Home wheels Planets influence on people. How do planets affect human life? How planets affect a person

Planets influence on people. How do planets affect human life? How planets affect a person

The influence of the planets on the fate of man

Every particle in the universe is alive and affects the events and destinies of people. According to the ancient sages, the planets gave external and internal features to a person, revealed and filled his personality. The time and place of a person's birth is a projection on how the planets are located at the time of his birth.

The planets are the energy centers of our solar system, just as the chakras are the energy centers of the human body. They distribute prana, the life force, through the channels. According to this theory, each planet, like a chakra, tends to be responsible for the energy flow of a certain property that gives rise to certain spiritual qualities in a person, events in his life. The connection between the fateful events in a person's life and his personal qualities exists precisely in order to change these very qualities.

Influence of the planet Mars. The influence of this planet is manifested in such features as belligerence, a tendency to argue. Such people are characterized by irritability and anger, sexual aggression. The energy of the winner, war, dominates. People are physically developed, strong. In appearance, it manifests itself as sharp facial features, a “heavy” look, eyebrows are pronounced. For this person, the lesson in life is the development of willpower.

Influence of the star Sun. The sun is responsible for the energy of a person, his goodwill, positive attitude to life, the ability to rejoice and love of life. In appearance, it manifests itself as large facial features, large eyes, a high forehead. The lesson for a person is the ability not to fall into despondency and depression.

The influence of the moon. The moon, although it is a satellite, not a planet, its influence on the fate and character of a person is obvious. The power of the moon is responsible for sensitivity, symbolizes the feminine. This is mysticism, mystery, the ability to bear children. In appearance, it manifests itself as an oval face, large round eyes. A lesson for a person in life is the knowledge of the depth of the feminine, the mysterious.

Influence of the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of relationships between a man and a woman, love, art, creativity. Manifestation in appearance is grooming, cleanliness, blond hair, bright eyes, refinement. The ability to build a family life, a feeling of sublime love, the ability not to stoop into vulgar relationships - these are the lessons of Venus.

Influence of the planet Saturn. Saturn is a wise and harsh planet, it is a karmic teacher. This planet affects life expectancy, the main fateful events in life. The time when a person through suffering becomes stronger spiritually or, accordingly, spiritually broken.

Any ugliness is a manifestation of the influence of Saturn on a person. The lessons of Saturn are survival, overcoming difficulties.

Influence of the planet Jupiter. Planet of good luck and prosperity, wealth and abundance. A person has optimism, ease, reaching recklessness, tomfoolery. Such a person is driven by excitement and risk. In appearance, it manifests itself as a tendency to be overweight. The lessons that manifest themselves in a person's life are poverty, excessive passion, fanaticism, any kind of addiction.

Influence of the planet Mercury. The planet Mercury is responsible for communication, communication in society, the ability to sell or impose anything. In appearance, it manifests itself as tall, thin long arms, dark eyes, thinness. The lessons to be overcome under the influence of Mercury are communication, the absence of empty speech, the ability to establish contact with people, sociability

Those who have never studied astrology cannot even think that the character of a person is influenced by the planets. After all, it would seem, what could be the connection between me here and distant planets somewhere out there? But since ancient times, people have studied the heavenly bodies and were able to predict the future from them. Not a single important event in a person's life happened without the advice of an astrologer or astrologer, as they were then called. Unfortunately, in our time, although the study of the stars has become a science, many people live in ignorance of which planets dominate them.

At the moment when a person is born, all the planets freeze for a split second and it is their position that determines the character and fate of a person. This is what is called a horoscope, according to which modern astrologers determine favorable periods of life, major future events, and even compatibility with another person. huge, but modern astrology says little about the fact that not only the planets determine the future life of a person, but also a person can change the influence of the planets by his behavior. Vedic astrology tells about this - knowledge that has been preserved since ancient times. In this article we will consider two luminaries that play a very important role in the life of each of us - the sun and the moon.

