Home Transmission How to register the conversion (change of design) of a car in the traffic police. How to register changes in the design of a car with the traffic police? Registration of changes to the vehicle design

How to register the conversion (change of design) of a car in the traffic police. How to register changes in the design of a car with the traffic police? Registration of changes to the vehicle design

The capabilities of modern cars, as a rule, meet the needs of consumers, but situations may arise that require the installation of additional equipment or replacement of existing units.

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Any change in the design of the vehicle must be recorded by.

How to legalize the conversion of motor vehicles and how much you will have to pay for changes to the title, read on.

When needed

Changes are made when excluding or installing on a vehicle any equipment that is not provided by the manufacturer of this vehicle model.

The most popular car design changes are:

  • installation of gas equipment for the use of gas fuel;
  • replacement of body, chassis, engine;
  • changing wheels to increase or decrease the diameter of the disks;
  • installation of towbars (coupling devices);
  • installation of a fuel tank with a large capacity;
  • car tuning (installation of additional bumper, spoilers, body kits, etc.);
  • winch installation;
  • change in vehicle dimensions or weight parameter;
  • replacing the steering, brake or fuel systems, and so on.

To make changes to the vehicle passport, you must undergo an examination that will confirm the safety of using the vehicle with the changes made, prepare a package of documents and pay the state fee.

The procedure that accompanies making changes can be divided into several main stages:

  • carrying out a preliminary examination and permission to re-equip a car of a certain brand and with certain technical characteristics;
  • direct installation of new equipment that was permitted at the previous stage;
  • obtaining documents confirming the compliance of installed equipment with the requirements for safe use of a car and making changes to the title.

When passing through each stage, you are required to have a certain package of documents and contact exclusively the relevant organizations.

When not required

In 2020, the current legislation provides for a number of situations in the event of which changes to the vehicle passport are not required.

These include:

  • installation of any additional equipment that has been examined for compliance with a specific model of motor transport, provided that the technical documentation for the installed equipment directly indicates this model of car;
  • installation of equipment provided by the manufacturer of this vehicle model;
  • modifications to the design of the vehicle by the manufacturer, subject to a preliminary assessment of the devices’ compliance with the rules of safe use.

In the situations considered, the car can be re-equipped independently or at dealerships and there is no need to contact the traffic police to make appropriate changes to the title.

What to prepare from documents

If the need to make changes to the PTS is provided for by law, then the following documents will need to be prepared:

  1. To conduct a preliminary examination, the result of which is a conclusion on the possibility of installing the equipment specified by the car owner, you will need:
    • documents for the car (title, registration certificate, service book, if available);
    • owner's passport;
    • a written application for an examination;
    • certificates for installed equipment (issued upon purchase of units).

    Examination is possible only in a specialized organization that has the appropriate accreditation. You can find out about such companies in the regions of the Russian Federation online on the EEC website.

  2. To obtain permission to re-equip a car from the State Traffic Inspectorate you will need:
    • car owner's passport;
    • vehicle registration certificate;
    • preliminary expert opinion;
    • written application (the document form is Appendix 1 to Letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 13/5 - 8230, containing recommendations for legalizing the conversion of road transport).
  3. Installation in accordance with the permit is carried out exclusively in specialized auto centers on the basis of the provided documentation and certificates confirming the safety of the units. After installation, the center issues an application - a declaration (Appendix 2 to the Letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), which indicates:
    • characteristics of the car on which the conversion was carried out. Key characteristics include: make, model, unique VIN number, license plate number, chassis and body numbers, model and engine number;
    • name and address of the company that performed the installation of new equipment;
    • details of the expert opinion in accordance with which the re-equipment was carried out;
    • a detailed list of changes made to the design of the vehicle;
    • characteristics of the car after conversion (body type, layout, number of doors, power, color, passenger capacity, overall dimensions, weight, power, and so on).
  4. After changing the design data of the car, you need to obtain a diagnostic card. To undergo a vehicle inspection, the following is provided to a specialized organization:
    • passport of the owner of movable property;
    • PTS and registration certificate;
    • the result of the preliminary examination;
    • permission for refurbishment;
    • certificates of compliance of installed units with safety requirements;
    • declaration.
  5. the diagnostic card, together with the package of documents specified for its receipt, as well as the car are sent for a re-examination (to the same organization) and to obtain a safety protocol for the modified car design.
  6. The final stage is registration of the conversion at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, that is, making changes to the PTS. To pass this stage, the registration unit of the traffic police is provided with:
    • civil passport of the car owner;
    • PTS and registration certificate received previously;
    • conclusions of preliminary and final examinations carried out in one organization;
    • permission for conversion, issued by the traffic police at the initial stage of registration;
    • declaration from the company that performed the installation of additional units;
    • certificates of conformity for all additionally installed or replaced equipment;
    • receipts confirming the purchase of units;
    • a receipt for payment of the fee for registration actions performed at the traffic police department.

      What is the cost of making changes to the title when re-equipping a vehicle?

      The cost of making changes to the PTS varies depending on the region of residence of the car owner and the selected organizations for conducting the examination and installing equipment on the car.

