Home Nutrition Delicious Lenten pizza. Master class: Lenten pizza - recipe with photo Lenten yeast-free pizza

Delicious Lenten pizza. Master class: Lenten pizza - recipe with photo Lenten yeast-free pizza

Step 1: prepare the yeast.

Pour warm, clean water into a small bowl, then crumble fresh yeast into it and add sugar. Using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until we get a homogeneous liquid without pieces. Leave the diluted yeast aside for a while while we prepare the flour.

Step 2: prepare the flour.

Pour the flour into a sieve and sift it over a deep bowl. This must be done so that the component is saturated with oxygen and becomes more airy. This will make our dough softer and more tender.

Step 3: prepare the pizza dough.

At the top of the flour mound, use clean hands to make a small indentation. Then pour in the yeast and olive oil diluted in water, and also add salt. With clean hands, knead the dough until it becomes elastic and soft. Attention: If necessary, add a little flour to the container. The mass should not stick to your hands.

Finally, shape the dough into a ball, sprinkle with a little more flour and cover with a cloth towel. Place the bowl in a warm place and forget for 30 minutes. During this time, our dough should increase in size.

Step 4: prepare the champignons.

Wash the champignons well under running warm water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, if necessary, clean the mushrooms from rough spots on the caps and stems. Next, chop the components into pieces and move them to a free plate.

Step 5: prepare the onions.

Using a knife, peel the onion and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the component on a cutting board and chop into cubes. Pour the finely chopped onion into a clean plate and leave aside for a while.

Step 6: prepare the olives.

Place the olives on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut into circles. Place the crushed ingredients into a free plate.

Step 7: Prepare the tomatoes.

Wash the tomatoes well under running warm water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, carefully remove the stem and then cut the vegetables into thin slices. Transfer the crushed ingredients to a clean plate.

Step 8: Prepare the parsley.

Wash the parsley under warm running water, shake off excess liquid and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, finely chop the greens and then pour them into an empty saucer. Attention: This component does not have to be added to pizza. In fact, this is what you like best. Sometimes I replace fresh parsley with dried or forget about it altogether.

Step 9: prepare lean pizza.

Grease the bottom and walls of the baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil. Then we take the risen dough out of the bowl and place it on a floured kitchen table. Using a rolling pin, roll it out several times until it becomes a thick cake ( approximately 1 centimeter). Afterwards, carefully move the layer into the mold and level it with clean hands so that its edges touch the walls of the container. Now cover the dough cake with a cloth towel and place it in a warm place for 15 minutes, and in the meantime we will prepare the filling.

Pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan and place on medium heat. When the contents of the container are well heated, add finely chopped onion. Stirring it from time to time with a wooden spatula, bring the component to softness. Immediately after this, put the chopped mushrooms in the pan and continue to fry everything. Excess liquid should drain from the container. As soon as the ingredients begin to be covered with a soft golden crust, turn off the burner and proceed to preparing the pizza.
Place the form with the dough in the oven, which we preheat to temperature 180 degrees. Bake the flatbread for 10–15 minutes, and then take it out using oven mitts and set it aside, but do not turn off the oven.

First of all, place tomato slices on the dough. Then sprinkle the ingredients with fried mushrooms and onions so that they evenly cover the first layer of filling. Be sure to remember to add salt, ground paprika, basil, oregano and ground red pepper to taste. Attention: I usually take a pinch of each seasoning. At the end, add the olives and continue cooking.

Increase oven temperature up to 190 degrees and then place the pizza pan here on the middle level. Let's keep her there another 20 minutes. You will see the edges of the cake begin to brown. That's how it should be. Immediately after this, turn off the oven, and use oven mitts to remove the container and set it aside. Let the pizza cool slightly throughout 5 minutes. At the end, we move it from the mold to a special flat plate, sprinkle it with finely chopped parsley and invite everyone to the dinner table.

Step 10: Serve Lenten Pizza.

Using a knife, cut the still hot lean pizza into portions, starting from the middle of the dish. That is, we get small triangles with a golden crispy crust on one edge. We serve the dish to the dinner table along with tea, coffee, compote, juice and other drinks of your choice. My husband, for example, loves this pizza with kefir. In any case, tasty and satisfying!
Bon appetit everyone!

