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Fortune telling by Lenormand cards. Fortune telling Lenormand layout for two

The Lenormand "Two" layout is used to describe the relationship between two people at a hidden level. Lenormand layout “Two” is one of the most famous Lenormand layouts for love, which can answer many questions. Does she (he) love me and what feelings does he (she) experience? What awaits us in the future, and how will our relations develop in the future? What can we achieve together, and will I marry him?

Lenormand layouts for love can even clarify the relationship of a loved one with a rival. Perhaps not everything in their relationship is as smooth as it seems at first glance. “Two” Lenormand can open their eyes, clouded by jealousy, and it turns out that not everything is lost in your relationship. The “Two” Lenormand layout will show that all good things are yet to come, love and friendship, and a happy old age.

This alignment on a psychological level shows how two people feel next to each other, what they expect from the relationship, and how their relationship will end. This is another numerological layout of Lenormand cards. Just as in the “Numerological layout” of the Lenormand cards, the Lenormand “Two” fortune telling actively uses the numerological meaning of each card, its serial number in the Lenormand deck.

The meaning of each is interpreted in terms of the position it occupies; combinations of cards are not taken into account when interpreting in the “Two” Lenormand layout. The meaning of each Lenormand is interpreted in detail on our website. You can tell your own fortunes using Lenormand cards and make the “Two” layout. Before starting fortune telling, spend some time thinking, think about the questions that you want to find out and make a Lenormand reading for love.

Work order and layout structure

1. The significators He and She are laid out on the table - blank cards, a man and a woman, for whose relationship Lenormand “Two” is made.

2. The deck is mixed well and divided into 2 parts, approximately equal, they are placed “face down” next to the significators, the cards are closed, face down.

3. From the part of the Woman lying next to the significator She, the first top card is taken and placed on top of the Woman in position 1.

4. The second card from the Woman's part is placed to the left of the Woman.

5. The third card from the Woman’s part is placed to the right of the Woman.

6. The fourth card from the Woman’s part is placed under the Woman’s card.

Continue with the “Two” Lenormand layout. Now the cards must be placed next to the significator He, but in the opposite order! The second card is placed not to the left, but to the right of the Man.

1. The part of the deck lying next to the Man is taken, and the first card on top is placed above the Man’s head.
2.The second card of the Man's part is placed to the right of the Man.
3.The third card of the Man's part is placed to the left of the Man.
4. The fourth card of the Man part is placed under the Man card.

What do the positions in the “Two” Lenormand layout mean?

1 is thoughts and plans. The card reveals the thoughts of each of the couple regarding the relationship.
2 is hopes, desires and dreams. The card reveals what a person hopes to receive or is already receiving from his partner.
3 are qualities. The map reveals the qualities and behavior that a person openly demonstrates in relationships.
4 is feelings. The card reveals how a person feels towards a partner.

5 - the future of relationships. The card is calculated numerologically for each partner, as the sum of the card numbers in the Lenormand deck. The card numbers of the first four cards of the layout are added up, and the card with the resulting number reveals what this relationship will bring to each of the partners.
5 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
The sum of the Woman’s card numbers indicates what this relationship gives to the Woman.
The sum of the card numbers of a Man indicates what this relationship gives to the partner.

6 is the total for the couple as a whole. The map gives a general description of relationships. It is also calculated numerologically as the sum of Lenormand card numbers; for a couple it is the sum of the 5th position for a Man and the 5th position for a Woman.
6 = 5 + 5

If it turns out to be more than 36, then we subtract 36 from the sum. This is a general characteristic of the relationship as a whole for the couple. The card in position 6 shows the prospects for this relationship.

Love and personal relationships are what excite each of us. Someone falls in love, but does not know whether the person they are interested in experiences reciprocal feelings, someone has a permanent partner, but not everything is so smooth in the relationship. And they all dream of finding out what awaits them in the future. Today we invite you to consider the Lenormand layout for relationships - this is an interesting fortune-telling on the deck of the famous French fortuneteller.

Features of the Lenormand deck for fortune telling about relationships

It’s not without reason that beginners really like to work with the Lenormand deck. The meanings of the cards of the famous fortune teller are much easier to interpret than the Tarot, and simple and uncomplicated symbols are easy to “read” without any additional clues. The interpretation of paired card combinations is also very simple. Another plus is that the deck does not have inverted values, which beginners often get confused with.

