Home Nutrition What does jack cross mean? The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

What does jack cross mean? The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

Fortune telling on cards is one of the sources of predictions of future events in a person’s life. With its help, you can not only determine your fate in general or for a certain period of time, but also answer specific questions of interest. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of cards when divining 36 cards according to a separate interpretation of each of them, and understand the combinations that determine the overall picture.

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      Preparing for fortune telling

      To obtain reliable information, it is necessary, in addition to determining the meaning of the cards when fortune telling with 36 cards, to follow some rules:

      • The basic rule is to use fortune telling cards, not playing cards: they are sold in the store. They are distinguished from a regular deck by the black background on which the images are located. If you cannot find any, it is recommended to purchase a new pack of 36 playing cards. A reasonable solution would be to place it from new moon to new moon on the windowsill, where the light of the moon falls, and then begin to tell fortunes.
      • The session should be carried out on any flat, comfortable surface that does not contain metal objects. It is not recommended to guess at the dinner table, since the energy of food (especially meat) disrupts the process of receiving reliable information.
      • The person being told fortunes must sit without crossing your arms and legs. Before the session, you need to focus on an exciting question, formulate it mentally and not think about anything else. If you are interested in the general picture of upcoming events or are concerned about a specific issue, it is recommended to inform the fortuneteller about this. This information will allow you to more specifically determine the interpretation (interpretation of issues of love, career and everyday relationships differs).
      • Cards that have already been played should not be used in fortune telling. If you play fortune-telling cards after the session, they lose their power and become unsuitable for further use in interpreting the future. It is recommended to allocate a separate deck for fortune telling or buy a new one for each session.

        The meaning of cards and their combinations

        To fully characterize the situation, it is necessary to determine each card and its location in the layout. If four aces are dropped at the first stage, the person will have fulfillment of desires and a joyful life. Four kings promise a large society, success in business, ladies are undesirable for women, this speaks of gossip and intrigue. For a man, dropped ladies mean recognition from the fair sex. Jacks speak of great troubles, tens speak of success in business areas, nines indicate surprise, eights and sevens do not have much meaning, sixes foreshadow the road.

        The predominance of figured cards promises an eventful life, cards of small denomination speak of routine and lack of change.

        Spades suit

        The spades have a mostly bad value, with the exception of some combinations. Reversed cards are especially dangerous. The element of the suit is air.

        Ace – night, winter. Point up means a government institution (place of work, various authorities, cultural institutions). Reversed card - blow, trouble, fear:

        • from the 10th of spades in an upright position - an unexpected receipt of money, in an inverted position - a sudden blow;
        • with 10 tambourines - money (directly) or a quarrel over money (inverted);
        • from 9 or 8 peaks - troubles at work (direct) or serious illness, hospitalization, severe blow (inverted);
        • with any six - the road: long, official, late, early;
        • with an ace of clubs - fear, tambourine - official papers, documents.

        The king is an official, a military man of considerable age, sometimes he can designate the enemy:

        • with a queen and jack of spades - help from an influential person;
        • with a king or queen of a different suit may mean that the person wears shoulder straps or holds a high position;
        • with the eight of spades - grief and trouble.

        Lady - evil, gossip, trouble, rival, boredom. In combination with other, even the most positive cards, it speaks of a certain irritation, an unpleasant aftertaste after some event.

        Jack - deception, quarrel, fight, useless troubles:

        • with the queen of spades - a noisy major quarrel, even a fight, a showdown;
        • from the 8th peak - a quarrel between lovers, with undesirable consequences;

        Ten is a surprise. Good or bad can be judged by the cards nearby.

        Nine in an upright position promises loss and sadness. If it is next to the king or queen (except for the queen of spades), it warns of a break in relations. Being with other cards also signifies an ending. For example, if a card means money, then the money will be lost, a date card means it will not take place. The inverted position means grief, worry, melancholy. A very negative card that can overshadow the best meanings. Only a six of diamonds after a nine indicates a successful ending.

        Eight – illness and bondage. Next to positive cards it speaks of some discomfort, interference in business and love:

        • with the 9th peak inverted - a serious illness, with the upright one - a very serious illness;
        • with the 7th peak inverted - a major quarrel, with the direct one - unsuccessful drinking, poisoning;
        • with 6 diamonds - a successful outcome, recovery.

        Seven in the upright position means a feast, drinking. Inverted - quarrel, tears, minor troubles.

        Six is ​​a late road. It can take place late in the evening, at night. May mean a long journey. If you are near cards that predict events, you need to understand that this will happen after some time.

        Club suit

        This suit, often incorrectly called “cruci,” is responsible for everyday issues, work activity, sphere of influence and the degree of a person’s sociability. The element of the suit is fire.

        Ace - autumn, evening. In an upright position - a good sign, a successful solution to business issues, success. In an inverted position, it speaks of some interference and delays in business, failure. Government House. In combination:

        • with the nine of hearts - love, relationships. If there is an ace of diamonds, we can talk about entering into an official marriage;
        • with 7 clubs - controversial issues in matters that will be successfully resolved in favor of the person being told fortunes. Seven of spades inverted interprets loss.

