Home Locks How to write an organization's mission example. Examples of company missions. Examples of mission statements of organizations. Examples of missions of companies in the automotive industry

How to write an organization's mission example. Examples of company missions. Examples of mission statements of organizations. Examples of missions of companies in the automotive industry

Maxim Romadanov

In this article we will tell you what the company’s mission and values ​​are, when such a subsection on the website is needed, and when it makes no sense.

What is the company's mission

The mission of a company is the reason for its existence besides making money. Mission is the cause you serve. It shapes the values, beliefs and principles of business, reflects the purpose of the company, its positioning (difference from other market participants), determines the role that the company wants to play in society.

The subsection with the mission can be called differently: “Philosophy”, “Anatomy”, “Biology”, “Brand DNA”, “Company Values” and so on - as far as the marketing department’s imagination allows.

Variations on a theme:

In the book by Bangladeshi social entrepreneur Yunus Muhammad, “Creating a World Without Poverty. Social business and the future of capitalism" is the concept of "corporate social responsibility". It brings all philosophies, missions and the like under one roof - it is a commitment to do good to people and the world around us, or at least not to harm them.

Why does a company NOT need a mission statement?

Yunus Muhammad, to whom I have already referred and will continue to do so, says that modern consumers are rejecting the services of companies with a tarnished image. However, when preparing the article, I did not find any convincing evidence that “negative social positioning of a brand” has a bad effect on commercial performance. If you know of such studies, please send links in the comments.

But there is data confirming the opposite. In an article devoted to the results of Dieselgate, Bloomberg View analyst Leonid Bershidsky argues that the Volkswagen concern not only did not suffer from the environmental scandal of 2015, but also increased its efficiency. Moreover, it was in the “dieselgate” year of 2015 that the Volkswagen Group displaced the long-time leader Toyota from first place in terms of sales volumes in the world. And, according to the latest data, VAG is only increasing its advantage; PR has only played to its advantage.

Another example: let’s compare the rating of the largest cosmetics manufacturers from Brand Rankings with the lists of the international organization PETA, which fights for the ethical treatment of animals. For the entire TOP 10 we see the following picture:

Eliminating animal testing has commercial implications for cosmetics makers who appeal to a narrow audience of animal rights activists. For example, for the manufacturer of environmentally friendly cosmetics Bare Escentual.

But for a wide audience this factor is not of great importance. Cruel, but true.

Before you tell your clients about the mission, you need to understand one thing: the mission is not for clients, not for partners and not for profit, it is personal for the business owner. If he himself wants to live in a “green” world or so that sick children have the opportunity to recover, if he is willing to give part of the profits for these purposes, the company will have a mission.

But mission costs are not an advertising budget. You cannot expect to invest a certain amount and then calculate the effectiveness of the investment. This is equivalent to me giving a beggar at the entrance to Magnit 100 rubles, and then asking the store for a discount. I’m so kind, do you feel sorry for me?

Yunus Muhammad says the same thing: some corporations view social responsibility as a type of advertising. 1% of the profits are sent to help the poor, and the remaining 99% - to production, where the labor of the same poor is exploited in violation of basic labor laws. Don’t do this, be honest at least with yourself.

But this does not mean that social projects should be hidden away and shrugged in shame if someone finds out and asks. Social projects are “white” PR in its purest form and the right path to regional and federal media. You can and should talk about them, but honestly, without pathos and attempts to manipulate people. This is my personal conviction.

Why then is a mission needed?

To answer this question, you should first ask yourself another:

To whom do you owe obligations?

Social obligations can be held to society as a whole.

Social obligations can be kept to a specific group of people.

Social commitments can be made to your employees.

The press service of Sela confirmed that the personnel department uses methods for identifying the personality traits of applicants. If a candidate does not show the required qualities, he will not be hired.

Social responsibilities can be maintained to customers.

So, the mission:

  1. Increases public interest in business. The logic of “Sportmaster” is clear: more people involved in sports means more buyers of sporting goods.
  2. Attracts employees, clients and partners with similar views, tastes, and interests. A few years ago, the Xiaomi brand also advanced on this topic. The manufacturer has consistently created a fan environment: starting with its product line (the principle of “powerful and fast hardware for little money”) and ending with the official international MIUI fan site.

  1. Stimulates actions that may ultimately lead to the purchase of a product or service.

  1. Activates emotional factors in choosing a product and service.

Is there a need for a subsection with the company’s mission on the website?

Understand correctly: charity is wonderful, but if you write a few pretentious phrases on your website that have nothing behind them, you will not convince others that you care about world peace.

Reading this, I just want to shout: “Guys, you’re just selling balls and bicycles!” Seriously, what if your client bought a treadmill from you, ran it for several days and realized that it was too hard and the sport was not for him at all? If the purchase does not make him cheerful, cheerful, or happy, what will you do? Will you take the exercise machine back and enroll the buyer in body positivity courses?

Less pathos and abstractions, more references to real affairs.

Publish certificates and gratitude from public organizations and foundations

The Taxovichkof taxi service from St. Petersburg transports employees of partner charitable foundations and public organizations free of charge. A representative of any social project who needs help with transport can leave a request on the official website. There are several dozen such certificates in the “Charity” subsection.

Tell us what charitable causes your products go to

Show how your business processes improve the environment

It would seem that there is nothing special here. Many trucking companies are buying gas-powered vehicles and optimizing routes - it's simply cheaper than gasoline and driving in circles. But Gruzovichkof translates its principles into an environmental dimension and receives a bonus to karma.

