Home Salon “Why do you see a star in a dream? If you see a Star in a dream, what does it mean? The magic of numbers Why do you dream about stars according to Miller’s dream book

“Why do you see a star in a dream? If you see a Star in a dream, what does it mean? The magic of numbers Why do you dream about stars according to Miller’s dream book

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Why do you dream about a Star in a dream according to 55 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Star” symbol from 55 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

"Guiding star"- help from a person, a life-saving landmark, a female assistant.

Imperial dream book

Stars have a huge impact on a person’s life: depending on one’s birth under one or another zodiac sign, the corresponding organs of one’s body are stronger or weaker, which determines the duration of life, which a person can prolong or shorten with a reasonable or unreasonable attitude towards his weak points. But this is beyond seeing stars in a dream.

In a dream, see bright/fading stars- yang information of Heaven for yin of Earth.

See the fading stars- horoscope, is the starting point from which since ancient times people counted their lives. The combination of stars changes every second and is not repeated exactly, so everyone has their own individual horoscope, completed by the combination of stars at the moment of death.

See fading stars- a sign of the end of someone’s horoscope, a high probability of death of a relative or friend. All family members are connected by elements of the family horoscope (each carries elements of the horoscope of all family members - blood connection).

Fading stars - the disappearance of one element of the general horoscope. Death and misfortune (as well as happiness and any events) of friends (not blood relatives) can also be foreseen by people spiritually close to them. In these cases, when you see the dying stars in a dream, a clear thought about a certain person arises.

A cloud covering the stars in a dream- to failure, the influence of someone’s opposing will, but not necessarily to death.

Bright shining stars to contemplate- to personal luck, family well-being and long life.

Icelandic dream book

Seeing stars is a joy.

Italian dream book

The image of stars can carry- the meaning of symbolic liberation from earthly problems, restrictions and conflicts.

Lunar dream book

Star - a lot of happiness, true love.

Fading - death of relatives.

Order star- honor.

Clear stars are joy.

Unclear stars - sadness.

Maly Velesov dream book

Clear stars - joy, success, happiness.

Dim stars - sadness, failure, danger.

Shooting stars - a good person will fall or die.

tailed star- quarrel, war, famine, pestilence.

Burning stars - the death of a friend.

Muslim dream book

See a shooting star- to the absence or disappearance of hypocrites.

A bright star has the same meaning as a month, and if anyone sees a cluster of bright stars in one place- then the affairs of the great people of that region will be in good condition.

New dream book 1918

The stars are bright - a lot of happiness, true love;

Dim stars are a danger.

Evening stars are vain love.

Order stars- stupidity.

One, two stars - good news.

A shooting star means the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Fading Star- death of a loved one.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Find your way at night by the stars- in life you will find the right solution to the problem.

Watching the stars in a dream using a telescope- portends extremely exciting trips, which, however, will entail some financial difficulties; to see the rotation of stars around the Earth in this way means to touch in reality one of the secrets of the universe, without ever realizing this fact.

Find out in a dream using a horoscope what the stars promise you in the near future, in reality- means troubles and disappointments exactly where you expected to find success.

Christmas star in a dream- portends reciprocity in love.

Seeing a theater or movie star in a dream, being a star yourself- warning: it's time to become a serious person; your frivolity can cause you a lot of trouble, which will not be so easy to deal with.

If you dreamed about the evening star- this means an event will happen soon that will upset your mental balance and make your heart beat faster.

If the dreamed star shone brightly- this means that all your plans will easily come true.

If, in addition to the evening one, you dreamed of other stars- such a dream suggests that everything you have planned will not only soon come true, but will also bring great benefits.

If the star was hidden by clouds- leave your dreams, they are not destined to come true, at least not now.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A star in the sky - the need to choose the right direction in life (also an opportunity). Reflection of the opportunity to become a “guiding star” yourself.

Star of Anubis (five-pointed)- the need to bring into harmony the five elements (water, earth, fire, air and ether). Reflection of spiritual work on the material plane. The need to take care or take care of something (someone). Reflection of powerful intelligence.

The dreamed five-pointed star, even inverted, has nothing to do with Satan. Until the Middle Ages, before the appropriation of this sign by Satanists, the five-pointed star was widely known as a sign that protected from all evil.

Star of David (six-pointed)- a reflection of harmony between the masculine and feminine principles (also the need for it). Reflection of harmony between matter and spirit (also the need for it).

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Star dream about it in a dream?

Dreamed of a five-pointed star- to happiness and good luck.

six pointed star- to trials and experiences.

Seven pointed star- to fulfill desires.

See one or more stars in the sky in a dream- to the news.

If in a dream you see many stars in the sky- it means you have chosen the right path. Despite the hiccups and obstacles, you will be able to solve all the assigned tasks.

Very bright stars in the sky- to luck and success in any endeavors, dim ones are a sign of grief and failure.

Seeing a shooting star in a dream- to fleeting and quickly passing joy.

Holding stars in your hands in a dream- to great wealth and profit.

A shooting star is a sign of sadness and sadness caused by separation from a loved one.

If a star falls on you- you will experience the loss of your loved one.

Mysteriously flashing stars that immediately go out- promise strange events that may bring love and committed relationships into your life.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Shooting star - you will meet a famous person.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A shooting star is a flying and quickly passing joy.

Shower of shooting stars- a deep trace of the phenomena of the external world on your internal way of life.

See a shooting star- a fantasy game that turned into real success.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If a star burns in the dark- it symbolizes the light and spirit living within you.

You are your own star, you are your own shine- your star is rising.

Dream book for the whole family

Stars - an event is about to happen in your life in which, even at first glance, you can see the “finger of fate.”

If the stars are of a cold bluish hue- that event will, without a doubt, be pleasant. Any other colors of celestial bodies may mean less joyful forecasts. Much also depends on the pulsation of stars.

If the stars shine with an even, unblinking light- it's for the best.

If the stars flash and go out- events will be unpredictable; and it is almost impossible to guess from which side fate is preparing a blow.

Polar Star - in the near future you will be able to show off your knowledge and abilities to your superiors. Although this does not mean that huge opportunities for advancement up the career ladder will immediately open up before you. After all, for this there should at least be vacancies. But you shouldn’t despair, at least, as soon as a higher position becomes vacant, the bosses will have you in mind.

Dream book for a bitch

The stars are good news.

Look at the clear, sparkling stars- good health, well-being.

Gloomy stars - misfortunes, sorrows.

