Home Nutrition Moon phases. On what lunar day is it better to start treatment. Starting a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar Treatment according to the moon

Moon phases. On what lunar day is it better to start treatment. Starting a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar Treatment according to the moon

“We dig our own grave with spoons” (Folk wisdom)

Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you satisfied with your body? If not, you have something to think about.

Now listen to your body. Your body will tell you what it doesn't like. It's time to take care of your body.

The most important thing is to eat in a way that does not harm your body. Gluttony, or gluttony, was not without reason considered one of the grave sins. After all, we harm the Universe, which is responsible for us.

You should know that people whose weight exceeds normal by 25% are most susceptible to cancer.

Over the years, our body begins to require a different diet, and therefore meat is no longer so desirable to eat, but fish and vegetables are always welcome. What's the matter? Yes in that


What they don’t say about the bath, what information is just not there! And all of them are an ode to the bath!

Bath has a more pronounced healing effect on our body. Everything in it is useful - both warm steam, and hot water, and massage with brooms, and even the smell of the bath itself. Who once visited the bath, will never forget its smell!

How to remove toxins from the body

In 1955, the German physician G. G. Reckeweg created the theory of homotoxicology, that is, the slagging of the body. He considered diseases as a manifestation of the human defenses, our immune system against external and internal toxins. This means that we are sick because a critical mass of toxins has accumulated in us, and the body has declared war on all this abomination. As soon as the balance is established, there will be a "truce", and we will feel much better. How to determine the degree of contamination of your body?

Gymnastics and nose massage

When breathing through the nose, the air is warmed, cleared of dust and some germs, "that is why breathing through the nose, and not through the mouth, is so important for health.

In the treatment of chronic rhinitis, deviated septum, in which nasal breathing is disturbed, strengthening the muscles of the nose with the help of physical exercises is of great importance.

At the beginning of treatment, you will only need to pay attention to your breathing. For a certain amount of time, you must make sure that you close your mouth and constantly try to breathe through your nose.

Do nose exercises two to three times a day, and after a positive result appears when breathing through the nose - once a day. Hands must be clean when performing exercises,


Exercises for sore feet

If the legs begin to hurt, it is difficult for us to walk. Pain in the legs can disturb even at night and lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which contributes to the appearance of excess weight, salt deposits and other troubles. The lack of walks and outdoor activities weakens the cardiovascular system of the body. Strength, lightness and elasticity of the legs can be restored by following a diet prescribed by a doctor, but therapeutic exercises will help most of all.

Of great importance is shoes that should be comfortable and with a heel of 2-4 cm. If you suffer from flat feet or have a lot of weight, put in shoes bought half a size larger, an arch support that will ease the load on the foot and prevent its flattening. In order not to experience


The Universe gives us a chance to renew the energy that will fill us with strength, nourishing our intuition and giving us the opportunity to restore energetic health.

But after a certain period of time, a silver disc appears in the sky, attracting us with its fabulous beauty and unusual soft light. At this time, the influence of the moon on people, animals and plants becomes especially noticeable.

Selection of spices for treatment

We bring to your attention a table, after reading which you can successfully use certain sets of herbs and spices for the treatment or prevention of specific diseases.

Lunar gymnastics in the days of Aries

It must be remembered that during the days of Aries, the bladder and kidneys are especially sensitive.

Lunar gymnastics exercises during the days of Aries are able to activate the Libra energy spiral to a greater extent between fifteen and seventeen hours. For prevention or treatment, all the positive effects (and surgical interventions) directed these days on the bladder and kidneys are more useful and doubly effective at this time than at another time.

Before doing special exercises for Aries days, pay special attention to the fact that the first basic exercise must be done at a higher intensity. Do this little experiment before the following exercises for the days of Aries: standing, trying not to bend your knees, reach out with your hands to


Diet and horoscope are of great importance for the prevention of diseases, since one of the main causes of poor health is malnutrition. Let's go through each zodiac sign in turn and recommendations according to astrological principles.

As already noted, the Moon governs the stomach, fluids and lymphatic system.

When the Moon is in your zodiac sign, a special diet is recommended, it will help cure diseases that people born under a certain constellation are predisposed to. And remember that the key to good nutrition is not so much the careful selection of products as the state of mind while eating.

Here is a sample set of foods and herbs that help cure diseases that people are predisposed to,


“In the beginning there were spices,” is how Stefan Zweig begins his famous novel Magellan.

