Home Generator A cyclist has the right to ride on the road. Basic rules of the road for cyclists. Should a cyclist give way to pedestrians?

A cyclist has the right to ride on the road. Basic rules of the road for cyclists. Should a cyclist give way to pedestrians?

On road:

  • Be predictable and confident, but don't consider yourself the king of the road. Respect both drivers and other cyclists.
  • Follow the rules of the road: a bicycle is a vehicle, and everyone is equal on the roadway.
  • You can only drive along the road in the direction of traffic - never towards it. If as a child you were told that the safest thing to do is to move towards oncoming traffic, now you are driving the vehicle yourself, and driving in the oncoming lane is a traffic violation.
  • A cyclist should move along the road as far to the right as possible towards the side of the road. If there are cars parked on your right, you need to drive at a distance of one meter from them - this way you will protect yourself from a suddenly opened car door. By the way, if the door did open and you crashed into it, you yourself are the culprit of the accident, since you drove into a stationary car.
  • Like any other driver, you must stop at red and yellow traffic lights, and also calculate in advance your strength to negotiate the intersection while the green light is flashing.
  • While waiting for the green light, take a place in front of cars at the intersection - this way you can be seen better, but do not stand on a zebra crossing or at a turning corner - the first is inconvenient for pedestrians, the second is unsafe.
  • If you want to change lanes to the second lane before an intersection where the right lane is only for turning right, look around, check that there is room for you to change lanes, point to the left with your outstretched left arm, make sure again that you have room to maneuver, and change lanes. If there is no room to change lanes, take your time; perhaps there will be time to change lanes while everyone is standing at the traffic light, or wait for the right moment.
  • Show with your hands the direction of your movement in advance and, if possible, until the end of the maneuver (to the right - with an outstretched right hand, to the left - with an outstretched left hand, braking - with an outstretched hand)
  • Always give way to pedestrians - drivers follow the example of cyclists.
  • A cyclist cannot turn left on roads with more than one lane or tram tracks.
  • Use public transport lanes - they are the safest for movement, although traffic regulations prohibit driving in them (attention, you can get a fine for driving in a public transport lane!).
  • Be careful when driving past arches and exits from courtyards - a car may unexpectedly drive out of there. The slower and further you drive from them, the lower the risk of an accident.
  • Be careful near trucks and large vehicles - the “blind” zone of such vehicles is very large, and their drivers may not see you at all, either to the left, or to the right, or in front of them. It’s better to let them drive ahead - don’t overtake!
  • Use sidewalks as little as possible, and if you do drive on them, be respectful of pedestrians - this is their territory. Ask them to give way in advance and thank them, move slowly and look where you are going so that people you meet understand where you are going. Be attentive to dogs on leashes - it is better to go around them on the opposite side from the owner. Pass children as slowly as possible - they are unpredictable.
  • Turn on the lights (front and rear) in the evening and at night. It is advisable to wear a helmet and additional reflective elements on clothing.
  • From April 8, 2014, new amendments to the traffic rules are in effect - read and be careful!

In case of an accident:

  • Call the insurance company, traffic police and an ambulance.
  • Leave the scene of the accident untouched until the insurance agent arrives, and try to move as little as possible.
  • Do not agree to take money from the driver for the damage caused to you - after visiting the tram station, the damage may turn out to be much more serious than during your initial inspection of yourself and the bicycle.

Be careful, predictable and set an example for other cyclists!

More and more residents of big cities are beginning to realize that cycling is convenient, environmentally friendly, fun and fashionable. But in the city, a cyclist can cause a lot of problems if he does not follow the basic rules. A cyclist is a participant in the movement and a driver of a vehicle! This should not be forgotten.

CityFan presents some simple but mandatory rules of the road for cyclists.

