Home Steering Is the organization obliged to pay for study leave? To whom, when and how study leave is paid are important nuances without violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Is study leave paid?

Is the organization obliged to pay for study leave? To whom, when and how study leave is paid are important nuances without violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Is study leave paid?

Working students begin to wonder how study leave is paid closer to the start of the next session. How educational leave is paid if an employee enters an educational institution, and who is not entitled to paid leave, you will learn from our article.

Who is granted study leave?

The Law “On Education” dated December 23, 2012 No. 273-FZ does not prohibit working citizens from receiving education. That is why many workers improve their skills and gain new knowledge. However, as the session approaches, the question arises: who is entitled to student leave?

Such leave is required to be provided only by the enterprise that is listed as the citizen’s main place of work. If we are talking about part-time employment (it does not matter whether it is internal or external), the employee can only receive leave at his own expense.

Under no circumstances can study leave coincide with other types of leave. For example, a girl is on maternity leave and wants to take student leave for the period of the session. In this case, she must interrupt her maternity leave.

The issue of annual leave is resolved in the same way. Study leave can be added to annual leave, but only with the consent of the employer.

If a citizen has gone on study leave, then no one has the right to deprive him of annual leave. When two holidays coincide, the annual leave is transferred.

In cases where an employee studies in several educational institutions, he has the right to take study leave in only one of them of his choice.

It is also worth paying attention to one important rule. An employee can be sent on leave if the educational institution in which he intends to receive education has state accreditation (this fact is noted in the summons certificate; the employee does not need to request any additional documents from the educational institution). In other cases, the employer has the right to give leave if this is stipulated in the collective agreement.

In this case, education can be obtained in:

  • university;
  • technical school or college;
  • educational institution of primary vocational education;

But the employee acquires all guarantees and compensation only if he is studying at this level of education for the first time. The form of training in this case does not matter - the employee has the right to receive leave to take the examination session regardless of whether he is studying full-time, part-time or part-time (evening).

How is study leave processed?

In order to receive study leave, the employee provides the HR department with a summons certificate. The application is drawn up in any form, the obligatory condition is the purpose of obtaining leave (for example, to write a thesis).

The challenge certificate consists of 2 parts: the first is filled out by the educational organization before the start of the exams, the second - after passing them. Both parts are submitted to the personnel department (accounting) of the enterprise.

The first part of the certificate is attached to the application. The second part is transferred to the accounting department or human resources department after passing the session.

The absence of the second part of the summons certificate is not grounds for refusal to grant leave.

Is study leave paid?

If an employee receives additional education and combines it with his main activity, then by law he has the right to receive leave to take exams.

In some cases, during study leave, the employee is paid average earnings, which are calculated in the same way as for other vacations. However, in some situations, an employee is granted leave without pay.

Don't know your rights?

Such cases include:

  1. Upon receipt of higher education, passing the following tests:
  • entrance examination;
  • final certification of the preparatory department of a higher educational organization;
  • intermediate certification for full-time study;
  • passing state exams on a full-time basis;
  • preparing and defending a diploma and passing state exams (full-time).
  • Upon receipt of secondary vocational education:
    • entrance examination;
    • intermediate certification (full-time study);
    • state certification (full-time study).

    In all other cases, the employee is allowed to go on vacation while maintaining the average salary.

    Vacation without pay is a separate period of rest for an employee, provided for by labor legislation. Its receipt does not depend on length of service. However, for the entire duration of the vacation, the employee loses wages. The guarantee in this case is that, regardless of the amount of leave, the citizen retains his job.

    As a general rule, vacation pay must be issued to the employee 3 days before the start of the vacation. However, if a citizen provides a summons certificate, for example, 1 day before the vacation, then the accounting department is recommended to accrue payments as soon as possible, no later than the next working day.

    After all the exams have been passed, the employee submits the second part of the challenge certificate to the accounting department.

    Some employers delay payments until they receive confirmation that the session has been passed. However, this is illegal! In this case, the violating organizations are obliged to pay not only vacation pay, but also monetary compensation in the amount of not less than 1/150 of the refinancing rate for each day of delay in the payment of vacation pay (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    How is payment for study leave made?

