Home Lighting Toyota's production system is total. Taiichi Ono. Toyota Production System Toyota Quality Management

Toyota's production system is total. Taiichi Ono. Toyota Production System Toyota Quality Management

Irina Krokhmal - Head of the Production System Development Department of KAMAZ-Metallurgy OJSC

Basic principles of T - TPS:
. JIDOUKA(Jidoka) - Combined processes, quality (previously they used the definition “Autonomization”)
. JIT (Just in time) - Right on time
. Cost Down- Cost reduction
. Motivation
. KAIZEN- Continuous improvements

T-TPS is an important part of the integrated TMS system, which also includes sales and service of the Toyota concern.
TMS - Toyota Management System
T-TPS -Total Toyota Production System
TDS - Toyota Development System
TSS - Toyota Sales System
TPS - Toyota Production System

Effect of Total Toyota Production System

Until 1980, Toyota was managed according to the “top-down” or Top-dovun Management principle. A top-level manager came to the production site and recommended eliminating the shortcomings; subordinates were given instructions on what exactly to do, and failure to comply entailed punishment. This approach led to overtime work and exhaustion to eliminate comments. Everyone worked ahead of the expectation of the next top check. The workers even created a secret warning system, and where the inspection intended to arrive, the workers scattered. I had to think and change my approach to production management.

Since 1980, the self-study method (Jichuken) has been proposed for production management. This formed the core of the Toyota production system:

  • Independent analysis and ranking of problems;
  • In-depth study of the causes of problems;
  • Independent development of events;
  • Improvement of the production site;
  • High level of motivation.

This approach required the main thing - the activation of the company's personnel. As production personnel expand their scope of activities, Toyota pays great attention to the education and training of workers. Workers are also assigned functions that are very important to the built-in quality process and the continuous improvement process. Therefore, an important condition when building management using the Jichuken method is the training and development of workers.

When creating T-TPS and managing the Jichuken method, the logistics and quality departments became subordinate to production, and workers are trained and perform the functions of controllers and forwarders: they competently work with the parameters of suitable products and manage kanban cards. Currently, there are no quality control posts at Toyota; control is not needed at all during finishing operations, because Built-in quality is created in production, executed and guaranteed by production. And the quality department performs the functions of constant monitoring of parameters for assessing operations, develops, implements and monitors measures to improve product quality. All these changes made it possible to have 5-6 defective units out of the total number of items per 1,000,000 products. Under previous management, there were 3-4 defective units per 1000 units. Toyota's goal is 0 defective units and they are constantly working on this. Production workers at Toyota are the strongest link.

Differences between the old TPS system (Old TPS) and T - TPS

Emphasis on motivation and kaizen

Modeling the operation of lines and flows

Staff activation, continuous process improvement (kaizen)

Interaction between management and workers

Management through the direction of the manager

Management through independent thinking

Promoting management approaches through motivation

Control and direction from above

Everyone participates in kaizen

Guaranteed quality


Combined processes

Significant effect

Any improvements

Think and earn

Cost reduction

Active Flow Simulation

Process engineering from line design

Power of Company

Toyota experts assess the strength of a company by the level of strength of the company's personnel. To do this, use the formula

Company success =( P personality)*( A bility)*( M)
i=1 i i i

n= Works+Staff
. P- personal qualities of a company employee (character)
. A- skills, professionalism of the employee
. M- level of employee motivation
This determines Toyota's success as a company, that is, profit and quality.

The role of a leader, a manager at any level of a company, is to constantly work to raise the level of skills and motivation of staff, in other words, to activate workers in sections, departments and office employees. Toyota management does not consider itself outstanding, but this principle that the company implements produces results and distinguishes it by its main strength; Toyota has very skillful and highly motivated people.

Toyota constantly evaluates itself using Global Benchmarking (GBM) with an emphasis on T - TPS in a five-point system. This helps determine the company's place at the global level. Toyota specialists were invited to evaluate other companies around the world using this system in the USA, Korea, China, and Japan. If the score reaches 3 points, the company is considered competitive in the world. Currently, only Toyota has a rating of 5 points. Most companies in the USA and Korea have 2-3 points and do not have 4-5 points; in China there are only 1-2 points so far.

The assessment is built according to a hexagon diagram, each of the corners means an assessment parameter, and the level from the center means points (from one to five).

Production sites and personnel
. standardization
. staff training
. logistics level
. equipment
. quality (how much can quality be guaranteed)

As already said, Toyota is distinguished from other companies by people with multifunctionality. This is an important advantage and is fully provided and supported. Each production site must have a matrix with a list of jobs (operations) and a list of workers in this site, in which the main indicators of the employee (skills) are reflected in the shaded sectors of the circles.
1 - completed training
2 - know how to perform the operation
3 - I can do quality work
4 - I can teach someone else

This way of assessing site workers and visualizing skills is important. If you need to increase the takt time, the volume of work, and the staff is not very trained, then it is unlikely that the work will speed up and the task will be completed. The more developed the multifunctionality, the easier it is to change takt time and production volume. Toyota always changes the takt time once a month. If qualifications allow, it is also useful to rotate employees.

Training at Toyota is systematized. People learn from the moment they enter. As workers undergo training, they are assigned skill ranks. The highest rank is S, very few people have it. Main ranks A, B, C…. The ranks of workers are also visualized and posted in the workshop areas. The training is carried out one-time, the theory is read and then you can begin to implement it. During training, workers have to grasp everything on the fly, because... The theory is taught only once. But during the construction of T-TPS, this knowledge must be applied in practice, so there are trainings, they are carried out several times. During the training, skills are acquired on how to do it correctly in practice. After listening to information once, it is not possible to remember everything. Therefore, the training step is important: to remember with your body the movements for a specific work operation without errors. Not wasting time repeating information is visualization. This method helps both the worker and the manager. Important: convey information and consolidate it.

The main tool for activating working production sites is “Quality Circles”. This form exists on an ongoing basis, its participants are members of the site team. The main goal of the “quality circle” is an independent analysis of identified problems in the production operations of the site, increasing the level of product quality and seeking to reduce production costs.

There is competition between sections of the enterprise (“quality circles”) on the quality of work performed and on solving production problems. The results are summed up once a month at a general meeting of “quality circles”. The best works are awarded. It is important. At the sites, the level of skills increases, the level of knowledge and motivation increases.

In addition to the basic technological requirements for performing work operations, Toyota’s main requirement is requirement not to make a marriage, not to transfer a marriage. In this direction, Toyota uses the ANDON tool in the production process. Any worker is given the right to stop the production line, if the problems are not corrected within 60 seconds of detecting a deviation in workmanship. As a rule, stopping happens extremely rarely.

Andon - warning system

Toyota is never punished for defects. On the contrary, if it happens that for some reason the marriage is made, discovered and presented, this is encouraged. Each work site plays the role of a quality controller. If a worker detects a deviation in the production process and this could lead to a defect, he immediately acts: he gives a signal using a button or cord, after which the signal lamp for the manager lights up. Each precinct has an Andong scoreboard. This is an electronic display that reflects all operational operations of the site. At the same time, it is a warning system for all workers on the site. The site manager immediately approaches the problem area at the signal of the yellow lamp. He has 60 seconds to solve and, as a rule, the problem is solved in 60 seconds. If they don’t decide, then after 60 seconds the red lamp will light up - this is a signal to everyone to stop the line. It is important.

At Toyota, visualization is very important. Visualization is a way to prevent and control an emergency situation. Visualization is a reminder of important information; it is a form of consolidating the acquired knowledge for a specific operation.

JIDOUKA (Dzhidoka) - Combined processes, quality (previously they used the definition “Automation”)
Built-in quality. Principle: only produce what is suitable. Do not produce defects, do not allow defects to appear, do not transmit defects.

Product quality management is a system of stops and warnings in case of defects. The quality control process is supported by inexpensive instruments and cheap control methods. In-process controllers are production workers who perform work operations. The production department bears full responsibility for quality. At each site, a suitable product is made and only suitable products are transferred from site to site. Therefore, it is customary to talk about combined processes or a combination of processes, and not autonomization, as was previously accepted.