See a shooting star- sadness and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A star above the horizon, burning brighter than others- a sign of your high goal. It seems that your determination and dedication to your dreams will one day take you to milestones that others cannot even imagine.

Many equally bright stars overhead- a reflection of your daydreaming. Think, perhaps, to succeed you lack the ability to focus on the main thing?

Dim or purple stars- a harbinger of misfortune and broken hopes. Perhaps the dream encourages you not to let events take their course and move from fruitless fantasies to real action.

A falling or flaring star is a sign of some sudden event- good or bad, depending on the atmosphere of sleep.

Seeing in a dream how the stars rotate or move in the sky- a sign of approaching global events that can dramatically change your whole life, and perhaps the life of the entire country.

Fly freely and easily in your sleep among the stars- a rare piece of luck that foreshadows the fulfillment of your wildest dreams. Perhaps this will not happen immediately, but it will certainly happen.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Clear, shining stars- promise an improvement in life situation, health, increased energy in the body and positive emotions; falling - to happy circumstances; dim ones are a sign of danger and possible illness.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

If you dream of a bright, bright star- this is fortunate.

If it's dull, it means trouble.

If a shooting star- luck, luck.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Stars - joy, benefit; dim ones - sadness; falling - loss of a friend or loved one.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about a Star in a dream?

The stars are clear and shining- happiness in love.

See a lot of stars- great happiness.

Constellation - happiness in the game.

Shooting stars are unexpected happiness.

Dim stars are in danger.

Evening stars - longing for your beloved.

Sharing gifts during the Christmas star- walk around happiness.

Receive gifts during the Christmas star- you are loved.

Walking from house to house during the Christmas star- they value you.

Go home yourself during the Christmas star- hide your powerlessness.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you look at clear sparkling stars- this promises you good health and prosperity.

If the stars in your dream are dim and purple- this is a sign of future troubles and misfortunes.

If you dream of a flashing or shooting star- this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness.

If you dream of mysteriously flashing and dying stars- this means that in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes.

If you dream that a star fell right on you- this means that your family will suffer a heavy loss.

If in a dream you see stars rotating around the Earth- this is a sign of global catastrophes and difficult times.

Chinese dream book

A star enters your chest- a noble son will be born.

A star falls - there will be illness, work problems.

Stars in rows in the sky- the owner will give gifts to servants and subordinates.

You drive through Heaven, touching the stars- you will take the position of minister or
high-ranking leader.

The stars are shining from Heaven- a prince, minister or high-ranking official will arrive.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A star is a symbol of higher will, higher knowledge.

Watching a falling star in a dream- a prophecy of a happy life, the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires, the fulfillment of which you did not even hope for.

If you dreamed of many shooting stars- then in the future there will be a strong hail on the earth, which will completely destroy agricultural crops. For a whole year, humanity on earth will starve.

Seeing scarlet stars in a dream- a sign that in the future a great man will come to power in Russia, who will raise this state from the ruins and make it the most powerful power in the whole world. Scarlet stars in this dream- symbolize the Kremlin stars.

If you dreamed that you were flying to a star- then in the future you will become a member of a space expedition to another planet. Perhaps such a dream prophesies the discovery of life on another planet.

Watching stars in a dream in broad daylight- a clear indication that in the future worthy people will come to power who will ensure that peace is established between all states once and for all. All peoples will live in complete harmony. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts meeting authoritative people.

Seeing many little stars in a dream- means that in the future you will receive some news from the USA. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that the events that will occur in the USA will shock the whole world. Many little stars in this dream- These are the stars located on the American flag, symbolizing the fifty states of America.

If you dreamed that all the stars in the sky disappeared- then this is a harbinger of a serious cosmic catastrophe that may occur in the distant future. The reason for this will be the collapsed planet Phaeton, the debris of which pose a real threat to many planets.

Watching a star reflected in water in a dream- to a great discovery. A hitherto unknown planet will be found, inhabited by living beings similar to humans. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a great discovery in the field of knowledge in which he is engaged.

Seeing a bright star in a dream- a sign that a star similar to the sun will be found. It is she who will illuminate our earth in the distant future.

Feel the cold emanating from a star in a dream- an omen of eternal winter. Most likely, there will come a time when the earth will be covered with ice for several millennia.

Seeing the sky with a single, but very bright star- means that in ten years your destiny will stand out among others and acquire significance comparable to the discovery of a new planet.

See a strong starfall- this is a symbol of the fact that the planned project can only be implemented after many years.

Where did you see a star or stars in your dream? How do you react to them? Your attitude towards stars in a dream- will determine your attitude towards ambitions in real life; if in a dream the star belongs to your friend- the dream will determine your attitude towards this person’s ambitions.

Stars are also associated with destiny. What do the stars portend for you? Perhaps the dream is telling you that you should escape your daily routine, because you can reach the stars! Nowadays, thanks to many different reality shows, getting your five minutes of fame has become easier. Are you ready to become a star?

Folklore dream book

See a falling star- to the imminent death of a loved one, or to the fulfillment of a wish.

Gypsy dream book

Bright stars in the sky- symbolize healing from all diseases. A shooting star foretells the birth of a child.

Esoteric dream book

A star in the sky - to the soaring of the soul, spiritual ascent. Good dream.

A shooting star means sadness and light tears.

Star as a geometric figure- a symbol of the energy attraction of egregors (national and state-territorial associations). You are caught up in their stereotypes and fell into their slavery: the five-pointed Soviet one; six-pointed Hebrew; seven-pointed American, Indian; eight-pointed Arabic, Egyptian; four-pointed Japanese; multi-ended Chinese, Philippine; Happy Muslim month; in vignettes, spirals of new religions and sects such as “Muna”, “Baha’i”.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Star according to the dream book?

Dream Interpretation explains the star- like a sign from above; all your thoughts now are about future affairs, you want to renounce everyday life.

More interpretations

Bethlehem - foretells that your dreams will come true, Christmas - you will meet your soul mate, polar - there will be an opportunity to show your best qualities and this will be appreciated by your leadership.

See them in the evening sky- you will feel great sympathy, but nothing more will happen.

If the stars twinkle- something inexplicable will happen, some innovations will appear.

The stars are faded in a dream- problems are possible, including with health, bright - you will be lucky.

If it falls, something bad will happen to someone you like or is close to you.

See her fade away- one of the relatives will pass away.

