Home Generator How can you get the power of fire? How to learn fire magic and master its spells. Who are magicians

How can you get the power of fire? How to learn fire magic and master its spells. Who are magicians

Fire magic is one of the four elements that is revered all over the world. Helps to reveal the energy and inner world of a person. The aggressiveness and power of fire will help to reveal your deepest desires and free your soul from burdens. The ability to control fire has become a unique skill of humanity.

Fire Magic Basics

The magic of fire is inside every person, it is able to control charisma, ideas, inner passions and emotional state. Also, those who perform rituals and worship fire are successful in power; people feel power and a fiery passion for victories and luxury. Usually these people are influential and powerful, they have a strong spirit, the nature of their feelings is passionate and fiery. Fire magic can control desires and impulses.

How to control the fire element?

To achieve harmony and relationship with the fire element, you need to devote a lot of time to meditation and learn the magical properties of fire. You need to have a good understanding of the theory of the elements, to understand for which people the relationship will be successful. Consult with astrologers and magicians to understand how fire magic can affect you.

What is Fire magic based on?

Fire magic bases its principles on the unification of the universe, and how it manifests its capabilities on a person. With the help of fire magic, there is a complete interaction with a person’s feelings, revealing all emotions and inner desires. It is generally accepted that fire is the source of life, which combines all the magic of human nature, passion and fiery character. The practice of fire magic involves interaction with all other elements to constantly feed emotions and positive energy.

Who can use fire magic

To master the magic of fire, you need to apply all the will of your character, use symbols and additional sources to reinforce the power of fire. It can be used by every person who feels connected to this source of strength. Usually, this sensation can be experienced from birth, but most people use trial and error, try different magical sources, and then choose their own. For those who want to know the magic and power of fire, you need to study the relevant literature, communicate with magicians and engage in meditation, lighting a fire, watching a burning candle, meeting and seeing off the sun, and getting closer to the magical source.

Fire magic rituals

Performing rituals is an integral part of every study of magical sources. When performing rituals with any source of fire, you need to be extremely careful and respectful. Like any element, fire requires respect, but at the same time it must be controlled. You can do daily or weekly rituals. Each one is different, but they require full dedication and frequent practice. When performing rituals, you cannot make sudden movements with your hands, you cannot blow out the fire or wave burning objects. Such actions may lead to undesirable consequences.

Rituals for good luck, with the elements

Usually all rituals with fire magic are aimed at cleansing and improving a person’s well-being. To carry out rituals for good luck, you should go deeper into a meditative state, think about the past and future, take a deep breath, thereby mentally speaking about your luck and in what areas it is needed. Typically, such rituals need to be carried out by lighting a fire in open areas, so that during the ritual the spirits of magic can easily find themselves near you. Each spell must be carefully thought out for the ritual to work. It is possible to use a totem and other ritual instruments.

Love spell using poetry

Love spells and conspiracies using the element of fire have special meaning and power. They can be done for good luck, health, success or happiness. In this case, it is worth using additional sources, or the power of the earth, which acts more strongly with fire. A health love spell is used for diseases; for it you need to take a doll, charm it with existing diseases and carefully set it on fire. The doll should burn slowly, while you should pronounce words for recovery. It is important to believe in the ritual, performing it several times, you will feel relief, warmth may pass through your body, which means that the magic of fire really works on you.

Ritual for achieving what you want

When using fire magic to achieve what you want, you need to meditate and practice a lot. A candle and totem usually help with this for a better understanding of the fire element. This is a very strong element, you need to be alone more often, listen to your inner voice, engage in introspection, look for desires that you truly want to fulfill.

Meditation near a fire will pleasantly warm you up, distract you from the outside world, you will relax and be able to talk and ask questions to the elements. Wiccan fire magic requires constant practice, and only after some time the desired fulfillment can happen. You should not expect results right away; you need to make constant attempts to get closer to the magical source.

Fire element amulets

Any object that reproduces fire or is its carrier can become an amulet of the element of fire. A regular candle, lighter, scented candles or long matches. Anything that can reproduce fire for a few seconds. Aromatic candles with pleasant essential oils will relax the body and soul, help you calm down, delve into your inner world, feel the body and some kind of amulet, as if a person is being protected by some magical creature.

Attunement with the element of fire

Attunement with the fire element requires communication with fire, sitting around a fire, or even communication with the sun - this is the veneration of magic. On rainy days, you can also turn to the element of fire, or more precisely to lightning and thunder, which is a partial fire element.

Every conversation should be sincere and honest, do not be afraid to tell the fire all the secrets and secrets, this way you will get closer to your dream, and the magic will be closer.

Summoning the spirit of fire for rituals

To attract the spirit of fire, you need to go to a place remote from people and build a big fire. Magic will work better in this case. To attract a spirit, you need to take deep breaths and wave your arms to summon it. Face the south, the result will be better and faster. The spirits of fire are Salamanders, unbridled and rebellious elementals, so be patient and remain calm and after some time you will be able to feel their presence.

In general, you should first feel the world around you and nature, let everything pass through you, relax your body, clear your mind. Meditation will allow you to feel every spark in the fire, smell the fire and crackle the branches. If the meditation is carried out correctly, the spirit of fire itself can get in touch, and then you can ask him questions and ask for help.

Calling a totem animal for rituals

The totem animal in the element of fire can be any one you choose. You just need to remember that the animal must be strong in spirit, strong-willed, but at the same time restrained. Many magicians and shamans choose lions or wolves, pumas or tigers for rituals. These are the animals that can show their strength and intelligence, level of thinking and intelligence, strength and passion. The fiery quality is inherent in them by nature. Totem animal figurines can be charmed and carried with you all the time, or kept in the house. For love spell rituals, you can take a figurine, speak to it and burn it, thereby making your wish come true. If the ritual is performed correctly, your totem animal will always protect you from the negativity of the outside world.