    Student leave is granted in calendar days. In addition, the calculation of time also includes non-working days and holidays that occurred during this period. They are paid as regular days.

    Student leave can be divided into several parts. The Labor Code does not provide for the option of recalling an employee from such leave.

    We draw your attention to the fact that the employer does not have the right to replace educational leave with monetary compensation, since this time is not included in the period allotted to the employee for rest, but is a guarantee that allows him to receive an education.

    The employer's responsibilities also include paying for travel to the employee's place of study once a year (round trip). Moreover, if the employee receives a higher education, then the travel is paid in full, and if the employee has a secondary education, it is paid in the amount of 50% of the cost of the tickets.

    Study leave pay: what else you should know

    If the employee has not provided the second part of the summons certificate stating that he has passed the exams, the employer does not have the right to collect payment for study leave from him. All cases when funds can be withheld from an employee’s salary are listed in Part 2 of Article 137 of the Labor Code; There are no questions regarding student leave and call certificates.

    What if an employee passes the session early, and accordingly, the end dates of the vacation in the first and second parts of the call certificate are different? Judicial practice has come to the conclusion that the employer will also not be able to recover from the employee the amount for days not taken off.

    If an employee falls ill during student leave, he can contact the dean’s office of the educational institution with a corresponding application. He is issued a new summons certificate with changed dates. That is, the vacation does not increase, it is only extended for the duration of the sick leave. However, the employer does not pay sick leave. But if the employee is still sick after the end of the vacation, then sick leave will be paid for this period.

    An employer cannot withhold money from an employee even if the latter did not pass exams or was expelled from an educational institution, since providing study leave is an obligation, not a right of the employer.

    Download the order form

    In practice, a situation may arise when the employer does not provide leave, despite the fact that the employee wrote an application and brought a certificate of summons. Many citizens, without waiting for the order to be issued, do not go to work, and the employer, in turn, fires them. What should I do?

    The provision of study leave is guaranteed by law to any employee. Therefore, if all conditions for leave are met, the employer is obliged to sign the employee’s application. This is also evidenced by judicial practice, according to which workers dismissed in this way are reinstated and receive average earnings for the period of forced absence.

    Employers consider receiving non-core education to be another reason for refusing to grant study leave. However, if you carefully study the provisions of the Labor Code, you can note that it does not connect the fact of training in a certain specialty (usually one that is related to the position held) with the provision of study leave.

    And finally, those who receive higher education (bachelor's or master's degrees) have the right to reduce the working week by 1 day. In this case, it will be paid in the amount of 50%. But the employer can also provide employees studying in their final year with 2 days off from work per week, but without retaining their earnings.

    Thus, the provision of student leave, subject to all the conditions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an obligation, not a right of the employer. Therefore, when presenting a summons certificate and an application in case of refusal by the manager, apply for protection of your rights to the labor inspectorate or to the court.

    The employer is obliged to provide student leave upon presentation of a certificate of summons by the employee. Study leave is paid 3 days before its start, based on the average monthly salary of a student employee.


    The main conditions for granting study leave, which are listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are receipt of the first professional education of a given level, successful completion of the previous session, the need to provide leave related to passing exams or defending a diploma. In addition, the main requirement for obtaining the right to student leave is state accreditation of the educational institution where your employee is studying.

    According to Art. 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can provide student leave, but not pay for it, if an employee takes it to take entrance exams to a university, or if he is a student in preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher professional education, and he needs leave to pass entrance exams. It is possible not to pay an employee for study leave even in the case when he is studying full-time and combines study with work, and takes leave to undergo intermediate certification, final qualifying work or pass final state exams.

    For those employees who study or enroll in educational institutions of secondary vocational education, you are also not required to pay for study leaves if they take them to pass entrance exams, pass intermediate certification or to prepare and defend their final qualifying work and pass final state exams.

    You have the right not only not to pay for educational leave, but also not to provide it to an employee who is studying simultaneously in two educational institutions and has already exercised his right by presenting a summons certificate from one of them.

    If an employee does not show great zeal for studying and has not passed the last one, you can legally deny him the right to leave and require him to bring a certificate from the dean’s office confirming the absence of academic debt.