A control matrix is ​​available for a thorough assessment of controls. In traditional control schemes, it is difficult to assess where defects occur, a lot of time is lost, and as a result, stocks of defects are created! In most enterprises, defect data is taken from a personal computer and relies too much on unreliable information. The PC reflects only a small part of reality, so it is customary for Toyota to identify defects at every processing stage. If the cause of the defect is discovered, measures (kaizen) are immediately implemented. The first step is to perform an on-site analysis of the problem. Or as they say in Toyota: a crime is investigated at the crime scene, the weapon used to commit the crime.

All useful information on defects is posted in the “Quality Corner” at each site. A marriage sample and documents for this marriage are required. This is supported by the production department, not the quality control department. Built-in quality is created by those who produce, guarantee and ensure quality. The quality control department is assigned the function of supporting the production department. The quality control department performs various timing and time measurements.

There are tools to identify defects:
. In case of marriage STOP!
. Do not accept or transfer marriage!
. Quality check card with 5 levels: poor quality (BACK), slightly better, tolerable, good, very good.

The product defect level is represented by a matrix. This matrix is ​​filled in for each section. There are operations on the site. All of them are recorded in a matrix. Operations are rated on a 5-point scale.

Table for rough example

(a) - assessment that the details of the required parameters and ease of execution
(b) - assessment based on checking the technical conditions of the operation

The parameters and characteristics of the required quality are included in the matrix being developed in relation to a specific site. For all low matrix scores, urgent measures (kaizen) are carried out. This improvement has significantly increased the level of quality.

Now at Toyota, such a quality report is also used in auxiliary production when improving processes at each workplace. People are encouraged to acknowledge the detected defect, the problem is urgently sorted out and the causes are eliminated.

Cost Down - Cost reduction

At Toyota, everyone thinks every day about reducing product costs. It is important not to do anything unnecessary! Do not create excess inventory, do not do work that no one ordered. They are engaged in cost reduction with the involvement of all personnel, starting with the design of new products. Production is actively engaged in cost reduction. Cost control is carried out by a dedicated foreman. He controls the cost of raw materials, energy costs, and labor costs.

Previously, information on cost at Toyota was closed, but today information on cost is transferred to production departments in order to reduce it. Every production department specialist must think about cost and look for ways to reduce it. With the previous approach, management was: heads of departments and workshops controlled work processes and gave instructions. Now, in addition to this, there is a requirement to reduce costs, be in contact with employees, activate workers, instill skills in introducing improvements, train staff, increase productivity and quality.

An important tool in achieving cost reduction is improvement (kaizen)
. 5 S =4 S +1 S (improvement)
. Visualization
. Execution of STANDARD operations
The effect is the activation of employees and a high level of motivation.

5 S assessment: conscious and subconscious

Toyota believes that it is necessary to grade each work site. It is necessary to clearly evaluate the effect of the 5 S - this is the activation of employees and areas. Grades improve skills and motivation. Toita is constantly working to improve workers' skills and motivation. As a rule, a group of people works at each site. The goals that the group sets for itself are achievable. If the group achieves the goal, then the participants are satisfied. It is important to maintain an atmosphere of joy. Scientists have concluded that the brain perceives joy as an addiction and strives to repeat it. The concept of 5 S ratings is built on these dependencies at Toyota. It is important to constantly influence the site group and move the group up to the real goal. There is no need to stabilize grades 2 and 3. This leads to a decrease in results and a decrease in the level of motivation. Any score can be good, but it can also improve. The manager must be well aware of the peculiarities of working with the group and be sure to praise the workers even for minor improvements. Promotion of improvements is especially necessary and important.

Thinking works with theory; it is important to build a transition from planning to action. For what reason do we not take action if we know everything well? It is required to influence the conscious and subconscious mind and, in particular, to increase motivation. Often the subconscious is not ready, even if the conscious mind determines the need for action. In order to transfer information from consciousness to the subconscious, it is necessary to increase motivation. Part of the brain is responsible for motivation. Managers must understand how to influence a person’s spiritual state and be able to increase motivation.

All activities of the previous Toyota production system were aimed at reducing inventories, reducing costs, and improving quality, that is, management did not think about the happiness of employees and the company. Total - TPS sets a goal: to achieve the level of happiness of each employee and thereby increase their level through the 5 S, “quality circles”, TPM and other tools.

If the purpose of TPS was to reduce workers, then today in T - TPS this is not relevant. It is necessary to start building a production system by activating personnel and increasing motivation.

Statistics also show that in the course of daily work, workers become more aware and aware of the causes of equipment failure. The workers themselves make proposals for improving the maintenance of equipment and improving the process using the equipment. Essential workers perform maintenance work on operating equipment: know how to perform maintenance and perform inspections, cleaning, and minor repairs. This is done everywhere at Toyota, which is why this practice is called universal TRM equipment maintenance. But major repairs and scheduled maintenance are performed by service departments.

Work site crews regularly participate in meetings to evaluate TRM performance. Such meetings are called Bu-ay. Bu-ay is assessed by all teams (for example, at 2 factories there are 100 teams of 7 people per team). During the assessment, a list of 200 teams is compiled (from best to least good). At Bu-ay meetings, it is revealed which brigades are more active and which are less active. The meetings are attended by workers and plant management. The assessment affects crew salaries starting next month. That is, it can change every month depending on Bu-ay's assessment. Such a system creates healthy competition and a constant desire to work to improve the process. The meetings are very necessary and are a positive tool for Toyota.

JIT (Just in time) - Just in time

An important element of the Toyota production system is organized internal and external logistics.

The movement of diesel forklifts is prohibited in Toyota production buildings. Only electric vehicles with trailed trolleys are allowed. Paths are marked for the movement of electric vehicles and people: red for electric cars and trolleys, green for workers. Marked tape is placed along the supply route as a guide. The “agevi” system works (carts and movable structures, such structures are developed by the workers themselves). All Toyota employees think about reducing costs and impeccably carry out standard work and measures to reduce costs, including in logistics. Workers do not make unnecessary movements and do not perform work that does not bring value. Toyota racks are no more than 1.5 meters high, the level of the racks is tilted, allows you to visually view products, flows, traffic and does not block contact with managers.

An important achievement at Toyota is the elimination of interoperable inventories. In order not to create inventories of work in progress, much attention is paid to logistics and the KANBAN tool with kanban cards (quantity information for the delivery of components to the operation). The layout of the equipment is handled by production workers. They optimally arrange workplaces and create routes for the delivery of components. The logistics department is also part of production. This allows you to optimize logistics schemes.

The entire production process is visualized by an electronic display. It necessarily shows areas and processes, takt time, plan, fact, deviation, % of equipment utilization.

There are markings along the movement of the conveyor that allow you to evaluate the actions being performed in 12 seconds. In preparatory operations, a set of modifications is used for the main process, observing the necessary sequence. Parts assembly diagrams are used. Previously, assembled components lay on racks next to work stations, but now they are constantly delivered. Inventories from wheels are only multiples of the operation takt time. Essentially there are no reserves. The pull system is working. To organize your work this way, you need to constantly work with the plan and make timely adjustments. If production areas do not comply with the rhythm of plan implementation, then problems arise and confusion is created in accounting at processing stages. The KANBAN system works from the last section and does not create inventories, because the previous section does not do anything that is not required by the subsequent one.

KANBAN is also the movement of information. A Kanban card is a record. Toyota doesn't do anything unless there is confirmed information. The plan must be managed. Visual kanban cards are used as a tool at the boundaries of areas. In Toyota production, 90% of operations are organized using kanban cards and the kanban card is considered the most successful tool for adjusting production planning. Each previous section serves the next one. The container has a multiplicity of packaging spaces for the required order quantity. The card received with the container is transferred to a box and sent with information for the previous operation: delivery time, quantity (min, max), and other clarifications if necessary. Red and green cards are used. Red for transportation, green for production order (manufacturing). If manufactured parts are awaiting delivery they have a green card, and before transportation the green card is replaced with a red one. There are also

Kanban, it is used for batch management. If the supplier is in a remote area, then an electronic kanban is used, the supplier prints it, executes it and glues it into the container with the delivery of the ordered cargo.