        The king is an adult man, a military man, a boss. The appearance of the king of clubs (cross) in the layout means success:

        • with 9 clubs - a person has a high status;
        • with the eight of clubs means sad events at sea;
        • with a jack of clubs - woe.

        Lady - troubles associated with a woman. If there are hearts next to a lady - her husband’s mistress, diamonds - a bad employee, spades - a strong quarrel with a woman.

        • with the queen of spades - troubles related to marriage;
        • with 8 clubs - help provided by a woman.

        Jack - troubles, buddy, soldier, friend, protector. The jack dropped in the first scenario indicates the correctness of fortune telling:

        • from 10 tambourines - successful worries about money;
        • with 8 clubs - military help, happy chores;
        • with two jacks - a troublesome future;
        • with the seven of spades - the evil intent of the enemies, which will provoke misfortune;
        • with ladies - wife’s betrayal.

        Ten is a card of change. What they will be like can be judged by the neighboring cards. With the suit of spades, it predicts material disadvantages and hard work. With clubs it promises prosperity and good luck in all matters. Hearts predict an unexpected win or find:

        • with 7, 8 and 9 clubs - a very happy combination, an indispensable success;
        • with 8 clubs - material well-being, possible inheritance;
        • with 10 hearts - good luck in love relationships;
        • from the 7th peak - tears.

        Nine – hesitation, doubt. If it is next to the figure, it means separation. In the upright position it has a negative aspect. With the suit of diamonds, it promises to receive money. With hearts portends prosperity in love:

        • from the 10th peak - financial troubles;
        • with the king of clubs - an influential friend.

        Eight is a card that has a positive value surrounded by a club suit. Means business meetings, conversations, inheritance:

        • with the jack of hearts - losses in financial troubles;
        • with an ace of hearts and seven of clubs - an inheritance or a happy marriage.

        Seven - a profitable business, family happiness, a successful trip. In a straight position - tears:

        • with an ace of clubs - victory in court;
        • with the jack of hearts - the birth of heirs;
        • from the 8th peak - illness, sadness, tears.

        Six - unsuccessful deeds, a useless road. If an ace of any suit is nearby, a date is expected. If surrounded, a peak means that a change of place of residence or work is possible. Next to the figures foreshadows a holiday and feast.


        The suit of hearts promises well-being in your personal life, good luck and successful resolution of everyday issues. A very kind and happy suit. If all nine hearts come up, it means great success in love. The element of the suit is water.

        Ace - spring, morning. An unexpected gift, your own home or the abode of family people:

        • with the ace of diamonds - pleasant, joyful news;
        • from 10 peak - bad news;
        • with the jack of hearts - successful efforts.

        King - a joyful meeting, good news, a successful life. Married man:

        • with a heart predicts absolute success;
        • with a diamond – material wealth;
        • with a club - successful efforts;
        • with a pike - not good.

        Lady - family woman:

        • with hearts - mutual feelings;
        • with other suits - finding happiness.

        Jack - a young guy, successful efforts, positive news:

        • with hearts - success;
        • with a figure - to a dear guest.

        Ten is a positive card. Means happiness, success, joy in combination with almost all suits except spades:

        • with all sevens for a woman - pregnancy.
        • with a figure - love passion;
        • with 10 hearts and a figure - wedding;
        • with the Queen of Spades, on the contrary, is happiness.

        Nine – has a positive meaning with any suit except spades.

        Eight - happy time, pleasant conversation, fun road:

        • to the right of the seven of clubs is acquaintance, to the left is unexpected joy;
        • with 10 diamonds – big money.

        Seven – oblivion of the negative past, fun, happy changes

        • with kings - a big company, a fun time;
        • from the 10th peak - marriage proposal;
        • with 9 of hearts - a date with your loved one.

        Six - pleasant meetings and dates, harmonious relationships in love. May mean some delay in business activities.


        The suit of diamonds is responsible for the material and business areas of a person’s life. These are positive cards that predict successful contracts, securities, and good news. The element of the suit is earth.

        Ace – summer, day. Good or bad news (adjacent cards will be a guide), a profitable business, a successful change of place of residence or work:

        • with a tambourine - improvement of financial situation;
        • with 10 diamonds - very big money;
        • with cards of hearts - pleasant love news;
        • with clubs - obstacles and troubles in business.

        The king is a young unmarried man, a love acquaintance, a date:

        • with 10 tambourines - moral and material support from a new acquaintance;
        • with a worm - happy changes;
        • with 6 tambourines - wish fulfillment.

        A lady is a young unmarried girl who can be frivolous:

        • from 9 hearts - good omens for a woman and theft - for a man;
        • with 10 spades or jack of diamonds - an unexpected unpleasant guest.

        Valet is a young guy, a military man. Sometimes it means empty troubles:

        • with a queen and king a tambourine - material success;
        • with a queen and king of other colors - family;
        • with any of the kings - a hypocritical man, a deceiver.

        Ten – money, gifts, winnings, inheritance:

        • with all the diamonds - a significant improvement in financial situation;
        • with peaks - money problems.