    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation on educational leave in 2019

    Articles 173–176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establish guarantees and compensation for employees of enterprises who combine work with training and obtaining vocational education. Such compensation also includes the provision of additional paid leave. This benefit is not always affordable for owners of small commercial enterprises, and they may think about how not to grant study leave legally.


    The guarantees provided for in this article are provided only to those employees who are receiving education at the appropriate level for the first time. You may not give study leave if the employee receives a second higher education or secondary specialized education. At the same time, it does not matter whether the second education is in the specialty or not, this is not stipulated in any way in the Labor Code.

    The basis for granting study leave to an employee is a summons certificate issued by the educational institution in which he is studying. In the event that your employee studies simultaneously in several educational institutions, and today this happens quite often, you legally have the right to refuse to provide him with study leave if it has already been used in accordance with a summons certificate from another educational institution.

    When the workplace at your enterprise is not the main workplace for this student, you are also not obliged to grant him study leave. According to Part 1 of Art. 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right not to provide study leave to an employee working part-time. If you wish, you, of course, can provide such leave, since there is no direct prohibition in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    All benefits entitled to a part-time student: paid study leave, travel to the place of study, etc., are provided only if the educational institution in which he is studying has state accreditation. It must be confirmed by a certificate of state accreditation.

    Another reason for not granting study leave will be the condition of successful study only. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not give an exact formulation, but it is generally accepted that evidence of successful study is the absence of academic debt for the previous semester, completion of all work (coursework, laboratory work), passing tests in all disciplines provided for by the curriculum, and admission to the next session.

    Video on the topic


    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation
    • vacation for correspondence students

    Tip 3: What documents are needed to take study leave?

    To take study leave, the employee must submit to the employer a corresponding application accompanied by a letter of invitation from the educational institution. Based on these documents, the organization issues an order and sends the employee on leave.

    You will need

    • Application for study leave, certificate of summons from the educational organization


    The employee must write an application several days before the planned start date of study leave. The application must state the specific basis for the grant of leave in accordance with the language of the labor law providing for such a guarantee. The application must be signed personally before submission to the HR department.

    Educational employee, he needs to submit a certificate of summons from his educational employee and attach to it an application requesting such leave. Please be aware that study leave is calculated according to the same rules as annual paid leave. If holidays occur during the study leave, these must also be paid. If an employee was sick during such leave, the sheet is not subject to payment and does not extend the leave for sick days.

    First, calculate the employee's earnings for the 12 months preceding the accrual of study leave. To do this, use Decree No. 922. It clearly defines all types of payments that should be included in the base for calculating such leave.

    Next, calculate your average daily earnings. To do this, divide the amount of calculated earnings for 12 months (if you worked for more than a year) by 12 months and by 29.4 days (the average monthly number of calendar days per year). If an employee worked for 5 months before accruing study leave, then divide his earnings for 5 months by 5 and by 29.4. These rules apply when all months are fully worked out. If the calculated period contains incompletely worked months, calculate the average monthly number of calendar days in such months. Those. Multiply 29.4 by the number of calendar days per hour worked and divide by the total number of calendar days of this month. For example, in July an employee was on vacation until the 10th and returned to work on July 11th. 29.4 * 21 / 31 = 19.92 days.

    For the final calculation of vacation, multiply the calculated average daily earnings by the number of days of study leave indicated in the call-up certificate. For example, the average daily earnings for 12 months was 680 rubles, the duration of vacation was 30 days. Those. vacation will be accrued in the amount of: 680 * 30 = 20,400 rubles.


    After the end of study leave, the employee is required to provide a confirmation certificate signed by the head of the educational institution.


    • Calculation of study leave in 2017

    Many enterprises have employees who receive education through part-time or part-time courses. In accordance with the law, they have the right to paid student leave, which is provided on the basis of a certificate of summons from the educational institution. You need to calculate student pay taking into account the average salary of the employee.


    According to Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, calculate average earnings based on the wages actually accrued to him during the one year preceding the start of study leave. In the calculation, take into account all types of payments that are provided for by the remuneration system at your enterprise. The types of payments that must be taken into account when calculating student benefits are listed in Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2 of Resolution 213 of April 11, 2003 “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages.”

    Include bonuses paid for the year in the calculation of student benefits. Include monthly bonuses in full, and bonuses for the year, half-year and quarter - in the amount of their monthly part. In the case where several bonuses were paid for the same indicator during one pay period, include in the calculation only one of them, the most beneficial for the employee.

