Home Steering “Amber and Ice. School for heirs" Daria Snezhnaya. Amber and Ice. Bonus Yantar and the Ice Daria Snezhnaya torrent

“Amber and Ice. School for heirs" Daria Snezhnaya. Amber and Ice. Bonus Yantar and the Ice Daria Snezhnaya torrent


Dedicated to the winners

Nastya and Polina

Morning. The barely audible chirping of birds outside the window. A light breeze flies through the window, which is slightly open at night, and flutters the curtains. There was a knock on the door and the valet's voice: "Yours V Majesty, seven o’clock, breakfast is served.”- Good morning. - M a purring voice in my ear, my lips ticklingly touching the skin, and at another time I would have gladly arched over, pressed myself against my husband in a simple morning caress, but now I just jerked my shoulder, blocking access to my neck, and almost immediately stood up.- Ana... - Darel said disappointedly. - Well, how long can you sulk?- I'm not sulking, - I said, throwing the peignoir over my shoulders and opening the curtains. Sunlight streamed into the room. The fireman closed his eyes and collapsed back onto the pillows. “I’m angry, and you know perfectly well why.” - I can't send her away! Not “I don’t want to”, but I can’t! The western provinces have been imagining themselves too much lately, and the Lir of Maines has a great influence on the local freethinkers. Sorry, but I sincerely believe that it is better to find a common language with them than to cut off the heads of half the nobility. I just doubt that the count will want to look for this common language if I send his daughter out of the capital! Really, why does she bother you so much? - Indeed! - I mimicked venomously. - How can a seventeen-year-old young and beautiful young lady, endlessly hanging on my husband and sticking her cleavage in his nose, annoy me? Thought that I was also openly envious of this neckline, I stilldidn't voice it. - I already avoid her wherever possible. I talked to her father, he promised, in turn, to have an educational conversation with her. And even more so, I’m not interested in anyone’s cleavage except yours. By the way, at the last ball, it could have been higher. I saw how Lir Nerit looked at you, what a pity that he had to leave for a couple of months to accompany the embassy to the Misty Islands... What else can I do?!- Here! - I turned around and pointed an accusing finger at him. - And then you claim that you can’t send her away?! - It's easier with men.- Dar winced. “I promise you that if any page pesters me, he will immediately go to the farthest distances.” I gave him an icy look, briefly and angrily rang the bell, calling Taya, and went into the bathroom. - Ana! - doomed p ri flew after me. - I'm not talking to you- I gave the verdict. I have no time. We need to come up with a plan to get rid of the highly respected Lira Maines, when the Emperor himself, as he claims, “has his hands tied.” Until now, I have never had to deal with the problem of impudent girls who decided to claim the place of the imperial favorite. At first they wisely did not interfere, seeing, that the Emperor is extremely passionate about his wife and, moreover, is very decisive in his actions - if you show up at the wrong time, you can forget not only about a warm place, but also court life in principle. Then they began to be afraid of me. The first pregnancy was not easy for me, something mind-blowing was happening with my mood, the magic kept getting out of control. The future nursery was remodeled four times, some close associates acquired early gray hair, and the ladies of the court realized that it was better not to anger the Empress. And this greatly played into my hands. Even though I would never allow myself to deliberately freeze the nose of an undesirable person, others don’t need to know about it! The young and beautiful Lyra Annabelle Maines had never been to court before and had not seen with her own eyes how people wear fur coats in the palace on the warm days of the Indian summer, and how steel knight armor in the corridors turns into brittle ice and breaks with one poke. And the warnings of the more experienced ladies, if there were any, were not heeded. In addition, she was characterized by the confidence of all young and beautiful young ladies that the world revolves around them, and obstacles fly away from upset pouting lips orslight fluttering of eyelashes. Next to her, I felt very mature, wise in life and experience, and disgustingly... old. It’s an extremely disgusting feeling, I must admit, when you’re only twenty-five years old.And to it was also added the realization that if you simply trust Darel and close your eyes to it now, in the hope that the girl will break her teeth and retreat, then this will not be a victory at all. Others will follow her, convinced that nothing will happen to them for this and eager to try their luck. But I can’t stand a series of “Annabelles” like this. And it’s even worse if Darel can’t stand it... Breakfast took place at intensely forced conversation. In the presence of the maid and valet, the showdown did not continue. We chatted decorously on abstract topics, but I knew very well that Darel was not deceived by my kind smile. And as he left, he gave me an