You can add any lean topping to this pizza to suit your taste. That is, it can be various vegetables. For example, bell peppers, olives, eggplants and more. By the way, the first layer can be homemade tomato sauce;

To prepare the dough, use premium finely ground wheat flour and a trusted brand. The amount of this component and water may vary. The main thing is to ensure that the dough is elastic, soft and does not stick to your hands;

This pizza can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container or in a food bag, but no more than a day.

Such a simple dish as pizza has become firmly established in the life of a modern person. Many people, especially young people, cannot imagine their diet without pizza. Essentially it is a hot sandwich with various fillings.

Lenten pizza is prepared both with and without yeast. Some people like it when the dough is thin, almost invisible, while others prefer a rather thick dough and a variety of fillings. In any case, the pizza turns out delicious, but nutritionists do not recommend eating this dish every day, especially for those who do not tolerate yeast baked goods.

Properly homemade pizza is in no way inferior to store-bought. Rather, its taste may surpass that of a restaurant. Pizza is good to serve at children's parties, but you should do it once or twice a month, no more.

Lean pizza dough

This dough prepares very quickly. They say that in Italy they prepare exactly this kind of pizza dough. It turns out thin and crispy and is more suitable for the stomach, as it does not contain yeast.

It is simple and easy to prepare; there are several options for preparing it. But since the Nativity Fast is coming soon, it would be nice to learn how to prepare Lenten pizza dough.

First, sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, sugar (granulated sugar should be taken twice as much as salt), baking powder and stir well.

In a separate bowl, mix pre-boiled but cooled water and vegetable oil. It is better to take olive oil, first pressed.

Then add water and butter to the flour in small portions and stir. As a result, the flour should absorb the entire mixture. To make the dough elastic and tasty, you need to leave it in this state for five minutes, covered with a lid. After ten minutes, the dough must be kneaded.

Knead for five to seven minutes, then cover with a towel and leave on the work table. Once the filling is ready, roll out the dough to the desired thickness.

Quick yeast dough recipe

Although there is also yeast-free dough, with yeast it turns out more elastic and tasty. For this dough recipe you will need the following products:

  • wheat flour - 320 grams:
  • dry yeast - 5 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 60-70 grams.

It takes about 20 minutes to prepare the dough.

Calorie content is 1124 kcal.

First you need to check how the yeast works. To do this, pour 5 grams of yeast (one teaspoon) into a cup, add a little warm water, sugar and flour. After ten or fifteen minutes, the water in the cup will rise and a cap will form. If it does not form, it means the yeast is old and cannot be used.

The flour should be sifted, salt, sugar and rising yeast should be added and water should be gradually added. Mix everything and add 60 grams of vegetable oil at the end. You can use any oil; sunflower and olive oil work well. Mix the dough, leave to rest for five minutes and then knead on the workbench. You don’t need to knead for long, two or three minutes.

The pizza dough is ready.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection, which is not only an excellent dish for those who are fasting, but also a real storehouse of vitamins.

Pizza dough with honey

This recipe makes the dough very tasty and can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day. Smoked salmon and caviar are suitable fillings, and if these delicacies are not available, you can also prepare it with ham, sausage and Dutch cheese.

  • wheat flour - 3 cups without a slide;
  • warm water - 1 glass;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • yeast - 7 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

Taking into account the rising time of the dough, the preparation time is an hour and fifteen minutes.

Calorie content is 658 kcal.

The first thing to do is prepare the yeast. From a glass of warm water, you need to pour about one-fourth of it into another cup and dissolve a teaspoon of honey there. Add yeast there and wait until it rises.

At this time, you can sift the flour, add salt, the remaining water, rising yeast with honey, mix and add vegetable oil. As soon as the flour has absorbed all the liquid mass, all that remains is to knead the dough.

The dough should be transferred to the work table and knead with your hands until smooth and homogeneous for about five minutes. Then the dough should be placed in a bowl, which must first be lightly greased with olive oil and covered with a damp towel. The towel should not be wet, it should be wetted and wrung out properly, only then cover the dough.

After half an hour, the dough will rise, it will need to be kneaded again and put in a warm place for about ten minutes. During this time, the gluten of the dough will relax and it will be easier to divide and round it into the desired sizes.

What filling is suitable for Lenten pizza?

