Home Salon The dissolute muse of genius: Gala Dali and her love polygons. Greedy Valkyrie. Dali's wife was even stranger than her husband "no, the Tsvetaevs were real"

The dissolute muse of genius: Gala Dali and her love polygons. Greedy Valkyrie. Dali's wife was even stranger than her husband "no, the Tsvetaevs were real"

She loved sex and was a relaxed, calm, confident woman. Dali, in his intimate life, was not like everyone else, but Gala, having understood his desires and nature, entered this world, where he felt like a real man with her, leaving him no corner of his own soul, wherever she was.

Firmly determined to make a famous artist out of Dali, Gala did her best to make him known. She used all her connections, organized all kinds of exhibitions with Dali's works, sometimes took his works and went with them to various connoisseurs of contemporary art, and soon her efforts were crowned with success and the whole world heard about the surrealist artist.

Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946

At this time, Gala's husband still continued to hope that she would return to him after all, and again become a source of his inspiration, as it was before.

He wrote her love letters, but did not receive a response to any, then he began to drink a lot and completely lost his ability to be creative. Out of pity for him, or perhaps for some other reason, Gala did not divorce her poet husband and accepted Dali's proposal only after Eluard's death in 1934.

The Dalis settled in Paris, where Gala, leaving her husband and daughter, began the main work of her life, "creating the Dali brand." She did everything to inspire her genius. She was a living embodiment of passion, motherly care and sincere friendship. Dali felt protected with her, could create, and she, his Gala, took care of the rest.

What a successful union, the genius of the artist Dali and the pragmatism of Gala, who not only skillfully managed her husband's creative career, but also constantly inspired him, being his muse. She always said to Dali: “You are a genius, and this is indisputable!” - and soon Dali really believed in his genius.

Dali paints extraordinary paintings one after another, and signs them with the double name "Gala Salvador Dali". Gala did everything to show the paintings of Salvador to everyone who could appreciate and buy them, starting from her rich friends, among whom were Diaghilev, Stravinsky, Aragon, Disney, Hitchcock, ending with the owners of art galleries. She protected her husband from everything that could prevent him from painting, did not let people in to see him when he was working or was thinking about a new picture. Having shouldered life and production duties on her shoulders, she created all the conditions so that nothing would distract Dali from the creative process.

Now the whole world has heard about Dali's paintings, and the family life of an unusual couple was constantly talked about. Someone called them rich perverts, someone called schizophrenics, which was not strange, because they did not stop shocking the audience with eccentric antics.

They didn't care about gossip and condemnation. Dali constantly draws his wife, in different images, Helen the Beautiful, the Mother of God, the Woman with chops on her back, etc. Gradually, interest in Dali's paintings began to fade, and the prudent Gala throws him the idea of ​​​​creating designer items that successfully disperse among the rich around the world.

Among such things are sofas in the form of female lips, a strange watch with a bizarre dial, elephants on thin legs and other embodiments of the artist's fantasies. Dali became bolder, there was no longer any need to instill in him confidence in his genius. As they say now, it was practically a star disease, at the time of the “aggravation” of which, he even quarreled with his close friend Breton and other surrealists, once declaring: “Surrealism is me!”.

Gala and Dali often began to spend time separately from each other, she did not get tired of changing lovers, who were one younger than the other. Dali spent time surrounded by young beauties, arranging crazy orgies, where he acted as an observer and spending a huge amount of money on his entertainment. In 1965, Dali met 19-year-old Amanda Lear at the Castell restaurant, then a model, singer and artist known as Peki D'Oslo, who would be his friend and muse for 16 years. They say Amanda Lear is a play on words L "Amant Dal, which in French means Dali's mistress.

The first compliment to the young beauty from Dali was the words: "You have a beautiful skull and a high-quality skeleton."

Amanda is considered Dali's second muse, but the only woman who could influence Dali has always been Gala. Amanda Lear herself, recalling her acquaintance with Gala, said that Dali, before introducing her to his wife, was nervous and was afraid that she would not like her. When Dali introduced the two women to each other, Gala squinted at Amanda, examining the make-up of a girl who loved glitter and bright lipstick, and said, “Oh my God, what is this?!”

A relationship where a man introduces his wife and mistress, while waiting for approval from the first, may seem strange, but in a couple of Dali and Gala, oddities were common. Despite the fact that initially Gala showed strong dissatisfaction with the appearance of Amanda in Dali's life, she cut her face out of photographs in magazines, threw harsh statements about her¸ after some time they were often seen three together, while attending secular parties and other events.