extremely reproachful look, which I ignored, turning to the window. Intellectually, I understood that, most likely, I was behaving completely incorrectly towards him - instead of fencing my husband off from myself, I should, on the contrary, pull him as close as possible, so that the thought would not arise to look around. But... I couldn't help it. Anger seethed and seethed inside and, not finding a rational channel, splashed out in this way. - Your Majesty, the carriage will arrive at your order in half an hour, but I have just received a message from Lira's maid Charrisse. Her mistress has fallen ill with a severe sore throat and, to her great regret, will not be able to accompany you to Taros today. Lyra brings you hers sincerely excuse, - Taya said guiltily as the door closed behind Darel. I'm annoyed bit her lip. The wife of the Guard Commander was one of the very few who sincerely and wholeheartedly supported my patronage of the school, which I actively took up some time after Dayrek was born.I accidentally overheard a conversation between Lira Sandel and Lira Kairis, who replaced him as rector, that there were difficulties at the school, there were not enough teachers, and some insoluble problems had arisen. And I suddenly remembered how I sincerely wanted to teach in Taros. And even though I still wasn’t able to teach students the theory and practice of water magic, I could still do something. Soon visits to Taros became regular, and now we were thinking about creating a new imperial school of magic and raising the status of Taros to a university. Previous emperors, not being magicians, could not fully appreciate the full significance of the development of magical science, but the project gave me incredible pleasure, and Darel warmly supported it. However, the ladies were afraid to pay visits to the closed school, teeming with young and, in their opinion, deeply uncontrollable magicians, and therefore, as a rule, only Lyra Sharris and Elenia accompanied me when she came to the capital. Most part of time dowager the empress was now spending time on the east coast. The events of past years have significantly undermined her health, and doctorsThey advised her to have peace and sea air. I already decided that I was going alone, and I had to ask the cook to prepare his best chicken broth for Lyra Charris, when one thought crept into my head. - Thank you, Taya. Give my best wishes to dear Lyra I'll see you soon get well, send this for pussy in the kitchen... - I Hastily jotted down her wishes to the cook. - And invite Lira Maines to me. The latter was not long in coming. She fluttered into the room with a cheerful smile on her lips and immediately dropped into a deep curtsy. - Good morning, Your Majesty."It's not the same for everybody", - I muttered mentally, immediately consoled myself with the thought that there was now a great chance to quickly equalize her morning with “kindness” to mine, and therefore I said much more benevolently: - Good, Annabelle. Be Please, please take a seat. The girl gracefully floated to the chair, sank into it, smoothing out her skirts with a slight gesture, and stared at me with the look of an enthusiastic fool. Oh, I wish she were a fool, but alas, Annabelle Maines was extremely careful and smart. Admiration and adoration now shone in her cornflower blue eyes., blond hair, albeit not platinum, like the Avernians, but of a golden hue, was styled in a hairstyle suspiciously similar to mine, and even in the style of the dress, common features could easily be traced. From the outside, it might seem that the girl simply blindly adores the Empress and wants to be like the bright ideal in everything, but I knew that she was simply trying to snag Darel by offering him a younger and more attractive copy. Ice needles pricked my fingertips, and I drummed my nails along the skirt, relieving tension. - I'd like to ask you a favor, Annabelle. You see, Lyra Charris, who usually accompanies me on my trips as first maid of honor, is ill today and cannot perform her duties. Therefore, I would like to invite you to accompany me... - Oh, it's a great honor, Your Majesty!- ... to Taros, - I finished inexorably. The girl's face changed. - It's too much of an honor- She hastily corrected herself. - I still have so little time at court. I am extremely flattered by your offer, but I am sure that there are much more worthy ones... - Do you think that I am unable to make the right decision about choosing a companion for an important state visit? - I raised her eyebrows in extreme bewilderment. - What are you, Your Majesty,- Lira Maines is completely confused. - No, by no means, I just wanted to say that... - In this case, be ready to leave in twenty minutes. And, Annabelle, I would sincerely advise you to change your dress. Young magicians should not be led into temptation. You know, under the influence of strong emotions they lose control of themselves. Annabelle left the room much less confidently than she had entered, and I smiled sincerely for the first time in days. When I came down, Lira Maines was already waiting for me at the carriage. The modest dark dress of a student at a boarding school for noble maidens, buttoned all the way up to the neck and a simple bun at the back of her head, gave way to an elaborate hairstyle and an outfit embroidered with silver threads on blue satin. I raised my head to the sun shining in the azure sky and again couldn’t help but smile. That's right, honey. I also chose strict and closed attire to attend school, but, unlike her, I was definitely not in danger of heatstroke. - Your Majesty,- the girl raised her voice as soon as the carriage started moving. It was stupid to expect that the very first injection would put her in her place. - Why are we going to Taros?