Home Lighting Seal the eggplant sauté for the winter. Sauteed eggplant for the winter: recipes. How to prepare a delicious eggplant sauté for the winter step by step? Step-by-step recipe for eggplant sauté for the winter

Seal the eggplant sauté for the winter. Sauteed eggplant for the winter: recipes. How to prepare a delicious eggplant sauté for the winter step by step? Step-by-step recipe for eggplant sauté for the winter

Sauté is a French dish. It is somewhat reminiscent of stew, but has differences in cooking technology. You can prepare eggplant sauté for the winter using different recipes. The appetizer can be made hot or spicy, everything will depend on the set of seasonings and spices. Here are several options for proven sauté recipes.

When preparing a sauté, the most important point is to pre-fry the vegetables. According to the technology, the components of the dish need to be fried, shaking the pan periodically. This turns the vegetables over and cooks evenly. It is very important to shake the pan frequently to prevent the food from burning.

The main difference from stew is that the ingredients in sauté are fried rather than stewed.

Most often, sauteed eggplants are prepared. In addition, other vegetables are added - carrots,... Garlic and spicy herbs are almost always added. Eggplants for sautéing are cut into fairly thick circles or thick cubes, but the rest of the vegetables are finely chopped. There is no need to peel the eggplants; the presence of the skin allows the pieces to retain their shape.

Preparing sauté for the winter is somewhat different from the technology of preparing a dish for immediate consumption. To preserve vegetables, you need to simmer them together a little. The finished product is packaged in pre-washed and sterilized jars. If the sauté contains vinegar, then additional sterilization is not necessary. If vinegar is not used, then the jars should either be sterilized in boiling water or stored in the refrigerator after sealing.

Interesting facts: the word “sauté” can be translated from French as “leap” or “jump”. Thus, the name of the dish describes the technology of its preparation, when vegetables are mixed and turned over by shaking the dishes. The most suitable utensil for preparing the dish is a saucepan with a thick bottom and one long handle, which is called a stewpan.

Eggplant sauté for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers” (without sterilization)

The classic sauté recipe for the winter is quite simple, but the preparation is finger-licking good. We will prepare the appetizer with vinegar, so we can do without sterilization. From the specified amount of products you will get approximately 5 liters of sauté.

  • 2 kg of eggplants;
  • 2 kg of bell pepper (preferably red, but this is not important);
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml table vinegar (9%).

Wash the eggplants, cut off the green stems, and cut them in half. Sprinkle with salt and let sit until the juice is released. Then we wash the eggplants to remove excess salt, squeeze them lightly and cut them into large cubes.

We put water to boil to clean the tomatoes. We wash the tomatoes and make a shallow cut crosswise on each one. Place the tomatoes in boiling water and keep for 1 minute. Then drain the boiling water and fill the tomatoes with cold water. When the fruits have cooled, peel them completely. After this, cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

  • 1 kg of eggplants;
  • 800 gr. bell pepper;
  • 800 gr. tomatoes;
  • 400 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 100 gr. parsley;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml vinegar (9%).

Wash the eggplants and cut into large cubes. Place in a bowl and fill with cold salted water and leave for half an hour. Then wash the vegetables, lightly squeeze and dry. Fry in vegetable oil in batches.

Cut the tomatoes into four parts, put them in a saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water and simmer over medium heat until soft. Then cool and rub through a sieve. Grate the carrots with a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, and cut the pepper into thin strips.

Fry all the vegetables separately. Place eggplants, fried carrots, peppers and onions in a saucepan, pour in the tomato mixture. Place on the fire, add peppercorns and finely chopped herbs, simmer over low heat for 45 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add chopped garlic and vinegar. Place the hot saute in sterilized jars and cover with tin lids. Cool under a fur coat.

Sauteed eggplant with vegetables and apples

Another option for sautéing eggplant with vegetables and apples.

  • 1 kg of eggplants;
  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 750 carrots;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 5 sour apples;
  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt (to taste);
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of sugar (to taste);
  • 300-400 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar (9%).

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the places where the stalks attach and cut into quarters. Grind the tomatoes and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Then rub through a sieve. Wash the eggplants and cut off the green stems. Cut the eggplants into circles about 1 cm thick. Peel the carrots and grate them. Chop the onion and pepper into thin strips.

Peel the apples, cut out the cores with seeds, and grate them. Pour some oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it. Place the tomato mass in a large saucepan, place the dishes on the stove, and bring to a boil. Place the fried onions in the tomatoes. Then fry the carrots in a frying pan, add the carrots to the tomatoes and onions.