      When re-equipping a vehicle you will have to pay:

      • approximately 2,500 – 3,000 rubles for each examination (there are two);
      • to the auto center for installation of equipment according to the price list (the cost depends on the complexity and volume of work performed);
      • for undergoing a technical inspection, if the need for payment is established by law. In 2020, the state duty for technical inspection will be charged in the amount of 400 rubles from owners of tractors, road construction and self-propelled equipment, as well as trailers for the specified categories of transport;
      • for obtaining a certificate of conformity of the modified vehicle design. State duty in the amount 800 rubles installed ;
      • for making changes to the PTS, the state fee will be 350 rubles ();
      • for obtaining a new registration certificate. Since the law does not provide for the possibility of making changes to the registration certificate, the document must be replaced. The cost of a new STS is 500 rubles ().

      What problems may arise during registration?

      Application for vehicle conversion may be denied if:

      • the examinations were carried out in laboratories that do not have accreditation;
      • the changes that the car owner wants to make do not comply with the requirements of the Customs Union regulations on the rules for the safe use of motor vehicles;
      • when installing new equipment, the vehicle identification number (VIN) was completely or partially destroyed;
      • as a result of the conversion, the weight of the car increased to limits that do not correspond to the approval of this type of design;
      • the vehicle is equipped with equipment intended for loading (unloading) a vehicle, for which a conformity assessment has not been carried out;
      • during the re-examination, a discrepancy between the re-equipment and the issued permit was revealed or the new design for some reason does not comply with safety rules;
      • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
    • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

    Project dossier

    Explanatory note

    In accordance with Section 4 of Chapter V of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    1. Approve the attached:

    List of unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

    2. Before December 1, 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation shall approve the administrative regulations for the provision of public services for issuing a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements.

    Government resolution
    Russian Federation

    The procedure for monitoring when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

    I. General provisions

    1. This Procedure establishes the requirements for the implementation of control when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles put into circulation and registered in the prescribed manner (hereinafter referred to as vehicles).

    2. Control is carried out by divisions of internal affairs bodies, which are entrusted with responsibilities for federal state supervision in the field of road safety, when issuing a permit to make changes to the design of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the permit) and issuing a certificate of conformity of the vehicle with the changes made to its design changes to safety requirements (hereinafter referred to as the certificate).

    3. Registration of a permit and issuance of a certificate are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” at the place of application of vehicle owners permanently residing in the Russian Federation or representatives of legal entities regardless of the place of issue of registration documents for the vehicle.

    In the event of an appeal from the owner of a vehicle temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, control is carried out by divisions of internal affairs bodies located within the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which these persons temporarily reside or are temporarily staying.

    4. The permit is issued on the basis of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter - the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination), containing a conclusion on the compliance of the vehicle after making changes to its design with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter - TR TS 018/2011), in force at the time of its release into circulation.

    5. The certificate is issued on the basis of the received permit, an application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle (hereinafter - the application-declaration), a protocol for checking the safety of the vehicle design after changes made to it (hereinafter - the protocol for checking the safety of the design ), containing a conclusion about its safety compliance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, and checking the technical condition of the vehicle after making changes to its design.

    6. The conclusion of the preliminary technical examination and the protocol for checking the safety of the design are drawn up by testing laboratories (centers) that meet the following requirements:

    a) included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union;

    b) accredited to assess compliance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011;

    c) the scope of accreditation includes assessment of the conformity of individual vehicles.

    The application-declaration is drawn up by the manufacturer of the work on making changes to the design of the vehicle.

    7. Requirements for the content of the preliminary technical examination report, application-declaration and design safety inspection protocol are set out in Appendices NN 1 - 3 to this procedure.

    II. Registration of permission to make changes to the design of the vehicle

    8. Permits are issued based on an analysis of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination and inspection of the vehicle.

    9. Obtaining permission is not required in the following cases:

    a) when installing components on a vehicle:

    intended for this vehicle and have undergone conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;

    provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;

    b) when serial changes are made to the design on the basis of design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner, if on its basis an assessment of the conformity of the changes made was carried out.

    10. To obtain a permit, the applicant provides a vehicle and the following documents:

    a) statement;

    b) passport or other identity document;

    c) a power of attorney, agreement, or other document certifying the applicant’s authority to represent the interests of the owner of the vehicle, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    d) conclusion of a preliminary technical examination.

    11. If a change is made to the design of a vehicle related to making it possible for a person with disabilities to drive it, its submission is not required.

    12. The grounds for refusal to issue a permit are:

    a) submission of documents that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, contain unreliable information, have signs of forgery, and are also among those lost (stolen);

    b) negative conclusion contained in the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination;

    c) the proposed changes in the design of the vehicle are included in the List of Inadmissible Changes in the Design of Wheeled Vehicles in Operation;

    d) being on the wanted list of a vehicle, its components, state registration plates;

    e) failure to provide a vehicle;

    f) detection of signs of concealment, counterfeiting, unauthorized modification, or destruction of identification markings applied to the vehicle by the manufacturer.

    III. Issuance of a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements

    13. The certificate is issued by the internal affairs body at the place where the permit was issued.

    14. The certificate is issued on the basis of the permission received, an analysis of the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle, the components used, the results of checking the safety of the design of the vehicle after the changes were made and its technical condition, as well as an inspection of the vehicle.

    15. To obtain a certificate, the applicant provides a vehicle with changes made to its design and the following documents:

    a) documents provided for in subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 10 of this procedure;

    b) application-declaration;

    c) design safety inspection protocol.