        Nine – favorable changes in the material plane:

        • with diamonds and hearts - very good;
        • with clubs - you need to look at the adjacent card;
        • with peaks - money problems.

        Eight – conversations about money, changes that require formalization:

        • with hearts and diamonds - successful business and cordial negotiations;
        • with the seven of tambourines - a precarious position;
        • with a club and a spade - unsuccessful negotiations, unresolved problems.

        Seven – monetary transactions, making deals. Completely depends on neighboring cards, which can tell about the outcome of the situation.

        Six is ​​the luckiest card. It allows you to neutralize all the negative influences of other cards. If it is the final result in a scenario or a certain operation, then a positive outcome is guaranteed. This applies to almost all areas of life.

        The most common layouts

        There are many layouts that allow you to predict future events in a person’s life. There are fortune tellings that most accurately reveal the general picture of events, love relationships and solutions to specific issues.

        Fortune telling should be done as needed. You should not do this out of boredom, idleness, or simply for the sake of interest, in order to compare the veracity of events that have already passed. This is a very serious process that should be handled with caution.

        General layout of fate

        A general layout will help you find out your future in all aspects of life:

        • A deck of 36 cards is thoroughly shuffled three times, then some of the cards are removed with the left hand towards oneself (or allowed to be removed by the person being told fortunes, if he is nearby). The removed part is placed at the bottom of the deck and, without shuffling, the cards are laid out in three rows of three until the desired person is found. It is wished for the king or queen (except for the suit of spades).
        • Having identified the desired queen or king in one of the four nines, place this card in the middle of the table. They shuffle the deck again three times, take out one card (or give it to the person being told fortunes) and, without looking, place it under the central card, hereinafter referred to as the figure.
        • Then they shuffle again three times and take out three more cards, which are stacked one on top of the other, face down on the figure.
        • After the next three shuffles, the deck is taken in the right hand and divided into four parts. First, some cards are placed at the bottom of the figure, then at the top, then to the right and left.
        • They proceed to the top packet of cards, from which the top three should be removed and placed above the figure. The remaining cards from the top pack, without shuffling, are covered with the bottom one, the top three are removed and placed at the bottom of the figures. Repeat the manipulations on the right and left. This formed a cross of cards, fanned out in groups of three, with a figure in the center.
        • Three cards are placed from the remaining deck: first in the upper left corner, then in the lower right, upper right and lower left.
        • The nine cards on the bottom represent the past, the six on the sides represent the present, and the nine on top represent the future. The card under the figure will tell you about the thoughts of the person being told fortunes. Three cards above the figure foreshadow events or people who will influence fate in the first place.
        • Having deciphered each card individually and in combination with others, they collect everything into one deck, mix it and begin putting it aside in pairs. To do this, lay out cards one at a time, finding two sixes, two nines, etc. until there are no paired cards left (the figure remains).

        The King of Clubs denotes a man of advanced age with dark eyes and dark hair. The King of Hearts defines a fair man of middle and above middle age. The King of Diamonds is a young guy or middle-aged blond.

        The queen of clubs will be an older woman or a sultry brunette with dark eyes. The Queen of Hearts is a fair or fair-haired middle-aged woman. The Queen of Diamonds is represented by a young girl or a bright blonde.

        The three remaining cards mean anxiety, five - obstacles, seven - family life, nine - surprise. The next steps are:

        • On the card of the figure being told fortunes, the cards are laid out one by one, face down. There should be a total of 23 cards (figure + remaining cards + laid out).
        • The cards are laid out into 7 packs plus one final pack at the end. Turn over the three cards formed in each pack and determine their value:
          • 1st pack for home, means family affairs;
          • 2nd – for the heart;
          • 3rd – current everyday moments;
          • 4th – what happened;
          • 5th – what will happen;
          • 6th – what he thinks about;
          • 7th – what does not expect;
          • 8th - final map.
        • Repeat paired laying and see what is left in the end.
        • They lay out three cards in a fan, and four cards a little lower. This is the final result of fortune telling.

        Alignment for fulfillment of desire

        Alignment for fulfillment of desire

        For such fortune-telling, you need to mentally or out loud say a wish and choose a lady or king who wants to get an answer to your question. Shuffle the cards three times, remove some of them with your left hand towards you and place them under the bottom of the deck. Arrange the cards in four rows of nine each. In the row where the planned figure will be located, you should look for the answer.

        Using the decoding of the meaning of the cards when fortune telling with 36 cards, it is recommended to determine whether the wish will come true. This can be found out by selecting one of the suggested card meanings that relates to the question asked (there are several aspects of the meanings in the description of each card). If the layout mainly contains red cards, then the wish will come true (the connection will help clarify the circumstances). If the alignment in value is negative, try to determine what circumstances prevented the fulfillment of the desire.

        Love deal

        This fortune-telling for love relationships helps to understand the attitude of the chosen one, true thoughts and feelings, development prospects, and also see events for several months in advance. You need to carefully shuffle the deck, thinking about the hidden person, remove it with your left hand, pull out three cards and put them on the left. They will indicate how the person of interest relates to the questioner. Next, you should put three more cards on the right, which will tell about the feelings of the fortuneteller. The next card must be placed in the center - its meaning describes the current situation between lovers. At the end of the fortune telling, you should pull out the last three cards, which will tell you what awaits the couple in the future.

