Home Heating How to find out who owns a car number. Traffic police check auto. online service of traffic police. Check the car for participation in an accident

How to find out who owns a car number. Traffic police check auto. online service of traffic police. Check the car for participation in an accident

Car owners periodically need to find out the owner of a particular car for free. To find out the name of the owner of a car, it is enough to have a vehicle number; in other cases, more information may be required. The process takes a lot of time, sometimes material resources.

What does a car license plate mean?

The car number is a combination of 3 letters, 3 numbers arranged in a given order. They are made on a white metal plate and have a black color. The license plate also indicates two or three digits, meaning the subject of the Russian Federation, the letters RUS, the flag of the Russian Federation. The product is covered with a reflective film and has protective signs. Each registered vehicle is assigned unique number, according to which he is tracked in the traffic police.

When you need information

It is required to find out the owner by the car number for the following reasons:

  • buying a used car;
  • search for the driver who has committed an accident, if he left the scene of the accident;
  • damage to health or material property by a car;
  • participation of the machine in the crime.

Regardless of the reasons for the search, it must be remembered that it is very difficult to obtain the required amount of information.

Ways to find out the owner of a car

To search for a specific car, use the following options:

  • contacting the traffic police;
  • buying information from specialized agencies;
  • independent search for information on the Internet using a license plate.

It is advisable to provide all the available information, since it is difficult to find out the owner of the car only by the region and model of the car.

Free options

The easiest way to find out who the car is registered on is to contact the traffic police. This is a pretty long way to find out whose car is. Allocate two more options... The first is to contact anyone, preferably a friend, inspector at the post. They are not allowed to divulge personal information of vehicle owners, but you can try.

It is easy to determine whose car is by the name of the owner or the number of the car. internet services... This is not the safest and most reliable way, but it is very simple and convenient.

Paid services

How to find out the owner's number for a fee? For this, they use online services and private detectives.

Site AVinfo provides the following information about the owner of the car by state number: last name, first name and patronymic, car brand, dates of registration operations. Sometimes it determines the year of birth, address, telephone number, STS and PTS numbers.

Service banki.ru checks the car for a deposit due to the fault and the TCP number. Both indicate, and the site provides the service for 300 rubles. It's much easier to visit the pledge registry: a free government service in which the car is checked for wines.

In addition to those indicated, they use other services, but many of them were created by scammers in order to get money.

And you can also refer to private detectives... This is an expensive service, although it is very effective in obtaining information. In addition to technical and personal data, it is often possible to obtain photographs of the car.

Obtaining information from the traffic police

The legal way to find a person by car number is to contact the traffic police. Good reasons are required to access the owner's name. The latter include administrative and criminal offenses described in the relevant codes of the Russian Federation.

The following violations are grounds for searching for the owner by car number:

  • the participant who provoked the accident fled from the scene of the crime;
  • the car is parked where it is prohibited;
  • causing harm to the health or material property of other persons;
  • other situations with a pronounced inconsistency with the law or public order.

The traffic police officer provides the applicant with an application form. The completed sheet serves as the basis for requesting information. Similarly, they receive the following information: who the car is registered to, the owner's phone number. To identify the owner of a car by number, it is not necessary to fully know the latter. Sometimes it is enough to match letters or numbers and know the surname. But they also determine the auto by vin. The applicant provides his passport data, the reason for the search and the available information about the vehicle in question.

Getting information online

There are several services on the Internet that help to find the owner of the vehicle by the available license plate.

The vehicle's wine code is a kind of "identifying" number that accompanies a car throughout its life and carries information about its unique personal history. By VIN-code, you can find out almost any from the date of production to the present time.

VIN-code is an individual number for each car for the entire period of its operation

Sometimes there are situations when it becomes necessary to find the state number plates of a car, if there are suspicions of its criminal past or forgery of documents. Today, the search for such information is a real task if you have a VIN on hand. We will tell in this article how to find out the state. car number by VIN-code.

Options for finding out the license plates of a car by VIN-code

You can find out the license plate number of a car by the wine code in several ways. All basic information is contained in the machine code. To determine the data, you can contact the traffic police department directly and check the information of interest. However, one must understand that no one will provide such information to an ordinary passer-by without significant reasons. To do this, you need to have friends in the department.

