Home Nutrition Is it possible to remove a car from the register without a car and documents. How to deregister and how to write off a car in the traffic police? What do we have to do? Correct deregistration of the vehicle

Is it possible to remove a car from the register without a car and documents. How to deregister and how to write off a car in the traffic police? What do we have to do? Correct deregistration of the vehicle

To carry out the procedure for terminating registration or removing a car from the register, you must contact the traffic police department with an application and a regulated list of documents. The list of papers largely depends on the reason for the deregistration at the traffic police, so it is necessary to clarify in advance what exactly is needed for the event. How to fill out the application correctly, how much it will be considered by the government agency and what other documents are needed, we will tell you in this article.

When is the procedure required?

The process of removing a car from the register will be required in the event of theft, moving to another country, disposal of the car or transfer of the car to another person under monetary policy, inheritance or as a gift. When a car is stolen, it is necessary to remove it from the register at least in order not to pay taxes and possible fines. When the car is found, you can register it again. When you change your place of residence, you will have to remove the car from the register in Russia and register it in a new place.

If the owner has decided to dispose of the vehicle, deregistering the car will exempt him from paying taxes. In the case of a purchase and sale agreement, the buyer has exactly 10 days to re-register the car himself. After this period, the previous owner can remove the car from the register. You can check the information about the status of the vehicle on the official website of the traffic police and on the portal "Gosuslugi".

List of documents

The procedure for terminating registration actions provides for the submission of a full package of required documents to the traffic police department. The final list depends on the reason for the procedure. So, for example, in the event of a car theft, the owner of the vehicle must provide a letter from law enforcement agencies with a note that an investigation has been started under Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The standard package of documents consists of:

  • Vehicle owner passports. If a proxy is involved in the process, you will need a general power of attorney and a copy of it;
  • Statements of the established form. You can get it directly at the department or print the form by downloading it from the official website of the traffic police;
  • Sales contracts (if the car is sold);
  • Vehicle passports. This document is drawn up at the time of buying a new car and contains basic information - data of all owners and a list of the most important changes (if any);
  • Certificate confirming the current registration of the vehicle. This document is issued to every new owner of the machine.

When the owner decides to sell or donate his car, he also needs to pay a state duty, the amount of which varies between 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Its size is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 333.33). The receipt of payment must be attached to the main package of documents, but in fact this is not necessary, since there is a single interdepartmental electronic database that gives traffic police officers the opportunity to check the fact of payment.

Application rules

When filling out the standard form, which can be downloaded from the link, you need to correctly and slowly enter all the required data. Blots, corrections, strikethroughs are not allowed in the document. Fill out the form by hand with a blue ballpoint or gel pen, or using a computer set. On the front side of the document, the owner of the car (or his authorized representative) fill in the following points:

  • Information about the owner of the vehicle. Full surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, citizenship, passport data, residence address, TIN (if any), gender and contact phone number;
  • Information about the vehicle. VIN and body numbers, vehicle type, manufacturer data, engine and chassis numbers, color, registration certificate number, registration number and series, vehicle weight, engine power and displacement;
  • The column "Representative of the owner" is filled in if the owner is replaced by a proxy. Information about the representative is indicated.

At the very bottom of the front side of the document, the date and personal signature of the owner of the car are affixed. You need to indicate exactly the date when you plan to carry out the procedure. The reverse side of the document "Service marks of the traffic police" is filled in by the traffic police officer who inspects the car before removing it from the register. The verifier indicates the following data:

  • Actually identified body, engine and chassis numbers;
  • License plate numbers;
  • Vehicle model;
  • Manufacturer data.

The traffic police inspector will also have to indicate on which bases he checked the vehicle ("Autosearch", "Search", "FP-Notification" and others). Below there will be a list of documentation received from the car owner. There you can also see a list of securities that will be issued to the owner after the completion of the procedure. The completed sample application for car deregistration can be viewed at the link.

How long will the process take?

