Home Salon Ford Focus 1 Fall turnover and stalls. Faulty idle regulator valve

Ford Focus 1 Fall turnover and stalls. Faulty idle regulator valve

Ford Focus 2 stalls going away after a motor start: Main Problems Backgrounds

Ford Focus 2 is no longer produced today, which means that the owners of this car can face the most different defects. If this is some kind of insignificant breakdown, not affecting not riding, then you can continue the operation of the machine. But what to do if the incompleteness is more severe. The cause of the noise of the two-mask flywheel on Ford Focus 2.0. Replacement of two-masses. For example, Ford Fox 2 starts and glowing out, the reason is what? By the way, it is quite an all-prolonged malfunction, which may be happening with completely different circumstances.

We will talk further about the main and more allocable reasons. Sufficient enough problem can be in the throttle. First you need to check the throttle position sensor. If everything is in order with him, there may be a problem in contacts or connectors that need to be cleaned well. By the way, the bad operation of the motor can be associated with damper clogging. It can also be cleaned and the usual motor status will be restored.

Main reasons

Another reason for the disgusting start of the aggregate can be wounded in the candles. How to remove rear Bearing Drum as on Ford Focus 2 and 3 generations with. Check their condition. Valves on Ford Focus 1 Yes, just eats a 500 grams oil on what to do. In the service. Of course, with dilemmas with candles, the engine is most likely not to start completely due to the lack of either excessive fuel supply. At the Ford Focus 1 accelerator 1 stall Ford Focus 1 conclusions after a month of ownership. Repair kit door handle lock for Ford Focus 2. Detailed information on spare parts on ford Ford.. Direct the catalyst. In the case when it is clogged and is not able to do its function normally, the engine can be stuck after starting. The failure is that the output of gases is difficult. Connecting AUX connector on Ford Focus 3. A malfunction of the catalyst substitution is eligible or dismantling it.

So, you encountered inconsistency that after starting the engine, he immediately glohnet. In general, the second focus is a reliable and unpretentious car, but time takes his own.

Fortunately, the experienced owners of this model are shared by information, and we managed to highlight 2 major faults in which it can be observed unstable work Power unit:

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It is because of the idling regulator that a similar situation may occur when the motor will constantly blapted. How can you make sure that the problem is in this? Simple and fast diagnosis will allow you to clarify the problem and help you understand what you need to look for something else. What light bulbs stand on Ford Focus 3? (SOLVED). To diagnose, do the following:

  • warm the engine to the operating temperature and move some time;
  • stops, the wasting car and try to launch the engine again;
  • if the motor started and stood, we decided on the problem.

By the way, the same trouble may occur at the first start of the cold motor. Ford Focus 1: at idle, with. It can start, but then stall. Moreover, even if the engine continues to work, then idle turns will float and stabilize only after gas operation.

The sign of the failure of the idle regulator is also the launch of the motor only after pressing the accelerator pedal. Then stalls. Focus 2001 Zetaek 1.8. And with a cold such problem. I focus me. When the pedal is released, engine can Stick. Note that the breakdowns of this part may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, when stopping at the traffic light, the machine can stumble without any reason. Next, the motor starts and everything is in order.


As we managed to find out, the unstable operation of the engine on the second focus may have many reasons. In some cases, it is rather difficult to identify, while sometimes the problem is solved very simply - restarting the system, removal and installation to the place of wires, etc.

Of course, you can pay attention to all sorts of breakdowns and try to eliminate them on your own. If it does not bring any result, it is best to contact professionals that will be able to diagnose and eliminate a malfunction.

During life, various abnormal situations may occur. Well, when the problem is obvious. But it happens when one or another symptom can testify immediately about several problems. Such manifestations on Ford Focus 1 include a storm engine, for example, at idle, with slow motion or braking. Naturally, this is a problem not only focus, but any car.

Collecting and analyzing the many years of experience of FordFocus owners, you can define a number of problems that such a symptom can speak. Usually manifested in the kit with the fact that the car does not start, the power is lost, etc.

Problems that may testify a storm engine

When the Ford focus engine stalls, you can assume that in the car: in the car:

  1. Fuel pressure problems.
  2. Ignition system malfunctions.
  3. Faulty valve idle regulator.
  4. Air seats through crankcase ventilation hoses.
  5. Position sensor failure throttle valve.
  6. Incorrect operation of the sensor mass flow air.
  7. Malfunction of the adsorber.
  8. Problems in wiring.
  9. Rearranged the timing belt.

The list of problems, of course, not exhaustive. Symptom, when the engine stalls, can be confidently called universal, as it can cause it many absolutely varied problems.

Fuel pressure problems

Insufficient pressure In the fuel ramp causes a wide set of manifestations: no traction, the engine stalls at idle, "stuck" when driving. To diagnose a potential malfunction, it is recommended to measure the pressure in the fuel line and establish the reasons for the possible deviation of the indicators from the norm. It is necessary to measure it with a fuel pump and pressure regulator on the fuel ramp, since it is here that the pressure of the entire system is created.

Possible reasons:

  1. Vault of gas station mesh. Cleaning the node will help solve the problem.
  2. The failure of the fuel pump, in view of which the desired fuel pressure cannot be injected in the system. The situation will correct the replacement or repair of the pump.
  3. Problems with the tightness of the system, including through the fuel pressure regulator. The problem of eliminating the problem is to ensure tightness, eliminating the place through which the pressure is lost.

