Home Lighting Abstract of the GCD for the application topic: "Rocket" senior group. Topic: Subject application. "Space rocket Application rocket in the preparatory group

Abstract of the GCD for the application topic: "Rocket" senior group. Topic: Subject application. "Space rocket Application rocket in the preparatory group

An application for Cosmonautics Day for kindergarten is a great opportunity to tell children about a huge breakthrough in the development of all mankind - the first flight of our Soviet man into the vast and unknown space.

While the children are working on the application, the teacher can read them interesting passages from the biography of Yu. Gagarin and talk about the process of his preparation for a rocket flight. Or you can arrange a thematic exhibition from the applications and ask the children to independently prepare a short story about space.

This option is appropriate if only the senior group created an application for . The older group of children already have the skills to prepare and deliver messages.

To create an applique, we suggest using different materials - then it will be much more interesting for the kids to work. So, you may find it useful:

  • cardboard (plain or coated, as well as golden foil);
  • cylinders from disposable towels or toilet paper rolls;
  • colored paper;
  • semolina;
  • office glue (PVA);
  • scissors, pencils, stationery knife, ruler and other auxiliary tools.

Let's get started!

We take a sheet of black cardboard as the basis for our application.

We arm ourselves with a stationery knife and pick up a cardboard roll.

We cut the roll into two halves - this way, one roll can be used to create two works.

We cut out narrow triangles (about three pieces) from blue paper and bend them in half (lengthwise). You can immediately cut triangles from the folded sheet, then they will turn out smoother.

Glue the triangles to the base of the half roll.

Make the free part of the cardboard roll slightly pointed.

Glue the rocket onto a black cardboard sheet.

Cut out a petal from golden foil cardboard or foil. We cut out a petal of the same shape, but larger, from red paper.

Glue the golden petal inside the red one.

Now we fix this composition at the base of our rocket - we get tongues of flame.

Cut out a ring from red paper and stick it on the front of the rocket.

Take a sheet of golden cardboard. You can replace it with foil, but cardboard is easier to work with.

Cut out the sun from this sheet.

Glue the sun to our picture.

We make another planet from silver cardboard - with a ring. Glue that too.

We arm ourselves with semolina.

For convenience, scatter it on a flat surface (for example, a plate).

Lubricate the surface of our space with glue and sprinkle with semolina.

We got a wonderful landscape - a rocket rushing into the distance between the planets and placers of the Milky Way.

The application for Cosmonautics Day is ready! The kindergarten preparatory group can easily cope with this work, since they already know how to handle all the materials and tools.

Watch how to make a wonderful application for Cosmonautics Day in the video:

Paper application “Rocket” for Cosmonautics Day (video)

Applications for Cosmonautics Day made from plasticine and salt dough

Very beautiful applications for Cosmonautics Day can be made from plasticine and salt dough. For plasticine appliqué, the background is also made from plasticine smeared with a thin layer.

We glue the salt dough applique onto a sheet of cardboard.

There are a lot of options for making salt dough rockets!

Group work on the topic: “Space”.

Implementation of program content in educational areas: cognitive development, social-communicative, speech development

Educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic” - applique.

Age group : second junior group.

Activity goals : expand vocabulary on the topic of space; continue to introduce children to Russian holidays and the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin. Enrich children's ideas about space, astronauts, space equipment, and the use of space for the benefit of people; cultivate respect for people of any profession, activity, independence; learn to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures, develop collective creativity skills; cultivate accuracy in work.

Equipment: blank parts (stars, a picture of an astronaut, rocket, planets, satellite, sun), glue, napkins for each child, a large sheet of paper (Whatman paper) decorated to look like a starry sky.

Preliminary work:

1. Examination of paintings, illustrations about space, about planets, about cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

2. Conducting a conversation on the topic “Space”.

3. Reading stories and poems about space.

4. Guessing riddles about space.

5. Design of an exhibition in a group.

6. Observation of the sky, sun, moon.

7. Work with parents - watch the starry sky with children.

8. Conducting modeling classes on the theme “Space”.

Contents of organized educational activities for children

    Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, do you know what a significant day will soon be?

Educator: shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin and asks: Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yu. A. Gagarin.

Children: Yu.A. Gagarin was the first person to fly into space.

Educator: I suggest you make an application today on the theme “Space”.

Guys, let's go with you into space to search for planets. What do we need for this? But what will we fly into space on, will you find out by guessing the riddle?

    Conversation on issues.

This bird has no wings
But one cannot help but marvel:
As soon as the bird spreads its tail -
And rises to the stars.

Children: Rocket!

Physical education lesson "Cosmonaut's spacesuit."