Sauté is a dish that has long been a favorite of many. To prepare it, a special technology is used, which consists of preliminary short-term frying of the vegetables included in the recipe. Thus, they are fried in a saucepan or in a deep frying pan with sharp periodic shaking, as a result of which they are turned over and mixed. To prevent food from burning, the contents of the pan must be shaken frequently. Just shake it, not turn it over with a spatula or fork. It is believed that this way the surface of the vegetables will remain intact and they will retain all the juice. By the way, “saute” translated from French means “jump” (or “jump”), i.e. the vegetables seem to jump or jump in the pan when you shake it. This is the method of preparation saute is different from vegetable stew . Therefore, the names of these basically similar dishes are often confused. In its original understanding, sauté is a type of stew that was prepared from quickly boiled meats, poultry or fish and served with sauce. Today, the concept of “sauté” has changed somewhat, and now this name is understood primarily as a vegetable dish. Unlike stews, vegetables for sauté are fried rather than stewed.
The most popular recipes among housewives are vegetable sauté recipes made from eggplant and zucchini, but there are also sautés made from a wide variety of other vegetables. But we will talk specifically about eggplant honeycomb for the winter. To prepare it, you will need a thick-bottomed saucepan or a cast-iron casserole to prevent the vegetables from burning, as well as a frying pan for frying the vegetables. It’s even better if there is a special utensil that was called a “saucepan” in honor of this dish. This is a kind of saucepan (kozan) in the form of a frying pan with a flat, thick bottom and high sides.
The main ingredients for eggplant sauté for the winter are actually eggplants, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes and onions. Alternatively, carrots can be added. Spices and herbs include garlic and parsley. Some recipes add black pepper (corns or ground), granulated sugar and bay leaf.
For sauteing, eggplants are cut into large pieces or circles; other vegetables are most often finely chopped into strips or half rings.
There is no need to peel eggplants and tomatoes.
To remove bitterness from eggplants, it is advisable to soak them in salted water or simply add salt and leave for 30-40 minutes.
The carrots can be cut into thin strips, so they will look more beautiful in the dish. But if you don’t have the time or special desire, you can simply grate it on a regular coarse grater or on a Korean salad grater - the taste won’t get any worse.
Of course, eggplant sauté for the winter is slightly different in the method of preparation from the classic eggplant sauté for dinner, but in taste, believe me, it is not inferior to it in any way, and therefore the name “saute” is firmly attached to it. Even a novice housewife can easily cope with this very simple preparation for the winter, and the result will greatly please not only you, but also your household and friends who come to visit.
To calculate the weight of a particular product, the Comparative Table of Weights and Measures will help you.

Recipe 1. Classic eggplant sauté for the winter ( without sterilization)

Perhaps everyone loves aromatic winter appetizers made from eggplant, but not all housewives know how to prepare them correctly. For those who have not yet decided on their traditional eggplant sauté recipe for the winter, we offer this classic version.


✵ sweet bell pepper - 4 pcs.;
✵ tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
✵ onions - 4 pcs.;
✵ vegetable oil - 50 g;
✵ vinegar (table 9%) - 50 ml;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt ‒ 1.5 tbsp. spoons.


1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly and remove everything unnecessary: ​​stems, seeds, stalks, etc.
2. Cut the eggplants into medium cubes (slices), place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 40 minutes to drain the bitter juice.
3. Cut the onion into rings (half rings), sweet peppers into strips, tomatoes into slices.
4. After 40 minutes, combine the washed and drained eggplants with tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, place in a container with vegetable oil and put on fire.
5. After the vegetables boil, add salt, sugar and simmer for 40 minutes, periodically stirring gently with a wooden spatula (preferably shaking) to avoid burning.
6. At the very end of cooking, pour in the vinegar and mix (shake) the vegetables thoroughly again.
7. Immediately place the finished sauté into hot sterilized jars, seal with tin lids and wrap in a blanket until it cools completely.
It is recommended to prepare eggplant sauté for the winter strictly according to the recipe (in exactly the same proportions and quantities) - only then will the best taste be achieved.

Happy preparations!

Recipe 2. Sauteed eggplant with carrots in garlic-tomato sauce ( )

A very popular preparation among housewives is winter eggplant sauté according to time-tested recipes. Almost everything can be found on store shelves all year round, but in industrial preparations there are a large number of preservatives and food colorings. Therefore, we suggest you prepare a delicious sauté of eggplants with vegetables for the winter without adding vinegar. The success of canning without vinegar lies in the presence of garlic and tomatoes, which will be sufficient (provided that the jars are properly sterilized).


✵ eggplants - 2 kg;

✵ tomatoes ‒ 700 g;
✵ carrots ‒ 400 g;
✵ onions - 300 g;
✵ garlic ‒ 1 head;
✵ parsley (fresh herbs) - 1 bunch;

✵ pepper (spices) - to taste;
✵ salt - to taste.


