Home Brakes Then after the run. Maintenance. Cleaning of individual elements

Then after the run. Maintenance. Cleaning of individual elements

The reliability of a car depends on the good condition of its components and assemblies, which are subjected to loads during each trip and wear out from use. Scheduled maintenance is carried out to periodically check systems and timely replace parts.

Each manufacturer has its own maintenance program. Some of them even include the so-called "zero" maintenance, which is performed with a mileage of 1000 km and a little more. But usually the first, second and subsequent procedures are carried out with equal steps when the car travels 10-15 thousand kilometers. If the operating conditions were more difficult (a trip in sand and dust, a sharp increase / decrease in temperature, overcoming water obstacles), then you do not need to wait for a scheduled check, but it is better to inspect the car when returning to operation under normal conditions.

What is included in TO

Maintenance includes replacing consumables (filters, fluids, oils) and checking all major systems. With high mileage, the number of replaceable parts increases.

The time of the maintenance, the mileage at which it was done, is reflected in the car's service book. Its presence, timely and correct filling characterizes the owner as a responsible person. It is easier to sell such a car because the buyer has confidence in the good technical condition of the car.

For new cars, maintenance by an authorized dealer is directly related to the validity of the warranty, and refusal to do so removes many obligations from the manufacturer. Cars not tied to a guarantee can be serviced anywhere.

Maintenance cost

The cost of maintenance depends on the policy of the brand in general and the service in particular. Some dealers "give" the first MOT when buying a car. For some companies, consumables are included in the general bill, others take money only for work, and spare parts are purchased separately - and it is important to clarify whether they are original or purchased outside the dealer. Usually, all this information is registered on the websites of dealers and representative offices. More expensive brands can remind you of the upcoming maintenance with calls and letters. Maintenance costs are related to the total cost of operating the vehicle.

In addition to the mandatory maintenance at official services, the driver must carry out maintenance on his own before each trip. Time costs are minimal, and confidence in the serviceability of the systems and assemblies of the car is invaluable.

  • Pay attention to any oil or operating fluid leaks under the vehicle.
  • Walk around the car and check: the integrity of the body glass, tires and the presence of license plates.
  • Check the operation of the headlights, taillights and direction indicators, the parking brake and the horn.
  • At the start, pay attention to the readings of the instrument panel and the operation of the controls.

Tire companies recommend checking the tire pressure every two weeks, regardless of mileage, and tightening the bolts on the wheels every month. Almost every manufacturer of this or that part has its own recommendations. In order to know them, you just need to read the instructions.

There is also seasonal maintenance, which prepares the machine for operation in other climatic conditions. It usually involves changing tires, changing the oil to "winter" or "summer", and some do anti-corrosion treatment of the body. But if the seasonal maintenance is close to the mandatory in terms of time, then they can be combined.

Remember that if something happens to the car and it gets into an accident, then the presence of a malfunction will make its driver guilty.

Car maintenance, both for passenger cars and trucks, new or old, is an integral part of the operation. Maintenance for a new car is also a guarantee of the owner. If you skip such a service, then you can say goodbye to the car warranty. For a supported car, maintenance is also important, as it is a guarantee of your safety and a longer and more worry-free operation of your car.

What is maintenance

Do not forget that the driver must perform visual maintenance (inspection) before each trip by car. That is, the driver must check:

  • Wheel pressure;
  • Work of lighting devices and direction indicators;
  • Horn work;
  • Engine oil level;
  • Coolant level;
  • Brake fluid level;
  • Power steering fluid level (if equipped);
  • Washer fluid level.

All this is necessary in order to keep the car in good working order and to ensure the safety of your trip, especially if the trip is long.

The rest of the maintenance should be carried out by qualified personnel of dealerships or car services. For each car, the manufacturer sets its own standards, a list of works and mileage during maintenance. But in most cases, THAT are:

TO - 0 this is zero maintenance, in the common people it is called "Break-in" is carried out after 1000 - 1500 km. of the vehicle's run. At such a MOT, as a rule, the engine oil and the oil filter are changed.

TO - 1 is carried out after 15,000 mileage, or a year of operation of the car, whichever comes first, regardless of whether the car drove or not.

TO - 2

TO - 3 carried out after 15,000 mileage or a year of operation from the previous maintenance (whichever comes first)

TO - 4 carried out after 15,000 mileage or a year of operation from the previous maintenance (whichever comes first)

How often do maintenance work for a supported vehicle?

For a supported car, maintenance should be carried out as follows:


  • Replacing the cabin air filter, for example: for Moscow, it is customary to change the cabin filter twice a year in spring and autumn.

