Home Lighting Was tinting allowed and canceled the fine in Russia under the new law? Is it allowed to tint the front side windows? Is it forbidden to tint the windows?

Was tinting allowed and canceled the fine in Russia under the new law? Is it allowed to tint the front side windows? Is it forbidden to tint the windows?

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⚡️Tinted glass allowed in accordance with GOST in 2020. What is the light transmittance of the front and rear windows according to GOST? Are mirror and athermal tinting allowed?

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Glass tinting, GOST

The operation of a car on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by a wide range of documents, including Federal laws, traffic rules, articles of the Administrative Code, Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, government decrees, presidential decrees and various GOSTs.

If we talk about toning, then the key value for understanding the boundaries of permissibility should be looked for in GOSTs.

Tinting in accordance with GOST 2018 - how is it? In many sources, GOST No. 5727-88 is indicated as the basic GOST for toning, but in 2015 it was replaced by the new GOST 32565-2013 and this is important to know.

Tinted front side windows 2020

The key parameter of GOST, it has not changed front side windows light transmission car. It should not be - at least 70%. If we take into account that the thirty missing percent of light transmission is reduced due to the properties of glass and factory tinting, it turns out that, according to the law, it is impossible to tint glass additionally. The entire stock of dimming provided by GOST is spent already when creating a car. small, 500 p. and there is a 50% discount on it (we write about this in a separate article), however, it can be subscribed as many times as you like, and in some cases, the vehicle registration is even canceled for toning.

Tinting of the front side windows of a car can be tried to fit into GOST using the so-called removable tint. This type of tinting involves the production of soft tinted inserts that are glued to the car windows from the inside. When checking, the removable tinting is removed and the readings of the instrument measuring the light transmission remain applicable.

Windshield tinting 2020

The GOST requirements for the windshield in 2018 are even higher than the requirements for the front side windows. Here the minimum transparency is acceptable at the level of 75% (5% more transparent than in the case of side windows). The remaining 25% backlash goes to factory shading and material features. The windshield of a car in 2018, as well as its front side windows, cannot be tinted. Any paint or film will reduce the light transmittance of the dripped to a level prohibited by law. The only exception for the windshield is the narrow top strip. According to GOST, it is permissible to tint the top of the windshield.

Tinted rear windows 2020

According to GOST in 2018, any tinting of the rear window and rear side windows is permissible. The traffic police never check it. Even if the rear windows are sealed with a completely opaque film, this is not a reason for a fine, this is not a violation of the law. You can darken the rear windows in any way you like.

Acceptable glass tinting 2020

Russian laws, including the Code of Administrative Offenses, allow glass tinting. There is nothing illegal in the very fact of toning. It is only important to darken the car windows in accordance with the rules with an eye to GOST.

The rear window and rear side windows can be tinted to an opaque state. Full opacity of the rear hemisphere is not illegal.

Front windows are subject to the 70% / 75% rule. Based on it light transmission side, front windows should not be less than 70%, and the windshield should not be less than 75%. In addition, GOST allows an opaque strip in the upper part of the windshield.

Mirror tinting

The use of mirror (reflective) film is not expressly prohibited in the Administrative Code. However, in accordance with the rules of the "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles" adopted by all countries of the Customs Union, mirror films are unacceptable on cars.

The ban on the use of mirror tinting applies to both front and building glass of cars. The limitation is due to the reflection of headlights on mirrored surfaces. It is believed that large mirror areas on cars can distort the beams of headlights, confuse the driver and lead to accidents.

The practice of applying the ban on mirror tinting differs depending on the regions of Russia.

Athermal tinting ("Chameleon")

There are many types of "athermal" tinting, but in Russia this type of protective coating is often called "hamillion". "Athermal" tinting, unlike classic tinting films, does not darken the glass, but only prevents the penetration of a part of the sunlight spectrum into the elephant.

Modern car glass manufacturers often take into account the "athermal" factor in their glasses by making them greener. It is possible to add "athermality" with the help of additional films. One caveat - the front glass with films should transmit 75/70 percent of the light. This GOST indicator in the case of "athermal" films is quite achievable.