  • If a person rides a bicycle, then he is considered the driver of a vehicle, and if he drives it, then he is considered a pedestrian. He is obliged to follow traffic rules in both cases.
  • The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal, be equipped with a white reflector and a flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility) on the front, a red reflector or flashlight on the back, and a reflector on each side. orange or red. (SDA 2.3.1)
  • It is prohibited to drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand, to transport passengers under the age of 7 years, as well as cargo more than half a meter in length or width (Traffic Rules 24.3)
  • Like other drivers, it is prohibited to drive a vehicle while intoxicated, under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, or while in a sick or tired state. (SDA 2.7)
  • It is prohibited to use a telephone while driving that is not equipped with a technical device that allows hands-free conversations. (SDA 2.7)
  • Bicycles must travel in the rightmost lane in a single row in the opposite direction of motor vehicles ( changed). The recommendation is due to the fact that in this case both drivers see each other and can coordinate their actions to avoid a collision.

UPD: The point is ambiguous. According to the traffic rules (Traffic Rules 4.1), persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle, must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.

  • When driving through intersections, the usual priority rules apply. A car moving on a secondary road must yield to a bicycle moving on the main lane. (Traffic rules 13.9-13.10)
  • Cyclists are not allowed to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, nor are they allowed to turn around on it. In this case, you need to get off the bike and cross the road as a pedestrian. If you have doubts about the correctness of your actions on the road, police officers recommend getting off the sidewalk and following the rules of pedestrians. (SDA 14.1, 8.11)
  • When driving around cars with people sitting in them, you must take into account that they may suddenly open the doors to get out, and this can lead to an accident.
  • When turning, you need to raise your arm, bent at the elbow, or extended. If you turn to the left, raise your right arm, bent at the elbow, or the extended left one; if you turn to the right, raise the bent left arm, or the extended right one. Stop - raised hand (any). (Traffic rules 8.1-8.2) (see picture)

For violations of traffic rules, liability is provided in accordance with the administrative code (fines from 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the violation). The parents will be responsible for the juvenile offender.

There are also questions about the non-recognition of cyclists as motorists. Here all road users can only wish mutual respect, attention and patience on the road. Have a successful, safe and eventful cycling season!

For the information we thank Elena Lobanchikova, an employee of the Ust-Ilimsky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Traffic Police of the Russian Federation.

A bicycle is a convenient and environmentally friendly means of transport, with which you can quickly get to your destination or just have a great time with friends outside the city. There are no age restrictions to ride it. Kids start pedaling from an early age. But unfortunately, not everyone knows the rules of the road for cyclists. But driving on the roadway can be very dangerous.

General provisions

There is an official definition according to which a bicycle is a vehicle on two or three wheels, driven by muscle power. Official rules for cyclists cover all road users. Few people know that the person driving any vehicle is the driver. The term "cyclist" is not official. If a person rolls a vehicle along the road rather than rides it, then he is a pedestrian. In addition, pedestrians include any road users who move on skis, skates, or with the help of any other sports equipment. People carrying out repair work on the road are not considered pedestrians.

Traffic rules for cyclists also describe the zones into which the road is divided. The main element is a special track designed for riding a two-wheeled vehicle. This element of the road must be marked with an appropriate sign. A separate pedestrian road for cyclists describes this element of the road as an area intended for pedestrian traffic. Exit and entry into this zone are indicated by special signs. In some cases, riding two-wheelers is allowed here. The element of the road that is adjacent to the roadway is also called a sidewalk.

While riding a bicycle on the road, any unforeseen situation can happen. Before traveling a long distance, you should check the condition of the vehicle. The bicycle must have a high-quality brake, a good steering wheel and a loud sound signal. If you plan to drive at night, it is necessary to equip the vehicle with a reflector or flashlight. The rules for scooterists and cyclists state that in the event of a malfunction, a pedestrian has the right to roll the vehicle only in the direction of movement of other vehicles. It is prohibited to go out onto a dark roadway without reflectors.

Basics for cyclists

Sometimes there is a special zone on the road for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles. In this case, cyclists should give preference to it. The cars move at impressive speeds, and even the most experienced two-wheeler owner will not be able to maneuver safely between them. Those who still decide to drive on the roadway should stick to the far right lane. You can also drive on the side of the road if this does not cause inconvenience to pedestrians and other road users.

The rules of the road for cyclists do not include the ability to travel on the motorway. Pedestrians, horse riders, and any vehicles that are not capable of traveling at speeds exceeding 40 kilometers per hour are prohibited from traveling here. Driving on the expressway can be hazardous to health and life.

