Home Heating Is the recycling program in place per year. State car recycling program. Terms of the program. How to return a car? List of cars. What is the recycling program

Is the recycling program in place per year. State car recycling program. Terms of the program. How to return a car? List of cars. What is the recycling program

For several years, cars have been scrapped in Russia with the support of the state. This program also operates in Belarus. According to its terms, any car owner can hand over his car for recycling and receive a discount on the purchase of a new car. The car scrappage program in 2020 received about ten billion rubles from the federal budget, but the conditions of the program for participants have changed somewhat.

How the recycling program came about

Car recycling appeared in Russia back in 2010. Thus, the authorities encouraged citizens to purchase more modern cars. For scrapping a vehicle over 10 years old, you could get 50 thousand rubles to buy a new one, this is a good financial help in the face of rising car prices. All remained in the black: car owners received more modern cars, the state stimulated the car market and rid cities of morally and technically obsolete Soviet cars.

Benefits of recycling and changing conditions

The car recycling project was created to support the domestic auto industry, which, of course, is a fairly logical decision of the authorities in the context of general economic instability. This move allows Russian automakers to stay afloat and bring money to the budget.

Another plus is a decrease in the percentage of old cars in poor condition on the roads. This not only reduces the risk of road accidents, but also has a positive effect on the environment.

The owners of old Zhiguli and Cossacks appreciated the idea of ​​how to dispose of the car: in the used car market, their cars are not of any value, and they can be scrapped for a fairly decent amount.

The main innovation of this year is that the program began to accept not only cars and SUVs, but also buses, as well as freight transport. In addition, both a Russian car and a foreign car, if it was assembled in Russia, can now be purchased or handed over. Thus, the list of potential participants in the car recycling program in 2020 has expanded significantly.

Program conditions, procedure and timing

A citizen of the Russian Federation or an organization registered on the territory of the Russian Federation can become a participant in the recycling program. In exchange for the car, the participant receives a coupon for the corresponding amount, which cannot be cashed. With this coupon, he can apply to any car dealership that sells cars that meet the conditions of the car recycling program in Russia in 2020.

Year of manufacture, country of origin and age of the car

You can dispose of a machine that has been in operation for more than 6 years, i.e. released no later than 2012. Only Russian-made cars or foreign cars assembled on the territory of Russia are accepted. The car can only be disposed of by the owner who purchased it at least six months ago.

Car type and discount amount

You can rent a car, a jeep, a small, medium or heavy-duty car, a truck, a bus for scrap. How much it costs to dispose of a car depends on its category, age, condition, technical characteristics. The size of the discount for the purchase of a new car will fluctuate between 50-350 thousand rubles. The biggest discount will come from the recycling of trucks.

The received coupon can be presented when purchasing all cars produced by AvtoVAZ, UAZ, GAZ and foreign cars produced under license in Russia, such as Volkswagen, Skoda, Opel, Nissan, Ford, SsangYong, Renault. The amount of the discount in this case will depend not only on what brand of car was scrapped, but also on the model of the purchased vehicle. The least discount is for Renault Logan and Sander - only 25 thousand rubles. On VAZ, Peugeot, Citroen cars, as well as most of the Ford model range, the discount can be up to 50 thousand rubles.

The program is most beneficial for buyers of medium-duty trucks manufactured by GAZ - up to 350 thousand rubles.

Technical condition of the scrapped vehicle

The rented car must be able to come to the disposal site on its own. If the car doesn’t drive or even doesn’t start, it will not be accepted. The complete set of the car is also important. In principle, the absence of serious damage to the body, all lubricants and other fluids must be in sufficient volume.

What papers do you need for car scrapping?

You will need to provide the following papers:

  • Russian passport;
  • documents for the car;
  • papers confirming the ownership of the car for the last six months.

If the documents are in order, the owner of the vehicle signs an agreement with the car dealer for the purchase of a car at a discount and gives his old car for recycling, issuing a power of attorney for this purpose. The documents that will be required for scrapping should be collected in advance.

The dealer independently carries out all the stages of disposal, and upon completion gives the client a certificate of disposal and confirmation of the removal of the vehicle from the register. On the basis of these two papers and an agreement signed with the dealer, a motorist can buy a new car using a discount under the program.