Why is this tiny addition to food so important?

The body is the temple of the spirit. In this temple, spices play a special role. They are largely responsible for the taste, and not only products. Spices - at least in part - are responsible for the taste of life as a whole.

The Sanskrit word 'rasa', which means taste, has many meanings, including 'understanding', 'creative inspiration' and 'essence'. Here you can see the connection of taste with a subtle perception of life. And Ayurveda directly says that not only the physical, but also the spiritual state of a person in a certain way depends on six tastes. Three tastes cool - bitter, astringent and sweet. And three warm - spicy, sour and salty.

Lunar gymnastics in the days of Pisces

In the days of Pisces, the organs of the digestive system are especially sensitive to the effects: small and large intestines, spleen, pancreas.

As a prophylaxis or treatment, all the positive influences (and surgical interventions) directed these days on the intestines, digestion, spleen, pancreas, will be most useful between thirteen and fifteen hours.

Exercises to improve the functioning of the digestive system

The same exercise can be aimed at different goals, but its effect varies depending on the setting. If you practice with a specific goal, the exercise is stronger. In this case, pay all attention to the digestive organs.

The purpose of gymnastics determines its methodology. If you want to replace the sluggish


Not much time has passed, and now the beautiful Moon, which recently shone fabulously, begins to lose its strength and light and from a full, bright one gradually turns into a small, thin crescent, which soon disappears altogether. Now the Moon symbolizes recession, depicting the process of dying. What do we women need to know about the waning moon?

This is the best time to get married. It is also a day of mercy and compassion. Feel free to show love and care. Do good to loved ones, give gifts, give alms, especially if they ask for it, restore relationships with people. But don't let them push you around. The flow of love, directed by lunar vibrations, can provoke a feeling of falling in love.

Favorable, bright, clean day. Today, even if you don’t want to, you will still be in high spirits. You need to be able to control your emotions, have chaste thoughts.

It's a dream day. Recall a dream - perhaps your angel is trying to tell or warn something. In a dream, a person can receive spiritual insight, understand his destiny. In the morning, after waking up, you need to concentrate and try to remember what the dream was about, what he could “tell”. All daily activity depends on its reading.

Have you ever wondered why some diseases disappear while others continue their deadly course? Why do our bodies sometimes heal themselves and other times they don't? Why don't medicines always help?

There is great wisdom in bodily sensations and symptoms. Our reflex awareness causes reality.

Lunar gymnastics in the days of Libra

The days of Libra have a particularly favorable effect on the head and upper jaw.

During two or three days of Libra, the exercises of lunar gymnastics are especially effective, starting at three in the morning.

And all the beneficial effects on the head, eyes and nose (including surgical interventions in this area), it is at this time that they will be most effective as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent.

1st exercise

Grab the bridge of your nose or a little higher with your right hand, then gently, without much tension, rub and massage this small area. Do this for as long as you enjoy it. Periodically stop the massage to feel its positive effects. Breathing during the exercise should be slow and even.

2nd exercise

This exercise does not require


Saying goodbye to the Twins The moon, showing off, passes into the sign of Cancer.

The influence of the Moon, which rules the sign of Cancer, will be especially intense and deep.

The Moon influences these people especially strongly. She is strong in all water signs.

Cancer is a watery, "feminine" sign. Obeying the lunar guidance, he exacerbates a whole range of diverse emotions: from the most exalted and life-affirming to the extremely negative and suppressed. The lunar phases of Cancer have an extremely strong effect on your psycho-emotional state.

This is not the time, the energy of which you can use for your own purposes; rather, on the contrary, the Moon in Cancer will "use" you. The only way to experience this lunar period positively and productively is to be honest and open with yourself.


No matter how irritated you are today, keep yourself in control.

On this day, manifestations of anger, bitterness, aggression are categorically contraindicated. Try to avoid emotional outbursts and do not provoke people around you to them. Show kindness, generosity, hospitality. The symbol of the second lunar day is the cornucopia. On this day, feel free to trust your intuition.

When helping others, you need to feel that the help you are giving does not come from you, it is not you who are helping, but your inner Divine light. And you need to become just a channel through which it comes. Feel that you are just a channel, straight, clear, bright.


Balance of flavors

In order to avoid an imbalance in the functioning of the body, human food must harmoniously contain all six tastes. It is almost impossible to get them at the same time from ordinary products. Spices, on the other hand, allow you to refine and balance tastes, to give richness and versatility to the same dish.