A dream in which you are trying to find your way through the Milky Way- portends a successful resolution of all the issues that concern you.

Look at the stars through a telescope- an interesting and educational journey awaits you, which will take you a lot of money.

A shooting star means that mysticism may appear in your life; you will have to guess what the next day will bring to you.

Stars in the sky are a favorable sign; a dream prophesies a great fortune, wonderful news, a tempting vacation trip.

Starfish in a dream- a sign of reincarnation after death. This dream reminds you that no matter what, you are surrounded by a world full of wonderful and amazing things.

Video: Why do you dream about a Star?

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Did you dream about a Star, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Star in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    In a dream I saw that I was sitting on a fence in the village (in reality, I went there as a child) and looking into the night sky. Suddenly they fly at me
    two stars and unite into one. At this moment I feel fright and surprise. the star fell next to me, turning into coals. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that I, together with all my relatives, were celebrating some kind of holiday in nature near the river. It was night, although as bright as day, there was only one seven-pointed light blue star in the sky. All the people at the festival were having fun, drinking, eating, dancing, and then suddenly a star falls, reflected in the river, leaving behind a trail as blue as itself. I saw her faster than anyone and started screaming at the top of my lungs: “look, everyone, the star is falling!!!” I felt so good in my soul and quickly, in order to have time, I made a wish that I had been dreaming about in real life and not in a dream for the past 1 year. I hope I explained my dream clearly. Help with interpretation.

    Hello! I had a dream about how to explain this!!! It’s as if a star fell into the room and I take it in my hands and feel its heart beating and the star is so warm and feels like a jellyfish, but not slippery. And then her heart stopped and she became cold!!! And hard as a rock!

    I dreamed of the sky and there were many stars in the sky. And there was also a cluster of moving stars. then I saw a meteorite in the form and shape of a diamond and around this meteorite there was a shell and on the sides of this shell there was a fiery flame... the meteorite fell and you could hear it fall...

    I lay on the bed and talked with two girls whom I had met once, but after a while I no longer communicated. A thundercloud was approaching outside and I decided to pick up two large towels drying on the street so that they would not get wet, when I picked them up, the sky began to move and became night, a huge unrealistic bright four-pointed star appeared on it and began to pulsate. A voiceover appeared that said that there was a change of times, which happens once in millions of years, and the spirit of Santa Claus would move into me)) I felt dizzy and completely exhausted, clinging to the walls, I went back into the house.

    I saw a star fall, everything was so beautiful and I received a sign from above - make a wish - I made a wish that everything would be fine with me and then I saw another star, I wished for again and I think to myself I should have wished for my ex-beloved to make him and I happy and I see it’s still flying and out loud in front of everyone I make a wish with my soul and my friends are looking for and waiting for the same stars, well, they don’t have any. In my dream I was the happiest

    I looked into the starry sky, there were a lot of stars, they were shining so brightly, and I began to look at them, connecting them into shapes, it was very mysterious and interesting, and then I saw a fish, followed by another bigger one and another and another, there were a lot of them, they seemed to be swimming after each other, the biggest fish was at the end, and it was as if another fish was swimming towards them, and they also seemed to smile at each other

    I dreamed that I saw a bright fiery shawl falling from the dark sky and, by inertia, I saw that it was falling very far from me. I reached out with all my might for this radiant light and was able to reach it. I look and I have this piece of radiant light in my hands.

    I dreamed that my idol came to our city. I approached him and asked for an autograph on some unfamiliar notebook. He leafed through it and still didn’t leave me an autograph. Then we ended up in the store, I was buying food. Nearby there was a box with something baked and he showed it to me. Like because he doesn’t know Russian, he’s from Italy. I say, “Well, tell me!” After that, I sat in my room and wrote something, then decided to go out into the corridor. And there, in a circle, all his friends (well, also singers and actors) stand and sing a song. I joined them and took one step forward and fell, but his friend caught me. We finished the song and I turned to the left and there he (Idol) was standing, he was leaning against the closet with his head down. I say: Ruggiero, (that’s his name) what’s wrong with you? And at the same time I take his hands and they turned out to be so hot. I say: You probably have a fever and touched his forehead. He was hot too. His girlfriend (Martina) came up to us. And she gave him a thermometer. Ruggiero: I promise that I will go to the hospital tomorrow. And I wanted to tell him, “If you are sick, then I am sick too.” But I didn’t know how to say it, so I wrote these words in my notebook. And she went to the computer to translate these words into his language......

    in a dream I saw many stars in the sky the sky was dark blue there were many small but bright stars I saw stars falling and made a wish they fell 2-3 times then I woke up thinking in a dream that I was walking alone at night looking at the sky

    In a dream, my friend and I were talking on the street about the fact that I was pregnant and suddenly I would see the sky first, drawings of a beautiful girl plowed on me and suddenly a star was flying, and then I saw the mushshina, I was looking at the back and in some way all the stars were remembered in some places, and I was looking, I was looking at the beauty

    Huge, bright, warm stars with long rays of light are chaotically scattered across the blue sky, and when I turned my head on the other side, the same stars are lined up in an arc, and the arc is emphasized by a rainbow.

    Against the background of a dark summer sky, the fall of a bright yellow star during the fall of a star, I try to make a wish. Tonight for the first time in my life I saw a slowly falling star, big and bright

    I looked at the sky and there, in a continuous stream, very bright stars floated close to each other and each star was surrounded by a luminous circle; the stars were arranged in even rows and filled the entire sky

    I dreamed of a beautiful starry sky, a lot of stars, I admired this beauty while sitting on a bench and saw among them a ring of stars and inside this ring a couple more stars lined up in a row

    I dreamed that many very bright yellow-orange stars appeared in the sky, which shimmered and sparkled very beautifully. A breathtaking sight, and then a picture of a guitar was formed from these stars, I was still surprised how this was possible, as if they were alive. The picture disappeared, then the next one appeared: gradually the picture of an Olympic bear began to emerge in the sky and became very clear and disappeared again. The next picture was a bird and then it came to life, fluttered and disappeared, but I don’t remember the fourth. I woke up impressed.

    At night, raising my head to the sky, I saw multi-colored flashes, stars quickly moving across the sky from place to place, individually and in whole groups, the colors were like the northern lights, and panic began in the circle

    It was night outside. My husband and I were discussing something, looking at the sky I saw a falling star, it was not big, but a bright yellowish-blue hue, the dream was very vivid, like in reality, and I made a wish, since the star had been falling for a long time, I thought that the wish should will definitely come true! What is this for?