    16. In the case provided for in paragraph 8 of this procedure, the applicant additionally submits documents confirming the relevant changes in the design of the vehicle, while the submission of documents provided for in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 15 of this procedure is not required.

    17. The grounds for refusal to issue a certificate are:

    a) the circumstances set out in subparagraphs “a”, “d” - “e” of paragraph 12 of this procedure;

    b) absence of documents provided for in paragraph 15 of this procedure;

    c) negative conclusions set out in the design safety inspection report;

    d) lack of information about the passage of a technical inspection of the vehicle after making changes to its design and (or) about the payment of the state duty;

    e) discrepancies between the changes made to the design of the vehicle and the submitted documents.

    18. The form of the certificate and the procedure for its execution are established by a decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

    19. After receiving the certificate, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to submit it within 10 days to the division of the State Traffic Inspectorate that provides the state service for registering motor vehicles and trailers for them, in order to make changes to the registration data of the vehicle.

    20. The certificate is considered invalid and subject to cancellation if it is issued in violation of the requirements of TR CU 018/2011 regulations or this procedure or on the basis of documents that were duly recognized as forged (counterfeit).

    Appendix No. 1

    Requirements for the content of the preliminary technical examination report regarding the possibility of making changes

    The conclusion of the preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) must contain the following information:

    b) date of registration and number of the conclusion;

    c) about the vehicle before making changes to the design, including its make, model, state registration plate, category according to Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter referred to as TR TS 018/2011), type of vehicle means, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number, environmental class, model, engine type and power, permissible maximum weight, unladen weight, number of seats for passengers (for vehicles of categories M2 and M3);

    d) proposed changes to the design of the vehicle;

    e) calculation of the possibility of such changes or information about the absence of such a need;

    f) a detailed description of the work required to make the proposed changes and a list of the vehicle components used;

    h) a conclusion about the compliance of the vehicle after making changes to its design with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, which were in force at the time of its release into circulation;

    i) a list of requirements (tests) and (or) measurements of parameters that must be (confirmed) carried out after making changes to the design of the vehicle to ensure that its safety meets the requirements of TR CU 018/2011 or information about the absence of such a need;

    j) signature, surname, name and patronymic of the expert who conducted the preliminary technical examination to determine the possibility of making changes;

    k) signature of the head of the testing laboratory (center), certified by the seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur), his last name, first name and patronymic.

    Appendix No. 2
    to the Procedure for checking compliance with the requirements for wheeled vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design

    Requirements for the content of the application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle

    1. The application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle must contain the following information:

    a) the name of the work manufacturer, his legal and actual address, reference telephone numbers, email address, number and validity period of the certificate of conformity in the voluntary certification system of motor transport (if any);

    b) about a vehicle whose design has been modified, including its make, model (type), state registration plate, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number;

    c) date of registration, number of the preliminary technical examination report regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) and the name of the testing laboratory (center) that issued it;

    d) a detailed description of the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle and a conclusion about their implementation to the extent provided for in the conclusion;

    e) the sealed signature of the head of the work manufacturer, his last name, first name and patronymic.

    2. When describing the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle and the vehicle components used, the terminology provided for by the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” shall be used.

    Application N3
    to the Procedure for checking compliance with the requirements for wheeled vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design

    to the contents of the protocol for checking the safety of the vehicle design after changes made to it

    1. The protocol for checking the safety of the design of a vehicle after changes made to it (hereinafter referred to as the protocol) must contain the following information:

    a) the name of the testing laboratory (center), its legal and actual address, reference telephone numbers, email address, registration number of the accreditation certificate, number in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union;

    b) date of execution and protocol number;

    c) on the compliance of the manufacturer of work on making changes to the design with the requirements of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the preliminary technical examination);

    d) confirming mandatory certification or declaration of conformity of structural components, items of additional equipment, spare parts and accessories of vehicles used during the work in the manner established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter referred to as TR CU 018/2011) ;.

    e) confirming the availability of documents required by the requirements of Appendices No. 8 and 9 to TR CU 018/2011;

    e) about the vehicle after making changes to the design, including its make, model, state registration plate, category according to Appendix No. 1 to TR CU 018/2011, vehicle type, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number, environmental class, engine model, as well as general technical characteristics provided for in a similar field of the form of a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements;

    g) a list of tests and (or) measurements of vehicle parameters carried out in accordance with the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination to certify its safety to the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, indicating their results, possible limits of parameters and an assessment for each (complies / does not comply);

    h) conclusion about the compliance of the safety of the vehicle after making a change in its design with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011;

    i) signature, surname, name and patronymic of the expert who conducted the safety check of the vehicle design after changes were made to it;

    j) signature of the head of the testing laboratory (center), certified by the seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur), his last name, first name and patronymic.

    2. If there are no changes in the parameters of any of the general technical characteristics provided for in subparagraph “e” of paragraph 1 of this appendix, when filling out the protocol, the entry “no changes” is made.

    Government resolution
    Russian Federation
    dated _____________ 2017 N ____

    unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation

    Changes in the design of a wheeled vehicle in operation (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle), resulting in:

    a) the vehicle will not comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" in force at the time of its release into circulation, or have technical characteristics lower than those in force at the time of its release into circulation;

    b) the vehicle identification number will be destroyed;

    c) the vehicle will be used for the manufacture of a single vehicle within the framework of individual technical creativity and providing for:

    change in the permissible maximum weight of the vehicle;

    changing the dimensions of the vehicle frame and (or) its body, in the absence of approval of the type of vehicle with similar characteristics;

    replacement of a passenger car body and (or) vehicle chassis with ones not specified by the manufacturer.