Of course, the value of life does not lie only in its taste. But many sensations, feelings and thoughts begin precisely with the level of life of the body, which. gives impulses to the emotional and spiritual spheres. And, despite the fact that the spiritual principle influences the material in the strongest way, this does not negate the significance of the movement from the carnal life upward to the spiritual and spiritual.

It is the tiny doses of spices that


This is the day of wisdom, the acquisition and use of knowledge. The energy of the Moon on this day enhances mental abilities, new information is easily absorbed, new ideas and solutions come.

On the twenty-second lunar day, one should show altruism, transfer one's own experience, knowledge, and show generosity.

Be careful and vigilant today.

This is one of the days of seduction and provocation that can cause a surge of negative emotions. Especially beware of feelings of vengeance. Revenge has never made anyone better or cleaner. If you take revenge on someone, it may turn against you in the very near future. On this day, you need to strive to get rid of excessive aggressiveness, not to succumb to all sorts of adventures, not to get involved in fights. Do not forget that there is great power in the word. It is this powerful weapon that you need to make do with today.

Lunar gymnastics in the days of Aquarius

These days, exercises that train the heart are useful. But remember that in the days of Aquarius, not only the heart is subject to special influence, but also the entire blood circulation, as well as the back and diaphragm.

All the positive effects in the days of Aquarius on the heart and blood circulation are doubly effective as a preventive or therapeutic agent. Surgical interventions during this period will be successful.

When performing the proposed gymnastics, remove the watch from your hand. There is an opinion that quartz watches with batteries and many others (due to the materials used) have a negative effect on blood circulation and mood: they increase the already high level of stress and workload. Observe your well-being and mood, having been on one of the new moons and full moons in hours, and on other new moons and


All the events of this day are aimed at showing where you make mistakes or what you have; flows correctly.

On this day, it is important to learn from the life situations that you find yourself in. All grievances, quarrels, conflicts must be carefully analyzed. The first lunar day provides an excellent opportunity not only to cleanse yourself of past negative memories, but also to learn a lesson from them. The moon promotes the realization of desires, helps to manifest positive energy.

The journey of life has a purpose. And the Moon simply controls emotions and desires, tests our inner light.

Lunar gymnastics in the days of Capricorn

When the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, the chest and lungs, as well as the stomach, liver and gallbladder, are especially affected.

As a prophylaxis or treatment, all positive influences (and surgical interventions) directed these days on the chest, stomach, liver and gallbladder will be most effective from nine to eleven o'clock.

1st exercise

This exercise is a powerful stimulant for the gallbladder meridian. And besides, it remarkably improves the shape of the breast.

I.P .: hands raised to chest level. Grab your left forearm with your right hand and your right forearm with your left hand. Now try to move the opposite hand towards the elbow with your brush, but make sure that your hands do not fall below chest level. At the same time, try to keep your hand


In the days of Leo, the nervous system is especially sensitive. Lunar gymnastics will be most useful between twenty-three and one in the morning.

All positive impacts (and surgical interventions too), as a preventive measure or treatment aimed at the ankle joint and nervous system these days, will be most useful at this time.

Exercises for Leo days are very effective in preventing varicose veins. Unfortunately, one in five women and one in nine men in the world suffer from this disease. It is especially painful for women, since protruding veins, and then venous nodes, dark spots on the skin, turning into ulcers, disfigure the legs, which causes not only physical, but also moral suffering. Patients are worried about pain


Relax, today you can have a good time and relax. The energy of this day contributes to the acquisition of inner freedom. This is a time of fun, emancipation. All things should bring joy. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. Approach matters and problems calmly and confidently.

On this day, the world is filled with female sexual energy. Passion, love, falling in love and the best memories next to you: the day is favorable for the manifestation of feelings and passions.

Day of humility and repentance. This day symbolizes the moral cleansing of the soul and conscience. We must repent, think over our actions, try to get rid of pride. Creative work will be successful today. Do not allow the manifestation of arrogance and swagger.

On this day, focus on your problems, the solution of which cannot be shelved.

How to plan the beginning of a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar? The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, so astrologers advise you to check the Lunar health calendar even before you go to the doctor.

Choosing a good date is quite simple, because there are many days in the lunar cycle that are suitable for starting a course of taking medications, vitamin preparations and conducting medical procedures. It is enough to know the basic rules that are based on the change in the phases of the moon, as well as to exclude unfavorable lunar days in advance.