When leaving a pedestrian or residential area onto a roadway, a cyclist must carefully examine the situation on the road. You must yield to those vehicles that are no more than 100 meters away. Pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users are not allowed to cross the road.

There are special rules for cyclists who travel in groups. Such travelers need to split into several columns of 10 people. The distance between individual groups of cyclists must be at least 100 meters. This will ensure unhindered movement of other road users. If there is a line marking the edge on the road, it should be located to the left of the group of cyclists. In this case, the distance between moving cars and two-wheeled vehicles should not be less than a meter. If a group of cyclists moves along the roadway at night, each vehicle must be equipped with lights. The front light should be white and the back light should be red. This will help other road users understand what trajectory the group of cyclists is moving along.

Driving on a busy roadway

An adult cyclist has every right to move on the roadway within the city. At the same time, he must stick to the right edge of the road. It is not recommended to drive further than 1 meter from the right edge. This can only be done to avoid any obstacles on the road. Traffic rules for cyclists prohibit the use of disabled vehicles on the roadway. You cannot move without keeping your hands on the steering wheel and your feet on the pedals. It is not recommended to drive onto a busy road in conditions of snowfall, reduced visibility (fog) or ice.

Particular attention should be paid to traffic with passengers. It is not recommended to transport anyone on the frame. For children under seven years of age, a special seat with seat belts must be equipped. Drivers of this age do not have the right to drive onto the roadway unless accompanied by an adult.

The rules for cyclists also describe the possibility of carrying goods. When driving on the roadway, it is allowed to transport luggage that protrudes beyond the vehicle by no more than 0.5 meters. In addition, you should not ride on a busy road if the load interferes with the control of the bicycle. This may cause inconvenience to other vehicle drivers.

Correct passage of intersections

The classic priority rule applies at every intersection. This means that a vehicle traveling on a secondary road must yield to a car or bicycle traveling on a main road. When turning right, the driver must give way to those driving straight.

Much more difficulties can arise when driving through an uncontrolled intersection. In most cases, a cyclist must yield the right-of-way to a four-wheeler. The only exception is a roadway with a specially equipped path. In addition, many roads have bicycle traffic lights. The rules for cyclists state that they must also obey standard road traffic lights that regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

What signals should a cyclist give?

Road users will be able to travel safely if they use a special signal language. Motorists make various signs using their headlights. Cyclists communicate their intentions using hand movements. If a bicycle driver, moving along the roadway, intends to turn, he must extend his straight arm in the direction of the turn. When moving to the right, we extend our right arm, and when moving to the left, we extend our left arm. What if, by coincidence, it is not possible to signal a turn with the right hand? There is an exit! You can bend the arm opposite to the rotation at the elbow and extend it upward.

Every cyclist on a busy road must also inform other traffic of his intention to stop. To do this, you just need to extend either hand up. for cyclists state that any signals should be given no later than a minute before performing a certain action on the road.

What should cyclists not do?

Road rules for cyclists are not meant to be broken. They allow two-wheeler drivers to reach their destination safely without causing additional disruption to other road users. Cyclists are prohibited from riding on the roadway if there is a specially equipped bicycle path nearby. It is not recommended to drive a disabled vehicle. The movement of cyclists on roadsides, sidewalks and pedestrian paths is allowed only in extreme cases. At the same time, the driver must adhere to the minimum speed so as not to endanger other road users.

It is prohibited to move along a busy highway without special protective elements. These include a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Persons under 14 years of age may travel on the road only if accompanied by an adult. Everyone should ride a bicycle while holding the handlebars firmly with at least one hand. It is prohibited to transport passengers or large cargo on the frame. Children under seven years of age ride in a specially equipped seat with seat belts. You cannot tow a bicycle on the roadway. The faulty product can only be transported manually.

If there are several lanes in the direction the cyclist is moving or if there is a tram line nearby, turning around is prohibited. The road rules for cyclists are the same as for cars. You can only turn on a special section of the road. A road that has several lanes in one direction at once can be a high-speed road. Cars here travel at speeds of more than 60 kilometers per hour. Failure to comply with requirements can lead to disastrous consequences. The rules for cyclists on the road are completely simple. Following them is a guarantee of the safety of road users.