Publish reports on charitable events in the news section on the website

At the same time, you can get into the federal press.

Company mission: examples and technologies for creating a Mission

A mission is needed both by the organization and by each individual. Some manage to find an organization while working in which they manage to implement their own Mission.

The company's presence of a Mission can be compared to the presence of a ship with a guiding star in the sky, which it is guided by in order to continue its further journey, without having an accurate map of the area. A company’s mission is not a panacea for all ills, but its presence can inspire people, help them feel the meaning and significance of their work, and understand why they should get up in the morning and come to your office. It's up to you to decide why you exist. Mission and purpose, like a magnet, attract the best people to the company, and gives clients the opportunity to once again be convinced that you really care about them.

100 best Missions of Western and Russian companies: read below

If your company has , we can help you convey it to all target audiences of the organization. Perhaps you are ready to upgrade your Mission? Then we will be able to tell you how best to formulate the Vision and Mission of the organization. If you have both, contact us in order to choose the right strategy to realize your Vision and realize your Mission! But first, read to the end - and look at examples of the Missions of many successful companies!

Every top manager sooner or later needs to answer the question: which development path to choose: short-term profit or strategic and socially significant direction? And depending on this choice, top managers and business owners determine their lives. The stress level of constantly searching for short-term profits and participating in fierce competition becomes unbearable. And its creators feel less and less sense and joy from the activities of such an organization. Therefore, the questions of Meaning, Vision, Mission and the use of tools to bring all these intentions to life become more relevant than ever.

Modern business is characterized by a high level of uncertainty and a high rate of change occurring in almost all industries. , but while we think about it, “now” turns into “yesterday”, and many ideas become either irrelevant or implemented by someone else. The question arises: how to develop a business and how to choose priority areas? Studies of the best companies both abroad and in Russia clearly indicate that success is more often achieved by those organizations that have a clearly formulated Mission that is shared by all its employees.

"Does our organization need a Mission?, and if necessary, then what is it?” Many companies do not look for an answer to this question and, as a result, their activities are rather chaotic and unsystematic. This kind of activity is aimed at “short-term” or “instant” profit. Such companies participate in a race where they and their competitors are doing, and they have to “run just to stay in place." Some organizations have a mission slogan that hangs on their website, but none of the employees know it. Can we say that do such companies really have a Mission, and that in carrying out their activities they act based on the Vision? No! They go with the flow!

So does an effectively operating business need a Mission or not? If the company’s business brings stable profits even without a Mission, then maybe treat this phenomenon as a fashion trend that will soon pass? The world is changing too quickly to hesitate. Behind the formulation of the Mission there is always the uniqueness of the company, and the Values ​​that are important both to the organization’s personnel and to its managers, shareholders and clients.

“The mission is the glue that prevents the company from falling apart as it grows, decentralizes, and diversifies.”

If a company has neither uniqueness nor values, it may simply have access to good resources and will be able to survive for a while (depending on where it is in its life cycle). What then? The difference between companies following their Mission and ordinary companies lies in the quality of their development and those with a Mission will implement it and move to a new stage, while companies floating with the flow will most likely lose their bearings and face the problem of self-determination and survival.


Here are examples of missions of successful companies (their short versions are slogans), which show how in one or two lines you can explain the reason for the existence of an organization:

    • Kodak "We help the world create memories and make money."
    • Disneyland "We work to ensure that adults and children spend more time together."
    • The mission of Castorama stores is that we help customers make their homes more perfect and comfortable, transform the labor-intensive and costly process of repair and arrangement into an interesting hobby that is accessible to everyone.
    • "The mission of the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain is to provide tireless care and provide maximum comfort to every guest."
    • Mary Kay's mission is: "To enrich the lives of women around the world by offering clients quality products, independent beauty consultants and unlimited career opportunities, ensuring that the women who come across Mary Kay can realize their true potential."
    • Google's mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
    • Facebook's mission is to "empower people to connect and make the world a more open and connected place."
    • IKEA: "everyday life of ordinary people."
    • XEROX: "Sharing knowledge through documents."
    • The Bank of New York: We strive to be recognized as a global leader and partner of choice in helping our clients succeed in a world of rapidly evolving financial markets.
    • Harley-Davidson: We make people's dreams come true using our experience in creating the best motorcycles!
    • Yandex's mission is to help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life.

If your company cannot be recognized by the wording of the Mission, it means either your Mission is unsuccessful, or the company needs to define its Uniqueness!

    • Apple's mission:“Apple makes Macs the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and software. Apple continues the digital music revolution with its iPod and iTunes. Apple rediscovered the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad."
    • Apple Computer, Inc. Mission at the beginning of its activities, "We offer the highest quality computers to people around the world."

    • Zappos' mission is to provide customers with the best experience possible.
    • Amazon's mission is to be "the most customer-conscious company on Earth."
    • Samsung's mission - We use the company's human and technological resources to create products and services of superior quality, thereby contributing to the improvement of the global state of society.
    • Twitter's mission is to enable everyone to share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.
    • Sberbank's mission is: We give people confidence and reliability, we make their lives better by helping them realize their aspirations and dreams.
    • Enter company mission: - We are for the present. Honestly. With love. As for myself.
    • Citibank's mission is Citi works tirelessly to benefit citizens, communities, organizations and nations. Using 200 years of global experience in solving complex problems and realizing existing opportunities, we strive to deliver the best economic results for our clients by offering simple, creative and responsible financial solutions. We unite more than 1,000 cities, 160 countries and millions of people.We are your global bank. We are Citi.
    • Best Friends Animal Society's mission: A better world through kindness to animals.