Gala realized how good Dali was with his new Muse, and this, probably, was her genius. She mentored Amanda and instructed to take care of Dali, while even sponsoring the girl. Once Gala asked Amanda to give her word that she would marry Dali after her death. But by the time Gala was gone, Amanda had forgotten about her promises being busy with her career and by that time already having a stamp in her passport.

In 1968, Dali gives his divine woman Gala, as he always called her, a medieval castle in Pubol, which was built in the 11th century. Once he promised to give her a castle and fulfilled this promise. Dali himself could attend the Pubol Gala only at her personal invitation.

Through a table on the second floor, Gala could admire the white horse that stood on the first floor.

Gala designer outfits.

Gala was very afraid of old age, as, probably, every woman, especially the one who is used to shining and conquering. She spent a huge amount of money on plastic surgery and young lovers, Dali himself was no longer interested in her.

She arranged orgies in her castle, invited young people who entertained her with playing the piano, dancing and mercilessly robbed. She constantly needed Dali's money, and she repeatedly told Amanda Lear that she would better stimulate the artist to work.

She devoted her whole life to Dali, all he wanted was to be the center of the universe. Now she wanted to live for herself. Her latest passion was the young singer Jeff Fenholt.

In 1980, Dali was admitted to a clinic in Barcelona. Dr. Pigwert considers his condition very serious, and his mental health was especially alarming. Returning home after the clinic, Dali paints the darkest painting "Extreme Angels" that he has ever created.

Gala, as before, was next to her Dali, even during the most severe bouts of depression, he needed her presence. She was forced to give up Jeff and devote all her time to Dali. Saying goodbye to the last fragment of the illusion of her youth, the old woman is angry with her husband, and periodically falls into fits of rage. Jean-Francois Vogel, a journalist who was well acquainted with the Dali couple, said: “Dali was very harsh and harsh with the Gala. He always did what he wanted, not what she wanted.

On January 26, 1981, an article was published in Ell magazine in which Dr. Rumeger, Dali's first psychoanalyst, gave an interview: “The truth is that Dali lost the desire to live. What is happening now is suicide simply because Gala no longer cares about him. She is eighty six years old. Her mind is clear no more than two or three hours a day; she devotes all this time to thinking about Jeff... whom she also calls Salvador... She scolds Dali and scolds him as much as she can. Thus, the whole world around Dali is collapsing. You have, of course, heard of babies torn from their mothers because of war or serious illness, who die of despair. The same thing happens with Dali.”

In the relationship between Dali and Gala, the tenderness that once brought them so much pleasure is now a rarity, the old spouses now and then pounce on each other with their fists. In 1982, Gala stepped awkwardly and fell, breaking her femur, and she was taken to the hospital with severe pain. Due to the many plastic surgeries, the woman's skin cracks, multiple wounds form. She slowly falls into agony, occasionally in moments of clarity, inquiring about Dali.

Unable to see how his Gala turns into a piece of meat, he only visits her once in the hospital. The rest of the time he waited for her return. She was brought home in April. Gala no longer looks like herself, she can hardly speak. The sisters of mercy take care of her, wash, comb her hair, turn her over, try to alleviate the suffering of a dying woman. Dali put Gala's bed so that she could see the sea. At night, he comes to her room and lies down on the next bed to be next to his dying wife. Between the beds, he ordered a screen to be installed, as he experienced great torment when he looked at what his beautiful Galuchka had turned into.

On the afternoon of June 10, Dali let out a long cry. The alarm rose. Gala looked out the window with frozen eyes: she died.

Dali buried his wife in Pubol Castle, in a crypt that she herself arranged during her lifetime, and where two places were prepared for her and her Dali. Due to the ban on the export of the body of a very ancient Spanish law that has been in force since the time of the plague, Dali decides to break it for the sake of Gala and, wrapping her body in a blanket, transports her to Pubol Castle in a limousine, in which they once traveled young and happy around Italy and France, so the family limousine turned into a hearse.

Gala's embalmed body was dressed in a red dress and buried in a coffin with a glass lid in a narrow circle of only the closest people. Dali survived his Gala by seven years, which he spent in seclusion in a castle in Pubol, where the woman of his life lay under a glass cover. Gal's death seemed to have returned him to an embryonic state, he stopped talking, practically did not move.

The amazing relationship between Dali and Gala lasted 53 years. The extraordinary talent of the artist Dali and the amazing character, the unusual nature of Gala's female nature, being a successful symbiosis of two people, shot with a bright success.