Educator: Cosmonauts need a special space suit - a spacesuit. It protects the human body and allows you to breathe. You and I need to put on a spacesuit.

The astronauts have a helmet on their head (tilts and turns of the head).

The overalls should be comfortable and not hinder movement (turns and tilts of the body).

Hands are protected by gloves (rotation of hands, squeezing and unclenching of hands at the top, in front, at the bottom).

Astronaut boots with very thick soles (walking in place, jumping).

On the back behind the shoulders is a backpack with important devices and air cylinders (raising and lowering the shoulders, inhaling and exhaling).

    Making a collective application.

Educator: We are boarding a starship,

Let's take off.

We fastened ourselves deftly, together,

Let's start our engine


Our propeller spun.

Miracles, miracles,

We're taking off into the skies!

- Let's turn on space music. Applique is carried out, we glue the rocket.

The sun is already glued to the sheet in advance .

Educator: what do we see in the sky?

Children: The sun.

Educator: The sun is a big star. Without the sun there would be no life on earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter and summer. Our star - the Sun - has its own family. It includes 9 planets.

Educator: Any of us can name all the planets in order:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth, the Earth has a satellite - the Moon (the child glues it). It shines brightly in the night sky.

Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Glue the planets in order.

Educator: Have you observed the night sky? What did you see there?

Children: stars.

Educator: How many stars are there in the sky?

Children: A lot.

Educator: the universe is filled with countless stars.

Educator: shows an asterisk. In fact, the stars are very big.

Educator: Why do they seem so small to us?

Children: they are very far from us.

Children take turns gluing the stars.

Educator: Again we are rushing into the rocket,

Let's fly to our planet!

(Children approach the “rocket”, stand in a circle, music sounds)


Spun around, spin around,

We found ourselves on earth!

Well, here we are at home.


Guys, where have we been today?

What do you remember from our trip?

Where would you like to visit next time?

Below is a photo of the collaboration.

Irina Kokora
Lesson notes on the application “A rocket flies into space” (senior group)


1. Clarify children’s knowledge of developmental history astronautics: who was first astronaut; Name rockets, on which the first man flew in space; concepts « space» , « rocket» ; about planet Earth.

2. Develop skills in implementation appliqué work.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to create a composition from geometric shapes.

4. Strengthen children’s skills in applying a glue brush.

5. Strengthen skills in working with scissors.

Preliminary work:

1. Conducting a conversation on topic: « space» , about planet Earth;

2. Looking at books "Everything about space» , layout « space» ;

3. Reading fiction about space, astronauts, rockets;

4. Drawing rockets; coloring the diagram of the earth.


Layout « space» , globe, illustrations with views space, spaceship, portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin.


Black cardboard in A4 format (for each child, blanks of rectangular, round, triangular and square shapes, glue brush (for each child), colored pencils (blue and green), scissors (for each child, blanks of stars, blanks of Earth diagrams (for each child, fire preparations in the shape of a rhombus.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:-Guys, the holiday “Day” is approaching soon astronautics", which is celebrated on April 12. The first human flight in space occurred in 1861. What was the name of the first person to fly in space?

Yuri Gagarin (children's answers).

Educator:-Yes, his name was Yuri Gagarin. Tell me, is he in what did you fly into space??

On rocket(children's answers).

Educator: - That's right, on rocket. He sat down in spaceship"Vostok-1" and flew to space. Start ship took place from Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Educator: - Guys, in space Yuri Gagarin saw the planets. What planets were these?

-(children list the names of the planets).

Educator: -What is the name of the planet on which we live?

Earth (children's answers).

Educator: - That's right guys - this is planet Earth! Look what it looks like. (Globe display).

Children look at the globe.

Educator: - Guys, now we will color the diagram of the Earth. Please note where the number 1 should be painted over in blue, and where the number 2 should be painted over in green.

Children complete the task.

Educator: -Well done! Everyone completed the task. Now we take scissors and cut out our diagrams along the contour.

Children complete the task.

Educator: - Excellent! Your planet Earth turned out beautiful and neat! Now we take the diagram of the Earth and paste it on space orbit.

Children complete the task.

Educator: - Guys, tell me, what is missing in our orbit?

-rockets(children's answers).

Educator:-Of course rockets!.You have different geometric shapes on your table. Make them up rocket.

Children complete the task.

Educator:-Well done! So yours spaceships,we will glue it.

Take a silver rectangle - this is the body rockets without a nose and glue it to our orbit at an angle as if rocket flying into space.

Take a large triangle - this is the nose rockets, which we glue above the body rectangle.

Take a square and cut it diagonally into two triangles. These are wings rockets-glue on the sides of the body (at the bottom).

We take 2 circles - these are portholes rockets, glue it to the body itself rockets, in which he looks astronaut.