    • JTI Tobacco Company Mission: Our mission is to create a powerful international tobacco company that provides maximum benefit to its shareholders, employees, consumers and society as a whole, and strives to achieve a leading position in its industry.

A company's mission is a stated statement as to what or why the organization exists, other than making a profit.

Ask a question about the Mission!

      The New York Public Library's mission is to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our communities.

      Walmart's Mission: We save people money so they can .

    • McDonald's Mission: To be our customers' favorite place to eat or drink.And the formula for achieving this is one old McDonald's formula: KKCH and D, which means Quality, Service Culture, Cleanliness and Availability.
    • BMW Mission: BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium products and premium services for personal mobility.
    • Valio - “To feel good”
    • Lukoil mission: We were created to convert the energy of natural resources into...
    • Polaroid's Mission: To advance the instant photography and digital market to meet people's growing need to capture the faces of friends and family, places dear to their hearts, and life's funny moments.
    • Daria's mission: "To free consumers for a fulfilling life by producing high-quality easy-to-cook products."
    • Levi-Strauss Mission Statement: “We will bring the world's most beautiful and best-loved casual clothing to market. We will dress the whole world."
    • Toyota's mission: To give our customers the pleasure of high-quality Toyota vehicles. We are responsible for every car we sell. We, in which Toyota professionals use their many years of experience, as well as knowledge of advanced Toyota technologies, meet the interests of our discerning customers. The Company's mission is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing reliable and safe TOYOTA products and providing a network of high-quality service and qualified maintenance.

  • Gazprom: OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoset, as a specialized operator of OJSC Gazprom, sees its mission as providing consumers with products from gas and oil refining enterprises of the Gazprom group, while maintaining a high level of safety and consistently developing activities related to the sale and use of these products.

      Unilever's mission is to energize life. We meet people's daily food and hygiene needs. Our brands help you feel great, look great and get more pleasure from life.

      The mission of the Coca-Cola company is based on 3 principles, which are formed as follows: Refresh the world, body, mind and spirit; through our drinks and our deeds; Bring meaning to everything we do. Our vision is based on five words that reflect our values! Each of them is based on a word that, coincidentally, begins with the letter “P.” This is what the five Ps sound like: Personnel, Planet, Products, Partners, Profit!

      Megafon's mission: MegaFon will unite Russia, breaking down barriers and developing communications to become everyone's obvious choice. MegaFon proceeds from the company's social mission, which is to create conditions for people to communicate, without regard to borders and distances.

      Microsoft Company Mission (Microsoft):Our mission at Microsoft is to help people and business organizations around the world fully realize mine Achieving this goal requires talented, energetic, bright and creative people with the following strengths: integrity and honesty, enthusiasm, openness and respect, willingness to solve complex problems, self-criticism and responsibility.

      Youtube video hosting mission: to provide quick and easy video access and the ability to share videos frequently.

      Lenovo company mission (Lenovo): For those who do! For those who do! (alternatively, “For those who act!”). At Lenovo, our vision is that Lenovo will create personal devices that inspire more people, inspired by our own culture, and through which we build a business respected around the world. This Vision guides us in achieving our mission to become one of the world's greatest technology companies. We will do this through: Personal Computing, Convergence and Culture.

      MTS Company Mission: We work to make MTS the best operator for its customers. We want every person who comes to an MTS salon, calls our call center, or uses the company’s services to enjoy being an MTS client. Thanks to reliable communications, MTS provides customers with the opportunity to build and improve their lives and constantly develop. All MTS resources are aimed at ensuring that, thanks to the company’s services, the lives of MTS clients become more eventful, interesting and filled with new opportunities.

      The mission of the Russian Railways (RZD) company is to satisfy market demand for transportation, increase operational efficiency, quality of services and deep integration into the Euro-Asian transport system.Russian Railways brand mission:We are a critical part of the global system of movement of people, goods and technology. We work for clients, contribute to the unification of peoples, and integrate Russia into a single economic space. Our solutions are based on a unique infrastructure, the skill of a team of high-level professionals and innovative technologies.

      Mission of the Aeroflot Group: We work so that our clients can quickly and comfortably travel vast distances, which means they can be mobile, meet more often, and work successfullyand see the world in all its diversity. Vision: Our goal is to remain the undisputed leader in domestic and international air transportation in Russia and to be inamong the best airlines in the world, combining dynamic development and high reliability with quality service.

