Home Generator Sadom and Gamora biblical. Sodom and Gomorrah. The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. Why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

Sadom and Gamora biblical. Sodom and Gomorrah. The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. Why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

Due to the fact that humanity has been living in the biblical information “matrix” for many centuries, today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and about the tragic death of all their inhabitants.

It so happened that all sorts of peddlers of religious propaganda were able to convince all of us over time that it was the Lord God himself who once decided to wipe out two ancient Canaanite cities and all their inhabitants from the face of the earth when he saw terrible debauchery there... Remember, these cities were Canaanite , says the Bible! The so-called Canaanites lived there...

Thanks to religious propaganda, the name of one of these lost cities described in the Bible even became a scientific term, which is still commonly used to describe all sexual vices.

"Sodomy(from the French sodomie), the sin of Sodom is a historical term, a hypernym to designate various forms of sexual behavior, assessed as deviant, and having theological and legal overtones... The term goes back to the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and was introduced in the 11th century by a theologian Peter Damiani. .

I recently managed to find out that the dirty history of Sodom and Gomorrah is the false testimony of the Jews about the history of the ancient Slavic cities that died from a natural disaster! It turns out that the Jews in their religious literature use the term “Canaanite” or “Canaanites” to refer to the descendants of the current Slavs! This is such a historical “trick”. It turns out that it was the Jews who composed a fairy tale about our ancestors, that they were mired in debauchery and pederasty, and that is why the Lord punished them...

So, so that you understand that I understand, I will tell you everything in order...

Biblical story

For the first time Sodom and Gomorrah is mentioned as the southeastern tip Canaan, located east of Gaza, with the land here called the eastern bank Jordan River Lot, Abraham’s nephew, came here (according to legend). The Bible even says that Jerusalem borders Sodom on the south and southeast sides. The inhabitants of Sodom were called Philistines (or Canaanites in the Jewish manner), and the king of the city was a monarch named Ber. .

"Christian theology examines homosexual relationships the main sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. The events that took place in Sodom and Gomorrah are considered an attempt to commit a sexual sin, including due to the double use in the Bible of the Hebrew verb yada (knew), used to describe actions of a sexual nature.
When commenting on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Christian authors may mention other sins or aggravating circumstances. In particular, Robert A. J. Gagnon writes that the severity of the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah consisted, among other things, in the attempted sexual abuse of guests, priest Lev Shikhlyarov - that the behavior of the Sodomites testifies not only to sexual, but mainly to spiritual perversity , hatred and cruelty. Thus, Sodom and Gomorrah became a household word in Christian theology to denote the extreme degree of sexual immorality (sodomy) or extreme depravity and brazen sinfulness. In culture, Sodom and Gomorrah have become a symbol of depravity, immorality and divine retribution, and Sodom itself is associated with sodomy."

All attempts by archaeologists to find the lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were unsuccessful.

Since Sodom and Gomorrah are widely known even to non-religious people, many attempts have been made to find out more about their location and finally find evidence that they existed. So, not far from the Dead Sea, on its southwestern shore, there are mountains that consist mainly of rock salt and are called Sodomite. It would seem that this should be somehow connected with the biblical city, but in reality there is no reliable data on why this particular name was chosen.

Interest in the biblical tale is so widespread that between 1965 and 1979, five attempts were made to find the city that perished due to the sins of its inhabitants, but they were unsuccessful. The history of Sodom and Gomorrah did not leave Russian scientists indifferent, who, together with Jordanians, tried to discover what remained of the ancient city.

Michael Sanders Expedition

In 2000, British scientist Michael Sanders became the leader of an archaeological expedition aimed at finding destroyed cities. Their work was based on images obtained from the American space shuttle. According to these photographs, the city could be located northeast of the Dead Sea, contrary to all data from the Bible. Scientists believed that they had managed to find the most accurate location of Sodom, the ruins of which, in their opinion, are located at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Jordan Valley

Some scholars also believe that the ancient ruins located at Tell el-Hammam in Jordan may be the biblical city of sinners. Therefore, it was decided to undertake research in this area in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis. Excavations led by American scientist Stephen Collins, who relied on data from the book of Genesis, strengthen the assumption that Sodom was located in the southern region of the Jordan Valley, which is surrounded on all sides by depressions.

Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah

According to the text of the Bible, city residents were punished not only for sexual debauchery, but also for other sins, including selfishness, idleness, pride and others, but homosexuality was still recognized as the main one. Why exactly this sin is recognized as the most terrible is not known for certain, but in the Bible it is called an “abomination” before the Lord, and the legend calls on people “not to lie with a man as with a woman.” Oddly enough, among such an ancient people as Philistines homosexuality was an accepted phenomenon and no one condemned it. This probably happened because their ancestors were pagan tribes and peoples, lived in Canaan, far from monotheistic religion

According to legend, the Lord God, fearing that the Jewish people might also turn to such a sinful lifestyle, sent them to the promised land and therefore commanded them to destroy the cities so that their inhabitants would not spread throughout the globe. There are even lines in Genesis that say that corruption was so widespread in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that it crossed all boundaries, so they had to be destroyed.

Fact or fiction?

Now, so many centuries after the events described, it is impossible to say whether these cities actually existed, and whether they were burned by “rain of brimstone and fire” for the misdeeds of their inhabitants. A huge number of attempts have been made to find the remains of these settlements, but in reality none of them have been successful.

We see that no real evidence has yet been found indicating that cities with the names Sodom and Gomorrah, supposedly destroyed by fire from Heaven, actually once existed.

At the same time, we know that in ancient times a number of cities with a significant number of their inhabitants actually died from volcanic ash and hot sulfur falling from the sky.

The most famous cities that suffered such a fate are the cities: Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia.

K. Bryullov. "The Last Day of Pompeii" (1833).

Above is the artist K. Bryullov’s representation of the death of the city of Pompeii, below is a real view of the extinct volcano Vesuvius and the remains of the city of Pompeii.

The remains of the ancient city of Pompeii and the extinct volcano Vesuvius in the distance, whose eruption in 79 AD destroyed this city.

"The harbinger of the eruption was a strong earthquake that occurred on February 5, 62 AD and was described, in particular, in the Annals of Tacitus. The disaster caused great damage to the city, almost all buildings were damaged to one degree or another. Most of the buildings were repaired , however, some remained damaged until the destruction of the city in 79.

The eruption of Vesuvius began on the afternoon of August 24, 79 and lasted about a day, as evidenced by some surviving manuscripts of Pliny the Younger's Letters. It led to the destruction of three cities - Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae and several small villages and villas. During the excavations, it became clear that everything in the cities was preserved as it was before the eruption. Streets, fully furnished houses, and the remains of people and animals that did not have time to escape were found under a multi-meter layer of ash. The force of the eruption was such that the ash from it even reached Egypt and Syria.

Of the 20,000 inhabitants of Pompeii, about 2,000 people died in the buildings and on the streets. Most of the residents left the city before the disaster, but the remains of the victims are also found outside the city. Therefore, it is impossible to estimate the exact number of deaths..." .

Historians also have no evidence that the inhabitants of these cities were mired in sins and debauchery. But there is slightly different evidence...

These are the discovered frescoes on the walls in the city of Pompeii, which are almost 2000 years old!

Pay attention to the faces of the so-called “Romans” who lived in Pompeii, who, according to the logic of things and from our knowledge of geography, should be Italians. Rome is located in Italy, and Italians live there. Here is the same photograph of the fresco, only enlarged:

And the faces of these women from the city of Pompeii are purely Slavic, and their hairstyles too!

Okay, the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia, inhabited by the Slavs and destroyed by a natural disaster, were far from the Jordan. Let's look for something similar to Sodom or Gomorrah closer to the place indicated in the Bible.