    I dreamed that I was looking into the reflection of water and asking questions. Will I have a boy, will I become rich, and the stars line up after each question in this reflection. And the water was dark blue, clean, poured into a wooden bucket, I was very happy

    Hello Tatiana. I saw it in a dream. , I’m going somewhere with strangers. Something began to sparkle in the sky. We stopped. We got out of the car and looked at the sky. The stars were in one place. So beautiful, colorful, like fireworks. In this circle of stars I saw the signs of the zodiac. , but I only remembered one Pisces

    from the beginning in the clear night sky I see the constellation Centaurus, but it was not made of stars, but as if it had been drawn with a white marker in the sky, then I turned back and saw the whole sky dotted with stars (so beautiful) and one crimson star fell. I was upset. that I didn’t have time to make a wish, but it was as if someone in my head said that I did, but I don’t remember what I was thinking about at that moment.

    We sat with classmates in nature. It was night, everything was as in life. And then the starfall began. In my life I had never seen falling stars, but here it was simply amazing, I was very happy) There were about 7 falling stars and I made a wish for each one. They were bright white, some were large)

    Hello, today I dreamed that I was looking at the night sky, and there were many, many bright stars that were rotating and moving at a very fast pace. Then I saw how I was holding a large snake in my hands without a head, then I saw how I was bitten by an insect, and what- then a man (I couldn’t see his face) rushed to me in a panic and said that I needed urgent help, that the insect was a poisonous creature, after which he began to cut my skull with a surgical instrument, but I didn’t feel any pain at all, after which I danced with my head tied. What would this all mean?

    I dreamed that I possessed fire magic, I could shoot fireballs in order to protect myself from monsters that could attack us, and I could also heat up food. me and several other girls were sitting at the table, and they controlled the other elements (water, earth, air), I heated our food with the help of my magic, but then we heard a strange noise outside the door, I went to see what was there, already tense, I created a fireball, I open the door, but there are just other guys there, walking like a train and dancing. then events changed and I found myself in another room with my mother and my past favorite DJ. he said something with a German accent and I told him in Russian: “Anton, you’re just like a real German!” ran up to him, started hugging and kissing him, first on the cheek, then on the neck, and my mother said something like “well, that’s enough, I want to hug him too,” then we were in the cinema, but he was like a trap of monsters or something - kind of like monsters for people, but I discovered that it was a trap and we managed to escape before it, so to speak, slammed shut, then we went into one room with a two-story bed, where Anton was lying on the second floor and wanted to fall asleep, but we They told him that this was also a trap and that you couldn’t fall asleep here and that you had to get away from there. At first he was stubborn, but then he finally left there. Then I found out that some girl was kidnapped and Anton ran to save her, I was worried about him. During this there was an initiation for newcomers, everything was very beautiful there. there was the main girl who gave us multi-colored ribbons attached to a fishing rod and told us not to let go of them (the ribbons) until he said so, and at the ends of the ribbons, in theory, there were stars. after that we went out into the meadow, where we saw a huge sky, a very large moon and stars, then in one place a light flashed in the sky and a new star appeared, and the guys said that it was Anton who saved that girl and now they are together, I was angry , apparently, it was jealousy, but then, I wished them to be happy and then this star begins to fall, the guys say that Anton began to flirt with another girl, and a red light was spinning around this star, then this light disappeared and she I was just falling, I half managed to make a wish, but then I took a big step forward and the earth moved so much that we still saw the star falling, I managed to completely make that wish, then we all took another step and again we saw this star, but then she returned to her place.

    I dream that I am going somewhere in the evening, I look up at the sky and see that it is very dark and I see a falling star. It was very bright, fell for a long time, leaving a small mark, I managed to make a wish.

    drinking coffee at the wedding table! I saw myself from the outside! Something fell into a cup of coffee and everyone started shouting that it was the Star of David - the beginning of the rainbow! at the same time there was a rainbow from my cup! (THE WEDDING WAS MY) and I got married a week ago!!! what do you think???

    Today in a dream I saw falling stars, in life we ​​call them “falling meteorites,” and during this time, while they were falling, I managed to make and say a wish: my beloved and happiness. my e-mail is olgasjlenok1966

    I have had the same dream for several nights in a row, I just broke up with a young man and this is what I dream about in my dream: I see the night sky, it is beautiful, there are stars on it, and a star is always falling, I look at it and make a wish. and I've been dreaming like this for almost a week now.

    Good afternoon
    Tonight (from Friday to Saturday) I had two dreams that I remember well:
    1). I try not to fall into a deep hole, I grab the surface with my hands (like in the movies), my mother sits next to me (I love my mother very much) and looks at me, but does not help me get out. And then someone helps me (I don’t know who it was, but some young woman), and I easily get out, get to my feet and look into this hole, it’s dark and there’s a lot of earth. I feel relieved that I didn't fall there.
    2). The second dream (on the same night) is also memorable: not far from my house, I look up and see the starry sky; There are many bright stars of natural color in the sky, and then several stars fall, and I follow their trajectory and at that moment I make a wish. I remember this wish...I made love! I was happy in my heart that I managed to make this wish when several stars were falling. I turn my head the other way, look up and...again I see the stars falling. Just some kind of starfall!
    Please help me figure out whether it’s worth paying attention to these two dreams in one night? What can they talk about?

    I was walking and raised my head, I saw a lot of stars in the night sky, the sky was clear, and then I saw that the stars were somehow moving around the earth, then they began to move faster, faster, and in the end I saw how they were moving very quickly around the earth, I I looked at one point and seemed to understand that over time it was as if I was standing at such a point on the earth that the stars I saw were not hiding behind the earth but were making circles around me... that’s all

    I stand on the street at night and look at the sky, and there is a clear night sky and somewhere far in the sky, fireworks appear in space, and I even hear the sound of fireworks! It’s like there’s some kind of holiday in the sky.