Plus "athermal" films:

  • Reducing heating of the car interior
  • Saving fuel at air conditioner operation
  • No burnout effect on interior materials

Fines for incorrect toning 2020

Measurement of tinting in accordance with GOST in 2020 is carried out only in a stationary post, by a traffic police officer with confirmed competencies and subject to a fairly strict bureaucratic procedure.

You need to understand that in fact, tinting is allowed in Russia - at least 100% in the back, at least 25% in the front. However, it is illegal to glue something de facto in the front 99% of the time. After all, what kind of tinting is allowed according to GOST, this is what the traffic police officers check.

The fine for toning in 2018 is 500 rubles. With a discount for urgent payment within 20 days, the amount of the fine will be 250 rubles.

In some cases, traffic police officers, instead of a fine, issue the motorist an order to eliminate faults. In this situation, the next meeting with a traffic police officer may result in cancellation of registration for the vehicle.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the features of car tinting in 2019 and 2020, as well as possible penalties for applying a tint film to glass.

In addition, let's talk about the permitted tinting, which can be used legally without fear of fines.

Allowed tinting in 2020?

So, first, let's consider what kind of car glass tinting is allowed in 2019:

Windshield tint strip width

The first question that drivers are often interested in is the maximum width of the tint strip on the top of the windshield. For passenger cars, it is 14 centimeters.

Using film with 70% light transmission

A second popular question is whether the driver will be fined for tint if the windshield and front side windows are coated with a film that has exactly 70 percent light transmission.

To answer this question, one should take into account the fact that the light transmission of glass even in a new car does not reach 100 percent.

Let's look at an example. If the light transmission of the new glass is 95 percent, and the tint film is 70 percent, then the final light transmission is calculated by the formula:

0.95 * 0.7 = 0.665 i.e. 66.5%

In practice, it doesn't matter if the film is 70 percent transmissive or 5 percent transmissive. Both options are the same offense and carry the same penalty.

Permitted tinting of front windows

Tinting of the windshield and front side windows itself is not prohibited. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the only condition - the light transmission of tinted glass should be greater 70 percent.

In this case, you can try using a film with a light transmission of 85 to 95 percent.

Note. If you want to be sure that the toning complies with the current legislation, then after applying the film, check the light transmission with a special device. In car services that specialize in working with car glass, such devices are usually available.

How to get permission for tinting?

There is a widespread myth among drivers that in Russia there is a possibility of obtaining special permission for toning, which allows you to tint the car with any kind of films. The legislation does not provide for anything like that.

Note. If you see a tinted car on the street, this does not mean that its driver has a special permit. Most likely, the driver simply did not have time to get caught by the traffic police.

Fines for car tinting

In 2020, only fine of 500 rubles(part 3 1).

The amount of the fine for tint does not depend on the light transmission of the car's glass, as well as on how many glasses the tint film is applied to. In any case, it is 500 rubles.

In addition to the fine, the traffic police can write out.

Note. Before, traffic police officers could remove license plates from the car for tinting, but in 2020 this type of punishment is not used.

What if...

... remove the tint immediately after being stopped by a traffic police officer.

If you remove the tint film immediately after stopping the car by a traffic police officer, it will still be imposed on the driver for tint, because the fine is a punishment for driving a car with insufficient glass transmission. In this case, the control of the car takes place until the moment the car is stopped.

... remove the tint immediately after the fine is issued.

If the driver removes the tint immediately after the traffic police officer draws up a resolution to impose an administrative fine, then he will be able to avoid repeated punishments for the same violation. If the tinting is not removed, then at the next stop by the traffic police, the driver will receive a new fine. The number of fines is not limited.

... use a removable glass tint.

Removable toning glass does not protect the driver from fines. However, its use will allow you, if necessary, to quickly release the glass and avoid repeated fines for the same violation.

Finally, I suggest you watch a video in which the tint film is removed using water vapor:

If you wish, you can repeat this procedure and independently clean the car windows from the film.

Good luck on the road!

What will happen for a repeated violation within a year for tinted front windows, only a fine of 500 or more severe punishment?

meteorhost, The Administrative Code provides for this violation only a fine of 500 rubles.