The sun personifies life, joy, kindness, nobility, determination, purposefulness, responsibility. In the natal chart, the sun shows of a person, how much he can “shine”, in other words, how clean his aura is. They usually say about cheerful, optimistic people: "Shines like the sun", and about those who are satisfied with their lives: "Glows with happiness." The energy of the sun determines the amount of human vitality, the desire to do good, to do charity work, to help people. At the same time, the sun personifies fire, passion, and intensity, therefore, those people who have a strong sun develop purposefulness, assertiveness, and determination. It is not for nothing that they say about a person who worked too hard, and then succumbed to apathy and dropped his hands: "Burned out at work."

How to determine the influence of planets on the fate of man on your own without consulting an astrologer? If you want selflessly , if you are a cheerful person, an optimist in life, if it’s easy for you to get up early in the morning and go to bed early in the evening (in other words, you are a “lark”), if you have firmness, self-esteem, enthusiasm, generosity in your character, then you have a strong The sun. But as you can see from modern life, there are very few such people now. Therefore, most of us need to increase the influence of the sun, that is, by our actions and deeds, change the influence of the sun that was given to us from birth. How to do it?

The power of the sun is increased by:

In addition to the sun, the energy of the moon plays an important role in our life. If the sun carries a fiery male energy, then the moon carries a calm and peaceful female energy. She is responsible for harmony, calmness, emotionality, goodwill, lightness, openness, gentleness and patience. As you can see, the qualities of characters that are inherent more in women than in men are listed here. How to understand if the moon is strong in your horoscope or not?

If you often feel anxiety, worry, do not control your emotions, you can easily burst into tears, and after a while already laugh, if you often throw tantrums, do not feel satisfaction from life, feel dissatisfied, then you have a very weak moon. Mentally unhealthy and emotionally unbalanced people live under the weak influence of the moon. But that too can be fixed.

The strength of the moon is increased by:

  • Since our body mainly consists of water, and the moon, as you know, has a strong influence on water, you need to cleanse your body: drink more clean water, cleanse yourself of toxins, wash yourself twice with cool water every day;
  • Meditation as a way to calm the mind. An anxious mind reduces the power of the moon.
  • development at home, female qualities of character: gentleness, meekness, kindness, appeasement, trust.
  • Relaxing massage, aromatherapy.
  • Walks by the water.

Can't be underestimated. Therefore, one of the purposes of a person in his life is to change their influence by his actions and deeds, to make it the most favorable for his life. It is worth noting that the star bodies discussed above, the sun and the moon, represent the feminine and masculine energy. But to think that a man needs to develop only the sun, and a woman only the moon, is wrong. Imagine what will happen to a woman who does not cultivate the energy of the sun in her life! She will be too soft, unable to do something in life, indecisive, it will be difficult for her to show firmness, to defend her position. And a man who does not develop the power of the moon will simply “burn out” under the strong sun, not receiving cooling and peace from the moon.

In order for life to develop harmoniously, a man should have the influence of the sun somewhere by 70%, and the moon by 30%, and a woman, on the contrary, by the sun by 30%, and the moon by 70%. Then, having created a union, a man and a woman will be able to live peacefully and harmoniously, helping each other.

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

If you want to ask me a question, you can do so.

The central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. In Vedic astrology, the Sun is the most important factor in the characterization of spiritual life. It symbolizes the spirit, the casual body, that essence passing from incarnation to incarnation, whose will governs our destiny.

The energy of happiness comes from the Sun. And in order to gain access to this source of happiness, we must live in such a way that our thoughts and deeds enhance the favorable influence of the Sun on us.

Moon in Sanskrit is Chandra. It is a symbol of pleasure, the lord of rhythm, to which the great cycles of nature, such as the ebb and flow, are subject. As we already wrote, the Sun represents the masculine Divine principle, and the Moon represents the feminine. Together they symbolize the great original duality: male and female, activity and passivity, day and night, mind and feelings, will and love. The sun governs time, the moon governs space, the sun governs fire, and the moon governs water. If the Sun is "I", then the Moon is "mind".