Ignition System Problems

The incorrect ignition work can cause a number of different manifestations, including:

  • the engine will not start;
  • stalls at idle;
  • disappears;
  • and so on.

To identify problems with ignition, it is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection of the elements of the system. Obviously, the engine does not start or stalls for this reason, if the cracks on the ignition coil, as well as sparks on high-voltage wires in the docking places with a coil and candles are revealed.

Causes of ignition failures, due to which the motor on Ford Focus It stalls at idle or slow run, it will not start, there may be a malfunction of the ignition coil, candles, wires. Solving the problem in repairing or replacing faulty nodes.

Faulty idle regulator valve

It is manifested in the fact that Ford Focus stalls at idle speed, slow down or immediately after starting. The diagnosis of the problem is to check the idle regulator valve. Repair - flushing the node with a carburetor cleaner.

Air Soothing through Carter Ventilation Hoses

The Ford Focus engine stalls, if through the crankcase ventilation hoses and the hose to which the inlet tube and the vacuum brake amplifier are connected. To eliminate the problem, you need to tighten the clamps that are attached to the parts, as well as the replacement of damaged or worn hoses. After that, the car is normally started and the symptoms disappear.

Throttle position sensor failure

The diagnosis of the node is carried out by measuring the resistance at the sensor of the throttle valve of the Ford focus through the fuel rail connector (under the hood, in the left far corner near the tanks). The solution to the problem is called the replacement of the throttle node or cleaning (sink) of the throttle valve.

Incorrect operation of the mass flow sensor

The problem is also characterized by universal symptoms. I.e engine Ford. Focus stalls, power drops. Malfunction is diagnosed with on-board computer. Data on air temperature on the intake manifold must be adequate.

Malfunction of adsorber

It is manifested in the fact that the engine on the Ford focus stalls when braking and idling. Especially often it happens in traffic jams, when braking, at idle or slow down. Auto starts normally, but after time in traffic mode, it stalls again.

You can diagnose a malfunction by disconnecting the adsorber purge valve. If, after disabling the problem disappeared, it means it was precisely in the adsorber. Another way to correct breakage is the valve replacement.

Experienced Ford Focus Owners Focusted by the described problem claim that after turning off the valve, the pickup is improved, the response of the gas pedal is improved, the engine is normally started onto the hot, does not stall when braking, in a small run or idle turns.

Rearranged the timing belt

The main symptoms of malfunction are expressed in the fact that the engine Troit, Ford Focus is poorly accelerated, at a slow run and when braking the motor stalls, power drops, the machine is badly started onto a hot or not start. Such a set of manifestations may indicate that the timing belt has slipped. This causes a violation of the phases of gas distribution, which entails the problems described above.

Thus, as the engine of your Ford is seen, focus stalls, as a rule, when braking, at idle, or at a slow motion, for a number of absolutely different reasons. To determine the possible reason for this behavior of the mechanism, it is recommended to be your own hands or with the help of a wizard:

  1. check the pressure in the fuel ramp;
  2. clarify the operating temperature of the engine, as well as air on the intake manifold;
  3. throttle position sensor resistance;
  4. the density of the clamp on crankcase ventilation hoses.

Even if this complex of diagnostic measures cannot unambiguously answer the question: why the engine of your Ford Focus stalls, - it will help to exclude a number of probable problems.

I propose to collect together in one note all the information available for the current time. I will start, and you correct complement me and, I hope we get the algorithm to solve most cases.

0. To deal with obvious symptoms, if any. eg:
0.1 Light Lamp Check Engine Error Codes / Check Engine / Engine Fault Lamp. (R)
0.2 Rides the arrow of the speedometer: an abnormal behavior of the appliances arrows, most likely a malfunction Speed \u200b\u200bsensor. (R)

1. Insufficient pressure in the fuel ramp.

Automatic transmission: problems when you turn on the kikdaun, hanging revolutions when switching. Long switching box.
Methods of diagnostics: measuring the pressure in the fuel line, ramp. (R)
Possible reasons:
1.1 Weave the mesh of the fuel pump: cleaning nets of fuel pump. (R)
1.2 failed or cannot give the right gas station pressure: replacement or repair of fuel pump. (R)
1.3 not hermetic fuel system, incl. Through the fuel pressure regulator.
Useful advice: It is recommended to cut: a hatch for access to the gas station from the cabin. (R)

2. Problems in the ignition system.
Symptoms: the whole set (does not pull / stall / stuck.)
Diagnostic methods: Cracks on the ignition coil, check in the dark room sparkling in high-voltage wires, in places of compound with candles and a coil,
Possible reasons:
2.1 ignition coil. (R)
2.2 Spark plugs. (R)
2.3 high-voltage wires. (R)
Example of faulty wires: The engine does not pull / stall / stuck. (P) (message # 17233164)

10. Air seats in the intake manifold Requires an additional check!
Symptoms: Studding
Diagnostic methods:
describes in the first report of the profile theme: intake manifold, problems, air seats.
Solution Methods: Replace the intake manifold gasket.

11. Ripped the timing belt: The engine does not pull / stall / stuck. (P) (message # 14421629)
Primary symptoms:

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