Every 15,000 runs:

  • Engine oil change;
  • Replacing the oil filter;
  • Replacement of spark plugs;
  • Replacing the air filter;

Every 60,000 runs:

  • Replacing the coolant (antifreeze);
  • Changing the oil in the gearbox (gearbox). True, for very old cars, changing the oil in the gearbox can only do much harm!

What is included in the maintenance

Car dealerships carry out car maintenance:

  • Inspection of the steering mechanism;
  • Inspection of the brake system;
  • Suspension system inspection;
  • Checking electrical systems, including the battery;
  • Checking the tightness of the nuts on the wheels;
  • They replace consumables in accordance with the maintenance regulations.

How can you save on maintenance?

In order to maintain the warranty on the car, it is necessary to undergo maintenance only in the dealer auto centers authorized by the manufacturer. Taking advantage of such conditions, dealers impose their consumables, selling them to you at a good mark-up. At the same time, dealers do not offer you to go through MOT with your consumables, it is not profitable for them. The only thing you can save on is to purchase a set of consumables for maintenance and not overpay until 3000 rubles. The tech center has no right to refuse you to carry out maintenance with its consumables.

For the selection of ready-made kits for maintenance, I would like to recommend the TOEXPERT website to you, where you can select a kit for any MOT and for any car brand and at the same time save on MOT.

For all the prescribed points of the automaker's regulations, this is the guarantee of a long and trouble-free operation of your Kia Rio.

These items include a list of work and operations with the replacement of fluids. And each MOT, depending on the mileage of the car and the period of its operation, carries different points.

Kia took 15,000 kilometers as the basis for the maintenance frequency of the Rio model.

Interesting! The first service, respectively, is carried out precisely with such a run, and then along a mathematical progression. Let's take a look at what the maintenance grid looks like on the Kia Rio and what regulatory features the manufacturer prescribes for Kia dealers.

First THAT. Maintenance of Kia Rio with a mileage of 15,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

The first maintenance involves a small amount of work on replacing fuels and lubricants and components, as well as lubrication components:

Also, the manufacturer has identified several mandatory checks of systems and components for the quality of their work:

  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning work in progress individual elements:

  • drain holes of the body.

The Kia Rio maintenance grid at 15,000 kilometers implies a minimum number of fluid and component replacement operations. The main focus of dealers is aimed at identifying factory defects.

Second MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 30,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • exhaust system;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

The work schedule for the second maintenance of the Kia Rio provides for checking the drive belt of the additional systems of the car.

Important! It is not necessary to change the belt. Its replacement is made on an individual basis.

Third MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 45,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of air filter elements.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Interesting! The maintenance schedule for the Kia Rio after 45,000 km includes the lubrication of the gearbox elements.

These works only apply to the Rio with automatic transmission.

Fourth MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 60,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • replacement of spark plugs;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • tightness of the engine cooling system;
  • fuel pipes and hoses;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

The Kia Rio maintenance schedule with a mileage of 60,000 km, the grid of which provides for the replacement of brake fluid, spark plugs, fuel filter and much more, is one of the most important.

Interesting! It is during this run that, most often, many factory flaws are revealed that could not be identified at an early stage.

Fifth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 75,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox).

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • air filter element;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Important! The regulatory features of the fifth MOT for the Kia Rio are that nothing needs to be changed, except for the oil in the power unit and the filter for it.

Sixth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 90,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • replacement of the air filter element.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • valve clearance;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Interesting! The sixth maintenance schedule for the Kia Rio provides for the replacement of a large amount of lubricants.

Seventh TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 105,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox).

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • air filter element;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Eighth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 120,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • replacement of spark plugs;
  • replacement of the fuel filter.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • fuel pipes and hoses;
  • oil level in the gearbox (for a manual gearbox and an automatic gearbox);
  • air filter element;
  • ventilation hose and fuel tank cap;
  • valve clearance;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioner.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

It is worth noting that the schedule of each car maintenance provides, in addition to the car's mileage, and the frequency of time.

Important! Regardless of how long your Rio drives, the warranty always provides for service at least once a year.

If it is important for you that the car remains under warranty and you rarely drive it out of the parking lot, you need to periodically remember how much time has passed since the last official inspection by the dealer's specialists.

Many motorists who buy a car from the salon are faced with mandatory routine maintenance. No, of course, you can refuse them, but in this case the warranty for the vehicle is lost. TO-1 and TO-2 are the recommendations of the manufacturer's plant, and not an advertising move by dealers of a particular brand. Indeed, many drivers regard this TO-1 as such. The list of works is much more expensive than in another service station, but now we are not talking about that.