The process of collecting documents usually does not take much time. An exception can be considered cases when the owner will be represented by a trusted person - issuing a general power of attorney takes time. You can fill out an application in advance by downloading and printing a form of the established sample. When visiting a traffic police department, the application process can be delayed - it all depends on the presence of queues. The process of inspecting a car by a traffic police officer can also be delayed. Engine or body numbers are often difficult to read and sometimes require removal of the air filter to access them. As practice shows, the procedure takes at least 4-5 hours, so you should prepare the car in advance (wash, clean) in order to prevent violations of the existing regulations.

From 15.10.13 in the Russian Federation there is a new procedure for registering cars, which eliminates the need to remove a car from the registration register before selling it. Now deregistration is done automatically when the car is a new owner. At the same time, registration of a car for a new owner can be carried out in any department of the traffic police, regardless of his place of residence and registration. In other words, you can remove a car from registration or for disposal in 2018 in any city of the Russian Federation where there is a traffic police department.

The procedure for removing and registering a car

Transit numbers for ferrying across the territory of the Russian Federation are not issued, and the old registration numbers of the car, at the request of the new owner, are retained and remain on it. Transit numbers are issued to a new owner only if he drives the car abroad. To do this, it is necessary to deregister it.

The changes also affected the registration of vehicles. From 1.01.2015, buying and registering a car has become much more expensive for citizens. All duties related to registration operations with a car have been increased. So, for the production and receipt of state numbers for a car, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles, which is 500 rubles more than the previous tariff.

In what cases and for what reasons the car is removed from the register

Upon discovery of the fact, the owner must write to the traffic police, along with a statement of theft, a petition to terminate registration. Subsequently, when a car is found and returned to the owner, it can be registered again. If it is disassembled by the kidnappers and sold for parts, then the owner's statement is the basis for the complete removal of this car from the register of vehicles.

2) Disposal of the car.

If the car owner decided to change the car under the old car recycling program, then he, before handing it over to the recycling organization, must deregister the car. This stops the charging of transport tax on it. Utilization of vehicles can be of two types: partial or complete. Complete disposal is carried out when the vehicle is completely out of order and can no longer be used. Partial recycling is carried out when a part of the car is handed over for scrap - the body, chassis or engine, and the remaining serviceable part is used by the owner for the purpose of further operation or sale.

3) Ferrying a car abroad for the purpose of sale or permanent operation.

The vehicle is removed from the register in the Russian Federation and registered in the host country. The owner must surrender the old numbers and receive a transit number.

4) When the sold car is not registered by the new owner within 10 days after the sale.

In this case, the reason for deregistration is not to continue to pay transport tax and penalty receipts for the sold car, which will have to be done until the new owner, the former owner, can submit an application to the traffic police about or complete disposal.

5) Removal of a vehicle from registration can be done forcibly by the following persons:

  • by the plaintiff, to whom the car is returned or handed over by a court order, on the basis of a court decision;
  • the bailiff of the judicial enforcement service on the basis of the decision of the bailiffs on the reclamation of the debtor's property;
  • an official of an organization in whose favor there is a court decision on the alienation of a vehicle, on the basis of this decision;
  • by an authorized representative of the department of social protection of the population, executing the decision of this body to transfer a specialized vehicle to another person, on the basis of this decision.

How to deregister a car

In order to remove a car from registration, the following documents should be prepared:

  • application for the removal of the vehicle from the register;
  • original and copy of the technical passport of the vehicle (PTS);
  • front and rear car numbers;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • registration certificate (STS);
  • canceled receipt of payment of the duty.

With the complete disposal of the machine or in connection with the loss of documents, one application for deregistration and an explanatory note are enough.

Not only the owner of the car, but also his authorized representative can deregister a car. If the owner of the car, for some reason, does not have the opportunity or time to visit the traffic police department to remove the car from the register, then he can transfer his powers by power of attorney to another person with an order to perform this action. In this case, it must be formalized by a notary.

When applying for deregistration, the applicant should indicate the reason why this action is being performed and the necessary information:

  • when leaving the country and write down: "in connection with the departure to such and such a country";
  • when handing over for complete disposal, it must be attributed that numbers and a registration certificate are attached to the application, a certificate for the car's units is not needed;
  • when handing over for partial utilization, it is necessary to indicate that a certificate is required for the unit or part (motor, chassis or body) to be left;
  • in order to punish a negligent buyer who is in no hurry to register the purchased car on time, the former owner may not act entirely honestly: apply for the disposal of the car, indicating that the documents and numbers have been lost. Although this is a wrong act, according to the law, formally, he is the owner of the car and can dispose of it at his own discretion. Then the new owner of the car will have big problems with registration and its legal operation.