Mass cycling events

More and more representatives of the younger generation prefer environmentally friendly two-wheeled transport. Bicycle lovers hold many events. People with the same views gather at them. All cycling events are a beautiful and spectacular event. However, achieving order in a large group of people with their own vehicles is not so easy. In addition, many participants in such events do not even know what rules exist for cyclists. It is wrong to assume that safety and order at any event is a matter of the qualifications of the organizer. The organizer of an event only creates conditions so that its participants can have a fun and useful time. Those who do not know the basic rules should not attend such events.

The main thing for cyclists at such events is knowledge of the elementary aspects of movement within a large group of people. It is worth noting that there are no age restrictions for participation in promotions of this kind. Even a child can come in their own vehicle. But no one has canceled the cyclist rules for schoolchildren. It is better if a child under 14 years of age is accompanied by an adult. It is not recommended to take children under 10 years old to the bike ride. The baby may get lost in the crowd and create obstacles for other road users.

Basic rules of conduct at mass cycling events

Safety rules for cyclists are not a guarantee that the event will take place without incident. In addition to the requirements regarding movement, you must follow the unwritten laws of interaction with other participants in the action. First of all, you must always keep your distance and move straight along the track. If the movement is carried out in a column, you cannot overtake its participants. Those who want to ride with a friend, neighbor, or mother need to stand next to them at the very start. By moving between the participants in the column, the cyclist creates serious interference for the others.

The organizers of the event may create new rules for cyclists who wish to participate in the event. They are definitely worth sticking to. You need to move without deviating from the trajectory of the main mass. If the column is following the roadway, you should not drive onto the sidewalk. The only exceptions are cyclists under 14 years of age. Driving in the pedestrian zone is allowed only at low speed.

When moving in a group of cyclists, it is necessary to take into account their interests. While driving a vehicle, you should not smoke. It should be remembered that not all participants in the action have Cigarette smoke may simply be unpleasant to someone. In addition, there are already a lot of emissions on the road. It is also undesirable to talk on the phone while moving in a column. This distracts the attention of the driver of the vehicle, as well as other road users. A cyclist may accidentally press the button. This will cause him to fall and also disturb others.

Any maneuvers on the road while driving in a group should be coordinated with other road users. This applies to turning and stopping. Traffic rules for cyclists describe special gestures with which a traffic participant can inform others of his intentions. Before turning, you should move your arm horizontally in the appropriate direction. A raised hand indicates that the cyclist plans to stop.

It is inappropriate to show your acrobatic abilities when moving in a group. Riding on the rear wheel and jumping over obstacles looks, of course, spectacular. But such maneuvers can pose a danger to other participants in the event.

Organization of mass bicycle columns

The popularity of cycling promotions is growing every year. More and more people want to take part in these types of events. But the huge number of cyclists needs to be properly organized. Today there are entire companies that offer everything necessary to carry out such promotions. These are various reflective tapes and vests. It is possible to rent one or several vehicles at once. Volunteers also provide assistance. These are experienced cyclists who are ready to help beginners at any time.

The correct organization of an event depends on the guides, those on duty and those at the end. These are people who know and unquestioningly follow the rules for pedestrians and cyclists. The guiding drivers of the vehicles set the pace of movement of the entire column. The person assigned to this role should not move too quickly. It should be remembered that participants in the event can be people with different physical fitness. Absolutely everyone should be comfortable - both beginners and experienced cyclists. The guides ensure that other participants do not overtake, and also warn that any obstacles are approaching. An escort car always moves next to the guiding cyclists.

Duty two-wheeler drivers move inside the convoy. They keep order. Most often, those on duty stick to the right edge. This also makes it possible to control cyclists who move outside the right lane. Traffic participants on duty often have contrasting uniforms. Therefore, it is not difficult to recognize them among the others.

The trailing cyclists must ensure that the column does not stretch or break. Most often, radio communication is established with the guiding cyclist. This allows you to control the speed of movement of the entire column.


