Home Engine Corner about October Brsm. Speech by the "we are together" propaganda team. From work experience

Corner about October Brsm. Speech by the "we are together" propaganda team. From work experience

Honestly, I feel sorry for today's kids. They have never been and will never be October students... Oh, what a joy and pride it was when you, yesterday’s “just a first-grader”, and more recently a snotty “preschooler”, were solemnly accepted in front of the whole school (!) in October! And now you are no longer just a first-grader, but an October child, and, most importantly, now you have an October child BADGE on your chest... It was the October child’s star that raised you a step higher in the hierarchy of your peers. After all, this is not my uncle’s army badge, which was just for “showing off in front of the boys.” The October badge was the first (!) legal insignia, a sign of belonging to a special group. And what kind of ideology and politics are there (at seven years old...), an ordinary game. Everything is like adults - meetings, discussions, responsibilities. It was precisely these responsibilities that made us more mature and responsible. There were even Rules of the October Revolution. And there was nothing wrong with them. Judge for yourself...

— Octobers are future pioneers.
“Octobers are diligent guys, they study well, they love school, they respect their elders.
- Oktyabryats, honest and truthful guys.
- The Octobers, friendly guys, read and draw, play and sing, they live happily.
Only those who love work are called Octobers.

To let down his comrades, to fail to complete an assignment was a disgrace for the October boy. We took this very seriously. And the title of October-born gave the right to become a member of various communities, such as “Friends of Birds”, “Green Patrol” and many others, I don’t remember... But I remember well how in the spring my grandfather trimmed the garden, and I (a member of the “Green Patrol” "!), ran after him around the garden and did not let him cut the branches, poking him with his ID. Certificate! In fact, it was mainly for his sake that they joined these societies. But what? A real document! My! With my name, surname and seal (school, of course).

A later version of the badge is plastic. The clasp often broke.

At night they were placed under the pillow, and when meeting like-minded people, they were presented to each other. A game? Of course! But this game made us friendlier, more united, made us a team. There is a lot of talk now that this suppressed the child’s personality and deprived him of his individuality. Nonsense!!! Only in a team can a real personality manifest itself; without a sense of responsibility, the development of a full-fledged personality is impossible. Anyway. This is already a debatable issue and problems of pedagogy...

By the end of third grade, the October fervor usually faded. Any game gets boring, and we grow out of it. The October badges on third-graders looked like those worn by demobilized soldiers - dashing and careless. Many of them were worn, with peeling enamel, and they were often pinned crookedly. In fairness, it must be said that this concerned mainly the boys, the girls kept the mark until the last. We grew out of the October age, and being an October child, like “first-graders,” was no longer interesting. After a year, some girls also gave up; the October badge could rarely be seen on them either. There was a new stage of growing up ahead - in the fourth grade they were accepted into the pioneers. And this is much more serious...

Department of Education of the Brest Regional Executive Committee

Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Pinsk City Executive Committee

State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11 of Pinsk"

Scenario of the propaganda program

"We are together"



From work experience

Seredich Tatyana Grigorievna, teacher-organizer of the State educational institution “Secondary school No. 11 of Pinsk”


    Fostering a culture of behavior, respect for the laws of one’s country, society, state property, family, and work.

    Creating conditions for social, professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality.


    improving the form of propaganda and agitation activities;

    to form an active life position as an exemplary member of a public organization;

    to develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior in society;

    nurturing the social activity of the child’s developing personality.

Necessary equipment:

Musical arrangement, soap bubbles, presentation.


Pioneer caps, pioneer ties, October stars, badges of members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, ties in the form of red-green ribbons with Belarusian ornaments, business style clothing.


Octobers - three people,

Pioneers - three people,

Members of the p/o NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" - two people.


(a phonogram from “Yeralash” plays, the guys look out behind the screens one by one, on the slide is a photograph of all the members of the propaganda team)

First: Boys and girls


Second: And all the teachers


Third: True story


Fourth: And it's all about us


Fifth: Would you like to hear

Sixth: True stories

Seventh: We will tell you here

Eighth: True stories

We have in stock


We have in stock

(The Octobrists come out, skipping hand in hand,

on the slide is a photo of October)

Together: Good afternoon dear friends!

We are Octobers, we are like family!

October 1: No, probably not in the whole world

More fun, more friendly guys.

October 2: I can handle any task,

Together: It will be together for us.

October 3: The Game (Photo on the slide

with game elements) – our best friend

She won't let you get bored and discouraged

October 1: A cheerful, noisy argument will start

It will help to learn new things.

October 2: Children have fun and sing together at school

And our big family "Octobers" (together) name.

(The melody of the song “Small Country” plays, an October star appears on the slide)

Available in our school, in our class

October country

Children with open hearts

Life is full of good deeds.

