a relationship, so you can often see that he sacrifices his “I”, but this does not last very long. He soon realizes that such a relationship is not love and goes in search of a new lover: there is already a female contender near him.

Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon in BED

Intimate life can be a trap for him, since he is sensual and often enters into these relationships out of curiosity and a desire to gain experience. As a result, he depends on a woman who is not suitable for him, especially in terms of interests. That is why he is recommended to select a woman based on interests and personal qualities, and not succumb to sensual appeals. In this case he can be happy.

He loves the intimate sphere of relationships, as it allows him to feel relaxed, desired and loved, as well as find a foothold. That is why he may like a woman’s different desires. This is especially true for her desires to experiment, try a new position. He will like it if his beloved furnishes the action with unusual attributes - candles, silk underwear, etc. will please him.

Horoscope of a Scorpio-Dragon man in MARRIAGE

Living with him is quite difficult, since he always experiences internal discomfort, and this makes him lash out at close people and create difficulties out of the blue. That is why it is difficult for him to get along with his wife. It is important for him to be a leader, but at the same time he cannot take on all its functions. And this again leads to internal and external discomfort, which he cannot cope with.

In general, he gravitates towards marriage, as he needs support, a foundation for the future. And for this it is important for him to simply be married. He usually decides to marry at an early age and then in this union he is usually happy. Later marriages are not always successful, since he cannot restrain his emotions and enjoy communicating with his wife and children. Relationships with relatives are difficult to establish.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He must listen to his inner voice and follow his impulses. This is especially true for his creativity and work. Self-realization will allow him to feel that missing support and receive all the benefits of such a position, for example, financial stability. In a relationship, it is better to trust your lover and feel loved, rather than strive for leadership.

A man of the Scorpio sign lives without comparing himself with others, and does not expect anyone’s approval. He builds his life exclusively from his own considerations, relying only on his worldview. He is an independent, self-confident and self-confident person. He has strong mental abilities, is courageous and straightforward. Has an adequate picture of the world. You shouldn't expect any concessions from a Scorpio man, no matter what gender or age you are. At first communication, he creates the impression of a strong and independent person; he may seem tough. He always acts from his own considerations, while being able to listen to the opinions of others.

Scorpio man in love

Scorpio man has the qualities that ladies really like. He is demanding and selective towards his future chosen one, he always knows who is seeking what from him. The Scorpio man himself easily achieves the affection of any woman; in relationships, he still adheres to his individuality. You shouldn’t expect him to start sacrificing himself, even if he is sincerely in love at that moment.

Compatibility Scorpio man

What kind of women does a Scorpio man like?

The Scorpio man has very high demands on his future chosen one. If you want to connect your destiny with him, then you should understand that you will not be the head of the relationship. He will not throw in his lot with a woman who is somehow stronger than him. If suddenly, for some reason, you are at the helm of the relationship, your task should be to create the illusion of his primacy, in which you are just a wise adviser whose opinion he listens to.

Characteristics of Scorpio men and women in the year of the Dragon

To be with him, you need to be able to behave with dignity, have a courageous and decisive character.

A woman who is able to make a Scorpio man happy will receive as a reward a man with truly enormous potential and inexhaustible vital energy.

Scorpio man in marriage

In family life, the Scorpio man is always the unconditional, unshakable head. His opinion and actions are undeniable neither by his wife, nor by his children, nor by anyone. The companion of this sign should not only be understanding, but also patient, capable of being submissive and belonging exclusively to him. He almost never compromises; he cannot be overcome by either resentment or tears. But this does not make the Scorpio man callous and heartless, it’s all about his strength of self-control. A faithful wife, full of passion and understanding, will be fully rewarded with tender care and sincere love.

Children for a Scorpio man

The Scorpio man is a strict and even harsh father. He will not allow the children to relax and will be demanding in everything. Moreover, in any adversity, he is a true defender, capable of not only helping with advice, but also solving any problem. Possessing unbending willpower, persistent spirit and an objective outlook on life, he is a true role model for children. It happens that upbringing reaches such a level that it completely displaces the influence of the mother, while it will be extremely difficult for the spouse to return to her former position, but it is still possible and even necessary.

Possessing a stern disposition, the Scorpio man does not allow his children to indulge in anything, regardless of their age. Children will appreciate the value of the result of their upbringing only as adults, when they first encounter life’s difficulties.

Scorpio Dragon Man

The Scorpio-Dragon man is a rather complex combination, which is primarily difficult for him. On the one hand, he is passionate and secretive, and on the other, he is open and soberly assesses reality. As a result, he often cannot establish internal harmony and suffers from difficulty understanding himself. Communication with such a guy is difficult, since he himself does not understand what he needs from other people.

These men are incredibly lucky; even without making much effort, they always achieve their goal. They know no fear and rush into the most dubious activities without looking back. The interesting thing is that they often emerge victorious and easily cope with difficulties, in which intuition helps them. At the same time, they generously share their achievements and successes with others, providing them with free assistance.

In their youth, these are restless and often reckless men who simply burn through their talents and gifts. But with age, their character hardens, they become reasonable and define life goals for themselves. It doesn’t take them long to achieve them, because they use a creative approach to achieve them. Human qualities such as kindness, care and attention are also not alien to them.