Self-initiation into the element of fire

You need to comprehend the element of fire yourself, trying different techniques, using meditation and communication with the fire element more often. This will help you understand magic more closely, look at open fire, the sun and lightning, understand the power of their differences and be able to use it. Self-dedication requires constant dedication and understanding of the importance of the process. This is the only way to achieve success in understanding the elements. Over time, the fire will open from different sides.

Gifts to the spirits of fire for assistance in the ritual

Gifts to the spirits are very important, after each ritual it is worth paying tribute to the gods of fire. To activate the processes, you must be committed to a long process of studying the elements, your intentions must be serious, and your offerings must be sincere. To make offerings to the spirits of fire, you can burn any things with negative memories, as well as flowers. Many magicians, after performing the ritual and offerings, take the ashes from the fire and scatter them in the wind, the relationship between earth and fire is very high, and the ritual will be more effective. It is also good to share a meal with the fire, breaking the bread and crumbling some of it into the fire.

By enlisting the support of the elements, you become a much harmonious and balanced person, and many desired events come true much faster and more often than for people not initiated into the magic of the elements.

It's no secret that magic is usually divided into black and white. There is, however, also a gray one, but we’ll talk about that some other time. Black magic has in its arsenal a lot of effective means and tools - conspiracies, spells, magical objects that help sorcerers and witches in turning to devils, demons, evil spirits and other entities for help.

White magic has been known for a long time. In fact, all the magic began with her. This type of magic became especially widespread during the reign of paganism. Polytheism, or, as it is commonly called, the old faith, implied turning to the natural elements for help, which personified certain deities.

In light of recent religious trends, it should be noted that paganism is becoming popular again, and therefore, many are beginning to be interested in the question of how to learn magic. If you are not endowed with a special gift from birth, then it is within your power (and they, according to the Old Believers, are limitless). And here's how to do it.

In various witchcraft rituals of white magic, you will use the energy possessed by the four elements of nature. Their energy is truly powerful and limitless. In order to learn how to control the energy of water, earth, air and fire, you will also need faith (in your actions and in your capabilities), will (the energetic direction of your thoughts) and imagination (creating real pictures of possible developments of events). So first you need to learn to master these three aspects.

How to learn water magic

Water can be called the primary element, because both our birth and our stay in this world completely depend on it. It is an important component of not only the physical world, but also the astral world, consisting of strong emotions and deep feelings. The water element protects our qualities such as faith, spirituality, loyalty, and devotion.

The energy of water is simply irreplaceable for maintaining friendships and love unions, giving us satisfaction, relaxation, and tranquility. The water element is responsible for intuition, intelligence, flexibility of thinking, communication skills, and success.

To learn water magic, you should always drink ordinary water in small sips, imagining that each sip gives you the necessary energy. When taking a bath, pouring clean water into a bowl, standing on the river bank, watch the movement of the water, its rapid or leisurely flow, the ebb and flow. Ice, snow, morning fog, summer rain - all of this is also a form of existence of the water element. Try to find qualities in the water that are inherent to you.

Communicate with water in this way as often as possible and say the secret every time:

“The vast expanse of the transparent sea,
Mother sacred to all living things,
Mistress of underground and heavenly waters,
Be my help
Grant me sympathy and compassion,
Liberation and purification
Hope, faith, love.
Give me strength and power to conquer everything unconquered,

How to learn earth magic

Lie down on a flat surface of the ground. Place your palms on the ground, trying to feel all its softness and warmth. Close your eyes and imagine the earth's magnificent landscapes, green fields, mountain ranges, valleys, mountains, meadows, caves, dungeons. Create with the power of imagination everything that belongs to the earthly element. You should feel that you are a piece of the earth.

Cast the spell:

"The flesh of the earth is sacred,
Guardian of the dark dungeons - the dwellings of the gnomes,
Ruler of valleys and mountains, become my support,
Give me desire and purpose,
Give stability, strength, restoration,

To fulfill everything that has not been fulfilled."

How to learn air magic

Go outside when a strong wind rises and a storm begins, that is, when the element of air prepares serious tests for those who are not afraid to resist it. Turn your face to the wind, inhaling the power of the air deeply.

Imagine how the power of the air element flows into you with every breath. Feel that you can control the energy given to you by the element. Shout the spell loudly, trying to shout over the wind:

"Air, lord of the winds,
Lord of the endless sky,
Master of the heights, become my cover,
Give me flexibility and penetration, thoughts and insight,
Grant me the strength and power to conquer everything unconquered,
To fulfill everything that has not been fulfilled."

Light a candle and hold your palms very close to the flame. The fire element is very powerful, omnipotent and all-consuming, therefore, in order for it to help you, you need to tame it, that is, stop being afraid of fire. Close your eyes, imagine how close you are to the element, how it lives inside you, now lighting up, now fading, but never completely disappearing.

Imagine the sun - this is a huge ball of fire, without which life is impossible, which warms people, gives them warmth and harvests. Imagine a picture of how, under the influence of the sun, a plant, flower, or tree grows from a seed buried in the ground. Cast the spell:

"Sacred and eternal flame,
Creation of light and heat,
A spark of life, bright and brilliant,
Light the true path for me,
Become a faithful companion of my search,
Grant me the strength and power to conquer everything unconquered,
To fulfill everything that has not been fulfilled."

Remember that you can learn elemental magic not in one or two rituals. This will take a lot of time. However, if you achieve harmony with one of the elements (or with all four), you will be rewarded by nature itself, because then your possibilities will become truly limitless.

Let's talk about them for now.

Energy of Fire.

Many millions of years ago, creatures lived on Earth that only vaguely resembled humans, but in rare cases they could take on human form. A glow always emanated from the bodies of these creatures, and when they flared up, they could be seen from afar. They led a lifestyle that would seem very strange to us.

With the help of the energy they consisted of, these creatures could do extraordinary things: change living and inanimate nature, create visible and invisible barriers, destroy visible and invisible, defend themselves and much more. Today such people would be called Real Magicians. Where are the magicians and illusionists?

These creatures were peaceful by nature and rarely used their power - only for self-defense or to help others.