General information and information

Scheduled is necessary for the timely detection of malfunctions of the electronic and mechanical systems of the vehicle in order to eliminate them. Also, work is underway to maintain the fuel system, which makes it possible to somewhat reduce fuel consumption during vehicle operation.

The new car is necessary to eliminate the so-called "hidden" faults. Not everyone will be able to notice a factory defect in an engine or brake system. If you leave all this unattended, you can get into an accident. Therefore, it is simply necessary to maintain the car in good technical condition. The technical serviceability of a vehicle is the maximum level of safety, comfort and economy that a given vehicle can provide. Therefore, if you want all systems to work normally for as long as possible, it is best not to miss out on dealer service.

TO-1: list of works and something else

A car by its design is a rather complex device. A large number of units and assemblies, rubbing surfaces - all this gradually wears out. In the event of any constructive deviation, such a defect can only be determined by a professional check at a dealer using modern equipment. We can say that any trip by car, even a short one, leads to a worsening of his condition. Therefore, the machine needs to be serviced on time and replaced or defective parts and assemblies out of order.

The list of TO-1 works is as follows:

  • carrying out fastening work (tightening car threaded fasteners);
  • performance of lubrication works;
  • control;
  • diagnostics;
  • cleaning and adjustment.

Each of the above points in this article we will consider in more detail. I would like to note that TO-1 is extremely important. Indeed, during this period, random malfunctions are checked and eliminated, which lead to a reduction in the engine resource, a decrease in comfort or an increased fuel consumption. Also, it is mandatory to check the operation of the catalytic converter or particulate filter, which are responsible for neutralizing harmful chemical compounds that enter the environment with exhaust gases.

As practice shows, most of the motorists do not follow the recommendations for inspection and maintenance of the vehicle before each trip. However, it is highly recommended that you check the following systems:

  • the operability of the electrical devices of the center console;
  • brake fluid level;
  • engine oil level;
  • check the car body;
  • adjust the rear-view mirrors;
  • inspect the steering.

In fact, it is quite easy to perform the work from the above list. It will take just a few minutes in time. Nevertheless, it is advisable to perform daily maintenance (EO), because it can save the driver's life. For example, during the next maintenance, you discovered that there is no brake fluid. This suggests that the system is leaking and there is a leak somewhere. If you do not give this due attention, then at the next traffic light you may not stop in time. This also applies to mirrors, the position of which can randomly go astray. And while driving, adjusting them is simply dangerous, because the driver will be distracted from the road, which can lead to an accident.

Regular car wash

In fact, this is a personal matter for each driver. Nevertheless, there are certain recommendations for caring for the interior of the car. After all, it is not very useful to breathe the dust that got into the cabin while driving. Therefore, the manufacturer strongly recommends that you regularly take care of the interior of your car. This is necessary not only for the aesthetic component, but also to keep the plastic and upholstery of the seats clean. After all, if you do not clean the interior for a long time, then over time, dust and dirt will eat into the fabric, and dry cleaning of the interior will be required, and this is not a cheap procedure.

It is also advisable to regularly wash the car body. After all, it is almost impossible to carry out a high-quality check of a heavily soiled body. In addition, deposits or dirt that remain on the vehicle's paintwork for a long time will eat into the paint and can damage it. It is advisable to remove stubborn dirt with "Karcher" at the car wash. Self-incorrect car wash can lead to scratches on the car paintwork.

About the frequency of maintenance

Usually the regularity of certain work is determined by the manufacturer. The data is indicated in the service book, where it is written - when to perform certain work. But it should be noted that the frequency is determined by several factors. First, the time interval. For example, the alternator belt needs to be changed every 2 years (24 months). Secondly, time and mileage. An oil change is performed every year (12 months) or after 15,000 kilometers, whichever comes first. Third, the mileage. A striking example of this is belt replacement or which is performed every 100-150 thousand kilometers.

Therefore, as you understand, even if you practically do not drive a car, it will have to be serviced. For example, you installed a new alternator belt and covered only a few thousand kilometers in two years. In fact, the belt is completely new, but since this product does not change from mileage, but from the expiration date, it must be replaced. Over time, rubber cracks and becomes less elastic, which most often leads to breakage. But the timing belt, which is also made of rubber, changes after a certain mileage. Therefore, one such belt can stay on the car for 5 or 10 years, and nothing will happen to it.