To implement work with Kanban cards, serious training is required for both workers and managers. If you miss this, then kanban doesn't work.

In 2007, Toyota's profit amounted to $20 billion.

In 2008, Toyota's loss amounted to $5 billion

Toyota concluded that the reason was not the financial crisis, but that the company stopped paying special attention to inventory control. Any company needs to work with inventory management activities on an ongoing basis.

To reduce inventory levels, Toyota uses multiple deliveries: the more often we deliver, the better. Transport delivering goods must be equipped taking into account the production takt time, various necessary inventory items from different suppliers. It is important that inventories do not create excess storage and intermediate warehouses. If we compare the cost of transport and warehouse operations and excess inventory, it is more profitable to transport more often. When ordering to a supplier, the order is delivered in the order in which it is needed for production.

If the level of inventories of components and materials in production drops to a minimum, then the system operates in a similar way to ANDON; after sending an automatic signal to the supply service, it is triggered. This is how the pull system works. As for small parts, there is a place for them next to the operation (warehouse rack with hardware, washers, rivets, plugs...).

As a result, when working with supplies, a matrix for providing components, raw materials and materials is also created.

The level of logistics at Toyota is the highest in the world. And this level is provided by Toyota people. System JIT(Just in time) Just in time works due to high levels of motivation, skillful management of plans and well-trained personnel.

KAIZEN - Continuous improvement

Kaizen at Toyota is a consequence of any analysis and study of the causes of problems. Staff activation is the main thing. Much attention is paid to production processes, improvement is an endless process. The T-TPS principles take Toyota to a development stage with an emphasis on improvement (kaizen) in the design of new lines before product release. The new approach to Toyota management is all kaizen. Previously, Toyota assessed both the submission and implementation of proposals. Now they only pay for implementation.

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1. Toyota production system-TPS

TPS is focused on the complete elimination of losses and is based on two principles:

The “just in time” principle, when on the production line the parts necessary for assembly appear exactly at the right time and in strictly required quantities, using “kanban” information transmission tools;

The principle of autonomy (automation with an element of intelligence).

To minimize inventory of finished goods, Toyota's production system primarily focuses on order-based production. That is why a “pull” system is used, in which subsequent processes turn to previous ones in order to take the necessary products.

The production plan, which identifies the required car models, their quantity and production time, is sent to the final assembly line. The material transfer method is then reversed. To obtain components for final assembly, the final assembly line contacts the assembly line of components, indicating the strictly required name and number of components and their delivery dates. In this reverse way, the production process moves from the finished product stage to the raw material procurement department. Each link in the JIT process chain is connected and synchronized with the others.

This system works great, but in the West, it has become only the basis for the formation of a new concept - this is Lean production - a breakthrough approach to management and quality management, ensuring long-term competitiveness without significant capital investments.

By applying this system, AvtoVAZ will significantly improve its productivity and economic performance.

The essence of lean manufacturing is the elimination of activities that take time but do not create value, as well as the creation of conditions under which the remaining activities (processes) that create value are built into a continuous flow pulled out by the consumer.

Modern “Western” management methods are quite often criticized, which in most cases is the result of attempts to apply methods without knowledge of the conditions necessary for their operation, which does not provide the opportunity for both the correct choice and correct adaptation to specific conditions. This happens not only in Russia.

Main features of Lean Production.

1. The company is like a big family. You should start with building a system of relationships at Toyota, which has become a key factor in the success of the implementation of Ono’s ideas.

Let's look at an example:

Toyota needed to fire a quarter of its workers, the unions were categorically against it, and then an agreement emerged that formed the basis of employee-employer relations in many Japanese firms and made workers in many respects full members of the company, which essentially became a big family:

* Toyota lays off a quarter of workers

* The remaining employees receive a guarantee of lifetime employment with the right to use all benefits: housing, holiday homes,…

* Remuneration for work becomes constant, increases with experience, and bonuses from profits are added to it.

* The company may hope that the majority of employees will remain with it for the entire duration of work

* Employees agree to perform various jobs required by the company and contribute to the interests of the company by initiating improvements.

The employee’s salary has become part of the fixed costs, which increase over time. Therefore, it was necessary to make the most of their capabilities. That is, it was profitable to organize production in such a way as to make maximum use of the increasing experience of workers. It also made sense to invest in training so that new knowledge and skills would remain within the company.

* Of course, in Russia the lifetime employment system is not applicable, but the general idea is worthy of being taken as a basis by AvtoVAZ, since very specific positive results were obtained.

As a result, the company received employees who were quite specifically interested in the company’s success (that is, the issue of motivation was practically resolved) with a sense of security, ready to proactively look for opportunities to improve work results.

The quality of the work process and the quality of the products have become important for every employee at every stage of work.

The company became interested in expanding the range of professional knowledge and skills of its employees.

It became profitable for the company to invest money in employee training.

An opportunity has emerged to transfer some of the responsibility (rights and obligations) to lower levels.

One of the main differences: Unlike the first companies, in the Toyota company responsibility (rights and obligations) for work results extends far down the hierarchical vertical. And this, on the one hand, makes the work more intense, and on the other hand, stimulates both the development of the employee and his sense of involvement in the common cause.

Another important difference, which appeared as a result of the formation of teams and the expansion of their functions, is as follows.

It is the best team players who advance through the ranks, not the exceptional specialists in a narrow field.

Another important feature of companies in general that have taken the path of Lean Production. Attitudes towards a career in such a company must change. Main reasons:

Salary depends mainly on length of service.

A team member performs more and more functions, becomes more qualified and important to the team.

The number of management personnel is decreasing, and some of the functions of specialists are taken on by lower-level workers.

An employee is associated with the company almost for life.

In such conditions, an employee is needed and possible who is interested not in vertical growth, but in growing together with the team, in improving skills to perform increasingly complex work. The company must provide the employee with the opportunity to realize his potential.

With the introduction of Lean Production, AvtoVAZ will gain an advantage over other factories on the following points:

Introducing a mandatory line stop if the defect is not corrected.

The team itself distributes the work within the allocated stage.

Workers prepare tools and equipment themselves and are responsible for preparing the workplace (cleanliness, order, availability of what is necessary and absence of unnecessary things). That is, the need for auxiliary workers and adjusters is eliminated.

If problems arise, the team should try to independently find the source, cause of the problem and eliminate it.

A team with sufficient qualifications and experience must be fully responsible for the quality of products that leave its area of ​​responsibility.

Thus, the status and role of grassroots workers will be significantly raised. Both the range of responsibilities and the range of rights have been expanded. Those. The problem of transfer of powers has been resolved.

In this regard, we can go directly to the 2nd principle: the process in the form of a continuous flow helps to identify problems.

2. Principle2: process in the form of a continuous flow helps to identifyproblems

Which is based on the following postulates:

* Redesign the process to create a continuous flow that effectively adds value. Minimize the amount of time unfinished work sits idle.

* Create a flow of products or information and establish connections between processes and people so that any problem is identified immediately.

* This flow must become part of the organizational culture, understandable to everyone. This is the key to continuous improvement and development of people.

Based on the above advantages of Lean Production, it can be said that the continuous production process will improve as workers improve and their work is organized.

It should be noted that initially, the development, design and manufacturing technology of a car in mass production were distributed among highly specialized specialists, who usually had little connection with each other and worked in different companies. As a result, problems arose in the configuration, mutual coordination of parts, technologies, deadlines, and quality. It was not a single process, but many separate works, little coordinated with each other, and even competing, which created barriers to the dissemination of better solutions, and simply a better understanding of problems.

The connection process began with the unification of suppliers into a single mechanism, which allowed the idea to further and combine the development and design of new products and technology design into a single process, starting with design and ending with the manufacturing technology of the finished product. In doing so, it became possible to take into account both the possibilities and the existing limitations from the very beginning. And the process itself is launched by marketing, that is, by the needs of the end buyer.