Good luck on the road!

Correct any inaccuracies in the article:

"If you remove the tinting immediately after the traffic police officer draws up a resolution on the imposition of an administrative fine, then the license plates will not be removed from the car, since the reason for the prohibition of exploitation has been eliminated."

you yourself wrote that since 2014, the withdrawal of numbers is not provided.

meteorhost, thanks for the comment, additions have been made to the article.

Good luck on the road!

guys, why are you writing that if you remove the toner immediately after being stopped by a traffic police officer, there will still be a fine? After all, the guilt must be proven, but there is no tinting - there is no measurement of light transmission - there is no violation. presumption of innocence, there is still such a concept. it's another matter that this is a kindergarten, glue the toner so that before each IDPS to rip it off))

Tinted car windows began many years ago. Car glass tinting continues today. This procedure is quite popular among motorists, despite the fact that the traffic police are trying with all their might to fight it. But many car owners are in no hurry and are not at all going to remove the tint film from the windows of their cars. It is very convenient: the interior of the car heats up less in the sun, you can drive without sun glasses, and the drivers joke that tinted windows are the key to a happy family life. What is the situation with the tinting of car windows in 2019 and is it possible, in which case, to get off with only a fine?

The current situation with window tinting and fines for it

On Russian roads today you can see a lot of cars and trucks, the windows of which are tinted. At the same time, tinting can be different: from practically impenetrable light filters to a light coating. In the recent past, it was very popular to tint glass with a mirror film, which often dazzled other road users. But today, mirror tint can be seen only in deep provinces.

Interestingly, in such advanced countries as the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Japan, mirror tinting of cars is absolutely not prohibited. Equally, it is not forbidden to use chrome-plated auto parts, which can glare quite significantly in the sun, creating inconvenience to other drivers. Moreover, a car enthusiast can even use a completely chrome-plated car body, since the law does not prohibit this. I must say that the sun in some of these countries shines much stronger than on the roads of the Russian Federation.

At various times, traffic police officers tried to fight more or less tough with car tinting. It even went as far as removing license plates from cars with tinted windows. In other periods, practically no attention was paid to tinting. Oddly enough, everything was determined by a command "from above", as in the good old days of the Soviet Union, when any action was initiated from above and took the form of all-Union hysteria.

When tinting glass, quality is important

Last year, the Russian government nevertheless decided to seriously tackle traffic violators and was going to introduce stricter liability, including for improper tint of car windows. In particular, a law has been developed on a significant increase in fines for incorrect tinted front and side windows of cars, providing for a threefold increase in penalties. Information about such a bill blew up social networks and a significant part of the driving community in Russia. At the same time, different dates were called: January 1, June 1, or July 1 of the current year. The situation was fueled by the fact that in December last year the State Duma adopted some amendments concerning the law on tinting. This action was initiated by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Lysakov. The latest version of the draft law, voiced in the State Duma, assumed an increase in the fine for toning the front and side up to three times: from today's 500 rubles. up to one and a half thousand rubles. In the event of a repeated violation, the driver would have to replenish the Russian budget by 5,000 rubles. But let us reassure especially interested drivers: the case did not progress beyond the first reading. Therefore, today, the fines for tinting under the new laws of 2019, as before, are no more than 500 rubles. (part 3.1 of article 12.5 of the Administrative Code). There is no separate penalty for a repeated violation. Naturally, the rumors about the adoption of new norms of the law on tinting caused especially zealous actions of the traffic police, who began to conduct raids, the purpose of which was to identify and punish drivers of cars with incorrectly tinted windows.

The prescription for tinting, that is, the requirement to eliminate the offense within 5-20 days (remove the tinting), is considered a more severe punishment than a fine, but this part of the law is so vague and has many loopholes and nuances that most inspectors usually get by with a receipt for a fine.

For the sake of fairness, it should be said that only last year, several changes were made to the Russian Traffic Regulations regarding the registration of cars, the issuance of driver's licenses, the transportation of children, the operation of vehicles by persons who received a license less than two years ago, and so on. Therefore, no one can guarantee that in the near future the proposed draft law will not be approved and that a change in the rules for tinting and an increase in fines for incorrect tinting will not become another norm of Russian legislation.