Their name was kharas - Lords of Fire. The fire element obeyed them completely and unconditionally. Many thousands of years have passed since then, but the Khars can still be met today, if you really want to.

Khars can be asked for help and protection. And if they want, they can pass on their knowledge to you, with the help of which you can control the power of Fire.

The energy of Fire is both living and dead force.

The power of living Fire is capable of reviving to life. She is called upon during the day, in the light of the sun. If you want to become friends with her, you must first undergo some preparation.

For seven days in a row, look at the fire in daylight and mentally imagine how you are filled with its power, becoming as powerful as this crushing element.

Then for seven days you should imagine that the Fire is inside you. Flames will never harm you if you are not afraid of them.

Remember the law of the Cosmos: “What you imagine is what will happen.” This applies to any type of meditation.

Once you feel that Fire has made friends with you, move on to the next stage.

Find some high ground, such as a hill. Take three candles. Before noon, at the top of the hill, stick candles into the ground in the shape of an isosceles triangle and light them. Stand by the candles, raise your right hand up and say:

By the power of living Fire I conjure this place, and these candles will burn as long as I want it. Let it be so! And so it will be!

Then spread your arms to the sides and say:

Let the power of vital living Fire enter me and fill me from top to bottom. I want it so much and I want it so much!

Stand like this for about three minutes, then clasp your hands, interlocking your fingers, and place them first on your chest and then on your lower abdomen. Then pass your right and then your left hand over each candle seven times in a row and extinguish the candles with your fingers without blowing them out (the fire should never be blown out). Take these candles with you and light them when you need to be filled with the power of Fire or need protection.

The power of living Fire can heal, break unnecessary connections, restore peace of mind, and protect from enemies and unforeseen situations. It all depends on you: what you direct this powerful force to - that’s what it will do.

Just try to understand one thing: not every person is able to absorb all the power of this destructive and creative element. If during the first exercises you realize that this is not for you, you should not continue.

Dead Fire is many times more dangerous than living Fire, because its power is aggressive. In magic, it is considered the most powerful and destructive energy. Not every magician is able to cope with it, much less master such power. Dead Fire can destroy any object it is aimed at. It is better to stay away from such power and do not try to “make friends” with it. She is older than Time itself, and it is almost impossible to control her. Naturally, exercises, and even more so spells, should not be available to everyone. And you don’t even have to ask about it. The student must earn such knowledge.

According to other beliefs, the fire element was controlled by salamanders.

The importance of candle fire is that it helps to cleanse a person’s biofield of everything negative, evil, and sick that accumulates in a person day after day. If it is not possible to sit by a real fire - a campfire or fireplace - light candles as often as possible.

After sitting near a candle for 10-15 minutes and watching its flame, its vibrations and bizarre bends, you will see soot rising into the air. This leaves away fatigue, resentment, irritation, pain that has accumulated over many days and even months. But when you get rid of mental pain, you simultaneously get rid of physical pain - remember this. After such procedures, peace and balance will return to your life, without which it is impossible to live.

To help a loved one or just an acquaintance, sit him on a stool and stand behind him. Light a candle, take a break from all worldly worries, relax and ask your friend to relax too.

Start cleaning the person from the tailbone: the hand with the candle rotates counterclockwise. If the candle crackles, you have found a problem area, this is where the pathogenic focus is located, due to which disturbances in the functioning of the body have occurred. Near this place the candle will probably begin to smoke. Work the candle in this area until it stops smoking and crackling.

Move up along the spine to the very top of the head. Finish the movement above the person’s head, at a distance of 10-15cm from the top of the head.

This cleansing must be done three times. You will see how much your life will change for the better after this ritual.

Here is another way to win the love of Fire.

Light a candle and hold your hands as close to the flame as possible. Listen to yourself, to your feelings, feel the element of Fire next to you and the power emanating from it. Looking at the candle flame, imagine all types of Fire. Remember the mighty sun, a clear sunny day, hot air, stuffiness, mentally fill the room in which you are sitting with these sensations. Imagine that you yourself are a particle of this Fire. At the same time, the following spell should be read:

Sacred eternal Flame, creation of warmth and light, spark of life, brilliant and bright, illuminate the path of truth for me, be a faithful companion of my quest in the world of light and darkness. Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered and fulfill the unfulfilled. Amen.

Feel how the power of Fire enters your body through your hands. Take the candle in your hands and, without taking your eyes off the flame, determine in which area of ​​your life you need the help of Fire. These may be situations related to love, passion, anger or hatred.

Under the auspices of the element of Fire are sports, any competitions, career, wrestling - everything that implies professional success.

Fiery power will also help you when it is necessary to resist the harmful effects of physical and astral attacks, to maintain health, strength and success.

When you master the magic of the elements, you will understand which element appeals to you. Some people need more Fire, others need more Air. There are people of the Earth, there are people of the sea (Water). But in any case, magical power is a combination of all four elements.

Energy of the Earth.

The Gnai are the ancient inhabitants of the Earth. Their people are also called gnomes. They are very active, do not like to idle, and are always at work. According to legends, they hold golden sticks in their hands.

Since ancient times, Gnays have been considered the patrons of the power of the Earth and are responsible for fertility, health and material values.

According to ancient legend, there were never more than twelve of these creatures. They divided the Earth into equal territories and controlled them. They gathered together only when periods of global cataclysms occurred in order to influence nature, which then experienced positive changes. The Gnai performed the following ritual: they stood in a row in an open field, raised their golden sticks up and drew ancient symbols with them in the air, reciting spells loudly. And they did this until the sky became cloudless and blue. And then they dispersed again to their domains. More precisely, they slowly dissolved in the air.

The power of the ancient Gnays is used in healing, bioenergy, and wherever an energetic effect on human health is required. But don’t think that using the Earth’s energy is easy and simple. It mixes with many types of energies, which together form powerful energy flows. The global changes taking place on our planet will depend on where these flows are directed, why and by whom.

Gnai, naturally, know how to control these flows, and we are still learning. And we make mistakes that can be very costly for all of humanity.