  • Nike's mission: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” (“If you have a body, you are an athlete,” said the legendary track coach at the University of Oregon, and one of the founders of Nike, Bill Bowerman)
    • Mission: “Sakhalin Energy strives to be a leading producer of energy resources on the world market. We build our activities on the basis of efficient, reliable and safe production, and a responsible attitude towards social and environmental issues.”Vision: "To be the leading energy source for the Asia-Pacific region."
    • AQUAART GROUP Mission: We create new value in the lives of people around the world. We believe that only at home can we get that supply of positive emotions that fill our lives with meaning. That's why we chose home improvement as our field of activity.
    • Wrigley Company Mission and Vision: Wrigley. Creating simple pleasures to .Our Purpose: Wrigley is a company without borders. Because this is how we see the world. Whether it's chewing gum that keeps your mouth healthy, fresh and clean, or a handful of our candies that brings a smile to your face, we strive to bring goodness to people through our products, and never lose that.Our creativity keeps us moving forward, to new places, with new products, for new occasions, in new ways, so that the world can enjoy Wrigley.Whenever you want to make your day a little more delicious and add a touch of freshness, we are always at your fingertips, but the choice is always on your side.
    • Rostelecom's mission: More opportunities for everyone. Rostelecom creates more opportunities for people - both through its services and through the implementation of projects and initiatives that address topics important to society. Telecommunications have the ability to change and improve people's lives, and this is what Rostelecom strives for in its relations with everyone who comes into contact with the activities of our company.
    • Benetton's mission and vision. Benetton Group is focused on the future. Her story is built on innovation and seeing what others don't see. The Benetton Group has always been a leader and at the forefront: with flowers, with a revolutionary approach to sales, with an absolutely unique production and sales network and with a universal form of communication that is created as a social phenomenon and as a cultural debate. The Benetton Group's mission has been global since before the advent of globalization, but the company has always followed its own path.From the very beginning, Benetton envisioned fashion for a global community where young people of every race live. Benetton is moving in its development at high speed, overcoming geographical, political and any ideological boundaries.Benetton is a responsible Group, sensitive to the needs and challenges of our time, attentive to the environment, human dignity and the transformation of society. Benetton is committed to growth, not as an end in itself, but as a means to promote progress.
    • Yota's mission: to be a leading developer and supplier of innovative mobile services that will change, at least one iota, people's perceptions and experiences in the field of communication, entertainment and information consumption.
    • Mission of the Svyaznoy company: We work with people and for people. We create an exciting world of mobile communications and new offers that are understandable and accessible to everyone. We provide simplicity, convenience and attractive choice.
    • Canon's mission is to help people realize the full potential of images (Power of Image). The European brand slogan "You Can" was launched in 2002 and aims to inspire customers to realize the potential of images.
    • Gillette Mission: Gillette has been the heart of men's shaving for over 100 years. Every day, more than 800 million people around the world trust their faces and skin to Gillette's innovative razors and shaving products. We are committed to providing people with the best personal care products, including deodorants and body washes. All of them are designed to meet people's unique needs, helping them look great, feel good and perform at their best every day.
    • Mission of the Holding Company "Constellation Aquarius":

      We see our mission in achieving the best results for shareholders, clients and employees of the Company. Our efforts and our successes are aimed at creating a healthy, strong and prosperous state and society as a whole. We strive to be the best, which means: employees are proud of their achievements, we are preferred by clients and authorities, we are respected by competitors, we are respected in society. We define the following goals for the Holding Company: stable long-term profit generation from management of shareholders’ assets, creation of new types of business,

      asset restructuring. Our approach to business is based on: using the most effective methods of managing business processes, creating a favorable, comfortable atmosphere for employees to work, allowing them to form a corporate culture and cultivate team spirit. To assess business performance we are looking at: increasing shareholder returns, increasing financial efficiency, increasing competitive advantages,

      favorable public opinion, a dedicated team of like-minded people. (From this example it is clear that the mission should contain not only a slogan, but also a decoding of what the company understands by it, namely its success criteria, its goals, approach to business, performance assessment and much more! For publication in open sources usually use a short version of the mission, and a more detailed one with specific numbers and plans is used to implement strategic management within the organization).

      »: We contribute to the development of companies that create the Future!

You have just seen many real examples of different company Missions, some of them are really good, some are less clear, some Missions do not evoke any feelings at all!

What should be the company's mission? If you can guess from the wording of the Mission what company we are talking about, then this Mission already deserves attention! When a Mission Statement is vague or does not reflect the company's deepest intentions, it often appears too general. In this case, you can put any company name in a similar formulation, and such a Mission will look exactly the same. Avoid standard clichés, and hackneyed phrases, and too abstract descriptions of the reason for the existence of your organization.

  1. Missions of IT and Social brands
  2. Missions of food and beverage brands

Retail brand missions

Wallmart Mission:

Target Mission:

The Home Depot Mission:

IKEA Mission:

Amazon's Mission

CVS Mission:

Best Buy Mission:

Missions of IT and Social brands

Google's mission:

Microsoft Mission:

Skype Mission:

YouTube Mission:

Twitter Mission:

Apple's mission:

Missions of sportswear brands

Adidas Mission:

Nike's Mission:

Umbro's Mission:

Asics Mission:

Missions of food and beverage brands

Coca-Cola Mission:

Pepsi Mission:

Nestlé Mission:

Danone Mission:

Missions of B2B brands

Cisco Mission:

IBM Mission:

Intel Mission:

General Electric's mission:

British Petroleum's mission:

In this article we want to offer you a selection of missions of large, recognizable companies in leading global markets. The given examples of missions of organizations and manufacturing companies will help you fully understand the meaning and meaning of this concept and will help you create the right vision of the business.

All examples of missions are divided into main product groups and markets.

  1. Retail brand missions
  2. Missions of IT and Social brands
  3. Missions of sportswear brands
  4. Missions of food and beverage brands
  5. Missions of food and beverage brands

Retail brand missions

Wallmart Mission:“We help our customers save money to make their lives better”

Target Mission:“Become a desirable shopping destination through innovative solutions, exceptional offers, and exceeding customer expectations.”