1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel, remove seeds and stalks.
2. Cut the eggplants into medium cubes.
3. Cut sweet peppers and onions into small cubes.
4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. If you grate it like you would for a Korean salad, then the look of the sauté will be much more attractive.
5. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan and fry the onion until lightly browned.
6. Then add the bell pepper to the onion and simmer for about 3 minutes.
7. After this, you can add eggplants, salt and pepper to your taste and fry (stew) the vegetables over low heat until half cooked. If the vegetable mass is dry and burns strongly, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water.
8. After 10 minutes of frying (stewing), place the carrots in the frying pan, cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables in their own juice over low heat for 3 minutes.
9. In the meantime, you need to prepare a tomato-garlic sauce, which will add piquancy, aroma and juiciness to the sauté, and most importantly, it will allow you to close the eggplant sauté without vinegar and other preservatives. To do this, place the tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder, add garlic, parsley, salt and pepper (spices) to your taste. When you get a homogeneous puree-like mass, the sauce is ready.
10. Place the tomato-garlic sauce in a frying pan with the vegetables and simmer until fully cooked under the lid for about 8-10 minutes.
11. Immediately place the finished sauté into hot sterilized jars, seal with tin lids and wrap in a blanket until it cools completely, and then send it to the cellar until the winter holidays.

Happy preparations!

Recipe 3. Sauteed eggplant with carrots and garlic ( no vinegar and no sterilization)

Quite quick and simple vegetable preparation without sterilization. This eggplant sauté can be stored all winter, pampering yourself, your household and guests with an aromatic, juicy and very tasty addition to vegetable and meat dishes.

Ingredients for 2.5 liters of finished product:

✵ eggplants - 4 pcs. (medium size);
✵ sweet bell pepper (red) - 4 pcs.;
✵ tomatoes (ripe) - 1 kg;
✵ carrots ‒ 2 pcs. (small size);
✵ onions - 2 pcs.;
✵ garlic - 4-5 cloves;
✵ parsley (fresh herbs) - 1 bunch (small);
✵ vegetable oil - 100 ml;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 2 tbsp. spoons (without a slide);
✵ black pepper (peas) - 20 pcs.;
✵ salt ‒ 1 tbsp. spoon (with a slide).


1. Wash the eggplants well, remove the stems, cut into slices about 2 cm thick.
2. To remove bitterness, soak eggplants for 30 minutes in salted water, pressing them down with a plate or lid so that the circles are completely submerged.
3. Then squeeze out the eggplants and lightly fry the slices on both sides in vegetable oil until browned.
4. Peel the onion, rinse with cold water and cut into rings.
5. Wash the sweet peppers, remove the stems, seeds and chop coarsely.
6. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into thin slices or grate on a coarse grater.
7. Peel and chop the garlic cloves.
8. Grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater to obtain tomato juice with pulp. You can also use a blender or juicer.
9. Bring tomato juice to a boil, add vegetable oil, salt, sugar and black peppercorns. The tomato sauce should taste quite rich, since eggplants and other vegetables will release quite a lot of juice during heat treatment.
10. In a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, first simmer the onion and then add the carrots. When the onions and carrots become soft, turn off the heat temporarily.
11. Place sweet peppers and fried eggplant slices quite tightly on top of the onions and carrots, pour hot tomato sauce over everything and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
12. 5-10 minutes before readiness, add chopped parsley and garlic to the sauté. You don’t need to add vinegar, the acidity of the tomatoes is enough, and the sauté will last well all winter.
13. Place the boiling saute one by one into hot sterile jars and seal with sterile tin lids. Turn off the heat only when the pan is empty.
14. Turn the rolled jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Happy preparations!

Recipe 4. Sauteed eggplant with prunes, carrots and garlic ( without sterilization)

Sauteed eggplant prepared according to this recipe has a spicy sweet and sour taste. Lovers of unusual snacks will love it. A delicious, aromatic sauté can be served as a cold appetizer, or as a side dish for meat and vegetable dishes.


✵ eggplants - 2 kg;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 2 kg (8-10 pcs.);
✵ tomatoes - 1 kg (10 pcs.);
✵ prunes (fresh) - 0.5 kg (10-12 pcs.);
✵ carrots - 0.5 kg (4 pcs.);
✵ onions - 0.5 kg (4 pcs.);
✵ garlic ‒ 1 head;
✵ vegetable oil - 100 ml (for frying);
✵ vinegar (table 9%) - 50 ml (2 tbsp. spoons);
✵ granulated sugar - to taste;
✵ spices - to taste;
✵ salt - to taste.