Where there is friendship and care

There is no sadness or grief.

Interesting work for us

It brought us together for many years.

Chorus: Bright star

October country

Everyone will tell you and show you

Where is she, where is she.

There are good deeds there

There are true friends there

It shines on our chest

Bright Star.

October 1: (points to the image of the October star on the slide)

October 3: We will walk under this star for three years,

October 1: She is our guide both night and day

October 2: She has just begun our journey,

She preserved and increased our traditions and way of life.

October 3: She accompanied us all to the stations,

October 2: I met you at the pier,

October 3: She led and warmed.

October 1:(On the slide, the October star changes to the flag of the Republic of Belarus): Under the flag of our native country,

October 2: (points to his star): With a bright star on his chest

Together: She promised to bring everyone to Pioneer.

(The pioneers come out marching, in formation, with pioneer symbols on the slide)

Pioneer 1: I you he she - pioneer country.

Pioneer 2: Together we are a squad "Friendship",

Pioneer 3: Together we - one family.


Pioneer 1: So that the world shines with goodness

1: Today, 2: tomorrow and 3: Always.

We have guys

Wizards of goodness. (Rebuilding, pioneers on the slide)

Pioneer 1: The school year has begun

And we were surrounded by promotions, competitions, quizzes

2: Sports, 3: school, 1: urban,

Pioneer 2: And also good deeds

Brought calendar calendars into our lives

a series of pages.

(Pioneers with veterans on the slide)

Pioneer 3: Be successful everywhere and help everyone

Repay goodness with kindness.

Pioneer 1: Give the warmth of your soul to the one

to whom one is in unpaid debt.

Pioneer 2: Veterans, lonely, elderly care, attention

We thank.

(Rebuilding, on the slide there are pioneers at a sports festival)

Pioneer 3: We walk together every day with sport and kindness.

Pioneer 1: There's a patriot here 2: athlete, 3: leader and 1: activist,

Who cares about the future of the country,

Pioneer 2: We will reach any peaks,

But most importantly: to be just people.(On the slide are the pioneers together with the Octobrists)

Pioneer 3: Little or big are you

Pioneer 1: We'll stand in line with you,

Pioneer 2: For the sake of my native country

Pioneer 3: Let's do good

We will give smiles.(together)

Pioneer 1: Join the pioneers and this

Let your life be more interesting.

(Music. Members of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" come out, on the slide there are photographs of members of the school's p/o)

1st: BRSM member is our man

2nd: Truth and faith will serve forever.

1st: The 21st century is in our yard

2nd: He is a helper and a friend

Together: To all the kids.

1st: Let the days pass, the years fly,

But they all have great similarities:

2nd: Will never go out of fashion

1st: Code of Truth 2nd: honor, nobility. (BRSM members on the slide)

1st Everyone just needs to find

2nd There are unchanging canons in life.

1st: Feel free to carry faith in the truth

Without breaking strict laws.

(Octobermen and pioneers come out, on the Octoberman’s slide, pioneers and members of the NGO “Belarusian Republican Youth Union”)

2nd Let hope live in everyone,

1st Let no one forget about honor,

2nd And happiness will definitely find us,

1st As long as we believe

Together(together with the Pioneers and Octoberists, the inscription “WE ARE TOGETHER!!!” appears on the slide)

October 1(takes a step forward): We are together: October of the 21st century

Pioneer 1(takes a step forward): We

Ioner 2: Pioneers, the best guys

1st "BRSM": Future

2nd "BRSM": They are building

Young members of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"

1st: Every school in our Republic.

October together: We

October 1: Let's believe

October 2: To love and create,

October 3: To give goodness and light to people.

Pioneers together: We

Pioneer 1: Let's be friendly

Pioneer 2: And have fun living

1st BRSMovets: For now we will believe

All members of the propaganda team(take hands, raise them up) :

We are together!!!

We are together!!!

We are together!!!

Pioneer 2(takes a step forward): There's no need to sit around doing nothing, guys.

Octobers together: After all, it is necessary

Pioneers together: you have to

Together all members of the propaganda team: There's so much to do.

All members of the propaganda team together: We are together.

October together (take a step forward): We can't be separated

All members of the propaganda team together: We are together.

Pioneers together (take a step forward): Our friendship cannot be broken.

BRSM members together: We will live together together.

(The guys start singing a song to the tune of “Childhood” and blowing soap bubbles)

Friendship, friendship, friendship is light and joy,

These are songs, this is happiness and dreams.

Friendship, friendship, friendship are the colors of rainbows.

Friendship, friendship, friendship - it's me and you.


All people on the big planet

Should always be friends.

