Home brakes World Kindness Day and just a good story. Good Deeds Day When is Kindness Day celebrated?

World Kindness Day and just a good story. Good Deeds Day When is Kindness Day celebrated?

My selections of impromptu and poems about kindness.

Doing good deeds is incredibly simple, goodness is not measured by money, sometimes it does not require much time and effort, the main thing is to start. Even just a kind smile to a stranger is already able to work wonders, including for the person who does this Good. After all, in addition to the fact that good deeds improve everyone's mood, they also have the best effect on well-being, increase vitality.

According to a study by psychologists and doctors from different countries, people who do good deeds every day feel better physically, feel their life is more harmonious, have better immunity, which means they get sick less and live longer. And all this is even confirmed by practical research - when a person does something good to other people, his level of lymphocytes rises, and blood vessels dilate, this leads to the proper functioning of the heart; the brain releases large amounts of endorphins (known as "pleasure hormones"), which have a calming effect, neutralize the effects of stress, and alleviate depression. Finally, responsiveness is accompanied by an uplifting, bordering on euphoria, which is explained by the production of the hormone serotonin, which regulates our mood.

And as the organizers of the holiday urge, it is important to be kind not only on this Day, but every day, and be kind unlimitedly and disinterestedly. After all, if you expect gratitude (in any of its manifestations) for your kindness, then this is no longer real Kindness.
By the way, the holiday itself has its own traditions during its existence. So, on the Day of Kindness, in addition to good smiles and deeds, it is customary to give flowers to friends and strangers (for example, in Singapore - daisies and gerberas). And especially for this Day, the French artist Aurel (Aurele) created a symbol - an open heart.

In Russia, this holiday is still little known. For the first time, Kindness Day was held in our country in 2009 - then in Moscow on Manezhnaya Square, on the initiative of the Psychology magazine, a flash mob was held, in which everyone took part. Those who came to the square at exactly 11:00 o'clock joined hands, forming a large circle, in the center of which was the Globe of the World Clock. This gesture served as a symbolic sign of solidarity with the whole world and those countries that also celebrate Kindness Day. On the same day, special Postal Points of Kindness were organized in different parts of the capital, where anyone could write kind letters to residents of boarding schools for the elderly with words of participation and support. By the evening of the day, more than 500 letters had been sent to two hundred addresses of residents of boarding schools in the Tula and Vladimir regions.
Please join us in this wonderful celebration. It's so simple - smile at someone who looks like you, hug your parents or a friend, compliment a colleague or boss, give flowers to a neighbor or stranger, call your friends and tell them how wonderful they are, move your grandmother across the road, but only the one who definitely needs to go to the other side of the road parts, make and hang a bird feeder outside, feed a stray kitten or puppy... And the list goes on and on. All this will take little time and effort, but the effect will be colossal. After all, with each such, essentially simple, act, it becomes better for someone, which means more kindness in the world. And it is also important to remember that by such deeds - manifestations of responsiveness, sympathy, generosity, friendliness, love, nobility - we teach our children to do good. And, of course, it is desirable to do good every day, and not just today.
(From the Internet)

A selection of my poems and impromptu about kindness.

Where can kindness find shelter?
They don't give it without money.
Answer me: whose fault
and kindness grows in price?
Life seems crazy at times.
Some hopeless mess.
And yet goodness triumphs over evil.
To all the sorrows and sorrows out of spite!
Share your magical gift with everyone.
A magical gift is the kindness of hearts.
And the healing power of time is not scary.
After all, kindness always crowns everything.
To all of us who live to the grave,
still need strength
so that the world becomes cleaner and kinder,
and became a protection for people.
How not to lose kindness
on the path of life?
And everyone will know their paradise,
and find the way to it?
If kindness is split in the world,
then our world can also crack.
After all, kindness is more valuable than gold.
And you need to help her to resurrect ..
Then life will be valued
when it touches someone's soul.
And someone mean will not deceive
And indifference will not suffocate.
Alas! My eyes are sad.
Nobody gives me an answer
where is the planet of GOODNESS?
Open this planet to me!
There is a planet of Rogues.
Humans have landed on Mars.
And you can't count all the planets.
Don't forget Kindness.
And let her still in dreams.
And only in fantasies do we dream.
May Kindness not fail.
And let it come true.
I want to live with parental covenant:
share kindness, without further ado.
And just be a good person.
And do not have enemies around you.
The day will wake up. And with it will come
purification of the soul.
He awakens good feelings.
Take kindness and you hurry!
You don't have to blow out the candle.
You are in a hurry to give away warmth during your lifetime.
Give kindness and peace of mind.
They are needed on earth by everyone at times.
Time makes us wiser.
Somewhere, there was anxiety.
Are we getting wiser
before the inevitable word "ETERNITY?"
Wherever you look around.
All terrorists and enemies.
And this mold plaque
does not let us sleep peacefully.
Who will bring the good news
what kindness in the world is there?
How important it is without spiritual maety
rid the world of unnecessary fuss.
And a man to be on the decline of days
a little fairer and kinder.
I will cast out envy and malice
and give my soul freedom.
I will leave a trail of kindness
this is my life vow.
Maybe a drop of kindness
your soul will be able to warm.
I will fly, breaking the peace.
And you will thank me.
Good word.
Souls touched.
Isn't this a miracle?
I drank kindness once.
did not quench her thirst.
but, I will repeat in my childhood way.
to take a sip of kindness.