1. Cut the eggplants into medium pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30-40 minutes.
2. Finely chop the onion.
3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
4. Cut the sweet pepper into half rings or strips.
5. Cut the tomatoes into small slices or cubes.
6. Cut the prunes into slices (about 8 pieces each).
7. Pass the garlic through a press.

8. After the specified time, squeeze out the eggplant pieces and fry in vegetable oil.
9. Add onion to the fried eggplants and fry for 5 minutes, then add carrots, bell peppers and fry for the same amount.
10. Add prunes to the fried vegetables and simmer for another couple of minutes.
11. Then put the tomatoes, salt and add sugar and spices to taste.
12. Cover and simmer, stirring (shaking) occasionally, until the tomatoes are soft and pureed.

13. Finally, add garlic and vinegar, stir and simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes.
14. Immediately place the finished snack into hot sterilized jars and seal hermetically with sterilized tin lids.
15. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket. After complete cooling, remove the workpieces for winter storage.

Happy preparations!

Recipe 5. Sauteed eggplant with carrots and garlic ( without sterilization)


✵ eggplants - 500 g;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 500 g;
✵ tomatoes - 1 kg;
✵ carrots ‒ 800 g;
✵ onions - 300 g;
✵ garlic ‒ 1 head;
✵ fresh greens (any) - 1 bunch;

✵ vinegar (apple 6%) - 50 ml (2 tbsp. spoons);
✵ black pepper (ground) - to taste;
✵ salt - to taste.


1. Cut all vegetables (eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions) into small cubes.
2. Place the onion in a heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and lightly fry until transparent (without browning).
3. Add tomatoes and carrots to the onions, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes until the carrots are slightly soft.
4. Then put the eggplants and bell peppers into the frying pan, pour in the rest of the vegetable oil, stir and simmer under the lid for another 15-20 minutes.
5. Turn off the heat, add salt and leave to cool.
6. After 2 hours, turn on the heat again, add salt if necessary, simmer for 30 minutes and add vinegar, chopped scalded herbs, finely chopped garlic and ground black pepper. Stir, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 8-10 minutes.
7. Immediately place the finished sauté into hot sterilized jars to the very top, seal with sterile lids and wrap in a blanket until it cools completely.

You can add squash, zucchini, and also add more different greens to the recipe for this sauté.

Happy preparations!

Recipe 6. Sauté eggplant with garlic for the winter ( without sterilization)

Very tasty and aromatic vegetable preparation for the winter. You can only be glad if there are not enough prepared jars or the last jar is not filled completely. Then there is an opportunity with a clear conscience to “gobble up” this deliciousness without waiting for winter!


✵ eggplants - 2 kg;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 1.5 kg;
✵ tomatoes - 2 kg;
✵ onions - 1 kg;
✵ garlic - 2 heads (large);
✵ vegetable oil ‒ ½ cup;
✵ vinegar (table 9%) - 5 tbsp. spoon;
✵ granulated sugar ‒ 100 g (4 tablespoons);
✵ salt - 120 g (4 tablespoons).


1. Wash all vegetables and cut into large cubes or cubes.
Note. Some recipes recommend peeling (peel) vegetables. It is not clear why this is done, but we suggest it is better not to do this. First, the skins of the vegetables help the pieces maintain their integrity, resulting in a brighter sauté. Secondly, vegetable peels are the very fiber that some of us pay money for, specifically adding it to our diet. Thirdly, the skins of vegetables in a sauté according to this recipe become soft and do not seem superfluous at all.

2. Place the chopped vegetables in a large cauldron or deep frying pan, pour vegetable oil on top and mix gently so that all components are covered with an oil film.

3. Cover with a lid and place over medium heat. After 15 minutes, the vegetables will shrink and decrease in volume by about 1/3.
4. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, stir lightly and bring to a boil.
5. After 5 minutes, the boiling sauté can be placed in pre-sterilized hot jars and hermetically sealed with sterile lids. This should be done as quickly as possible, before the boiling vegetable juice has time to evaporate.
Sauteed eggplant preparations can be perfectly stored at room temperature all winter.
Preparing fish for the winter
Preparing vegetables and mushrooms for the winter
Preparing fruits and berries for the winter
All about healthy eating

In winter, we all suffer from a lack of vitamins, so it is very important to make as many preparations as possible during the ripening season of vegetables and fruits. One of the most delicious preparations is eggplant sauté. In this article we will present you with several interesting recipes with photos on how to prepare eggplant sauté for the winter. Each of them is worthy of the attention of housewives.

Sauté is a dish made from vegetables, so it is often confused with stew. But you must understand the difference - the sauté is prepared differently. Kitchen utensils with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating are used, all vegetables are chopped equally and fried by tossing, and the word “toss” or “jump” translated from French sounds like sauté. This is where the name of this dish comes from.