What are the norms and standards of tinting in Russia today

It should be clarified that the prohibition on tinting and fines for it do not relate to tinting as such, but only violations of certain rules established by law.

And in order to understand the permitted norms for tinting car windows, it is important to know the following: the rear window of a car can be tinted in any way and with any rate of light transmission. The same rule applies to the rear side windows of the vehicle. The upper part of the vehicle windshield can be tinted with a transparent film (no wider than 14 cm), its light transmission can be any. The side windows of the car can also be tinted, taking into account that their light transmission will not be less than 70%. The new GOST has been in effect since 2015; before that, the old GOST standards required adherence to the light transmission rate, which allowed a light transmission level of at least 75%.

Before deciding to stick a transparent filter film on a car glass, it is necessary to understand the characteristics not only of the film itself, but also of the car glass itself. This will help get away from penalties for tinting. The light transmission of automobile glass is not a static value. The role is played by the quality of the glass, its manufacturer and so on. For example, glass without a film can have a light transmittance of about 95%. Therefore, when gluing an additional film with light transmission characteristics equal to, for example, 70% to such glass, the final light transmission characteristic will already be 65%. This will become a violation and may result in an administrative fine of half a thousand rubles.

Legally permissible tinting of automobile glass is determined by the corresponding GOST 32565–2013. This document regulates the degree of tinting of the windscreen, side, rear side and rear windows of the car. The provisions of this document do not apply to vehicle lighting devices. The GOST takes into account everything - from the quality and characteristics of the automotive glass itself and to its manufacturer (taking into account all possible ones). It also specifies the technical characteristics of the film used for tinting.

It is also necessary to take into account who is toning and where exactly the toning is carried out. Poor performance of the task by the craftsmen can lead to a deviation from the established norms of toning and light transmission, even when the characteristics of the film and car glass used for tinting should theoretically be within acceptable limits. Therefore, it is advisable to check the characteristics of light transmission after gluing the light-protective film and before entering the highway, where the traffic police inspector can give an unpleasant surprise when stopping.

It is important to understand that tint the rear window of a car to any degree of light transmission is possible only if this vehicle is equipped with two rear-view mirrors, allowing the driver to clearly see the traffic situation behind his car.

An important nuance: Rosstandart indicated that the strip of light-protective film, glued to the upper part of the windshield, should have a width of no more than 14 cm and at the same time any light transmission. There are times when selfish traffic police officers try to "dilute" uninformed drivers by measuring the light transmittance in the upper part, sealed with a film. As a rule, it does not comply with the norms. So, if the width of the strip pasted on the front is not more than 14 cm, then such actions are illegal.

How and where the light transmittance of the front and side windows of the car is measured

When checking the light transmission of car windows, the traffic police is guided by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1240. This document concerns the norms of technical re-equipment of vehicles. Some of its provisions were canceled in 2014 by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1123, but the provisions on checking the degree of light transmission continue to apply.

To check the technical condition of the car, technical diagnostic tools should always be used. They must be entered in the State Register, which indicates all types of means used for measurement. These devices must have certificates of conformity, documents stipulated in the law for periodic performance checks.

It looks like a device for testing the light transmission of car glass

The light transmittance of automotive glass can only be measured when its surface is clean and dry. Accordingly, measurements cannot be taken in rainy weather or on dirty car windows. The driver who was stopped by the traffic police to check the technical condition of his vehicle, including the light transmission of the glass, should first of all be asked to provide the necessary documents: a certificate of conformity, a document on the last check of the technical condition of the device. In addition, the traffic police officer must have permission to carry out such actions and have a corresponding certificate. If any of the above documents is missing, then any verification results are automatically illegal and can be challenged in court. When checking, the driver should be sure to look at the sensors attached to the glass; they should not have any artificial darkening and external film. If, in the opinion of the driver, the device is not accurate, it may require a second measurement. In this case, the traffic police inspector must conduct him in the presence of two attesting witnesses. Moreover, all the problems of finding them fall on his shoulders with shoulder straps. If the inspector who stopped the driver begins to delay the search for people who can become understood, then he should be reminded of Article 28.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which states that a long delay in the car when drawing up a protocol is unlawful. You can also suggest calling the police and talking to their immediate supervisor. In the event that the inspector realizes that he is clearly violating the norms of the law, he will immediately lose interest in this driver.