What do they do with the old car?

When a car, handed over for recycling, is dismantled, the first thing to do is remove the components from it, clean it of technical fluids, dismantle glass, rubber parts and other non-metal elements. Disposal of tires and other non-metallic elements is carried out separately. The iron frame of the machine is sent under the press and then melted down. The remaining parts are sent for modernization, or destroyed.

Can I refuse to buy a new car?

According to the rules of the program, the money that the owner of the scrapped car receives can be spent only on the purchase of a new car, the contract for the purchase of which is drawn up even before the scrapping. At the same time, you can buy a car with a discount only once, the discount does not apply to subsequent utilized cars, they are accepted as scrap metal.

Trade-In program

You can get a discount on a new car without scrapping. To do this, it is enough to come for a purchase at any salon in Moscow that operates under the trade-in program, which implies a discount on a new car when selling your old car to a car dealer.

For a car dealership to accept a car as payment, it must meet the following criteria:

  • be serviceable, only minor defects are permissible;
  • only cars that have not been involved in an accident, without traces of an accident are accepted. Damage, even if it was repaired, will significantly reduce compensation;
  • the older the car, the less benefit;
  • the car owner must be the owner of the car being sold for at least six months.

It is possible to hand over both a domestic car and a foreign car, without any restrictions. All papers and certificates must be available, and the car is free of any encumbrances in the form of a deposit or a lease agreement. In order for the dealer to appreciate the car at its true worth, you should polish it before selling it, get rid of minor defects.

Waste disposal fee: who pays?

What is this recycling fee? According to paragraph 1 of Art. 24-1 of Law No. 89-FZ "On Production and Consumption Waste", each purchaser of a car must pay this fee, which will later be spent on the disposal of the car in accordance with environmental safety rules.

The recycling fee is payable when the vehicle is brought in from abroad. If the car is made in Russia, then the payment remains on the conscience of the manufacturer, the fee for vehicles made in other countries is paid by the one who brings the car into the territory of the Russian Federation. The vehicle scrappage fee is levied only once.

You do not need to pay a recycling fee if:

  • the car is over 30 years old, is used for non-commercial purposes, the original frame, body and engine are intact;
  • a car owned by a diplomatic mission, consulate, international company, or an employee of any of these institutions, his family members.

How to remove a car from the register for disposal, is it necessary to have the car itself, numbers and documents for the procedure?

You can deregister a car for recycling at the traffic police department. The following papers are required:

  1. written statement;
  2. Russian passport;
  3. TCP (if any);
  4. Certificate of registration (if any);
  5. registration marks (if any);
  6. general power of attorney and its notarized copy, if the car is handed over for scrap by a trusted person.

After all the necessary documents are provided, the car owner receives a receipt for payment of the state duty, pays it and waits for an extract from the register.

From this list, it is clear that the presence of license plates and documents for the car is not necessary in order to deregister the car under the recycling program. It is as real as scrapping a car without a car. It is enough to submit to the MREO, along with the statement, an explanatory note stating that the car has already been disposed of.

If the car is unsuitable for further use, in order to deregister it, you need to:

  1. Come to the nearest interdistrict registration and examination department of the traffic police with all the necessary documents.
  2. Fill out an application for recycling, in which you indicate the need to remove the car from the register in connection with its write-off.
  3. Write an explanatory note based on the examples hanging on the information board of the MREO.
  4. Hand over papers.
  5. Get a certificate of deregistration.

If, during the disposal of the machine, some elements are planned to be removed for subsequent sale, it is necessary to write in the MREO an appropriate application for the issuance of an act for them, present the elements for inspection and submit an application with explanations to the receiving window. MREO employees will issue a certificate for the seized unit along with an extract from the register.

Is it possible to restore a car from scrap and how to register it?

Many people ask the question, is it possible to register a scrapped car? There is a way to restore a scrapped car, which was written off according to the documents, and again register the car with the traffic police. The exception is those cars for which their owners received monetary compensation under the state recycling program.