Small (Short) Lenormand alignment for relationships

This layout on the Lenormand cards for relationships is quite voluminous, although it has such a “modest” name - Small. Its scope is the analysis of relationships. First, we choose a form that will symbolize the person being told fortunes. For a woman, the card Woman (29) is usually chosen, for a man - Man (28). We place the form in the position indicated by the letter C in the figure above. Next, we shuffle the deck, thinking about the person with whom we want to find out about the relationship, make a withdrawal, and then lay out sixteen cards, as shown in the picture.

The Lenormand layout for relationships consists of three horizontal and three vertical parts, each of which we will analyze separately. We interpret not only individual cards, but also pairs located nearby.

  • The upper part of the layout (1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11) describes the mental plane. In this case, numbers 1 and 9 will talk about ideas, plans, thoughts left in the past, 2 and 10 will describe the same thing in the present tense, and 3 and 11 will describe what awaits in the future
  • The middle part (4, 8, 12, 16) will tell about events of the physical plane, while positions 8 and 16 will indicate the past, and 4 and 12 - the future
  • The lower part (5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15) reveals aspects of emotions, feelings, while positions 7 and 15 relate to the past, 6 and 14 to the present, 5 and 13 to the future
  • The strongest influence is exerted by the positions closest to the blank card - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. They need to be analyzed more carefully

Layout on Lenormand cards “Two” from Milena

This fortune telling is a layout from the book by Anna Kotelnikova, slightly modified by a girl named Milena. First, let’s say what questions this alignment can answer about a person’s relationship: what he thinks about me, how he behaves, what he feels, what can be said about my feelings, thoughts and behavior, what prospects our couple has. This fortune telling is related to numerology, so to determine some positions we will have to do a little calculation.

We carry out the layout, having first pulled out two significators (forms) from the deck: for you and your partner. These are the cards Man and Woman. Then we shuffle the deck, pull out random 12 cards from it and place them in the positions corresponding to the picture.

To determine the 13th card, we need to add up the numerological correspondences of the cards on the male side - these are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Similarly, we calculate card 14, adding up the numerological correspondences of the cards from positions 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. If the result is you get a number greater than 36 as a card 13 or 14, simply subtract 36 from the resulting sum one or more times until you get a number that is 36 or less.

Let's look at an example. Let's imagine that in the positions of the male side we have the following cards: 3 - Bouquet, 5 - Bear, 7 - Broom, 9 - Heart, 11 - Owls. The numerological meanings of these cards in the deck are 9, 15, 11, 24 and 12 respectively. We carry out the calculation: 9+15+11+24+12 = 71. This number is greater than 36, so we subtract: 71-36=35. 35 is less than 36, which means this is the original map. Let's look at which card in the Lenormand deck goes under this number - this is Anchor. We will interpret it at position 13.

Now the most important thing is how to calculate the 15th card in the Lenormand layout for the “Two” relationship. This is done simply: we add up the numerological meaning of the cards from positions 13 and 14 according to the same principle. Let's imagine that in the previous example we had an Anchor in position 13, and a Letter in 14. The Anchor is numbered 35 in the deck, and the Letter is numbered 27, so you need to add these two numbers: 35+27=62. Now we subtract 36, since the number turned out to be greater than the number of cards in the deck: 62-36=26. Let's see which card has number 26 - this is the Book. She will occupy position 15.

Values ​​of layout positions

  • 1 - significator of the couple’s relationship at the current moment
  • 2, 3 - partners’ thoughts about this relationship. Two - the thoughts of a man, three - a woman. Next, we also focus on the side on which the card lies
  • 4, 5 - describe the feelings of these two people
  • 6, 7 - show their expectations, what they expect from each other
  • 8, 9 - secret, what partners hide from each other
  • 10, 11 - human behavior
  • 12 - advice to the couple from the deck
  • 13 - what will this relationship give a man?
  • 14 - what will this relationship give to a woman?
  • 15 - perspective, overall result, what awaits this love union in the future

Layout on Lenormand cards for a person’s attitude “You are in his Universe”

This Lenormand layout for a person’s attitude towards you will allow you to find out what importance you have in his life, what he thinks, feels, imagines, how he behaves. The author of fortune telling is Yana Shmakova (Korsika Palma).