There are verification options that are much simpler. To do this, you only need to have access to the Internet, the VIN number of the vehicle and the ability to use the Internet. Today, most government agencies are opening up to prevent fraud by unscrupulous vehicle sellers.

You can check the car through the official website of the traffic police. To do this, you need to enter a code of 17 characters in a special window, press the "Start check" keys everywhere. The service will give absolutely all data about the car, being hijacked, criminal moments, including its registration plates.

You can check the car on the official website of the traffic police

Another popular site for car owners in the Russian Federation is Autocode. By VIN-code, here you can get the most detailed report on the vehicle, its owners, mileage, insurance, check for accidents and debts, find license plates.

And also to obtain license plates for a car, you can use private sites that draw data from the official databases of the traffic police and insurance companies. The most popular of them are adaperio, carlife, avtobot.net. The latter service can provide not only official materials about the car and its owner, but also data from social networks, photos, phone numbers.

Let's sum up

As you can see, today it is absolutely not difficult to determine the history of a vehicle, having its VIN in hand. The services provided give out the entire history, from the date of production of the machine to the moment the request is made. Every citizen is able to track the chronology if he knows the VIN. The data obtained can change the perception of the vehicle for the worse or convince.

In order to " punch the car through the bases"for its legal purity, before the car enthusiast had to have certain connections in the authorities, or a certain amount of funds to pay for services to third-party organizations that helped to find out all the necessary information about the car for money. In our computerized and automated time, a car can be checked by a VIN number. each, and absolutely free, just having access to the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the traffic police website using the link and make the appropriate checks:

Checking vehicle registration history

This service will turn out to be quite useful for those who buy a car with a duplicate PTS, where it is impossible to determine the number of former owners of the vehicle. And for the complacency of the future buyer, this information will be interesting.

So, after you have entered the VIN number, click on the link to request a car check, enter the captcha, and you will be presented with information about the number of persons who owned the vehicle, as well as the periods of their ownership.

For participation in an accident by VIN

You should not particularly rely on the reliability of this check, since data on accidents with the vehicle being checked are taken into account only since 2015, while the fact of an accident must be registered by a traffic police officer and registered in the traffic police AIMS database. Thus, if the car flew into a tree, demolished the bump fence, crashed into another vehicle and disappeared, or agreed with another participant in the incident and disagreed with him amicably, you will not receive information about this.

Here, too, to check the car for participation in an accident, you will need the VIN number of the car, after entering it, press - request information. We enter the captcha. And everything is in front of your eyes. As you can see, in the case under consideration, the facts of the accident were not recorded.


For the future car owner, this information is quite important and relevant, because if the vehicle is on the wanted list, it is not possible to register it with the State Traffic Inspectorate. As a rule, there may be a car on the wanted list that has escaped from the scene of an accident. So, in order to punch a car for being wanted, you will also need its VIN number, clicking on the "request" link, entering a captcha. After all these manipulations, you will see the following picture - if everything is in order with the vehicle:

Let us repeat that if the vehicle is on the wanted list, it cannot be registered.

Checking for restrictions

As you can see punch a vehicle before buying just a must if you buy it from a dubious seller. After all, you can buy a car, but after that it turns out that you will not be able to register and register it as the property, since a number of restrictions may be imposed on the car. So, after entering the captcha, the inscription "No restrictions found" should flaunt in front of you, but if you see something else, for example, as in the images below, you are out of luck, and very large, if you have already bought a vehicle.

Being pledged

Also, an important factor in collecting information about the vehicle will be the check for the presence of movable property in the pledge. Of course, you can easily register such a vehicle with the traffic police. However, if the previous owner ceases to fulfill the collateral circumstances, the vehicle may be withdrawn as a subject of collateral. In order to protect yourself before concluding a sale and purchase transaction, it will not be superfluous to check the subject of the transaction for finding it in the pledge. To do this, go to the website of the Federal Notary Chamber and look for all the necessary information in the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property. Follow the link https://www.reestr-zalogov.ru/search/index

After that, switch to the "By information about the subject of pledge" tab, enter the VIN number and look at the results of the issue. If nothing was found in the search results, everything is fine, but if you see a picture like the one below, it is better to refuse to buy such a car.