Video: How to deregister a car through the website of public services

To save time, you can pre-register in the queue for an appointment at any nearest traffic police department by phone or via the Internet. To remove a car from the register online, you need s. After registration on the portal, an application is filled out in electronic form. Then you need to appear at the chosen one with all the necessary documents and a printed application and hand over the documents to the reception window. The advantage of deregistering a car through government services is that you do not need to stand in line and you can choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police, which simplifies the procedure.

Expertise in the traffic police when removing a car from the register

After reviewing and signing the application for deregistration, having received the documents back, you need to deliver the car to the observation deck for inspection. In order for him to have complaints about the condition of the car, it should be pre-washed at a car wash, including the engine compartment, since the inspector will check the numbers and the wine code of the engine, chassis and body.

After checking whether the car is being stolen or arrested, having checked the unit numbers with the data in the data sheet, the inspector makes a note on the application form for permission to deregister. After that, the application with the mark of the expert, along with the rest of the documents and license plates, is submitted again to the same window where the application form was received. After a certain period of time, the owner of the car will be handed a personal passport, a vehicle registration certificate with a deregistration mark, and a transit number. The registration certificate is not refundable.

Features of car deregistration

In connection with going abroad

When leaving with a permanent stay abroad, old license plates are rented out, and in exchange they are given "Transit" signs. The corresponding entries and marks are made in the registration certificate, or a new technical passport is issued. The transit signs are valid for 20 days. For driving with expired signs, a fine of 500-800 rubles is provided.

How to deregister a car for disposal

When registering the disposal of a car, it is required to remove it from the registration register. To do this, you need to prepare the same package of documents that are listed above. The application specifies the purpose of deregistration as full or partial disposal. The procedure is also similar to the above example. The differences lie in the fact that with complete disposal, the car may not be provided for inspection at the traffic police. Upon completion of the procedure, the owner is issued a personal passport, technical passport, a certificate of disposal and a register extract on deregistration.

In case of partial scrapping (suitable and marked components and assemblies are released), the car is presented for inspection and verification of the unit numbers. If he is not on the move, then the expert is called at home. In this case, the inspector must write out a certificate for the remaining unit of the car. The cost of deregistering during disposal is 350 rubles of the state duty, which is paid for the issued certificates for the vacated numbered units.

Removal from registration upon theft of a car

After the owner of the stolen car turned to the police with a complaint about the abduction and the initiation of a criminal case, he should write a statement to the traffic police to deregister. However, this must be done after receiving a notification from the police that the criminal case has been suspended or terminated. To deregister a car in case of theft, the following documents are required:

  • personal passport of the car owner;
  • vehicle registration certificate (if any);
  • notification from the police;
  • application for deregistration.

Since the beginning of 2014, the life of car owners has been greatly simplified - car numbers are assigned to the vehicle itself. In this regard, citizens have accumulated questions during the conduct. The changes were mainly reflected in the withdrawal by the owner or other person.

Is it possible

In practice, you can disassemble a huge number of cases that are suitable for discussing our topic, but each of them will differ from the other in details. However, in most cases, you can do it without requiring a car. Moreover, after that the buyer is engaged, not the former owner.

This video will tell you about what documents you will definitely need when removing a car from the traffic police register:

No numbers

In 2016, it became as easy as possible to deregister a vehicle. In some cases, you can only present a passport so that the car is no longer listed in the traffic police database as valid. The absence of GNZ on the car also does not become an obstacle to re-registration and removal of the car from the register.

To carry out this procedure with the usual application in the MREO department, you will need to attach an explanatory note describing the reasons for the lack of numbers. Try to describe the circumstances of the loss of numbers as believably as possible, otherwise, after finding out the real reasons, the traffic police may require you to provide them. Otherwise, no obstacles should arise.