Let me remind you that "Sodom and Gomorrah are first mentioned as the southeastern tip of Canaan, located east of Gaza, the land here being called the eastern bank of the Jordan River."

We look at the map to understand where the eastern bank of the Jordan River is.

The red dot on this map, on the territory of Jordan, near the Jordan River, on its right bank, marks the ancient city of Jerash (Greek name Γέρασα), which died many centuries ago from a natural disaster. He was buried by a powerful mudflow. The ancient city of Jerash was in a “preserved” state until our time, until 1920. It was in 1920 that archaeological excavations began at that site.

What did archaeologists find during the excavations of Jerash, and why is no one trumpeting their discoveries to the whole world?

I already know the answer to this "why?"

Because during archaeological excavations it turned out:

1. On the territory of modern Jordan, in the ancient city of Jerash (Gerasa), the Slavs lived, as they lived in many cities of Greece and the Roman Empire!
2. The ancient Slavs who lived in the city of Gerasa wore national clothes, indistinguishable from the modern national clothes of the Russian Slavs!
3. For the Slavs who lived in the city of Gerasa, the image of the “Aryan swastika” was traditional!!!
4. On the territory of modern Jordan, in the ancient city of Jerash (Gerasa), people used the ancient Slavic letter!!!

This photograph of a fragment of a floor mosaic was taken in the same 1920 during excavations by the American photographer G. Eric. The original of this black and white photograph can be seen.

Here, reader, is an image of a man in a traditional Russian shirt!

This archaeological discovery should, logically, become a big world sensation. But she didn’t become one. I didn’t for a number of reasons. It was simply not profitable for the powers that be to advertise it!

"The Russians lived before the Jews on the Holy Land! Jerusalem was Russian! Indisputable archaeological evidence has been found!!!" - all the newspapers in the world should have shouted this? Yeah, right now! Can't wait!

However, let's return to the history of the city of Jerash (Geras). This ancient ancient city was hidden from humanity and world history underground for more than 1000 years. It was discovered in 1806 by the German scientist Ulrich Seetzen.

First, the city of Jerash (Gerasa) was destroyed by a terrible earthquake that occurred in 749 AD, then it was flooded and preserved for centuries by mudflows that came down from the hills.

In historical documents of the 3rd century, the city of Gerasa was called “Colonia Aurelia Antoniniana” - a city that was part of the Roman Empire. And in the 4th-5th centuries it was an important center for the development of Christianity already as part of Byzantium.

After the Russian-Caucasian War, starting in 1878, Circassian refugees began to settle above the buried city, who did not imagine that they were building their houses on part of the ancient ancient city.

Large-scale archaeological excavations and restoration work began in the territory of modern Jerash only in 1925, and then only in the part where there were no new buildings.

Streets of the city of Jerash.

Preserved foundations of buildings in the city of Jerash (Gerasa).

In the following photo, the ruins of the early Christian temple of “St. Cosmas and St. Damian” ("Church of SS. Kosmas and Damian") discovered in the city of Jerash (Gerasa). It was here that images of a man in a Russian shirt were discovered in 1920.

This is what was discovered later, after the American photographer G. Eric took his sensational photograph in 1920:

For comparison. Clothes of a person in ancient Jerash and the national Russian shirt with swastikas.

After removing a layer of earth, a huge mosaic image was revealed to the archaeologists, on which, in addition to the figure of a man in a Russian shirt and the inscription “CHRIST,” there were also multiple images of various animals and birds, as well as "Aryan swastikas", as if flying in all directions, as if this is a symbolic image of the omnipresent “Holy Spirit”.

The most amazing thing is that the word “CHRIST” and all the other words on the floor mosaic were made on ancientSlavic language!!!

The alphabet of the ancient Slavic language is very similar to the alphabet of the ancient Greek language, and one might think that the inscriptions on the floor mosaic were made in ancient Greek, however, in the Greek alphabet there is no letter “C”, which is found in the word "CHRISTE", but it is in the Old Slavic alphabet!