- I'm going there with annual inspection. Inspect all the premises, attend several lessons, evaluate the knowledge of students and teachers, study accounting and curriculum, listen to proposals for managing the school and improving the educational process. Besides, I have to discuss the upcoming major project with Lyra Kairis... and the rest, little things. And you, my dear, will accompany me, listen carefully and put forward your, no doubt, wonderful ideas for improving magical education in the Sunset Empire. It seemed to me that you wanted to provide invaluable assistance to His Imperial Majesty in governing the state and to lighten my burden in caring for him. I am so grateful to you for this. I couldn’t contain the caustic drawl of the last words. But Lira Maines finally understood everything completely and fell silent, staring at me with a wary, frightened gaze. True, I didn’t like the stubbornly compressed lips. Not going to give up? Oh well... The day was extremely fruitful. Annabelle, who did not think about the fact that she would have to walk a lot, trampled all her feet while running in heels according to my many important ones,not very important, not at all important and “oh, I forgot, I already have this paper” orders. She was hot in the tight dress - neither the fan nor the cool corridors of the school could help. The freshmen I asked her to look after while I was talking with their teacher “accidentally” released a tiny tornado at her, so her hairstyle was now far from ideal. To be honest, a couple of times I even felt sorry for her. But then I remembered the breasts clinging to Darel, barely covered by the thin fabric of the dress, and the insinuating voice with low, enticing intonations, and pity magically evaporated somewhere. No, I will once and for all discourage her from hanging herself on other people’s husbands. - ...The Emperor is ready to allocate the Apple Orchard for the school- an estate near Sierre Tasha. It hasn't been used by anyone for many years anyway.and it would be better to move the closed school outside the city. All the same, students do not need to walk around the capital. And within the walls of Taros, organize a university. It doesn't make sense to lock students up anyway. In addition, "Garden"is larger than Taros in area and if you build several additional buildings, for example, for dormitories, then it will be possible to increase the number of students at the school. The number of magicians is growing, it is much better if they study than waste their abilities on market tricks. We were sitting in the office of Lira Kairis. So far, I have discussed the upcoming changes only with her, without involving deans and teachers. There were still too many issues to resolve and I didn’t want rumors to spread and multiply in the Empire ahead of time. - I would like you to also take a closer look at the graduates...- I glanced out the window, into the courtyard. Annabelle, whom I had graciously released for the duration of the conversation with the rector, sat dejectedly on the bench., completely ignoblely hunched over, stretching out his legs, kicking off his shoes and staring at one point. - I've already compiled a list of people I think might be interested in teaching.- My former teacher handed me a piece of paper. - They are all very responsible young people, and if you personally talked to each of them...- Wonderful. Let's not put this off for a long time. Let's do it...- I thought for a moment, figuring out my schedule. - Next Tuesday. After noon.- Amazing, - the rector also noted the date in her notes. There was silence in the office for a few moments, we were both thinking about whether we had forgotten to discuss some other important issues, and then I slightly relaxed my involuntarily tense back, allowing myself to lean back in the chair (comfortable, by the way! That’s what it means to be a rector - a woman! ). - How are you, Lira Kairis? I hope I haven't completely deprived you of sleep and peace with these reforms?- What do you, - the water driver embarrassedly waved it off. - These worries bring me joy. When I first heard that the prince and princess had been studying at the school all this time, I was horrified by His Majesty’s recklessness in not even warning the teachers what responsibility he placed on them. And now I understand that he was still a very wise man. - Unfortunately, we didn’t understand this right away either... Lyra Kairis bowed her head in respect to the late Emperor. - May I ask how the young prince and princesses are doing? - Deirek and Danae are now at sea, with Her Majesty Elenia. Diel is visiting the Misty Isles.We are thinking of joining them in a month, so it is worthwhile to finish clarifying all the most important issues before then and present the final plan to His Majesty. I got up. - Thank you for the conversation, Lyra Kairis. I would like to walk around the school a little longer, and then I will stop causing panic with my presence. The rector smiled. - I hope Lyra Sharris gets better soon. I missed her today- she said, walking me to the door. - By the way, who is this cute girl who accompanied you today?.. Zlotver! I almost forgot about this toadstool.