Toyota began to form teams consisting of a full range of specialists necessary to complete this complex task. Their level of training and experience had to be high, since the cost of an error increased significantly, the psychological load increased, but they also received the opportunity from the very beginning to clearly understand the essence of the tasks and the possibility of initial consistency with the work of the rest of the team members. The lack of internal competition allowed for free discussion and exchange of the best solutions. Team members might come from different suppliers in the chain, but they all worked closely together.

Currently, this idea, in my opinion, has reached its peak stage. In other words, I believe that the further development of continuous production will not lead to any global changes, but AvtoVAZ needs to learn from Toyota’s mistakes, study both the positive and negative aspects of production in order to work out bottlenecks and take measures to repair them, improvement or completely replace them with others. This applies in particular to the technology and equipment that is used in the production process, because as you know, new technologies are emerging with which you can increase productivity, minimize the cost of both time and energy,

In this regard, we can move on to consider another principle.

toyota stock lean manufacturing

3. Principle 8: Use only reliable, proven technology

Technology is designed to help people, not replace them. It is often worth doing the process manually first before introducing additional hardware.

New technologies are often unreliable and difficult to standardize, jeopardizing flow. Instead of using untested technology, it is better to use a known, proven process.

Before introducing new technology and equipment, testing should be carried out under real-life conditions.

Reject or change technology that conflicts with your culture and may undermine stability, reliability, or predictability.

Still, encourage your people to keep an eye on new technologies when it comes to finding new ways. Quickly implement proven technologies that have been tested to improve flow.

Add value to the organization by developing your employees and partners AvtoVAZ needs to focus its production on introducing new technologies and equipment. I believe that the technology that Toyota uses is very competent and thoughtful and our domestic automobile production needs to use the same methods as Toyota, which uses: 1) the method of leveling production by volume, known as “fine-tuning” production using the “ Kanban" is the most important condition for minimizing the loss of worker time and equipment downtime.

To avoid large variations in the quantity of parts required at all stages of production, as well as those obtained from external suppliers, it is necessary to minimize fluctuations in output on the final assembly line. Therefore, minimal quantities of each car model must come off the assembly line, realizing the ideal of piece production and delivery. In other words, different types of cars will be assembled one after another according to the daily production volume of each type. The assembly line will also receive the necessary parts in small batches from previous sections.

The most difficult problem in ensuring smooth production is setting up and retooling equipment in order to reduce production time.

2) For the trouble-free operation of the just-in-time system, 100% of products without defects must be delivered to subsequent production sites, and this flow must be continuous. Automatic quality control must be introduced.

In general, the application of lean manufacturing principles and tools will allow AvtoVAZ to achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the enterprise’s core activities: reducing the time for design, manufacturing and delivery of new products to the market; growth in labor productivity, increase in resource turnover, reduction in the level of work in progress and inventory, reduction in production space and transportation/warehousing costs; improving the quality of products and increasing competitiveness without significant capital investments. In addition to the above advantages, the matrix-modular organization of the technological process involves the allocation in the TPS structure of functionally (or subject-wise) logically and structurally complete work centers, which are closed cells for group processing of parts and robotic complexes (in the terminology of systems engineering - actuators / control units), which operate as Autonomous modules with their own control programs and provide the ability to completely process parts in one installation.

Rapid equipment changeover is the TPS principle, which will reduce hours of die replacement to just a few minutes.

3) The SMED system will allow you to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand, reduce production cycle times by moving to small production batches, and eliminate overproduction.

The 8 main SMED system methods used to reduce changeover time for each of these functions are discussed:

Method 1 - separation of internal and external adjustment operations. It is necessary to clearly define which setup operations must be performed while the machine is stopped (internal setup, or IED), and which can be performed while the machine is running (external setup, or OED).

Method 2 - transforming internal actions into external ones.

Method 3 - standardize function, not form. Standardizing die shapes and sizes can significantly reduce setup time. However, standardizing the form requires significant costs. On the other hand, standardization of a function only requires uniformity of parts required for setup operations.

Method 4 - use of functional clamps or complete removal of fasteners.

Method 5 - use of additional devices. Some of the delays associated with internal adjustments can be eliminated by using standard fixtures. When a workpiece secured in one fixture is processed, the next workpiece is installed in the second fixture. When the processing of the first workpiece is completed, the second fixture is easily placed on the machine for processing.

Method 6 - use of parallel operations.

Method 7 - eliminating adjustments. Typically, adjustments and test runs take up 50-70% of internal setup time. Eliminating them provides amazing time savings.

Method 8 - mechanization. While replacing small cutters, fixtures, dies and fixtures is not a problem, mechanization is often essential to the efficient use of large dies, casting molds and molds. Mechanization should be considered when all efforts have been made to improve the changeover process in the ways described above.

Over the years, out of several hundred SMED improvements, the most effective for AvtoVAZ will be in:

Clear separation of internal and external adjustments;

Possibility of complete conversion of internal adjustment to external;

Elimination of adjustments;

Fastening without screws.

These methods can reduce installation time by approximately 20 times the initial time.

4) Automation - Autonomation - Pre-automation - Automation with an element of intelligence or taking into account the human factor

Automatically stopping an abnormal production process (for example, stopping a production line or machine) to prevent the production of defective products or overproduction means installing devices on the line that could prevent mass production or failure of equipment.

The word “autonomization” (“jidoka”) should be understood as the organization and autonomous control of violations of the processing process. At Toyota factories, almost all machines are equipped with automatic stops, which makes it possible to prevent defects in mass production and turn off the equipment in the event of a breakdown. The so-called “protection against careless or inept handling” is one such device that prevents defects in operation. If there is any deviation from the norm on the line, the worker stops the entire line by pressing a button. The express scoreboard in the Toyota system plays an important role of visual control. If a worker needs help to eliminate a delay in work, he turns on the yellow light on the display. If he needs to stop the line to troubleshoot a problem, he turns on the red light. Consequently, one operator can operate several machines. If machines are repaired without informing managers, then improvements will never be achieved and costs will not decrease. Stopping the machine when problems occur ensures that everyone is aware of the problem. Improvements can only be made when there is a clear understanding of the problem. For any machine, the distinction between normal and abnormal operation must be clear, and measures to prevent repeated failures must be unconditional. In an autonomous system, “visual guidance,” or “signal guidance,” helps identify production deficiencies.

In general, automation is a mechanism that will allow the AvtoVAZ plant to autonomously detect deviations in the production process.

This is one of the basic principles of the Toyota Production System - TPS. The source of the concept was the Toyota Sakiti self-propelled loom. His invention was equipped with a device that automatically stopped the machine as soon as the thread broke or ran out. In other words, the machine was able to respond to emergency situations.

5) Andon - a device for visual monitoring of the production area, which will warn workers about defects, malfunctions of equipment or other problems using light, sound and similar signals. The TPS system will become an important tool in the AvtoVAZ production system.

This is an indicator of the production line's performance, placed high above the line and providing a visual management tool. The warning lights work as follows. During normal operation, the green light is on. When a worker needs to adjust something on the line and call for help, he turns on the yellow light. If a line stop is required to eliminate a fault, a red signal is turned on. Workers should not be afraid to stop the production line to fully restore the process to normal.

Baka-yoke - Baka-yoke - Fool resistance - Protection from fools.

To completely eliminate defects, tools and equipment must be modernized by equipping them with baka-eke - defect prevention devices. Which will also become an important tool of the AvtoVAZ production system.

Here are some examples of them:

If there is an error in the workflow, the part will not fit into the tool.

If a defect is detected on a part, the machine does not turn on.

If there is an error in the workflow, the machine will not start processing the part.

If errors occur in the workflow or one of the operations is missed, corrections are automatically made and processing continues.

The presence of violations at earlier stages is checked at later stages to prevent defects.

If you skip one operation, the next stage will not begin.

6) Visual control - Management by signals - Visual control - Management by sight

We are talking about visualization, visibility of control methods through appropriate boards, screens, cards, signals on lines, machines and equipment.