    I was on the shore of the Baltic Sea, in the city where I was born. At the same time, I didn’t see the sea, I just knew where I was. At this time, not seeing the volume of the building, I closed the large, high, double old door, hanging a lock on it and turning the key. I raised my head up and saw the night sky, across which all the stars were moving, some of which created various figures, and some were moving in their own directions, known only to them. I decided to walk along the seashore and study the movement of the stars. After a few steps, there was a very bright flash, as if a powerful spotlight had been turned on. Instead of night, it turned out to be a sunny day, and instead of stars, a solid blue sky overhead without the sun. The phrase sounded in my head that we should look for it during the day, not at night. I assumed that we should look for amber , after all, the Baltic Sea. Lowering my head, I began to peer into the coastal edge of the sand, as in childhood. A white mass appeared in front of me, which I did not know. Breaking this white mass, I first found inside it a small red pebble, the size of the nail of my index finger , which was transparent to the light. Then I found a blue transparent stone, a little larger than the first. I again broke the white mass and found a red stone, and in my head the affirmative sound was Amethyst. At the next break, I found a polished white stone, in which, in sunlight In the light, many yellow veins began to appear and most of them became yellow. A nugget sounded in my head. The last thing I saw in a dream was a red stone processed into jewelry as a pendant with the word Amethyst engraved in a circle.

    As everyone knows, tonight, from December 13 to 14, 2014, there was a starfall, I saw a starfall in a dream. What does this dream mean? Is this dream special because on the day of the starfall, stars were falling in my dream, or is it just a coincidence?

    There was a romantic breakfast/dinner with my friend’s husband, he prepared it himself, for two, but for two with another person, there was a flower for each person, a multi-bud flower, I took both.. it confused me, but I thought that I in another country this law does not apply. Then we sat with this friend’s husband in an embrace and looked at a huge number of shooting stars. They actually fell three or four at a time and I managed to make a lot of wishes.

    We were walking with a friend, I looked at the sky, I saw that at first there was a silver dot, then a bright star, I saw it began to fall rapidly, with a bright tail behind me, I made a wish, and I shouted to my friend, make a wish, the star is falling... then we were happy, that they managed to make a wish and I woke up.

    I dreamed of a voice that called me by name and told me to look through my window at the sky. I refused and my son looked and said that his star was shining brightly above the sun. And mine were in the corner under the sun and everything was covered in blood. so many.

    Hello! I saw a lot of bright stars. They were clearly visible, and among them one star shone brightest, but it was red in color and I looked at this star for a long time, wondering why it was red and why it was shining so brightly.

    I wake up (in a dream) in a 2-story house, I go down the stairs, I look at the ceiling and I see a black 6-point star, when I went down I saw a coffin, there was also a 6-point star on it, the star was not painted over, it was drawn with lines inside the stars were a circle

Dream interpretation of stars

Stars are an integral attribute of a clear night sky. Such visions quite rarely visit us in our sleep. But there are times when we dream not of stars in the sky, but of a starfish, the Jewish Star of David, famous people, a flight into space. Is it worth starting to solve such dreams? Why do stars dream?

Heavenly bodies in a dream

Forecasters give a fairly extensive interpretation of dreams in which a sleeping person sees the sky and dreams of stars. This symbol can be found in the dream books of Vanga, Nostradamus, Miller, Hasse.

Heavenly bodies symbolize clarity of mind

At times one interpreter contradicts another. Therefore, the more details you remember, the more accurately you can make a prediction.

Interpretation of stars according to Nostradamus' dream book

According to this dream book, stars symbolize higher intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom.

Seeing a star fall from the sky - your wishes will come true, your dreams will come true. But many falling celestial bodies are predicted by natural anomalies. People will have to make do with a minimum amount of food.

If you dream that you are conquering space, very little time will pass and humanity will discover another celestial body.

If you dream that there is light all around, and you see stars, this means a change of power, and a worthy person will dominate, who will establish peace on Earth.

Stars disappear from the sky; seeing something like this in a dream is a sign of a grandiose catastrophe that threatens all of humanity. True, this will not happen soon.

Observe only one star in the sky that shines brightly - exactly ten years will pass, and your life will change dramatically. Get a chance to stand out from other people.

Falling stars - the dream of a sleeping person will come true, but this will take several years.

Interpretations of other dream books

Other interpreters do not approach this issue so carefully, but if you wish, you can find a lot of useful information.

Miller's Interpreter

Miller has a number of predictions about what stars dream about:

The sky is overcast

  • to see bright stars in the night sky - the dreamer will have excellent health and financial independence;
  • stars hidden behind a haze - a difficult period in life awaits;
  • in a dream, a celestial body caught fire, but then fell - you will receive sad news;
  • the constellation either goes out or lights up - unpredictable things will happen;
  • the star fell straight on the dreamer - the dreamer’s family will experience a bereavement;
  • to see space and the rotation of stars around the globe in a dream - life for humanity will be difficult, catastrophes are coming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing one or a couple of stars in the night sky means you will receive news. If there are many of them, then the interpreter believes that you are going the right way. Even if obstacles arise from time to time, you are able to overcome them and move on.

If you dream that the stars are very bright, success will be on the side of the sleeping person; you can safely take on any business.

Dull - you will be upset and worried.

Shooting stars are a little joy.

After dreams in which you held celestial stars in your hands, you can safely expect financial profit and material well-being.

This source pays special attention to the number of endings in the star you saw:

  • five - dreams of a successful period in life, happiness;
  • six, the so-called Star of David - there will be tests ahead, you will have to worry a lot;
  • seven - after such dreams, the sleeping person is likely to have his most cherished wish come true.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The luminaries flicker in a dream

It often happens that a star is dreamed of before a child is born in a family.

If the stars in the sky are bright, then the dreamer will be successful in his personal life and career. When they are dim, one can expect from such dreams only troubles and illnesses that will haunt the sleeping person.

If you dream that the stars are twinkling, your life will be filled with mysterious events.

Islamic dream book

If you dream that a star has fallen, you will be surrounded only by loyal and honest people, and you will be able to avoid hypocrisy and evil.

To see a whole constellation in a dream means that the affairs of the government, leadership, and people occupying a prominent social position in your country will go well.

Dream book for the whole family

A constellation seen in a dream indicates that an event will occur in life that will change the life of the sleeping person. In this case, it is worth paying attention to what kind of light the stars gave you:

  • Cold, blue light - the event will be pleasant and will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s life.
  • Red, orange, yellow stars - what will happen will not be so pleasant, you should be prepared for anything.
  • Bright stars burn without blinking - a bright streak of life.
  • To dream that they go out and then appear again means you will not be able to predict from which direction the blow will come.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This source views the heavenly bodies exclusively from the positive side. The only exceptions are fading stars, which symbolize danger or longing for a loved one.