Mars (Mangalik) - Bhumi Suto - son of the earth. Mars is the planet of war, fire, active, hot planet.
The day of the week is Tuesday. Element - Fire. Number - 9

Mars governs desires in action: the movement of blood, prana, sexual potency, sporting achievements, possession of weapons, fighting, quarrels, fights, showdown. For women - stamina, "stand your ground." Mars conjunct the Sun gives revolutionary spirit.

Venus is Shukra which means “shining light”, “warmth”, as well as “seed”, which carries the beginning of a new life. The day of the week is Friday. All colours. Number - 6. Influence of Venus - from 14-25 years old.

Venus personifies femininity, she is the goddess of love and beauty. The position of Venus in the natal chart allows us to judge our heart attachments and the extent to which a sense of harmony is developed in us. In a man's horoscope, Venus signifies his wife or lover. Venus influences women 6 times stronger. Men are more influenced by the Sun.

The ritual of offering lamps, part two.

How the Planets affect a person's life - each of the nine Planets governs a certain year of a person's life, bringing with it various events.

Eliminate the negative impact from the Planets can be simple , which are placed in a special way for each of the Planets on a certain lunar day.

Let's begin with all planets are divided into peaceful and angry.

Peaceful planets include: Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Mercury.

To the angry: Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars, Sun.

Making offerings to peaceful planets - you get their help in your affairs.

By making offerings to angry planets, you avoid their wrath and troubles on your head.

The sun

The sun, as we mentioned above, refers to angry planets.

Majestic and fiery, an angry deity in a golden chariot, it burns crops, brings drought and death. The sun is truly capable of incinerating. But it brings warmth and life, drives away darkness. The sun is majestic and fierce.

Sun male planet. The cult of the Sun in one form or another existed among almost all peoples (starting from the Indians of South and America and ending with our ancestors - the Slavs).

The sun governs age:

5.14, 23.32, 41.50, 59, 68, 77, 86 in men;

16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79 in women.

Attention! This is the age in Tibetan terms, i.e. your age (number of completed years) plus one year .

About the age ruled by the sun in the text "The Jade Box" says:

“There will be bliss and goodness. Man happiness. The Sun is rude to a woman. Love, help from above. Purchase of slaves. Success in all matters. If a woman brings lamps. There will be no harm. If you go the other way, you will find wealth.”

What do we see? The Sun is truly the planet-King, and it bestows upon the one who treats it with reverence, royally.

The sun loves the brave: “to go the other way” means to seriously change something in your life. The planet favors men, but women, alas, no. That's what the text says. And so that beautiful ladies do not suffer from the scorching gaze of the Sun, he needs to pay respect. We can assume that this is due to the fact that the Sun is a male planet. However, this is an assumption.

The sun belongs to the element fire..

This year, a person is in danger of getting provocation from the ferocious spirits Tseng and DreVo. These spirits are associated with military and military conflicts, mass fights with the use of weapons.

If the Sun affects you negatively, then this is apathy, lack of success and support of the deities. Feeling of godliness. After all, the time when the sun is waning is called the Night of the Gods.

If the Sun influences positively, then this year will be filled with happiness and joy. This year is especially good for bosses and leaders.

The fire element is associated with human head, heart and small intestine.


moon manages age:

8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53 in men;

4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76 in women.

The text says:

“Everything you want comes true. All plans will come true. It's good to travel well. Meeting with the lord or patron. Everything is for the good, no matter what she does (sit or walk). For a pregnant woman, pregnancy is difficult. Or the disease that has arisen causes harm to a woman ”.

In the year of the moon it’s good to start implementing plans, go on a long journey.

The negative influence of the Moon, as a planet associated with the element of Water - fears, exacerbation of phobias. It often happens that a person, even being very talented, cannot start a business in any way, since he has bound himself with fear that nothing will work out.

The positive influence of the Moon manifests itself as self-confidence. You are like the captain of a ship who caught a fair wind and confidently directed it to the target.

The water element is responsible for human genitourinary system, so in a year ruled by the Moon, it will be useful to pay attention to this area.