I'm only afraid of emptiness
Empty grievances, empty dreams,
Empty commonplace promises
And ostentatious simplicity.
I'm afraid of empty worthless words
Those that pierce with thorns
And remain only words
Empty speeches empty catch.
Everything in life can be experienced
And hang sins on yourself
But just do not weigh the emptiness,
Do not divide or add.
I love kindness in people.
My life was not empty.
And creeping old age
Only despises emptiness.
I live by my feelings the best I can
I don't know how to live.
I will sprout goodness sprouts
And I'll save them for my grandchildren
An excerpt from my poem "On the meaning of life"

"Our destinies are written in the stars.
To do good - what could be more pleasant?
And give part of your soul to another,
Give the best that you find in yourself.
It is not difficult to give joy to another,
Strengthen, cheer up, comfort.
Goodness a hundredfold and will return to you,
A poured ear and a full harvest.
It is pointless to write about the meaning of life.
Only the Creator of the Universe knows about it.
Be tolerant of others, do not sow malice
Destiny in this Man!

About kindness

I don't envy someone else's happiness
And as best I can, I save mine,
And if friends have bad weather in their souls,
That grief is also mine.
I don't set traps for my friends,
I don't close my heart
And I'm not looking for flaws in their actions.
I love my friends without any big words.
But someone is a master at hurting people.
And with hatred in my soul,
Excites everyone, even if unwittingly,
But malice strangles itself!
I sincerely feel sorry for these people.
God's light does not sparkle in their souls,
There is the eternal darkness of a neglected alley,
And there are no bright corners, unfortunately!
What could be worse than hypocrisy?
The most important thing is not to become impoverished in soul!
And I drive and envy, and unbelief-
You don't have to be a saint to do this!
But I firmly believe in one truth:
Give good - it will return again!
I hear until the last chord:
"People will be warmed only by love!"
You cannot envy someone else's happiness.
You value what you have.
Love! Tell people "Hi!"
Without taking your eyes off it.
I wish you people to be kinder.
No one has the right to change fate!
Life is short! So enjoy it
(This poem was written jointly with Sofia Kilar)


Kira, good afternoon. I never knew about the Day of Kindness, although, of course, one must be kind not only on this day. I liked both the essay and the poems, especially the last poem, which sort of sums up everything that has been said. Not always, unfortunately, kindness is reciprocated with kindness. But doing good to people is already a condition for all happiness. With warmth and all the best in life. Anatoly.

November 13th is World Kindness Day. On this day in 1998, the first conference of the World Kindness Movement was opened in Tokyo, which was attended by Australia, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Great Britain, and the USA. Other countries later joined the movement.

Especially for this day, the French artist Aurel (Aurele) created a symbol - an open heart.

According to a study by Japanese and American psychologists led by Keiko Otake, conducted at Kwansei Gakuin University and Kobe College (Japan), the more good deeds we do, the happier we feel. According to scientists, those who express their gratitude, tenderness and other good feelings for people in specific everyday activities, not only look at the world with great optimism, but also physically feel better, feel their life more harmonious.

In turn, scientists from the University of Michigan (USA) believe that kind people get sick less and live longer. The researchers followed up over 400 older couples over five years. Partners who showed attention and care towards each other were ill half as often.

The scientists also noted that sympathetic people live an average of nine years longer, probably due to the fact that they have better immunity and a healthier heart: after all, when a person does something good for other people, his level of lymphocytes rises, and blood vessels dilate.