Read also: Scorpio Man and Dragon Man.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man in Love

He carefully chooses his partner, but he does not always manage to choose the right lover. The fact is that he soberly evaluates a woman, but his emotionality and sensuality often take over. As a result, he does not feel support in the relationship and simply tries to find support from the woman who is next to him. But this is not always possible, since the choice in his case should be based on interests.

In relationships, he becomes softer and less critical. The fact is that he values ​​his beloved and tries to make the relationship harmonious. He is ready to do a lot for the sake of a relationship, so you can often see that he sacrifices his “I”, but this does not last very long. He soon realizes that such a relationship is not love and goes in search of a new lover: there is already a female contender near him.

The horoscope characteristics of the Scorpio-Dragon woman describe her as a contradictory nature. This lady combines two very strong signs, for this reason her character is difficult. Negative character traits sometimes make it very difficult for a girl to successfully build personal relationships.

Description of signs

A woman under the sign of Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, amazingly combines irritability and kindness, stubbornness and generosity, openness and isolation. All this is because she was born under two very strong and difficult signs. The Year of the Dragon gives her openness and emotionality; the zodiac sign Scorpio gives her powerful intuition and natural charm. In addition, both Dragon and Scorpio are endowed with many negative traits, so sometimes it can be difficult for a girl to restrain her emotions and not show her irritability.

When this woman is in a good mood, she tries to show all her positive qualities. And she has a lot of such qualities. Scorpio-Dragon can be kind, gentle, charming and positive. Communicating with a lady at such moments, it seems that there is no more positive and kinder person in the whole wide world. Thanks to the special magnetism that nature has endowed her with, Scorpio-Dragon can easily win over people, gathering like-minded people around her. In addition, this woman has the gift of persuasion, which also helps her in many ways both in work and in her personal life.

If we talk about the shortcomings of Scorpio-Dragon, then this, of course, is her harshness towards loved ones. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are very vindictive. They can easily communicate with you for years, and it will seem to you that you are friends. But if you once offended the Scorpio Dragon, then, despite the warm communication, this woman will never forget the offense.

She may well take revenge, but she will do it not directly, but on the sly.

When someone hurts the feelings of a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon, this woman becomes hot-tempered and aggressive. At such moments it is better not to approach her. Scorpio-Dragon will not mince words and will tell you everything that he really thinks about you. The more painful the offender becomes from harsh and rude words, the easier it becomes for her. Therefore, Scorpio-Dragon never restrains his emotions.

The Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is an amazing person, after meeting whom not a single person will remain indifferent. Some people fall in love with her at first sight, while others begin to hate her. This is a strong personality who easily achieves his goals. If you learn to be friends with her, then in her person you can find not only a faithful friend, but also the best adviser on all life issues.

Career and finance

At work, the Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, proves herself to be a faithful and hardworking worker, a good organizer and a reliable partner. Thanks to her ambition and determination, this woman easily achieves her goals and is quite capable of making a dizzying career in any field. The Scorpio Dragon always acts clearly and decisively, never doubts his own abilities and easily copes with any obstacles in his path.

This woman is not afraid of hard work, so she can fully realize herself in any field. Whatever work the Scorpio-Dragon undertakes, she does everything impeccably. Such women become very valuable and irreplaceable employees.

And if she holds a leadership position, she will be an honest and fair boss.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon and under the zodiac sign of Scorpio can well be called a careerist. Work takes up most of her life. Achieving a certain career growth, she strives to conquer new heights. And if she feels that she has already outgrown this work, she can easily open her own business and develop it successfully. By nature, this woman has enormous potential and many talents. Thanks to his perseverance and hard work, the Scorpio-Dragon can fully realize his abilities and achieve the financial well-being that he has always dreamed of.

In love and marriage

Next to such a woman there should be an exceptionally strong and confident man. Another simply cannot withstand the difficult character of Scorpio-Dragon. This lady can rightfully be called a femme fatale. She easily makes men fall in love with her and just as easily breaks their hearts. This woman seems to be completely ruthless in relationships. And this is partly true. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, can seduce anyone, can drive a man crazy, but as soon as she gets tired of him, she mercilessly abandons him and disappears from his life without a trace.

If Scorpio-Dragon falls in love herself, then it will be a completely different woman. This woman will surround her beloved with incredible tenderness and care. Many men do not even suspect what feelings this calculating and unapproachable lady is capable of.

Only after sincerely falling in love is a Scorpio woman ready to fully open up to her partner, exposing her trembling and vulnerable soul to him.

In personal relationships, the Dragon, born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, will not tolerate betrayal. Her chosen one should remember that this woman is very jealous and will not forgive you for even minor flirting. An offended and insulted representative of this zodiac sign is very scary in anger, so you should not provoke her and artificially create such situations to make her jealous. The Dragon-Scorpio woman dreams of a strong and large family. Therefore, a woman will be ready to unite herself in marriage only with a man whom she can completely trust.

Such a woman will be able to build personal happiness only with a man who will be stronger than her. Next to her chosen one, the Scorpio-Dragon should feel calm and safe. She will be a caring wife and a very good mother. For her children, this woman will become a faithful friend and adviser. This woman can have a strong union with a man born under the sign of Scorpio or Sagittarius. Good relationships can develop with representatives of such zodiac signs as Pisces, Libra or Leo.

You will learn more about the Scorpio woman from the following video.

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