If you use this energy correctly and positively, you can treat serious illnesses, control the energy flows of the Earth itself, even affecting gravity.

Here is a ritual that will help your body recharge with the energy of the Earth, which gives vitality, strength and health. However, it can only be carried out twice a month, when the Moon accumulates its magical power: on the 1st and 9th lunar days.

From one to two in the morning, put three things on your photo: one wooden, one metal, and the third your own - nails or hair. Pour earth brought from three fields on top and say:

Let the power of these three fields be in my photography. And may health, happiness and... come to me from afar...

Let it be so! And so it will be!

Then lie down on your back and wait. Within half an hour you will feel such a surge of strength, as if you were under a powerful energy flow that fills you with vital energy from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. This will continue for 5-10 minutes. Then clasp your hands, place them first on your chest, then on your lower abdomen, and then stand on your feet.

Then you need to shake yourself up. Jump, shake your arms and legs, dance. And go outside to scatter the objects that were in the photo. Throw the wooden one towards a large tree, the metal one towards the moon, and bury “yours” under the roots of the tree. The soil that was in the photograph must be kept in the house for three days, and then taken back to where it was taken - to three fields.

The resulting energy will last you for six months. After such a ritual, depression and melancholy will leave your life, you will forget about your health problems. But mistakes should not be made in the ritual, so as not to have the opposite effect.

Here is another way to find common ground with the energy of the Earth.

Stand, sit, or lie down on flat ground. Place your palms on its surface and feel its warmth and softness with your bare feet. Imagine yourself as part of the Earth, nature. Mentally or out loud say the words of this invocation spell:

Sacred flesh of the Earth, guardian of dark dungeons, lord of mountains and valleys, become my support. Grant me purpose and drive, resilience, strength and restoration. Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how powerful energy flows emanating from the Earth itself penetrate you, how its strength, hardness and fertility become yours.

The earthly element is responsible for actions, behavior, deeds; all material aspects of our lives depend on it. This means that after such a ritual you will be able to earn more money, you will become luckier and more dexterous.

Of course, you have come across people in your life who are favored by the forces of the Earth. They don’t seem to do anything special, but they are always lucky in material terms, they easily become rich and successful. Others are constantly in debt, unable to make ends meet. And if money comes to them, it goes away just as quickly.

This is largely the merit or fault of the astral forces of the Earth. By correcting the imbalance in your earthly energy, you can change the situation for the better.

The energy of the Earth is especially valuable in healing practice, as it helps restore strength, heal wounds, and protect against harsh energy attacks. It also enhances sexuality.

Fashion, architecture, history and agriculture are under the auspices of the Earth element. This power gives everything reliability and stability. The element of Earth is also responsible for fertility. If you manage to make friends with her, then you will improve not only your health, but also the health of your children or grandchildren that you already have or will be born in the future.

Air Energy.

The ancient patrons of the forces of Air are the Aishts, creatures somewhat reminiscent of elves. They are responsible for reason, understanding, intelligence, for everything related to mentality.

They are called when you need to change the situation related to court cases, successfully pass exams, write a dissertation, when you cannot find a way out of the current situation on your own, or simply when you want to communicate with someone wise. (But in the latter case you need to be a real magician!).

Aishts reach no more than 10-15 cm in height, have the gift of suggestion, and can easily read a person’s thoughts and erase unnecessary ones. After meeting them, many people lose their memory. The ability to destroy information helps these creatures communicate with other species, including humans, without loss to themselves.

You can see the Aishts and make friends with them in the following way. Go out into the open on a sunny day, find some high ground, spread your arms and shout loudly: Let there be Light, Warmth and Day!

Then look at the sky, peering into the blue distance. Where the clouds are floating, you will be able to discern a smooth movement, as if waves are spreading across the sky. Take a closer look and you will see the outlines of little people fluttering in the skies. Wave, smile, greet them. Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll talk to you.

And if this happens, then the ancient power of Air will fill you with life-giving energy, which will make up for the lack of necessary knowledge and give you the ability to analyze and make decisions independently.

There is another way to communicate with the element of Air. Go outside when a strong wind rises, or even better, a hurricane breaks out, that is, this should be the time when nature itself, the element of Air itself, prepares a serious test for the person who dares to disturb it. And this mighty element will treat favorably only those who are not afraid to resist it.

Stand facing the wind, breathe in deeply, feel how its power becomes yours. Feel that you know how to control this enormous power.

Say the following words loudly, trying to get into the rhythm of the gusts of wind:

Lord of the winds, Ruler of the endless sky, Guardian of the heights, be my cover. Grant me flexibility and insight, thought and insight. Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered and fulfill the unfulfilled.

You will feel how your words influence the wind, humble it, even turn it in the direction you need and make you part of a powerful element.

The element of Air personifies thought, thinking, new knowledge. She is responsible for the presence in our astral and spiritual field of those qualities that are necessary for intellectual pursuits. Memory and learning, development of intuition, ability to sciences and arts, all types of creativity, dexterity and cunning, analytical mind and hobbies - these are the spheres of action of the air element.

Energy of Water.

The power of Water contains sensitive energy, which gives those who know how to use it the gift of prediction and foresight.

The patrons of the element of Water are creatures capable of predicting the future; they have been known since ancient times as Lucii.

Many of their species have already left the Earth due to the fact that the water relief of our planet is changing, and with it the energy of Water is changing. But some of them were able to adapt to the new climate, to people, to the energy of the natural zone where they live, and such lucia settled in water bodies. People have always called them water creatures.

The owners of Water are able to pass water energy through themselves in unlimited quantities. They know how to manage this energy and are able to change a person’s condition for the better in a short time.

These creatures look like this: they are covered from head to toe with green mud, which has the smell of rotten grass, so they can easily be mistaken for a tubercle or hummock. They are not shown to everyone, but only to those who are endowed with magical abilities or are not afraid of anything unusual.