Usually, many people can’t imagine pizza without sausages and cheese, but if you have imagination and don’t want to eat fast food, you can prepare this dish with a lean filling.

Here is an example of a topping that would be suitable for a meatless pizza:

  • eggplants - 2 medium pieces;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • vegetable oil - 60 grams;
  • greenery;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomato - 20 grams;
  • olives - 8-10 pieces;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ground black pepper.

It takes about forty minutes to prepare.

Calorie content is 983 kcal.

This filling can be placed on open lean pizza and in calzone pizza, that is, closed like a pie.

First, wash the vegetables, cut the eggplants into small pieces and add salt. Set them aside for about ten minutes, then drain the water they release and, if necessary, rinse them from salt. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut into squares. Also cut the onion into squares and fry.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add onion and bring to transparency over medium heat, then add eggplant first and then bell pepper. Thus, the vegetables should be fried for about seven minutes, and during this time the tomatoes should be washed and cut into pieces.

If desired, the skin can be removed. Add the tomatoes to the frying pan with the vegetables, simmer for another five minutes, then add a little tomato sauce for sourness, squeeze out the garlic under pressure, add to the frying pan and at the very end add finely chopped herbs. Parsley and cilantro are suitable for this recipe.

The filling is ready. It is laid out on the dough, and chopped olives are added on top.

You can also use fish meat, black olives, fish roe, mushrooms, and so on as a lean filling.

How to make sauce for a dish

There are many recipes for pizza sauces; it is prepared with tomato paste and with fresh tomatoes and canned tomatoes. This recipe is prepared with rolled or chopped canned tomatoes.

For preparation you will need:

  • canned tomatoes - 1 can;
  • vegetable oil - 50 grams;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • seasonings

It takes about twenty minutes to prepare.

Calorie content is 653 kcal.

Pour olive or other vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it a little and add crushed garlic cloves. The garlic must give off its aroma, then it must be removed. Fry the garlic for about three minutes and make sure that it does not fry, otherwise the taste of the sauce will be bitter.

Then the garlic is removed from the pan and the tomatoes are added. Next, cooking the sauce is divided into two stages. At the first stage, you need to bring the tomatoes to full readiness, and at the second stage, you will need to add spices to them and evaporate the sauce to the desired thickness.

As soon as the tomatoes begin to boil, turn down the heat on the stove, cover the pan with a lid and cook them until soft. This only takes five minutes, then the lid is opened and spices such as dry oregano and dry basil are added.

Then you need to salt the sauce, add black pepper, a little sugar and taste it. If there is not enough salt or the tomatoes are too sour, then salt and sugar are added accordingly. According to the rules, at the end the sauce needs to be punched with a blender so that it has a uniform texture, but this is not necessary. The sauce is ready.

Bake, fry or cook in a slow cooker?

According to the classic recipe, pizza is cooked in the oven. To do this, the oven is turned on to the maximum temperature it has, and a special stone is placed at the very bottom on which the pizza is baked.

But since many people do not have this stone, a baking sheet is placed in the bottom row of the oven and heated. It is better to put the prepared dough with filling on baking paper and as soon as the baking sheet is heated, take it out and transfer the semi-finished product onto it.

Pizza is baked this way quickly, for about five to seven minutes in the bottom row of the oven.

Some housewives have gotten the hang of cooking this dish in a frying pan, especially when it is small in size. To do this, you should also heat the frying pan well, pour in vegetable oil and place the pizza on top. If the frying pan is good, then the dough will not stick, and in order for it to bake well, it is better to cover the top with a lid.

The pizza takes about ten or twelve minutes to fry, it all depends on how hot the pan is. The heat should be reduced as soon as the dough is inside, otherwise it will burn.

In a slow cooker, this dish takes much longer to prepare, but this does not make it any less tasty. It is better to make the dough with yeast, as the cooking time will take 40 or 50 minutes.

The dough and filling must be prepared in the usual way, then turn on the multicooker, put the dough on baking paper at the bottom of the bowl, top with all the necessary lean ingredients, such as sauce, mushrooms, onions, herbs, black olives, green peas, spread with lean mayonnaise on top.

Then the multicooker should be set to the “Baking” mode, and the time should be set depending on the thickness of the dough.

In all three cases, the pizza turns out delicious, bon appetit!