Children should always laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

The term Octobrists arose in 1923-24, when the first groups of Octobrists began to appear in Moscow. They accepted children the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution.

In the USSR, they became October students in the first grades of schools. Upon joining the ranks of the Octobrists, young schoolchildren were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The symbol of the group was the red October flag. The October group had several units called “stars”, each of which included approximately 5 people - the symbol of a five-pointed star. The star had its own commander, florist, orderly, librarian, and physical educator.

The Komsomol Central Committee approved a set of “rules” for the Octobrists:

  • Octobers are future pioneers.
  • October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.

October Rules

There are exactly five of our rules, we will follow them:

  1. We are active guys because we are Octobers. Don’t forget October, you are on your way to becoming a pioneer.
  2. We are brave guys because we are October. Like the heroes of our native country, we want to build our own lives.
  3. We are diligent guys, because we are October. Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  4. We are truthful guys because we are October. We will never let our friends down, anywhere, in anything.
  5. We are funny guys because we are Octobers. We share our songs, dances, and laughter equally among everyone.

The Legend of October

In distant, distant mysterious times, there lived children just like you - brave, daring and curious. They lived in a wonderful country of green forests, blue lakes and rivers. One thing was bad for them - they could not leave their city, because there were no roads yet, only rare paths that did not go further than the familiar forest. And there were no signs that would lead home...

But one day in the fall, in October, when the stars in the sky are the highest, a shooting star streaked across the blue night sky. She was very small and fell straight into the city, onto one of the squares.

Curious and brave residents looked in surprise at the star, which shone with a warm, bright golden light. This light illuminated the entire city and hit the night sky with a bright beam. A lot of time passed, the residents got used to the night starlight, but during this time the star did not go out a bit.

And then the brave and curious children of the city decided to go on a journey to unprecedented lands. They split into several detachments, and each went to their own direction of the world. Every evening they looked back and saw the ray of a star above the tops of the trees, which shone as brightly as before. Their journey lasted many days. Along the way they encountered dangerous trials, secrets, riddles, adventures and, of course, new friends. Along the way, they learned to recognize the world around them through their own actions. And they returned to their city into the light of the stars, and then they told other children interesting stories about distant countries, and new detachments of little brave men set off on wonderful expeditions.

Many years later, the star began to fade. The extinguished star became a symbol of the beginning of all the roads that by that time the residents of the city had built to all countries of the world. The place where the star was was called the “zero kilometer” - the beginning of all roads, and the brave brave children were called the Octobrists.

Concerned, Mensker turned to TUT.BY with a request to explain to him the activities of the Oktyabryat organization and the legality of the MANDATORY entry into it of junior school students from the Borovlyany secondary school.

How TUT.BY found out Many schoolchildren in Borovlyany have already brought a similar statement to their parents. Olga, the mother of a second-grader at the Borovlyany gymnasium, says:

“A month and a half ago, my son brought me an application from school to join the ranks of the Octobrists and, with the words “How will I be without a badge?” asked me to sign. To which my dad promised to buy him other badges, but did not support the idea of ​​​​joining the Octobrists. There was no pressure on this matter, although perhaps we were just lucky with our class teacher. I think no one is forcing anyone to join the Octobrist, it’s just that the children don’t want to be left without a badge or somehow stand out among their peers, so they tell their parents that the application must be signed."

TUT.BY contacted the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, a subdivision of which is the Oktyabryata group. As the curator of this group, Natalya Valerievna, told us, today there are 232 thousand Octobrists in Belarus.

This program is designed for children aged 6-9 years (upon reaching the age of 10, the child joins the ranks of the pioneers). The "Octobers" program is exclusively voluntary, however, according to the Charter, children under 14 years of age can join the organization only with the permission of adults. Therefore, explains Natalya Valerievna, for a child who wants to become an October student, the signature of the parents in the application for the admission of their child to an October student is MANDATORY. It’s interesting that some children, against the wishes of adults, even forge signatures on the application just to join the ranks of the Octobrists, the program curator told us.

The main goal of the "Octobers" program is to foster independence and patriotism in children. As part of the program, the pioneer squad constantly works with the October students. During classes, which are held once every 1-2 weeks, children are taught the history of Belarus and are introduced to the state symbols of the country. Actions are regularly held to involve elementary school students in active social activities: helping nature, the elderly, according to the official website of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

The entrance fee to the ranks of the "Oktyabryat" is 1500 Belarusian rubles. At any time, a child can leave the organization by writing a statement.

A distinctive attribute of the October sign is an icon in red and green tones.

By the way

The first groups of "Oktyabryat" arose in 1923-24 in Moscow under detachments of pioneers. They accepted children who were the same age as the October Revolution of 1917, hence the name of the group “Octobers”.