The movement of cyclists on the roadway is controlled. Violation by an adult is initially punishable by a simple warning. If the driver continues to evade the rules, he faces a fine of 100 rubles. It is prohibited to ride a bicycle on the roadway while intoxicated. Such behavior entails a fine of 300 to no prior warning.

If the rules for cyclists for children have been violated, the parents take responsibility. In this case, the police can report the violation to the educational institution where the offender is registered. If evasion of the rules led to a minor accident, you will have to pay 300 rubles for the misdemeanor. If harm was caused to the health of other road users, the fine will be 1,500 rubles.

Compliance with the rules is a guarantee of safety. Therefore, before purchasing a bicycle, you should carefully study the traffic rules.

They say that cyclists don’t follow the rules and don’t read traffic regulations, so they need to be banned as soon as possible. Although if you observe some other participants in the movement, you suspect that they are the ones who are not familiar with the rules. In the last few years, several amendments have been made to the traffic rules, which specifically relate to bicycles. Someone might have missed them, but someone probably thinks that he already knows everything better than anyone else. One way or another, the only worthy argument in any dispute is exact knowledge of how everything really works. We've selected the most common statements about bicycles, compared them with current traffic regulations, and added tips that will help you comply with the law (or break it wisely).

WHAT THEY SAY A bicycle is a vehicle just like a car.

HOW IT REALLY IS In paragraph 1.2 it is stated that a bicycle is a “vehicle”, but there is not a word about its similarity with cars. A car, if we speak in terms of traffic regulations, is a mechanical vehicle. Do you feel the difference? Some provisions of the rules apply to all types of vehicles (for example, the obligation to yield to pedestrians at crossings), but there are points that apply only to cars or only to bicycles.

Discussions about equality usually lead to the fact that cyclists should also get a license and pay road tax, and they should be fined to the fullest extent of the law. This, of course, is complete nonsense. Do cars often crush people to death in your city? What about bicycles? That's the same! A car is a highly dangerous vehicle. A bicycle - no, because it is lighter and slower. The impact of bicycles on the condition of the road surface is also minimal. At the same time, the cyclist himself is more vulnerable compared to those who travel inside a metal body. Therefore, in many countries, cyclists are considered as an intermediate link between pedestrians and cars. They are given legislative concessions, for example, they are allowed to drive on red lights, and they turn a blind eye to some minor violations.

WHAT THEY SAY Some people say that you can’t ride on the sidewalk, and others say that a bicycle has no place on the roadway. There are known cases of fines being imposed for both.

HOW IT REALLY IS The location of a bicycle on the road is regulated by clause 24.2. Memorize these numbers so you can throw them in the face of the next taxi driver, who will shout at you to immediately get off the roadway and onto the sidewalk. Brief summary of the point: if there is no cycling infrastructure on the street or it is impossible to use it, you are allowed to ride on the right edge of the roadway. If it is impossible to drive on the roadway, you must move along the side of the road. Riding on the sidewalk is a last resort when driving anywhere else is not possible.

True, many interpret this “impossible” broadly and to their advantage. They say it’s scary, it means it’s impossible. #velonation sent a request to the traffic police in this regard. The answer was as vague as the wording in the traffic rules itself: officials said that in each case the question of whether there was a violation is considered separately. So use your own judgment, but read the next point first.

WHAT THEY SAY If a cyclist on the sidewalk interferes with or creates a danger for pedestrians, he must get off his bicycle and roll it next to him.

HOW IT REALLY IS That's right - see clause 24.6. Proponents of driving on the sidewalk will, of course, say that they completely agree with this and drive past pedestrians carefully and with all respect. Sometimes this is true, but sometimes a cyclist on the sidewalk resembles a dog breeder letting his beloved dog out into the yard without a collar with the words: “He doesn’t bite!” When driving out onto the sidewalk, remember not only about your own safety, but also that there are people for whom, for various reasons, the very presence of a bicycle on the sidewalk is already stressful and a hindrance.

WHAT THEY SAY You can walk on the sidewalk with children.

HOW IT IS REALLY possible and necessary - this is also discussed in paragraph 24.2. Children under 7 years of age, accompanying adults, as well as people carrying a child in a child seat must drive only on the sidewalk. It is prohibited to carry children without a special place on bicycles (see clause 24.8). From 7 to 14 years old you can also ride on bicycle paths.