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle for starting treatment

You have probably heard about the unfavorable, so-called "satanic" days in the lunar calendar. For the most part, these days are at the junction of the changing phases of the moon and are considered emotionally difficult due to the unusually powerful flow of energy from the Earth's satellite. Not all people can cope with it, hence the conflict situations, moments in which “everything falls out of hand”. Astrologers recommend not to forget that doctors are people too, and they advise to postpone the start of the course of treatment to another date.

So, unfavorable days for treatment: 9, 19, 29 lunar days.

The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable days

Having excluded the unfavorable lunar days, let's move on to choosing the most successful date. And here the main rule of the lunar phases works. All undertakings are best planned for growing moon, which, in the course of its own growth, contributes to the growth and development of all life on Earth. The most positive period of the lunar cycle to start taking medications and vitamin preparations, as well as a course of medical procedures, is second lunar quarter. Namely: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 lunar days.

In order to be healthy, a person needs to live according to the laws of nature, because he is part of this world. Everything has its influence on people: the sun, the stars and the moon. Since the moon is a satellite of the Earth and the closest planet to it, its impact on a person is very large. A lot depends on the lunar phases: when you need to do wellness activities, at what time is it better to start taking care of your health. Many people adjust to the lunar schedule and solve problems in this way. The moon affects the body both positively and negatively, and this must also be taken into account. The lunar health calendar 2018 presented in this article shows the days that are favorable for your health.

The influence of the lunar phases on health

During its movement in orbit around the Earth, the satellite goes through 4 stages, each of which acts positively or negatively on the human body. In some of the phases, you need to be especially careful about your health, since the position of the moon directly affects the state of health and mood. Consider each of the lunar phases:

  1. New Moon. It is believed that a person has little energy during the new moon, so he may feel depressed. Immunity is suppressed, because of this, a tendency to diseases appears. Some people experience despondency, melancholy, stress, impotence. In the phase of the new moon, you need to protect yourself from various infections.
  2. Full moon. Lunar health calendar 2018 includes full moon phases. The full moon is a critical stage when people feel irritable, are aggressive for no reason. During this period, diseases that have a chronic course may worsen. Therefore, the main thing during the full moon is to carefully monitor your health. On the table should be such products: vegetables, apples, parsley, salad. Doctors recommend drinking vitamin and mineral tablets.
  3. Waxing Crescent. This phase has a beneficial effect on people, at this time the energy of creation enters the body. The possibilities of a person during the period of the growing moon are constantly increasing. This phase is considered the best time for various undertakings, drawing up plans for recovery.
  4. Waning phase. This phase is also considered favorable for health. It is during it that you need to begin procedures for cleansing the body. Diets started during the waning moon period will bring the greatest benefit, the main thing is to choose and plan them correctly. During this period, you need to eat light food, reduce the calorie content of the diet and switch to light fats - vegetable oil, and also eat more vegetables.

Lunar health calendar 2018 is divided into 12 months. Here you will learn about auspicious days when you need to take care of your health intensively. The calendar will help you stay healthy and energetic throughout the year.


In January, it is recommended to rest more, as the earth satellite is in a very active stage. Rest will help to avoid the negative effects of the moon on the body. Carefully take care of your health in such numbers:

  • 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 18, 25, 29 - these days, pay attention to cleansing the body, do fasting days without meat and fatty foods, eat more vegetables;
  • 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 22, 25, 30 - a favorable time to start going to the gym and swimming pool, be careful with beauty injections;
  • 24 - is considered unfavorable for outdoor activities, so it is better to do yoga and meditation;
  • 28 - a person will be on the rise of vitality.


In February, it is very likely that the disease will worsen, so you need to devote a lot of time to prevention. It is recommended to start wellness activities on such days:

  • 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 21st, 26th, 27th is the best time to take care of your skin. Start doing cleansing procedures, peeling, massage;
  • The 3rd and 16th is a good time for a light vegetable diet, combine proper nutrition with moderate exercise.

March 2018

In March, the influence of the moon on a person is especially pronounced. People will feel uplifted and filled with energy. Intestinal and urological diseases can become aggravated, therefore, special attention should be paid to these parts of the body. Go to the dentist and get your eyes checked. Auspicious days in March are:

  • 2, 4, 30 numbers - the most suitable for starting a diet;
  • 4, 8, 17, 21, 24, 28 - these days can be dangerous in terms of infectious diseases, at this time it is better to stay at home and make rosehip tea.