Perhaps the most extraordinary couple of its time has become an example of how two violent and extraordinary natures can coexist for more than half a century, remaining devoted to each other in a special sense of the word. Was Gala a femme fatale? I think yes. But this is not the most unusual thing about her, she, wanting to be a muse, practically a work of art for her husband, herself became the creator of his talent.

This woman breathed self-confidence into the insecure artist, revealed the scale of his talent and was his reliable companion all his life, protecting and preserving.

A woman who knew some special secret, who managed to become not only the muse of a genius before whom he bowed.

Until her very old age, Gala did not lose her passion for life, wanting to burn as long as possible and as brightly as possible. Who knows, but maybe if Gala and the young Dali had not met, the world would never have recognized the great artist Salvador Dali.

Those who read Greek myths cannot fail to remember the myth of Galatea. A talented sculptor named Pygmalion sculpted a statue so beautiful that he fell in love with it. Thanks to his strong sense, the statue managed to come to life. Elena Dyakonova, the heroine of this article, was also in a sense this Galatea. During her life she was the muse of several geniuses. But, at the same time, she was Pygmalion in some way for them. In any case, one of them owes its success to her.

Do not forget that this woman was called not only Galatea. She was both a witch and Cinderella... But she entered the history of world art precisely as Elena the Beautiful, Gnandiva, the divine and incomparable Gala.

Life thanks to consumption

The origin of this enchantress and the first seventeen years of her life gave absolutely no hope that the girl was promised a brilliant fate. She was the daughter of a modest Kazan official who died early. The family moves to Moscow. Here a misfortune happens to the girl - she falls ill. The diagnosis does not inspire hope: it was a common consumption for those years, tuberculosis. Contributed to the cure of her stepfather (lawyer). The family collected some money, and Elena Dyakonova leaves for a mountain sanatorium in Switzerland.

She has already come to terms with the fact that she will not survive. This was reflected in her character: the girl became unsociable, very harsh, she did not trust people. But there was a man who managed to melt this thick shell of ice. He was the charming young Parisian Eugène Grendel. He wrote poetry. Eugene's father considered poetry to be nonsense and forbade him to engage in literature. But the son did not listen to him. He came to Elena and read her poems of his own composition. And she gradually softened. Gradually she began to believe. It was in those days that she began to call herself Gala (the emphasis was on the last syllable). Perhaps from the French word meaning "holiday, revival."

Way back home

Elena Dyakonova (Gala) returns to Russia in a year. She recovered and fell in love. Eugene wrote her letters full of passion and love. They were also in verse. Gala answered him with the same force of feelings. It is unlikely that in those bright days she thought that the same words that she now calls Grendel ("my child", "my chick"), she will call the rest of the geniuses in her life.

Meanwhile, Eugene publishes his first collection of poems under a pseudonym, which a little later became known in all corners of the world, Paul Eluard. Gala's presentiment did not deceive: life really pushed her into a great man.

And the First World War began in the world. Paul wanted to go to the front. Elena in letters begged him not to risk her life and health. But besides the war, Grendel's father was also on the way to their happiness. He did not want such a union: his son and some Russian! But then Elena Dyakonova, whose biography is permeated with a feeling of love for her geniuses, for the first time in her life was able to show worldly wisdom and acumen. She began to write warm and tender letters to Eugene's mother, who turned out to be so kind that she supported the young.

Marriage of lovers

February 1917. Elena Dyakonova (Gala) moves to Paris and marries her favorite poet. They vow to be together always, every minute. For the wedding, her husband's parents gave them an oak bed. The young people vowed to die together in it when their time came.

Just a year later, little Cecile was born to them. The couple will live together for twelve years. Many years will be unusually happy, but the first problems will begin already in 1921.

24 months threesome

The life of a prosperous poet and his beautiful wife took place in theaters, salons and cafes in winter, and in summer exclusively in fashionable resorts. This summer of 1921 they also spent at the resort. Here they met the German artist Max Ernst and his wife Lou. All four were brilliant and young. Yes, and husbands will soon become recognized all over the world.

And then life took an unexpected turn. A feeling arises between Gala and Ernest. They both understand that this is not adultery, but something more. Max breaks up with his wife, but Paul couldn't. He stayed with Gala and Max.

Truly incomprehensible and surprising, but Gala manages to love both. Different, but love. Passionate and sincere. This fragile Paul can not stand it and one day he simply disappears.

