Home Engine Traffic police fines, debt verification, how to fill out Yandex. Traffic police fines: it’s easier to pay online. How to check traffic police fines online

Traffic police fines, debt verification, how to fill out Yandex. Traffic police fines: it’s easier to pay online. How to check traffic police fines online

Information about the availability of fines can be obtained online in several ways. One of them is the Yandex.Money service. What services Yandex provides to drivers, whether it is possible to find out fines by last name, as well as how to find and pay fines step by step, you will learn from the material below.

Checking and paying traffic police fines through Yandex.Money.ru

Using the Yandex.Money service, you can check and pay traffic police fines, as well as receive notifications of new fines by email and mobile phone. The notification service will help you avoid the accrual of penalties for late payments or pay the fine with a 50% discount.

note: According to Part 1.3 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, drivers have the opportunity to pay some traffic police fines with a 50% discount during the first 20 days from the date of the decision on the offense.

“When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 Article 12.15, Part 3.1 of Article 12.16, Articles 12.24, 12.26, Part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine...”

Yandex.Money provides a service for searching fines by:

  • Driver's license;
  • Vehicle registration certificate.

Check traffic police fines on your driver's license on Yandex

To conduct an online search for traffic police fines on the official Yandex website using a driver’s license, you first need to be authorized on the Yandex.Money website:

  • If you already have a Yandex.Money wallet, then select “Login” in the upper right corner of the official website;
  • If you don’t have a wallet, create one by selecting “Open wallet” at the bottom of the screen.

In the “Traffic police fines: check and payment” window, enter the number of your driver’s license or car registration certificate and click on “Check”.

Important: Leave or uncheck the box next to “Receive notifications about fines” depending on whether you want to receive them.

An online check of traffic police fines on Yandex using your license or STS will display the message “No fines found” if there are no fines.

Fines by last name on oplata.yandex.ru

You can find out and pay a fine through Yandex.Money only using your STS number or driver’s license. You cannot get information about traffic police fines by name on any online service.

The presence of fines is information that is quite confidential, and few would argue that access to it should be limited. If it were possible to find out about fines by last name, then everyone who knew your last name could also find out about your fines. That is why you can find out your fines online if you only have data that is not available to a wide range of people.

Find and pay traffic police fines through Yandex.Money

If, based on the results of the check using the described algorithm, no fines were found, it is possible that the fine was issued to you recently and has not yet had time to enter the system. Having the resolution in hand, you can pay the fine according to its details. To do this, click on the line “Pay according to the order data”.

You can also pay the traffic police fine online through Yandex.Money by clicking on the “paper resolution” to the right of the fine search window. This window is located in the “Fines” subsection of the “Goods and Services” section.

In the next window you will have to fill in the following information from the resolution:

  • Number, date, and place where the order was issued;
  • The traffic police department specified in the resolution;
  • Your personal data (full name, address);
  • Payment amount.

Payment can be made using a Yandex.Money wallet, Maestro, Visa, MasterCard, etc.

So, if you have a fine in hand, you can easily pay it, but checking traffic police fines online on Yandex using the resolution number is not yet possible.

All information about illegal acts committed by drivers is sent to a single traffic police database. Such data is open and publicly available. In order to search for and pay sanctions imposed for violating traffic rules, the culprit currently does not even need to leave the house. Checking traffic police fines through Yandex is one of the popular services designed to quickly and remotely inform citizens about traffic violations with the possibility of repaying debts on them.

The Yandex Internet portal allows anyone to check and pay current traffic police fines. For this purpose, resource specialists have developed the following services.

  1. Yandex money. Payment is made from a wallet of the same name or from any bank card of the payer. Confirmation of the payment comes in the form of an electronic document to the driver’s e-mail address.
  2. Yandex.Parking is a mobile phone application that includes a service for checking and paying fines. Currently, the application is available only to residents of the capital. The check is carried out after clicking a special icon (“tuning wheel”), filling in information about the name of the person driving the vehicle, the number of his car license and STS. You can download the application on iPhone or Android.
  3. The Yandex.Fines application informs the driver what debts he needs to pay for traffic violations. The service is suitable for downloading to a tablet or smartphone. For phones on the Android platform, downloading the application is available via a link that is sent as a message to the subscriber’s number. Verification of debts to the traffic police through Yandex.Fines is carried out using the driver's license number or details of the car certificate.

For the convenience of users, the search service Yandex.Navigator also provides assistance in searching and paying fines issued by the traffic police online, similar to the parking application.

Step-by-step verification instructions

You can find out information about outstanding debts for traffic violations right from home. For this purpose, the portal developers have launched an online check by car number through Yandex.Fines. The algorithm of actions for obtaining the service consists of the following stages.

The convenience of the service lies in the fact that fines can also be checked based on a decision to hold a person accountable for a car violation. In this case, the person interested in the search clicks on the blue inscription “paper resolution” located on the right of the screen. The system automatically transfers to a page where the driver enters a 20-digit UIN number in an empty column and clicks the “Find fine” button. All identified and unpaid violations will be displayed on the user's screen in the order of the date they were committed. The portal will also notify the culprit about the time when the obligation to pay occurs. If the specified period is violated, the driver will face the transfer of the decision to the bailiffs for execution.