The device for measuring the light transmittance of automobile glass, in addition to the valid certificate and documents on the inspection of the technical condition, must be sealed. If not, then you can go further with peace of mind and refuse to take measurements. As a rule, when measuring the light transmittance, a portable device "Blik" is used. The power source is often the car's cigarette lighter and the device works confidently when the voltage of the internal network is 12 volts. One of the ways to get away from measuring the light transmission is to inform the traffic police inspector that the battery of this car is very weak and therefore is not able to deliver the required power. You can ask a traffic police officer to drive a company car and connect to its electrical system. The device can only be used at temperatures that start from -10 and go up to + 40 degrees Celsius. The measurement should be made at least at three different points of the glass to be measured. The indicator of light transmittance will mean in this case the arithmetic mean. The driver should be careful at every step of the measurement. If he notices any mistake of the inspector, then it is undesirable to pay attention to it immediately. But you should inform about the mistakes made by the traffic police inspector when drawing up a protocol, where you describe them in detail. In this case, it is much easier to defend your rights. At a minimum, a second measurement will be required with the participation of attesting witnesses.

It should be understood that in the Traffic Rules, toning norms are spelled out for a reason. Despite the obvious advantages, tinted glass also has its drawbacks. Excessive toning can have a significant impact on driving safety. For example, when making a trip in the dark, tinted windows can interfere with timely notice of an obstacle or, for example, a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing. This can interrupt not only his life, but also break the driver's life, since the responsibility is on him. In this case, excessive tinting on the windows of the vehicle will become an aggravating circumstance when the court makes a decision on the punishment.

Can a driver challenge the actions of a traffic police officer

If the driver believes that the actions of the traffic police officer to measure the light transmission of the car's glass were illegal, then he can challenge them in court within 14 days. In addition to the above requirements of the law and nuances when checking, drivers should know the following:

  • the measurement of the light transmittance of automobile glass can be carried out only at a stationary post;
  • atmospheric pressure should be from 650 to 790 mm., air humidity should not exceed 80%. If the humidity is higher, then the light transmittance of the glass should be measured in a dry room. When measuring, the traffic police inspector must first take measurements of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity levels. In addition, he must communicate these data to the driver whose car is being checked;
  • the certificate of conformity of the device and documents on its technical verification must be available from the traffic police inspector in the original, copies cannot be used.

Any device that measures the light transmittance of glass is called a taumeter. There are several more certified taumeters with which the traffic police can measure light transmission, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, the above "Blik" is used.

A few examples

To understand how all of the above works in practice, here are a few examples.


A traffic police officer drew up a protocol for incorrect tinting of car windows, while not measuring their light transmission with a special device. Is it possible to appeal against such a protocol in court? Of course you can. This should be done within 14 days and the driver will certainly be justified if measurements were not taken with the device.


Having stopped the minibus, the traffic police inspector measured the tint film applied to his windshield. Its width was 17 cm. As a result, the inspector drew up a protocol in which a fine of 500 rubles was imposed on the taxi driver. Then the traffic police officer drove to a motor transport company that owns this vehicle. His auto mechanic also received a fine of 5,000 rubles for releasing vehicles unusable on the line. In this case, the actions of the traffic police officer were absolutely legal, since the responsibility for the technical condition of the route taxi is borne by the auto mechanic, and the driver is solely responsible for the management.


The traffic police inspector stopped the car to check its technical condition and, in particular, the light transmittance of the glass not at the stationary traffic police post. Its requirements to measure the light transmittance of glass are illegal. In this case, the driver may refuse to take measurements or require them to be carried out at a stationary post, which will still need to be reached.