        Before you take up fortune telling with cards, you need to familiarize yourself with the useful recommendations of specialists. These tips will help you obtain reliable information and eliminate the unwanted consequences of the session:

        • The best days to predict the future for women are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. It is strictly forbidden to guess on Sundays and on major church holidays. A session per person should be held no more than once a day.
        • You shouldn't tell your fortune at night. At this time of day, the world is ruled by dark forces, so it will not be possible to find out the truthful answer. It is not recommended to conduct a session after sunset; the best time is considered to be the first half of the day.
        • It is worth carrying out up to seven sessions during the day; fortune telling beyond this norm will be false. If it was not possible to get a definite answer, it is worth making a specific layout, outlining the problem in more detail and articulating it more clearly. For example, you need to find a job, but the cards did not provide a clear answer. Then it is necessary to rephrase the question in such a way that it becomes clear what means you will have to live on. In this case, the cards will show an unexpected win, someone’s help, a trip, etc. All these factors will provoke the fulfillment of a desire in the distant future, or the layout will show that it will not be possible to find a job in the near future.
        • It is recommended to do the layout for a specific desire or answer to a question once. If a negative or negative answer is received, you should not lay out the cards until they answer the way the person wants. When deciding to find out your fate, you need to be morally attuned to any outcome. After all, if a person does not want to put up with an objective result, deceiving himself, the cards will also lie.
        • Sometimes it happens that the overall picture does not allow us to put everything into a single philosophical thread. One designation categorically refutes the other, it is impossible to find an exact decoding, the cards fall out of your hands, you feel unwell or in a bad mood. In this case, the session should be terminated. If the 7th of spades appears in the first general layout, it means that guessing on that day is not recommended.
        • A person who wants to join the science of fortune telling must have his own personal cards. You shouldn’t take someone else’s and let them use your own. Only the sole owner of the deck can count on truthful predictions. It is also not recommended to tell fortunes to yourself and your closest relatives.

        You just need to familiarize yourself with these recommendations; everyone can make a decision and adjust the rules in their own way. Having reached a certain level and gaining more experience, you can change and remove some points or add your own.

There are a huge number of all kinds of fortune telling, but the most popular type is still fortune telling on cards. If we talk about professional fortune-telling, then of course the corresponding cards are also used, as a rule, these are Tarot punishments. But if the process of fortune telling takes place at an amateur level, then everything is limited to an ordinary deck of playing cards. In order to correctly understand what the cards promise you, you need to know the meaning of each of them.

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

Today we will look at the meaning of all the cards in the playing deck. Let's start with the suit of diamonds:

  • Six - the card promises a trip. As a general rule, travel should be enjoyable.
  • Seven means the financial side of your life. Expect financial assistance.
  • Eight - promises futile efforts and vanity.
  • Nine - portends success in your endeavors. However, he warns against rash actions.
  • Ten – most often “falls out” for positive changes in your career.
  • Jack is not the best sign. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who is planning something mean against you.
  • Lady - symbolizes a very quarrelsome woman in your environment. Be careful.
  • The king is a sign of power and opportunity. There is a person in your environment who can help you solve your problems.
  • Ace - means that important news awaits you.

Now let's move on to the heart suit:

  • Six - most often promises a love meeting.
  • Seven - a pleasant romantic date awaits you.
  • Eight - perhaps someone will confess their feelings to you, but most likely there will be no reciprocity on your part.
  • Nine - expect an unpleasant conversation with your partner.
  • Ten means a trip with your chosen one. However, there is no need to rejoice, everything could turn into a scandal.
  • Jack - indicates the presence of a hidden ill-wisher in your environment.
  • Queen - the meaning depends on which card is next to the queen. If the card is yours, it means you have a good friend. If your chosen one is next to the card, most likely he has a mistress.
  • King - most often means a respectable but married man.
  • Ace - symbolizes the family hearth, home.

Let's see what the club suit promises us:

  • Six promises a trip on which your future work and career depends.
  • Seven - soon you will have to talk about serious topics about work.
  • Eight - promises a meeting at which your job opportunities will be discussed.
  • Nine - the card means upcoming changes. If there are cards of the spades suit nearby - expect troubles, hearts - love affairs, diamonds - a new acquisition.
  • Ten – have you seen such a card? I can only envy you. Expect big profits.
  • Jack - troubles will appear on your way.
  • Queen is not the best card. If there are diamonds nearby - you have an enemy at work, spades - squabbles with your mother-in-law, worms - perhaps your partner is not faithful to you.
  • King - symbolizes an older man or a boss.
  • Ace - means your work.

And finally, let's talk about the suit of spades:

  • Six is ​​an unpleasant trip.
  • Seven - promises quarrels and squabbles.
  • Eight - may portend health problems. Be careful!
  • Nine - promises illness of relatives.
  • Ten - alas, the card does not bode well. Your expectations will not be met.
  • Jack - there is a deceiver or fraudster in your environment.
  • Lady - can talk about the presence of the evil eye or damage on a person. This card doesn't bode well.
  • A king means nothing less than serious trouble. It might be work related.
  • Ace - if the tip of the card is facing down - expect a great celebration. If it goes up, alas, a serious illness or trouble awaits you.