By Resolution No. 832 of July 12, 2017, the Government approved changes to the traffic rules. The amendments allow the movement of cyclists on the sidewalk or pedestrian path if the cyclist under the age of 14 is accompanied by an adult.

WHAT THEY SAY In the bike lane at the Boulevard end, cyclists will have to dismount every 50 meters. State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov spoke in this spirit last year.

HOW IT REALLY IS Apparently, the deputy was prompted to this idea by signs depicting a crossed-out bicycle. Well, Lysakov is not good at reading signs. A crossed-out bicycle marks the end of the bike path - then you ride a bicycle on a general basis, but there is no question of dismounting. The bicycle ban looks almost like a “brick” - a circle with a red border and a bicycle in the middle. There are plenty of such signs around Red Square. There is also a triangular sign with a bicycle and a red border; it warns drivers that they will encounter bicycle infrastructure ahead.

WHAT THEY SAY There is a debate on the Internet about whether a car driver should yield to cyclists going straight before turning right. And if it should, then under what conditions.

HOW IT REALLY IS According to one version, you only need to yield if there is a bike path. This is a misconception, but it can still be understood - this is how it was written in the previous version of the traffic rules. It is more difficult to understand people who argue with the current version of clause 13.1. We quote: “When turning right or left, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the roadway on which he is turning.” It seems that everything is clear. But no, someone insists that you should only yield to those who dismount and cross the street at the zebra crossing. Motorists generally really like it when cyclists dismount and turn back into pedestrians, but this has nothing to do with the rules.

In any case, the number of people who do not know or interpret the rule loosely is somewhat scary - there is no guarantee that you will actually be allowed through. The best thing you can do is stand in front of the cars at the intersection. So, firstly, you will be better visible. Secondly, the bicycle starts from a standstill a little faster than a car, and you will have a slight head start to quickly pass the intersection.

WHAT THEY SAY Pedestrians have become insolent, they must learn to respect cyclists and get off the bike paths.

HOW IT REALLY IS Pedestrians are no more insolent than cyclists riding on the sidewalk. Clause 4.1 allows them to walk on bicycle paths if it is impossible to walk on the sidewalk. As usual, there are no specifics in the rules; everyone interprets it as best they can.

WHAT THEY SAY You can ride a bicycle on dedicated public transport lanes.

HOW IT REALLY IS Clause 18.2 was introduced into the traffic rules in 2015, and not everyone knows about it, but it is indeed possible to drive on dedicated roads. Dedicated lanes are far from real bike paths, but it’s still better than riding in traffic with cars. It is easy to recognize the allocated lane - it has a marking in the form of the letter A (obviously, from the word bus), as well as a sign with a pictogram in the shape of a bus and another sign indicating the operating mode. On weekends and holidays, priority for public transport and bicycles usually does not apply; cars can use allocated lanes.

WHAT THEY SAY Bicycles must have headlights.

HOW IT REALLY IS It’s not enough to attach headlights to the bike; you must remember to turn them on “in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels” - as required by clause 19.1. Insufficient visibility occurs, for example, during rain. A person who rides a bicycle in the dark without lights turns invisible and becomes dangerous to himself and others. The easiest way to make sure you don't miss is to install dynamo lights like those used on rental bikes. They turn on automatically and stay lit the entire time you pedal. The front light should be white and the rear light red. This is important, otherwise you will mislead other road users.

It seems that everything is simple, but there is one catch in the form of clause 19.5, which requires that low beam headlights and daytime running lights be turned on on all vehicles during the day. Presumably, they simply forgot to edit this paragraph after separate requirements for bicycles were added to the traffic rules, so it can be ignored.

WHAT THEY SAY You cannot ride a bicycle without a helmet and reflective elements on your clothing. Rumor has it that there have been situations where cyclists have been fined for not wearing a helmet.

HOW IT REALLY IS Whether to wear a helmet or not is your choice. There is not a word about helmets in the rules, and clause 24.10 only recommends, but does not in any way oblige cyclists to wear reflective elements at night - no matter what drivers dying of idleness in a traffic jam shout at you about this. In response, you can advise them to brush up on the traffic rules at their leisure - it obviously won’t hurt.