The car was stopped at a stationary post after a light rain. The traffic police inspector did not first check the humidity and air temperature, as well as atmospheric pressure. Measurement of the light transmittance of car glass showed that it exceeds the norm and is 72%. Accordingly, a protocol and a fine were issued. In this case, the driver has every reason to appeal the protocol in court, since no measurements were taken of the weather conditions, which are a necessary component of this procedure. With a high degree of probability, the court will decide in favor of the driver.

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To pay or not to pay: that is the question

Practice says that the traffic police sometimes forgets about minor violators, therefore, within the specified period (and it is 80 days), the notice does not always come to the violator. He has the opportunity to "knock off" the statute of limitations. The Code of Administrative Offenses says that the statute of limitations for administrative fines for violation of traffic rules comes in two years. The two-year limitation period begins from the moment the decision on payment of the fine is delivered to the violator. If the decision was appealed in court, then the limitation period begins its countdown from the date of the court decision. If there was an attempt to appeal to a higher court, then the limitation period begins from the moment of its decision. Two years later, the demands of the authorities to pay this fine will no longer be legal. Although he will continue to be listed as an offender in the traffic police database. In this case, a tarnished reputation will be the only way that a fine can harm the driver. There are also several bureaucratic nuances that can help not to pay the fine legally. This can be done in the event that the order on the fine was issued within a period exceeding 60 days from the date of the traffic violation. A similar rule applies in the case when the decision of the court of first instance was appealed, and the Court of Appeal issued its decision later than 90 days from the date of the violation. If someone is afraid that an unpaid fine will become the reason for a ban on traveling abroad, then he can be relatively calm: this will require an appropriate court decision, and the minimum amount of an unpaid fine should exceed 10 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the fine for incorrect tinting of car windows is only 500 rubles and it can be considered relatively small. If the fine is paid within 20 days from the moment of drawing up the protocol, then it will be halved. Therefore, it is still better to act according to the law.

Like any technical re-equipment of a car, the tinting of its glass should be done correctly and in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation. This will help to avoid many problems on the road and unpleasant moments in communication with traffic police inspectors. By the way, similar norms and penalties exist in the neighboring countries of Russia: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus. The question is to what extent they are observed and monitored by road safety services. According to experts' forecasts, the tightening of penalties for improper tinted glass in the Russian Federation will still occur.

Last year, a new law on car tinting came into force. It refers to the standards for car glazing in the Russian Federation. Drivers treat this innovation in completely different ways. In our article you can find out the standards of the new bill, as well as find out the reviews of motorists about it.

General information about tinting

Recently, many motorists prefer tinting. This tuning is aimed at darkening the glass. Thanks to tinting, pedestrians and other drivers will not see what is happening in the interior of your car.

A significant disadvantage of glass shading is poor color rendering. The new law on tinting was not adopted by chance, because it is this kind of tuning that often becomes the cause of road accidents. This is due to the fact that at night in cars with tinted windows, visibility is significantly reduced. The action of the headlights of the cars in front is also distorted.

The tinting also has a lot of positive aspects. This tuning protects your car from interior burnout. In the summer, tinting will keep you cool and fresh inside the car. Most often, glass tint is used for car design and as protection of the interior from prying eyes.

General information about the bill

The law on tinting came into force on July 1, 2015. Its provisions are based on the standards established by the State Automobile Inspectorate. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the requirements for the front windows are much stricter than for the rear ones.

In general, the law on toning came into effect, or rather, it existed for a long time. Previously, in case of violations, license plates were seized from unscrupulous drivers. Nevertheless, before the bill passed last year, glass tinting did not cause any particular indignation among the employees of the State Inspectorate.

Thanks to a bill passed in 2015, the requirements for observance of glass shading regulations have become much more stringent. Now an unscrupulous driver can not only receive a fine, but also lose his license.

Basic requirements for toning

The new law on tinting provides for a number of requirements for a driver who decides to darken the windows in his car. The State Automobile Inspectorate believes that absolutely everyone should know them. You can find all the features of the bill in our article.

In order not to violate the law on car tinting, you should first of all pay attention to the windshield. Its light transmittance should be at least 70-75%. This is the first criterion that the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate pays attention to. It is worth noting that the percentage of doors can be 65-70%.