We guess in the standard way: we ask a question, shuffle the deck, take out random cards and place them in positions according to the diagram. We interpret according to standard interpretations as follows:

  1. What do you mean in his destiny?
  2. What does the person you are interested in do in their free time? Here you can pull out three cards - the first will tell you about your personal life, the second - about work, the third - about everyday affairs)
  3. Describes a person's relationships with other people of the opposite sex. Here we will not necessarily talk about love affairs, but rather just about the general attitude towards representatives of the opposite sex
  4. How things worked out for him in relationships with the opposite sex before
  5. What has changed in a person’s relationship with the opposite sex now. Here we take out two cards: the first will indicate what exactly has changed, and the second will show the reason for these changes
  6. The impact of change (position 5) on your relationship with this person
  7. How does the person imagine the future of their relationship with you?
  8. Feelings of the hidden person. Here we also take three cards to find out the details
  9. Why does a person maintain a relationship with you?
  10. Does he often think about you, remember you?
  11. Prospect, expected outcome, where everything is going

If you have been working with the Mademoiselle Lenormand deck for a long time, then you probably know that each card can be interpreted in two ways - separately and in pairs with neighboring ones. The second interpretation option usually turns out to be more detailed. We provide a table of Lenormand values ​​in relationship layouts, and you must connect the cards with each other intuitively yourself.

  • Rider: Not a serious relationship, no special affection
  • Clover: Light flirting, the beginning of a romance, short-term intrigue
  • Ship: Moving closer or further away from your partner (look at neighboring cards)
  • Home: Strong, stable relationships
  • Tree: Serious intentions, established relationships, conservatism
  • Clouds: Experiences, grievances, quarrels, cooling of feelings
  • Snake: Sexuality, temptation, sometimes betrayal
  • Coffin: Divorce, the end of an affair, a break in communication
  • Bouquet: Candy-bouquet period
  • Scythe: Misunderstanding, rejection, in a favorable environment - temporary
  • Broom: Squabbles, conflicts, fights
  • Owls: Differences in the needs of partners, their behavior
  • Child: Infantilism, the emergence of feelings, first love, sometimes pregnancy
  • Fox: Treason, cunning, deception
  • Bear: Passion, sex, strong man
  • Stars: Spiritual unity of souls, harmony
  • Stork: Change, usually the desire to live together, to “build” a family “nest”
  • Dog: Loyalty, devotion
  • Tower: Office Romance
  • Garden: An active relationship where the couple often spends time in the company of other people
  • Mountain: Alienation, obstacles
  • Fork: The need to make a serious decision, choice
  • Rats: Envy, cunning, deception, mercantile interest
  • Heart: Complete love harmony, sincere bright feelings
  • Ring: Engagement, marriage proposal
  • Book: Karmic connection, or secrets, secrets
  • Letter: Desire to communicate
  • Man: Some man's influence on the situation
  • Woman: Impact on a woman's situation
  • Lilies: Clean, bright relationships, next to “bad” cards - problems in intimate life
  • Sun: Vibrant, emotional connection
  • Moon: Romanticism, magical influence, in the negative - jealousy, fear of loneliness, excessive care
  • Key: Solving karmic problems through this love union
  • Pisces: Platonic relationships or marriage of convenience
  • Anchor: Long-term relationships, marriage
  • Cross: Fateful meeting. The partners will have to go through a series of tests, and the neighboring cards will tell how it ends

As you can see, the Lenormand layout for relationships allows you to characterize the situation in great detail, especially if you already know how to intuitively interpret paired combinations of cards.

Maria Lenormand is a great fortune teller!

In this section, you are invited to find out the information you are interested in from playing cards using the method of the greatest fortune teller and soothsayer Maria Lenormand. According to the majority of the most authoritative fortunetellers of our time divination by method Madame Lenormand is the most accurate and detailed of all existing types fortune telling. One of the highlights fortune telling is the use decks of cards collected by herself Maria Lenormand, in this deck, various animals, objects and phenomena are compared to ordinary cards, which is a great convenience for interpreting the layout because it very accurately indicates the result, so to speak, it paints the picture fortune telling visually. To create your own deck of cards Maria Lenormand inspired by the study of the works of another great fortuneteller - Ettails, whom she considered her teacher and mentor. Another important feature of fortune telling by the method Maria Lenormand is its careful study of combinations kart in the situation, so that sometimes card combinations give a diametrically opposite result to the usual reading kart layout, this requires careful study of the result fortune telling, for a more accurate interpretation. She gained greatest fame due to her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At first meeting fortune teller predicted a beautiful crown for her.