The Home Depot Mission:“To provide each customer with the highest level of service, a wide range and competitive prices”

IKEA Mission:"Improving everyone's daily life"

Amazon's Mission: “Make a place where everyone can buy anything they want online”

CVS Mission:“Helping people improve their health”

Best Buy Mission:“We solve the unmet needs of our customers through the resourcefulness of our employees.”

Missions of IT and Social brands

Google's mission:“Comfortably organize all the information in the world and make it accessible and useful to everyone”

Microsoft Mission:“Give everyone the opportunity to realize their own potential one hundred percent”

Skype Mission:“Become a platform for people to communicate in real time”

YouTube Mission:“Provide quick and easy access to video content and provide the ability to share videos together”

Twitter Mission:“Connecting people everywhere at once”

Apple's mission:"To provide students, teachers, creative experts around the world with the best computers through the use of innovative solutions"

Missions of sportswear brands

Adidas Mission:“To become the best sports brand in the world. never associate quantity with quality. The athlete always comes first.”

Nike's Mission:"To provide inspiration and innovative solutions to every athlete in the world"

Umbro's Mission:“Excite and motivate. Let everyone fall in love with the mind-blowing world of football"

Asics Mission:“Becoming number one for sports enthusiasts. To achieve this, we promise to create the best product, focusing on our technological merits, and pushing the boundaries of the body's capabilities."

Missions of food and beverage brands

Coca-Cola Mission:“Refresh the world, body, mind and spirit; Arouse optimism through our drinks and our deeds; Bringing meaning to everything we do."

Pepsi Mission:“To be the world's premier food products company focused on prepared foods and beverages. Everything we do is guided by 3 principles - honesty, consistency and fairness."

Nestlé Mission:“We believe that research and development will help make food better, thereby improving people's lives.”

Danone Mission:“Provide as many people as possible with waking food”

Missions of B2B brands

Cisco Mission:“The company's software, hardware and services are used to create reliable networks that provide easy access to information anywhere, at any time.”

IBM Mission:“To lead in the invention, development and production of information technologies, including software, computers, information storage systems and microelectronics. And help improve the business of our clients around the world with the help of leading technologies.”

Intel Mission:“Create and enhance computer technologies to connect and improve the lives of every person on earth”

General Electric's mission:“We exist to solve the problems of everyone on earth, be it a company or an individual”

British Petroleum's mission:“Promoting human progress through the manifestation of the following qualities: honesty, openness of transactions”

In the article you will learn what the company’s mission is and why you need it. Examples of missions of the most successful companies and a step-by-step diagram for creating a mission for your company.

What is a mission and why is it needed?

“If your only goal is to become rich, you will not achieve it.”

John Rockefeller

In order to build a great company, you need something else, a kind of guiding star, like the sailors, to which you will lead your company.

To begin with, you choose the direction where you want to take your campaign and then write the path. This is the essence of the mission.

The mission of the company is the unique meaning of all the actions that the company carries out in the social life of society.

I understand it’s somehow confusing, let’s try in simple words.

A mission is what gives you the strength not to give up your business halfway through the routine of everyday problems. This is what will not let you give up. This is what will attract like-minded people into your team with whom you will achieve your goal. This is what will attract clients to your company like a magnet.

Just don’t think that a mission is the cure for all business ills, but when a company has one, it’s a huge plus than when it doesn’t.

Before you continue reading, answer one question:- “Are you in business for a long time, or are you just trying to get some money here and then little by little?”

I hope your answer is yes, for a long time.

In this case, you need to think about a business development strategy so that your company does not sway from side to side like a frigate during a storm. And the company's mission is an integral part of this strategy.

You can talk about the mission of your company both in one sentence and in the development program of the organization as a whole.

Main: The mission must be accepted by all members of your team, otherwise either rewrite the mission or recruit a new team.

Benefits of the company's mission

When you create a company mission and your team fully supports it, you will fully experience all the benefits of the mission:

  1. The company will become understandable and attractive to investors and partners at all levels;
  2. Company management will be more transparent;
  3. Management at all levels will understand the role and contribution of everyone to the common cause. This way you won’t have plans and deadlines missed for unknown reasons;
  4. You will have your own evangelists among both employees and clients;
  5. Your employees will feel involved in a great cause and... will try to live up to it;
  6. You will be able to determine the corporate values ​​of the company;
  7. The entire process of strategic development will become clear even to a fifth grader;
  8. Your company will have its own culture of behavior and communication in business;
  9. You will bring more tangible benefits to your country, people and society as a whole!

Company mission - examples

For convenience, I divided the missions of companies by industry.

Electronics and high technology

IBM– we turn technology into value for clients through professional execution of solutions, service and consultations around the world. We strive to become a leader in the invention, development and production of information technologies: computer systems, data storage systems, microelectronics and software.

XEROX– disseminate knowledge through documents.

Sony– a group of young people with sufficient energy for endless creative search.

Samsung– We contribute to improving the global state of society by using human and technological resources to create goods and services of superior quality. Lenovo– We will become one of the world's greatest technology companies by creating personal devices and being inspired by our own culture, through which we build a business respected around the world.