Recently, many car enthusiasts prefer to tune their car. Often they apply drawings or inscriptions to the surface of the windshield. The new tinting law categorically prohibits resorting to such a design. The color of the tint film also plays an important role. According to the bill, the use of red, blue, green and yellow dimming on the windshield is prohibited. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you take a responsible approach to the choice of tint film. Color shading can significantly alter the color rendering in a vehicle.

Where can you measure the main criteria for a tinted glass?

There is a wide variety of techniques and types of car window shading. Today, the most popular are spraying and coating with a specialized film. The level of light transmission in the car directly depends on the selected density of the material. If the indicators differ significantly from the norm, then the unscrupulous driver risks getting a fine or even losing his driver's license. Where you can measure the main indicators of toning, not everyone knows.

In order to independently measure the percentage of light transmittance, you need to purchase a specialized device. However, it is quite expensive and is rarely used. If you do not have the opportunity to spend money on useless things, then we recommend that you contact us for help. You can also find out the percentage of light transmission at the nearest traffic police post. It is worth noting that if the norm is exceeded, you may be issued a fine, which is provided by the law on toning.

One way to get around the bill

It is no secret that absolutely any decree has loopholes. Thanks to them, responsibility can be avoided. The auto tinting law is no exception. It is known that in order to find out the percentage of light transmission of glass, employees of the State Traffic Inspection measure it using a special device. Today, tinting is already on sale, the percentage of darkening of which can be changed during operation. This invention is a novelty in the automotive market. Its cost is quite high. On average, it ranges from 20 thousand rubles.

The principle of operation of such tinting is based on new technologies. A special substance is applied to the car glazing. It contains metal oxides. Due to the change in voltage in the car and special sensors, the percentage of dimming can vary significantly. You can control it using the remote control that comes with toning.

The new technology has many benefits. It allows you to easily change the shade level in certain weather conditions. It is thanks to her that you can get around the toning law. The new technology also has disadvantages. The most important is the high cost. Today, not every motorist can afford such a system.

There is a cheaper way to use excessive tinting - this. To apply this method, you will need to install transparent glass on top of the car and tinted glass on the bottom. If necessary, the lower one will only need to be lowered. It should be noted that this method is not prohibited. Surprisingly, the method is patented as protecting a car in a parking lot. This method will allow you to protect the interior of the car from burnout in the summer and keep it cool.

Changes in the bill. general information

The change in the tinting law took place this year. According to the new decree, the fine for violation is from 500 rubles. Already today, the government of the Russian Federation plans to increase the first fine to 5 thousand rubles. If an unscrupulous driver violates the bill again, he risks losing his driver's license for up to six months.

As before, over-tinting of the front windows is prohibited. The law allows the placement of a colored strip on the top of the windshield.

The main provisions of the amended bill

According to the amended decree, a full car is partially allowed. The law is loyal to excessive darkening of the rear glazing. To date, the permitted rate of light transmission of the front glass is 70%. According to the new additions, a protective layer - a polymer coating - must be applied to the back of the tinted glass. The method of both spraying and coating the surface with a tint film is still allowed.

In 2016, drivers are allowed to tint the upper 14 centimeters of the windshield in any way. It is worth noting that mirror shading is strictly prohibited today. Absolutely any driver can place curtains or blinds on the rear window. However, this is permitted if the exterior side mirrors are located on the vehicle body.

General information on penalties

The amendments to the bill were considered in September last year, but came into force only this. It is known that the amount of the penalty has changed significantly. If an unscrupulous driver was fined for the first time, then he will have to pay 1,500 rubles on time. If the violation for tinting is not the first, then the motorist will be charged with the amount of 5 thousand rubles. The term for the secondary registration of the violation is about a year. In some cases, an unscrupulous driver can be deprived of a driver's license for up to two months.

In the future, the government of the Russian Federation plans to introduce punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license for a secondary violation for a long time. We strongly recommend that you check the level of light transmission in advance. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from all kinds of fines and punishments.