Neither Josephine nor Napoleon then Mme. Lenormand They didn’t believe it, but not even nine years had passed before the prediction came true. This prophecy, as well as many other predictions, have gained Maria Lenormand the glory of the great fortune teller. Methodology fortune telling on our website online fortune telling is absolutely identical fortune telling in a real salon. The fortune telling process and the outcome depend solely on you and no one else during the sampling process kart the duration of your shuffle is taken into account deck of cards, time of visiting the site, as well as your personal energy. Sample kart from the deck you shuffled is made only according to the rules of the layouts Maria Lenormand, are selected from the deck cards with serial numbers indicated by madam Lenormand and are laid out in positions according to the current layout. Thanks to this, the result of fortune telling is very accurate. You will be shown the meaning of all rolled kart layout with reference to the time grid, as well as the values card combinations, if any and are applied in this scenario. The fortune telling technique is reproduced using the book "Treasured Maria Lenormand deck" Kotelnikova A.A. and Kotelnikova A.G.

They can be different, depending on the task and the result that we want to get after fortune telling. Most of the layouts for the small deck are taken from the book by A. Kotelnikova “Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand”.

(4 cards). To study a specific issue, we recommend the “Numerological” layout or, as it is also called, “Development and Advice”. When fortune telling, the serial number of the Lenormand card and the position of the card are actively used; combinations of cards are not taken into account in the layout. Only the value of the Lenormand card is taken into account. All 36 cards are used for the layout, but only 4 cards need to be revealed to determine the development of the issue.

To tell fortunes about a situation and get a general idea of ​​a specific situation, you can use a simple “Situation” layout.

The layout of the Lenormand cards will tell you quite accurately about the prospects for the development of the situation without any special details. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card. This layout has a very wide range of applications. It is indispensable in cases where you need to quickly and accurately get an idea of ​​​​a matter and find out the possible result.

(9 cards). For more detailed fortune telling and consideration of the situation that worries you, it is better to use the “9 cards” layout. Unlike the 4-card “Situation” layout, in this layout of the Lenormand cards, knowing their meaning, you can study a specific issue or serious problem in more detail. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card.

(5 cards). To obtain information about the state of affairs in the professional life of the fortuneteller and advice on what can be done to improve the situation, a simple fortune-telling “Five Elements” using card numbers is used. The layout advice is based on adding the numbers of the first four Lenormand cards. Combinations of cards are not taken into account; only the position of the card and its meaning play a role. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

. To describe relationships and existing feelings, determine what awaits the couple and what they can achieve together, they use the “Two” layout. “Significator” cards are laid out on the table, indicating the pair of interest. As a result of the layout, a characteristic of the relationship is obtained for each of the partners and for the couple as a whole, using the numerological meaning of the Lenormand cards.

(16 cards). For a more detailed study of relationships and obtaining final conclusions, the “Short” layout is used, it is also called the “Small” layout. The “short” layout is considered complex and requires some experience with Lenormand cards. It takes into account the independent meaning of each card, the position occupied, paired combinations of cards and the position relative to the “blank” card. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(21 cards). For a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time, the “7 houses” layout is used. This layout is also considered quite complex. In addition to the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, fortune telling takes into account the position occupied and paired combinations of cards. This layout predicts events that usually occur within the next month. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(36 cards). To search for lost objects and missing people and determine the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search, use the “Search” layout. The meaning of positions is related to the accepted meanings of houses in astrology. In fortune telling, the Lenormand card, which is responsible for the loss, is determined, and by its position in the layout, the possible location of the loss is determined.

Layout "4 rows" (36 cards). For fortune telling for a certain period, the “4 rows” layout is used. Before laying out the cards, at the request of the questioner, determine the time for which the Lenormand cards are laid out; this can be a day, month, year or the rest of your life. The card of the questioner is found - the “significator”, in relation to which the entire layout is interpreted. See "The Big Deal".