Yandex carries out online checks of traffic police fines and based on a notification with a photo, which is sent by mail to the driver based on data from the automatic violation recording system.

In order not to miss the deadline for paying the debt, including in order to make a payment with a 50% discount, the driver can choose Yandex to send notifications of traffic police fines via SMS. For those motorists who prefer to work with e-mail, the service of receiving letters about violations by e-mail is available.

How to pay a monetary penalty through Yandex

It will not be difficult for a violator to pay a traffic fine through Yandex.Money. The application is adapted for making payments by pressing the “Pay” button. The money will be debited from your electronic wallet or bank card, the details of which will be indicated by the applicant in the appropriate field. A citizen will not have to enter information about the STS or his driver’s license every time. After making the first payment, the system will remember the person’s identifying information and subsequently offer the driver to use the sections already filled out automatically. Payment of traffic police fines through Yandex is made within 1-2 days and is paid. The remuneration for using the service is 1% of the transfer amount.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-1", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Yandex services for paying traffic fines

We have already written on our website that you can pay traffic fines in a variety of ways.

There are really many ways:

  • ordinary payment through a bank cash desk;
  • via SMS;
  • through online banking payment systems;
  • through electronic payment systems - QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and others.

Yandex.Money is one of the popular payment systems that has recently released convenient applications for smartphones on Android and iOS. Let's figure out what these applications are and how to use them.

Yandex money

Yandex.Money is quite convenient because it allows you to perform several functions at once:

  • check for fines;
  • pay for them.

In addition, you will receive a receipt via email, which you can print out and present to the traffic police as proof.

To check your debt, just go from your computer to the main page of the search engine, find the service icon and enter it. You first need to create a wallet - this is quite simple to do, so we won’t describe it in detail.

On the main page of the service, select the “Goods and Services” section, and at the very top we will see “Traffic Police Fines”. By clicking on this icon, we get to the corresponding page and see two empty fields:

  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

They need to be filled out once and you will automatically be shown all the fines that are on your record. It is also enough to check the box “Receive notifications about fines” and select the method of information delivery - SMS or e-mail. That is, you will find out about the violation before you receive a “letter of happiness.”

The most important thing is that when checking existing debts, the decree receipt number will also appear. This number can be used to pay via terminals, banks, SMS, etc.

In the same way, fines can be searched for and paid through the Yandex.Money application.


In the summer of 2014, a special application appeared - Yandex.Fines. In principle, this application completely repeats the same function as payment through Yandex.Money. The only difference is that it takes up less memory on the device.

The algorithm of work is the same - enter the number of the VU and STS and they will show you whether you have debts; at the same time, the number of the resolution is displayed. Payment is made via a bank card immediately in the appropriate application form: enter the card number and amount, then you need to confirm the payment. The money is credited to the account of the traffic police department that issued the protocol within 2 days.

Please note that in all Yandex services a commission is charged - 1%, but not less than 30 rubles.

It is worth saying that the applications are really convenient, although there are some points that users mention in their reviews.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-3", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-3", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Reviews about Yandex services

  • The application on Google Play has received almost 6 thousand reviews and a solid 4 stars.
  • It appeared on the AppStore quite recently, so it only managed to score 3 stars and a little over 300 reviews.

What do people write?

Positive reviews

There are a lot of positive reviews.

Misha writes:

“I'm very glad I downloaded this app. I promptly find out about fines and pay them immediately. Everything arrives on time, there have been no problems so far.”


“I paid the fine at half past ten in the evening, and by midnight it had disappeared from the GIS GMP database. The receipt immediately appeared in the history, and I immediately printed it out.”

Anton shares his thoughts:

“I give it five stars, but there is one “BUT”: the maximum payment amount is 15 thousand, and I had a fine of 20 thousand. I had to split it into two parts and pay double the commission.”

From which we conclude that Anton is an official and violated one of the parts of Article 12.21. Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses on the transportation of large and dangerous goods. Yandex developers responded that they would take this annoying oversight into account. We cannot say whether they fixed this problem, because:

  • We try not to violate traffic rules;
  • We try to pay fines without commission.

Negative reviews

Many reviews are devoted to the fact that for some reason the fine either disappears from the traffic police database or appears again. The developers explain this fact by saying that there are certain hiccups in the work of the treasury and it sometimes malfunctions, but the fines are eventually paid.

The most important thing is not to delete receipts from your mail. There is also no need to delay payment - let us remind you that you have 70 days to complete it, but keep in mind that the money is credited within 2 days.

The most negative reviews are on the iTunes AppStore. Users are annoyed by the fact that there is no way to save their data and they constantly have to enter their VU and STS number. Some drivers write that the money has disappeared in an unknown direction, although upon closer analysis it turns out that they made mistakes when indicating the receipt number or their bank card.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-2", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-2", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Reading time: 3 minutes

The Yandex.Money payment system is deservedly popular among the population. Among the services that Yandex recently offered its clients is the payment of traffic police fines. This is a very beneficial tool for drivers, allowing them to repay debts on time, without wasting additional time in long lines at banks and post offices.