Dear readers, if events of public interest are happening near you or someone you know, do not pass by! You can send us your news using the feedback form. We are waiting for your messages TUT !

The Republican intellectual and creative game “Password - “October”: little stars of a big country” is held within the framework of the programs of the public association “Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization” “Octobers” and “The game is a serious matter” with the aim of fostering an active citizenship, developing intellectual and creative abilities and self-realization of organization members.

It is aimed at improving the forms of work with Octobrists and is timed to coincide with the 65th anniversary of International Children's Day and the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Organizer advocated by the Central Council of the NGO “BRPO” with information support from the republican newspaper for children and teenagers “Zorka”.

Participants and are the October groups, which become teams for the duration of the game. One pioneer squad can be represented by several teams.

The game is played in four stages:

first gaming(from October 2014 to February 2015) - in pioneer squads of educational institutions, including regional (Minsk city) subordination;

second qualifier(in March 2015) - district for cities that have a district division and a city (except for Minsk). The best works of the first game stage take part;

third qualifying(April 2015) - regional, Minsk city. Winners and runners-up of the second qualifying stage are invited;

fourth final(May 2015) - republican for the winners and prize-winners of the third qualifying stage. Ten works from the regional and Minsk city councils of the NGO “BRPO” are allowed to participate.

The game involves the participating teams performing intellectual and creative tasks along five proposed routes:“On the way to the Country of Octobers”, “3D: Cases of Good Friends”, “Octobers in Wonderland”, “Pioneer paths”, “Journey of a young local historian”.

The number of routes is identical to the number of rays of the October star and the months allotted for completing tasks. Thematic assignments for each route are published monthly on the pages of the Zorka newspaper. The team’s task is to prepare October diaries with completed work.

Pedagogical support and support is provided by organizing teachers, primary school teachers, and councils of BRPO squads. Help from leaders of interest groups, clubs, electives, parents and other interested adults is allowed.

Criteria for evaluating competition works:

activity and manifestation of independence by the participants of the game;

presentable presentation of the team and its participants;

high-quality and original execution of route tasks;

use of modern technologies (computer, applied, fine arts, etc.);

colorfulness, creativity, neatness and aesthetics of design;


To conduct the game, territorial organizing committees and juries are created from among representatives of district, regional councils and the Central Council of the NGO “BRPO”.

The organization and conduct of the fourth final stage is carried out by the republican organizing committee, which, based on the submitted documents of the regional (Minsk city) organizing committees, approves the composition of participants.

Summing up and awarding

The jury of the qualifying and final stages of the game is formed and approved by the organizing committee of the corresponding stage. The winners and runners-up of the fourth final stage are awarded diplomas from the Central Committee of the Public Association “BRPO” and gifts. Participants in the game are awarded diplomas and souvenirs.

The best teams of the final stage will be honored on June 1, 2015 as part of the celebration of Children's Day.

Route I

On the way to the Land of October

Octobers are friendly guys.

We are friendly guys.

Never, nowhere, in anything

We won't let our friends down.

Where does friendship begin? Of course, from acquaintance! Meeting first-graders with counselors and pioneers. Guys, do you want to visit an amazing country and meet its inhabitants? Then quickly set off on a trip along the October routes that your older pioneer friends have come up with for you!

Route sheet of tasks

1. The Legend of the Octobers. Octobers are small citizens of a big country. Octobers are inquisitive pioneers, always ready to follow uncharted roads and learn new things, cope with difficulties together, and participate in adventures. The life of October children is full of interesting meetings, good deeds and discoveries!

Find out where the name “October” came from and what it means. Conduct a conversation in class on the topic “For the guys about the Octobrists.”

2.October Rules. Octobers live by the rules. Follow the Internet address: http://brsm.by/brpo/info/laws/, study the rules and come up with your own legend for each of them. Ten rules - ten legends: “Octobers are pioneers, future pioneers”, “Octobers are active guys”, “Octobers are sports guys”, “Octobers are brave guys”, “Octobers are friendly guys”, “Octobers are cheerful guys”, “Octobers - diligent guys”, “Octobers are smart guys”, “Octobers are kind and sympathetic guys”, “Octobers are talented guys”.

3.Oktyabryatsky corner. Together with your elders, design an October corner - place there the most interesting things, events of your October star and from the life of the school, and also write down ideas for the future, scenarios for holidays and birthdays.

4.Creativity without boundaries. Start creating your October diary with your friends, where game routes, good deeds, photographs, and completed tasks will be posted. It is advisable to make the diary unique - design it beautifully and originally, keep it carefully, start each new section on a new page.

5. “I, you, he, she - presentation, friends!” Introduce your team and give brief information about it so that it immediately becomes clear which of the guys is interested in what and what makes them unique, why together you are the most friendly and cohesive team.

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