When starting fortune telling, be careful, because the correctness of the entire process depends on the correct interpretation of the cards.

personality description

Being one of the three Fixed Cards, Js are very stable in their ideas about what love is. At a high level they embody the spirit of sacrificial Christian love. Despite some immaturity and frivolity that characterize them as Jacks, they are still guided by the spirit of wisdom and higher motives. However, they need to be careful to ensure that the sacrifices they make are not futile. J is in danger of becoming too self-absorbed and losing touch with reality, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The power of the Jacks of Hearts is in the power of love. They came into our world to love other people and set an example for them with their love. Once J realizes that this is his mission, he will readily accept the responsibility that comes with it and will handle it admirably. Jacks of Hearts often make sacrifices and may give up personal desires for the sake of a higher goal or spiritual philosophy. Being born leaders, they are able to achieve great success in their chosen profession. They are stubborn and driven by a strong sense of duty and justice. You can rely on them. They keep their promises, unless they fall into the net of the base side of their nature and do not follow the path of the “Rogue Jack”.

Everyone with whom the Knave of Hearts communicates feels the warmth emanating from him. The highest self-realization of people with this Birth Card is to move along the path of spirituality or to bring spiritual energies into their lives and work.

relationships between Jacks of Hearts and other people

The J's natural spirituality does not mean that people with this Birth Card never exhibit the common traits found in all Jacks. There is no guarantee that in the person of J you will not encounter a frivolous Don Juan. The Jack of Hearts is also subject to the strong temptation of easy romantic connections.

On the other hand, in J’s personal relationships his sacrificial nature always manifests itself in one way or another. Jacks of Hearts are naturally gifted with the ability to have strong feelings, but a certain immaturity can become a serious obstacle for them. Usually they are committed to high ideals in love and have their own ideas about it, which are almost impossible to change. If J loves you, he will make sacrifices for you because you may be part of his plans to save the world.

Of course, with such a “savior complex,” J can do a lot of stupid things: for example, choose a partner who is completely unworthy of him, or break off relations with a loved one in order to console some suffering person. In addition, he may get stuck in relationships based on strong interdependence of the “savior-victim” type, which will entail unpleasant consequences.

After experiencing several love failures, J becomes more sensitive to the suffering that love can cause and develops into an understanding and sincere partner. If he has devoted himself to a higher goal, then have no doubt: in front of you is a person you can trust. This is an example of unshakable and deepest love, capable of any sacrifice for the sake of its beloved.

compatibility of Jacks of Hearts with other birth cards

For female Jacks of Hearts, marriage with male Diamonds is not the best choice; but they get along great with men of their own color. All Js are connected by powerful karmic ties with the Kings of Spades and Eights of Clubs, but the concentration of energy in relationships of this kind can be too strong. Male Jacks of Hearts can bring a lot of problems to women of the Club suit.

Jack of Hearts - savior or martyr?

The Jack of Hearts is associated with Jesus Christ, the savior and spiritual leader of the Pisces era that is coming to an end. By his own example, he taught people a love that far surpasses ordinary human experience. This sacrificial love is considered the highest form of love. She is symbolized by Venus in Pisces, a sign ruled by Neptune. Neptune's influence can be either beneficial or destructive, depending on the person. In our time, at the turn of the era of Aquarius, such sacrificial love is beginning to be perceived as something of a bad habit, as excessive interdependence between partners. Before us are examples of countless people and organizations who abused their power in the name of “the good of humanity.” Many J can reach complete moral and physical exhaustion, being too carried away by dedication. Without receiving anything in return, they eventually begin to feel empty, and as a result, they simply lose all ability to make sacrifices for other people - that is, to do what they love.

Much of what the era of Pisces taught us becomes useless and unnecessary in the era of Aquarius. From the Aquarian point of view, Jesus did no good to anyone by sacrificing himself. On the contrary, he lost the opportunity to be close to people and help them. From this position, we can say that his act is not a miraculous gift to humanity, but an escape from reality. Of course, this point of view is hardly fair, but it perfectly shows how the energies of Neptune and the sign of Pisces can be abused. The Bible states that you can only be saved by faith in Jesus Christ. And the philosophy of the Age of Aquarius advises to abandon blind faith and face the facts. We must stop trying to save humanity, including ourselves. No one needs a savior because everyone is already saved. Each person is unique and inimitable, each has enough strength. to live the way he likes.

Perhaps this is why many Js seem old-fashioned these days. Many of them are still trying to save everyone around them - and without success. It often takes the Knave of Hearts many years of intense conflicts and clarification of relationships with partners to understand the value of a certain amount of selfishness and set reasonable boundaries for their love. It is very difficult for Jacks of Hearts to understand in which cases they should really make sacrifices, and when they simply need to say -no-.