Yandex services for payment

So, the convenient service from YaD makes it possible to perform two important functions at once:

  1. Check whether there is a need to pay a fine.
  2. Pay existing debts.

The features of the check can be found in detail in the article “”. To repay debt, the electronic payment system offers several ways:

  • through the Yandex.Fines application - for owners of gadgets with the Android operating system;
  • through the Yandex.Navigator application - for owners of iOS devices;
  • through the official Yandex.Money page - from a personal computer.

Using the Yandex.Money service, you can receive notifications about debts via SMS and email without logging into the payment system itself. This is a very convenient service when there is no constant access to the Internet. In order to start using it, you need to activate the SMS notification service.

Payment instructions

Despite the fact that the debt repayment function has been available for more than two years, not all car owners know how to pay a traffic fine through Yandex.Money. The payment system allows you to pay debts for violations of any kind issued by police officers (, etc.). Having familiarized yourself with the mechanism of operation of the system once, you don’t have to worry that the debt will remain outstanding.

Payment of traffic police fines through Yandex Money online consists of the following sequential actions:

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Select the “Fines” item in the “Goods and Services” section.
  3. Enter data to check existing debts.
  4. If the obligations are not automatically adjusted, you must select the “Pay according to the data from the resolution” menu item.
  5. In the form that opens, you must fill in all the data, including the following information:
    • region where the order was issued:
    • traffic police department;
    • number and date of the resolution;
    • personal data of the car owner (full name, address);
    • amount of payment.
    • Click the “Pay” button.
    • You can make payments both from an electronic wallet account and from a linked card. At the same time, the terms of use indicate the maximum amounts for transfer in one transaction:

      The history of payment of traffic police fines through Yandex is saved in the system. It can be viewed in the “My Operations” section. In addition, confirmation of payment in the form of a receipt is additionally sent to your email, which can be printed if necessary.

      Payments are made in the same way through mobile applications, which can be downloaded from markets for mobile devices. Other available payment methods can be found in the article “”.

      Paying traffic police fines through Yandex.Money is an easy way to pay off your debt at any time and almost anywhere, without waiting for “chain letters” to your home address from bailiffs.

      Payment of traffic police fines through Yandex: Video

On the service you will find

  • official fines according to the traffic police (website gibdd.ru)
  • MADI and Moscow parking (website avtokod.mos.ru)
  • Kazan parking lot

Information is provided from the state payment system GIS GMP. If you find a fine on our service, it means it has not been paid according to the GIS GMP data.

To check traffic police fines from cameras, you need to enter the vehicle registration certificate (VRC) number in the form at the top of the page. The search results will include:

  • unpaid traffic police fines in all regions of Russia
  • for violating the rules of stopping and parking in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Kazan

Traffic police fines on a driver’s license are usually issued by a traffic police inspector in the personal presence of the driver and remain in the driver’s hands. Such resolutions can be paid according to the resolution number (UIN).

According to the law, information about new fines is sent to the state payment system GIS GMP immediately (Part 4 of Article 21.3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ). In practice, fines are entered into the database within 1-3 days from the date of the decision.

  1. If you are sure there is a penalty
  2. More than two weeks have passed since the date of the decision
  3. No one paid the fine
  4. However, it is not displayed online.

This means that the resolution was not included in the GIS GMP (state payment system) database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police or MADI, or the State Public Institution "AMPP" (depending on who imposed the fine).

The service allows you to pay fines online using any popular method.

You can pay fines with a bank card when searching for fines by car registration certificate number. On the page with the search results, you need to indicate the payer’s name and phone number to fill out the receipt, and click the “Pay” button.

It is possible to pay fines through Sberbank Online, as well as through Yandex.Money, QIWI and other means of electronic payment when searching for a fine by resolution number (UIN). For this:

  • search for a fine by UIN
  • indicate the payer's contact information
  • click "Pay"
  • select payment method: Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, QIWI or another
  • follow the instructions to complete the payment.

Please provide your email address when paying. The receipt will be sent by email automatically.

Repayment of a fine (display of payment) in the state payment system GIS GMP usually occurs within 1-3 business days. After another 1-2 days, the fine should be paid off in the traffic police database. If 5 days have passed and the fine remains unpaid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

The traffic police checks the status of payment of fines in the state payment system GIS GMP. After this, it updates its database and the official website gibdd.ru. This happens within 1-5 business days after payment of the fine. If this period has expired and the fine has not been paid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

Attention! Our service does not automatically debit money from bank cards. We do not store bank card data and do not make automatic payments for fines.

Fines can be paid in any way:

  • via street terminal
  • Sberbank Online
  • through the cash desk of any bank

When you pay through the traffic police service online, you are guaranteed to pay off your debt. We track paid fines in the state payment system GIS GMP and seek repayment of each decision.

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