(36 cards). To make a detailed forecast for a planned period of time, use the “Big Alignment” layout. The “Big Layout” is one of the most complex layouts; in this Lenormand fortune telling, experienced fortune tellers take into account the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, the positions of the cards, paired combinations of cards, the location of the cards relative to the “blank” card, and complex relationships with other cards. The position of the questioner’s card itself is also taken into account; it does not always end up in the center of the layout. The houses, mirrors and correspondence in which the interpreted cards are located are also taken into account. Consider the connection between significators, their position relative to each other.

To clarify some unclear points, immediately after the “Big Layout” they make a “4 rows” layout, in which 4 rows of 9 cards are laid out. They interpret incomprehensible cards in the “Big Layout” through the “4 rows” layout, clarifying the fortune telling according to the same rules as in the “Big Layout”, considering the necessary card in a new position for it using houses, mirrors, correspondence and other relationships. The “4 rows” layout can be done as an independent layout and according to the same rules as the “Big layout”.

The layout (1 card) is an instant layout of one card by Maria Lenormand, it takes a minimum of time and allows you to quickly tell fortunes for the near future and foresee the events of the coming day.

(1 card) will tell you a lot about the person you are interested in, will reveal the most secret corners of his soul and prepare you to meet any person fully armed. The numerology of the date of birth and the serial number of the Lenormand card are actively used here.

(36 cards). To find out about upcoming important events in a certain period of time, use the “Gypsy layout”. Before shuffling the cards, as in the previous layout, you need to set the period of time that you will study. The “Gypsy layout” also takes into account not only the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, but also the location of the card relative to the questioner’s card and the relationship with other cards. The decisive point of interpretation is the questioner's card. Gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." Knowing the meaning of each card position, it is easy to understand the meaning of the Lenormand cards in the Lenormand fortune-telling layout.

Layouts for fortune telling on the astro-mythological Lenormand deck are considered separately on the “” page and are used if it is necessary to obtain a detailed study of any issue and choose the right strategy for further behavior.

Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand or Lenormand) was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a small town fifty leagues from Paris. Her father was a wealthy textile merchant. Even in the boarding school of the Benedictine monastery, where her father sent her, she became famous for her successful predictions: for example, the boss, whom little Maria predicted that she would not have long to stay in the monastery, was indeed soon transferred to another place.

With the death of their father, the family's wealth ended, and the Lenormands moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but soon her unusual talent in fortune-telling manifested itself and in 1790, together with a friend, she opened her own “salon” on the Rue de Tournon, in which she predicted the fate of willing ladies and gentlemen using cards, astrology and other methods.

Very soon, Mademoiselle Lenormand's salon gained enormous popularity. All the “light” of the then revolutionary Paris was in it. In 1793, the salon was visited by Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre. She predicted violent death for all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and the other two were arrested and executed a year later.

But the greatest fame, of course, was brought to Marie Lenormand by her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At the first meeting, the fortune teller predicted a crown for her. Neither Josephine nor Napoleon himself believed the fortune teller at the time, but less than ten years had passed before the fortune-telling came true. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortune teller of Empress Josephine. And she predicted not only a divorce from Napoleon, but even the defeat of the French army in Russia.

The cards that Maria Lenormand used for fortune telling were the most ordinary. Only she had her own interpretation, largely based on the rules of fortune telling introduced by Eteilla. After her death (1843), no special cards, much less notes about fortune-telling, survived, although Lenormand wrote a lot.

The most successful reconstruction of Maria Lenormand's system was undertaken by the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke. Erna Drusbeke van Enge was born in 1952 in Antwerp, into a Belgian-Dutch family. She is an artist, and has drawn various maps herself since childhood. She owns a divination system (and deck) called the Isis Tarot. Having become interested in the history of Maria Lenormand, Erna Drusbeke, who herself has quite good occult abilities, tried to restore her divination system from the memoirs of her contemporaries.

When fortune telling, Erna Drusbeke does not take into account the upright and inverted positions of the cards. To facilitate the work of intuition, Erna Drusbeke provided 36 cards of an ordinary French deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult: it is clear that the sun means joy, warmth and light, the ring means marriage, and the cross means suffering.

To interpret any card, it is also important which cards surround it. Thus, the relatively neutral card “Clover”, meaning expectation or hope, in combination with “Clouds”, “Mountain” and “Snake” foreshadows trouble, and with “Garden”, “Pisces” or “Bouquet” - success and good luck.

To get acquainted with the fortune-telling system of Maria Lenormand, we offer you several options for online fortune-telling, developed for these cards.

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