Home Steering During physical hard work, etc. Physical labor professions. Tough professions. What is the difference between mental and physical labor?

During physical hard work, etc. Physical labor professions. Tough professions. What is the difference between mental and physical labor?

There is an opinion that mental work is easier and more prestigious than physical work. We think many people have heard: “If you don’t take up your studies, you’ll work hard all your life” or “ " For some, these are serious arguments to sit down with books and, ultimately, receive a guarantee of a profitable and dust-free job - a diploma. Someone, on the contrary, believes that strong hands will always find work, and poring over a textbook is the lot of white-handed people and weaklings. will dot all the i’s so that you don’t choose your future profession in captivity of stereotypes.

What is the difference between mental and physical labor?

Brainwork is a mental activity consisting of reviewing and summarizing information that must be changed in a certain way. For example, we are faced with a task, and in order to complete it correctly, we must analyze the condition, build a solution algorithm, having previously selected and synthesized the necessary knowledge.

The basis physical labor constitute human muscular efforts aimed at transforming the surrounding world.

In fact, such a strict distinction is conditional. Essentially, these are two sides of the same coin. In primitive times, such a division simply did not exist: in order to catch a mammoth, you had to use your brain, think through a plan of action, organize a trap and, of course, give it your all.

Over time, society was divided into poor and rich, and hard physical labor became the lot of the former, and mental labor - the privilege of the latter. This situation persisted for centuries.

In the 21st century, the share of mental work has increased significantly and continues to increase due to the constant growth of information. The development of technology has made it possible for people to make their work much easier.

But this does not mean that mental work is completely devoid of physical activity and vice versa. We are talking, rather, about the predominance of one type of activity over another.

Disadvantages of mental work

During mental work, our brain is not only regulating (as in physical work), but also the main working organ, therefore intellectual stress affects the state of the central nervous system and overall well-being in general.

Mental work always causes nervous and emotional stress. And if you organize the work process incorrectly, you can drive yourself to exhaustion and neurosis. A sedentary lifestyle, characteristic of this type of activity, can also play a cruel joke: weight gain, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc. You definitely need to arrange breaks for yourself and exercise sessions. A healthy body not only has a healthy mind, but also a healthy brain. So, if you have health problems, mental work will not save the situation.

The benefits of physical labor

Physical activity improves brain function and the condition of our body as a whole. It’s much more pleasant to solve any problem, feeling cheerful and full of energy, than terribly tired and with a sore head, you’ll agree.

Physical labor has the same beneficial effect on the body as playing sports. Moderate loads strengthen the body, but you should be careful here: any strength has a limit and you should not test it.

The work may involve performing the same type of operations, which are reproduced automatically over time. In this case, the problem arises of what to do with your head. The answer is simple: it needs to be loaded with useful information and entertaining puzzles. In my free time, read books, solve crosswords, solve a Rubik's cube - in general, do whatever your heart desires. Otherwise, work may soon become boring.

In both cases, you need to properly organize your daily routine, workload and nutrition. When working mentally, you should eat fatty fish (trout, salmon, sardines), porridge (oatmeal and rice), tomatoes and all types of cabbage, walnuts, eggs. Sweets in moderation won't hurt either. And during physical activity - baked goods, potatoes, pasta, meat, eggs, fish. Alternate mental and physical work, then work will be joyful and beneficial.

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Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


We all spend a third of our lives at work, which can be called easy and pleasant very rarely and with great stretch. And, in fact, no one promised fairy tales! If you want to live, know how to spin. But there are also women’s professions whose level of “stress” is simply off the charts. Unfortunately, no one pays extra for stress or gives extra vacations. Therefore, all that remains is to look for ways to reduce the consequences of such work to zero. So, the most stressful professions for women...

  • Supervisor. A stressful job for both men and women. It is certainly more difficult for women: physical and psychological stress quickly eats away at health, the work schedule is 25 hours a day, long business trips and constant employment do not leave time for family. Stress, chronic fatigue and heart disease are constant companions. And then everyone has to prove to everyone that a woman boss is no worse than a man. There are also problems in the maternal and sexual spheres of life: a woman leader thinks about children quite late; a wife, constantly absent from home and accustomed to commanding, seduces few people; libido gradually fades from fatigue and stress. This profession is suitable for you if your children are already able to take care of themselves, if your spouse understands and supports you, if your nerves are like steel ropes, and you can easily put any man in business under your belt.

  • Teacher (or educator). One of the most stressful professions. Working with children is never easy, but communicating with their parents is even harder. The stress is more psychological, because it is necessary not only to motivate students to study, but also to cope with those who categorically do not want to live by the rules of school society. There is also such a factor as school policy - additional pressure, which requires strong nerves. And all this hassle doesn’t pay off with a salary. Another nuance is the vocal cords. Sore throat is practically an occupational disease of teachers, and the risk of losing your voice is more than 30 times higher than in other professions. If you have dreamed of working as a teacher all your life, adore children, have a strong nervous system, and you do not have an urgent need for money (your husband provides), then this job is for you.