    If there was a salary increase during the year, recalculate all payments for this period taking into account the increase factor. In the case where the increase did not occur during the billing period, but before the start date of the vacation, the average earnings also need to be recalculated in a new way, taking into account the salary increase coefficient.

    In some cases, specified in paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 213, periods of time and amounts accrued for them are excluded from the calculation of the amount of average earnings. Please note that these include, for example, periods when an employee, due to downtime, received temporary disability benefits or additional paid days to care for disabled children.

    Use the average daily wage in calculating student salaries, which is determined as the result of dividing the average annual salary by 12 months and by 29.4. This indicator is the average annual number of days in a month, established by Art. 139 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To calculate vacation pay, multiply the average daily wage by the number of days of student leave, which is determined by the call certificate.


    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation
    • student leave calculation

    An employee who combines work with study is granted additional leave while maintaining average earnings. They are given for preparing and passing examination sessions and final state exams. But there are a number of cases when companies do not pay for such vacations.


    Study leave is not paid if the worker receives an education of the appropriate level not for the first time, that is, this is his second higher education, etc. And if this fact is not provided for in the agreement

    According to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Only those students who:

    • are engaged in obtaining their first higher education (Part 1 of Article 177 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • study in educational institutions that have state accreditation (Part 1 of Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • study well.

    All rights of a working student are guaranteed and secured by Chapter 26 of the Labor Code of Russia, and are also protected by Law 273-FZ “On Education”.

    Workers studying can count on academic leave:

    1. in higher educational institutions (Article 173.1 of the Labor Code of Russia);
    2. in institutions of secondary vocational education (Article 174 of the Labor Code of Russia);
    3. at the evening department (Article 176 of the Labor Code of Russia).

    The employer must provide this group of working students with academic leave, regardless of the length of their work experience. According to Part 1 of Art. 287 of the Labor Code of Russia, an employee can receive academic holidays only at his main place of work. In the case of receiving two degrees, the student is entitled to leave only one at a time.

    Article 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Guarantees and compensations for persons working part-time

    Guarantees and compensations for persons combining work with education, as well as persons working in the Far North and equivalent areas, are provided to employees only at their main place of work.

    Other guarantees and compensations provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations are provided to persons working part-time in full.

    Who pays an employee for distance learning?

    Vacation pay is paid entirely by the employer. Employees with “student” status are paid in the same way as regular paid leave. A working student must write a statement addressed to the management.

    Can an employer avoid such an obligation?

    To the question whether the employer, that is, the organization in which the part-time student works, is obliged to pay for student leave, the answer will be unequivocally affirmative. The supervisor cannot refuse to grant and pay for educational leave to a working student. If an employer does not give and, especially, does not pay for study leave, this is regarded as non-compliance with labor laws.


    There are exceptions in which the employer does not have to pay for academic holidays for student employees, for example:

    • the employee has full-time education;
    • the educational institution does not have state accreditation;
    • poor employee performance;
    • the period for taking exams for preparatory departments of universities and entrance exams to various educational institutions is not paid;
    • acquisition of a second higher education (Article 177 of the Labor Code of Russia).

    Additional provision

    Working students who receive higher education in part-time and part-time departments are required to be provided, in addition to the regular one, with additional leaves, while maintaining their wages. How many days in a year, we will consider below.

    When passing the final examination papers:

    To pass the final state examination papers, the employer is obliged to allocate and pay for four months. In addition to employees receiving higher education, other employees also have the right to receive three months for passing their dissertation, in addition to the regular vacation.

    For working students who receive education at colleges and technical schools on part-time and evening courses, management is obliged to give additional time off while maintaining their pay. When passing the final examination papers:

    • in the first two courses - thirty days;
    • in the third and higher courses - forty days.

    When passing the final state examination papers, sixty days are allowed, according to the student plan.

    In most cases, citizens who combine work and study do not even know about their main rights, namely the existence of paid study leave. Unscrupulous managers take advantage of this. But if an employee knows the Labor Code, he will always be able to defend and defend his rights.