    Document overview

    A procedure has been developed for monitoring when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

    Control is carried out by departments of the Department of Internal Affairs, which are responsible for federal supervision in the field of road safety. This is done when obtaining permission to make changes to the design of the vehicle and issuing a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements.

    A List of unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation has also been developed. In particular, these are changes that lead to the destruction of the vehicle identification number.

    75. Verification of compliance with the requirements for vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design is carried out in the form of a preliminary technical examination of the design for the possibility of making changes and subsequent verification of the safety of the design and technical inspection of the vehicle with changes made to the design.

    During the preliminary technical examination, it is ensured that after changes are made to the design of the vehicle, its compliance with the requirements of these technical regulations that were in force at the time the vehicle was put into circulation will remain.

    During the safety check of the vehicle design, it is ensured that after changes are made to the design of the vehicle, its safety meets the requirements of these technical regulations.

    76. The objects of inspection are vehicles that have been put into circulation and have passed state registration, in which design parameters or components have been changed, except for the cases specified in paragraph 77.

    77. Vehicles are not subject to inspection in the following cases:

    • 1) when installing components on a vehicle:
      intended for this vehicle and have undergone conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;
      provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;
    • 2) when serial changes are made to the design on the basis of design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner, if on its basis an assessment of the conformity of the changes made was carried out.

    78. Changes to the design of a vehicle and subsequent verification of compliance with the requirements of these technical regulations are carried out with the permission and under the control of the unit of the government authority in the field of road safety at the place of registration of the vehicle in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of a member state of the Customs Union.

    79. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, the territorial division of the government body in the field of road safety draws up, registers and issues to the applicant a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements in the form provided for in Appendix No. 18 to the technical regulations, or refuses its issuance, indicating the reasons.

    80. The number of the certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements is entered by the department of the government body in the field of road safety in the document identifying the vehicle. All special notes on restrictions on the use of the vehicle contained in the certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements are also entered into the specified document.

    The presence in the specified document of the number of the certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to the design of the safety requirements is a necessary condition for allowing further operation of the vehicle with the changes made to the design.

    A modern car is a fusion of the latest engineering solutions. Its functionality meets the requirements of most car owners. However, from time to time a situation arises when certain technical improvements need to be made in the factory configuration, that is, changes must be made to the design of the vehicle.

    In this article, we will look at the main problems and issues that car owners have encountered when making changes to the design of a vehicle in recent years; the main issue is the registration of such changes by the traffic police.

    Re-equipment of cars: law and guidelines

    Currently, a draft of a new Administrative Regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for making changes to the design of vehicles in use is under consideration.

    The text of the regulation itself and additional information on it can be viewed on the official website of the Russian government at THIS LINK.

    The fundamental regulatory document regulating actions related to the conversion of a vehicle (vehicle) is the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety” (LINK).

    Clause 4 of Article 15 of which sets out the basic principle requiring mandatory re-certification or declaration of conformity of a vehicle after changes are made to its design, as well as its parts, additional equipment, accessories and spare parts.

    Supervision is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial divisions in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 716 of August 19, 2013 “On federal state supervision in the field of road safety” (LINK).

    Changes to registration documents are made directly on site by the traffic police department.

    These functions should not be confused with the certification process itself. Certification is carried out by independent state-authorized organizations in the form of issuing an expert opinion.

    New regulatory documents are periodically adopted, and therefore the procedure for registering changes to the design of a vehicle has changed somewhat in 2016.

    So, to the traffic police departments, by letter of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2015 No. 13/5-8230 “On the direction of methodological recommendations” (together with “Methodological recommendations for organizing verification of compliance with the requirements for vehicles in operation in the event of changes in their design” ) (LINK) information was provided about the introduction of new methodological recommendations, which at the moment, together with the requirements of Section 4 of Chapter V of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” (LINK, hereinafter referred to as the regulations) are essentially application documents.

    What applies to making changes to the vehicle design

    A change in the design of a vehicle means the exclusion of components and equipment that are not provided for in the design of a particular vehicle, or the installation of components that affect the level of road safety.

    Any attempt to install on your car equipment or unit not provided by the manufacturer will require appropriate registration.

    Here are some common examples.

    Installation of gas equipment (gas equipment)

    Will require registration as a design change. The requirements are described in clause 8 of Appendix 9 of the regulations.

    Video about the need to re-register documents for a car after installing LPG:

    Installation of rims of larger or smaller diameter

    Not everything is so simple here. You need to see what sizes of disks the manufacturer provides for installation. They are often indicated on information plates in the driver's door opening. If the diameter selected for installation is included in the list of sizes recommended by the manufacturer, then registration will not be required.

    Installation of towing device (towbar)

    When determining the need for registration, it is necessary to determine whether this device is officially included in the list of additional equipment of the vehicle.

    Structurally, the towbar, designed for serious traction loads, is attached by welding or bolting to the power elements of the car and requires registration.

    The exception is easily removable structures that are not connected to the power elements of the vehicle. This also includes removable container-type luggage racks, racks for bicycles, skis, etc.