First, we will introduce you to the classic recipe for eggplant sauté for the winter:

  1. You will need 9 eggplants (this is an approximate amount, you can use fewer vegetables), immediately cut them into cubes (although the cutting method is not important) and salt them. Let them stand in salted water for 40 minutes.
  2. While the blue ones are cooking, you will need to dice 3 bell peppers.
  3. You will also have time to grate 3 carrots into strips and cut 12 medium-sized tomatoes into rings.
  4. Squeeze the blue ones out of the water and put the frying pan on the fire (it will need to be immediately greased with vegetable oil).
  5. Chop 3 onions into half rings and place them in a frying pan.
  6. After the onion turns a beautiful golden color, add the carrots to it, after another 3 minutes. - tomatoes with peppers. Simmer the vegetables for 40 minutes. (don't forget to immediately add salt and pepper to the sauté to your liking).
  7. After the specified time, add eggplant to the vegetables. They will need to simmer for 5-7 minutes. During this time, squeeze out the garlic pulp from 1 head of garlic and finely chop the hot pepper.
  8. Place the finished saute in sterilized jars, and add garlic and a little hot pepper to each of them.

“Homemade” sauté of eggplants and zucchini for the winter

This recipe is very similar to the classic eggplant saute. However, it has a peculiarity - the eggplants are fried separately and only at the very end are combined with other vegetables (all the same ingredients are used, in the same quantities as in the previous recipe - the technology for preparing “homemade” sauté is slightly different).

We present to you a short but step-by-step recipe for eggplant sauté for the winter:

  1. First, the eggplants are prepared. They also need to be cut into cubes, salted, squeezed out after 40 minutes, and then fried in a frying pan.
  2. Onions, carrots, tomatoes and peppers are fried separately. In this recipe, we recommend adding a little sugar to the vegetable pan to help caramelize them. The vegetables will acquire a pleasant sweetish taste.
  3. After combining the eggplants with vegetables (this should happen approximately 30 minutes after the vegetables have been thoroughly stewed), add spices to the saute to taste and place it in jars, which are recommended to be sterilized in advance. You can even cool this snack option and serve it for lunch. It’s very tasty to spread this sauté on bread. It makes a filling and healthy snack.

Canned eggplant sauté for the winter with vinegar

Housewives often preserve sautéed eggplants with vinegar. The dish takes on a very unusual taste. For variety, we recommend that you preserve at least one jar according to the recipe below.

We tell you how to seal an eggplant saute for the winter with vinegar:

  1. Take 15 blue ones, make deep longitudinal cuts on each vegetable and place them in salted water. This will relieve the eggplants of their inherent bitterness.
  2. While the eggplants are soaking, chop 15 tomatoes and 15 onions. It is advisable to make the same cuts.
  3. After the eggplants are ready, cut them in exactly the same way as the onions and tomatoes, mix everything into one mixture and fry in vegetable oil (frying duration should be 40 minutes).
  4. During this time, you need to chop a bunch of parsley and a pod of hot pepper to add them to the sauté after 40 minutes.
  5. Together with herbs and hot peppers, we recommend immediately adding 1 tbsp. sugar and salt. After 15 min. after the vegetables have simmered with spices, add 1.5 tbsp. vinegar. Mix everything and put the sauté into jars.

Spicy sauté of eggplant and pepper for the winter

Fans of savory snacks will appreciate the following recipe for eggplant sauté. It should use a lot of spicy ingredients and bell peppers. If you often cook stuffed dishes in winter, then this preparation will help you out a lot.

We present you with detailed instructions on how to close an eggplant sauté for the winter without sterilization so that it is spicy:

  1. Take 2 kg of eggplants. Process them in a familiar way so that they do not become bitter in the preparation.
  2. 2 hours after the eggplants have been thoroughly soaked in salted water, squeeze them out and fry them in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil.
  3. Mince 1.5 kg of bell pepper, 2 heads of garlic, 4 hot peppers.
  4. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting slurry. salt and 6 tbsp. vinegar. This will be a sauce that you just need to dip the eggplants in and press them into the jars.

Sauté of vegetables with eggplants for the winter in Abkhazian style

You can prepare a very tasty eggplant sauté for the winter if you use the Abkhaz recipe. It has a peculiarity - after cooking, the sauté must stand in the refrigerator for almost a day, only after that it can be cooled and moved into jars and rolled up for the winter.