The most interesting thing about their appearance is their eyes: they blink so quickly and often that it seems they don’t do it at all. Looking into their eyes is dangerous because these creatures have strong hypnotic abilities. If you think badly about a merman and look into his eyes, he will bewitch you. Therefore, it is better not to look Lucius in the eyes at all, and if this happens, then you should quickly look away. You need to behave freely with these creatures, without showing fear, but also without showing aggression.

If you are not afraid, then meeting Lucius will be a real adventure for you, and at the same time you will be able to find out your future or get answers to some important questions for you.

To establish contact with the Lucians, dress in green clothes, leave the house at four in the morning, taking a jar of water with you. Go to the pond and stand at the very edge of the water, legs wide apart. Raise the jar of water up with both hands and say:

Turn around a third, appear in front of me!

Throw some of the water out of the jar with the words: Master of Water, show yourself, get away from business, appear before me!

If you see that there are ripples in the water, then quickly ask the question that interests you, and then throw out the remaining water in the jar. Then stop and listen. You can see the merman, or you can only hear his voice. In any case, do not be afraid of anything and try to remember everything he tells you.

You cannot ask more than one question, and you also do not need to repeat the question. If you are not answered, it means that the question was asked incorrectly or what you want is completely unnecessary at the moment. Don't be upset. Perhaps the answer will come later, since for three nights after this you may have prophetic dreams. If you still do not receive an answer, you can repeat the ritual.

There is another way to make friends with the forces of Water. To obtain the energy and magical power of this element, learn to drink water (ordinary) in small sips, imagining how with each sip your body receives the missing energy. There are many ways to merge with this element: take a bath, drink clean spring water, go to a stream, to a river, to the sea, watch the slow or rapid current, the ebb and flow of the tides, imagine yourself as part of this eternal movement of the water element. At this time, the following spell should be cast:

The boundless expanse of the transparent sea, Sacred Mother of all living things, mistress of heavenly and underground waters, be my help. Grant me compassion and sympathy, purification and liberation, faith, hope, love. Give me the strength and power to conquer the unconquered and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how every cell of your body absorbs the energy of Water. You should feel complete unity with this element. Imagine what qualities that belong to her will be useful and necessary for you.

First of all, this is love (emotional and strong, not as passionate as that of Fire, but long-lasting, calm, wise and stable). Such love brings a feeling of confidence in the future, inner satisfaction.

The element of Water is the best assistant in reconciling loving hearts and strengthening love, creating the necessary conditions for it, after which even time will not be able to influence your feelings.

Under the protection of the element of Water are the best qualities of a person: spirituality, faith, devotion and fidelity. The energy of this element is indispensable for maintaining any friendships and alliances; it gives us rest, tranquility and satisfaction.

Among personal qualities, the element of Water is responsible for intelligence, intuition, flexibility of thinking, the ability to make compromises and achieve success where strength and power are powerless. This is the element of professional players who consider life itself to be a game. If this suits you, then turn to this element and perform rituals associated with it.

In practical magic, the energy of Water is most valuable for repelling psychic attacks, cleansing negativity, getting rid of the evil eye and damage, creating mental images, divination and prediction. Just as spring water cleanses the body of dirt, so its energy cleanses the soul of evil.

The soothsayer looks at the surface of the water poured into the ritual cup and sees there not only real world events, but also pictures of future events.

If you ever discover a deficiency of energy associated with the element of Water, then you just have to imagine a raging ocean or the smooth surface of a lake (as you like), mentally cast a spell - and you will immediately feel how the power of Water will rid you of everything bad and attract what you dream about will protect you from problems and worries.

And, of course, every person, voluntarily or involuntarily, gives preference to his element: Aries loves Fire, Taurus is drawn to Earth, Gemini loves to fly, and Cancer loves to swim in the sea, or, at worst, lie in the bath. Also for the remaining signs of the Zodiac.

Elemental magic is an integral part of most occult traditions. Water, Earth, Fire and Air have a direct impact on the person himself and his life.

Both the East and the West have their own system of elements. We will look at their perception in the traditions of Western magic. The combination of the four original elements is at work here. They are interconnected, but at the same time each is unique!

Elementals: Nature Spirits

Knowledgeable magicians believe that the subtle plane, which they are able to see, has its inhabitants - spirits who are direct representatives of the power of one of the elements. These spirits are usually referred to as “elementals.” They are represented as certain entities that rule one or another element. Elementals have mystical images and names. The spirits of the element Air are called sylphs, and the spirits of Water are called undines. Salamanders represent Fire, and gnomes represent Earth.

In order for an ordinary person to be able to interact with elementals, certain circumstances are needed - natural manifestations of elemental force: storm, thunderstorm, strong wind, snowfall and the like.

There are also places where certain forces are more manifested (for example, the sea, mountains). We are not saying that during a complete calm of nature you cannot contact the forces of the elements; it’s just that at certain moments this can be done much easier due to the fact that the element itself at that very moment is more saturated and concentrated in space.

The elements should not be perceived as a separate world that exists in parallel with ours. In fact, the element is similar to matter, with the help of which all life and the world where we live are created. By correctly interacting with the elements, you can correct both the physical manifestation of the world and the spiritual moments of existence.

Even the human body is a harmonious combination of four elements with the help of the fifth (conventionally it is designated pure spirit or ether). They also influence the course of life. If you learn to call upon yourself the necessary flows, you can solve many problems and significantly improve your life.

People who know natural magic almost constantly operate with the flow of energies of the forces of the elements. In addition, even basic protection during rituals is a circle with the activation of each element in the corresponding direction of the world. But before we propose a method of filling the powers of the elements, we need to consider which of them is used and for what.

Interacting with the Elements

Many magicians use the powers of the elements - they are those in charge who follow the path of Wicca (Wiccans) or the path of molfa (molfara). Ceremonial invocations of the dominant spirits of the elements are usually performed only by experienced practitioners of the magical craft. For easier contact, it is recommended to use a meditation-ritual technique that will be beneficial and eliminate the threat.