This video will tell you whether it is possible to deregister a car without license plates:

Sooner or later, almost every car owner thinks about how to write off a car in the traffic police. Such an operation plays an important role in the theft of a vehicle or during the disposal of movable property. But not everyone knows how to act under certain circumstances. Today we will get acquainted with the procedure for removing a car from registration with registration authorities. What do you need to remember about this operation? Under what circumstances is it carried out? What difficulties may arise in the course of solving the problem? The answers to all these questions (and not only) will definitely be found below. As a result, even a person who does not understand anything about paperwork will cope with the task under study. With the right approach, it will deliver a minimum of hassle.

When deregistered

How to write off a car in the traffic police? In 2017, this operation was carried out if:

  • the person left the city / country for a long time;
  • there was a change in the owner of the vehicle;
  • the car was stolen;
  • the vehicle was decided to be sent for recycling.

In the current 2018, nothing has changed - the reasons are the same. But how do you bring the idea to life? In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. But in some cases, you will have to try pretty hard to implement the task.

Where to get the service

How to write off a car in the traffic police? A person can get the appropriate service in different bodies. And this must always be remembered.

In 2018, an applicant can remove a car from the register and register a vehicle:

  • through the traffic police / traffic police;
  • by contacting MREO;
  • by sending an application to the MFC;
  • on the portal "Gosuslugi".

The last option is a lot of hassle. Especially if you don't prepare for it in advance. We'll look at this scenario in more detail below.

Brief instructions

Writing off a personal car in the traffic police in Russia is carried out without much hassle with careful and timely preparation. The main thing is to follow simple directions. Every modern person can master and remember them.

Presenting the process of deregistering a vehicle (under any circumstances), it can be noted that the guide to translating the idea into reality will look like this:

  1. Prepare the documentation requested from the registration authorities.
  2. Fill out the application form for car deregistration.
  3. Submit your application to one of the previously indicated locations.
  4. Get a certificate of successful deregistration of a car. This step is observed mainly when the vehicle is scrapped.

Perhaps that's all. No fees or long waiting times. Everything is extremely simple and straightforward. For the sake of clarity, let us consider all possible scenarios for the development of events in more detail.

When selling

How to write off a car in the traffic police when selling property? This operation is not always required. According to the current legislation, when buying a car from hand, you can simultaneously remove the vehicle from the register and re-register it to the new owner.

For this kind of service, you must take with you:

  • purchase agreement;
  • a receipt of receipt of money for the transaction by the seller;
  • buyer's ID;
  • PTS for cars;
  • STS machines (if available);
  • car insurance policy (if any);
  • transit numbers (if any).

It is also advisable to bring a copy of the seller's passport. This paper will come in handy when removing the vehicle from the register in case of buying a car from hand.

In addition, the new owner will have to pay:

  • PTS adjustment - 350 rubles;
  • issuance of a new registration certificate - 500 rubles;
  • registration of state number plates for a car - 2,000 rubles.

No more payments will be required. Within 1 hour, the applicant will be given updated certificates for the car.

Important: the vehicle is reissued to a new owner in the same way. Only the type of contract changes. For example, instead of a purchase agreement, there may be a will or deed of gift.

Change of ownership and deregistration by the seller

Sometimes it happens that a person handed over the transport to another person in a documentary manner, but the car has not been re-registered. Under such circumstances, the recipient of the property will not be able to drive the car, and all fines and violations will be "hung" on the former owner of the vehicle.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to understand how to write off a car from the traffic police if you are already without transport. For example, when selling it.

We have already reviewed the procedure for re-registering a vehicle. The new owner is given 10 days for this operation. After that, its former owner will be able to remove the car from registration.

To do this, he will need to take with him:

  • an agreement indicating the fact of the transfer of the car to another person;
  • title papers for the vehicle (if any);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

That should be enough. It remains to fill out an application for removing a car from registration and take it to the local traffic police. After the actions taken, the traffic police will write off the vehicle.

Long departure or move

Now it is clear how to write off a car in the traffic police. Through the MFC or the traffic police - this is not so important. The main thing is that we have dealt with the most common situations.

As already mentioned, if a person leaves Russia for a long time or simply moves, he will have to remove the car from the register. This can be done only after collecting such a package of documentation:

  • the passport;
  • car insurance;
  • title papers for movable property;
  • a petition for deregistration at the State Automobile Inspectorate.