  • The main stress factor in this job is almost nothing depends on you. They decide for you how long you will work, where to go on a business trip, how short your vacation will be, what to write about and what to film. There is practically no room for error. Information overload, the risk of a mistake that could cost your reputation, and danger to life (covering events such as natural disasters or military operations) also do not add to mental stability. Typically, such work is chosen by people who are courageous, self-confident, creative and selflessly devoted to their profession.

  • A category of people for whom stress at work is normal. Of course, a person gets used to everything - to the sight of patients with serious illnesses, to blood and death, to difficult patients who are unable to control themselves, etc. But the consequences of stress, which we do not notice, do not appear immediately, but years later. And the work schedule of any doctor, intern or nurse is very difficult - with serious physical activity and extremely low wages. Your health, even the best, is also under attack. If you were born to help people, if the Hippocratic Oath is not just empty words for you, you are resilient, able to find an approach to any person, and know how to heal with words - perhaps this is the very profession for which you were born.

  • Waitresses. Stress factors: uncomfortable work shifts (sometimes night shifts), constant work on your feet (hence varicose veins and other “joys”), the need to smile even if you feel bad, and the need to remember “the customer is always right” even if you are frankly humiliate. As a reward - rare tips, low wages and the risk of being fired from work for any “misdemeanor”. If you have enough patience for any attacks from clients and bosses, and “working with people” is interesting and even joyful to you, then do not forget about resting your legs and preventing varicose veins.

  • Office employee. Oddly enough, a person in this profession also has many reasons for stress: large volumes of work, its fast pace, heavy workload and the need to stay late after work, difficult microclimate in the team and tyrant bosses. Physical problems include spinal diseases, dry eye syndrome and tunnel syndrome, deterioration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic and venous systems, and hemorrhoids due to a sedentary lifestyle. Strong nerves alone are not enough for such work; you also need good health, as well as an understanding that without preventing a number of diseases, this work will come back to haunt you quite soon.

  • Stressful and physically difficult work, which is accompanied by a whole bunch of diseases. Harmful physical and stress factors: difficult clients, working on the feet (varicose veins, spinal problems, arthritis), constant interaction with dyes and other chemicals (respiratory diseases) used in hairdressing, etc. It’s not enough to cut a client’s hair - you need to cut his hair so that the person leaves satisfied. It’s impossible to relax - the hairdresser is constantly on edge. It is important to guess the client’s desire and mood, withstand all his nagging and hysterics, and achieve the desired result, despite the fact that sometimes you just want to shave this arrogant client bald in revenge. In general, if you have problems with your legs, nerves and lungs, if you are not able to keep your emotions in check, this job is not for you.

  • And here I am walking, beautiful, in uniform and cap, through the cabin of the plane, smiling at everyone, wishing them a good flight... This is how romantic girls dream. In fact, The job of a flight attendant is recognized as one of the most dangerous and stressful: again and again this nasty varicose veins (work on the legs), the formation of blood clots due to constant changes in pressure; the bad effect of continuous vibration on blood vessels; earlier aging of the skin due to the high dryness of the air on the plane (humidity on board is no higher than 40 percent when the norm is 65-75); fading of pregnancy (miscarriages) during work even in the early stages; violent clients (often); psychological stress during weather-problematic flights, etc. In general, the work is “hellish”. If you are dreaming about children right now, if you have problems with blood vessels, and your spouse drinks valerian in boxes while you are on a flight, change your job to something more mundane and calm.

  • A very popular job that forces you to constantly be on your toes, and allows you to earn money, if not caviar and Hawaii, but for bread with cheese and sausage - for sure. Stress factors and other nuances of work: compliance with the dress code - work in heels and in certain clothes, no breaks - on your feet all the time, willingness to help every client, smiling broadly and explaining basic things for the thousandth time. It is prohibited to respond to rudeness with rudeness, it is prohibited to sit with a sad look, and in general everything that is not permitted is prohibited. And very little is allowed. The job is suitable for an active, active, sociable girl without health and communication problems.

  • Oh, these days of receiving pensions and benefits... And, most importantly, no one really cares whether it’s your fault that the money has not yet been transferred - that’s all! Who else should I lose my temper on? Being a postal employee is not just about working with people, it is about working with the most difficult segments of the population - old people and young mothers. And also long working hours and pittance wages. This job is suitable for women who are bored sitting at home, and for whom work is needed only as a pleasant pastime. Nerves of steel are one of the requirements.