You can perform the ritual with all the elements at once or divide it into four stages. For the ritual you will need symbols of all the elements. You should prepare a new bowl of water, a bowl of salt and earth, a red painted candle and incense (instead of the latter, you can take a dove or raven feather).

Place these items in accordance with the cardinal directions: the symbol of Fire is south, Air is east, Water is west, Earth is north.

Before you begin an interaction, mentally and verbally ask for space by saying:

The power that rules
over everything and everyone.
be with me and protect me
from all dangers!
Let it be so!

Then you need to activate your symbols (or a symbol if you are only familiar with one of the elements). To do this, pick up an object symbol or just look at it intently and say:

The power of the elements... (name
corresponding element),
filled with the power of faith and love,
I ask: come to me!
Bless this item
let him be
a symbol of your strength.
Great element
let there be peace between us!

Now tune in through the symbols to the energy of the elements. Mentally explain that you are approaching with a pure heart and want harmonious interaction. For example, if you dream of becoming more sensual and passionate, or persistent and active, then, looking at the flame of a red candle, ask the spirits of fire for all this.

When you finish the ritual, do not forget to thank the elements. You can even present a symbolic sacrifice in the form of fruits, honey, etc.

Say words of gratitude to everyone you interacted with:

The power that came to my aid!
The power that came to my call!
Great elemental power... (name
corresponding element),
I thank you for your help
and support!
Let everything happen for good!
Let there be peace between us!
Let it be so!

To get a little more comfortable with natural magic, for some time you can work with the elements of the elements in the proposed general system and at the same time (or sometimes) tune in to only one of them.

Over time, you will begin to feel these energies better and, when you need help with a certain issue, you yourself will understand which element it relates to. For example, the sphere of communication falls under the influence of the forces of Air, and trust in the family can be attributed to the sphere of Water; monetary savings are a manifestation of the forces of the Earth. Once you realize what energies you need, you can ask the elemental spirits for help.

We wish everyone fair wind in their sails! Passionate warmth, not burning! A sip of pure living water! The ground under your feet for a confident step!

Air is the breath of eternity

The element of Air is the most difficult for us to perceive due to the fact that air fills all space, but at the same time time is invisible to the eye. Usually this the element is used to demonstrate talents and reveals the gift of learning. Magicians ask the spirits of Air to help them read people's thoughts and master the ability of telepathy.

You can turn to the element of Air in order to cleanse the mind and consciousness both from negative thoughts and from outside intrusion. The Spirits of Air (they also say the spirits of Wind) are asked for protection during travel or all sorts of adventures, especially where you need to feel inner lightness. In addition, the power of the elements is used to heal the respiratory system.

In mystical teachings, the eagle is considered an animal symbolizing the power of Air, since it personifies the statement that air is a conductor of wisdom.

The colors most often used to represent this element are blue or light yellow.

A magical attribute of ritual practice, which carries the power of the element and is at the same time its sign, is a dagger or a feather. Although sometimes incense is also considered such a symbol, since smoke indicatively frames air currents and is very close to our perception of the elements in order to personify air.

Fire – the heat of purification and strength

The element of Fire, compared to Air, is more manifested in the visible material plane. Looking at a candle flame, for example, we can see its concentrated manifestation. Magically, fire corresponds to the sphere of strong emotions - passionate love, hatred, sex, war, the process of competition, struggle and active defense.

The energy of the element of Fire is useful for accelerating career advancement and attracting success in life. Fire is a good helper for a quick recovery, as it carries a charge of physical and spiritual strength at the same time. This aspect of the element is often used by healers. The fire element is very strong and often finds application in natural magic, so it is not surprising that when a novice magician imagines the very concept of energy, very often his visualization is filled with images of fire.

The energy of Fire can be aimed at strengthening fortitude, perseverance, and courage. It is precisely these characteristics that probably made the lion a mystical animal, a symbol of Fire.

Crimson tones, orange and red colors are suitable for the color designation of the element.

In ritual practice, Fire corresponds to such magical attributes as a wand and a red candle.

Water is a breath of purity and life

The element of Water is present in our lives, in the human body. It carries magical powers that correspond to the ability to purify, remember, the sphere of flexibility and sensuality. If Fire controlled strong emotions, then tender feelings are the sphere of Water. Love based on tenderness, sensuality, and shared memories corresponds to the element of Water.

The energy of Water helps you better understand yourself and others, teaches you how to interact with people and be part of a team. The power of the elements is directed to develop ingenuity, flexibility of thought, and good reaction.

The element of Water, as well as the energy of Fire, is often used in healing practice. It carries the power of cleansing and relieves chronic ailments.

Water, as a rule, is used for rituals that evoke memories not only from the present life, but also from the previous one. Consequently, the power of Water is also useful in “karmic” matters.

The mystical symbol of this element is the snake; Aquarius is also often depicted - a person pouring water from a jug.

The colors of the elements are all shades of blue, aquamarine, turquoise, silver-white.

The attribute denoting this element is a bowl of water.

Earth is the basis of the world

Finally, we have reached the element that people usually, consciously or unconsciously, perceive as the basis of everything that exists, since they themselves walk on the earth. Since it is so manifested in the outside world and in a sense static, it is used in magic to correct the financial situation, to deal with processes related to work on earth.

It is good to fully direct the energy of the Earth element to enhance fertility and rich harvests, to bless the land.

It is no less useful to attract this element to business, since the energy of the element effectively attracts money, financial success, and stability.

In addition, the power of the Earth can help bring about good health and well-being. It will provide reliable energy protection.

Earthly energy also has a completely earthly symbol in mysticism, namely the bull.

The color matches of this element are a variety of shades of brown, rich green, light green, terracotta and golden.

Magical attributes that correspond to the elements of the Earth are a pentacle (as a classic symbol of the forces of the Earth), a stone, a plate with salt and earth.

How to become a real magician in real life?

Fire is a source of energy. This is the primary element, which is the transition between the gross and subtle worlds. This quality of Fire has always been known to man, and that is why the fact of mastering Fire became a transition point and a moment of spiritual birth for man and all humanity. Fire made man human; it was he who made it possible to become an accomplice in divine actions in the world.