- Oh, just my new discovery. I have big plans for this charming lyre... Hearing the rustle of gravel, Annabelle hurriedly put her feet into her shoes and jumped up as if scalded, wincing as she did so in pain. I signaled to the guards accompanying me to wait at a distance and, succumbing to an impulse of mercy, nevertheless abandoned the idea of ​​​​offering the girl a walk in the garden. - How do you like school, Annabelle? - I dropped to the ground To Ameika, “forgetting” to offer this to my companion, and she continued to stand like a martyr.- Wonderful place, - she squeezed out, feigning delight and enthusiasm quite well. - I really liked it here! - In that case, I think you will be pleased with the new appointment. I need my own person here, reporting daily on everything that happens in Taros. Unfortunately, teachers have no time to do this, so I decided to appoint you to this position. Start tomorrow. Lyra Kairiwill provide you with wonderful chambers in Bone tower, I myself once lived there, believe me, the view from there is simply beautiful and there are no drafts, unlike O rotten. Your working day will begin half an hour before the start of classes, and end... you seem to want to say something? The endurance of the beautiful lyre finally changed. - You... you can't do this to me! You have no right! - Don't have the right? - I asked quietly and very ominously, narrowing my eyes. - My dear, who are you talking to now? Remind me? Annabelle swallowed and clenched her fists. - I know that the final decisions on such appointments are made by the Emperor. And my father... - “Darling, there are no irreplaceable people,” I snapped, harshly switching to “you.” - Today is yours the father is an influential nobleman, and tomorrow he is exiled to the mines for participating in a conspiracy against the imperial family. I don’t know who put the idea into your pretty little head that you have the right to claim my rightful place before gods and men, but if your father did it, then I assure you, his career at court is like yours , will be very short-lived. From the way Annabelle turned pale, it became clear that I, pointing my finger at the sky, guessed right. So, this dear lire Maines decided that ifThe Emperor needs him, then why not strengthen your position, slipping him his daughter as well. Not surprisingly, the request to rein in the toadstool had no effect. Well, I will, what else to talk about with Darel... when we start talking! However, Lira Maines was not lacking in the reckless fearlessness of youth (or stupidity, I don’t know what it is, really...). - So this is how you decided to get rid of me? I unexpectedly smiled. - Annabelle, darling. If I wanted to get rid of you... X oops! - I snapped my fingers in the air and a swarm of sharp icy snowflakes soared above them, sparkling X in the rays of the sun beginning to set. The girl shuddered all over and recoiled involuntarily. - Magic school, crowd of children, still have little control over their dangerous gift, and you are not a magician... an extremely tragic accident.On the contrary, I want to protect you from rash actions that threaten you with big trouble. I advise you to think about this. In her free time from performing duties as the caretaker of Taros. I walked along the empty corridors of the school, already habitually not paying attention to the two guardsmen behind me. It was dinner time, and Lyra Kairis persistently offered to share it with her, but I chose to refuse.Things took much longer than I expected, and I wanted to walk through Taros again. Linger It’s not worth returning to the palace either, it wasn’t enough for Dar to panic and send a whole company after me.So nothing will happen to me, I’ll eat when I get home. It is unlikely that the cooks will refuse to heat something for me. I liked coming to Taros not only because I was fascinated by working with the school. Here I felt freer, lighter. There were fewer eyes watching my every move, and the burden of obligations weighed less on my shoulders. Within these walls, memories of school years, as I now understand, completely carefree, came to life. And again I could briefly feel like I was just th a magician, not an Empress. The conversation with Annabelle, despite the crushing victory, left an unpleasant aftertaste. I took no pleasure in humiliating people and usinghowl power to harm them. NOh, the harsh truth was that in the palace you either become strong and capable of making cruel decisions, or you hide under your husband’s wing, leaving him the right to solve all problems... and forget that you exist at all, turning into a faceless shadow behind his shoulder, which if desired can be replaced with any other. I was not happy with this fate. But