In other cases, the dream book gives only good predictions:

Luminaries fall from the sky in a dream

  • bright stars - you will be happy in your personal life, mutual feelings;
  • a lot - great happiness awaits you;
  • constellation - lucky in gambling, fortune is on your side;
  • falling - you will suddenly experience mega-happiness.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga said not about the celestial bodies themselves, but about the starry sky. It was believed that the appearance of such dreams was negative for girls and women. The seer gave the following interpretation: there will be gossip and gossip about you. Something will happen that will greatly puzzle and upset you.

What if you dream about the Star of David

The Star of David, depicted on the Israeli flag, is a symbol of the Jewish people.

The constellation of David is considered a talisman, since this symbol combines the masculine and feminine principles, as well as the spiritual and material.

What is the message of the dreams in which you saw the Star of David? There are quite a lot of interpretations.

Of course, those people who profess Judaism should not try to find an interpretation of such dreams. It is simply a reflection of your faith. Dream books also believe that in the future only joy and good luck will await you, especially if the situation in the dream was positive.

Dreaming about the ancient symbol of David

Why do other people dream about the stars of David? The white six-pointed star is considered a symbol of the Nativity of Christ. Blue is a symbol of the Zionist movement. In any case, the Star of David is associated with religious themes. Of course, much will depend on the sleeping person himself, on his worldview. But interpreters believe that for believers, after such a vision of the Star of David, it would not be amiss to turn to God.

Flying into space in a dream

If you dream about space, then you should consider your dream from the point of view of your mood. If you were in a good mood during the flight, then your dreams will soon begin to come true.

When the dreamer, when going into outer space, was burdened by feelings of fear, loneliness, and doom, then it is worth taking such a vision as a warning of impending danger.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that a dream in which the dreamer conquers space and sees bright stars means his desire for spiritual growth and self-improvement.

But also flying constellation after constellation, flying through space is an indicator of the excessive emotionality of a sleeping person. You like to make mountains out of molehills, boast about your minor victories, attributing to yourself non-existent achievements. You should be more restrained in your impulses.

Other predictions

I dreamed about a starfish

If you dreamed of a certain constellation in the sky, for example, the polar star, a good time for career growth is approaching. You will be able to show management your skills and abilities. With a successful combination of circumstances, you can achieve a high position.

Seeing how another person performs any actions with celestial bodies, for example, wiping them, hanging them in the sky, drawing and admiring what is drawn - this promises the sleeping person unprecedented success. The business you take up will be very successful.

You dream of a constellation, many stars that simultaneously begin to fall from the sky - a situation that will happen without your participation will greatly affect your internal state.

Stars in the daytime sky - meet an influential person.

Stars falling right through the roof of your house - you will change your place of residence for one reason or another. The dream book does not even exclude fire, flood, or earthquake.

Swallowing stars in a dream means a lot of trouble. The most terrible prediction that the dream book gives is death.

A starfish means that your life continues, do not pay attention to failures, a bright streak will definitely begin soon.

A dream in which stars appear can be interpreted ambiguously. Much depends not only on their appearance and the circumstances under which they were seen in a dream, but also on what emotions a person experienced when, for example, he saw a starry sky or a falling star.

Why do you dream about stars according to Miller’s dream book?

If the stars in the dream were of different colors, but at the same time very clear, like on a frosty night, then this indicates that for a long time the person will not experience any financial or housing problems, or anything at all. A real “white” streak awaits him, which sooner or later will change to a “black” one.

Blood-red stars usually dream of misfortunes that will happen to the dreamer's relatives. If, in addition, the heavenly bodies are very dim, then great trouble will come, and from which side fate will strike is unknown. If a star falls from the sky or a person observes its birth (appearance), then not the best period in life awaits him, full of anxiety, sadness and melancholy.

When a star appears in the sky in the most mysterious way and instantly disappears, this foreshadows changes that will be the result of some not very clear events. If a star fell from the sky directly on the dreamer, then this is very bad for him - he will have to survive the death of a close relative or best friend.

If the stars revolved in a circle above the Earth, then such a stellar carousel promises the planet difficult trials. Perhaps these will be major man-made disasters or serious environmental disasters.

Stars in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

A shooting star is not only a favorable sign in reality, but also in a dream. Everyone knows that such a vision promises the fulfillment of a desire, and this will happen very soon. Witnessing “star rain” in a dream is also a good omen. This means that the dreamer will have a favorable period that will last quite a long time.

Everything that the dreamer does not undertake, he will definitely succeed, and even the most painstaking and thankless work will be a joy, because its fruits will be able to please the sleeper and anger his ill-wishers, who will not be able to cause him any harm.

If in the sky it was possible to find and discern a star that is unlike others, this means that soon astronomers will discover a completely new celestial body, which will be very reminiscent of the Sun - both in appearance and in physical parameters.

If a person dreamed that he himself discovered a new star and gave it his name, then this foreshadows a grandiose event in the world of science - scientists will soon be able to discover a new inhabited planet inhabited by intelligent beings.

Anyone who admires the starry sky in a dream at night can expect only good things from fate, because the long-awaited peace will finally reign in the sleeper’s home. If a person, looking at the heavenly bodies, clearly feels a terrible cold emanating from them, then such a dream does not exclude the possibility of a collision of the planet with a comet or large meteorite. Looking at the sky and not seeing anything on it, knowing that there must be stars there, is a sign of serious natural anomalies.

The distant star to which the sleeper is flying portends the development of science to such an extent that a person will be able to visit any planets, at any time and without hindrance. Seeing daytime stars in a dream is also a good sign.

Such a dream indicates that the dreamer has a guardian angel, and perhaps more than one. The Higher Powers are always on the side of those who do no evil and do not indulge their base desires. Therefore, anyone who sees the stars during the day can count on the help of their intercessors, which should not be abused.

What does it mean: I dreamed about the stars? Interpretation according to Freud

If the dreamer dreams of a starry sky, then he will soon have a romantic date, the result of which will be a new romance. The duration of a relationship depends on how a person behaves. If he does not pay attention to annoying little things, but simply accepts his chosen one for who he is, then we can say with confidence that this novel will turn out to be a real “multi-volume book of love” that will be the envy of others.

Shooting stars for men portend failures on the love front. A woman who catches a star in flight runs the risk of becoming pregnant. She is taking a risk, because a child is not yet part of her plans. But when you are lucky enough to see a whole constellation, you can expect numerous intercourse, which, apart from sexual satisfaction, will not bring anything good to the life of the sleeper.