Apple– we produce the best personal computers in the Mac world along with professional software OS X, iLife, iWork. We continue the revolution in the world of digital music with iPod and iTunes. Rediscovering mobile with iPhone and the App Store and shaping the future of mobility with iPad. At the beginning of our activity, the mission sounded somewhat simpler - we offer the highest quality computers to people all over the world.

Microsoft– We help people and business organizations around the world realize their full potential.

Rostelecom– we create more opportunities for people, both through our services and through the implementation of projects and initiatives that address topics important to society.

Uralvagonzavod– we strengthen the defense capability and develop the transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation by creating high-tech innovative products for military, special and civilian purposes.

(manufacturer of the ARMATA tank): Strengthening the defense capability and development of the transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation by creating high-tech innovative products for military, special and civilian purposes.

Telecommunications and IT companies

Yandex– we help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life.

Google– we organize the world’s information and make it accessible and useful everywhere

Beeline– we help people get joy from communication, feel free in time and space.

Megaphone— let’s unite Russia, breaking down barriers and developing communications to become everyone’s obvious choice. We create conditions for people to communicate, without taking into account borders and distances.

MTS— We are working to make MTS the best operator for its customers. We wish that every person who comes to an MTS salon, calls our call center, or uses the company’s services, enjoys being our client. Thanks to reliable communications, we provide our clients with the opportunity to build and improve their lives and constantly develop. All our resources are aimed at ensuring that, thanks to the company’s services, the lives of MTS clients become more eventful, interesting and filled with new opportunities.

Yota— we will be a leading developer and supplier of innovative mobile services that will change, at least one iota, people’s perceptions and experiences in the field of communication, entertainment and information consumption.

Tele2— We challenge, act quickly and offer a wide range of Internet-based services at an affordable price.

Svyaznoy— we work with people and for people. We create an exciting world of mobile communications and new offers that are understandable and accessible to everyone. We provide simplicity, convenience and attractive choice.

Youtube— We provide quick and easy video access and the ability to frequently share videos.

Facebook— we give people the opportunity to communicate and make the world more open and united.

Twitter— we give everyone the opportunity to exchange ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

Oil and gas industry

Gazprom— the most efficient and balanced gas supply to Russian consumers, implementation of long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

Rosneft— innovative, environmentally safe and cost-effective satisfaction of society’s needs for energy resources. Thanks to a unique resource base, high technological level and a team of professionals committed to their work, we ensure sustainable business growth and increased shareholder returns. We contribute to social stability, prosperity and progress of the regions.

Lukoil— created to harness the energy of natural resources for the benefit of humans.


Sberbank— we give people confidence and reliability, we make their lives better, helping them realize their aspirations and dreams.

Bank opening— we help our clients, employees, counterparties and even competitors realize their financial opportunities.

The Bank of New York We strive to be recognized as a global leader and partner of choice in helping our clients succeed in the world of rapidly evolving financial markets.

Citibank- a reliable partner for our clients, responsibly providing them with financial services that contribute to sustainable development and economic progress. In the interests of clients, we invest in reliable assets, provide borrowed funds, process payments and provide access to capital markets. We help our clients solve their most complex problems and make the best use of emerging opportunities. We connect millions of people in hundreds of countries and cities.

Government agencies and non-profit organizations

Mission of the State Hermitage Volunteer Service— we foster a sense of responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage.

CIA- the eyes and ears of a nation, and sometimes its invisible hand. We achieve the mission as follows:

— By collecting only the necessary intelligence.

— Providing relevant, objective and comprehensive analysis on time.

— Perform protective actions against the President of the United States to prevent threats or to achieve US political objectives.

Services sector

Aeroflot– we work so that our clients can quickly and comfortably travel vast distances, which means they can be mobile, meet more often, work successfully and see the world in all its diversity. We give customers the opportunity to choose thanks to an extensive route network and various airlines of the Group: from low-cost airlines to premium airlines.

Russian Railways— we work for clients, contribute to the unification of peoples, integrate Russia into a single economic space. Our solutions are based on a unique infrastructure, the skill of a team of high-level professionals and innovative technologies.

First Freight Company— we provide the best quality transport and logistics services on the market. We will make rail transportation of goods accessible and attractive to the client.

Disneyland— we work to ensure that adults and children spend more time together.

Ritz-Carlton hotel chain— tireless care and provision of maximum comfort to each guest.

New York Public Library— we inspire continuous learning, dissemination of knowledge and strengthening of our society.

Consulting companies

Solution consulting— We promote the growth of domestic companies by helping to implement effective development methods.

McKinsey & Company— We help clients make individual, lasting and significant improvements in their operations and build a great company by attracting, inspiring and retaining exceptional people.

The Boston Consulting Group— we analyze, we understand and then we act. We bring together people who can challenge established ideas and bring about exactly the changes that are needed. We help clients develop the necessary competencies and achieve long-term benefits. And we shape the future. Together.

Metallurgical industry

RUSAL— we will become the most efficient aluminum company in the world, which we and our children can be proud of. Through the success of RUSAL - to the prosperity of each of us and society.

Metalloinvest— we will provide the buyer with high quality metal and provide the highest level of service.

Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant- a leader in creation.

United Metallurgical Company— we produce metallurgical products and products for the fuel and energy complex that best meet the needs of customers due to the optimal ratio of price and consumer properties.

Distributors, networks and trade and e-commerce enterprises

PRINT- a link between publishers and readers.