Looking for a husband

Ernst and Elena Dyakonova, whose photos are a mixture of beauty, grace and luxury, are looking for him around the world and are found in Indochina. Having taken him from there, the three of them also return to Paris, home. But this is only outwardly the three of us. At this point, Gala had already fallen out of love with Ernst. This caused him incredible pain. On the other hand, Eugene, whom she now loved even more than before, was also deeply and permanently wounded.

Now obsessive ideas are roaming in Eugene's head to take possession of her not only in the presence, but also with the participation of another man. He writes many letters to her in which he describes his erotic fantasies of threesome love. Even after their separation, Paul will be obsessed with these fantasies, despite the fact that he himself will have a new muse, and Gala will marry again. The photo of Elena Dyakonova will always be with him until the end of his life.

Helena's next husband, Paul himself will bring to their house.

Extravagant loser

In the late twenties, friends introduce Elena and Eugene to a strange young Spaniard who was an artist. He was incredibly skinny, with a very long and ridiculously curled mustache. He was very fearful and shy. He seemed like a weirdo. He laughed almost constantly. Literally rolled on the ground when he was choked with laughter.

Who was he - a madman, a psychopath, or an ordinary loser, seeking to hide his difficult life behind such an appearance? The extravagance in his clothes was unpleasant for the spouses - beads around his neck, women's puffs on his shirt ...

But Elena's incredible intuition helped her see a genius in this strange man. What drove her then? She couldn't explain. Together with her husband, they accept an invitation to visit the artist in Spain. The journey took place in the heat of the day. And this despite the fact that Gala always preferred coolness. Much later, she claimed that she immediately realized that she would be the wife of this man. During that period of her life, she was very lonely. Yes, she was married, she and her husband allowed themselves light intrigues on the side. But there was nothing serious about it. But Elena Dyakonova considered her loneliness the greatest misfortune.

In one of them he took her for a walk in the mountains. And there, over the sea, he began a decisive assault on the beauty. The Spaniard pressed his greedy lips to her and asked what she would like him to do with her. She seriously enough asked the artist to blow it up. This artist was the great Salvador Dali.

Gala and Dali are the most important thing in the whole world!

Many years later, being already a famous and wealthy person, the artist wrote in his diary that Gala and Dali are the most important in the whole world. In second place is Dali. On the third - the rest, and Gala, and Dali.

Lena Dyakonova, Dali's muse, unconditionally believed in her fate and the genius of Salvador. She decided to leave her rich husband and stay for several years in a rural Spanish house, completely devoting herself to this strange man. This time, she was no longer a dowry. She was the queen of Parisian bohemia, who gave her attention and care to the poor.

The first time they spent in complete seclusion, even Gala sewed dresses for herself. Dali was sure that he was destined to live and die in complete poverty. But Gala did not give up: she went around museums and exhibitions with his drawings. And she won. Taking her literally at her word, the Viscount de Noailles sent almost thirty thousand francs to Dali for a picture that he had not yet painted. After just a year, Dali became famous!

Now he was a famous artist. And from many of his canvases she looks, his muse, Lena Dyakonova, Dali's wife. Finally, Gala's dream came true: the great master immortalized her image! After all, since childhood, she dreamed about it.

cruel time

Unfortunately, only images in pictures can be immortal. The day comes when Lena Dyakonova, whose date of birth is September 7, 1894, feels that she has begun to age. For her, this was the beginning of the end. Now every day was devoted to different cosmetic procedures. And love. Only now exclusively for psychotherapeutic purposes. Elena Dyakonova has changed a lot internally. Now she needs young men.

By old age, Gala's sense of greed intensifies. All the money that fell into her hands, she counts several times and hides, like a peasant woman, behind the bodice of her dress. After her death, under the bed where she slept, they will find a suitcase full of banknotes.

The end of her life was completely unhappy. Being elderly, she began to fall frequently. The end result was a hip fracture. She ends up in the hospital. June 10, 1982 she dies. Such was Lena Dyakonova (September 7, 1894).

Salvador Dali survived her by several years. All this time, every morning, he began with the fact that his assistants rolled a stroller with him into a round tower located above the crypt in which he, only his Gala, rested.

It's no secret that without Gala there would be no Salvador Dali. They were more than husband and wife, more than an artist and a model. They are two hemispheres of the same brain, as the French poet André Breton once put it. What captivated the genius of this Russian girl? And wasn't she stranger than her husband?