Here are the letters of the ancient Greek language, and this is what it looks like in greek alphabet analogue of the Slavic letter WITH- SIGMA:

It turns out that the Slavs had writing long before the creators of the “Slavic alphabet” Cyril and Methodius!

When they were born (Cyril - in 827, Methodius - in 815), the city of Gerasa had been buried for almost a century under a landslide, which came down from the hill in 749 due to an earthquake!

Here is more evidence from the excavations of the city of Derash (Geras), which says that ancient Slavic writing was used there.

See what the Americans give out in the section: "Ruins of Jerash (Geras). Jerash mosaics. Section with Greek inscription." That is, it is supposedly "Greek inscription":


Look at the letters circled in red circles in the b/w photo. And then look here. Here below Old Slovenian initial letter with a letter "En", which is not in the Greek language, but it is (red circles) on the supposedly “Greek” mosaic presented above.

This is the same spelling of the letter in Old Slavonic alphabet, which was read differently "yus-small":

So, were Greek writings discovered during excavations in the city of Jerash (Geras), or are these ancient Slavic writings?

The answer is obvious - these are ancient Slavic letters and writings!

Well, now let's move on to the most interesting part.


Once again we read the text that is given at the beginning of this article:

Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah

“According to the text of the Bible, the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were punished not only for sexual debauchery, but also for other sins, including selfishness, idleness, pride and others, but the main one was still recognized homosexuality. Why exactly this sin is recognized as the most terrible is not known for certain, but in the Bible it is called an “abomination” before the Lord, and the legend calls on people “not to lie with a man as with a woman.” Oddly enough, among such an ancient people as the Philistines, homosexuality was a generally accepted phenomenon, and no one condemned him. This probably happened because their ancestors were pagan tribes and peoples living in Canaan, far from a monotheistic religion."

These accusations are not supported by absolutely anything today! There is not even evidence of the existence of Canaanite cities named Sodom and Gomorrah!

The authors of the Bible attributed the so-called "to the pagan tribes and peoples living in Canaan", all those abominations that to this day are characteristic exclusively of Jews! It is they, the Jews, who spread depravity among all other nations! We see this everywhere today, and it is OBVIOUS, because the entire modern PORN INDUSTRY is a purely Jewish “business,” because all LGBT propaganda and gay pride parades are a purely Jewish international movement!

Read the continuation of this text:

"According to legend, the Lord God, fearing that the Jewish people might also turn to such a sinful way of life, sent them to the promised land, and therefore commanded them to destroy the cities so that their inhabitants would not spread throughout the globe. There are even lines in Genesis that say that corruption was so widespread in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that it crossed all borders, which is why they had to be destroyed."

In other words, if some ancient cities in which the Canaanites lived were destroyed by natural disasters and “fire from heaven” in the form of a volcanic eruption, which could simply be perceived without any religious fluff and tinsel as an unexpected strike of the elements, then the authors of the Jewish the concepts and compilers of the Bible went further than this.

From century to century, Jewish priests, descendants of Aaron the Levite, inspired the Jews (and still do!) that with this blow of the elements, firstly, the Lord personally punished the Canaanite sinners, and secondly, the Jews, as “God’s chosen people” , must now FINISH, DESTROY the Canaanites wherever possible in order to inherit, as stated in the Jewish Torah, “the whole land of Canaan.”

Below is a transcript of the Jewish expression “Promised Land.” The authors of this Jewish tale operate virtual The Lord, who allegedly appeared to a certain Abraham and said that he is “God Almighty,” but without the Jews He cannot do something, and therefore wants to conclude a lifelong agreement with them according to the principle: “I am for you, you are for me.”