Another "side effect" of kindness is the production of "pleasure hormones". When a person helps other people, his brain produces a large amount of endorphins, known as nature's great pain reliever. In addition, endorphins have a calming effect, neutralize the effects of stress, and alleviate depression. By being responsive, we experience physical relief, we feel less lonely, and others cause us less hostility. Finally, responsiveness is accompanied by an uplifting, bordering on euphoria, which is explained by the production of the hormone serotonin, which regulates our mood.

In Russia, World Kindness Day was first celebrated in 2009. On this day, a flash mob took place on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow, initiated by Psychologies magazine. A lot of people gathered on the square, wishing to join the World Movement. All those who came joined hands, thereby forming a circle, in the center of which was the Globe of the Clock of the World. This gesture served as a symbolic sign of solidarity with the whole world and those countries that also celebrate Kindness Day.

In other countries, it is also customary to give flowers to friends and strangers on this holiday.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

A quiz about fairy-tale and cartoon characters familiar from childhood, who were distinguished by friendliness to others:

On November 13, 2018, people celebrate World Kindness Day. She can work real miracles. On such a big day, you should definitely do a good deed, as well as congratulate everyone on the holiday. Such attention will please everyone.

Every person wants to have kind, sympathetic friends, heart-warming words and soul-pleasing deeds in his life.

Research has shown that people who consistently do good deeds feel happier, rarely get sick, and live long lives. And those who do not hide their feelings, express gratitude and tenderness, suffer less depression, are optimists, look positively into tomorrow and consider their life harmonious.

Congratulations in verse on World Kindness Day

So the world lacks kindness
Today you share yours with him,
Maybe your little bit of goodness
Will prolong someone's happiness or life.

I wish you a world kindness day
Stretch your palms towards the sun
Let kindness, affection, warmth
And it will fill our lives with happiness.

Kindness is a simple word
But what a lot of power!
Kindness is always honest
Bright and beautiful.

Let her live in the soul
Let the path show.
That only she rules
Let me prove it soon.

Be closer to your neighbors
You are kindhearted.
And then love and happiness
Will be endless.

Happy Kindness Day, I congratulate you
You are a very kind, bright person.
I admire your heart
In an era where it's more of a defect.

Please save your pure soul
Be happy enough not to blacken her,
I wish the angels look good-natured
Managed to save you from adversity.

Congratulations in prose on World Kindness Day

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life and in the eternal pursuit of blessings, we wish you not to forget about the spiritual side of our personalities, because without kindness, mutual assistance, gratitude and generosity, the whole meaning of existence is lost! Be happy that you have a great gift - the ability to give good! Happy holiday.

Happy Spontaneous Kindness Day, we congratulate everyone who is not indifferent to our entire vast world, who makes every effort to preserve spiritual values ​​and morality! Help each other, be tolerant, compassionate, disinterested and kind!

May the Day of Spontaneous Kindness open a new era of understanding, mutual assistance, support and selflessness in our world! Help your neighbors, know how to forgive, strive to live happily in mutual understanding, love and sincerity! Happy holiday!

Congratulations in SMS on World Kindness Day

Congratulations on the day of kindness
Let your head spin
On this day from the words of the soul
Warm, fabulous, magical

wonderful, wonderful,
Very bright, very cool!
On the day of kindness
Be very happy!

Be in a good mood
And with luck, and with luck,
For life to be great
And fresh and dynamic!

Golden Day of Kindness,
Spiritual Purity Day!
Happy to mark it
Adults are in a hurry and children!

Do good deeds
And give the warmth of the soul
We will be not only on holiday,
To make life more beautiful!

Today's good deeds
Everyone does it for no reason!
Kindness will be spontaneous -
And even more desirable!

Kindness Day has graced the calendar!
And no one needs a dictionary
To understand what a celebration
Beautiful came to us today!

We wish everyone heartfelt kindness,
Smiles of sincere, spiritual warmth!
So that the whole world and people - all around
Filled with light and goodness!

History of World Kindness Day

It all started in 1997, when a volunteer World Kindness Movement was created in Japan, which has no political or religious affiliation, as the activists themselves emphasize. Initially, it included only representatives of the countries of the Pacific region, but later the association significantly expanded its geography. A year later, on November 13, the first conference of the movement started in Tokyo. The day of its opening was chosen as the date of a new holiday - World Kindness Day.

What is the meaning of this day and indeed of the whole movement? As stated in the official declaration of the association of volunteers, "we will strive ... to create a kinder and more compassionate world." Doing good is not at all difficult, and the result will reward you a hundredfold, according to members of the World Kindness Movement. In general, good will save the world and unite peoples, because it is inherent in human nature by default and therefore available to everyone.