Ribbon— we work to ensure that people in Russia live better and richer, saving their money every day.

Sportmaster— we make sports accessible! We are developing a successful and efficient business, offering customers an optimal range of quality goods for sports and outdoor activities with an optimal level of service. We contribute to the improvement of population health in the countries where we operate, promoting the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, sports and active recreation, and improving the quality of life of our clients.

Zappos— We provide our clients with the best service possible.

SNA— we will be the undisputed leader in the distribution of FMCG goods in the CIS countries, providing customers with high-quality goods and ideal service, acting in the interests of society and consumers, employees and shareholders.

Protek— We care about the beauty and health of people. We value the economic, social and ethical values ​​of society, honestly fulfilling our obligations to people, partners, investors and the state and thereby setting standards for doing business.

Dixie— we satisfy the daily needs of the majority of Russian residents with the best price-quality ratio - Simple, Nearby, Neighborly

TERVOLINA- high-quality, comfortable shoes and excellent service - for every customer!

Walmart— We save people money so they can live better.

AUCHAN— We offer more and more customers a wider range of quality products at low prices.

Leroy Merlin East— we will make it affordable for everyone to repair and improve their home

Castorama— we help buyers make their homes more perfect and comfortable, transform the labor-intensive and costly process of repair and improvement into an interesting hobby that is accessible to everyone.

IKEA— we will change the daily lives of ordinary people for the better.

Amazon- Let's become the most customer-friendly company on Earth.

EBay— we will provide a global trading platform where anyone can sell or buy almost anything.

Alibaba— we remove all barriers between the buyer and the seller.

Manufacturers of consumer goods

Baltika— we create a high-quality product that gives people the joy of communication, makes their lives brighter and more interesting.

Coca-Cola— we refresh the world, body, mind and spirit. We awaken optimism through our drinks and our deeds. We bring meaning to everything we do. Our vision of tasks is based on five words that reflect our values ​​- Personnel, Planet, Products, Partners, Profit!

Daria— we free up consumers’ time for a full life by producing high-quality, easy-to-cook products.

Wrigley– creating simple pleasures to brighten every day.

Luxlite— leadership in the Russian lighter market for long-term partnership.

JTI— we are creating a powerful international tobacco company that would operate with maximum benefit for its shareholders, employees, consumers and society as a whole and strive to take a leading position in its industry.

Unilever- We give energy to life. We satisfy people's everyday needs for food and hygiene. Our brands help you feel great, look great and get more pleasure from life.

Mary Kay— we decorate the lives of women all over the world, offering customers quality products. We open new horizons for independent beauty consultants and provide them with unlimited career opportunities, doing everything to ensure that women who come across Mary Kay can realize themselves.

Levi-Strauss— We supply the market with the most beautiful and popular casual clothing in the world. Let's dress the whole world.

Nike— We bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.

Adidas— We will be a leader among global sports brands. We achieve leadership based on our vision - our passion for sports makes the world a better place. All our work is inspired by the passion for sport that drives us, allowing us to improve ourselves and the world around us.

Canon— we help people realize the full potential of the image.

Polaroid— we are improving the market for instant photography and digital equipment to meet the growing need of people to capture the faces of friends and family, places dear to their hearts and funny moments in life.

Gillette Every day, more than 800 million people around the world trust their faces and skin to Gillette's innovative razors and shaving products. We strive to provide people with the best personal care products, including deodorants and body washes. All of them are designed to meet people's unique needs, helping them look great, feel good and perform at their best every day.

Catering industry

Teremok— We are creating a national public catering network. We will be loved by customers by offering national dishes of a new generation: pancakes, porridges, stews and kvass, with the best taste in Russia. Our products will become available to most of the Russian population. We are always happy to see people of all ages here. We give people joy and pleasure.

McDonald's- To be our customers' favorite place to eat or drink. And the formula for achieving this goal is one old McDonald's formula: KKCH and D, which means Quality, Service Culture, Cleanliness and Availability.

KFC– We bring joy to life.

Automotive industry

AvtoVAZ— we create high-quality cars for our customers at affordable prices, bringing stable profits to our shareholders, improving the well-being of our employees and increasing the value of our business for the benefit of the Fatherland.

GAS— We produce commercial vehicles that guarantee the customer benefits from the purchase thanks to uncompromising quality and reliable, impeccable service, ensured by the highest competence of personnel, partner suppliers, innovations in production and products.

URAL— we satisfy the needs of society for vehicles with a gross weight of 12 to 44 tons and create conditions for maintaining the performance of vehicles during operation.

KamAZ— We supply automotive equipment and branded services, helping clients achieve inspiring goals.

Ford“We are a global family and proud of our heritage of providing personal freedom of movement to people around the world.

Toyota– maximum satisfaction of customer needs by providing reliable and safe TOYOTA products and providing a network of high-quality service and qualified maintenance.

BMW— The BMW Group is the world's leading supplier of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

Harley-Davidson— we make people’s dreams come true, using our experience in creating the best motorcycles!

G. Ford defined the mission of the Ford company as providing people with cheap transport. He understood well that the company’s mission should be aimed at the consumer and solve primarily the consumer’s problems, and not the internal problems of the organization, such as ensuring profit, expanding the market, increasing sales, etc.

The mission of the famous Eastman Kodak company is: “To become the world leader in chemical and electronic imaging.” Here we see that the statement outlines the company's main long-term goal - "to become a global leader", but also specifies in which industry. At the same time, despite the fact that we know this company more as a manufacturer of photographic products, the company's management does not limit itself only to these products.