This isn't the only card in the deck that suffers from these issues. Each of us is influenced by the planet Neptune in one way or another, some more than others. There is a delicate balance between dedication and the satisfaction of personal desires. We all learn to clarify for ourselves the illusory nature of some of our actions and discover the truth. In the process, we reclaim our natural strength and connect with the divinity within us in a new way - a way that is better suited than the old ones for the coming Age of Aquarius, the Age of Enlightenment.

Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today, card layouts for fate and the future are made even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Anyone can learn to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling with playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what we will talk about. So, what do cards mean in fortune telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fear. In combination with the ace of clubs it means fear. With ten of spades - unexpected money. Ten of diamonds - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to a six of any suit, it’s a long trip.

King of Spades- enemy, adversary, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades, there is a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good things. With clubs - hostility towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a person is in a good position.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With spades - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. Help with hearts.

Jack of spades- aggression, unpleasant person, bad intentions of a powerful master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the queen of spades - a fight and a scandal. With the eight of spades - troubles in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and gossip. With tambourines - news, a drunk man. With hearts - friend.

Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the Ace of Spades - unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a queen or king of other suits - failures, unfulfilled desires. With the Ace of Diamonds - bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. Ten of clubs - recovery. With nine of spades - grief. With an eight of spades - deterioration of health. With a seven, a tambourine is a proposal.

Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - illness. With an ace of clubs - harm. With the ace of hearts - intimacy. With the Ace of Diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With ten of spades - unexpected profit.

Eight of Spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. The nine of clubs is a disaster. With seven clubs - treason.

Seven of spades- deception, loss, tears, separation. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, evil intent. Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - a road for the purpose of receiving money.

Ace of Diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With diamonds - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

King of Diamonds- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten diamonds - support. With six tambourines - fulfillment of desire.

Queen of Diamonds- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

Jack of diamonds- young guy, boy, good news, prosperity. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - trouble. With a nine of tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

Ten of diamonds- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit except spades - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - inheritance. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

Ten of diamonds- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

Eight of diamonds- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen, spades are a deceiver. With ten diamonds - unexpected profit. Seven of diamonds - instability.

Seven of diamonds- affairs, chores, money transactions, gifts. With any heart card - chance, luck. With a ten of spades - an offer. With the ten of diamonds there are troubles with money.

Six of diamonds- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten diamonds - profit. The nine of spades is bad news. With ten of spades - the death of a familiar person. With the seven of tambourines - troubles in the family.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - winning, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of Clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, your wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

Queen of Clubs- influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the queen of spades - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - help from a relative.

Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between ladies - betrayal. Between the jacks there is a turbulent life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With ten diamonds - profit from a profitable business.

Ten of Clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winning, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs - good changes. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten diamonds - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of Clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - spending money, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. Ten of spades is a nuisance. With a nine or ten of hearts - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of hearts is the road.

Eight of Clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With a lady of clubs - help from a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With the seven of clubs or the ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

Seven of Clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With the jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With the eight of spades - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks there is a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

Ace of Hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace of diamonds - good news. With the jack of hearts - good news. A ten of spades is bad news. With the nine of spades, it's a party, friends.

King of Hearts- loving feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks it’s a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With diamonds - profit. With clubs - troubles. With the queen of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - meeting a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait, man with brown hair. With any hearts - success. With the ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With the king or queen - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

Ten of Hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With ten diamonds - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

Nine of Hearts- event, news. With a king or queen - love. With the queen of spades there is joy. With a ten of hearts - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected encounter.

Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

Seven of Hearts- change, fun. Conversation with four kings. With a ten of spades - an offer. With a ten or nine - a meeting, a date.

Fortune telling by cards is a popular method of predicting the future. Often even people far from magic turn to him. To lift the veil of your immediate destiny, you need to know not only the methods of card fortune-telling, but also

What is taken into account when interpreting the results of fortune telling

Any fortune telling on cards comes down to obtaining a certain layout that will help predict the future of the fortuneteller or the customer. When interpreting the results, several main parameters are taken into account:

  • location of maps;
  • combining cards with each other;
  • belonging of a card to a certain suit.

The first thing that fortune tellers focus on when deciphering the resulting layout is the position of the dropped card:

  • direct location promises a favorable prognosis;
  • the inverted arrangement is given a negative meaning.

Particular attention is paid to the combinations that fall out: when combined with each other, cards during fortune telling strengthen or weaken their meaning.

One of the most important criteria is whether the drawn card belongs to a particular suit. Each suit is associated with one of the four key areas of human life and symbolizes one of the four natural elements:

  • Peaks- relates to all the negative events that a person may encounter (problems, losses, failures, etc.). The element of the peak suit is Air.
  • Clubs (Crests) - connected with the sphere of power, finance and social status of a person. The element of the club suit is Fire.
  • Worms (Hearts) - associated with the sphere of emotions, feelings and relationships with people around you. The element of the heart suit is Water.
  • Tambourines (Tambourines)— are responsible for questions and situations of a business nature, for any type of active activity, education and travel. The element of the diamond suit is Earth.

