Home Engine Deregistration of a sold car. How to deregister a car after being sold under a sales contract without a car. If the vehicle is to be scrapped

Deregistration of a sold car. How to deregister a car after being sold under a sales contract without a car. If the vehicle is to be scrapped

From 15.10.13 in the Russian Federation there is a new procedure for registering cars, which eliminates the need to remove a car from the registration register before selling it. Now deregistration is done automatically when the car is a new owner. At the same time, registration of a car for a new owner can be carried out in any department of the traffic police, regardless of his place of residence and registration. In other words, you can remove a car from registration or for disposal in 2018 in any city of the Russian Federation where there is a traffic police department.

The procedure for removing and registering a car

Transit numbers for ferrying across the territory of the Russian Federation are not issued, and the old registration numbers of the car, at the request of the new owner, are retained and remain on it. Transit numbers are issued to a new owner only if he drives the car abroad. To do this, it is necessary to deregister it.

The changes also affected the registration of vehicles. From 1.01.2015, buying and registering a car has become much more expensive for citizens. All duties related to registration operations with a car have been increased. So, for the production and receipt of state numbers for a car, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles, which is 500 rubles more than the previous tariff.

In what cases and for what reasons the car is removed from the register

Upon discovery of the fact, the owner must write to the traffic police, along with a statement of theft, a petition to terminate registration. Subsequently, when a car is found and returned to the owner, it can be registered again. If it is disassembled by the kidnappers and sold for parts, then the owner's statement is the basis for the complete removal of this car from the register of vehicles.

2) Disposal of the car.

If the car owner decided to change the car under the old car recycling program, then he, before handing it over to the recycling organization, must deregister the car. This stops the charging of transport tax on it. Utilization of vehicles can be of two types: partial or complete. Complete disposal is carried out when the vehicle is completely out of order and can no longer be used. Partial recycling is carried out when a part of the car is handed over for scrap - the body, chassis or engine, and the remaining serviceable part is used by the owner for the purpose of further operation or sale.

3) Ferrying a car abroad for the purpose of sale or permanent operation.

The vehicle is removed from the register in the Russian Federation and registered in the host country. The owner must surrender the old numbers and receive a transit number.

4) When the sold car is not registered by the new owner within 10 days after the sale.

In this case, the reason for deregistration is not to continue to pay transport tax and penalty receipts for the sold car, which will have to be done until the new owner, the former owner, can submit an application to the traffic police about or complete disposal.

5) Removal of a vehicle from registration can be done forcibly by the following persons:

  • by the plaintiff, to whom the car is returned or handed over by a court order, on the basis of a court decision;
  • the bailiff of the judicial enforcement service on the basis of the decision of the bailiffs on the reclamation of the debtor's property;
  • an official of an organization in whose favor there is a court decision on the alienation of a vehicle, on the basis of this decision;
  • by an authorized representative of the department of social protection of the population, executing the decision of this body to transfer a specialized vehicle to another person, on the basis of this decision.

How to deregister a car

In order to remove a car from registration, the following documents should be prepared:

  • application for the removal of the vehicle from the register;
  • original and copy of the technical passport of the vehicle (PTS);
  • front and rear car numbers;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • registration certificate (STS);
  • canceled receipt of payment of the duty.

With the complete disposal of the machine or in connection with the loss of documents, one application for deregistration and an explanatory note are enough.

Not only the owner of the car, but also his authorized representative can deregister a car. If the owner of the car, for some reason, does not have the opportunity or time to visit the traffic police department to remove the car from the register, then he can transfer his powers by power of attorney to another person with an order to perform this action. In this case, it must be formalized by a notary.

When applying for deregistration, the applicant should indicate the reason why this action is being performed and the necessary information:

  • when leaving the country and write down: "in connection with the departure to such and such a country";
  • when handing over for complete disposal, it must be attributed that numbers and a registration certificate are attached to the application, a certificate for the car's units is not needed;
  • when handing over for partial utilization, it is necessary to indicate that a certificate is required for the unit or part (motor, chassis or body) to be left;
  • in order to punish a negligent buyer who is in no hurry to register the purchased car on time, the former owner may not act entirely honestly: apply for the disposal of the car, indicating that the documents and numbers have been lost. Although this is a wrong act, according to the law, formally, he is the owner of the car and can dispose of it at his own discretion. Then the new owner of the car will have big problems with registration and its legal operation.