Jupiter manages age:

9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 in men;

3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75 in women.

The text "Jade Box" says:

“Jupiter is rude to women. There will be a little sickness. However, there will be no more problems than in the year of the Moon. Men's eye disease. Women - a disease of the blood. Family and business ties are good. The family doesn't feel well."

Having appeased the spirits of this planet, we get good support in business or marriage(If we interpret family ties in this way).

Jupiter belongs to the element Wood, respectively, to please your patron of the year, it would be nice to develop speech, engage in creativity, self-development.

It is good to take care of trees and plants and, of course, you must not harm them.

Provocations this year from the spirits of Nen and Teurang (brownies).

If Jupiter affects you negatively, then you will experience anger.

If positive, then benevolence.

This planet is responsible for liver and gallbladder.


Mars angry and furious planet. Her name in Tibetan Migmar (red eye), and its name, this planet fully justifies.

Mars manages age:

6.15, 24, 33, 42, 51 in men;

2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47 in women.

In this period it's better to stay in your house, i.e. moving or long-distance travel is undesirable. Same way you can’t do (especially start) something important and significant. There will be no success.

This year, more than ever, there is a risk of injury and wounds.

Women in this year have a risk of getting seriously ill. It is very difficult to get pregnant and bear a child. Possible risk of miscarriage.

Mars, like the Sun, belongs to the element of Fire. and therefore the general recommendations will be identical.


Saturn manages age:

2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56 in men

5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 in women

The man who rules the year Saturn, probably feels as if a sword were hanging over his head (as in Damocles).

Saturn is a harsh, but fair and majestic planet, whose gaze is truly withering. That is how, according to the myth, the elephant head of the god Ganesha appeared.

Those who are familiar with Tibetan astrology will remember that Saturn corresponds to four intermediate directions in which the cemeteries of the elements are located, if we calculate Tarkut. And, indeed, in a year that is ruled by this planet, a person, sorry for the black humor, has a chance to fully and in the most direct sense get acquainted with the Earth element.

If we correctly calculate our age, that is, add a year to our age, then, most likely, we will be convinced that it was very difficult for us during this period of Time. And someone, we believe, can remember that he miraculously managed to avoid mortal danger (those who failed - can no longer remember, alas).

Whatever a person does this year - all in vain. In all cases, decline. Illness and misfortune. Lots of conflicts with people and provocations from the spirits (Savdakov and Yuldre).

Emotions, with the negative influence of the planet - anxiety. Anxiety differs from fear in that it does not have an object that causes it, those. the same, but not differentiated. When a big dog runs at us, we are scared. But, when we are all on pins and needles, but we cannot say from what - this is already about anxiety. A person, as if, is waiting for a blow, but does not know from which side and when.

When Saturn affects us positively, we feel favor for other people.

Need to eat flour, cereals.

The earth element governs spleen, stomach, limbs.


Venus in Tibetan astrology, it is not at all a young and tender girl born from sea foam (as in one famous painting), but a stern man. And his symbol is his - the tip of the spear with which the Goddess of the Earth pierced the Tzipaho.

During this period of Time, desires and plans are not realized.

Age ruled by Venus:

in men 4.13, 22.31, 40, 49;

in women 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62.

And as the text says:

“Men will experience mental anguish this year. Women need to be careful. If you rely on a new person and make him a friend (assistant, introduce him to the family), then the husband will suffer. Beware of looking in the direction of bad people".

Based on this text, we can assume that we are talking about adultery(and, most likely, female, however, not necessarily). Or about the entry into the family of a relative who will bring trouble.

Husband can be understood as the eldest man, the head of the family. For example, a daughter will marry unsuccessfully and bring a bad person into the family? And it will damage the father's reputation or health. You can't just take a new person into the business. Yes, and in general, take a closer look at your surroundings.

Venus belongs to the element Iron.

If this planet has a negative effect on us, then we are sad.

If it is positive, then we have euphoria (although this is probably not always good either).

good to eat white foods: milk, butter, curdled milk.