In April, you need to restrain emotions and avoid stressful situations. Take care of additional nutrition of the body by taking multivitamin capsules. Rehabilitation activities should be planned as follows:

  • 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29 - the best days for training and cardio loads, both at home and in the gym, start jogging to increase vitality;
  • 7, 10, 28 is the best time to start a diet. Enter into the diet foods that help cleanse the intestines (beets, carrots, apples), thus improving metabolism.

On any day of the month, if you feel unwell and have a fever, you must call a doctor to start treatment immediately. Under the common cold, serious diseases can be hidden.

May 2018

The best time to take care of your health is for those people who have nerve problems or heart disease. On the eve of the summer holidays, people try to take care of their figure, forgetting about chronic ailments. To make summer a time of joy and health, follow the lunar schedule:

  • 1, 3, 5, 11, 16, 22, 25 numbers - at this time, acute respiratory infections may occur. Start treatment without delay, and follow all the recommendations of doctors;
  • 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 22, 30 - continue the cardio loads and runs at the stadium that started in April. If it is not possible to go for a massage, master the techniques of self-massage;
  • 6, 9, 15, 29, 31 are favorable days for a diet high in fiber, but do not neglect good nutrition.


Experts recommend starting cleansing procedures in early June to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. From the beginning of the month until the 23rd, you need to take special care of immunity. Nature makes it possible to do this, as the season of fresh fruits and greens has begun. This way you can protect yourself from infections. The whole of June is a favorable time for hardening.

Fat people are recommended to start dieting in June, the 23rd is considered the best day for this. Combine your diet with moderate exercise. June 2, 3, 5 are the best days for a vegetable diet. It will help to avoid constipation and disruption of the intestines.


In July, there is a danger to the respiratory organs (lungs, bronchi), as well as to the skeletal system. It is possible to exacerbate the diseases of these organs, so you need to make every effort to protect them. The health schedule for July is as follows:

  • 9, 14, 19, 22, 28 - pay special attention to the immune system (hardening procedures, running, enhanced nutrition);
  • 21st, 26th, 29th - time for cleansing procedures;
  • July 23, 30 are favorable days to start a diet.

The main thing is to correctly develop a diet plan and not go to extremes, then you are guaranteed excellent results.

August 2018

Astrologers warn that August is a busy month. Do more sports to have a good mood and be cheerful. Sign up for a gym, get a membership to the pool, just walk in the fresh air.

From 15 to 31 August, the days will be especially challenging and there may be health hazards. Take a break from work, take a vacation and strengthen your immune system. The best days for this are August 14, 18. The second half of the month is the time for a low-calorie diet with lots of fruits and fresh vegetables. Take care of the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary sphere. Examine the mammary glands.


If you followed the recommendations in the health calendar for the previous months, then in September there should not be any special health complications. However, caution is still needed. A sharp cold snap in the fall can provoke acute respiratory infections.

Throughout the month, astrologers advise to be active, do exercises, take a subscription to the pool, if this has not been done in the summer. On September 17, 22, 25, 27, cleanse your intestines of toxins, switch to a healthy diet.


In October, you need to especially take care of your health. At this time, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach can worsen, intestinal ailments and diseases of the genitourinary system can occur.

In October, there are many unfavorable days in relation to general well-being - throughout the month you need to be attentive to your health. Take longer walks in the fresh air and closely engage in recovery.


It is considered an auspicious month for health. The moon contributes to the multiplication of energy in the human body. This means that health in general must be strengthened, but this must also be promoted by one's own efforts.

However, be attentive to mental health, avoid overwork at work, so as not to enter a stressful situation. Be especially careful on November 24, 25. Those who have heart disease need to start preventive measures against their exacerbation.

December 2018

In December, the Earth's satellite should not have a negative impact on a person. People will be filled with energy and receive new strength. As in November, this month is favorable for health and mental well-being. From the beginning of the month until the 15th, you need to be very careful when playing sports.

It has long been noted that plans conceived after the new moon are carried out quickly, and those adopted closer to the full moon are not implemented so soon, but are more effective. Things started on the waning moon run the risk of dragging on. But any treatment is better to start on the waning moon.

The cycle of the lunar month is 29 or 30 lunar days. During this time, the moon goes through four phases. The countdown is from the new moon.

First phase. Begins with a new moon. The first two days the moon is almost invisible. These are the so-called days of Hekate - the goddess of witchcraft and fears. The body is weakened, immunity is lowered. There is a great danger of getting sick, irritability and aggression increase.