In production, not all work is mechanized yet. Therefore, many people are engaged in hard physical labor. These are loaders, slingers, cutters, builders, miners, lumberjacks, road and railway repair workers, many field workers, etc.

Hard physical work requires great physical strength, endurance, spinal flexibility, joint mobility, and good health. During its implementation, a person practically uses all muscle groups - large and small, the fatigue of which occurs at different times. But this happens quite quickly. After just 1.5-2 hours of hard work, general fatigue begins to be felt, muscle strength and endurance decrease, a violation of body stability begins to appear, performance decreases, etc.

To replenish the expended strength and energy, a fairly long rest, up to several hours, is required. This is not possible in a production environment. Physical education will help shorten the recovery period for this category of workers. Specially selected relaxation exercises for active recreation, stretching the muscles and spine, breathing, etc., alternating with self-massage techniques and periods of passive rest, reduce tension in internal organs and systems and improve the regulatory function of the central nervous system. Normalization of breathing, arterial blood pressure, decreased heart rate, and decreased feelings of fatigue occur in fairly short periods of time - 5-10 minutes of active rest.

With an 8-hour work shift, workers with heavy physical labor are given up to 36 minutes for rest. During each regulated break, part of the time is intended for industrial physical education. The most appropriate forms are: introductory gymnastics, physical education breaks (in the first and second half-shift), physical education minute. For some workers who need additional training, a special rehabilitation and preventive complex is recommended.

Introductory gymnastics prepares the musculoskeletal system, muscular and cardiovascular systems for the upcoming hard work. By warming up the muscles and ligaments, it activates other body systems. The complex includes special exercises - performed energetically, like exercises.

A physical break is done after 1.5-2 hours of work in the first and second half shift. The complex consists mainly of relaxation and stretching exercises, self-massage techniques for individual parts of the body and limbs, and passive rest. Performed for 5 minutes, it reduces fatigue and eliminates the feeling of fatigue. In the second half-shift, when fatigue becomes deeper and more noticeable, AF should be longer (7-10 minutes), but with less load. It is also necessary to provide for passive rest.

A physical exercise minute is performed at the discretion of the worker for a particular part of the body, more often at the end of the working day, outside of regulated breaks.

Workers with heavy physical labor more often than others experience overload of the musculoskeletal system, which can cause pain and the development of osteochondrosis in different parts of the spine. Therefore, they are recommended to perform a rehabilitation and preventive complex most often after finishing work in a specially equipped room.

This form of training was readily used, for example, by port workers at the Murmansk sea cargo port, where large smoking rooms and uncomfortable rest rooms were turned into “health rooms.” They were provided with equipment for physical exercise during working hours. Installed comfortable chairs and special devices allow you to take certain positions to unload the spine and quickly restore performance after heavy unloading and loading work.

No matter what line of work you are in, what industry or company you work for, pressure is everywhere. Below are 55 tips to help you cope better.

    Be clear about your career goals. What do you want to achieve as a result of all this? Does this align with your life goals? This is exactly what should support you every day.

    Go to work early every day. Let this be a good start.

    Put everything in order. Determine for yourself a sector of two tasks.

    Keep a to-do list with you of the tasks you need to complete.

    Check your list throughout the day to make sure you're doing everything right.

    Jot down any other tasks that come up in a notebook. Start them when you are free.

    Don't skip lunch. It is harmful. Plus, you won't be able to work effectively if you don't have energy.

    Don't eat lunch at your desk. Get out into the fresh air for at least a little while.

    Have lunch with your work colleagues. It's time to relieve the tension.

    Develop meaningful relationships with your work colleagues.

    Help your work colleagues. You will feel better when you give something.

    Become a mentor to someone at work. Helping someone solve their own problems can help you look at yours in a new way.

    Know what your boss expects from you. Discuss/review your own work plan regularly.

    Achieve the highest results.

    Build a truly friendly relationship with your boss.

    Discuss your problems with someone. Don't keep them inside you.

    Don't be late for meetings/discussions/meetings.

    Prepare for meetings/discussions/meetings.

    Try to anticipate potential problems.

    Prepare possible plans in case of such problems.

    Think about opportunities, not problems.

    Focus on the big picture. Look at the long term, not the short term.

    Approach the problem in a new way, looking at your own situation from the point of view of another person.

    Follow the 80/20 principle. Get rid of 80% of non-essential things and tasks.

    Focus on what you can do about the situation.

    Distribute work where possible.

    Learn to say “no” if a task is not a priority for you.

    Switch to something else if you can't do anything about this situation.

    Rely on the experience and knowledge of your colleagues.

    Raise problems with your own boss if they are beyond your capabilities.

    Identify your own voltage sources and find a solution to the problem.

    Reward yourself when you accomplish something.