Take 2 orange diamonds and paste them below the body rockets are fire, which flies out of the nozzle rockets.

Children perform the task to the music.

Educator:-Well done! Look at yours rockets went on a flight to space!

Guys, when astronaut looks out the window, what does he see?

Planets, stars (children's answers).

Educator:-Take the stars on the table and stick them on your orbits!

Children stick on stars.

Educator: - Guys, look how beautiful the work turned out. How many do we have missiles!

After completing the work, the children lay out their compositions on the table. They look at it and exchange impressions.

Publications on the topic:

On April 12, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day! People have dreamed about space since ancient times. They carried this dream forward.

Educational field - artistic and aesthetic development. Topic: Application from improvised material “Monkey” Author S. V. Bukhankova, teacher.

Hello colleagues! On April 12, we celebrated the 55th anniversary of the first cosmonaut's flight into outer space! On this wonderful occasion in our...

Summary of GCD for an integrated lesson: application “A rocket flies into the sky” in the middle group Goal: to expand and consolidate knowledge about space and astronauts. Objectives: Teach children to make a rocket from geometric shapes, correctly naming:.

Program content: Educational: - introduce the main planets - give basic concepts about the planets - teach independently.

MCOU Kuleshovskaya secondary school preschool education group

Application notes

in the older group

Topic: “Space Rocket”

Educator: Fomina V.G.


Target : continue to form children’s ideas about space.

Tasks :
Find out what children know about space, the names of the planets; contribute to familiarization with the history of the first space rocket, broadening the horizons of children and developing their imagination.
Develop visual memory, attention, accuracy.
Develop the ability to work in a team.

To foster feelings of patriotism and pride for one’s homeland. Consolidate active and passive vocabulary on the topic “Space”.

Progress of the lesson.

(Conversation accompanied by a slide show about space on an interactive whiteboard.)

Guys, today we will talk about mysteries that have interested people for many thousands of years, about space! Space begins where the gaseous shell of the Earth ends - the atmosphere. At the Earth's surface this shell is dense; high in the mountains or where airplanes fly, it is sparse, and then disappears completely. Space is mostly emptiness, but in this emptiness there are many amazing objects - planets, stars, galaxies. Everyone really wants to see all this, so people worked for a long time and created aircraft. The dream of going to space has finally come true.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign “Cedar” was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one revolution around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space, half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, like men, have been in space , and so do women.

What do you think Yuri Gagarin could have seen in space?

(Children's answers.)

Of course he saw our Earth there! And of course satellites and stars.

Our Sun is a huge star. And it is surrounded by a whole family of planets. There are 9 of them: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


A song about the planets.

(Children perform exercises to the music of the song together with the heroes - the planets.)

Today in class, you and I will also fly into space, only on rockets that we will make ourselves.

Productive activity.

On your table you have a sheet of black or purple cardboard, a square sheet of orange, 2 white circles for portholes, a sun, stars and planet blanks, as well as glue and scissors.

    We make origami from a square orange sheet - a rocket.

    Glue the rocket onto the cardboard.

    Glue the Sun on the sheet and the stars.

    We cut it out, place it on our work and glue the planets.

    We glue 2 portholes onto the rocket.

    Using felt-tip pens, we draw your image in the first window, and in the second the image of your friend whom you wanted to take with you into space.

Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

Among the field of blue -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

He goes around Mother Earth,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window.

Well, of course, it’s... (the sun).

On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late! –

Because mother is the moon,

And the daughters... (stars).

Letter A, letter A -

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, Sveta knows,

“A” looks like...(rocket).

Summary of the lesson.

Let's go into space. (We hang our work on the board.)

Admire your work, how beautiful it turned out. Whose rocket is the best?

As a child, many people dreamed
Fly into starry space.
So that from this starry distance
Inspect our land.

All you have to do is wait, maybe one of you will fly into space!

Goal: create an interesting space composition and come up with a story about your journey into space.

Program content:

  • expand and clarify children's knowledge about space;
  • arouse interest in creating a space composition;
  • improve appliqué techniques: independently select and combine silhouette (symmetrical), ribbon and cut appliqués to obtain a beautiful image;
  • consolidate the skills and abilities children have mastered and give them the opportunity to creatively apply them:
  • cut out a space rocket according to a self-drawn outline from paper folded in half;
  • supplement the rocket with other elements (window, nozzle, wings)
  • fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets)
  • develop the ability to plan your work and act in accordance with the plan;
  • develop imagination and compositional solutions, harmoniously place details on a sheet of paper, the ability to transfer familiar ways of working to a new creative situation;
  • to cultivate children’s interest and imagination when composing a composition, and the ability to complete the task.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations and books about space;
  • learning poems;
  • modeling lesson “Space technology”;
  • drawing lesson “In deep space”;
  • viewing the presentation “The Mysterious World of Space.”