Video: How to deregister a car through the website of public services

To save time, you can pre-register in the queue for an appointment at any nearest traffic police department by phone or via the Internet. To remove a car from the register online, you need s. After registration on the portal, an application is filled out in electronic form. Then you need to appear at the chosen one with all the necessary documents and a printed application and hand over the documents to the reception window. The advantage of deregistering a car through government services is that you do not need to stand in line and you can choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police, which simplifies the procedure.

Expertise in the traffic police when removing a car from the register

After reviewing and signing the application for deregistration, having received the documents back, you need to deliver the car to the observation deck for inspection. In order for him to have complaints about the condition of the car, it should be pre-washed at a car wash, including the engine compartment, since the inspector will check the numbers and the wine code of the engine, chassis and body.

After checking whether the car is being stolen or arrested, having checked the unit numbers with the data in the data sheet, the inspector makes a note on the application form for permission to deregister. After that, the application with the mark of the expert, along with the rest of the documents and license plates, is submitted again to the same window where the application form was received. After a certain period of time, the owner of the car will be handed a personal passport, a vehicle registration certificate with a deregistration mark, and a transit number. The registration certificate is not refundable.

Features of car deregistration

In connection with going abroad

When leaving with a permanent stay abroad, old license plates are rented out, and in exchange they are given "Transit" signs. The corresponding entries and marks are made in the registration certificate, or a new technical passport is issued. The transit signs are valid for 20 days. For driving with expired signs, a fine of 500-800 rubles is provided.

How to deregister a car for disposal

When registering the disposal of a car, it is required to remove it from the registration register. To do this, you need to prepare the same package of documents that are listed above. The application specifies the purpose of deregistration as full or partial disposal. The procedure is also similar to the above example. The differences lie in the fact that with complete disposal, the car may not be provided for inspection at the traffic police. Upon completion of the procedure, the owner is issued a personal passport, technical passport, a certificate of disposal and a register extract on deregistration.

In case of partial scrapping (suitable and marked components and assemblies are released), the car is presented for inspection and verification of the unit numbers. If he is not on the move, then the expert is called at home. In this case, the inspector must write out a certificate for the remaining unit of the car. The cost of deregistering during disposal is 350 rubles of the state duty, which is paid for the issued certificates for the vacated numbered units.

Removal from registration upon theft of a car

After the owner of the stolen car turned to the police with a complaint about the abduction and the initiation of a criminal case, he should write a statement to the traffic police to deregister. However, this must be done after receiving a notification from the police that the criminal case has been suspended or terminated. To deregister a car in case of theft, the following documents are required:

  • personal passport of the car owner;
  • vehicle registration certificate (if any);
  • notification from the police;
  • application for deregistration.

Removing a car from registration upon sale is an optional procedure. When the new owner performs registration actions in the traffic police, the vehicle is automatically deregistered. If the buyer is in no hurry to contact the traffic police, the former owner will have to do this. In this article, we will analyze how to deregister a sold car.

When to deregister a car

Let's list the cases in which it is necessary to remove the car from registration:

  • car utilization under the state program - full or partial;
  • car theft;
  • export of the vehicle outside the Russian Federation;
  • non-fulfillment by the new owner of the obligation to register the car for himself within 10 days after the sale.

Why do it

If the new owner of the car does not register the car for himself, fines will come to the name of the previous owner, he will have to pay transport tax, and if the car gets into an accident, the police will come to him. Often, the previous owner learns about the lack of registration for the buyer only when he receives a notice of violations on the road. Why the buyer may not re-register the vehicle for himself:

  • disease;
  • involuntary absence (for example, a business trip);
  • unwillingness to pay fines;
  • simple irresponsibility;


Let's consider how to deregister a car upon sale. To begin with, we note that you no longer need to apply strictly to the department where the vehicle was registered. Thanks to the creation of electronic databases, you can go to any Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a package of documents and an application.

Before applying for de-registration, we recommend that you negotiate with the buyer. Contact him at the contacts specified in the contract, and clarify the reasons why he has not yet re-registered the car for himself. Perhaps the new owner has good reasons, and he has already made an appointment with the traffic police to go through the registration procedure. In this case, deregistering a car will significantly complicate the process of registering it for a new owner.