When man united the worlds through Fire and began to interact with subtle beings, spirits and deities, and learn from them, then magic appeared. Later, from the magical teachings, magical cults emerged, headed by the deities themselves, they taught people, imparted to them their knowledge and ways of ruling the world. It is to such magical cults that the association of magicians “Brotherhood of Fire” belongs.

Fire is the element of total transformation, everything with which Fire interacts undergoes changes: be it wood in a fire, which Fire turns into light, heat and ash; or be it food that we prepare with the help of Fire, and it, by changing the structure of the food, makes it suitable for food; or be it a person interacting with Fire on a spiritual-energetic level and turning into a magician.

Fire is part of the circle of elements, but still it stands apart.

Three elements - Water, Air and Earth - have their natural and permanent manifestations in our world. Water has seas, oceans, rivers, Air has the sky, and Earth has the entire planet. Only Fire manifests itself in interaction with other elements. This feature is explained by the fact that Fire is the first manifestation of the primordial element and at the highest levels it manifests itself as something that unites the entire universe into a single whole, and at levels close to our world, Fire manifests itself as the source of life.

Understanding the essence of Fire is not an instantaneous and ambiguous process, since Fire manifests itself in many aspects. Sometimes it is believed that Fire unites qualities that are mutually exclusive, but an important principle should be understood: “If there are two opposites, this means that there is a third - something that unites them.” Fire, combining opposites, is simultaneously capable of manifesting itself as a weapon and protection, a destroyer and a healer, a creative and destructive force.

All these qualities: unification, transformation and multivariance appear in a person when he begins to master the Power of Fire. On the one hand, practice with Fire collects the personality into a single whole, on the other hand, it transforms, takes something to a new level, reveals hidden resources and unknown potential, and destroys something, turning it into “ashes and ash,” but with the third party, as a result of the two previous processes, allows you to find an unlimited number of its manifestations in the world. Fire destroys old patterns of behavior and thinking, and makes it possible to look at the world more broadly.

By practicing Fire Magic, you can learn to interact with different aspects of the manifestation of the Power of Fire (more about this in the article “Lesson 2. Fire Magic”). This allows you to achieve completely different results when using one universal knowledge system, which, in turn, allows you to follow the path of harmonious development without distortions and excesses (artificial restrictions on interaction with one or another manifestation of the world). Through the practice of interaction, a special state “State of Radiance” is achieved, in which all extrasensory capabilities are revealed. In this state, it is also possible to remember all of your incarnations and gain knowledge of past lives.

During practice, Fire can give you a vision of the future, power over events, nature and people, but this will not happen so easily. During practice, Fire will turn you into someone who can see the future, has power over events, nature and people, but at the same time you will remain yourself.

Speaking about the possibilities that Fire reveals in a person, we can highlight several of the most striking: firstly, Fire strengthens the will and makes any magic more powerful; secondly, it gives knowledge and understanding of life, and, consequently, various methods of healing become clear to a person and a craving for martial arts appears; thirdly, the Vision appears.

Application of the three qualities of Fire in magic

An association- due to the fact that Fire is a manifestation of the force that unites the entire universe, it is used in rituals where it is necessary to call on Spirits or Deities for help, as well as in rituals involving sacrifices, but the latter action also includes the quality of transformation, because the material sacrifice moves to another level of existence.

Transformation- this is both destruction and creation, as two processes interconnected and flowing into each other. This quality of Fire is turned to when cleansing from harmful influences is required (destruction of other people's influence and restoration of one's structure) or, on the contrary, influence on an event (creation of an influencing force and destruction of the original structure).

Multivariate- a quality that cannot be described exhaustively. It is generally accepted that multivariance is the result of combining the first two qualities - Unification and Transformation. Due to its highly manifested nature, Fire is an excellent source of knowledge. This quality is used in rituals aimed at predicting the future, obtaining information about something, or gaining inspiration.

Knowledge of these three qualities gives an understanding of why and how Fire is used in ritual, and why it often occupies a central place on the altar.

Symbolism showing the qualities of Fire

For a deeper understanding, let’s resort to a metaphor and look at several symbols that personify the qualities of Fire.

The Dragon in the cultures of the East and West - an intelligent living creature with magic. The dragon is a combination of the four elements, where the three elements - Air, Water and Earth - are its habitats, and Fire is its inner essence.

Phoenix- a fiery bird whose lifespan is 500 years, after this period it burns in its own fire and is reborn from the ashes in a new body. This mystical image exists in many mythologies of the world.

Legendary King- the divine image of a ruler who is at the same time the soul of his people. Thousands of traditions and legends of world mythology, repeating each other word for word, tell about a king sent from heaven and born many times in the form of different heroes. He also manifests himself as a wandering warrior or sage who, in his travels, helps those in need.

Thus, the dragon symbolizes unification, the phoenix symbolizes transformation, and the legendary king symbolizes diversity.

When deciding to interact with the Power of Fire, you need to be prepared for serious changes in your life, because its power is great, and you need to learn to perceive it and follow it.

You can ask questions about Fire Magic on the forum - “Questions about Fire Magic”
(registration is required to write messages).

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Here it is now:


Once again:

This is what my grandmother said:

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable.

How to learn fire magic

What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

Once again:

Welcome to the wonderful world of witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know. We can say this: some gods give it to us.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice. Daily. Preferably every night. Always.

How to become a magician yourself with the help of a special ritual?

It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I've never seen anything like this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

Water Magic

Everyone can use any spells, including invented ones. We do not limit anyone in magic.
The spells are here for those who lack imagination and also for those who do not want or do not have time to describe “what it looks like” in a role-playing game.
You just need to write the name of the spell and highlight it in color if the effect is described here.
For example: “The magician bent down, dodging a charge from a sling flying at him, after which he sharply threw his hands forward. The magical cold energy that gradually accumulated in his hands hit the enemies with force in the form of freezing streams. The nearest barbarians immediately felt how the magical cold shackled them movement. As a result, the three barbarians were partially frozen."
You can shorten it: “The magician ducked down, dodging a sling shot flying at him and changed the Breath of Winter spell, thereby slowing down the three barbarians.”
For convenience, the spells are divided into orders.
1st order - the most powerful (correspondingly, a 1st order mage is a mage who masters 1st order spells)
10th order - the weakest (correspondingly, a magician of the 10th order is a magician who masters spells of the 10th order, not higher)
In addition, neutral characters and monsters will use these spells.