Voting motorists to change the norms

Over the past few years, the number of tinted cars has increased significantly. There are a wide variety of reasons for dimming glasses. Someone in this way is trying to change the appearance of the car, and someone so saves the interior from burnout. To date, they are demanding the government of the Russian Federation to soften the bill. To this end, they also created an online poll. One of the activists claims that absolutely any glass does not have 100% light transmission. It is for this reason that 70% tinting is difficult to achieve. It is also noted that if an employee of the State Traffic Inspection has recorded 70% of light penetration on your car glass, then a fine will be imposed on you. In fact, the acceptable level is 71%. The specialized apparatus does not confirm lower indicators and fixes it as a violation. The activists believe that the number of accidents on the roads will not increase from the change in the norms, but the personal belongings of the drivers will be safe.

Is it allowed to tint the front windows of the car? When a vehicle stops at a traffic police post, problems often arise due to improper tinting. The code prescribes certain requirements, for non-compliance with which the inspector can issue a fine or impose another punishment.

1 How is it legal to tint your car?

Today, the official traffic rules are allowed to tint with film or other types of tinting the following elements of the car:

  • rear windshield (regardless of the percentage of light transmission),
  • rear side windows of the car,
  • car windshield (with colored film in the upper part no more than 15 centimeters wide).
  • all side windows, including front ones, if the light transmittance after tinting is at least 70%.

As a rule, the light transmittance is calculated using the formula a * b = c, where a is the light transmittance of the car glass, b is the film, and c is the final result, which is considered by the police officers. The degree of illumination of the glass is determined by a special diagnostic device (most often the "Blik" system), which the traffic police officers have. It connects to the standard cigarette lighter. Such a device can be purchased independently, however, it is impossible to accurately indicate the degree of light transmission in any weather, even with the help of this device. There are some peculiarities of its use, namely:

  • permissible deviations of the air humidity level no more than 20% with a starting indicator of 60,
  • the air temperature should not be below 0 degrees.

Thus, during rain or frosty weather, it is not possible to accurately determine the light transmittance coefficient with an accuracy of tenths. Another point spelled out in the SDA says that the color of the tint film should not greatly distort the perception of white, green, yellow, red and blue. Some car enthusiasts believe that it is possible to obtain a permit to tint a car, but such permits are only available for special purpose vehicles.

2 How not to break the law and tint the front windows of a car?

Today, almost every second car drives on roads with tinted rear windshields and rear side windows. Indeed, in hot weather, a car without tinting turns into something like an aquarium - the sun's rays and prying eyes penetrate into the interior. However, many people prefer to tint the front windows of a car, based on the fact that, by law, the side windows can be tinted with a 30% film (that is, the glass's light transmission is 70%).

Note that the front and rear windows of many modern foreign cars already in the factory form have a light transmittance coefficient of no more than 80 percent. In this way, application of the film even in the most transparent form would be a violation of the current legislation. Therefore, the most effective and legitimate methods of applying tinting are:

  1. Athermal tint film. Has heat dissipation functions and does not reduce visibility on the road in difficult weather conditions.
  2. ... A sophisticated and expensive mechanism with which you can independently adjust the degree of darkening of the front and rear windows.
  3. Removable toning. It is also an effective tool, which, although it does not have the ability to adjust the light transmission, can be easily removed from the car, for example, when stopping at a checkpoint or in other traffic situations when toning may interfere.

As for a simple tint film, experts do not recommend sticking it on the side front windows, and even more so on the windshield, since even the most transparent layer will lead to a violation of the permissible light transmission.

3 What is the penalty to pay?

To date, for tinting a vehicle that does not meet the requirements of the law, a fine of 500 rubles is provided (clause 2 of Article 12.1 of the Administrative Code from January 1, 2012 to April 1, 2014). Previously, license plates were removed (when stopping again with tinting), but from January 1, 2014, this practice was discontinued. after being stopped by a traffic police officer, a fine will still be issued, since the offense has already been recorded. It should also be remembered that it is quite difficult to remove a simple tinting film with your own hands at the place of a stop, you need to have a soap solution, a hair dryer or a device for creating water vapor at hand, otherwise you will not be able to completely remove the film.

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