TO-1: order of work

The first maintenance of the car is indicated in the service book. Usually TO-1 is performed with the onset of 15 thousand mileage. Although, depending on the car brand, the data may differ slightly. Usually dealers do not follow a specific order of work, but simply check, adjust, lubricate and service the following parts of the car:

TO in detail

Well, for now, let's look at a few of the most interesting points in more detail. Take adjustments as an example, as they seem to be the most interesting. Usually dealers practically do not fulfill them, although in the price list the price tag is set to the maximum. For example, checking the fastening of the generator. Usually, the need to perform a similar procedure arises only with the repair of this unit. After all, the manufacturer has carefully fixed and adjusted everything. Another thing is that camber-toe may be needed, because you only run in your engine and chassis, which has not yet been under load.

But such work as adjusting the car's carburetor or the injection system is often not required, but unscrupulous dealership employees still perform it. Although these points are indicated by the manufacturer, so it is imperative to inspect them, preferably in your presence. Then you can independently inspect the condition of a particular node. If a factory defect of parts, assemblies or assemblies is present, then the driver will notice it practically from the first kilometers of vehicle operation. If the air conditioner does not work or works poorly, you can see it right away. If there are extraneous sounds in the chassis, then everything is clear here too. But many works are performed to extract money from the driver, which is why many motorists refuse to carry out technical work and repair their vehicle on their own or at budget service stations.

How much does the first service cost?

It is extremely difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. There are several factors on which TO-1 pricing depends. First, the state of the car after the same 15,000 kilometers. All drivers are different, and some understand that during the running-in of the internal combustion engine, it is impossible to give too high revs, while others do not. This leads to the fact that some pay 10,000 rubles for maintenance, while others - 30,000, and then they are indignant. Secondly, a lot depends on the dealer. There are more conscientious specialists, and there are less. If you are a little versed in the design and structure of the car, then it is better to be present at MOT and breathe in the back of the head of the inspector. After all, it is not known how much it will cost to adjust the clutch drive if you are not around.

Therefore, as you understand, dealers dictate pricing and it is rather difficult to do anything about it. It is quite another matter that dealers often pass off factory defects as improper operation. Accordingly, the driver has to buy the part. Proving anything is difficult, but with the right effort it is quite possible. TO-1 for Hyundai Getz costs an average of 10,000 rubles. But servicing a premium class car will not be cheaper than 30-40 thousand or more.

A few important details

It should be understood that there are different types and intervals of maintenance. For example, there is also TO-2, which is practically no different from the first. On the second maintenance, the scope of work is slightly larger. Adjustment and lubrication work is carried out with the removal of some units and assemblies. To check the correct operation of the systems, special equipment is used. For example, checking the muffler and catalytic converter, as well as the lambda, is performed using an oscilloscope, which shows the correct operation of the sensors.

Based on this, we can say that TO-2 will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than the first. However, if you do not pass it, then you will again lose the vehicle warranty. Therefore, do not forget about the implementation of TO-1 and TO-2, which are necessary not so much to ensure safety, although this is also important, but to stay on warranty service. As practice shows, as long as there is a guarantee for a car, it rarely breaks down. The fun begins after the expiration date. Perhaps this is due to the quality of our roads or fuel. But always all the worries about the repair fall on the shoulders of the driver.

There is also a seasonal service (CO). This type of technical work is especially relevant for residents of the northern part of Russia. However, JI is a mandatory procedure for the central part as well. Here it makes sense to talk about the feasibility of performing these works. Indeed, according to statistics, a large number of accidents occur precisely at the beginning of the winter season, when many motorists have not changed their shoes yet. Typically, CO works are performed twice a year: in late autumn and in mid-spring.

Let's summarize

So we reviewed with you the list of TO-1 works and many other interesting points. In addition to TO-1 and TO-2, do not forget about seasonal and daily maintenance. Each driver should check the fluid levels in the lubrication, cooling and brake systems before riding. It is clear that the brakes play a huge role, but also the cooling system or engine lubrication is fully responsible for the proper operation of the power unit. If you do not perform maintenance on the vehicle, and some serious breakdown occurs through your fault, then you will have to restore the car at your own expense.

In general, maintenance is once a year or every 15 thousand km. must be performed. Unfortunately, not the best opinion about dealer service has been formed in Russia. Often, unscrupulous employees inflate price tags, which leads to high financial costs. In Europe, the prices for scheduled maintenance are slightly lower. This is despite the fact that only the necessary adjustment and lubrication work is performed there. Also there they are much more likely to undertake to make cars under warranty, although this is required in European countries less often than in Russia.

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