After you have knocked the car through all bases, and they did not reveal any deviations, you can, with almost 100% certainty, buy, register it and register it with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Anyone can get into a situation when it is required to find out who owns a car, knowing only its license plate. For example, when a dishonest driver fled the scene of an accident or simply blocked the passage in the right direction.

Is it possible to determine the car owner by the license plate of the car

Officially, there are no ways to find out the personal information of a citizen, since they are protected by law. Information about car owners is contained in a unified traffic police database and cannot be disclosed to third parties. State traffic inspectorate employees have the right to make a request for the owner of a car only within the limits of their official powers. Dissemination of information at the request of citizens is not carried out.

That is, the desired information is not available:

  • when trying to punch the owner through an online request on the official web portal of the traffic police for any reason;
  • by asking the traffic police inspector on the road when giving him the number, VIN or other information about the car;
  • on any web resource. The user can find out information about the car itself, get its photo, but it will not be possible to find the name of the owner.
  • using any other legal method.

How to find out the owner of a car by state. number, described below.

How to check the traffic police database

There is only one legal option to search for the owner of a car by its number - a check on the traffic police database, which is available only to traffic police officers.

If necessary, specialists can provide the necessary information, but only if there is a compelling reason to do so.

Important: Persons who have access to personal information should not disclose it without the consent of the subject of personal information, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Find the owner of a car by car number for free, as well as other details, referring to the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the legislation, a citizen has the right to receive the personal data of the owner of the car if both of them are participants in an administrative offense case. If a person appears as an accused, he can get access to all the materials of the case.

According to Art. 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a citizen against whom a case of an administrative violation has been initiated has the right to familiarize himself with all the details, provide explanations, evidence, apply, use the help of a lawyer, etc. The victim also has the same rights in accordance with Art. 25.2 Administrative Code.


To make an official request to the database, you will need to write a statement. It should include:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • number of the wanted car (or part of it);
  • other parameters (if any): brand, color, existing damage;
  • the reasons for which the citizen requests the required information are mandatory.

The application must be submitted to the traffic police. After it is considered, and the service specialist considers that the request is well founded, the data will be issued within a few hours. In this case, the police have the right to provide:

  1. Full name of the car owner.
  2. His phone number.
  3. Data on the date of registration of the car in the traffic police.

No other confidential information will be provided.

Reference: But in the case of a request that is related to the departure of the guilty person from responsibility after an accident, the traffic police officers must find the offender. Therefore, the more evidence of guilt the applicant provides, the faster the police will find the required car.

Online ways

Regarding how to punch the owner by the car number online, it is impossible to guarantee the reliability of the data obtained. On official Internet resources, such services are not provided due to the inconsistency with the law.

But there are several unofficial methods that will allow you to get the information you are looking for with a high degree of probability. These include:

  • purchase of a disk with a traffic police database (it is quite possible that it will contain outdated information that will be irrelevant at the current time). This method has its own characteristics. Since the necessary information is not freely available, you first need to find a person who is associated with government agencies. If you perform a search over the Internet, then you can easily come across scammers who will be ready to issue a disk with a database for a decent payment. But in fact it may turn out to be a carrier with completely different information;
  • use the services of one of the web services where you can make such requests. On the Internet, there are many sites through which you can punch the car number and find out the owner's number. But such services are provided on a paid basis, and it is not possible to verify the accuracy of the information received. It may also happen that the user will not receive any response to the entered request, having paid a considerable amount.

What is AVinfo?

This service operates from the website - the Telegram bot and browser extensions. It provides an opportunity to obtain some information on the license plate of a car.

It is impossible to find out the owner's contact information (address, phone number), but the resource will give enough information in the "Registration History" report, where the owner's full name will be displayed, which will greatly simplify the search procedure. For example, through social networks. Photos of the car will also be presented. On them you can inspect the area around, determine the approximate location. But few cars in the AVinfo report are lined with photos, and this complicates the process.