When casting fortune-telling on playing cards, either a full deck of 52 sheets or a shortened one of 32 sheets can be used. The shortened version is the most popular, so in this article we will consider the meanings of playing cards during fortune-telling that can appear when using a deck of 36 cards.

The meaning of cards when fortune telling using 36 cards: interpretation of the results

Spades suit

Ace- to bad, unpleasant news, losses, fear. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of clubs- fear;
  • peak ten
  • ten of diamonds- a quarrel, the cause of which will be money;
  • six of any suit- to a long journey.

King- a dark-haired man, a cruel and selfish person, a rival, a competitor, an ill-wisher. If combined with:

  • queen or jack of any suit- help that will come from an influential person;
  • eight of spades- there will be a streak of bad luck in life;
  • any cards of spades suit- a favorable sign for positive events and changes;
  • any cards of the club suit- hostility from some person (people);
  • - friendship;
  • any cards of the diamond suit- someone will be well disposed towards you.

Lady- an evil woman with bad intentions, an intriguer, a rival. Warns of intrigues, gossip and obstacles. If they fell nearby:

  • nine of hearts- promises happiness in life;
  • any cards of the diamond suit- envy and harm, the source of which will be some woman;
  • any cards of spades suit- a mature woman with good intentions;
  • any cards of the club suit- evil woman;
  • any cards of the heart suit- for help.

Jack- a young dark-haired man, a vile, deceitful and selfish type with bad intentions, bad news, illness of a loved one. In combination with:

  • queen of spades- promises scandals and fights;
  • eight of spades- to troubles in the love sphere;
  • with any cards of spades suit- to meet a like-minded person, like-minded person;
  • with any cards of the club suit- to a meeting with a deceiver and gossip;
  • with any cards of the diamond suit- to a meeting with a drunk person, to the news;
  • with any cards of the heart suit- a friendly person, friend.

Ten- problems, disappointment, illness, desires will not come true. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of spades- unexpected receipt of money;
  • king of spades, queen of spades- interest from an influential person;
  • king or queen of other suits- to failure, the dream will not come true;
  • ace of diamonds- to bad news;
  • ace of other suits- to false news;
  • ten of clubs- to recovery;
  • nine of spades- promises grief;
  • eight of spades- health will deteriorate;
  • seven of diamonds- some proposal will come.

Nine- quarrels, breakup, loss, surprise. In combination with:

  • ace of spades- to illness;
  • with ace of clubs- to harm;
  • with ace of hearts- to sexual intimacy;
  • with ace of diamonds- you will have to face deception from loved ones;
  • queen of spades, king of spades- to love;
  • king of other suits- wish;
  • ten of spades- to unexpected profits.

Eight- unsuccessful outcome of a case, illness, problems, troubles, tears, boredom. If they fell nearby:

  • kings of any suit- to the party;
  • jack of hearts- bad news;
  • nine of clubs- to trouble;
  • seven of clubs- to treason.

Seven- to quarrels, conflicts, separation, tears, deception. In combination with:

  • lady of any stripe- to pregnancy;
  • jack of clubs- to an ill-wisher, bad intentions;
  • six of diamonds- to family problems.

Six -bad trip, loss. If they fell nearby:

  • other cards of the spades suit- the road will be successful;
  • cards of the club suit- failure on the way;
  • cards of the heart suit- to the meeting;
  • cards of the diamond suit- a trip related to receiving money.

Club suit

Ace- positive changes in many areas of life. In combination with:

  • king of clubs- the wish will come true;
  • king of any other suit- promises signs of attention and love;
  • nine of spades- to benefit;
  • seven of clubs- to victory, gain;
  • six of any suit- for a trip, a road.

King- a successful and sociable brunette, from whom some help can come, a military man. If they fell nearby:

  • any cards of the club suit- to joy;
  • ace of clubs- to fulfill a desire;
  • nine of clubs- help from someone;
  • six of any suit- to the road.

Ladyis a successful and influential brunette with leadership qualities. In combination with:

  • queen of spades- family problems, litigation;
  • eight of clubs- receiving help from a relative.

Jack- a sociable, energetic young brunette, friend, help, protection. Combination with:

  • ladies of any stripe(being between them) - to treason;
  • jacks of any suit(being between them) - to a troubled life;
  • seven of spades- harm from an ill-wisher;
  • ten of diamonds- profit and benefit from some business.

Ten- success in many areas of life, good luck in business, changes in the form of new friends and love. If they fell nearby:

  • cards of spades suit- to work, financial need;
  • cards of the heart suit- success, easy profit;
  • ace of clubs- to favorable changes in life;
  • ten of hearts- mutual love;
  • ten of diamonds- money;
  • nine of clubs- for entertainment, noisy company;
  • six of clubs- to the road.

Nine- to an affair, marriage of convenience, receiving an inheritance, doubts. In combination with:

  • cards of the diamond suit- waste, financial costs;
  • cards of the heart suit- to sympathy and mutual love;
  • ten of spades- to trouble;
  • ten or nine of hearts- fortunately in love;
  • ten, eight or seven of clubs- to good luck;
  • jack of hearts- to the road.