Matsushita Electric's mission is to "contribute to improving the quality of life by providing society with household appliances that are as cheap as water."

Considering this mission, we see that, on the one hand, it is quite specific, because:

the company's field of activity is named - production of electrical household appliances;

a global goal has been outlined - improving the quality of life of society;

It is clear how the company is going to achieve its goal - supplying society with cheap electrical appliances.

But at the same time

the aspiration of Matsushita Electric is formulated very broadly and implies the presence of a variety of projects leading to one global result;

The direction of development is also formulated broadly and gives greater freedom in choosing specific ways to achieve the goal.

The mission statement of Sun Banks, one of the world's largest financial institutions, is a prime example of a mission being the product of careful and serious thought. Sun Banks' mission is to promote the economic development and welfare of the communities served by the company by providing citizens and businesses with quality banking services in a manner and to an extent consistent with high professional and ethical standards, providing fair and appropriate returns to the company's shareholders, and equitable relations with company employees.

Another example of a successful (in the author’s opinion) mission is the mission of the Reyter company. It goes like this: “Providing services to those who seek to improve the management of their company is our only business; customer satisfaction is our main goal.” In stating its mission, the company does not limit itself to a certain set of clients, but is ready to provide its services to all those who need it, with maximum benefit to the consumer.

Despite the fact that Russian companies are just beginning to realize the importance of the mission for the functioning of organizations, many companies still have a mission statement. As an example, here are a few excerpts from the missions of Russian companies.

Dovgan Corporation - “protected quality, protected health.”

The mission of the management and marketing consulting center is to “promote the economic rise of Russia and win its worthy place in the world market through the development of Russian entrepreneurship.”

The Radian company is “providing the region with modern engineering and technical security equipment from leading companies in the world, comprehensive solutions that combine: security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems and restrictions on access to premises, as well as air conditioning and lighting.”

An example of a differentiating mission is Nokia's mission: "By connecting people, we help meet the fundamental human need for connection and social contact. Nokia builds bridges between people - whether they are apart or face to face - and helps people get the information they need." It would seem, which of the things listed in Nokia’s mission are not being done by other mobile communications manufacturers? Motorola, Sony-Ericsson, LG, Panasonic and other players in this market offer absolutely the same things.

For example, the Russian industrial company OAO Severstal, listed by Forbes magazine, uses its mission statement to communicate to employees the company's key priorities and how it relates to them and other stakeholder groups. As a result, if a company employee has a question about what to do in a given situation, whether it is worth looking for non-standard solutions or being content with long-accepted approaches to work, the mission provides answers to these questions.

In addition, being a large company with an extensive structure, Severstal OJSC invests in the development of the infrastructure of the regions in which the company's production is located, which is reflected in its mission and values. Such investments not only contribute to business development, but also have a positive impact on the loyalty of employees to the company - thus they have the opportunity to feel part of something important and greater than just the production of steel products, which they do not even deal with in life.

The mission of Severstal OJSC: “To be the best partner for all stakeholders: to create competitive advantages for its consumers, to generate growing and reliable demand for suppliers, to guarantee an attractive return for shareholders and a decent level of remuneration for the company’s employees, to help unleash the creative potential of employees. Most significant and priority standards of behavior in the company are reflected in the strategic values ​​of Severstal OJSC: continuous improvement by unlocking the creative potential of employees, focus on results, team spirit, trust and honesty, willingness to accept challenges, leadership, customer focus, social responsibility."

Citibank Mission: We help people manage their money effectively.

EBay's Mission: To provide a global marketplace where anyone can buy or sell virtually anything.

Ford Motor Mission: We are a global family and proud of our heritage of bringing personal freedom to people around the world.

Mary Kay Mission: To brighten the lives of women around the world by offering clients quality products, opening new horizons for independent beauty consultants and providing them with unlimited career opportunities, doing everything to ensure that women who come into contact with the Mary Kay company can realize themselves.

focusing the attention of stakeholders on specific aspects of its strategy and specific types of products, customer groups, markets, geographic regions, or ways to achieve business goals. The narrow approach is especially actively used by companies that at one time were the first to introduce a certain innovation to the market, since it is precisely this that is their main competitive advantage and strategic guideline. Or, the mission is formulated narrowly if the success of the company requires an absolutely clear understanding of every aspect of its activities.

Examples of a narrow approach to mission statements include companies and organizations such as IBM, Polaroid, Starbucks, and the CIA, among others.

IBM Mission: We strive to be leaders in the invention, development and production of the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, storage systems and microelectronics. We turn these technologies into value for customers through professional solutions, service and consulting services around the world.

Polaroid's Mission: To advance the instant photography and digital market to meet people's growing need to capture the faces of friends and family, places dear to their hearts, and life's funny moments.

Starbucks Mission: To be the world's leading provider of the world's finest coffees while growing the company through our unwavering principles (a respectful place to work; cultural diversity; coffee excellence; customer satisfaction; community contributions; profitability).

CIA Mission: We are the eyes and ears of a nation, and sometimes its invisible hand. We achieve the mission as follows:

By collecting only the necessary intelligence.

By providing relevant, objective and comprehensive analysis – on time.

Performing protective actions against the President of the United States to prevent threats or to achieve U.S. political objectives.

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