The automotive industry is one of the largest sectors of the national economy and therefore, giving a general description of the level of automotive production, it can be noted that in terms of basic parameters (degree of automation, capacity utilization rates and equipment shifts, etc.) it occupies a leading position among other branches of mechanical engineering. Although, when compared with the foreign automotive industry, we are very far behind in many respects.

Japanese cars have always been famous for their incredible quality of parts, assembly, rich equipment, and technical characteristics. It’s not for nothing that automakers from the “land of the rising sun” locate their factories in Europe and America, which are not separated by automakers - even in these regions there is a stable demand for Toyotas and many other brands of Japanese cars.

The Russian automotive industry should learn a lot from the experience of Japan, namely a long-term orientation, rejection of narrow specialization, universal development of the employee and stable employment associated with such development, rotation of personnel within the company, learning on the job, moving towards the set goal, it is necessary to use proven experience in production technology, introduce new capacities, and generally update the entire production system, etc. All this is necessary for every company that wants not only to succeed, but at least to exist.


1) Jeffrey K. Liker. "DAO Toyota 14 principles of management of the world's leading company." book 5.

2) http://www.autoconsulting.ua/article.php? sid=20871

3) http://www.pelta.org/index.php

4) http://www.cfin.ru/management/manufact/manufacturing_sys-02.shtml

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Achieving Quality through Optimal Utilization of Inventory

When you think of Toyota, you think of world-class quality. So what is the reason for Toyota's success? A very simple concept called Toyota Production System (TPS).

Let's see how it all began. A delegation of officials from Toyota visited automobile plants in Michigan owned by Ford Motor Company, the world leader in automobile manufacturing at that time. The delegation, however, was not impressed by what they saw - it was discovered that a large amount of stock was simply not being used. Toyota representatives were also shocked by the fact that document flow between departments in the company differed from day to day, which indicated suboptimal use of resources. Thus, potential opportunities for automation at Ford were identified! This statement in no way invalidates Henry Ford's contributions to the automation of the automobile industry, but merely reflects the lack of attention paid to proper inventory management.

The same delegation visited an American supermarket called Piggly Wiggly, and this visit made a huge impression on them. They found that the supermarket was restocking and restructuring after existing stock had been sold. This forced Toyota to seriously rethink its inventory management practices.

The delegation returned to Japan and applied the knowledge gained at Piggly Wiggly to the automation process. They reduced the amount of inventory to a minimum level, after which supplies began to be reorganized depending on their consumption. This principle laid the foundation for the just-in-time inventory management system.

A management philosophy built on best practices gave birth to the Toyota Production System. TPS integrates production and logistics management, as well as the interaction between customer and supplier. There are two main principles on which TPS is based. The first is called "Jidoka", which means "automation using human intelligence." When a problem occurs on the assembly line, operators are authorized to stop the entire production line. This is to prevent the production of defective products. The second is the concept of “just in time”. The TPS system was built on the principles adhered to by the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda. They were developed between 1948 and 1975 by a Toyota team including Eiji Toyoda, Shigeo Shingo and Taiichi Ono.

Three M's in TPS: Muri, Mura and Muda:

What is Muri? The literal translation of Muri is overload. The process must be designed to provide maximum performance, without "muri" or overload.

What is Mura? A process designed to produce what you need without any variation or “mura”.

What is Muda? It is logical that any inconsistency or stress in the process will generate waste or “muda” that must be eliminated.

The concepts behind Muri, Mura and Muda are so simple, yet so profound and their understanding so critical – that it's no wonder Toyota is now synonymous with quality.

The ultimate requirement for any process is the reduction or complete elimination of waste. The TPS talks about 7 types of losses (Muda). They manifest themselves in overproduction, unnecessary movement, waiting, unnecessary transportation, additional processing that is unnecessary for the customer or the creation of unnecessary features, unnecessary waste and correction of defects. Eliminating waste is at the heart of the TPS system. Toyota's application of this concept resulted in lower costs and shorter inventory rotation times. This is the reason why Toyota has become one of the top ten companies in the world.

The company's profits are constantly increasing, and in 2007, Toyota finally took a leading position in the rankings of car manufacturers in terms of production volume. Jeffrey Liker's book, The Toyota Way, goes into detail about the TPS system.

One of the criteria for the success of an organization is the use of a suitable management concept. Today, the Russian management model is extremely ineffective, the reasons for this are: ineffective management, irrational planning, weak product quality control, and the absence of a specific philosophy in production.

The question arises: what should be the concept of effective management in Russia? Classical management theories turn out to be ineffective in practice; moreover, they come into conflict with the Russian mentality and the idea of ​​organizing the labor process. A completely new approach to production management is required. The author is convinced that the components of the necessary management model should be looked for in Japan.

The relevance of research on a given topic can hardly be overestimated, since it is determined by a number of reasons, including the need to introduce new management concepts into the management system of Russian companies, the growing need for modernization and rationalization of domestic production based on changes in the personnel management model and the use of innovative approaches in the field of control product quality.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the uniqueness of the analysis of Toyota's management concepts, as a result of which milestones for the creation of a new Russian management model were identified.

The problem of the research is that, with many classical management theories, a concept has not yet been identified that would help resolve the issues raised related to the effectiveness of the functioning of management models in Russia.

The object of this study is the concept of management in Japanese companies. The subject of the study is the production management approaches of the Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota Motor Corporation. The methodological basis of the study is the concepts of production management and quality control of the TPS system: “Kaizen”, “Kanban”, “Chaku-chaku”, “Just-in-time”, “Genchi Genbutsu”; and Geert Hofstede's research in sociology.

The main goal of the study is to study the Toyota management model, as well as to find ways to introduce the concepts used into the management structure of Russian companies. The main objective of the study is to formulate a working management concept for the Russian business environment based on the Toyota Production System management system.

During the study, the following hypotheses were identified that require verification based on the analysis of the identified topic: in Russia it is impossible to apply Japanese management concepts due to the differentiation of the cultural characteristics of society; it is possible to use individual elements of the lean production system as the basis for a new domestic management model.

The result of the study is a formed management concept for use in Russia, as well as the sequence of implementation in the production process. The conclusion of the study is confirmation of the possibility of introducing and operating TPS elements in Russia.

Basic principles of the theory of lean production

Speaking about the Toyota production system, it should be noted that it is based on lean manufacturing concept(lean production). Developed by Taiichi Ohno, the lean system was designed to optimize production and improve product quality by eliminating all kinds of waste. But what is meant by the word “loss” (Jap. muda)? Toyota theorists identify seven types of waste: overproduction, wasted time, unnecessary transportation, excessive processing, excess raw materials, unnecessary movements, and defects.

Jeffrey Liker noted that it is not enough to optimize the production process, you need to create a certain philosophy at the enterprise, which would become a guiding vector for employees and encourage continuous improvement of work skills. In the Toyota Production System, a similar philosophy was built on the basis of leveling the overall production flow by creating a value-based understanding of production among employees. This approach allowed us to save valuable time: there was no need to go deep into individual explanations to each employee about responsibility and the need to work “conscientiously.” A unified idea of ​​the production cycle was formed.

Successful implementation of the philosophy in production will contribute to the implementation of one of the most important components of the lean manufacturing system - the desire for continuous improvement. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, Kevalkumar Vyas, noted in his report that success lies in how successfully one can implement a certain methodology in production, which would allow the concept of a step-by-step approach to be followed. The first step in creating a seamless production flow is to create a consistent process that is focused on meeting customer needs. The full cycle of continuous production improvement at Toyota can be represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 Toyota's continuous improvement cycle

The following fundamental principles are identified that make it possible to implement the concept of lean production in an enterprise: the “just-in-time” system, the “kanban” system and the “Genchi Genbutsu” principle. We are inclined to believe that these bases of the Toyota production system can be successfully used as the basis for a future management concept for the Russian business environment.

Using a just-in-time system eliminates what Taiichi Ohno believes is the most important of the seven wastes—overproduction—by precisely calibrating the system for delivering the necessary production elements directly to the point of use. The use of the “kanban” system makes it possible to achieve the successful implementation of the “just-in-time” concept, namely, to create a unified information system for tracking and regulating the quantity of production in production in real time.