Why do you dream about stars according to Juno’s dream book?

Bright stars seen in a dream foretell a speedy recovery from a protracted illness. If a healthy person saw such a dream, then he is not afraid of either colds or intestinal colic, because illnesses will bypass him. If a woman watches a star fall from the sky in a dream, then she will soon become a mother. For a man, such a vision promises career advancement.

Flying to the stars in a dream is a symbol that a person wants to free himself from all his problems and become truly free. Perhaps he suffers from the fact that his creative potential is not in demand, and all the money he earns does not bring joy. In fact, this is not true. You just need to lower the bar and be content with what you have, so as not to anger God.

If you dreamed that a person (or rather, his clothes) was literally covered with small shining stars, then such a dream could be a harbinger of some pleasant events. This could be an exciting trip or journey, good news or a significant improvement in your financial situation. A similar dream in which dim stars appear does not bode well. A series of failures will not take long to arrive.

If a fallen star lands directly on the dreamer’s house, then this foreshadows some kind of danger coming from outside. When you have a dream that a stranger is sitting and sculpting stars out of dust and dirt, this means that the sleeper will experience great success in all endeavors, and this stranger is none other than his guardian angel.

Why do you dream about stars according to the Chinese dream book?

Seeing a shooting star is bad. The dreamer faces dismissal from work or serious illness. When a star flies from the sky and pierces the sleeping person’s chest, then such a dream foreshadows the birth of a son who will grow up to be a very good, noble man. If the stars are lined up, that is, the sleeper witnessed a parade of planets, albeit in a dream, then he will receive a bonus or a gift from his superiors.

Holding a whole constellation in your hands means you will soon become rich and famous. When you hold a single star in your hands, very bright and sparkling, it means that fate is preparing some kind of gift for the dreamer. If a person sees a meteorite, fireball or comet flying, but the celestial body does not fall to the Earth, but goes around it or abruptly changes its trajectory, then you need to prepare to move to another place of residence.

Riding on something across the starry sky, moving your hands through everything that is in it - the Moon and stars, means you need to prepare for a significant promotion. Who knows, you may have to take the post of minister or become the head of a large corporation. At worst, there is always a chance to become a successful entrepreneur or mediocre businessman.

If the stars from heaven shine very brightly, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, then you need to prepare to welcome guests. When one or two stars hang lonely in the sky, such a vision is a harbinger of good news. But if the star is dim and barely shines, it means that the mother or spouse will soon fall ill. Seeing two dim stars is very bad. This foreshadows the loss of one's condition or vision.

Why do stars dream according to Azar’s dream book?

If the dreamed stars are very bright and shiny, then the dreamer will be very happy in love. When there are many stars in the sky, but one of them shines brighter, and this is noticeable even with the naked eye, this indicates that a person will have to choose something or something, and this choice will be correct. But it is better not to see dim stars even in a dream, because this indicates that the dreamer is in danger.

Anyone who can get a star from the sky will have great luck in all undertakings for a long time. The abundance of stars in the night sky foreshadows simple human happiness. If the sky is simply dotted with diverse celestial bodies and there are so many of them that it seems as if there is no free space left in the heavens, then such a vision foreshadows the imminent receipt of a large inheritance.

When a person observes a real “rain of stars”, and not just one broken star, it means that happiness, joy and success will soon fall upon him like an avalanche. This is not surprising, because if he had such a dream, it means he deserved it. The North Star seen in night dreams symbolizes some kind of landmark or road. Logically, this dream can be interpreted as follows: the path that the sleeper chose is truly correct and faithful.

Why do you dream of stars in the sky?

Those who experience elation see stars in the sky in a dream. The correct interpretation of such a dream largely depends not only on the appearance of the heavenly bodies, but also on their number. It is logical to assume that dim stars do not bode well, while crimson stars are generally considered a harbinger of very bad events.

Bright, shining scatterings of stars are a good sign, and many psychotherapists, esotericists and other specialists in this field share this opinion. Astrologers generally believe that a dream in which stars are present should be interpreted taking into account the zodiac sign under which the dreamer was born. In any case, bright stars in a clear sky are a good dream.

Why do you dream about a shooting star?

A star falling from the sky and flying towards the Earth is the most controversial image associated with such dreams. Such a dream can foreshadow both the fulfillment of a wish and the imminent death of the dreamer. In order to decipher this vision as accurately as possible, you should definitely pay attention to what the star looks like, what situation the sleeper is in when it falls, and what emotions he experienced while contemplating such a phenomenon.

The vast majority of dream books interpret the plot of a shooting star in a positive way. This means you can expect significant profits or be prepared for your cherished desire to come true.

Why else do stars dream - options

  • stars in the night sky - inspiration, desire to create and create;
  • bright stars - there will be no problems with health or finances;
  • many stars - the chosen path is correct;
  • stars with the moon - even minor achievements will contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your cherished dream;
  • looking at the stars in a dream means good luck in all endeavors;
  • stars and constellations - one-time luck in gambling;
  • a star falling on a person - loss and bereavement;
  • twinkling stars - changes that will happen spontaneously;
  • shooting star - a wish will come true;
  • dim stars - a sad event or the beginning of a “black” streak;
  • stars breaking through the clouds - hope for the best;
  • strong starfall - to be the center of attention of people of the opposite sex;
  • starfish - life will get better;
  • pop, film or television star - a serious patron will soon appear;
  • holding a star in your hands - unexpected wealth cannot spoil your character;
  • stars on uniform - the higher the rank, the more you will be able to influence your destiny;
  • order star - stupid decision, short-sightedness;
  • five-pointed star - unexpectedly fallen happiness;
  • six-pointed star - you will have to endure a series of tests;
  • seven-pointed star - the most absurd wishes are destined to come true;
  • stars revolve around the Earth - hard times will come for the planet;
  • unknown constellation - some secret will be revealed;
  • evening star - the feelings are unlikely to be mutual;
  • morning star - good mood;
  • Ursa Major - success in business;
  • Polar Star - travel abroad;
  • to get a star from the sky - to achieve your goal;
  • a star falling through the roof of a house - the house will burn down or be robbed;
  • stars lined up - receive a gift;
  • the star transformed into dust or stone - poverty, illness and other hardships;
  • zodiac constellation - an unexpected turn in life.