If the car was disposed of without buying a new one, then the procedure is reversible:

  • you need to find the former owner of the car, which is indicated in the registration certificate, and persuade him how to restore the car in the traffic police database, and re-register it to the new owner;
  • the previous car owner must write an application to the traffic police department in which the car was registered in order to put it on record again. In the application, you must indicate the car number, brand, year of manufacture, as well as the body and engine numbers, attach all documents to the vehicle;
  • then the traffic police officer examines the car written off for scrap. It must be delivered to the territory of the department by a tow truck. After a successful inspection, new documents are issued to the new owner;
  • you should also legally correctly draw up a car sale and purchase agreement with the former owner in order to legally own it.

How to check if a car has been scrapped?

Information about which vehicles were scrapped is not available in open sources. In order to check the car, you should contact the traffic police, where the car will be checked against the database by the registration number.

Is it profitable to rent a car for scrap?

In some cases, renting a car for scrap is more profitable than participating in a recycling program. First of all, this option is more convenient for those whose car does not fit the conditions of the state program, as well as for car owners who do not plan to buy a new car. After all, if you plan to buy a used or new, but foreign car, you can get real money at the metal collection point. This money can be spent both on a new car and on something else. However, it should be borne in mind that a lot of money for a car cannot be bailed out: a standard passenger car as scrap metal will bring about 10 thousand rubles.

  1. So that later there are no problems, before handing over the car for recycling to the metal collection point, it must be removed from the register at the traffic police department.
  2. You can remove seats, steering wheel, dashboard and other parts without numbers from the car and sell them for disassembly.
  3. It is important to choose a reliable pick-up point so that license plate parts of the car do not come into use when repairing other cars. Otherwise, the former owner may have problems. Do not trust small offices and private buyers.
  4. You don't have to rent the car for scrap, but sell it to someone who is interested in recycling old cars.

An old car, even if it is out of order or simply exhausted its resource, can still benefit its owner. Such a car can be written off for the disposal of the car and get a discount on the purchase of a new car or, if for some reason it is impossible, rent the car for scrap and return at least part of the money. In addition, cars on the move, which have retained an acceptable appearance and have not been involved in an accident, can be accepted as payment when buying a new car from a dealer under the trade-in program.

Car recycling program: procedure, conditions, terms Video

Reading time: 3 minutes

The state recycling program, to the great joy of manufacturers and consumers, has also been extended to trucks for the fifth year in a row. Utilization of trucks involves a progressive discount, the amount of which is directly related to the tonnage of the vehicle being handed over. The truck recycling program, which can be continued in 2020, aims not only to increase sales of domestic cars: the country's budget will receive additional funds, the owners of old cars will get rid of expensive repairs and downtime, and the air in cities will become cleaner.

How to scrap a truck

The program covers machines manufactured or assembled exclusively in the Russian Federation. It is assumed that the project will increase production and neutralize the consequences of the protracted stagnation of the automotive industry.

Disposal methods

Trucks were included in the state program in 2014. Since then, this category of vehicles applies to all, without exception, of its provisions. On the official website of the recycling program, it is indicated that if it is continued, then there will be no differences for trucks in 2020.

Thus, there are two options:

  1. Complete disposal without buying a new car.
  2. Exchange for a new car under the recycling program.

In the first case, the owner (or his authorized representative) delivers the car to the recycling center with all the necessary documents and hands it over, receiving a certificate or act necessary to remove the vehicle from the register (from 10.07.17).

In the second option, the owner enters into an agreement with an accredited operator. The truck is checked for completeness and compliance with the rules for participation in the program, after which a letter of intent is drawn up for the purchase of a new car. Then the old car is handed over to a recycling center, deregistered and a new one is purchased at the cost minus the discount provided by the program.

Cash for the car handed over to scrap is not issued. Instead, the former owner receives a special certificate used to get a discount when buying a new vehicle.

Conditions of the recycling program for trucks

Thanks to the changes in the project, it became possible to recycle not only cars, but also minivans, heavy SUVs, trucks and even buses. Since 2017, UAZ, GAZ and KamAZ have been included in the list of cars available under the recycling program since 2017.

Utilization of trucks in 2020, as in the past, has certain conditions and terms.

You can return a truck on the following terms:

  • the car has documents and is completed in accordance with the technical passport;
  • age - 6 years or more;
  • ownership period - six months or more;
  • The vehicle has been removed from the register;
  • a recycling fee has been paid;
  • Vehicle manufactured in the Russian Federation;
  • a person who gives up a car for scrap has Russian citizenship.