Provocations from Gyalpo spirits, Kordak.

The Iron element governs lungs and large intestine.


Mercury promises the one who honors him with an offering, wealth and increase in property, happiness and joy. If you go on the road, you will find wealth. It is very favorable to travel, make business trips, make deals, start a business.

The river cannot be crossed.

However, for a woman, Mercury will bring gossip and condemnation.

Mercury governs age:

3, 12, 21, 30, 39 in men;

9, 18, 27, 36, 45 years for women.

This planet, like the Moon, belongs to elements of Water so the recommendations are the same.


Rahu governs age

1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46 years for men;

6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 79 years for women.

At this age, every person experiences suffering.

Men have many obstacles and fears.

For women, mental suffering, blood diseases and difficult childbirth.

Regardless of gender, the likelihood of litigation and accusations.


Ketu manages age:

7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70 in men;

1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64 in women.

If you wish avoid a continuous stream of illness and financial loss, then it is necessary to bring lamps to this planet.

A woman will be punished this year.

Better to go on the road this year.

Lamps can be offered not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends, in fact, for any person.

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May all obstacles dissipate and we all achieve Enlightenment!

Sarva mangalam!

ITAM correspondent:

People have been making horoscopes for several millennia and will be for a long time to come. The main reason why at all times, the belief in the influence of the planets on people was so strong and still exists in the fact that the planets are the material embodiment of higher powers or gods. This is what people see with their own eyes. Their existence is real and beyond doubt. If you attribute magical power to any objects, then the planets are best suited for this. We used to think that magical power is something invisible, intangible, and exists in the imagination. Planets break these rules and make magic more real. To be convinced of their greatness and strength, it is enough to go outside at night and look at the sky. They existed yesterday, today and will continue to exist for billions of years. Whatever changes occur in our lives, it will not affect their functioning. The planets of the solar system exert the greatest influence on man.

How do the planets influence our life from the point of view of astrology?

Mercury is the planet that governs consciousness and communication. In Greek mythology, Mercury represented Hermes, the winged messenger between God and humans. This planet is responsible for everyday communication, has the ability to separate and reunite, affects coordination. Mercury helps to coordinate and preserve thoughts, ideas, information from the senses, conscious and unconscious processes. Responsible for parsing, sorting and grouping information. Under the strong positive influence of this planet, a person can become curious, sociable, witty and courageous. Under the negative influence - tense, indecisive, grouchy.

Venus influences harmony, relationships, love. The Greeks called her Aphrodite, the goddess of love. In the zone of her influence are feelings, what is dear to us the most. Charm, beauty, are also subject to Venus. In a person's life, her temperament influences preferences, values, and pleasures. Venus also affects how we spend money, what things we buy, and how much we spend on entertainment. Usually astrologers interpret the influence of this planet depending on gender. If this is a man, then the energy of the planet can be suppressed by his character. In this case, the energy of Venus can manifest itself in the person with whom he meets. In women, the energy of the planet manifests itself most clearly.

Mars is the planet of energy and strength. He dominates the strength of the spirit and sometimes pushes people to the manifestation of aggression or violence. In addition to negative opportunities, Mars is able to increase a person's endurance, courage, perseverance. This planet is the opposite of Venus. They are like war and peace, hate and love. The influence of Mars on man cannot be underestimated. It is his energy that gives a person the strength not to go astray and complete the work begun. This planet symbolizes movement, freedom, activity, competition. This energy makes a person a leader, a fighter, a soldier. Mars influences everything related to weapons and war. The positive influence of Mars is manifested in courage, enterprise, honesty. Mars pushes a person to action more than to think. This planet determines where a person directs his energy, what is his motive, and how serious he is.

Jupiter as the largest planet symbolizes strength, attraction, influence, awareness, wisdom, justice. Under its positive influence, a person becomes kind, friendly, generous, optimistic. Most of all, the influence of Jupiter is manifested in people whose profession is connected with power. In addition to bosses, lawyers and judges, it can also be teachers or educators. Jupiter's influence can also be negative. In this case, a person becomes irresponsible, wasteful, short-sighted, overly gambling, stupid, conceited.