now, having put one arrogant upstart in her place, I can relax a little. Others, having learned their lesson, are yet to comewill make similar attempts so as not to repeat the fate of the failed one. I walked past a low round door and stopped, turning around. - Wait for me here. I want to be alone. There's a dovecote there, it's the only entrance, so I'm not in any danger. The guards nodded and took up positions on either side of the door. I slowly climbed the spiral staircase with worn stone steps, stepped into the filledWith a quiet purr in the twilight, she walked up to the window, rustling the hem of her dress on the straw scattered on the floor. The summer wind gently touched my face and moved my hair. I leaned my elbows on the windowsill, moving forward, and took a deep breath of warm air heated by the heat of the day... ...and the next moment she turned around with a jerk, releasing a fan of ice arrows, at first not even realizing what had pulled me. Only then did it belatedly dawn on me that I had reacted to the creaking of the door. After all, there was no knock. No one would enter the Empress without knocking, unless he passed by the guards uninvited. Fortunately, the only one who had every right to do this could not be surprised or stopped by ice arrows. The gift incinerated them with ease and looked at me in amazement. - No, I knew, of course, that you were angry with me, but not to the same extent! And if you want to remain the Empress Dowager and take on the regency, just say so! I will immediately fake my death and happily run away. Instead of answering, I pursed my lips and turned back to the window. Yes, I resolved the problem with the Maines lyre, but I still have not received an apology, an admission that he was wrong and assurances that the legs of this toadstools won't be near him anymore!- Ana... - hot breath tickled my neck, palms slid down my waist and locked into a lock on my stomach. I crossed my arms irreconcilably. - Anais...- Lips ran over the sensitive skin, grabbed my ear, the hug clenched tighter, pressing me closely, with my whole body, to a hard wide chest. - Ana... And I swam. At once I began to give a damn about the morning quarrel, which had actually been going on for several days. And how he ended up here and why he came. And to the stupid rival, who still had no chance. This whisper of a native voice, these lips, these actions, so tender, so familiar... all this clearly spoke of one thing - this is my man. Only mine. And no one can ever take it away from me. I turned around and at the same moment caught a kiss. Greedy, yearning. Dar picked me up and sat me down on the windowsill, continuing to hold me tightly to him. The simultaneous feeling of a multi-foot hole behind my back and strong, reliable hands that would never let me fall into the abyss was exciting and gave even greater poignancy to every touch. His right hand reached up to bury himself in my hair, but I slapped the impudent one, stopping him halfway. - Hairstyle! - I hissed, breaking the kiss with difficulty. Darel was not at all upset or confused, immediately moving in the exact opposite direction - down. - Mmmm, how many buttons- he drawled with interest. - Are you taking revenge on me for the morning remark about the neckline? I ran my fingers through the red strands in retaliation. Nothing, he spat on his palm and stroked itand went, and then I walked through the whole school with a crow's nest on my head! And while his right hand busily busied itself with the fastenings, his left hand clutched the fabric of the dress, inexorably lifting up the skirt.- Crazy, - I exhaled, wrapping my legs around him.- For a long time, - Dar didn't argue. The school bell struck eight as I buttoned the last pearl button.and straightened her sagging skirts. So what if they got wrinkled after a whole day of running around the school and it’s not surprising. The main thing is that the hairstyle is intact. Darel put his clothes in order much faster than I did, but he didn’t think about his hair. I reached out my hand and ran it through the silky tousled hair.m strands, slightly tousled bangs. The husband smiled. - I actually came in case you decided to barricade yourself in Taros so that say that I found a solution. But they told me that you are coping well without me,- He broke into an approving grin.- What solution ? - I perked up. - We will show Annabelle the highest imperial favor - we will find her a brilliant candidate for husband. One that Lear Maines simply cannot refuse. I batted my eyelashes in confusion. And how will this help get rid of it? I’m not sure that having a husband will somehow stop such an active girl.It's better to follow my plan and lock her in Taros! And here... - And then her husband will be entrusted with a very important and very responsible government mission somewhere very, very far away?- I guessed. - I told you, it’s easier with men,- my husband winked at me. I smiled happily and rested my forehead on his shoulder, begging for new affection. Which was not slow to follow. - Yes-ar! Hair...- I groaned in defeat. - Well... it suits you too with loose ones,- The fireman shrugged guiltily. I still love him impossibly, otherwise how could I have endured it until now?!