If the buyer does not answer or refuses to register the vehicle, contact the traffic police department yourself. You can make an appointment through the government services website. This will significantly save the time of the motorist. Log into your account and select the "Registration of motor vehicles and trailers to them" section. Then go to the tab "Re-registration of the vehicle when changing the owner's data (buying on the secondary market, donating or changing the owner's data)". Indicate the purpose of the visit, a convenient date and time. If all fields are filled in correctly, the system will give a positive answer. At the appointed time, report to the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department.

Note! Deregistration will be refused if the car is encumbered or arrested, there are debts for fines or taxes. All debts will have to be paid off.

After checking the documents, the traffic police officer will enter the information into the database, after which the car will be considered unregistered.

If the buyer has already put the car on record, there is no point in contacting the traffic police for the previous owner, the procedure will take place automatically. To play it safe, check the data using the online traffic police service.

What documents are needed to deregister a car

You will need the following papers:

  • vehicle sale and purchase agreement;
  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • copies of documents for the vehicle;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

How much does the procedure cost? The service is free for the seller. The buyer will have to pay 350 rubles. for entering information into the TCP, 850 rubles. will amount to the state duty. If new numbers are needed, the owner pays another 2 thousand rubles. Deregistration period is 1 hour.

What does an application for removing a car from registration look like:

  • subdivision name;
  • information about the owner;
  • reasons for deregistration;
  • passport data;
  • registration address, telephone;
  • information about the car (brand, model, year of manufacture, type / category of vehicle, color, registration plate, VIN, body number (cab, trailer), engine power hp / kW, environmental class, permitted maximum weight);
  • a list of changes that have been made to the design of the car;
  • list of documents.

How to remove a car from the traffic police register without a car and documents

According to auto experts, it is possible to go through the deregistration procedure without a car. It is enough to apply with a statement and documents to the traffic police. You do not need to provide papers, only if they were stolen along with the car.

Note! In the event of a sale, the seller, who applies to the traffic police, is obliged to transfer the documents on the conclusion of the transaction, that is, an agreement with the buyer.

Is it possible to sell a car deregistered

If the car is removed from the register before the sale, the future owner must be sure that he will be able to restore the registration. Therefore, the buyer may have concerns about the legal purity of the transaction. Consequently, selling a deregistered vehicle is more difficult.

If the only reason for deregistration is a subsequent sale, then the seller will not be able to do this before the transfer to the new owner. The former owner can remove the car from registration only 10 days after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, if the new owner did not re-register the car within this period.

How to remove a car from registration when exporting abroad

This service is paid. We'll have to pay the state fee. If the motorist submits an electronic application, the amount will be 1.1 thousand rubles. instead of 1.6 thousand rubles.

Fill out the application by entering the data of the following documents:

  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a notarized power of attorney (for trusted representatives);
  • vehicle passports;
  • registration document or technical passport of a motor vehicle or trailer (STS);
  • a document certifying the ownership of a motor vehicle and (or) a trailer or a numbered unit.

Print out the completed form, it will need to be brought to the traffic police. Also take your numbers with you.

Make an appointment with the State Traffic Inspectorate, send an application and pay the fee. At the appointed time, visit the traffic police department with original documents. You will be given a modified PTS and Transit registration plates.


The seller will avoid problems if he completes the registration steps with the buyer immediately after the sale. If you still have questions about removing a car from the register after the sale, ask our lawyers. The consultation is free and available online.

ATTENTION! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the information in the article could be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

Deregistering a car is required in many cases - when scrapping, hijacking, taking the car abroad. The good news for motorists is the simplification of the vehicle sales process. Now the buyer, not the seller, is engaged in the re-registration of the car when it is sold.

Today we will talk about in what cases it is required to remove a car from the register, what documents will have to be collected and what this procedure includes.

In what situations is it required to deregister a car?

4 main cases in which it is necessary to deregister a car:

  1. Car sale... Although now it is not required to independently deal with the removal of a car from the register when transferring it to (this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the buyer), situations may arise in which this cannot be done without it. To re-register a car when the law allocates only 10 days for the sale ... If the buyer did not meet them, then the seller himself has the right to deregister his car. Otherwise, everything and fines will continue to come to the address of the previous owner.
  2. Driving a car or driving it outside of Russia. If the vehicle leaves the border of the country for a long time, then it is necessary to start deregistering the car and register it at the place of its new stay. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can use transit numbers instead.
  3. Removal of the machine from the register for disposal. The recycling program allows you to get rid of your old car. It can be complete or partial (when only individual parts and elements of the vehicle are handed over). After scrapping, you no longer need to pay taxes for the car.
  4. Hijacking. If the car is stolen by intruders, then it is reasonable to remove the car from the register so as not to pay taxes or fines for it. If it is found, then there will be no problems with the new registration.