    Placement of a larger fuel tank

    Legally, the installation of tanks larger than those provided by the manufacturer is a design change. However, due to established practice, traffic police officers rarely pay attention to such “alterations.”

    If the tank is manufactured in production and certified, installed in compliance with technical requirements, then claims from control authorities are unlikely.

    Problems may arise for motorists who frequently cross the state border. Customs authorities may file charges for fuel smuggling.

    Body kits, spoilers and tuned bumpers

    Installed body kits, spoilers and bumpers (other than those installed by the manufacturer) are subject to registration. The exception is body kits installed on basic cars by tuning studios accredited by the manufacturer.

    For example, Honda-CRV with body kits from Mugen. Problems may also arise for those who like to drive without bumpers in domestic VAZ classic cars, since removing the elements provided by the manufacturer is also a violation.


    In most cases, the installation of a winch is subject to registration, unless it is officially listed as an optional equipment (for example, as on some Land Rover models).

    Administrative liability (fine)

    Administrative liability for the operation of vehicles with unregistered design changes is provided for in Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    The bulk of violations fall under paragraph 1 of this article and provide for a fine of 500 rubles.

    Fans of “collective farm xenon”, as well as other non-standard functioning lighting devices, may lose their rights from six months to one year with confiscation of these elements, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article. With competent defense in court, it is possible to reclassify this clause into a more lenient clause 1.

    You should pay attention to the reference in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses to the Traffic Regulations Appendix: “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.” Often it includes not only malfunctions, but also the result of incorrect design changes to the vehicle.

    Video - motorists are fined for unauthorized modification of a car:

    Recently, the work of supervisory authorities to ensure compliance with the requirements for the technical condition of cars has increased significantly.

    How to register changes to the design of a car

    Registration of design changes to a vehicle is carried out in several stages:

    1. First, you will need to conduct a preliminary examination, the result of which will be a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of installing the required elements. This document can only be issued by an accredited organization. The list of such organizations is on the EEC (Unified Economic Commission) website.
    2. Having received the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination, the car owner submits an application to the traffic police. At the time of application, the vehicle must be registered with the state traffic inspectorate.
    3. Carry out vehicle refurbishment. Depending on the wording in the conclusion, the re-equipment is carried out in a service certified to carry out such work, or, if the examination allows it, independently.
    4. Carrying out a technical inspection at a PTO and drawing up a diagnostic chart.
    5. Drawing up a technical examination protocol after making design changes. Carried out by the same organization that issued the preliminary conclusion.
    6. Obtaining a certificate from the traffic police. After all stages, based on the submitted documents, a vehicle registration certificate with the completed changes is issued.

    Video about the need to prepare documents to make changes to the design of a vehicle:

    Registration procedure for discontinued vehicles

    Sometimes car owners operating older cars have to, due to the absence of relatives, install spare parts from other models or even brands. In particular, this applies to car lighting equipment.

    Indeed, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are many domestic and foreign vehicles that have not only been discontinued, but also the production of spare parts for them has long been discontinued.

    Technical regulations allow for the replacement of lighting devices on discontinued vehicles with those used on vehicles of other types.

    As for replacing other components and assemblies, the procedure for them is the same as for new cars. Sometimes the manufacturer issues recommendations for such replacements.

    VAZ, for example, in accordance with the letter of the chief designer of AvtoVAZ OJSC No. 30000-49/3878 dated October 18, 2002, indicates a list of possible options for replacing components and assemblies of discontinued vehicles with analogues for manufactured models. It also specifies prohibitions on certain types of re-equipment. For example, converting a VAZ-2106 into a VAZ-2109 is not allowed.

    There is a misconception that if a car is out of production, then you can install anything on it. This is wrong. Assessing the suitability of a particular vehicle for use is based on its compliance with safety requirements.

    The presence on any vehicle of equipment that does not meet safety requirements will lead to a conflict with the state traffic inspectorate and problems when passing a technical inspection. The procedure for obtaining an expert opinion is the same regardless of the year of manufacture of the car.

    Video about the process of making changes to the car design:

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    Comments on the article:


      Well, about the headlights again. In my wine configuration they are normal under H4 with correctors. The fatter configurations come with H7 lamps with lenses and correctors. I guess if I put 2 instead of the first ones, will everything be fine or will they say that the others should stand and take them off?)

      if the manufacturer provides for such a replacement (i.e. your car model provides for the use of different headlight options), then this does not apply to changes in the design.


      Is installing daytime running lights (DRL) a change to the design of the car? And do they need to be registered, certified, or obtain any permits to install DRLs? Thank you!

      If on the car model (on which you are going to install them) the manufacturer’s technical documentation provides for the installation of DRLs, then their installation will not constitute changes to the design of the vehicle.
      Otherwise, you will have to register their installation as making changes to the design of the car.


      In our country, a lot of people do a lot of things related to legislation and then think about it. Using the example of importing used tuned cars from abroad, at customs no one will check changes in basic car tuning studios accredited by a foreign manufacturer, and they will charge a customs fee. In this case, it is necessary to assign traffic police officers to customs, but then any car will turn out to be “golden”. The comment was made to the effect that it is impossible to control all changes and most car owners have driven and will continue to drive with non-regulatory changes at their own peril and risk.