But that's not all. In some cases, car owners think about the final write-off of their movable property. For example, if the car is no longer in motion and cannot be repaired. We are talking about participation in the recycling program. Thanks to her, a person will be able to get a discount when buying a new car.

We already know the procedure for bringing the idea to life. To send a vehicle for recycling, the owner will have to take with him to the traffic police:

  • car;
  • identification;
  • completed application form for participation in the recycling program;
  • technical passport of a car;
  • machine registration certificate;
  • vehicle state numbers.

All of this will be enough. The absence of a number of documents (STS, PTS, signs) will not interfere with participation in the car recycling program. All data about the owners of the vehicle are stored in the databases of the traffic police. And therefore, for the implementation of the task, you must definitely have your passport and application with you. They will not be able to refuse the service under such circumstances. This is simply illegal.

If the owner himself is not able to apply for the provision of the service, he can draw up and issue a power of attorney to write off the car at the traffic police. The sample of this paper is standard.

After submitting the application, the owner will be issued a certificate in the prescribed form. It can be restored to the traffic police. The extract will indicate the participation of the applicant's car in the "scrap" program.

Vehicle theft and de-registration

And how to apply to write off a car if it was stolen? This is a fairly common scenario. And few people know how to behave correctly.

The point is that you first have to draw up and submit an application for theft of the vehicle. He is taken to the local police department. Then the person is given a certificate of the established form (not always). Now you can go to the traffic police at the place of your registration or to the MFC. Further actions will take place in the listed services.

Important: the statement of theft is allowed to be carried immediately to the traffic police. This technique will greatly facilitate the further procedure.

To deregister the vehicle, you will have to have:

  • a statement of theft;
  • documents for the car;
  • any document proving the identity of a citizen.

After collecting these papers, the traffic police will quickly write off the car due to theft. From now on, you don't have to worry about fines and violations. It remains only to wait for the fruits of the police work. It is possible that the car and its car thieves can be found.

Without a car and documents

And how to write off a car in the traffic police without documents, if the applicant does not even have the vehicle itself? It would seem that such a situation will cause a lot of trouble. But actually it is not.

The point is that the absence of documents on the vehicle, as well as the car itself, is not a reason for refusing the service under study. It is enough for the applicant to have a passport with him. If there has been a change in personal data, and the re-registration of the car has not yet taken place, you must take any certificate indicating that the appropriate adjustments have been made.

Important: as we have already said, data on vehicle owners are recorded in the traffic police databases. And therefore, the lack of documents or a car to deregister it is not such a big problem.

Important: if a citizen does not have a car to be written off, he will not be able to take part in the recycling program. In other cases, there should be no problems.

Through a representative

It's hard to believe, but you can carry out all the actions described through a representative. To do this, it is necessary to draw up and issue a power of attorney to deregister the vehicle.

To obtain such a document, you will need to go with a potential representative to a notary office. Have with you:

  • passports;
  • car documentation;
  • power of attorney, which describes in detail the operations that the representative can carry out.

After paying for the notary services, the power of attorney will be certified and executed. That is why you will have to prepare at least 3 copies of the corresponding paper.

Important: now the representative will be able to apply for the removal of the car from the register. He will have to collect all the previously listed papers and attach a power of attorney to them along with a copy of the passport of the owner of the car.

Online write-off

And how to deregister a car through "Gosuslugi"? To cope with this kind of task, a person will need:

  • register on "Gosuslug";
  • fill out the user profile;
  • verify your identity in any convenient way.

After that, you need to act like this:

  1. Log in to your profile on the Gosuslugi.ru website.
  2. Find the section "GosAvtoInspektsiya" - "Vehicle Registration".
  3. Choose a suitable service. For example, "Removing a car from the register".
  4. Indicate the reason for the application.
  5. Fill out an electronic application form.
  6. Upload photos or scans of prepared documents.
  7. Mark the registering authority where you would like to come for documents (if necessary).
  8. Confirm the application process.

It remains to wait for an invitation to the traffic police and, if necessary, pay the fee for reissuing the car. When paying for services on the portal, users are given a 30% discount.