What documents are required for deregistration?

The list of documents that are needed to deregister a car depends on who owns it.

Individuals show the employee a Russian passport, a receipt for payment of the state duty (with the owner's personal data in the Payer column), a vehicle passport and a certificate of its state registration. When the car is removed from the register, its owner is returned a passport and Title Deed with paper registration numbers.

Legal entities provide slightly different documents for deregistration:

  • passport of the representative of the organization who is involved in the entire procedure;
  • power of attorney to remove the car from the register, typed on the letterhead of the company;
  • Title and vehicle registration certificate;
  • a payment order with information about the paid duty (in this case, the duty is paid by non-cash method).

After removing the car from the register, the representative of the organization, as in the previous case, return his passport, title and paper transit numbers.

How to deregister a car?

Removing a car from the register begins with writing an application at the nearest traffic police department. The branches have special stands with filled out sample applications and a lot of useful information about the procedure. The application is submitted to the traffic police officer along with the documents collected earlier. After that, their authenticity must be verified, and the car is punched through the bases for the fact of criminal actions with its participation and for the presence of other debts.

If unpaid fines are found, they will have to be paid off immediately. There are no other reasons for refusing to deregister a car (unless an employee discovers that he was provided with fake documents).

In addition to fines, you will need to pay a number of other fees, commissions and duties, the exact list of which differs in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • services of paperwork for deregistration;
  • assessment of a car by a forensic expert and drawing up an inspection report of its technical condition;
  • transit numbers ( 200 rubles for paper and 1600 rubles for metal);
  • debt for the transport tax (although the collection was canceled in 2011, the debt from that time may still remain);
  • deregistration fee for disposal ( 200 rubles);
  • payment for making changes to or for changing the place of registration of the vehicle ( 350 rubles);
  • payment for registration of the STS to another person ( 500 rubles).

On average, you will have to pay from 850 to 1050 rubles for removing a car from the register. , depending on its brand and other characteristics. In some cases, you will have to give up to 2500 rubles .

After payment of all duties, a technical examination of the car is appointed, on which the numbers of individual spare parts are compared with the data specified in the technical passport. After receiving the certificate of technical inspection in your hands, it remains only to go back to the window where the documents were originally given in order to finally remove the car from the register.

The former owner receives a technical passport of the car and new transit numbers (if required). It is allowed to drive a car using transit numbers for another 2 months, during which it is necessary to pass a new registration or perform other actions with the car. Driving a car beyond this period is subject to a fine and sending it to a parking lot.

How to deregister a car for recycling?

It is not necessary to deregister the vehicle for scrapping. From the documents you will need a passport, registration numbers, TCP, technical passport and an application. The first step is to draw up a statement addressed to the head of the MREO for deregistration in connection with disposal. It indicates the reasons for the disposal, a list of the attached documents. It is separately indicated that there is no need for a certificate for the vacated units.

The application and other documents are submitted to the MREO department. It is not necessary to inspect the technical condition of the vehicle. After registration of the removal of the vehicle from the register, the owner receives a certificate according to which the vehicle can be disposed of freely.

If you want to sell individual parts of a car that has become unusable, then when filling out an application you need to ask for a certificate for numbered units. With him and the passport, you should contact the MREO department and provide the car for inspection of the parts that you want to keep. The car is removed from the register, and the driver is issued a certificate for the vacated units. They can now be sold freely.

In the article, we examined the question of how to remove a car from the register and what documents will be needed for this. In conclusion, we will say that deregistration of a car is possible without the presence of the vehicle itself.... In some cases (for example, in case of theft), it is completely impossible to provide a car. It is impossible to do without technical inspection only in case of partial utilization and when exporting a car to another country.

Removing a car from the register is one of the procedures of interest to many car owners. There is a standard procedure for solving a problem and individual situations with different conditions. Immediately, we note that since recently, license plates have been assigned directly to the car, therefore, after its sale, the buyer, and not the seller, will deal with the paperwork.