      Complex and ambiguous interpretation of situations on this topic. On the one hand, there are many components and parts that, when replaced, absolutely do not reduce the level of safety, and sometimes even increase it. Everyone understands this perfectly well, but bureaucratic hassles prevent everything from being done in a humane manner. On the other hand, the owner of the car, sincerely wanting to do the best, does “as always”, since he is not an expert in matters of car safety, there are many specific nuances, and as a result, serious problems arise. I think it would be nice to create independent services that would decide whether it is worth making certain changes to the design of the car through the traffic police or not.


      The topic is actually quite slippery. People driving Gazelles are especially unlucky, because as a rule they run on propane and LPG, if not all of them, then 90 percent for sure. On a passenger car it’s all right - the cylinder is hidden in the trunk, and sometimes in the spare tire niche. Here, even if they stop you, they probably won’t look meticulously, especially if the car is good, on the level of a Toyota Runner. But the state has simply driven the gazellists into a dead end. I believe that before introducing such standards, it is necessary to take care in advance of a simplified version of registering such design changes. And it’s not clear with the towbar, I brought the car from Germany, it already has a towbar installed, from the factory. I'm tired of arguing with the guys, while I seem to be able to prove that this is a standard part.


      There are a lot of clowns on the road who will attach everything possible to their car and enjoy life. And they desperately need tuning and need bigger wheels and even a winch (to have it). You look at such handsome men and are amazed at their mental abilities. And it’s good if some skilled craftsman interferes with the factory design; in most cases, they do it handicraft and for beauty, without thinking about the technical part. But this intervention can play a cruel joke. The designer calculates everything down to the millimeter, the car is tested and only then it is released. I agree that it is necessary to fine such rogues.


      The problem of design changes in cars should be considered from two sides, on the one hand - safety on public roads (which may come to the minds of zealous self-taught engineers) and the development of the automotive industry, including collectible and sports models. If you regulate this type of automotive industry and tighten the screws, then small firms, design studios, and auto repair shops will disappear. This way you can kill the entrepreneurial spirit, the desire of people to invent, improve, change cars, and sometimes famous designers and brand owners are born from such people. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water...


      Compliance with the requirements of technical regulations for making changes to the design of a car does not guarantee its registration with the traffic police. I was convinced by my own experience. The technical supervision inspector, upon requests to the expert laboratory, institute and plant, doubts the legality of replacing the internal combustion engine with a UAZ with two positive requests and examinations.


      Why then go through this hell and spend money if the inspector then decides everything himself? Some kind of administrative chaos.


      I carefully studied the article, it is written correctly with references to legal acts. However, after reading some comments in particular about administrative lawlessness and the proposal to allow EVERYTHING, I would like to remind the discussion participants that, according to the Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation, a car is classified as a source of increased danger, Art. 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
      This means that the principle “everything that is not prohibited is permitted” is inappropriate in this case. And it is right. Prohibitions and other regulations and conditions on changing the design of the steering or brake and fuel systems, etc. not taken out of thin air. Introduction of standards prohibiting any changes to the design of T.S. based on the analysis of road accidents. When registering an accident, especially in which people were killed or injured, traffic police officers draw up an accident registration card, in which more than 100 data on the accident are entered, including questions about the technical condition of the vehicle. participants in road accidents. And if during the inspection of the accident scene and T.S. If any changes to the design of the vehicle are established, they must carry out automotive technical examinations. Many accidents occur when drivers are blinded by “collective farm xenon”, especially at night on the highway, incorrectly installed gas equipment explodes in a minor collision, home-made winches and bumpers disfigure unfortunate pedestrians, making them disabled. By the way, if the driver of a car with homemade body kits instead of a standard bumper injures a pedestrian, then the driver will be held responsible even when the pedestrian was crossing the road in an unspecified place.
      Conclusion: all documents regulating the procedure for making changes to the design of a car are written in the blood of dead and wounded participants in road accidents.


      I completely agree with you. But this is not about the need for regulations, but about their application. After all, the inspector, if he is conscientious, would have checked everything at the stage of preliminary examination and either signed the application or refused - and there would have been no further steps, costs, tests, etc. But this happened after all the requirements of the “Customs Regulations” were fulfilled - Hello, who is it? Does it mean that it does not work or is it incompetence mixed with the greed of the inspector? How should this be assessed?


      Is it possible to change the category from “D” to “B” FOR a Gazelle car from 2001 in the traffic police currently costs 12 seats in the cabin not counting the cabin??? If possible, how much money will it cost along with insurance, provided that I buy the car under a contract? purchase and sale all together with re-registration in the traffic police?

      With these questions, you should contact the traffic police and state-authorized organizations that draw up an expert opinion on the possibility of converting the car.


      I installed a tow bar on a Chevrolet Niva, all the holes are there, they came from the factory. Once there was a question from the inspector - who did the questioning? He said that he already bought it with a tow bar. There were no consequences, I think it was just a routine question on the tongue.


      I have a passenger trailer with lights - incandescent lamps, I'm tormented with oxidation - now the wire, now the bulbs, now the markings, I want to install all LED lights and save money and load, otherwise I'm tired of changing the coordination unit (Citroen), what will be required? I installed a factory trailer, what do I need from the docks for this?


      I would not risk making significant changes to the car, as an engineer I understand that even minor changes can lead to consequences. But I have a friend who turned a Gazelle into a motor home, with a bathroom and other gadgets; in fact, only the body remained from the Gazelle. It’s not clear how I formalized all this!