10th order magic
For a 10th order magician it takes about 5% of the power, for a 1st order magician it is 10 times less, that is, 0.5%. Calculate further spells yourself, I write as a percentage for a magician of that level, what are the minimum requirements for the spell.
Covers everything around the magician with a slightly damp film of water. Closing allows you to support the body from drying out in deserts or in the ocean.

10th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Water forces accelerate metal corrosion.

How to master magic?

Allows you to destroy enemy weapons in this way. The higher the magic level, the higher quality metals the spell takes.

Water flow
9th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Summons a stream of water from the magician's hands. The stream can extinguish fires, fiery creatures, or knock down advancing enemies.

cloud of fog
9th order magic
Requires about 20% strength.
Causes a fog that significantly reduces the visibility of all creatures within a certain radius.

9th order magic
Requires about 10% strength, groundwater underground.
Causes a powerful flow of water from underground. Such a stream can knock out a weapon, or even throw an enemy several meters above the ground.

Ice arrow
8th order magic
Requires about 3% strength.
Fires an icicle arrow made of very sharp, magical ice. This kind of ice is worth metal in a fight.

Blade of Frost
8th order magic
Requires about 15% strength.
Enchant any weapon for a certain time. Whether it's a bullet or a blade. A person wounded by such a weapon moves more slowly, as his blood cools slightly, causing him discomfort.

snow whirlwind
8th order magic
Requires about 15% strength.
A furious snow whirlwind forms around the enemy, reducing his combat activity. The snow prickles, gets under the armor, into the eyes, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Moist barrier
7th order magic
Requires about 30% strength.
A transparent barrier of tiny particles of water appears around the magician. They absorb hostile magic and have healing properties if the magician is injured.

Breath of Winter
7th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
The mage releases a wide stream of cold energy that spreads through the air in front of the mage. Enemies caught in this stream are covered in frost and move several times slower. The weakest may even freeze to death. At high levels of magic, even strong warriors can freeze.

Ice rink
7th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Creates incredibly slippery ice under the feet of advancing enemies. It is MUCH more difficult to step on such ice!

Ice clot
6th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Allows you to throw a ball of liquid ice; upon collision, such a ball turns everything it touches into ice, while emitting the binding energy of winter.

Mastery of Cold
6th order magic
Requires about 5-15% strength.
Allows you not to receive damage from Water. Catching ice balls and drawing power from water (natural, natural... or water/ice of other magicians, if their level of water magic is lower)... Controlling the water of a mage whose level of water magic is much higher is impossible. It also allows you to breathe underwater and not freeze in the cold.
Note: Everything is within reasonable limits. Not freezing in the cold does not mean that you spent 5 days at the North Pole like in a bathhouse... Breathing under water does not mean that you are the ichthyander of the future... Remember, everything costs ENERGY!

5th order magic
Requires about 20% strength.
It deprives the body of moisture, thereby killing it.

Water Elemental
5th order magic
Requires about 10% strength. Requires 1% per minute to maintain.
Summons a creature that resembles the shape of a human, but is made of pure water. The creature is a strong warrior, serves a magician, is immune to cold and has 9th order water magic.

Ice waves
Magic 4th order
Requires about 35% strength. Concentration.
Waves of ice steam freeze the entire area around the magician, turning it into an icy desert and enemies into ice statues.

Mirror Shield
Magic 4th order
Requires about 20% strength.
Creates a Magic Shield - a mirror made of ice, blocking any physical blow and reflecting magic in the opposite direction.

Acid fog
Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Send a cloud of acid fog over the area. The area and the creatures in it receive chemical damage, and if they manage to survive, they become infected with the “Acidic Blood” disease, which leads to death in most cases.

Order of the Arctic
Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20-30% strength. 0.3% to maintain each spirit for a minute.
Summons a dozen ice demons that fight as well as elementals and wield the Wither spell...

Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Instant magic. Instantly freezes a creature. While frozen, the creature cannot do anything. The magician, if desired, can subsequently unfreeze it or kill it by turning it into ice.

Aura of winter
Magic 2nd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Surrounding a creature with an aura that freezes arrows/charges/bullets flying at it. Such charges cause almost no harm. The aura automatically releases an ice clot in the direction of each charge.

Deadly steam
Magic 2nd order
Requires about 5% strength.
Clouds of steam begin to fly around the magician, causing no harm to allies. Any enemy caught in the cloud will be boiled alive.

Frost Giant
1st order magic
Requires about 10% strength. 1% per minute for maintenance
Summons a golem made of ice, the size of a two-story house. Such a big guy, naturally, is not very dexterous, but he is capable of literally “crushing” his enemies. Magic affects him very poorly, with the exception of fire magic.

freezing rain
1st order magic
Requires about 100% strength + A cloud in the sky is a must. Trigger probability 75%
Allows you to bring down freezing rain on a huge location. Every drop of such a shower brings death, turning everything it hits into ice. This way you can freeze an entire city. And those who survived, hiding in the strongest houses, will be sealed in the shortest ice chambers...
Note: Mages do not like such spells because they need several days to recover from them.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

Once again:

Welcome to the wonderful world of witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know.

How to become a magician in real life at home?

We can say this: some gods give it to us.

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable. What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice. Daily. Preferably every night. Always. It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I've never seen anything like this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

Once again:

Welcome to the wonderful world of witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know. We can say this: some gods give it to us.

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable. What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice.

Control of the elements of water, fire, air and earth

Daily. Preferably every night. Always. It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I've never seen anything like this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

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