The vehicle must be equipped with:

  • frame and body with a set of seats and electrical equipment, marked in the data sheet;
  • engine;
  • transmission;
  • all wheels;
  • dashboard;
  • steering control;
  • working battery;
  • brake and hydraulic systems.

The car is provided in a technically sound condition and filled with liquids, gases and oils in an amount sufficient to ensure its functionality.

Today it is reliably known that in this form the program will continue to operate until the end of the first quarter of this year.

Disposal documents

For disposal, one application to the MREO is enough. Nevertheless, for completeness of documenting, they will ask you to provide:

  1. Owner's passport.
  2. Written statement.
  3. Vehicle passport.
  4. Registration certificate.
  5. Document on the actual delivery of the vehicle to the recycling center (from 10.07.2017).
  6. Registration marks.

If the truck was purchased under a power of attorney, it will be required upon deregistration.

Truck scrapping discount

Individuals and legal entities have the right to benefit from the state program. But what the discount amount will be depends on the carrying capacity of the purchased vehicle and the manufacturer:

  • up to 3.5 tons - up to 120 thousand rubles;
  • from 3.5 to 4 tons - up to 175 thousand;
  • average tonnage - up to 200 thousand;
  • heavy truck - up to 350 thous.

What you need to consider

When scrapping, you won't be able to buy a passenger car instead of a truck. Moreover, if several transport units are rented, the accumulation of the discount is not provided. That is, having handed over three cars, for example, you cannot use all the certificates to buy one. Simply put, one truck changes to another. To use the full potential of the discounts, you will have to buy as many cars as you have scrapped.

In addition, there is a purely territorial problem. The fact is that the bulk of the dealer centers of Russian truck manufacturers are located far from the European part of the country. And this causes difficulties with delivery.

The conditions for car recycling in 2020 in accordance with the requirements of the state program for the exchange of old cars for new ones have undergone minor changes compared to the previous year. The main innovation was the admission to scrapping of almost all vehicles, with minimum requirements for the duration of ownership and year of production. At the same time, mileage, technical condition, brand and model, country of assembly do not matter.

The program includes almost all types of equipment, with the exception of certain categories of special vehicles and tractors. So, you can get a certificate of compensation compensation for the purchase of all types of cars, SUVs and light trucks, medium and heavy equipment, minibuses and specialized types of transport.

The terms and conditions of the car scrapping program in 2020 at the time of this writing are valid until the first quarter of this year, then the RF Government will decide on the extension and the corresponding requirements of state subsidies for the development of the Russian automotive industry.

The timing of the 2020 car scrappage program will be determined by the Russian Government for at least one year. According to the President, the Prime Minister and the persons responsible for the implementation of the program, the state is not going to stop subsidizing the exchange of old cars for new ones, considering the project to be relevant and in demand among the population.

Car disposal conditions

If the question is until what date the exchange of old cars for a compensation compensation certificate will last, the 2020 car scrappage program does not currently give an unambiguous concrete answer, but its conditions have already been determined.

The main condition for disposal: the machine has all the units and documents in order.

To dispose of an old car in 2020, the owner must provide the following documents to the dealer showroom:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (vehicle owner);
  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of deregistration of the vehicle with the traffic police;
  • the act of handing over the vehicle to the utilizer.

The original or copies of documents to be presented to the dealership are determined depending on the auto exchange format chosen by the owner of the car being disposed of (recycling or trade-in).

Requirements for vehicles under the recycling program

In accordance with the terms of the federal program for car recycling in 2020, mandatory requirements for a vehicle handed over for scrap have been determined in Russia.

Scheme of requirements for accepting cars for scrap.
  • availability of documents establishing the right to own a car;
  • complete technical base of the vehicle with the presence of all units and assemblies;
  • the car must be owned by the owner for at least six months.

The law provides for the possibility of presenting additional requirements to the recycled vehicle, established by the dealer center. Also, the representative office of car manufacturing plants can include in the mandatory conditions for participation in the program a clause on the need to dispose of the vehicle exclusively in the utilization companies included in their own list.