Little secrets for fasting people

The Nativity Fast is not as strict as the Great Fast. Those who are fasting are allowed to eat fish at certain times. Therefore, the table can be varied and tasty.

As for lean pizza, there are a great many recipes for making it. Moreover, both the dough and the filling are lean. There are several secrets in preparing a Lenten dish:

  1. The secret of delicious lean pizza lies in the choice of olive oil; for pizza you need to take extra vergine oil, this is the best olive oil;
  2. This oil is added not only to the dough, but it is also used to lubricate the dough layer on top so that a damp layer does not form between the filling and the dough;
  3. Tomato sauce is added only after the dough has been coated with olive oil;
  4. For those who are fasting, you can prepare pizza without tomato sauce, that is, it will turn out white, with mushrooms. A similar dish is called “Blanca”;
  5. Another Lenten version of pizza with a sweet filling: walnuts, raisins, prunes and fruits; if there is no fasting, you can add cheese.

In general, pizzas come in different shapes. So, the round one is called classical, and the rectangular shape is called Roman. It can also be open or closed. The closed-shaped dish is called Calzone, from the Italian word for pants. This type of lean pizza can also be prepared with vegetable filling; in a closed form they retain their taste and aroma.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- tomatoes – 1 pc.,
- mushrooms – 200 gr.,
- sweet onion – 1 pc.,
- tomato paste – 3 tbsp.,
- flour – 200 gr.,
- water – 125 ml.,
- yeast – 1.25 tsp,
- olive oil – 1 tbsp.,
- salt, sugar - to taste,
- green onion - a bunch,
- dill - bunch.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Let it sit for 10 minutes.

Add flour. Let's start kneading the dough.

The dough turns out very sticky. Olive oil will correct this situation. At the end of kneading the dough, add it and continue kneading. The dough absorbs oil very quickly.

Leave the resulting dough for 1 hour in a warm place. Cover with cling film first. For convenience, you can leave the dough in a warm oven.

While the dough is infusing, you can start making the filling. As you know, we will not add cheese. Therefore, it is necessary to protect vegetables from burning. Therefore, the vegetables need to be fried a little so that they are all covered with a layer of oil. Cut the sweet onion into half rings.

Chop the mushrooms randomly.

Add onions to a hot frying pan with vegetable and olive oil.

Let's add mushrooms there. And fry everything for a few minutes.

Separately chop the tomatoes.

30 seconds before you need to remove the pan from the heat, add the tomatoes. Salt and pepper to taste.

Roll out the dough thinly.

Place it on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread a small layer of tomato paste on top.

Next we send the filling there.

Add chopped green onions. Check out others.

You can also add a little dill. Use any greens you like.

Place in the oven for 10 minutes at 250 degrees on the bottom shelf of the oven. Pizza is ready!
Bon appetit!

In fact, making meatless pizza is not at all as difficult as it seems. For example, the standard dough for this classic Italian dish consists solely of yeast, water, salt, olive oil and flour. In this case, any fats of animal origin - milk, eggs, etc. – are absent from it. This is the recipe that is considered the best: the dough is moderately baked, not too thick, and not too thin. It turns out that the pizza base should ideally be lean.

Well, what about the filling? On the one hand, choosing a vegetable filling for pizza is quite easy - it is not at all necessary to use meat, ham, sausage and other similar products. However, how can you do without cheese, which gives this dish a unique taste and aroma? It turns out you can make delicious pizza without cheese. To do this, you need to know one little culinary secret: all the filling ingredients must be fried in vegetable oil - in this case, they will not dry out or burn during baking, but will be baked with a tasty crust.

In addition, to improve the taste, you can use lean mayonnaise - homemade or store-bought - as a white sauce. It goes well with greens, olives, eggplant, beans and peas, as well as other vegetables. Try making Lenten pizza using one of the three most successful recipes below.

Lenten pizza with mushrooms

To make this pizza we need lean yeast dough. It is great not only for pizza, but also for pies. Tomatoes, herbs, olives and champignons were used as filling. However, theoretically, you can put any vegetable filling.

The basis for this dish is created from:

  • three glasses of flour;
  • glasses of warm water;
  • pinches of salt;
  • 40 g fresh yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil;
  • teaspoon sugar.