Automation allows for more successful product quality control, as well as identifying defects in the early stages of production, before the product is released.

The principle of “Genchi Genbutsu” states that in order to solve a problem in production, it is necessary, firstly, to directly participate in the production process, and secondly, to proceed from the “origins” of the problem and draw conclusions based on facts, and not on speculation or opinions .

We are not talking about the lean production system as a set of principles and concepts aimed at regulating individual elements of production. Basic principles will optimize production, but it is important that each employee understands the significance of his contribution to the production process. Required a certain philosophy production. Its implementation is a priority for corporate leaders. To do this, we will have to borrow the listed elements, which, in our opinion, are lacking in the domestic production management system.

According to the official website of the company, Toyota Motor Corporation at the end of December 2012 operated at 52 foreign manufacturing subsidiaries in 27 countries. Often, we ourselves create barriers in our heads, rejecting the most important principles of management that are presented to us by foreign theorists who study management as a science. “The devastation is not in the entrance, but in the minds,” and it is the approach to introducing new management concepts into the rigid structure of Russian companies that needs to be changed, taking into account the long-term impact of the new principles on personnel. We will try to streamline all the necessary, in our opinion, principles of lean production and create a model of enterprise management, taking into account the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people.

Things to consider

We are aimed at creating an effectively working management concept taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. It was determined that the most important component of the new management model would be the presence of a specific production philosophy. But how to create a philosophy and successfully implement it in production if, due to historical factors, specific views on the most important aspects of work have been formed in Russia? It is necessary to analyze individual events from the history of Russia that influenced the formation of the mentality of the Russian people.

Russians have a special attitude towards work. Serfdom had a significant impact on the concept of the worker's perception of who he was working for: himself or the landowner. The life of a peasant could be divided into two parts: working for the landowner and working for himself. The peasant was well aware that if he concentrated all his efforts to work for the landowner, he would not be able to work well for himself. Because of this, the separation of the concepts of “working for yourself” and “working for someone else” has taken root in the minds of Russians. The above arguments allow us to formulate a conclusion regarding the quality of work of employees of a modern company: the quality of work will depend entirely on how the employee perceives his work. It is necessary to create a differentiated system of perception of the values ​​of the labor process. In other words, it is extremely important that each employee interprets the significance of the work process in his own way, focusing on what exactly he considers important for himself. A flexible system of approaches to the perception of values ​​is necessary, but, at the same time, the structure of values ​​must be defined and fixed as much as possible.

Russians perceive norms, rules, and laws in a special way, interpreting various kinds of instructions in their own way with the phrase: not everything that is prescribed must be followed. The state is perceived as an extremely ineffective institution, as a result of which we can observe disdain for legislative bodies. A certain concept of understanding the norm is emerging from the point of view of the rules established by management at the enterprise. It is impossible to instantly correct such a deeply rooted stereotype of prescriptions. Monitoring compliance with production regulations is required. The employee must understand that failure to comply with regulations will result in negative sanctions. It is necessary to convey to every employee the fact that violation of the standards adopted by management is unacceptable and undermines the stable operation of the entire company. There will begin to be a consistent realization that as a result of an individual violating the rules, all employees without exception who regularly perform their duties in accordance with the regulatory framework will come under attack.

It is worth mentioning that Russia has one of the highest indicators of “power distance” according to the model of the Dutch sociologist Geert Hofstede. (Fig. 2) Due to a number of historical reasons, the concept of strong differentiation of society was formed in Russia. Power distance indicators in Russia are much higher (1.7 times) than in Japan. The degree of perception of the fact of uneven distribution of power within domestic companies is high, and it is not customary for an employee to take the initiative. It is worth moving away from such a concept. It is necessary to change the idea of ​​the company's hierarchy in favor of the employee, in order to extract the necessary information regarding aspects of the production process. Jeffrey Liker in his book highlighted a particularly significant, in his opinion, category of losses in production: the unrealized creative potential of employees; with insufficient attention to this type of loss, there will be a loss of time, ideas, skills, opportunities for improvement and gaining experience due to inattention to employees, whom managers have no time to listen to. It is important to formalize weekly meetings with the right to speak on topics of concern to employees. All employees should point out what problems they believe exist. The strategic advantage of a company and its stable production depend on information. It is important that employees understand this.

As for the indices of individualism at the enterprise and uncertainty avoidance by employees, it can be noted that their values ​​are approximately at the same level. Consequently, aspects of the new management model for Russia from the perspective of the two mentioned criteria will be taken into account using the provisions of lean production, since the characteristics of these criteria in Russia and Japan do not differ much.

Fig. 2 Comparison of cultural characteristics of Russia and Japan

It should be noted that the masculinity index of employees in Russia is extremely low compared to the indicators of employees of Japanese corporations (2.6 times less). Russians are not aimed at achieving results “at any cost,” but it is worth mentioning the fact that, due to historical reasons, a special concept of the Russian mentality has been formed, which sets a person up to work with full dedication. The degree of dedication depends on what or who the employee believes in at the moment. In the process of creating a production philosophy, it is necessary to take into account a motivation system for employees, which will act as a priority.

Concluding the consideration of factors influencing the functioning of management concepts, we would like to turn to the section “Future orientation”. (Fig. 2) Unfortunately, the Geert Hofstede Center did not provide data for Russia regarding this part of the diagram. Of course, we cannot help but notice the desire of Japanese colleagues to focus production on the long term, even if this has a detrimental effect on short-term financial plans. The Russians, due to extreme military mobilization throughout their history, have not been able to understand the full depth of the benefits of long-term planning. We are convinced that systematically prioritizing long-term perspectives in the company will help employees adapt to such an unusual concept of thinking.

Formulating a working concept

In our opinion, a sufficient amount of data was collected to formulate the main provisions of a new management concept that could work in Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. The main provisions of the concept are presented in the form of a diagram. (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3 Hierarchy of the main provisions of management concepts

The new management concept should contain:

  • A certain philosophy production process, referring to which employees could provide themselves with an account of why they are engaged in this particular type of production activity and what their significance is in the global process of functioning of the enterprise. The right philosophy will also help to ensure that employees are extremely focused on production and adhere to the principles of the Just-in-Time concept.
  • Loss Elimination System in production. This requires the use of effective technologies in the enterprise, autonomation of the process, adherence to the sequence of work, equal distribution of responsibilities between employees, implementation of a system of continuous quality control and identification of deficiencies in the early stages of the production process (Dzioka), tracking the volume of resources used and control of the involved capacities in order to avoid overproduction. It is required to create a unified information system that would reflect the state of individual production processes in real time (Kanban).
  • The structure of interpersonal relationships among employees. The manager must approach the issue of forming a team with special responsibility, since the presence of a cohesive team in production will create a favorable atmosphere for the effective work of employees. Activities aimed at bringing the upper echelons of management closer to the workers are mandatory. We are inclined to believe that such measures will lead to openness of employees towards managers, which will have a positive impact on the system of information exchange between executive and management elements of production.
  • The concept of continuous improvement. Internships and courses aimed at improving the skills of employees are especially important. By investing in various programs of additional professional education, the employer thereby invests in its production and acts from a long-term perspective. In addition, it is necessary that employees have the opportunity to learn during production, absorbing the intricacies of the production process (Kaizen). We believe that on-the-job training is the most effective and efficient method of providing new job skills to company employees.


In the course of this study, we analyzed Toyota's lean production management approaches and, on their basis, formed a management model taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. We managed to refute one of the hypotheses, which states that it is impossible to use Japanese management concepts in Russia due to the cultural characteristics of Russian society. We took into account the necessary aspects of mentality and formulated recommendations for the successful implementation of a new management system in production. Moreover, the second hypothesis we posed was confirmed: individual control elements of the Japanese “lean-production” system successfully formed the basis of a new management system for the Russian environment. The universality of Toyota's approaches to production was revealed. We recommend introducing the formulated management concepts into the production cycle gradually, observing the order of the structural elements of the system. The estimated period for the successful implementation of a lean production system at domestic enterprises is 10 years. The conclusion of this study is confirmation of the possibility of applying lean manufacturing concepts in Russia. The practical significance of the research results is due to the possibility of using the formulated concepts in production in order to improve management efficiency. Further research on the topic is planned: analysis of the period of integration of Toyota management models in world practice.