Gala Dali. The most scandalous muse of the twentieth century

Close-set, small, but burning, like two coals, dark eyes, tightly clenched red lips in a light smile of Mona Lisa, a dashingly raised thin eyebrow, impeccable style, completed by exquisite dresses from Chanel or Dior.

“I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails,” Gala wrote in her diary after moving from Moscow to Paris.

Women did not like Gala (although this was the least of her worries, she did not need girlfriends), but men idolized her. She also loved them (sometimes several men at the same time) with her special love, generously giving them her energy and inspiration.

Brilliant Gala

Gala Dali was born in Kazan in 1894 and at birth received the name Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova. After the death of an official father in 1905, Elena's family moved to Moscow, where her mother remarried lawyer Dimitri Gomberg. So Elena gets a new loving dad and a new patronymic. The boundless love and generosity of her stepfather taught Lenochka to appreciate and pamper herself, which is extremely important for a girl. Perhaps it was this fact that formed in her the understanding that men should idolize her. Without this understanding, there probably would not have been either Gala Dali, or Salvador Dali, or Paul Eluard.

In 1912, an unpleasant but fateful turn happened in the life of young Elena - she fell ill with consumption, and her stepfather sent her to an expensive sanatorium in the Swiss Alps for treatment. There she met Eugene Emile Paul Grendel, who nicknamed her "Gala", which in French meant "holiday, fun". Gala inspired the 17-year-old boy to write poetry, she also came up with the pseudonym Paul Eluard, under which he gained worldwide fame.

Gala and Paul Eluard

Gala Dali. Gala - created to raise not children, but geniuses

In 1917, Gala moved to her beloved Paul in Paris, where they got married, a year later they had a daughter, Cecile, who no longer appears in her mother's biography, because Gala was more willing to play the role of a mother for her talented, vulnerable husbands than for a blood offspring.

Sometimes in her care there were several geniuses at the same time. In 1921, Gala and Paul paid a visit to the German surrealist painter Max Ernst. Gala poses for him, they become lovers. A year later, Max moves to live with the Eluards. Such “families of three” in a bohemian environment did not surprise anyone at that time. Let us recall at least the famous love triangle "Mayakovsky - Lilya Brik - Osip Brik."

Max Ernst, Gala, Paul Eluard

The year 1929 changed the course of the history of surrealism as such - the Elyuars visit the young Spanish artist Salvador Dali in his village of Cadaques in Spain.

“Her body was tender, like that of a child. The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender, energetic torso, aspen waist and tender hips made her even more desirable, ”said Salvador Gala at the time of their first meeting.

When Salvador met his friend's wife, he was 25, she is 10 years older, experienced and strong, he, according to biographers, is a shy but ardent virgin - an unplowed field for the activities of the Gala Mother and the Gala Muse. The lawful husband was almost immediately forgotten, he was already something accomplished for her, a stage passed, “well done”, so to speak.

Officially, they registered their marriage only in 1934, after the death of Eluard. They lived together for about 50 years. She was his only model, his god, his support, his constant source of inspiration. She directed his crazy antics in the right direction and found ideas for new and new tricks. Next to her, Salvador worked productively, not thinking about realities. Gala dealt exclusively with the financial issues of their existence.

Thanks to her irresistibility, she quickly won friends in wealthy circles and persuaded them to buy her husband's work, sometimes for fabulous sums, even in advance. Gala knew how to convince others that Salvador's works were brilliant and flawless. At the prompting of his wife, Salvador illustrated films, designed extravagant outfits and jewelry, as well as scenery for ballets, was engaged in interior design and film direction. Money flowed into the Dali family like a river - Salvador could calmly create, and Gala could shine brighter and brighter, as she had dreamed of in her youth.

Gala Dali. The mistress who slept with everyone but her husband

But as spouses, Gala and Salvador were a rather extraordinary couple, if not “abnormal” by generally accepted standards. Yes, they had a strange hobby - getting married in every new country they visit. In addition, on the one hand, Salvador Dali showed no interest in other women at all, claiming that he "entirely belongs to Gala" (and also, obviously, sublimating into painting). Moreover, in The Diary of a Genius, he recalls that from childhood, struck by the disgusting pictures of diseased genitals, he began to associate sex with decay and decay. Gala was not going to sacrifice her love of love in the name of marriage. She had many lovers. She even once complained that her anatomy does not allow her to make love with five men at the same time.