      I am especially pleased with the installation procedure for HBO. Add up the price of the equipment, the price of installation, the price of registering a change in the design of the car, and the breakeven time stretches out to five years. Well, what's the point in bothering?


      It is not entirely clear how the traffic police can decide on the advisability of safety-related design changes. If I understand correctly, car developers have been “chasing both the tail and the mane” for months, using a bunch of special stands and simulating almost all possible situations on the road. And then the guys from the traffic police, figuratively speaking, making a wise expression on their faces, say: “change it, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine,” or “what are you talking about! in no case!". How can you make serious decisions without proper testing? I don't know, I prefer not to take risks.


      And again, all changes, even according to the standards, relate to the pricing policy. Each adoption of a new regulatory document is a pre-planned plan to pump money out of car owners. Of course, gross regulatory visible violations, especially those related to lighting fixtures, are correct when the driver knows that he can create an emergency situation due to a structural violation. But conducting an examination for tuning, spending a lot of time and money on it is complete “nonsense”. It is necessary to approve the dimensional standard for tuning without commission and registration. Naturally, this is beneficial for car services that carry out turnkey changes with full registration and, of course, for authorized bodies - less fuss, more profit.


      I’ll speak out about HBO. I have methane, 20 cubic meters, of the old generation. Every 3 years, cylinders are tested. Every 2 years (if I’m not mistaken) change the documents for using this type of gas equipment. For me personally, this is just another unnecessary paperwork. Seriously. NO innovations for drivers who drive methane equipment. Only more problems. Paid trials?? Yes, I tested the cylinders for a fee.. I have documents for permission to use gas equipment.. Why bring the traffic police here? Another thing is PROPANE. Previously, they could drive gas without documents at all. Why not make “innovations” purely for them?


      Before you change anything, think about how much trouble you need for it. And it will be difficult to sell


      The radio instead of the central air ducts of the VAZ 21074 is a design change, will I pass the technical inspection?


      I think so, if you don’t want to bother doing everything officially, then it’s better not to do it.


      I think that before undergoing instrumental control, it makes sense to return the car to the condition in which it left the factory. It's easier than arguing with station employees.


      I have an onboard GAZelle, I transport goods for hire. I replaced the seat in the driver's seat with another one, taken from a foreign car, it is more comfortable, you don't get so tired behind the wheel and it is heated. It turns out that this is also a re-equipment. And it seems that in order to legitimize this, I will spend more effort and money than on installation.


      Well, they can turn a blind eye to the same DRLs or pneuma, as well as to more significant changes, but this is all before the sale - they can get to the bottom of it during inspection.


      A handicraft friend from the village welded new mirrors and wheels like an all-terrain vehicle to his car. It runs, everything is fine


      I had a case last year. The driver got to the bottom of the fog lights on the Chevy Niva; we were driving in the evening with friends from fishing. He says you don’t have any lamps on your body. I answer that I use foglights like DRLs, it is not prohibited by the rules. Yes, the answer is not prohibited, only you have white light there, but there should be moonlight from standard lamps. You have LED ones. I use them to save generator power. This is responsible for making changes to the design. I didn’t want to argue, we were tired and were in a hurry to go home. The issue price is 1000 rubles. But upon arrival, I replaced it with the same LED ones but with moonlight, otherwise you wouldn’t have enough to feed the guys on the road.


      Oleg, you are a loser and a bribe-taker!!! If the DRL is in accordance with the regulations, and its light is neither red nor blue, then this traffic cop is walking through the forest!!! And here you are proudly declaring to the whole country that you gave a bribe and are happy!!! Learn the rules, don’t breed these werewolves!!!


      This year, for the first time, I personally encountered a “change in design” of my Chevy Niva hunting and fishing machine. When passing the inspection to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance, the master kicked the threshold and said - remove it! My explanation that I bought a car at a car dealership with the thresholds set did not suit anyone. I didn't pass. Then I contacted the traffic police on their website and received an answer: “the manufacturer does not provide for the installation of thresholds on the Chevrolet Niva, summary, this is a design change. This week I went to another service station and passed the MOT without any questions. At the car showroom they shrugged their shoulders, they say we don’t know anything about this and showed the cars standing on the stand, all with thresholds. And how should we understand this?


      And continuing the topic. This week we went goose hunting in the Lipetsk region. It’s fine there, back on the Astrakhan-Moscow highway at the turn to Skopin, a mobile traffic police post slows me down. We checked the documents, walked around the car and saw the thresholds. He asks - did you install it yourself? The answer is no, I bought one at a car dealership. But he says it can’t be, they don’t install them at the factory. I assert my point. And he says, then show me the inspection ticket. I'm showing you. He goes into his car and punches my ticket through the computer. He comes back and says go ahead, but I didn’t believe you. I say it's your business. So if the technical inspection is passed with them, this problem can be solved.


      I made an air intake on the hood and lashes on a VAZ 2114, does this relate to changes in the design of the car?


      Is it a design change to disconnect the second fuel tank on a truck (without removing the tank itself)?
      Does disconnecting the second tank (without removing) violate any customs union regulations (when traveling abroad)?


      3 years ago I purchased a 1995 Latvia. The car has a towbar installed. There are no documents. The law says: if such (changes) are provided for by the manufacturer, then they are considered legal.” Is the key word “provided for”? Since 1978 in the “Olympic Series”, the plant installed a towbar on some vehicles. Subsequently, this was done at the request of the “buyer”, i.e. The Latvia has a tow bar.
      Can I be “attracted” in this situation?