    Every person has the right to improve the level of their knowledge by obtaining higher or secondary specialized education. This right is also granted to those who are engaged in labor activities. The process of obtaining study leave has its own subtleties and nuances that should be taken into account by every employee. Below we propose to talk about how study leave is paid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    When combining work and study, the employee has the right to be granted study leave by the employer

    What the Labor Code says

    The term “study leave” should be understood as a period of time provided to employees who are undergoing training in educational institutions. It is important to note that this leave can be paid by the employer, but for this it is necessary to meet a number of strict criteria, which we will discuss below.

    Today there are two main types of study leave:

    1. Standard holiday– the employee is absent from the employer’s territory for a certain period of time (the basis for such leave is legal acts and student documentation).
    2. Half-holiday– during the educational process, the employer regulates the employee’s schedule in accordance with his needs (it is possible to reduce the working day by several hours or the working week by up to 4 days).

    Articles 173–176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulate the process of granting study leave. It is important to note that such leaves are provided not only to those employees who use full-time education, but also to “correspondence” students, as well as evening school students.

    According to the established rules, the employer is obliged to provide study leave to an employee undergoing training at a general education evening school, higher educational institutions and educational institutions providing secondary specialized education.

    Rules for drawing up an application

    Providing study leave to an employee of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be divided into several stages. At the first stage, the student needs to receive a summons certificate. This form is issued by the educational institution. Please note that this document is divided into two parts.

    After receiving the summons certificate, the student must draw up an application addressed to the head of the company with a request to grant leave or reduce the working week. It is important to note that this application must be accompanied by a certificate received earlier. After signing the application from the employee, the employer must issue a corresponding order.

    As mentioned above, the call help is divided into two parts. At the end of the training process, the employee must provide the employer with this certificate, where in the second part of the form there will be a mark indicating the completion of the training process.

    Study leave is additional leave

    Calculation of the duration of study leave

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the duration of the period of exemption from fulfillment of labor obligations for students of educational institutions. According to the established rules, the head of the company undertakes to provide leave to employees receiving secondary education at evening school while passing state exams. Pupils in the ninth grade are given a vacation of nine days, and in the eleventh grade for twenty-two calendar days.

    The Labor Code also establishes a period during which an employee may be absent from his workplace due to passing entrance exams to an educational institution providing secondary specialized education. This period is ten days. Employees entering universities are granted leave of fifteen days. It should also be noted that leave of fifteen days is provided to employees undergoing final certification after completing preparatory courses at higher educational institutions.

    Employees using the correspondence education system are required to be given a leave of forty days to take exams during the session. It should be noted that such leave is provided exclusively to first and second year students. Further, the duration of vacation increases by ten calendar days. In the event that an employee is studying at an educational institution that provides secondary vocational education, the duration of additional leave is thirty days for first- and second-year students. At further stages of training, the duration of absence from work increases by ten days.

    When passing the intermediate certification, for students of higher educational institutions, additional time off for fifteen days is allowed. Students of secondary vocational institutions are provided with days off for ten calendar days. While preparing a diploma and passing state exams in higher educational institutions, the employee is released from work for four months. Please note that this rule applies to all forms of training. When passing state exams in a secondary specialized institution, the above period is reduced to two months.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that, according to current legislation, the management of various companies must necessarily reduce the length of the working day for evening school students. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the working week for these students should be reduced to seven hours by reducing the length of the working day. Students of secondary vocational educational institutions and workers studying in higher educational institutions have the right to expect a reduction in their working day.

    Only the organization that is the employee’s “main place of work” is obligated to provide study leave.

    Benefits provided to employees during training

    Each employee undergoing training in various educational institutions is provided with a number of benefits guaranteed by the law of the Russian Federation. Such benefits include maintaining wages during the period of receiving education and exemption from fulfilling labor obligations for the period provided for by the training schedule. In addition, it should be noted that this category of persons has the right to receive compensation for travel expenses to an educational institution. In addition, some employees are provided with a flexible work schedule. . Please note that these benefits may not be provided to employees in full.

    Paid study leave is provided to employees receiving their first education in a specific department. In the case of receiving additional secondary specialized education and a second higher education, the decision to grant leave rests with the employer. This means that in some cases the employer has every right to refuse to provide an employee with additional days off. Employees are also given the right to take leave at their own expense to obtain a second education.