What you need to make this amazing winter appetizer:

  1. Take 4 eggplants. Immediately cut them so that they look like cubes. Soak them in salted water.
  2. In exactly the same way as the blue ones, 4 green peppers should be cut (here it is fundamentally important that the peppers be green), 4 tomatoes and 4 onions.
  3. All vegetables should be immersed in one container with a thick bottom. Their extinguishing time is 40 minutes. Only you will immediately need to pour the marinade over them. To prepare the marinade you need 12 tbsp. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. salt with sugar, as well as 10 tbsp. vinegar.
  4. Once the sauté is ready, place it in the refrigerator. In a day (at most, after 12 hours) you will be able to transfer the workpiece into jars and preserve it.

How to prepare eggplant sauté for the winter with prunes?

Prunes are one of those foods that are not for everybody. It has a rather sugary taste, which does not always combine well with other ingredients. But if you add prunes in a honeycomb, they will only complement it.

If you want to surprise your household with a delicious eggplant sauté this year, use this recipe:

  1. Take 2 kg of eggplants, chop them into cubes, soak in salted water for literally 15 minutes, then fry the blue ones in a frying pan.
  2. After this, sliced ​​4 onions, 10 bell peppers, 4 carrots are added to the eggplants (by the way, you don’t have to chop the carrots, but grate them).
  3. In 20 minutes. After all these vegetables have been stewed, add prunes chopped into strips (12 pcs.) and 10 medium-sized tomatoes. Don't forget to add salt and pepper to the sauté at this stage.
  4. In 3 min. until the dish is fully cooked, add chopped garlic (1 head) and 2 tbsp. vinegar.
  5. Mix the mixture, place it in jars and roll them up.

Eggplant sauté in a slow cooker for the winter with zucchini

In this recipe, in addition to eggplants, you also need to use zucchini - mature, large ones, which in early autumn are more used as food for the household. But there are a few additional ingredients that we recommend that you definitely use.

We present a step-by-step recipe for this winter preparation:

  1. First, take 3 eggplants, cut them into slices and fry in vegetable oil (after frying, place the blue ones on a napkin to drain the oil).
  2. Do the same with 2 zucchini and 2 carrots.
  3. Chop the following list of products into strips or cubes:
  • 3 onions
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 apple
  • 5 plums
  • a bunch of parsley, dill and cilantro
  1. Place all ingredients in a multicooker container and turn on the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes. In 2 min. until fully cooked, add 2 tbsp. vinegar.
  2. Stir the mixture several times and then place it in jars.

A unique feature of all eggplant sauté recipes is that you can use them not only for making winter preparations. They make an excellent side dish for meat or a sauce for potatoes or pasta. You can feed your household tasty and satisfying at any time of the year if you have jars of this amazing eggplant preparation in your cellar.

Video: “Sauté eggplant for the winter”

Sauté is a complete vegetable dish, tasty and healthy. If you prepare several jars of eggplant sauté for the winter, unexpected guests will not be taken by surprise: you just need to heat up the prepared vegetable mixture. In order for this tasty dish to be stored well and look like a fresh sauté, you need not only to follow the recipe, but also to know some of the subtleties of its preparation.

How to cook eggplant sauté for the winter

In order to prepare a real sauté, you need to know a few secrets.

  • Sauté differs from vegetable stew in that all the vegetables in it are fried and are not damaged when they are removed from the pan. This is achieved by a special feature of the technology: when frying, the vegetables are not lifted with a spatula, but turned over by shaking the pan. The word “sauté” is translated from French as “jump,” that is, the vegetables “jump” and thanks to this they are evenly fried. However, if you lack experience, you can simply fry them in a saucepan, trying to turn them over as carefully as possible.
  • To prepare eggplant sauté for the winter, you will have to stew the vegetables. To prevent them from burning, this should be done in a cauldron or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, remembering to stir constantly.
  • Before cooking, eggplants must be salted and left for half an hour, then rinsed with running water and dried. This will remove solanine from them, a harmful substance that gives the “blue” ones a bitter taste.
  • The dish will be stored for a long time only if it is placed in sterilized jars and sealed well with sterilized lids.

According to the classic recipe, in addition to eggplants, the sauté includes tomatoes and sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. However, there are recipes with garlic, carrots and other products. In honeycombs intended to be stored all winter, vinegar is often added. The method of preparing canned sauté may also differ from the traditional one.

Classic recipe for eggplant sauté without sterilization

  • eggplants – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • table vinegar – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the vegetables. Without peeling the eggplants, cut them in half lengthwise and salt them well (this amount of salt is not included in the recipe), leave for half an hour.
  • Cut the tomatoes crosswise, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin, and cut into large cubes.
  • Cut the peeled onion into half rings. Chop the bell peppers in the same way.
  • Wash the eggplants, dry them, cut into cubes. Fry the cubes in oil.
  • Place all the vegetables in a cauldron. Pour in the oil in which the eggplants were fried and vinegar. Add sugar and salt. You can add spices to taste.
  • Simmer vegetables over low heat for 30 minutes.
  • Place in sterilized jars and seal them.
  • Place the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket.
  • After the jars have cooled completely, turn them back upside down and place them on the shelf where they will be stored during the winter.