“I allow Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her, because it excites me, ”said Salvador

Gala Dali. Eternal girl, afraid of old age

Gala, like Salvador, mostly did not try to grow up. Many threw her eccentricity, excess eccentricity and indecent, crazy antics. Either he will appear in high society with a raw cutlet on his head (according to the sketch of her husband), then he will arrange a sexual happening together with Salvador. There was absolutely no sacrifice for anyone in her. She did not take care of her daughter, and what she did for her husband brought dividends to herself.

But the inexorable old age undermined the strength of the eternal girl, who was used to shining and conquering. at the age of 75, she decided to live separately from her husband, and he gave her his own castle of Pubol in the province of Girona, where he himself could only appear at the written invitation of his wife. Instead of herself next to El Salvador, she left the young fashion model Amanda Lear - a genius could watch her for hours, admiring her young body. Meanwhile, Gala, despite her age, strove to have many lovers, the younger, the better, bribing them with her husband's fame and expensive gifts.

Young Amanda Lear and the aging but bright Gala and Salvador

But there is nothing eternal under the sun. On June 10, 1982, at the age of 87, Gala died and was buried in Pubol.

Castle Pubol - the last refuge of the queen of surrealism Gala Dali

After the death of his wife, Salvador Dali seemed to actually have lost the left hemisphere of the brain. He weakened, completely stopped even serving himself elementarily at the household level, fell ill, attacked the nurses. He also quit his job. In the throes of such an existence without Galla, he lived for another seven years. On January 23, 1989, the genius himself, who declared that "surrealism is me," did not become. But let's call a spade a spade: surrealism is Salvador and Gala.

“Gala is my only muse, my genius and my life, without Galla I am nobody”
Salvador Dali

Gala Dali. What to watch?

Documentary film "More than love. Gala Dali "(2011, Russia).

Documentary film "Gala" (2003, Spain, directed by Sylvia Mount).

Dominique Bona, Gala. Muse of artists and poets, 1996, Rusich publishing house (biography of Gala Dali).

Dali. Portrait of Gala with two lamb ribs balanced on her shoulder. 1933

Dali. Galarina. 1944-1945

Dali. My wife, naked, looks at her own body, which has become a ladder, three vertebrae of a column, the sky and architecture. 1945

Dali. Madonna of Port Lligat. 1950

Dali. Our Lady of Guadalupe. 1959

Salvador Dali or his wife Gala could give odds to each other in extravagances and eccentricities.

Salvador Dali and Elena Dyakonova (Gala Dali), 1957.

83 years ago, on January 30, 1934, an ordinary event took place - two adults got married. Perhaps their names will seem unusual. Groom - Salvador Domenech Felip Jacinte Dali. Bride - Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, in future - Gala Dali. But, despite the stardom of the heroes, this marriage cannot be called either unique or epoch-making. Because they got married about 50 times.

The characters in all ceremonies will remain the same. Only cities and countries will change. A matter of taste - when visiting a foreign country, someone goes to a museum, someone goes shopping, and this couple was heading to church. Not because of such piety, but to confirm their marital status. Or to give yourself an extra honeymoon? Or to create an atmosphere of ongoing scandal? You can choose any version, and even add your own.

In creating myths about their lives, this couple can give odds to anyone. Both together and separately. For example, Elena Ivanovna easily called herself Elena Dmitrievna. Well, just for curiosity. Her mother remarried - that's the new patronymic. And in addition, speculation about who is the real father - Kazan official Ivan Dyakonov or still a Moscow lawyer Dmitry Gomberg, who fell ill from experiences when Lenochka was diagnosed with consumption.

Little El Salvador is not far behind, seriously considering himself the reincarnation of his older brother, who died of meningitis in infancy. And starting bloody fights at school - most often for no reason. At a more mature age, he declared that he "spits on his mother." And in a very mature one, he gave out: “I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more Picasso and even more money.
But then came 1929 Cadeques, Spain, Catalonia. Meeting. Evening. Olives and moon. Elena is 11 years older than Salvador. And her words: "My baby, I will never leave you." Since then, even the most notorious anarchists and art fighters have declared: “Dali and Gala are not husband and wife. And certainly not an artist and his muse. They are two hemispheres of the same brain. From now on, the two hemispheres acted synchronously. And together.