But, there are situations when the former owner of the vehicle is himself interested in resolving the issue, so that afterwards he does not pay the fees and taxes that are imposed on the person who owns the car. At the same time, one has to think how to deregister a car without a car... Such cases include:

  • hijacking. Here it is worth considering situations when measures aimed at tracing vehicles did not allow any result to be achieved, and there is no hope that the car will be returned as soon as possible. Even if the car is found after a certain period, it will be better to simply register it again;
  • a serious accident or major breakdown, excluding the possibility of further operation of the vehicle due to the senselessness of its restoration;
  • the car was sold, but the buyer refused or was unable to re-register within 10 days from the date of the contract;
  • the vehicle has crossed the border and will stay abroad for a long time.

In any of these situations, the vehicle will have to be deregistered without submitting it to the MREO.

Immediately, we note that in order to remove a car from the register, you will need to collect a certain package of documents. In different situations, their list will differ slightly. Consider the main documents that you need to have with you if you have any:

  • identification. Usually it is a passport. If it is lost, you need to provide the appropriate certificate. Also, instead of a passport, an identification document of a soldier is accepted;
  • vehicle sales contract, subject to availability;
  • registration certificate for the car. Its provision is required when it was not sold, but, for example, is listed in theft;
  • statement. It can be written directly to the traffic police department. Sample drafting is provided; ...
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty. The amount of the amount depends on the case in which the owner applies;
  • power of attorney. It is drawn up when the owner of the vehicle is not able to do it personally for any reason.

All documents from the list that are available must be taken with you and in originals. You should also bring copies in case they are required by the traffic police.

How to remove a car from the register when it is stolen

First of all, when the fact of theft of a car is discovered, its owner must apply to law enforcement agencies with a corresponding statement. After that, their representatives will take the necessary measures to search for vehicles. If, within a certain period of time, the searches are unsuccessful, the car owner can go to the traffic police department at the place of registration of the car and submit the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • registration document for the vehicle;
  • paper on the opening of the UD. It is issued by law enforcement agencies;
  • application for the removal of vehicles from registration. ...

The applicant must inform the traffic police officers who receive the documents about further actions and the timing of resolving the issue.

If the vehicle is to be scrapped

Important! Recycling can be complete or partial. In the latter case, the car owner keeps certain details for himself, if they survived and will be useful in the future..

In addition to the personal and technical passport for the car, the corresponding application, the owner must additionally provide:

  • number plates;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty for partial disposal.

If the documents are drawn up by an authorized person, you must take a power of attorney with you. The paper must be notarized.

Important! Full recycling is carried out free of charge. If it is partially executed, removed units are provided for matching serial numbers.

Removing a car from the register after its sale

The need to solve this problem was mentioned above. It is necessary to deregister vehicles so that later you do not have to face the need to pay various taxes, fines and other sums of money that may be required from the official owner of the car specified in the registration documents.

To deregister a vehicle, in addition to personal documents and an application drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, you must provide a vehicle sales contract. You will also need to pay the state fee and attach a receipt to the application.

How to write a statement

Usually, there are no difficulties with filling out an application. In any department of the traffic police there are special stands where examples of filling are placed. The applicant is given a form in the established form and he just needs to enter the following information:

  • vehicle identification data;
  • personal data of the owner: full name, registration address, contacts. If a person is engaged in registration by proxy, this fact should be noted by indicating the details of the document;
  • the reason the car needs to be removed from the register.

When disposal is the reason, the following points should be identified:

  • with full - write that a certificate for the released nodes is not needed;
  • for partial - indicate which parts require supporting papers, for example, chassis, body.

Important! If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to visit the traffic police department, you can solve the issue using special options on the State Services website.

How to deregister a car on the State Services website

If you decide to deregister a car through the State Services website, first of all you need to register here and go through authorization to open your personal account. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the website gosuslugi.ru.
  2. In the category of services in the "Transport and driving" section, select the item "Vehicle registration".
  3. Follow the active link "Deregistration".
  4. Select the reason for deregistration from the proposed options.
  5. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the new page.

There are no special difficulties here. You just need to fill out an electronic application form, registering the requested information, familiarize yourself with the procedure for paying for services and their cost. Next, you should choose the traffic police department from the proposed options, make an appointment for a suitable date and time. Then the electronic application must be sent. At the specified time, along with the printed application, you will need to visit the traffic police department.

Important! You shouldn't join the general queue. You need to find a queue for those who made an application through the State Services portal. Here each user has his own serial number..

In the course of personal communication, the inspector will check the originals of the documents, confirm the removal of the car from registration.

On the State Services portal, everything is painted in great detail, so no difficulties will arise. Just follow the instructions and follow the indicated recommendations.

Video - How to remove a car from yourself after the sale

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