Eight- to serious changes, promotion, a society of influential people. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of clubs- to good luck;
  • queen of clubs- help from a relative;
  • jack of clubs- successful outcome of the case;
  • jack of hearts- to loss;
  • seven of clubs, ace of hearts- to good luck, solving a problem, receiving an inheritance.

Seven- promises a successful business, news, trip, improvement in family relationships. Combination with:

  • ace of clubs— victory in court proceedings;
  • jack of hearts- to the birth of a child;
  • eight of spades- to treason.

Six- to unpromising undertakings, unsuccessful trips. If they fell nearby:

  • nine of clubs- unexpected road;
  • ace of any suit- for a date;
  • cards of spades suit(located between them) - for a party, holiday, change of place of work or residence.

Diamond suit

Ace- favorable changes in the professional sphere, a new successful business, your own business, good news. In combination:

  • cards of clubs or spades- to problems, concerns;
  • cards of the diamond suit- quick profit;
  • cards of hearts- to a love letter.

King- fair-haired, reliable man, family man, stability, acquaintance. If they fell nearby:

  • cards of the heart suit- to joy, deliverance from the past;
  • ten of diamonds- to support;
  • six of diamonds- your wish will come true.

Lady- a blonde, sympathetic woman, a young woman. In combination with:

  • Jack of Diamonds and Ten of Spades- to an unpleasant guest;
  • with a dozen of hearts- to theft.

Jack- a young man (possibly a military man), a young man, good news and prosperity. If they fell nearby:

  • king of any suit- deception or hypocrisy on the part of some man;
  • queen of clubs- to trouble;
  • nine of diamonds- to aggression and hostility;
  • six of clubs- an unexpected road.

Ten- to success and fulfillment of desires, a date, gifts, money, family vacations. In combination with:

  • ace of spades- quarrel over money;
  • jack of clubs- to financial success;
  • tens and nines of any suit, except spade- to profit;
  • seven of hearts- to inheritance;
  • six of diamonds- fulfillment of desire.

Nine- profitable acquaintances, imminent important events. If combined with:

  • cards of hearts- money;
  • cards of spades or clubs- Problems.

Eight- possible purchase of real estate, repairs, moving, strengthening one’s financial situation, talking about money. If they fell nearby:

  • queen of spades or king- deception on the part of someone;
  • ten of diamonds- unexpected profit;
  • seven of diamonds- lack of stability.

Seven- well-being in family relationships, success in business, troubles, financial transactions. In combination with:

  • any card worms- luck, chance;
  • ten of spades- to the proposal;
  • ten of diamonds- to money troubles.

Six- possible travel, fulfillment of desire, happiness. If combined with:

  • ten of diamonds- to profit;
  • nine of spades- to bad news;
  • ten of spades- to the death of someone familiar;
  • seven of diamonds- to family troubles.

Hearts suit

  • peak ten- bad news;
  • nine of spades- friends, party.
  • King- fair-haired mature man; a manifestation of loving feelings on the part of someone, a meeting, good news. In combination with:

    • any spades cards- to trouble;
    • any cards of the heart suit- to success;
    • any cards tambourine- to profit;
    • any cards of clubs- to troubles;
    • queen of hearts- meeting with a married man.

    Lady- fair-haired woman of mature age, married; love, family. If they fell nearby:

    • ten of hearts- friendly meeting;
    • any cards of the heart suit- to reciprocity;
    • cards of other suits- to achieve the intended goal.

    Jack- young man, new boyfriend; to positive news and success. In combination with:

    • other cards of the heart suit- to success;
    • ace of hearts- love confession;
    • king or queen of any suit- to the guest;
    • nine of clubs suit- for the trip.

    Ten- to the fulfillment of desires, to happiness and joy. If located nearby:

    • king of any suit- devotion to a woman;
    • lady of any color- devotion to a man;
    • ten of diamonds- to quick profit;
    • eight of hearts- for a date;
    • nine of clubs- to mutual feelings.

    Nine- success in business, happy marriage; news, event. In combination with:

    • queen or king of any suit- to love;
    • queen of spades- to joy;
    • ten of hearts- for love and wedding;
    • seven or eight of hearts- for a date;
    • six of any suit- to an unexpected meeting.

    Eight- changes in relationships (both favorable and negative); interesting conversation, trip. If they fell nearby:

    • jack of hearts- to conversation;
    • ten of hearts- to sexual intimacy;
    • nine of hearts- to the meeting.

    Seven- the need to listen to your sixth sense; to fun and change. Combination with:

    • kings of all stripes- to conversation;
    • ten of spades- will make an offer;
    • nine or ten of hearts- for a date or meeting.

    Six- promises harmony in relationships with family and friends; obstacles and difficulties. If located nearby:

    • any cards of the heart suit- to meet a loved one;
    • ten of hearts- trip, frank conversation;
    • nine of hearts- success in the love field.

    Other possible meanings of cards when divining 36 cards can be found in the video:

    Knowing the meaning of playing cards when fortune telling 36 cards, you can always get answers to exciting questions about your immediate future or a hint regarding your further actions. A more voluminous and informative picture is created by the combinations that arise when laying out cards for divination.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

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