So synchronously that it is just right to believe in the metaphysical kinship of Russian and Spanish souls. No, in fact - both we and they once resisted the onslaught of an alien world - the Horde and the Caliphate. Both we and they succeeded as nations in this monstrous, cruel struggle.
And here is the result. The still little-known Salvador Dali, together with director Luis Buñuel, in 1929 shoots the later famous film “Andalusian Dog”. The apotheosis of cruelty - in this movie, the eye of a sleeping girl is cut with a razor. And we see how it flows. And many years later, when Gala and Salvador were already married and rich, good fluffy rabbits were brought into their house, in which Dali doted on. But the brilliant husband accidentally dropped a bold word to his wife. And then, at the insistence of the Russian wife, these rabbits were killed, skinned, fried and served at the family table.
Compared to this, all their many scandalous orgies, all their changes of lovers and mistresses seem to be something insignificant. Insignificant. But there were many such cases. No wonder Salvador said: "I allow my Gala to have as many lovers as she wants."

Pubol Castle, given by Dali to his wife.

Elena Dyakonova-Gala with Tobolsk roots was born in Kazan, studied in Moscow.
The first husband was Paul Eluard.
A year after the wedding, daughter Cecile was born.
Eluard said: -Children are the death of love.
Then Gala became the wife of Salvator Dali.
And in old age he fell ill with Parkinson's disease and she hired young artists to write "under Dali"

Scandalous lying in bed John Lennon And Yoko Ono naked against this background seem like children's games in the sandbox. As well as the “free love” proclaimed by the hippie generation. Already tired of numerous orgies with Dali and her first husband, a poet Paul Eluard, and also four, with the artist Max Ernst invited to a warm company, Gala said: “It’s a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to make love with five men at once!”
Compared to this, even the frenzy of punks can be considered a pale repetition of the past - Dali's painting "The Great Masturbator" is evidence of this.

Painting by Salvador Dali "The Great Masturbator", 1929.

Gala Dali was called "the greedy Valkyrie", "the greedy Russian slut". And she, when Dali's painting fell in price, personally ran around the shops and galleries: “Buy our inventions! In less than a year, and you will rise thanks to this genius!”

She was sent away for a long time with her genius husband. But the inventions were not bad. Transparent mannequins on showcases. Fake nails. Artificial breasts. Streamlined car body...
In the same years, something similar was offered by the bogeyman of the current civilization - Adolf Schicklgruber, later known as Hitler. In the new, modern forms of Mercedes and Volkswagen, there are ideas from two crazy artists - a Spaniard and an Austrian. Dali and Hitler. Only now Salvador was lucky - he got the same crazy Russian wife as he did. And the other - no.
Dali, unlike Adolf, had a different fate. He did not kill children. Instead, he gave them the famous caramel logo on a stick, which was designed in a few seconds by the author of Atomic Crucifixion. Yes, the lollipop wrapper was invented by Salvador Dali. By the way, he received a very curious reward for this. Every day a bucket of sweets was sent to him from the factory. The genius went to the playground, unwrapped the caramel, licked it and threw it into the sand. In front of the drooling children. And so - until the stock runs out.

Salvador Dali in 1959.

And what about his Gala? She died. But a year before her death, a heartbreaking family scene occurred. In February 1981, Dalí's secretary heard cries for help. Dali's bloody wife was found in the artist's office. It turned out that the couple quarreled. And the genius "beat her a little with his cane."
Involuntarily, the words of Salvador himself are recalled: “Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And it’s impossible not to love.” Amendment - only a Russian woman.

4 chose

He was born exactly 112 years ago and claimed to remember himself literally from the moment of conception. All his life he was convinced that his mission on this Earth was to save art. He had his own - a special idea of ​​\u200b\u200blove, and he was lucky to meet women on his way who understood and accepted his worldview ...

They... There were three of them in his life - three Muses who made his life even more filled and amazing. And those who managed to find out what he really is - the author of "The Face of War", "Giraffes on Fire", "Galatea with Spheres", "The Persistence of Memory" and many other works of painting and literature...


Salvador Domenech Felip Jacinte Dali and Domenech was born on May 11, 1904 in the Catalan town of Figueres exactly 9 months after his older brother tragically passed away while still at a completely tender age. And the name of which was also - Salvador.

For the Dali couple - a wealthy notary and his wife - the death of their first child was a great grief. And in order to somehow soothe their emotional wounds, the family went to a picturesque place, returning from where Philip realized that she was pregnant again.

The appearance of a son was perceived as a miracle, and the boy received the same name - Salvador, which means "savior" in Spanish. They were worried about the boy's health and therefore indulged in almost everything. In addition, Philip often took her son to the grave of his older brother.