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Everyone who gets behind the wheel of a bicycle becomes a participant in traffic. Therefore, the requirements for it are as strict as for car drivers and motorcycle drivers.

To ensure the safety of themselves and others, drivers of these vehicles must follow the rules.

The number of wheeled mobile vehicles that are driven by human muscle power is growing year by year. They are bought in specialized stores and rented: they go to work, take children to kindergarten, go for walks and shopping trips, and simply use them to maintain health.

Therefore, to avoid confusion on the roads, cyclists must follow the rules.

In European countries, this type of transport is perhaps the most popular. Denmark, Germany, Holland, and Belgium are the leaders in their hobby. There is a developed network of bicycle paths and special traffic lights are installed, which confirms people’s attention to mobile vehicles. In Denmark, for example, a car is now considered a luxury, and the bicycle has occupied a significant niche among means of transportation. This is explained by the introduction of a high tax on car purchases, which exceeds the cost of the car itself. Added to this was the introduction of parking fees. So this means of transportation has gained popularity, which is used to travel to places that cannot be reached on foot or by car; it is allowed to enter the center of large cities. Riding such a vehicle is also good for your health.

The advantages this vehicle provides:

  • price – it is much lower than other types of transport;
  • there is no need to buy gasoline, the prices of which are quite high;
  • small dimensions;
  • there are no problems associated with traffic jams on city roads during rush hours;
  • speed. It is lower in comparison with motorcycles and cars, however, thanks to mobility, it is faster to get to the right time by bicycle;
  • pedaling turns out to be a kind of plus: it helps to pump up the leg muscles;
  • staying in the fresh air (where there are no exhaust gases) turns out to be another plus for health;
  • Riding focuses attention and helps a person concentrate.

The list of main advantages turned out to be rather long.

But we can’t ignore the shortcomings:

  • storage problem;
  • insufficient number of parking lots in cities and equipped paths;
  • seasonality, i.e. in rainy weather and winter, this transport is ineffective.

China dominates among the main manufacturers - a huge number of factories for the assembly and production of cheap and mobile transport are concentrated there. But don’t rush to criticize the manufacturer - a lot of good words have been said about its products, despite the fact that in comparison with famous European manufacturers, mobile transport costs much less.

The fact that there are up to a billion people in the world who like to ride “with the breeze” testifies to many things, and that people are thinking about the environment and thus are fighting air pollution.

Negative consequences of car popularity

  • pollute air;
  • require significant financial investments, including for routine and planned repairs;
  • make a lot of noise;
  • spending a long time behind the wheel causes the development of certain diseases;
  • low mobility of the driver leads to the same problems.

These problems are not familiar to those who have chosen mobile transport. If it continues to be popularized, it will become the transport of the future, especially considering how quickly production is developing, how many new models and gadgets have been developed for it.

Excerpts from Chapter 6 of the Rules for Cyclists

The chapter spells out the rules that must be strictly observed when driving outside your own home, when the person sitting behind the wheel turns into a full-fledged participant in the road traffic.

What are the rules for cyclists?

The traffic rules (Chapter 6 “Requirements for drivers of mopeds and bicycles”) clearly regulate the behavior of cyclists who have left their home and find themselves on the roads.

Let's look at the basic rules outlined in this chapter:

6.1 Citizens who have reached the age of fourteen are allowed to ride bicycles on the roadway.

Children over 14 years of age, in accordance with the rules, can ride alone on the roads. Younger children are allowed to move only on sidewalks. And those under 7 years old can only ride under adult supervision.

6.2. The mobile transport in question must be equipped with light reflectors– this is another rule for a cyclist. The color of the reflector installed in front is white, the reflector mounted at the back is red, and the reflector on the sides is orange. The rules require that in addition to reflectors, there must be an audible signal.

6.3. If driving in conditions of limited visibility, in particular at night, the rules require the use of lights installed in front and behind, which will help identify the vehicle on the roadway.