    Maintain your social circle outside of work. Your life doesn't revolve around work.

    Breathe deeply and calmly all the time.

    Practice good posture. It makes you look better, allows you to think better, and prevents back pain in the future.

    Meditate daily to clear your mind.

    Listen to your favorite music while you work (with headphones, of course).

    Play sports. Set aside a specific time for it every week.

    Make your desk comfortable for work. Create an organizing system, put up personal photos, put away unnecessary things, etc.

    Take a break from the computer from time to time. Go to the toilet, go to the buffet, etc.

    Snack on fruit if you're hungry.

    Place a bottle/glass of water near you. Many employees do not drink enough water daily.

    Look ahead in your planner/weekly so you know what's coming up next.

    Be the master of your time.

    Make a commitment to leaving work on time.

    Do what is necessary today and leave the rest for tomorrow. Work won't go away.

    Get enough sleep every day. Try to sleep at least 6 hours. This will allow you to work longer the next day.

    Rest if you are sick. You are not Superman, but even Superman gets tired from time to time.

    Manage your capabilities wisely.

    If things get tough, remember that this is all part of your job - that's what you get paid for.

    Focus on what you love about your job.

    Relax after a hard day. Take time out for vacation.

    Leave your job. If all the previous 54 tips don't help and your job is too hard for you, quit it. There is no point in living a life full of suffering.

Tips as a bonus!

Do everything gradually. As Michael Jordan put it, “One step at a time, I see no other way to achieve anything.”

Separate yourself from the situation. People become tense and irritable because they associate themselves with the problem and the consequences. Recognize that it exists separately from you, look at it objectively.

Do your best and the rest will follow.

Move the point of control inside. Do you usually blame external circumstances for everything that happens, or do you take responsibility for yourself? If you take control of whatever happens, even if it seems out of control, you will be better equipped to deal with what happens.

Translation of the article: “55 Tips to Manage Work Stress.”

The results of numerous studies indicate that when lifting heavy objects, very large mechanical loads act on the intervertebral discs of the lumbar region, sometimes approaching the limit of their mechanical strength. For example, the compression load when seating a patient with paralyzed lower limbs in a wheelchair for different orderlies ranged from 485 to 9381 N; lifting cast iron beams weighing 680 N resulted in compression of the disks with a force of 9000 N.

The tensile strength of intervertebral discs, according to the data, ranges from 3698 N (old woman) to 12981 N (young man). Therefore, the task of reducing the load on the lumbar region as much as possible is urgent. This is achieved by correct lifting technique, the use of the above-mentioned belts and corsets and standardization of the weight, size and position of the load in relation to the worker.

As for lifting technique, the recommendations boil down to the following: try to squat, not bend over; maintain the natural curvature of the spine (lumbar lordosis) when lifting and lift loads not with a jerk, but with a slow and smooth movement.

In general, when lifting loads, you should try to get as close to the object being lifted. It is necessary, however, to take into account that a decrease in loads on the lumbar region when lifting loads while squatting (with legs) is accompanied by a simultaneous increase in forces acting on the anatomical formations of the knee joints. For workers with initial signs of arthrosis of the knee joints, this method of lifting may not be suitable.

If lumbar lordosis is maintained when lifting heavy objects, stress concentration on the anterior surface of the intervertebral discs can be avoided. This method of lifting is preferable.

These lifting variations should be specifically taught. The mechanical load on the spine, in addition to the weight of the load being lifted, is determined by its size and position. The presence of handles on the object being lifted is also important.

The larger the size of the object being lifted, the further its center of mass is located from the body and the greater the moment the extensor muscles of the spinal column have to develop when lifting it (for more details, see below). As for the position of the load, two circumstances are important.

The position of the load affects the depth of the torso when lifting and its rotation. When the torso is tilted forward, the activity of the muscles that extend the spinal column first increases, but then, with a deeper tilt, it almost completely disappears (Fig. 2.). The load is taken on by the ligaments and fascia of the back. Since they are located close to the axis of rotation, they must provide strong resistance to the moment of gravity.

In this case, the pressure on the intervertebral discs is very large. The muscles of the spinal column are also relatively relaxed in the initial phase of lifting small weights (up to approximately 200...300 N) from a deep bending position. The beginning of extension and lifting occurs due to rotation of the pelvis. Therefore, you should avoid lifting flat, low loads lying on the floor.

Rice. 22. Activity of the muscles that extend the spinal column.

High electrical activity; + - weak activity;

– – lack of activity

As for the rotation of the body, it was found that the most dangerous are not compression, but torsion loads associated with the action of a moment of force relative to the longitudinal axis of the spinal column.

It is not the lifted load itself that should be standardized, but the mechanical load created by this load, which depends not only on the mass of the load, but also on the method of lifting it.

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