Vocabulary work: space, astronaut, spacesuit, rocket, porthole.

Materials, tools: scissors in a case, glue - pencil, oilcloth, napkins, simple pencils, black, dark blue or purple cardboard, colored paper, waste baskets, technological maps, safety instructions for working with scissors; magnets, magnetic board.

Equipment: laptop, screen, projector, flash card with presentation, recording of calm music, speakers

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood

II. Introductory talk

Teacher: Hello, guys. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

Children greet teachers.

– Now we move on to the lesson and I want to ask you: Do you like to travel?

Children's answers.

– I realized that you love to travel and therefore I invite you to take an unusual journey with the help of a magic screen.

Slide 1

Children look at slide 1 of the presentation and make the assumption that the journey will be in space.

– Guys, 2011 in our country has been declared the Year of Cosmonautics, because 50 years ago the first manned flight into space took place.

Slide 2

– Our Earth, together with its air envelope, is surrounded by an infinitely large space. This is space. It contains celestial bodies: the Sun, stars, planets, and the Moon. For many centuries, people have been attracted by space with its secrets and mysteries. Humanity has asked itself many questions about space to which there were no answers. People tried to understand the secret cosmos, gradually accumulating knowledge about it. To travel to distant planets, people learned to build spaceships. Now you will see how a space rocket takes off, which will rise high - high into the sky in a matter of seconds. Today we will imagine ourselves as astronauts. You are ready?

- Attention! The rocket is ready. Everyone get ready to launch. I start the countdown: 5,4,3,2,1, start...

– Our rocket has risen to the required altitude, now its last stage will separate and the spacecraft will fly on its own. It becomes a satellite of the Earth.

Teacher: Guys, we have a unique opportunity to look out the window and see outer space.

– Cosmonauts, be careful, we are monitoring space objects and bodies. What do you see? children's answers– Very beautiful and unusual.

III. Sample analysis

Teacher: Guys, in honor of the Year of Cosmonautics, I invite you to capture everything that you just saw as a memory and tell your friends when you return from space travel. You are given the opportunity to each come up with outer space, which means that your work should be very diverse. The astronauts always have precise directions and instructions, so the magic screen invites you to get to know them. (Examination of samples and technological maps for them).

cut out a space rocket according to a self-drawn outline from paper folded in half;

talking about safety precautions when working with scissors:

– supplement the rocket with other elements (porthole, nozzle, wings);

– recall the technique of cut appliqué for a textured image of the surface of the planet Earth;

– fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets);

using the technique of cut appliqué for a textured image of fire and flame;

– sequence of laying out parts on a finished dark-colored base:

Slide 20
Slide 22 Slide 23
Slide 24

repeat the rules for carefully gluing parts onto the base. Using oilcloth and napkins.

IV. Independent activity

Children sit at the tables, check their workspace, and begin to do their work: they select paper for rockets, stars, planets, as well as for additional decoration of the cosmic composition.

  • cut out a space rocket according to a self-drawn outline from paper folded in half;
  • complement the rocket with other elements (window, nozzle, wings)
  • fold the strips several times to obtain identical parts (stars, comets)

The entire work process takes place to the accompaniment of calm music.

V. Physical education moment.

Physical education is carried out to the accompaniment of calm music, children watch what is happening on the screen and perform the necessary exercises.

Then the instruction card appears on the screen again and the children continue to work.

During the work, the teacher pays attention to the algorithm for making the work (diagram), asks leading questions if the children find it difficult to complete:

– What shape do you think the rocket could be? stars?
– Where should the porthole be attached? nozzle?
– What can be used to make planets? ...

The teacher also pays attention to safety precautions and the children’s posture while working.

At the end of their work, the children place their compositions on a magnetic board, clean up their workspace and talk about their space impressions.

Teacher: What is space?

Children: The endless world of celestial bodies, we call it the universe or space)

Teacher: What celestial bodies are in space?

Children: There are stars, planets, comets in space)

Teacher: Why is 2011 declared the Year of Cosmonautics in our country?

Children: Because exactly 50 years ago the first manned space flight took place)

Practical use of the work:

Teacher: What kind of work did you do? ( performed the application).

– At what stage were you interested in working?

– Did you experience any difficulties during your work?

– What solutions did you choose to overcome the difficulties that arose?

Children's answers.

Teacher: What practical application can you find for your work?

Children: Give it to friends, relatives, decorate your room, put it on display)

Teacher: It’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Teacher: Guys, thank you for the wonderful space journey.

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