The holiday has its own symbol - an open heart. And on the Day of Kindness, it is customary to give flowers to people you meet - both acquaintances and those whom you see for the first time. Bouquets are different in each country, for example, in Singapore they give daisies and gerberas.

Today World Kindness Day is celebrated on all continents, in 28 countries. It is celebrated in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the USA, France, India, Italy, Japan, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, South Korea, the UAE, the UK, and every year the list of countries that have joined is replenished. Every two years, the Kindness Movement elects its International Council.

In Russia, World Kindness Day was held in 2009. They celebrated it with a flash mob on Manezhnaya Square. Its participants, holding hands, formed a "ring of solidarity" around the World Clock Globe.

Traditions of World Kindness Day

The holiday itself has its own traditions during its existence. So, on the Day of Kindness, in addition to good smiles and deeds, it is customary to give flowers to friends and strangers (for example, in Singapore - daisies and gerberas). And especially for this Day, the French artist Aurel (Aurele) created a symbol - an open heart.

In Russia, this holiday is still little known. For the first time, Kindness Day was held in our country in 2009 - then in Moscow on Manezhnaya Square, on the initiative of the Psychology magazine, a flash mob was held, in which everyone took part. Those who came to the square at exactly 11:00 o'clock joined hands, forming a large circle, in the center of which was the Globe of the World Clock.

This gesture served as a symbolic sign of solidarity with the whole world and those countries that also celebrate Kindness Day. On the same day, special Postal Points of Kindness were organized in different parts of the capital, where anyone could write kind letters to residents of boarding schools for the elderly with words of participation and support. By the evening of the day, more than 500 letters had been sent to two hundred addresses of residents of boarding schools in the Tula and Vladimir regions.

World Kindness Day is celebrated annually. The date, which has been settled for several years, falls on the thirteenth of November. The purpose of this holiday is to unite people of all nations, regardless of differences in cultural heritage, religion, language. The date is intended to emphasize the importance of good deeds and good deeds. Only this will allow the whole world to successfully resist wars, violence, terrorism and other troubles, helping each nation to preserve its own uniqueness, originality, and individuality.

history of the holiday

In our vast world, more and more holidays are growing every day. Historical and memorable events are gradually receding into the background, and all new modern celebrations take their place. So, relevance requires the manifestation of special attention to some life moments. In this regard, the example of Kindness Day is illustrative. This unique date allows each of us on this holiday to become a little more cordial, warmer and sincere, to show care and increased attention to every person around us.

World Kindness Day is celebrated on the thirteenth of November. The date for World Kindness Day was chosen in 1998. The issue of establishing such a holiday was raised at the first conference in Tokyo, organized by the International Kindness Movement. The unique feature of this event is that it was held with the participation of representatives of many countries: Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada, Great Britain, Thailand, Australia. Somewhat later, the ranks of the World Kindness Movement were replenished with volunteers from other states.

It is impossible not to mention that the organization, with the light hand of which this wonderful holiday was sanctioned, was created a year earlier in Japan. Under her leadership, volunteers and volunteers from many countries began their active work for the benefit of all mankind. Every year, by their sincere good deeds, they prove that evil can be reduced. Their noble deeds become a model and role model for people all over the planet.

Holiday traditions - how to celebrate

Until recently, the world did not suspect that it was possible to celebrate Kindness Day. But since the establishment of the special date, large-scale celebrations have been held. On the thirteenth of November, performances dedicated to issues of humanity are staged annually on various theatrical stages. Interesting concert programs are organized by artists and musicians. Their performances are full of sincerity and kindness.

At concert and theater venues, performances are played and interesting performances are shown that are dedicated to a significant event. But until recently, the world did not even suspect that it was possible to celebrate this wonderful holiday together. Back in 1998, at a conference in Tokyo, it was decided that once a year, China is obliged to celebrate an event dedicated to such an exalted spiritual quality. Why was it decided to include this day in the list of holidays? This is because, finally, Tokyo's charitable organizations have realized that the world is too bogged down in debauchery, lies, evil and hypocrisy. Later this idea was picked up by other countries.

All sorts of actions organized by charitable foundations from various cities in all corners of the planet are timed to this date. Anyone can join their worthy activities, learn to help and empathize. Modern charitable actions are very diverse. They are focused on supporting veterans, orphans, homeless animals, single mothers. Help is offered to anyone in need. Nobody exerts pressure on the participants of such actions. All decisions are made by the will of the heart, not by coercion.

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