Saturn is the planet of justice. If Jupiter symbolizes influence, expansion, then Saturn, on the contrary, represents contraction, slowdown and decrease. Both planets are equally important. Saturn shows the limits of a person, what he is ready for and what he will never go to. The positive influence of Saturn is manifested in a person in his ability to save, be restrained, conscientiousness, perseverance, reliability, stability, patience. Also, under its influence, a person becomes conservative and practical. There are also adverse effects: selfishness, greed, cruelty, conflicts, hatred, failure. People in whom the influence of Saturn is most pronounced live according to the following statement: You cannot be completely happy if you do not lack anything. This planet governs social life. Supports society with the energy of perseverance, determination, order.

Uranus represents ingenuity, novelty, revolutionary changes in life. Under the positive influence of Uranus, the mind, individuality, leadership, flexibility, as well as magical abilities are manifested in people. The influence of Uranus is most noticeable in reformers, inventors, scientists. In them, the power of this planet manifests itself positively and has a good effect on intuition. The negative impact of Uranus can manifest itself in a lack of rational thinking, logic. The character becomes capricious and fickle. To a certain extent, this planet affects the relationship between friends, cooperation, the transition of groups of people to a new level. In Astrology, abrupt, irreversible changes in society are usually associated with the impact of the energy of Uranus.

Neptune is even more associated with spiritualism, rituals, religion and mysticism. This planet contains fantasy energy. Its beneficial effects include increased imagination and intuition. Neptune is the opposite of logic. He connects the paranormal with the real. His energy is far from the energy of mortal people and has nothing to do with the tangible world. Everything mystical, magical, inexplicable is in his power. Even more this energy is strengthened by the connection of the planet with Saturn, Uranus or Pluto. Under the negative influence of Neptune, a person becomes sensitive, prone to bad habits, sectarianism, and violence.

Pluto symbolizes the separation between different life forms, the subconscious, the underworld. It is associated with rebirth, when a person comes to a dead end and is forced to look for other ways of moving. The transformation of one force into another, the birth of new forms of life to replace the old ones, constitutes an endless cycle of life. This planet is creator and destroyer. It absorbs various forms into itself and processes them into new matter. Pluto affects not only people, but also our planet. It is believed that natural disasters arise under its negative energy. The energy of Pluto is strong in people whose life is connected with finances and psychology. Its negative influence is difficult to overcome, like the influence of the previous two planets. Its adverse effects include lust for power, greed, cruelty.

Crystals, stones, metal, earth, air, fire, people, our planet - everything contains energy. It is this force that makes the entire universe function. The source of this energy is outside of religion, theory and thought. The earth is influenced by the sun and moon (tides, radiation), the remaining 8 planets, as well as pseudo-planets. In Indian astrology, there are 2 more planets, sometimes they are called the reference points of the moon - Rahu and Ketu.

In the era of antiquity, people noted that a large group of stars remained stationary in relation to others. These stars are called fixed. Astrologers identified 5 visible stars, which, unlike the rest, were within a narrow line. This line passes through the five visible stars, the sun and the moon. The belt along the ecliptic was divided into 12 parts and each part was named after the constellation. Most of them bear the names of animals whose characteristics are best suited to describe the energy emanating from the constellation. This is how the signs of the zodiac appeared.

In astrology, the following movements must be taken into account:

1)The rotation of the earth around the sun.(Occurs in 1 year)
2)Rotation of the moon around the earth.(Occurs in a month)
3)The rotation of the earth around its axis.(Occurs in 1 day)

Each object attracts others depending on mass and distance. Therefore, the Sun influences Mercury more than Mars, Venus more than Earth, Mars more than Jupiter, Saturn more than Uranus, etc. The life of a person is connected with the place and date of his birth. To study this phenomenon, astrologers have done a lot of research and made sure that the planetary influence really exists. The date of birth determines the nature and duration of vibrations on the moral, spiritual and physical qualities of a person.

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