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Amber and Ice. School for heirs Daria Snezhnaya

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Title: Amber and Ice. School for heirs

About the book “Amber and Ice. School for heirs" Daria Snezhnaya

We all love fairy tales, although sometimes we deny it, explaining that we have already matured. But it is for us that fantasy is written, where fiction and truth are closely intertwined in history. There are many life situations here, as well as magic, wars among magical creatures and, of course, love between those who just recently hated each other.

Daria Snezhnaya’s book “Amber and Ice. School for Heirs" tells the story of two young people - a guy named Yantar, who is the lord of fire, and a girl named Ice, the lord of ice. Two opposing elements, it is not surprising that they cannot find a common language. But in the end, a war begins, which shows the true faces of everyone involved in this story.

The love line of the book “Amber and Ice. School for Heirs” is revealed very reverently and subtly. Everything is as it should be for teenagers. There is no vulgarity or vulgarity. Amber and Icy understand what exactly they mean to each other only when they have to fight in a terrible struggle. It is situations like this that reveal real faces, show who is truly a positive hero, and who is just pretending to be one.

In addition, many of the actions take place in a magic school, which is another plus. After all, all readers want to know how and where real magicians study. The school has its own rules, traditions and intrigues.

The book also reveals a love triangle. After school, the main characters go to the palace, where balls await them, and Icy - Rian. But even here the main characters cannot get along. A lot of events that are already happening in this place will make you admire, cry, and laugh out loud.

Romantics in the book “Amber and Ice. School for heirs” more than enough. In addition, there is excellent humor that will make you have fun and take your mind off your problems and worries. In addition, this work is the only one, that is, there is no cycle of stories. Therefore, you will learn the entire plot from beginning to end.

The book “Amber and Ice. School for Heirs" turned out to be bright and light. Daria Snezhnaya really put their soul into their creation. You can feel that every detail, every character is thought out thoroughly. There are no inconsistencies or controversial issues.

Daria Snezhnaya's book will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre, as well as those who want to relax and read something light and pleasant. The story of love and hatred of Ice and Yantar will immerse you in a world of magic and real feelings, as well as the fight against injustice and evil.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Amber and Ice. School for heirs" Daria Snezhnaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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