Sauté prepared according to the classic recipe has a rather mild and harmonious taste and is stored well at room temperature, despite the lack of sterilization.

Sauteed eggplant with carrots

  • eggplants – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.8 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.8 kg;
  • carrots – 0.4 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • black peppercorns – 20 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplants, cut into cubes and add salted water (a tablespoon of salt per liter of water). After half an hour, rinse.
  • Pat the eggplants dry and fry in hot oil until they are lightly browned.
  • Cut the pepper into large pieces, after washing it and removing the seeds.
  • Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, removing the stems, simmer for 20 minutes, cool and rub through a sieve.
  • Finely grate the washed and peeled carrots.
  • Crush the garlic with a knife (the flat side of it) and chop finely.
  • Mix tomato puree, grated carrots and garlic, heat this mixture over low heat until boiling, mixing it with spices and salt.
  • Fry the onion, cut into thin half rings, in oil. Add tomato mass, finely chopped parsley, peppercorns. Pour in vinegar. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
  • Place in jars that must first be sterilized.
  • Roll up the jars with metal lids, turn them over, and cover them with a blanket so that they cool slowly.
  • When the jars have cooled to room temperature, put them away for the winter.

Sauteed eggplant in a slow cooker

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • carrots – 0.6 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 50 g;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • sugar – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash all vegetables and cut into cubes. Soak the eggplants for half an hour in salted water, then rinse and dry.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add the onion and saute it in the “Baking” mode for 5 minutes.
  • Place hot and sweet peppers and carrots on the bottom.
  • Place the second layer of eggplants.
  • Place tomato slices on top.
  • Sprinkle the vegetables with sugar and salt, pour in the vinegar.
  • Close the multicooker bowl with a lid. Turn on the “Extinguishing” program for 90 minutes.
  • Place the finished sauté into sterilized jars, turn them over and cover them until they cool completely.

A simple method of preparing sauté in a slow cooker will appeal to the busy housewife, because her presence in the kitchen is not required when stewing vegetables.

Sauteed eggplant with apples

  • eggplants – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes (unripe) – 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 1 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • bitter capsicum – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 50 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplants into cubes, immerse them in salted water for 30 minutes, remove and rinse well with running water. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Vegetables should dry out.
  • Wash and cut into cubes all other vegetables, as well as apples, cutting out the core.
  • Divide the onion into four approximately equal parts.
  • Place the tomatoes at the bottom of a thick-bottomed pan and sprinkle one part of the onion on them.
  • Place apple slices on top and sprinkle with onions too.
  • The next layer is made of eggplants. Place another piece of onion on top of it.
  • Place pepper on top and sprinkle with remaining onion.
  • Pour oil over everything, add vinegar.
  • Place the pan with vegetables and apples on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for one and a half hours.
  • Add salt to the sauté, mix everything and simmer for another quarter of an hour.
  • Place the prepared sauté into jars prepared in advance, that is, washed and sterilized. Close the jars hermetically with metal lids, or screw ones.
  • Turn the jars over onto their lids, cover and leave for a day. After a day, put it in the pantry or basement.

Sauteed eggplant with prunes

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • prunes - 0.2 kg (can be replaced with fresh plums, they will require 0.5 kg);
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • table vinegar – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) – how much will be needed;
  • salt, sugar, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplants lengthwise into 4 parts, cut each quarter in half crosswise. Sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, shake off the salt, wash the pieces of vegetables in cool water, and dry with a napkin.
  • Fry the eggplant slices in oil.
  • Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  • After washing and removing seeds, cut each pepper lengthwise into 4 parts and cut each one crosswise into strips.
  • Finely chop prunes or fresh plums (about 8 pieces each).
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Add onion to the fried eggplants, fry for 5 minutes, then add carrots and fry for the same amount.
  • Add prunes to the fried vegetables and fry for a couple more minutes.
  • Cut the washed tomatoes into cubes and add to the vegetables.
  • Salt, add sugar and spices to taste.
  • Cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables until the tomatoes are soft and puree.
  • Add garlic and vinegar, stir, simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Place the finished snack in sterilized jars and seal with hermetically sealed lids.
  • Turn the jars over and cover with something warm. Once completely cooled, store for winter.

Sauteed eggplant prepared according to this recipe has a spicy sweet and sour taste. Lovers of unusual snacks will love it.

As you can see from the recipes above, preparing sautéed eggplants is not difficult. Meanwhile, this is a tasty and satisfying appetizer that only needs to be heated before serving. However, it is not necessary to heat it up - cold sauté is also delicious.