Spear S., Bowen H. K. Decoding the DNA of the Toyota production system // Harvard Business Review. – 1999. – T. 77. – P. 96-108.

  • Vyas K. C. Toyota production system. – 2011.
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    1. Toyota production system - TPS

    is focused on the complete elimination of losses and is based on two principles:

    the “just in time” principle, when on the production line the parts necessary for assembly appear exactly at the right time and in strictly required quantities, using “kanban” information transmission tools;

    the principle of autonomy (automation with an element of intelligence).

    To minimize inventory of finished goods, Toyota's production system primarily focuses on order-based production. That is why a “pull” system is used, in which subsequent processes turn to previous ones in order to take the necessary products.

    The production plan, which identifies the required car models, their quantity and production time, is sent to the final assembly line. The material transfer method is then reversed. To obtain components for final assembly, the final assembly line contacts the assembly line of components, indicating the strictly required name and number of components and their delivery dates. In this reverse way, the production process moves from the finished product stage to the raw material procurement department. Each link in the JIT process chain is connected and synchronized with the others.

    This system works great, but in the West, it has become only the basis for the formation of a new concept - this is Lean production - a breakthrough approach to management and quality management, ensuring long-term competitiveness without significant capital investments.

    By applying this system, AvtoVAZ will significantly improve its productivity and economic performance.

    The essence of lean manufacturing is the elimination of activities that take time but do not create value, as well as the creation of conditions under which the remaining activities (processes) that create value are built into a continuous flow pulled out by the consumer.

    Modern “Western” management methods are quite often criticized, which in most cases is the result of attempts to apply methods without knowledge of the conditions necessary for their operation, which does not provide the opportunity for both the correct choice and correct adaptation to specific conditions. This happens not only in Russia.

    Main features of Lean Production.

    .The company is like a big family. You should start with building a system of relationships at Toyota, which has become a key factor in the success of the implementation of Ono’s ideas.

    Let's look at an example:

    Toyota needed to fire a quarter of its workers, the unions were categorically against it, and then an agreement emerged that formed the basis of employee-employer relations in many Japanese firms and made workers in many respects full members of the company, which essentially became a big family:

    Toyota lays off a quarter of workers

    The remaining employees receive a guarantee of lifetime employment with the right to use all benefits: housing, holiday homes,...

    Remuneration for work becomes constant, increases with length of service, and bonuses from profits are added to it.

    The company can hope that the majority of employees will remain with it for the entire duration of the operation.

    Employees agree to perform various jobs required by the company and contribute to the company's interests by initiating improvements.

    The employee’s salary has become part of the fixed costs, which increase over time. Therefore, it was necessary to make the most of their capabilities. That is, it was profitable to organize production in such a way as to make maximum use of the increasing experience of workers. It also made sense to invest in training so that new knowledge and skills would remain within the company.

    * Of course, in Russia the lifetime employment system is not applicable, but the general idea is worthy of being taken as a basis by AvtoVAZ, since very specific positive results were obtained.

    As a result, the company received employees who were quite specifically interested in the company’s success (that is, the issue of motivation was practically resolved) with a sense of security, ready to proactively look for opportunities to improve work results.

    The quality of the work process and the quality of the products have become important for every employee at every stage of work.

    The company became interested in expanding the range of professional knowledge and skills of its employees.

    It became profitable for the company to invest money in employee training.

    An opportunity has emerged to transfer some of the responsibility (rights and obligations) to lower levels.

    One of the main differences: Unlike the first companies, in the Toyota company responsibility (rights and obligations) for work results extends far down the hierarchical vertical. And this, on the one hand, makes the work more intense, and on the other hand, stimulates both the development of the employee and his sense of involvement in the common cause.

    Another important difference, which appeared as a result of the formation of teams and the expansion of their functions, is as follows.

    It is the best team players who advance through the ranks, not the exceptional specialists in a narrow field.

    Another important feature of companies in general that have taken the path of Lean Production. Attitudes towards a career in such a company must change. Main reasons:

    Salary depends mainly on length of service.

    A team member performs more and more functions, becomes more qualified and important to the team.

    The number of management personnel is decreasing, and some of the functions of specialists are taken on by lower-level workers.

    An employee is associated with the company almost for life.

    In such conditions, an employee is needed and possible who is interested not in vertical growth, but in growing together with the team, in improving skills to perform increasingly complex work. The company must provide the employee with the opportunity to realize his potential.

    With the introduction of Lean Production, AvtoVAZ will gain an advantage over other factories on the following points:

    Introducing a mandatory line stop if the defect is not corrected.

    The team itself distributes the work within the allocated stage.

    Workers prepare tools and equipment themselves and are responsible for preparing the workplace (cleanliness, order, availability of what is necessary and absence of unnecessary things). That is, the need for auxiliary workers and adjusters is eliminated.

    If problems arise, the team should try to independently find the source, cause of the problem and eliminate it.

    A team with sufficient qualifications and experience must be fully responsible for the quality of products that leave its area of ​​responsibility.

    Thus, the status and role of grassroots workers will be significantly raised. Both the range of responsibilities and the range of rights have been expanded. Those. The problem of transfer of powers has been resolved.

    In this regard, we can go directly to the 2nd principle: the process in the form of a continuous flow helps to identify problems.

    2. Principle 2: Continuous flow process helps identify problems

    Which is based on the following postulates:

    Reengineer your process to create a continuous flow that effectively adds value. Minimize the amount of time unfinished work sits idle.

    Create a flow of products or information and establish connections between processes and people so that any problem is identified immediately.

    This flow must become part of the organizational culture, understandable to everyone. This is the key to continuous improvement and development of people.

    Based on the above advantages of Lean Production, it can be said that the continuous production process will improve as workers improve and their work is organized.

    It should be noted that initially, the development, design and manufacturing technology of a car in mass production were distributed among highly specialized specialists, who usually had little connection with each other and worked in different companies. As a result, problems arose in the configuration, mutual coordination of parts, technologies, deadlines, and quality. It was not a single process, but many separate works, little coordinated with each other, and even competing, which created barriers to the dissemination of better solutions, and simply a better understanding of problems.

    The connection process began with the unification of suppliers into a single mechanism, which allowed the idea to further and combine the development and design of new products and technology design into a single process, starting with design and ending with the manufacturing technology of the finished product. In doing so, it became possible to take into account both the possibilities and the existing limitations from the very beginning. And the process itself is launched by marketing, that is, by the needs of the end buyer.

    Toyota began to form teams consisting of a full range of specialists necessary to complete this complex task. Their level of training and experience had to be high, since the cost of an error increased significantly, the psychological load increased, but they also received the opportunity from the very beginning to clearly understand the essence of the tasks and the possibility of initial consistency with the work of the rest of the team members. The lack of internal competition allowed for free discussion and exchange of the best solutions. Team members might come from different suppliers in the chain, but they all worked closely together.

    Currently, this idea, in my opinion, has reached its peak stage. In other words, I believe that the further development of continuous production will not lead to any global changes, but AvtoVAZ needs to learn from Toyota’s mistakes, study both the positive and negative aspects of production in order to work out bottlenecks and take measures to repair them, improvement or completely replace them with others. This applies in particular to the technology and equipment that is used in the production process, because as you know, new technologies are emerging with which you can increase productivity, minimize the cost of both time and energy,

    In this regard, we can move on to consider another principle.

    toyota stock lean manufacturing

    3. Principle 8: Use only reliable, proven technology

    Technology is designed to help people, not replace them. It is often worth doing the process manually first before introducing additional hardware.

    New technologies are often unreliable and difficult to standardize, jeopardizing flow. Instead of using untested technology, it is better to use a known, proven process.

    Before introducing new technology and equipment, testing should be carried out under real-life conditions.