1 Abram was ninety-nine years old, and the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before Me and be blameless;
2 And I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and will greatly, greatly multiply you.
3 And Abram fell on his face. God continued to speak to him and said:
4 This is my covenant with you: you will be the father of many nations,
5 And you shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I will make you the father of many nations;
6 And I will make you very, very fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you;
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and you and between your descendants after you throughout their generations, an everlasting covenant, that I will be your God and your descendants after you;
8 And I will give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you sojourn, all the land of CANAAN, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
9 And God said to Abraham, “You shall keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations.”
10 This is my covenant, which you [shall] keep between me and you and your descendants after you: that all your males shall be circumcised;
11 Circumcise your foreskin: and this will be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.
12 Every male child born in the house and bought for money from a foreigner who is not of your seed, shall be circumcised eight days from birth throughout your generations.
13 He who is born in your house and bought with your money shall certainly be circumcised, and My covenant shall be an everlasting covenant upon your body.
14 But the uncircumcised male who does not circumcise his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off from among his people, [for] he has broken My covenant...
(Bible, Genesis, chapter 17).

As part of this lifelong agreement made by one Abraham with a certain virtual Lord, whom no one has seen, because God cannot be seen, the Jews are now obliged not only to cut off the foreskin of their male infants on their penises on the eighth day from birth, but also to achieve the acquisition of into the ownership of the so-called "Promised Land" belonging to the Canaanites by birthright.

"Promised Land" means "Promised". In this new land, the Jewish people should find a calm, happy and comfortable existence. Both parties are obliged to fulfill the Covenant itself forever. The people of Israel are commanded to keep the commandments of their God and carry out His recommendations, and the Lord promises to protect and protect the Jews. Read more on FB.ru: http://fb.ru/article/38738/cht...

And now, when we have already learned that the Canaanite cities did not perish from a natural cataclysm, but that the Jewish Lord allegedly punished them, and now, according to an agreement with him, the Jews must FINISH, DESTROY the Canaanites wherever possible in order to receive, as stated in the Jewish Torah, "all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession", let us figure out who the Jews, following the letter and spirit of their religious law, call these same CAANANEES or CANAANIANS, and whose land they should inherit?!


It doesn’t matter what your profession is: you are a teacher, worker or military man, it doesn’t matter what education you have: primary, secondary or the highest, it doesn’t matter what your worldview is: you can be an atheist or a believer, something else is important: if you won't own this knowledge, you will continue to represent yourself together with other “brothers in mind” as nothing more than flock of sheep, the so-called "goyim", controlled by the "shepherds" - Jews and their faithful "dogs" - six.

Yes Yes! Together with other “brothers in mind” you will continue to represent yourself as nothing more than flock of sheep, literally like this satirical picture (on the left), which ridicules those who claim that “all conspiracy theories are paranoia.” By the way, the pectoral cross of Pope Francis (on the right) with the image of the same flock of sheep instead of people is clear evidence that someone thinks about all of you this way!

Below I will give you three facts that not only prove that the “conspiracy theory” should not be treated as some kind of stupidity or “schizophrenic delirium”, these three facts prove and at the same time explain that Russia and the peoples inhabiting it are being purposefully destroyed from the outside and from the inside (on both sides at once!) for at least 400 years in a row!

We see this desire with our own eyes! But the overwhelming majority of people do not understand, due to the absence of an important layer of information in their minds, why in the mouths of Western politicians Russia always turns out to be guilty and sinful for everything, like the inhabitants of the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Why do they want to destroy us?!

So below three facts, which every Slav today must know and always remember about them! They are connected to each other by strict cause-and-effect relationships and they explain why Russia and the peoples inhabiting it are for some like a bone in the throat that you want to bite in half.

Fact 1.

Did you know that The Slavs once inhabited Palestine long ago?

Once upon a time I didn’t know this, however, the fact is a fact: below is a fragment of the book “On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Rus' and on Slavic words found among Jewish writers”(St. Petersburg, 1866). This book was published in the Russian Empire more than 150 years ago by Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi, a Russian orientalist and Hebraist, actual state councilor of the Russian Empire, author of articles in the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.

From this literary monument, which turned exactly 150 years old this year, we should take into account, literally notch it on our noses, that the Jews from ancient times called us Slavs Canaanites, and our Slavic language - the Canaanite language!