6.4. The next rule: in order not to interfere with traffic participants when moving in a group, you need to drive in a chain, i.e. one after another. If a column is moving, the cyclists are divided into groups of 10 people each and move, keeping a distance of 80-100 meters between groups. According to the rules, the distance between the “drivers” themselves is maintained at least 1.5 meters. Compliance with this rule will help drivers of other vehicles move freely, avoiding traffic jams.

6.5. It is allowed to carry loads of such dimensions that do not interfere with the control of the bicycle. The rules allow the transportation of cargo on a trunk or a special trailer, but do not provide for the transportation of oversized cargo.

  • drive a vehicle that has a faulty signal, brakes, no lighting (in the dark), or in poor visibility;
  • You cannot drive on the roadway if there is a bike path nearby;
  • move on paths for pedestrians (except for children’s bicycles);
  • hold on to another vehicle when driving;
  • drive without holding the steering wheel or taking your feet off the pedals;
  • It is allowed to transport adults (children under 7 years old) on an additional seat, provided that
  • that the seat is equipped with footrests);
  • The rules for cyclists do not allow towing bicycles, mopeds, trailers (except as specified above).

Rules: where the vehicle is allowed to go

You are required to drive on the roadway (according to the rules) as close to the right shoulder as possible. This rule is often hindered by parked cars that need to be passed around, which is very risky from the point of view of traffic moving behind and from the driver of the parked car, who can open the door in front of the cyclist without noticing his approach.

If a breakdown occurs during a trip, an injury occurs, or a person is simply tired and wants to walk, he turns into a pedestrian, even while walking with a vehicle. Now he must move according to the rules along the edge of the left shoulder - towards moving traffic, so that in case of danger, he can quickly react.

How is a bike lane designated according to the rules?

If there is a bike path, you only need to move along it.

Its presence is indicated by a road sign provided for by the rules:

If there is no sign, markings are applied to the bike path indicating the direction of movement (as stated by the rules).

If it is, then the rules prohibit cyclists from riding on the roadway. There are still few paths in our country, so cyclists travel along the same lines as trucks and cars, so the issue of personal safety is extremely relevant.

What is important to know to protect yourself on the roads

  • Riding on the roads is dangerous because cyclists may not be seen at night. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wear brighter cycling clothing and equip your vehicle with reflective elements, as required by the rules for cyclists, section 6.2. The taillight must be turned on in accordance with paragraph 6.3 of the rules for cyclists. A bicycle light powered by a rechargeable battery or batteries is attached to the handlebars.
  • A front light will help you spot vehicles from afar and illuminate the way.
  • Often headlights have different functions: continuous glow, blinking.
  • In order not to risk turning back, equip your mobile vehicle with a rear-view mirror, attaching it to the steering wheel. This simple accessory will help you focus your attention on the road.
  • Another point of the rules aimed at preserving the health of the cyclist is the mandatory wearing of a helmet, which will protect the head in case of a fall, from which even an experienced driver is not insured. After all, circumstances do not always depend on his experience and skills.

Does a cyclist need a license?

Until now, this has not been required, but the State Duma has already raised this issue, to which the owners of the “iron horses” reacted ambiguously. Most responded negatively to this decision. But the measures were caused by a global violation of the rules, unwillingness to equip your vehicle accordingly, and neglect of safety rules - wearing reflective clothing and a helmet.

The license will help improve the culture of these drivers, as well as apply fines to them for violations. But they are not the only ones to blame for road accidents, so it would be advisable to start installing bicycle paths, about which there is no news yet.

When the law is adopted, it will be possible to move only with a certificate similar to a motorist’s license. But given the increased interest in bicycles, the introduction of compulsory training for obtaining a license may cause the demand for bicycles to fall.

The rules for cyclists include gestures that help determine what maneuver they will perform.

Hands act as car headlights:

  • when it is lifted to the right, there will be a right turn;
  • by raising his hand up, the driver will continue to move in a straight line;
  • Do not turn left - it is prohibited.

What to do if you can’t turn left. In this case, they drive to the nearest underground or overground passage and cross the road, dismounting. If you find it difficult to make signs with your hands, purchase an electronic system that indicates turns. Inform your colleagues on the roads about upcoming maneuvers in advance so that they can get their bearings in time.

Video: A cyclist stands in a traffic jam

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