The recycling program may not be available to owners of old cars for the following parameters:

  • non-compliance of the vehicle with the conditions of the federal program or the proposal of the dealership;
  • lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • false submitted documents for the vehicle or inappropriate technical base of the car, deliberately completed from different models and brands;
  • the car is completely new, or bought on lease, credit, bank installments and at the time of disposal is pledged to the bank.

The refusal to provide a discount by the dealership is determined by it independently and may have no reasoned reason, since the format of mutual cooperation between the dealership and the car owner is not regulated and is exclusively in the contractual plane.

Discount for the recycling program

Before deciding on the disposal of a car, you need to make sure that the desired vehicle, which the owner plans to purchase to replace the old one, participates in the recycling program or Trade-In. Compensation certificates often apply to specific vehicle models, each with its own maximum discount.

The minimum threshold for monetary compensation for the purchase of a new car to replace a scrapped vehicle depends on the car manufacturer and the scrapping format (program or Trade-In). Thus, the VAZ company offers a minimum discount of 20,000 rubles, while the maximum amount of compensation compensation is 80,000 rubles.

The current certificate for a discount under the recycling program can reach a maximum of 600,000 thousand rubles, it is offered by Mitsubishi partner dealerships and applies exclusively to Mitsubishi Pajero Sport cars.

On average, the amount of compensation compensation varies from 50,000 to 350,000 thousand, depending on the purchased car. The discount will be valid only in a specific dealership, and its size is determined on an individual basis. Often, the owner of a scrapped vehicle is offered participation in special promotions, which, subject to additional requirements, imply more favorable conditions for purchasing a new vehicle.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the car scrappage program in Russia will continue to operate in the coming years. State subsidies for auto manufacturers located in Russia allow to remove hazardous and faulty vehicles from the roads, replacing them with new, safer and more comfortable vehicles.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The desire to buy a new car is present in almost every person. But alas, desire alone is not enough. It is necessary that it coincide with financial possibilities, because it is not easy to collect the required amount. And the fact that the state lends its shoulder to its citizens, encouraging their desire to acquire a new car, does him credit. It is thanks to the funds allocated by the federal government for many Russians that it became possible to buy a car under the recycling program last year. Perhaps it will be in 2020 as well.

How is the purchase of a new car for recycling

Naturally, since this program provides for the expenditure of budgetary funds, it is aimed at helping the citizens of Russia. Therefore, only those who have Russian citizenship can participate in it. This is the first basic condition.

Further: the money allocated by the government for this program is intended to contribute to development. This means that it is important not only to understand how to buy a car under the recycling program in 2020, but also that only cars produced by enterprises located in the Russian Federation can be purchased.

An old car, which can be handed over under the program, must be owned by a citizen for at least 1 year in order to receive it.

If a Russian has chosen another option for exchanging his vehicle - trade-in, that is, he has decided to conclude an agreement with the seller to exchange his car for a new one with a surcharge, then the minimum period of ownership is limited to 6 months. But under the trade in program, the old car is not disposed of, but sold by the salon after pre-sale preparation. Therefore, they will not take any car, but the one that can be easily sold. That is, there is a restriction on age and condition.

But according to the recycling program, you can hand over almost any car, of any age. True, in this case, the owner will not receive any payment for the car handed over to the scrap, but he will be given a certificate (certificate) entitling him to a discount when buying a new car, which can range from 10 to 350 thousand, depending on its brand and model ...

In addition, there are a number of other rules that determine how to hand over an old car for recycling and buy a new one on favorable terms. The dealer will inform you about this in detail, from whom you will draw up documents for writing off your car for scrap.

Which cars are involved in the program

Here we should talk about those cars that go to the landfill, and those that replace them. In other words, everyone is interested in the answer to the question of which cars are accepted for recycling under this state program and which ones can be purchased in return within its framework.

What cars can be recycled

As mentioned above, you can take part in the program in 2020 by recycling any car.

Brand, year of manufacture, mileage do not matter. The law only stipulates that the machine, which is subject to disposal, must be fully equipped.

What brands can you buy

Naturally, the question of what brands of cars can be purchased under the recycling program is decisive for most motorists. After all the procedures for paperwork for the recycled car have been completed, and a certificate has been received for the right to receive a discount when buying a new car, it is time to study the possibilities and prospects.

It should be understood that even with the mentioned certificate in hand, you cannot go to a car dealership and choose any car you like. The fact is that automakers themselves decide which car models will participate in the state program.