    It is important to note that the above benefits are provided to employees who have their main place of work. This means that employees with flexible working hours or employees holding multiple positions cannot take advantage of study leave. Such benefits are provided only if the employer wishes.

    It should also be said that paid study leave is provided to employees who do not have debts on the educational program. This information is contained in the call help. In addition, provision of additional time off to employees for training is carried out only if the educational institution has a state license. In other situations, the right to decide whether to grant time off rests with the head of the organization.

    If an employee works part-time in an organization, regardless of whether they are external or internal, then he may be granted leave at his own expense

    Payment rules

    Many people are interested in the question of whether an employer is required to provide paid time off for a second higher education? According to the established rules, an employee receiving a second education in his specialty is not entitled to benefits. This means that in order to undergo training, the employee will need to take leave at his own expense. You should also list the situations when the employer has the right to refuse to provide time off and additional payments:

    1. The employee is undergoing training in an institution without a special license from the state.
    2. The employee carries out part-time work.
    3. The employee is on the list of students to be expelled.

    When examining the question of whether an employer is obliged to pay for study leave, we should dwell in detail on several nuances. First of all, it should be said that the time allocated for preparing for the entrance exams is not subject to payment. Also, time off for the purpose of passing the examination tests themselves is not paid. According to the rules established by law, the employer has the right to refuse to pay financial resources during time off work required for passing midterm assessments and course projects. In some cases, employers pay for the training of their own employees by entering into additional agreements with them.

    It should be noted that, despite the above list of various situations when the employer does not provide time off and additional payments, many employees have the right to count on paid study leave. To calculate the duration of time off, the employer should take into account the rules and regulations of current legislation.

    According to current legislation, the employer is obliged to make additional payments to employees studying in evening schools only during examination tests. In the event of a reduction in the working hours, the amount of additional payments will be fifty percent of the employee’s total earnings. It is important to note that when paying for study leave, the same scheme is used as for regular leave. This means that funds are issued several days before the start of training.

    Next, we propose to move on to the question of whether study leave is paid for distance learning? Current legislation regulates the procedure for paying average salaries to employees undergoing training in educational institutions. According to the regulations, cash payments are made only upon successful training of the employee. Paid time off is provided for the period of passing the session, state exams and defense of the thesis.

    If an employee studies in two educational organizations at once, guarantees and compensation are provided only in connection with training in one of them

    It should be noted that the absence of a summons certificate may result in the employer’s demands to return the funds paid. Therefore, every employee undergoing training at an educational institution is required to provide this document. It should also be mentioned that when you issue sick leave while you are away from work, sick pay is not provided.

    Payment for study leave under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has a number of specific features. For students studying in other regions, the employer must reimburse the cost of travel. Please note that this payment is made once per year. The rules established by law state that the employer is obliged to compensate one hundred percent of the costs of training part-time students. In the case of students of secondary specialized educational institutions, this amount is fifty percent of expenses. Taking into account all the above factors, we can conclude that the state is aimed at increasing the level of education of its citizens.

    Features of granting study leave

    Despite the high similarity in the methods of granting basic and study leave, the latter has a number of its own nuances. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in case of illness of a student, the number of days off does not increase. Also, during calculations, weekends and holidays are not taken into account.

    According to current legislation, educational time off cannot be part of the main vacation. In the case where the main vacation coincides with the study schedule, the employer needs to redistribute the vacation schedule, taking into account the employee’s wishes. In addition, it should be noted that the specialty acquired by the employee may differ from the current profession. An employer must provide time off to its employees even if they entered an educational institution before employment.

    An employee who has gone on study leave cannot be deprived of the right to annual paid leave.

    Thanks to current legislation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to get an education by combining the learning process with work. In order to exercise this right, a company employee only needs to correctly fill out an application addressed to the employer.

    Below is a sample application for study leave with pay:

    "To the director

    IP "Oasis"

    Filatov M.K.

    From the manager

    Ovsyannikova S.V.


    I ask you to grant me study leave, with the possibility of maintaining the average salary, to study at the Volgograd Humanitarian Institute.

    This application is accompanied by a certificate of summons from the educational institution,

    Ovsyannikov S.V. Ovsyannikov 15.05.2016.

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