1.Recipe for sauteed zucchini with pepper for the winter

You will need: 3 kg of zucchini, 1 tomato and sweet pepper, 200 g of sugar and vegetable oil, 150 g of onion, 100 ml of vinegar 9%, 80 g of salt.

How to make sautéed zucchini for the winter. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, and grind in a meat grinder. Remove seeds from sweet peppers and cut the flesh into strips. Peel the zucchini, cut into 2cm cubes, peel and cut the onion into small cubes. In a frying pan with butter until browned, fry the onion, add the pepper and zucchini, fry, add the tomato mass, stir, bring to a boil, sweeten with sugar, add salt, pour in the remaining oil, simmer under the lid for half an hour over low heat. Once the stewing is complete, pour in the oil, mix well, simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes and then place in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap in a blanket, and leave until cool.

If desired, you can add garlic and your favorite spices to this sauté.

An equally tasty and appetizing sauté is made from eggplant and carrots.

2. Recipe for sautéed eggplant with carrots and pepper

You will need: 3 liters of ground tomatoes without seeds, 2 kg of eggplants, 1 kg of carrots and sweet peppers, 10 onions, 5 heads of garlic, 150 g of vinegar 9%, 1 glass of vegetable oil and sugar, 2 tbsp. salt, black pepper.

How to prepare eggplant sauté for the winter. Cut the eggplants, onions and carrots into circles, peppers into strips or as desired, chop the garlic or pass through a press, put everything in a bowl for cooking, pepper, boil for 35-40 minutes, determining the readiness of the carrots - they should become soft. Place the finished sauté into sterile jars, seal with lids and wrap until cool.

You don’t have to chop the tomatoes, but simply cut them into pieces and add them to the rest of the vegetables in this form. The carrots can be stewed slightly separately in advance, then the whole mixture is stewed for no more than half an hour.

Sauteed eggplant with the same ingredients can be prepared a little differently.

3.Recipe for vegetable sauté with eggplants for the winter

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 800 g of carrots, 500 g of sweet peppers and eggplants, 300 g of onions, 2 heads of garlic, ½ cup of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 6%, a bunch of any greens, salt to taste.

How to make sautéed vegetables. Cut all vegetables into small cubes, including tomatoes. Place the onion in a frying pan with a small amount of oil, fry lightly without browning until translucent, add tomatoes and carrots, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes until the carrots are slightly soft, add eggplants, peppers, pour in the remaining oil, stir and simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes, Turn off the heat on the stove, add salt to everything, and leave to cool. Turn on the heat again after 2 hours, if you need more salt, simmer for half an hour and pour in vinegar, add chopped scalded herbs, finely chopped garlic, ground pepper. While hot, place the finished sauté into sterilized jars and roll it up, wrap it in a blanket for a day.

You can also add squash, zucchini to the recipe for this sauté, and also add more different greens.

It is eggplant sauté that is most often made for the winter, so there are several recipes for it.

4. Recipe for sautéed eggplant with hot and sweet peppers

You will need: 10 kg of eggplant, 7 kg of sweet pepper, 1 liter of sunflower oil, 500 ml of vinegar 4%, 320 g of garlic, 120 g of red hot pepper and salt.

How to make a savory eggplant sauté. Cut the eggplants into circles, add salt and cover with water for 2 hours. Grind sweet and bitter peppers, removing seeds, in a meat grinder and mix with vinegar. Dry the eggplants and fry in oil until tender, then dip into the hot sauce using a fork and place tightly in jars, adding oil from the frying pan if desired. Roll up the jars and the sauté will be ready for use in at least 2 weeks.

You can make a sauté with the addition of apples - it will turn out very tasty!

5.Recipe for vegetable sauté for the winter with apples

You will need: 1 kg of onions, sweet peppers, peeled eggplants, green apples and green tomatoes, 500 ml of vegetable oil, 1 hot pepper.

How to make sauteed vegetables with apples. Wash and cut into cubes all the vegetables, place in a cooking container in this order: tomatoes, apples, eggplants, peppers. Sprinkle each layer with chopped onions, pour oil on top and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours. At the end of cooking, add salt to the saute to taste, stir, boil for 10 minutes and roll into sterile jars.

And finally, another recipe for eggplant sauté.

6.Recipe for a simple sauté with eggplants for the winter

You will need: 50g each of vinegar 6% and sunflower oil, 3 eggplants, sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, ground pepper, dill and parsley.

How to make a simple winter saute of vegetables and eggplants. Coarsely chop all the vegetables, place in a cooking container, starting with the tomatoes, bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes after boiling, add salt, add oil, pepper, add vinegar and chopped herbs, simmer for another 10 minutes. Next, place the finished sauté into sterilized jars and seal.

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