    The sky is overcast

    • to see bright stars in the night sky - the dreamer will have excellent health and financial independence;
    • stars hidden behind a haze - a difficult period in life awaits;
    • in a dream, a celestial body caught fire, but then fell - you will receive sad news;
    • the constellation either goes out or lights up - unpredictable things will happen;
    • the star fell straight on the dreamer - the dreamer’s family will experience a bereavement;
    • to see space and the rotation of stars around the globe in a dream - life for humanity will be difficult, catastrophes are coming.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Seeing one or a couple of stars in the night sky means you will receive news. If there are many of them, then the interpreter believes that you are going the right way. Even if obstacles arise from time to time, you are able to overcome them and move on.

    If you dream that the stars are very bright, success will be on the side of the sleeping person; you can safely take on any business.

    Dull - you will be upset and worried.

    Shooting stars are a little joy.

    After dreams in which you held celestial stars in your hands, you can safely expect financial profit and material well-being.

    This source pays special attention to the number of endings in the star you saw:

    • five - dreams of a successful period in life, happiness;
    • six, the so-called Star of David - there will be tests ahead, you will have to worry a lot;
    • seven - after such dreams, the sleeping person is likely to have his most cherished wish come true.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Luminaries fall from the sky in a dream

    • bright stars - you will be happy in your personal life, mutual feelings;
    • a lot - great happiness awaits you;
    • constellation - lucky in gambling, fortune is on your side;
    • falling - you will suddenly experience mega-happiness.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Vanga said not about the celestial bodies themselves, but about the starry sky. It was believed that the appearance of such dreams was negative for girls and women. The seer gave the following interpretation: there will be gossip and gossip about you. Something will happen that will greatly puzzle and upset you.

    What if you dream about the Star of David

    The Star of David, depicted on the Israeli flag, is a symbol of the Jewish people.

    The constellation of David is considered a talisman, since this symbol combines the masculine and feminine principles, as well as the spiritual and material.

    What is the message of the dreams in which you saw the Star of David? There are quite a lot of interpretations.

    Of course, those people who profess Judaism should not try to find an interpretation of such dreams. It is simply a reflection of your faith. Dream books also believe that in the future only joy and good luck will await you, especially if the situation in the dream was positive.

    I dreamed about a starfish

    If you dreamed of a certain constellation in the sky, for example, the polar star, a good time for career growth is approaching. You will be able to show management your skills and abilities. With a successful combination of circumstances, you can achieve a high position.

    Seeing how another person performs any actions with celestial bodies, for example, wiping them, hanging them in the sky, drawing and admiring what is drawn - this promises the sleeping person unprecedented success. The business you take up will be very successful.

    You dream of a constellation, many stars that simultaneously begin to fall from the sky - a situation that will happen without your participation will greatly affect your internal state.

    Stars in the daytime sky - meet an influential person.

    Stars falling right through the roof of your house - you will change your place of residence for one reason or another. The dream book does not even exclude fire, flood, or earthquake.

    Swallowing stars in a dream means a lot of trouble. The most terrible prediction that the dream book gives is death.

    A starfish means that your life continues, do not pay attention to failures, a bright streak will definitely begin soon.

    If you dream of bright pop stars, then the dream book says that you should love yourself and do more about your development. You shouldn’t look at another person and blindly copy him, we are all not perfect.

    Whatever you do in a dream, catch a starfish, conquer space or watch a starfall - these are just night visions that can only tell you the right direction. It's up to you to decide which path to take.

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Stars are a symbol of higher will, higher knowledge. Watching a falling star in a dream is a prophecy of a happy life, the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires, the fulfillment of which you did not even hope. If you dreamed of many falling stars, then in the future there will be a strong hailstorm on Earth that will completely destroy agricultural crops. For a whole year, humanity on Earth will starve. Seeing scarlet stars in a dream is a sign that in the future a great man will come to power in Russia, who will raise this state from ruins and make it the most powerful power in the whole world. The scarlet stars in this dream symbolize the Kremlin stars. If you dreamed that you were flying to a star, then in the future you will become a member of a space expedition to another planet. Perhaps such a dream prophesies the discovery of life on another planet. Watching stars in a dream in broad daylight is a clear indication that in the future worthy people will come to power who will ensure that peace is established between all states once and for all. All peoples will live in complete harmony. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts meeting authoritative people. Seeing many small stars in a dream means that in the future you will receive some news from the USA. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that the events that will occur in the USA will shock the whole world. The many small stars in this dream are the stars located on the American flag, symbolizing the fifty states of America. If you dreamed that all the stars in the sky had disappeared, then this is a harbinger of a serious cosmic catastrophe that could happen in the distant future. The reason for this will be the collapsed planet Phaeton, the debris of which pose a real threat to many planets. Watching the reflection of a star in water in a dream means a great discovery. A hitherto unknown planet will be found, inhabited by living beings similar to humans. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a great discovery in the field of knowledge in which he is engaged. Seeing a bright star in a dream is a sign that a star similar to the Sun will be found. It is she who will illuminate our Earth in the distant future. Feeling the cold emanating from a star in a dream is an omen of eternal winter. Most likely, there will come a time when the Earth will be covered with ice for several millennia. Seeing the sky with a single, but very bright star means that in ten years your destiny will stand out among others and acquire significance comparable to the discovery of a new planet. Seeing a strong starfall is a symbol that the planned project can only be implemented after many years. Being at the site of a falling star is a dream that foreshadows a catastrophe that will take many people by surprise. Discovering a new star - this dream means that in ten lunar cycles something will happen to you that will greatly affect you. Studying a star map and superimposing a travel route on it - this dream is a sign of the development of an environmental crisis and an increase in the pace of migration from particularly dangerous territories.

I dreamed about the stars

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you look at clear sparkling stars, this promises you good health and prosperity. If the stars in your dream are dim and purple, this is a sign of future troubles and misfortunes. If you dream of a flashing or falling star, this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness. If you dream of stars mysteriously flashing and dying, it means that in the near future you should expect mysterious events and changes. If you dream that a star fell right on you, it means that your family will suffer a heavy loss. If in a dream you see stars rotating around the Earth, this is a sign of global catastrophes and difficult times.

Why do stars dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

bright - a lot of happiness, true love; dim ones - danger; evening - vain love; order - stupidity; one - two - good news; falling - see fall; dim one star - illness of a mother or wife, a close woman; loss of money or vision; bowing to the stars (sun, moon) or lighting a candle is great happiness (Chinese); many stars (the sky is strewn) - recognition or reward; freedom from worries; star during the day - patronage; hold in hands - high position.

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