It is not difficult to fill out an application to the traffic police to write off a car. Neither electronic nor paper.

Deregistration of a car is carried out in several cases: in case of theft, moving abroad, disposal. If the car is alienated under a transaction, the new owner will register the car on his own.

Until 2014, it was quite simple to remove a vehicle from the register - it could be done after the signing of the property alienation agreement (after the sale, exchange, donation and any other). The seller was responsible for all paperwork and obtaining new numbers. After the documents were handed over to the buyer, he applied to the inspection to rewrite the car for himself. The new procedure has speeded up the procedure, since the removal of the vehicle from the register is completely entrusted to the buyer of the vehicle.

At the same time, you can remove a car from the register in cases where:

  • theft of a car by intruders (in this case, a procedure without documents is allowed, since these same documents could be in the passenger compartment);
  • registration of a car in another country is required due to a long stay abroad;
  • the car is being scrapped;
  • the buyer ignores his obligation, and fines are imposed on the former car owner.

This procedure can be carried out both via the Internet (personal account on the website of "State Services"), and by submitting an application to the State Inspectorate directly. If the documentation for the car is lost for some reason, the applicant will need to write an explanatory letter to the traffic police.

Vehicle accounting in case of theft

When a vehicle is stolen, the question often arises of how to remove a car from the register. To do this, you must first submit an application to the police (to initiate a criminal case), and then to the traffic police, since this vehicle is no longer registered with the owner. In this case, you will need the following documents:

  • the passport of the owner of the stolen vehicle;
  • notification from the police about the fact of the crime;
  • technical documents for the car;
  • car owner's statement.

When the crime is solved and the case is successfully resolved, the car is transferred to the rightful owner, while the vehicle removed from the traffic police register can again be registered.

Removal of the car in connection with disposal

Before destruction, the car is subject to deregistration at the state inspection. For disposal, you will have to use the services of special firms. After the car owner determines with whom he enters into a contract, it will be necessary to submit an application to the traffic police. After that, they inspect and check the transport and issue documents on the new status of the car.

After the procedure, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated or otherwise alienated. At the same time, no examination is required, which speeds up and simplifies the process. In this case, the question of whether it is possible to remove a car from the register without the presence of the car itself disappears by itself, because there is no need to present the car. When the registration is over, the car will be taken to the landfill, the owner will need to spend from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles to send the car under a press check.

Car registration abroad

When moving to another country, the numbers that were valid in the territory of the Russian Federation are returned to the state inspection, while the applicant receives temporary transit signs, which will need to be changed within 20 days.

To carry out this procedure, you must send the following documents to the traffic police:

  • registration certificate;
  • car passport;
  • identity document;
  • CTP or CASCO policy;
  • a statement in which the country to which the departure is planned is indicated as the reason for withdrawal.

The State Inspectorate checks the car, including the employees, if there are driver fines, if the vehicle has been arrested. Then permission is issued. The inspector has the right to find out what are the reasons for taking the car abroad.

What to do if the fines of the new owner come

It is not uncommon for a person who purchases a car, on purpose or unintentionally, to fail to fulfill their registration obligations. At the same time, the requirement to pay fines and transport taxes. are sent to the place of residence of the former car owner. The old owner does not always know how to deregister a car without a car. You should think about such a situation in advance and leave yourself copies of all documents for the car, including the sales contract.

With a statement in which it must be written that the vehicle has changed its owner, it is necessary to submit:

  • copies of documentation (TCP, policy, etc.);
  • copy of the alienation deal agreement.

The new owner must inform about the transaction within ten days, but if this obligation was ignored, the new car owner will be searched for. The purchaser will not be able to register the car without paying fines and taxes accrued after the moment of transfer of the car.

The cost of the procedure

You can find out how much it will cost to remove a car from the register by analyzing the information on state duties. You can find it on the official websites of the traffic police departments, as well as print the receipt. In 2020, the collection of a state duty for this action is not provided. However, the car owner will have to make changes to the vehicle title, it will cost 350 rubles, and if the place of residence is changed, the costs will increase to 2,000 rubles.

Thus, it has become much easier to deregister a car according to the new procedure. At the same time, the law retains the obligation of the vehicle owner to register in the case of a place of residence.

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