    Reject or change technology that conflicts with your culture and may undermine stability, reliability, or predictability.

    Still, encourage your people to keep an eye on new technologies when it comes to finding new ways. Quickly implement proven technologies that have been tested to improve flow.

    Add value to the organization by developing your employees and partners AvtoVAZ needs to focus its production on introducing new technologies and equipment. I believe that the technology that Toyota uses is very competent and thoughtful and our domestic automobile production needs to use the same methods as Toyota, which uses: 1) the method of leveling production by volume, known as “fine-tuning” production using the “ Kanban" is the most important condition for minimizing the loss of worker time and equipment downtime.

    To avoid large variations in the quantity of parts required at all stages of production, as well as those obtained from external suppliers, it is necessary to minimize fluctuations in output on the final assembly line. Therefore, minimal quantities of each car model must come off the assembly line, realizing the ideal of piece production and delivery. In other words, different types of cars will be assembled one after another according to the daily production volume of each type. The assembly line will also receive the necessary parts in small batches from previous sections.

    The most difficult problem in ensuring smooth production is setting up and retooling equipment in order to reduce production time.

    ) For the trouble-free operation of the just-in-time system, 100% of products without defects must be delivered to subsequent production areas, and this flow must be continuous. Automatic quality control must be introduced.

    In general, the application of lean manufacturing principles and tools will allow AvtoVAZ to achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the enterprise’s core activities: reducing the time for design, manufacturing and delivery of new products to the market; growth in labor productivity, increase in resource turnover, reduction in the level of work in progress and inventory, reduction in production space and transportation/warehousing costs; improving the quality of products and increasing competitiveness without significant capital investments. In addition to the above advantages, the matrix-modular organization of the technological process involves the allocation in the TPS structure of functionally (or subject-wise) logically and structurally complete work centers, which are closed cells for group processing of parts and robotic complexes (in the terminology of systems engineering - actuators / control units), which operate as Autonomous modules with their own control programs and provide the ability to completely process parts in one installation.

    Rapid equipment changeover is the TPS principle, which will reduce hours of die replacement to just a few minutes.

    ) The SMED system will allow you to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand, reduce production cycle times by moving to small production batches, and eliminate overproduction.

    The 8 main SMED system methods used to reduce changeover time for each of these functions are discussed:

    Method 1 - separation of internal and external adjustment operations. It is necessary to clearly define which setup operations must be performed while the machine is stopped (internal setup, or IED), and which can be performed while the machine is running (external setup, or OED).

    Method 2 - transforming internal actions into external ones.

    Method 3 - standardize function, not form. Standardizing die shapes and sizes can significantly reduce setup time. However, standardizing the form requires significant costs. On the other hand, standardization of a function only requires uniformity of parts required for setup operations.

    Method 4 - use of functional clamps or complete removal of fasteners.

    Method 5 - use of additional devices. Some of the delays associated with internal adjustments can be eliminated by using standard fixtures. When a workpiece secured in one fixture is processed, the next workpiece is installed in the second fixture. When the processing of the first workpiece is completed, the second fixture is easily placed on the machine for processing.

    Method 6 - use of parallel operations.

    Method 7 - eliminating adjustments. Typically, adjustments and test runs take up 50-70% of internal setup time. Eliminating them provides amazing time savings.

    Method 8 - mechanization. While replacing small cutters, fixtures, dies and fixtures is not a problem, mechanization is often essential to the efficient use of large dies, casting molds and molds. Mechanization should be considered when all efforts have been made to improve the changeover process in the ways described above.

    Over the years, out of several hundred SMED improvements, the most effective for AvtoVAZ will be in:

    clear separation of internal and external adjustment;

    the possibility of completely converting internal adjustment into external adjustment;

    eliminating adjustments;

    fastening without screws.

    These methods can reduce installation time by approximately 20 times the initial time.

    ) Autonomation - Autonomation - Pre-automation - Automation with an element of intelligence or taking into account the human factor

    automatically stopping an abnormal production process (for example, stopping a production line or machine) to prevent the production of defective products or overproduction means installing devices on the line that could prevent mass production or failure of equipment.

    The word “autonomization” (“jidoka”) should be understood as the organization and autonomous control of violations of the processing process. At Toyota factories, almost all machines are equipped with automatic stops, which makes it possible to prevent defects in mass production and turn off the equipment in the event of a breakdown. The so-called “protection against careless or inept handling” is one such device that prevents defects in operation. If there is any deviation from the norm on the line, the worker stops the entire line by pressing a button. The express scoreboard in the Toyota system plays an important role of visual control. If a worker needs help to eliminate a delay in work, he turns on the yellow light on the display. If he needs to stop the line to troubleshoot a problem, he turns on the red light. Consequently, one operator can operate several machines. If machines are repaired without informing managers, then improvements will never be achieved and costs will not decrease. Stopping the machine when problems occur ensures that everyone is aware of the problem. Improvements can only be made when there is a clear understanding of the problem. For any machine, the distinction between normal and abnormal operation must be clear, and measures to prevent repeated failures must be unconditional. In an autonomous system, “visual guidance,” or “signal guidance,” helps identify production deficiencies.

    In general, automation is a mechanism that will allow the AvtoVAZ plant to autonomously detect deviations in the production process.

    This is one of the basic principles of the Toyota Production System - TPS. The source of the concept was the Toyota Sakiti self-propelled loom. His invention was equipped with a device that automatically stopped the machine as soon as the thread broke or ran out. In other words, the machine was able to respond to emergency situations.

    ) Andon is a device for visual monitoring of the production area, which will warn workers about defects, equipment malfunctions or other problems using light, sound and similar signals. The TPS system will become an important tool in the AvtoVAZ production system.

    This is an indicator of the production line's performance, placed high above the line and providing a visual management tool. The warning lights work as follows. During normal operation, the green light is on. When a worker needs to adjust something on the line and call for help, he turns on the yellow light. If a line stop is required to eliminate a fault, a red signal is turned on. Workers should not be afraid to stop the production line to fully restore the process to normal.

    Baka-yoke - Baka-yoke - Fool resistance - Protection from fools.

    To completely eliminate defects, tools and equipment must be modernized by equipping them with baka-eke - defect prevention devices. Which will also become an important tool of the AvtoVAZ production system.

    Here are some examples of them:

    If there is an error in the workflow, the part will not fit into the tool.

    If a defect is detected on a part, the machine does not turn on.

    If there is an error in the workflow, the machine will not start processing the part.

    If errors occur in the workflow or one of the operations is missed, corrections are automatically made and processing continues.

    The presence of violations at earlier stages is checked at later stages to prevent defects.

    If you skip one operation, the next stage will not begin.

    ) Visual control - Management by signals - Visual control - Management by sight

    We are talking about visualization, visibility of control methods through appropriate boards, screens, cards, signals on lines, machines and equipment.


    The automotive industry is one of the largest sectors of the national economy and therefore, giving a general description of the level of automotive production, it can be noted that in terms of basic parameters (degree of automation, capacity utilization rates and equipment shifts, etc.) it occupies a leading position among other branches of mechanical engineering. Although, when compared with the foreign automotive industry, we are very far behind in many respects.

    Japanese cars have always been famous for their incredible quality of parts, assembly, rich equipment, and technical characteristics. It’s not for nothing that automakers from the “land of the rising sun” locate their factories in Europe and America, which are not separated by automakers - even in these regions there is a stable demand for Toyotas and many other brands of Japanese cars.

    The Russian automotive industry should learn a lot from the experience of Japan, namely a long-term orientation, rejection of narrow specialization, universal development of the employee and stable employment associated with such development, rotation of personnel within the company, learning on the job, moving towards the set goal, it is necessary to use proven experience in production technology, introduce new capacities, and generally update the entire production system, etc. All this is necessary for every company that wants not only to succeed, but at least to exist.


    1)Jeffrey K. Liker. "DAO Toyota 14 principles of management of the world's leading company." book 5.

    2)#"justify">3) #"justify">) http://www.cfin.ru/management/manufact/manufacturing_sys-02.shtml


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