Important to know: The Vehicle Inspection Portal operates on a paid basis. Execution of one request is carried out for 100 rubles. There is also an option to order packages of unlimited access.

Step-by-step instruction

To use the services of the AVinfo web resource, you must follow certain instructions. It is presented below:

  1. Download and install the Telegram mobile application on your smartphone. The program is available for all operating systems.
  2. Then in the search box, enter the text "@AvinfoBot" and add a bot.
  3. Send the Autobot a message "/ reg" and go through the registration procedure - the user must enter an SMS message to confirm the phone number.
  4. Then you should write a message with the license plate of the car, the owner of which needs to be recognized in the form "Х000ХХ000", where the first six characters mean the number of the car with letters, and the last three - the designation of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  5. Based on the results of the request, the system will display the necessary data with photographs (if any), as well as a list of available reports. The user should select the "Full AVinfo report" section.
  6. The user needs to make a payment (using the link "Pay for one report"). To complete this procedure, the system will redirect him to the av100.ru website.
  7. After that, the user will receive a full report with the history of vehicle registrations.

Thus, the main ways of how to find out the owner of a car by the car number are considered. There is only one official option - through the traffic police.

Car owners often have situations when it is necessary to find out the owner of another car by his number plate, or, more simply, how to find the owner of a car by number. This is a laborious process that requires significant material and time expenditures, but with some effort, you can achieve the desired result.

Cases when you need information about the owner of the car

Apart from cases of idle curiosity, there are many circumstances when information about the owner of the car is necessary to protect their own interests:

  • when buying a used car, when the specified information helps to check the legal purity of the purchased vehicle;
  • when another car commits an emergency, when the driver leaves the scene of the accident;
  • when the car harms the health of other persons:
  • in case of damage by the machine to buildings, structures, curbs, and other objects;
  • with the participation of a vehicle in the commission of a crime.

How to find out the owner by his car number

There are several ways to find the owner of a car by number. A stakeholder can take several paths:

  • contact the traffic police;
  • search on special Internet portals;
  • purchase discs with databases of vehicle owners;
  • contact specialized organizations.

Each of these methods has its drawbacks. Let's analyze them in detail.

How to find out the owner of a car by the number in the traffic police

The traffic inspectorate has a database containing complete data on car owners, however, such information is closed, it is not subject to disclosure at the request of each citizen.

To find out the owner from the traffic police database, you need good reason. One of them is an official request explaining the reasons for finding out the identity of the car owner, for example, to prosecute for participation in an accident, to search as a witness to an event. When formulating a request, it is worth describing the circumstances as fully as possible (color, brand, distinctive features, car model).

A request to establish the owner of a car can be submitted not by an interested person personally, but by his representative, for example, a lawyer. The lawyer's request will clearly justify the need to obtain the specified data for the provision of legal assistance.

If another driver has committed any offense against you, it is possible to file a statement with the traffic police about this. The car inspector is obliged to respond to the application by opening the appropriate production - when familiarizing with the documents, the interested person as a participant in this production will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the documents and, accordingly, establish the identity of the perpetrator of the road accident.

Purchase of disks with databases of vehicle owners

Such discs are quite common on black markets - there is an all-Russian, regional version of them. However, the reliability of the data on such disks is also worth questioning - the information on them is often incomplete and outdated.

How to find the owner of a car by car number for money

Many organizations / individuals offer similar services. Their search capability is based on personal contacts with traffic police officers, from whom the necessary information is obtained promptly, without additional formalities.

Such assistance is provided by organizations involved in the purchase / sale of used cars. They, along with intermediary operations, offer services for checking cars, identifying the owner by license plate. Some of these companies can be found on the Internet by specifying in the search bar the query: "all the ways how to find the owner by car number for free and for a fee." Using the electronic service, it is possible to apply for information of interest and familiarize yourself with the report via the Internet - everything is quite convenient.

You can also use the services of a detective - a specialist who will find the owner of the car, carry out the necessary search activities. The cost of services starts from 5 thousand rubles and depends on the complexity, search time.

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