We dilute yeast in warm water. Pour flour into a bowl, make a hole in it and pour the diluted yeast and butter into it. Mix the dough. The result should be a soft and elastic dough mass. Sprinkle it with flour and leave it warm for 30 minutes.

Divide the increased dough into several parts (depending on the size of the mold available) and place it on a surface prepared for baking, greased with vegetable oil. Using your hands, stretch the dough to the desired size and leave it warm for another 15 minutes.

Place the flatbread without filling in a preheated oven (180 degrees) and bake for about 15 minutes until browned.

While the dough is baking, prepare the filling from:

  • 300 g champignons;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • ½ can of olives;
  • one onion;
  • spices (oregano, red pepper, basil, paprika, hot pepper, etc.);
  • salt (to taste);
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley);
  • vegetable oil.

We cut the olives and tomatoes into slices, finely chop the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil along with the onions.

Place tomatoes, mushrooms and onions on the prepared base, add salt and spices. Place olives on top. Place the pizza in the oven for another 10 minutes (at 190 degrees). Decorate the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

Garlic pizza “Marinara”

Marinara is an old Italian recipe that can be supplemented with capers, olives and anchovies.

This pizza is created from:

  • 0.6 kg of tomatoes;
  • a tablespoon of dried oregano;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper, salt;
  • 0.250 g of ready-made pizza dough (to prepare it, you can use the recommendations from the previous recipe or buy a semi-finished yeast product in the store without milk and eggs).

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Finely chop the pulp and remove the seeds. In a saucepan (preferably stainless steel) heat 2 tbsp. olive oil, add thinly sliced ​​garlic and tomatoes. Simmer the tomatoes with garlic for about five minutes, and then rub through a sieve or puree the mass in a blender. If necessary, if the sauce turns out to be too liquid, it must be simmered further until the mass reaches the required thickness.

We form a circle from the dough, grease it with olive oil and put the filling on top - tomatoes and garlic, sprinkle with olive oil, pepper, salt and put the base with the filling in the oven. After 15-20 minutes, when the dough has browned, the delicious lean pizza is ready!

Simple Lenten Pizza

Using this recipe, you can quickly and easily prepare extremely tasty pizza, which will add variety to your Lenten menu.

For the test you will need to take:

  • glass of water;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • 6 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • a packet of yeast (11 g);
  • three glasses of flour.

Combine dry yeast with sugar, salt and flour. Mix well. Pour water and vegetable oil into a separate bowl. Then little by little we begin to add the water-oil mixture to the flour and yeast. We knead the dough, the consistency of which can be varied at will: more flour - the dough will be tighter and smoother, less flour - the dough will be soft and sticky to your hands. Cover the dough mass with a napkin or towel and leave it warm.

It's very simple and fast yeast-free dough for pizza it turns out thin and very tasty. It needs to be prepared in water with the addition of vegetable oil, which gives the dough a layered appearance. The main thing when preparing is to knead the dough well. The pizza dough for this recipe is kneaded without using eggs, so it can be used for cooking Lenten pizza. This dough makes very tasty Lenten flatbreads. To prepare them, you need to divide the dough into pieces, which are then rolled into flat cakes, sprinkle each side of the flat cake with salt and fry on both sides in vegetable oil - it turns out very, very tasty. This dough can also be used to make dumplings and dumplings; it holds the filling perfectly.

Pizza dough recipe without yeast


Preparing lean pizza dough:

1 Sift the flour into a convenient bowl, add salt and pepper. Pour in the oil and water and mix with a spoon into a homogeneous mass. Transfer the dough mixture to a flat surface sprinkled with flour. Knead the dough for at least 7 minutes. It should be uniform and smooth. Wrap the dough in film and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

2 After resting in the cold, the dough becomes elastic and pliable. It needs to be rolled out into a thin circle or rectangle, greased with tomato sauce and placed on top of the filling. Bake at 180 degrees until the cheese melts. In order for the dough to better absorb the sauce, you need to make holes in the rolled out dough over the entire surface (not all the way through) using an ordinary fork.

1 If, while kneading the dough, you divide it into two halves, pour one with vegetable oil, put the second on top and continue to knead, the finished dough will be more flaky.

2 If you overcooked the pizza in the oven and the dough turned out to be too crispy, leave it in the air for several hours.

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