      Please tell me, I have a station wagon with all-wheel drive, I want to register a metal bumper with a winch and a suspension lift with arch extensions + 15 rollers instead of 13s. Is it possible to do this or is this tuning only designed for SUVs. Auto sprinter caribbean

      In general, tuning can be used if such elements are provided by the manufacturer of a particular car.

      In other cases, you will have to obtain the opinion of expert organizations and make requests to the traffic police.


      Please tell me, my car is a Kia Sportage 2 2008, the car has been discontinued, the headlights on it do not shine well, I want to buy new headlights, the same from the Kia Sportage 2 of the same year, only factory-made lenses only in China, do I need to make a change? PS in terms of the shape of the body and glass and fasteners, the headlight is no different from the original, the only thing is that they have lenses for the low beam and for the high beam reflector

      if the manufacturer allows the use of such a modification of the headlights (as can be understood from your message and you can document this with the traffic police if necessary), then there is no need to make changes.

    Structural improvement of a car is the installation of new equipment or the introduction of external parts that can change its technical characteristics. The owner does not have the right to carry out the procedure without control of the traffic police. And if he tries, he will pay a fine, not to mention the fact that the car may be unusable. To learn how to legally modify a vehicle's design, read this article.

    Read in this article

    List of permissible changes in vehicle design

    Everything that a car owner can add to his car is specified in the law. What is not there may be prohibited; this must be found out before modifying the car. The list of vehicle design changes includes the installation of:

    • different body type;
    • a more or less powerful engine than it was;
    • additional seats, as well as their dismantling to free up space in the cabin;
    • another braking system;
    • towbar, if it is welded or bolted;
    • wheels of a different size than those installed at the manufacturer;
    • a bumper that differs from that provided by the manufacturer;
    • lighting devices of a different type than before.

    All these improvements must be legalized in a certain way, which is regulated by paragraph 4 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 196-FZ of December 10, 1995:

    After making changes to the design... of vehicles, including the design of their components, items of additional equipment, spare parts and accessories that affect road safety, it is necessary to re-certify or re-declaration of conformity.

    Expert opinion

    Nadezhda Smirnova

    Automotive Law Expert

    But there are also changes that can be made without a special procedure. These are those specified in Appendix No. 2 to the “Procedure for monitoring changes to the design of vehicles...”. That is, replacement of the body, fuel tanks, coupling devices, vans, winches, trailers certified as part of the converted vehicle.

    Which ones are prohibited by law?

    The main condition for modification is that the use of the vehicle must remain safe for its driver and other road users. Exactly what changes in the design of the vehicle are prohibited are indicated in the “List of faults...”, in the presence of which the operation of the equipment is not allowed. The document states that the following vehicle systems must comply with GOST standards:

    • Brake. In addition to compliance with the standard, it is also necessary to maintain the tightness of the drives and ensure a certain quality of vehicle immobility on a slope.
    • The helmsman. The backlash should remain at the set values.
    • External lighting devices. In front they can only be white, yellow or orange. And if these are reflective devices, then white. The rear license plate must be illuminated only in white. Other devices located on this part of the car are allowed with red, yellow or orange lights.
    • Windshield cleaners and washers. They just have to be in working order.
    • Wheels and tires. In addition to the absence of defects, it is not allowed to install different models and diameters on the front and rear. The tire load must correspond to the vehicle model.
    • Engines. You cannot install a unit with problematic exhaust gas removal or a violation of the tightness of parts, or an excess of smoke in comparison with that prescribed by GOST.

    Changes to the design of the vehicle must be made without gluing film to the glass, which interferes with the driver’s view of the road. You cannot tint them excessively in violation of GOST standards. It is unacceptable to install light and sound devices, like those of special services vehicles or taxis, as well as license plates that do not meet the standard.

    Particularly important is paragraph 7.18 of the legal document, which prescribes a ban on the use of a car provided:

    Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Registration procedure

    Registration of changes to the design of a vehicle is carried out through the relevant department of the traffic police. This is only possible if the vehicle is already registered. That is, when purchasing a new car, the owner who wants to immediately remodel it must first register his property with the traffic police. And only then do you need to take the actions required to legally improve the design.

    You should start by studying the car by specialists and collecting documents, rather than technical work. Because later it may turn out that the car could not have been rebuilt.

    The previously mentioned legal acts are also in effect.

    Violation of these laws, that is, the use of a car converted without registration of documents will lead to the application of administrative penalties against the driver. For unauthorized modifications to the design of a vehicle by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the fine under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is 500 rubles. It is used in most cases.

    For windows covered with film, the punishment is the same, but under a different section of the law. If we are talking about the wrong color of lighting fixtures, which will never be allowed, Part 3 of Article 12.5 applies:

    Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of a vehicle to operation and the duties of officials in this regard, entails deprivation the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months to one year with confiscation of the specified devices and accessories.

    Illegally installed equipment may be discovered during a routine vehicle inspection. Then you won’t be able to go through it and get a diagnostic card. This means they won’t issue compulsory motor liability insurance, without which you can’t travel either.

    Yet the main reason why a change in vehicle design needs to be registered is not a fine. Controlling the conversion process will allow you to truly improve your car and avoid technical errors that could cause an accident. After all, it is provided by several specialists from different organizations.

    Useful video

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