In the first phase of the moon, you can quickly gain weight, so you need to slightly limit yourself in food. On the young moon, it is good to cut hair: it will grow faster. It is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium and iron preparations work much better.
With an increase in the crescent of the moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operations decreases, wounds and injuries heal worse. Rough scars remain. Any poisoning (was stings, chemicals, poor-quality food, etc.) is very difficult.

Second phase. The energy of the body continues to grow. Things started at this time are going well, self-confidence appears. This is a time of great emotional receptivity.

Third phase. The full moon begins and lasts four days. There is great mental anxiety and physical discomfort. During the full moon, the number of traffic accidents and crimes increases sharply.
The risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract increases. Medicines taken on the full moon are stronger, but they also show their side effects more actively. Women are especially sensitive to the influence of the full moon. After the completion of the third phase, the body's strength begins to decrease.

Fourth phase. This is the time of "old age" of the body. It is recommended to work on chronic and karmic diseases.
But it is on the waning moon that the removal of toxins and the cleansing of the body are successful, active tissue regeneration takes place, wounds and postoperative scars heal faster.
In the last two days of the lunar month, the dark and ominous days of Hecate come again - a time of fears, depressions and mental disorders.
Knowing these features, you can properly plan the stages of your treatment. This will help Lunar calendar for 2011
The new moon and the first quarter are the waxing moon, and the full moon and the last quarter are the waning or debilitating moon.

January. Waning Moon, last quarter - 01.01-03.01. Growing Moon, new moon -04.01-11.01, first quarter - 12.01-18.01.

February. Waning moon, full moon - 19.01-25.01, last quarter - 01.26-02.02. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.02-10.02, first quarter - 11.02-17.02.

March. Waning Moon, full moon-18.02-24.02, last quarter
- 25.02-03.03. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-12.03, first quarter - 03.13-18.03.

April. Waning moon, full moon - 18.03-25.03, last quarter - 03.26-02.04. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-10.04, first quarter-11.04-17.04.

May. Waning Moon, full moon - 18.04-24.04, last quarter - 25.04-02.05. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.05-09.05, first quarter - 10.05-16.05.

June. Waning Moon, full moon - 17.05-23.05, last quarter
- 24.05-01.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 02.06-08.06, first quarter - 09.06-14.06.

July. Waning moon, full moon - 15.06-22.06, last quarter - 23.06-30.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 01.07-07.07, first quarter - 08.07-14.07. Waning moon, full moon - 15.07-22.07, last quarter - 23.07-29.07.

August. Growing Moon, new moon - 30.07-05.08, first quarter - 08.06-12.08. Waning moon, full moon - 13.08-21.08, last quarter - 22.08-28.08.

September. Growing Moon, new moon - 29.08-03.09, first quarter
- 04.09-11.09. Waning moon, full moon - 12.09-19.09, last quarter - 20.09-26.09.

October. Growing Moon, new moon - 27.09-03.10, first quarter - 04.10-11.10. Waning Moon, full moon -12.10-19.10, last quarter - 20.10-25.10.

Different lunar phases affect our well-being in their own way. Astrologers compare the lunar phases to the seasons. Daily human biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The gravitational field of the Moon, ebb and flow, has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues.

Chinese medicine claims that the twelve main organs, connected by their respective channels, once a day experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity, and another time an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed with blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

The influence of the moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, lasting about a week. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being. The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. aggressiveness and irritability.

The pre-new moon, full moon and post-full moon are extremely extreme periods of time for all people, regardless of their age, gender. Researchers believe that the full moon is more difficult to bear than the new moon.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual lunar rhythm. In this case, the person's birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of their own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the appearance of most diseases.

The phases of the moon begin with the new moon, when the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth. The pre-new moon, new moon and post-new moon are very difficult times. The nights are black, moonless, and at this time a person is most weakened, exhausted, the energy resources of the body are at a minimum, immunity is the weakest, and the likelihood of malfunctions in the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems increases. On the new moon and the next few days, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic seizures occur more often.

There is also an opinion that the lunar day not only of birth, but also of conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, indicates possible diseases of certain organs that can be provoked by the mutual arrangement of celestial bodies during life.

If you notice your dependence on the phases of the moon in time, you can plan your life more successfully. In difficult periods, do not overstrain, do not expose yourself to risk and stress. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being.

Lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc.

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