Apparently, even then the young genius concluded for himself that he was the reincarnation of his older brother ... Only in his improved form. And he spent his entire childhood in the status of an "outstanding" child. And if you look from the outside, he pretty much spoiled the blood of his parents, arranging completely ugly tantrums and scandals, accompanied by all sorts of pranks and antics. The younger sister Ana Maria later recalled more than once how Salvador shed tears, threw himself on the floor and fought in hysterics, switching to ultrasound, and all this for the sake of sometimes completely insane desires - for example, for the sake of a flag from the flagpole at the Town Hall or a candy from a closed confectionery.

At the same time, the boy showed a huge number of phobias and complexes. It seemed that he would never be able to make friends, but the thirst for attention overcame all fears. Moreover, I found a "compromise" in my work...

What inspired him? Everything. Nature, dreams, losing cards, people, friends, Women... The genius had a very difficult relationship with the fair sex. But in them he found his main Muses...

Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova was born on August 26 in Kazan, then still in the Russian Empire. Having been widowed, her mother remarried a lawyer, with whom she would later move to permanent residence in Moscow.

Here she studies in the same gymnasium with her sisters and Anastasia, but at the age of 16, her stepfather sent her to Switzerland - for the treatment of tuberculosis in a sanatorium.

Here - in the town of Clavadel - she met with the son of a well-known real estate dealer, Paul Eluard. The result of this holiday romance was the conclusion of a legal marriage between young people in 1917. It was thanks to Paul that Elena turned into a Muse named Gal but and bore him a daughter, Cecile.

Rotating in bohemian circles, the couple has been in the spotlight more than once, thanks to their antics and lifestyle. Gala was a real Muse, inspiring not only her husband to create amazing romantic poems, but also his painter friends, among whom once was Dali...

It was a bolt from the blue. And for both. Gala became the second woman to appear on his canvases (the first was Dali's own sister, Ana Maria), while gaining fame for his evil genius. Although it was thanks to her efforts that Dali was among the millionaire artists and remained so until the end of his days. Probably, now there is no area where the brand would not light up Salvador Dali- advertising, theater (together with them they created costumes for the ballet "Bacchanalia", for which Dali also wrote the libretto), perfumery, cinema, animation, literature ...

Amanda Lear

An amazing person, TV presenter, singer, cult personality of her time. She is a real high-quality product of PR, to which the brightest personalities had a hand: and He is Salvador Dali himself.

An incredible low voice that could easily be confused with a man, which, in fact, became the reason for the rumors that Amanda is a transsexual. Both of them - both Dali and Amanda - loved provocative antics, so they played along in every possible way with the "yellow press", explaining that the singer's pseudonym was a play on the words of the French phrase "Dali's Mistress" (L "Amant Dali"), and Dali's favorite joke was: " What a luxurious woman! ... But she is a man!"

And yet ... Amanda Tapp was born on November 18, 1946 in Hong Kong. It mixed a cocktail of French and Chinese blood. In the mid-1960s, at one of the receptions, fate brought her together with Salvador Dali, who appreciated her unusualness and made her his Muse. She posed for him and participated in all his pranks (and Gala, meanwhile - perhaps for the first time in her life - perceived Amanda as a serious rival). Dali taught her painting and came up with more and more pranks.

Nanita Kalashnikoff

Maria Fernanda was born in Puerto del Sol near the Royal Academy of San Fernando (Madroda, Spain). The father wanted to name his daughter Ambarina because of the color of her hair and snow-white skin. But the church has made it clear that this is impossible. Nanita (a diminutive of Fernand) was the daughter of the famous erotic novelist of the early twentieth century, José Maria Carretero, who published under the pseudonym El Caballero Audas. Young Dali read these books as a teenager, and the fact that at the Knickerbrokers charity ball in New York, the blonde in a luxurious red dress, the daughter of his favorite writer, who conquered him with her very appearance, shocked the artist to the core.

By the time of the significant meeting, Nanita was already "deeply married" to the jeweler Mikhail Kalashnikov and the mother of three daughters. Dali seemed to her a funny eccentric, but their further meetings showed that they had a lot in common.

And again, Gala suspected that Dali was ready to leave her. But... Ninita and Salvador just enjoyed spending time, because they understood each other perfectly. They sang their favorite arias, walked, chatted about everything in the world. Nanita posed for Dali, and her husband perceived their friendship as a cute prank.

Nanita became a real outlet for Dali, a real friend who remained with him until the very end and whom he simply called "King" ...

Leokadiya Korshunova , website

Photo: art-dali.com, maxpark.com, pinterest.com, elcultural.com

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