Of course, only domestically assembled cars can be offered for purchase, since the program does not apply to cars manufactured outside the Russian Federation. Only the manufacturers themselves establish which cars are sold for recycling, and what the prices for new cars will be, taking into account the discount. This is completely their prerogative. The state has nothing to do with pricing. There are only recommendations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation regarding the amount of such a discount: 50 thousand rubles - when buying a car and up to 350 thousand rubles - when purchasing a truck.

Cars under the recycling program-2019, the list and prices for which we give in the table below, are selected by official dealers. In order to purchase them, you need to contact directly the manufacturer's representatives in your city and receive step-by-step instructions for specific actions from him.

What kind of discount can I get

In reality, the process looks like this. Do you ask an authorized dealer which car can be bought under the scrappage program? It can be one model, or it can be several. For example, Citroen gives a scrappage discount only for the C4 model, while Ford announces a whole line of its models assembled in Russia for participation in the program. This is the first thing.

Second. Having drawn up a contract and all documents for the disposal of your old car, you will receive a certificate for obtaining a discount when buying a new car. Its size, as already mentioned, depends on the type, make and model of the selected car. The table shows the discounts for the program that were in effect last year.

car brandModelDisposal discounts, thousand rublesTrade-in discounts, thousand rubles
ChevroletNiva40-80 30
CitroenC4- 70
DatsunOn-DO, Mi-DO50-70 50
FordFiesta, Fokus, Mondeo, Ecosport, Kuga, Explorer50-180 20-130
HyundaiSolaris50 40
KIARio50 -
LADA (VAZ)Vesta, XRAY, Granta, Kalina, Priora, Largus, 4x420 Largus and 10 all other models20-60
Mazda6, CX-5- 40-95
MitsubishiOutlander- 80-100
NissanAlmera, Sentra, X-Trail, Qashqai, Terrano, Pathfinder50-100 50-350
Peugeot408 - 130
RenaultDuster, Kaptur, Sandero, Stepway, Logan50-90 40-90
SkodaRapid, Octavia, Yeti, Superb50-150 40-150
VolkswagenPolo50-90 50-90
UAZPatriot, Pickup, Hunter40-60 50-70

As for trucks, the amount of discounts when purchasing them under the recycling scheme can reach the maximum possible - up to 350 thousand rubles. However, more detailed and accurate information can only be obtained from the representatives of the automaker. For example, KamAZ, in its program, provides for a number of benefits both in price and in terms of accepting an old car.

It should be noted that the vehicle scrappage program list above is not definitive. Manufacturers reserve the right to make changes to it both in the model range and in the amount of discounts provided.

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Is it possible to buy a used car under the recycling program

The question of whether it is possible to hand over a car for recycling and buy a used car does not cease to worry drivers. After all, new cars are expensive, and discounts on their purchase under the recycling program are small. Naturally, I would like to turn my gaze to a used car and buy it using financial assistance from the state.

But, alas, today used cars do not participate in the program. The government only finances the purchase of new cars. This is understandable, because it thereby stimulates the sales of domestic producers. And those, in turn, increasing the number of cars sold, increase tax deductions to the budget, from which the recycling program is then financed. Isn't it the circulation of cash flows in the nature of the state?

Therefore, it is impossible to buy a used car under the recycling program. We need to look for other ways to solve the problem. One of the solutions may be an appeal. The availability of a certificate for a discount under the recycling program can become a weighty argument in favor of making a positive decision on the issuance of credit funds.

What else can you advise for those who are wondering whether it is possible to buy a used car under the recycling program? Nowadays, many car dealers use a trade-in scheme, accepting old cars from customers and offering them used cars in exchange for a surcharge. What is the advantage of the proposed exchange for those wishing to get rid of their old iron horse?

Firstly, the buyer who buys a used car is guaranteed that everything is in order with its documents. And, secondly, dealers are responsible for the technical condition of the car they offer and can give a guarantee on it.

These are the options available today. And since it will not work to buy a used car under the recycling program, you should still think about buying a new car again. You can go to revise your requirements for the car in the direction of choosing a cheaper brand and model, consider different versions of bank loan proposals, or, in the end, borrow the missing amount.

Car scrapping: Video

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