This key to understanding our history over the past 400 years!!!

The truth of this information is confirmed by the text of another ancient book "Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela", published in London in 1841. It also says that Slavs for Jews - Canaanites or Canaanites .

Fact 2.

A simple question from a Jew and a rabbi’s answer to it: “how to justify the extermination of women, children, and old people during the conquest of Canaan?”

This correspondence is not from ancient times. These are modern questions and answers to them. Below in the form screen copy I will present literally murderous information disseminated among Jews in recent years by rabbis. Apparently this is very important information for today!


Indeed, if we consider the Jewish Torah from this point of view, everything not only falls into place, but you also come to understand why, for example, the famous Austrian musician Franz Liszt, who had Slavic roots, once made the following conclusion:

What made the greatest musician and composer of the 19th century come to such a conclusion one day?!

Only one! Careful, thoughtful and conscious reading of the Christian Bible, which consists of 2/3 of the Jewish Torah, and he was also helped by the knowledge available to everyone in the 19th century that in the Jewish scriptures “The words “Canaan” and “Canaanite language” mean the Slavs and their language” .

The Bible eloquently tells how the “predominant tribe” on the so-called “Canaanite land” was destroyed by the Jews.

“And David took the crown of their king from his head, and in it was a gold talent and a precious stone, and David put it on his own head, and he carried away much spoil from the city.

And the people who were in it he brought them out and put them under saws, under iron threshers, under iron axes, and threw them into kilns. This is what he did to all the cities of the Ammonites. And after that David and all the people returned to Jerusalem..."(2 Kings 12:30-31).

Wonder if "saws and iron threshers" - What kind of monstrous way of executing a peaceful, captured urban population is this?

A "kilns" ?

Is this why the Jewish Jews have been imagining ever since HOLOCAUST that they themselves burned people alive by the thousands, and since then the fear of receiving retribution for what they have done has haunted them?

And how many, not even cities, but peoples (!) they wiped off the face of the earth, fulfilling the covenants of their “divine” Torah with the devil god at their head!!!

These are just some of the "divine commandments" that were given to the Jews, as Rabbi Chaim Ackerman says: "to fix the world" .

If anyone is still naively convinced that Adolf Hitler was an “anti-Semite,” I recommend reading my separate work: "The Devil's Den: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews" . Everything will immediately fall into place and misconceptions will be dispelled!

Fact 3.

And finally, one more fact, which actually influenced the fact that Over time, I became a famous writer not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. .

I hope that everyone has heard about such a pro-Jewish sect “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, whose headquarters are located in the USA, in Brooklyn?!

This sect, which is now, by the way, banned in Russia, during the era of “Gorbachev’s perestroika” had hundreds of thousands of its adherents in Russia, who went to all Russian cities, to the houses and apartments of Russians and distributed propaganda literature in the form of magazines “The Watchtower” and “ Wake up!"

These “Jehovah's Witnesses” caught my eye more than once, and even handed me their magazines. One of the issues of The Watchtower shocked me so much with its content that I myself became a writer, a writer-warrior, a fighter on the information front.

In the Watchtower magazine for April 1997, with a circulation of over 20 million copies, the question was addressed directly from the cover to me and to all Russians: “Is it true that these are the last days?”

There, on the cover, the answer was given to him: "Is it true! Only those who are selflessly devoted to Jehovah God will survive!”

Such a formulation of the question and such an answer to it, naturally, outraged me to the depths of my soul. I opened this magazine to see a commentary on such a shocking statement. I wanted to know why people who do not believe in the Jewish god Jehovah should be destroyed?

And this is what I read there: “Jehovah told Abraham that his descendants would inherit the earth Canaanite, but not before four centuries later, “for the measure of iniquity Amorites has not yet been filled.” Here, under the word "Amorites", which is translated as "predominant tribe", implied Canaanite people as a whole. So Jehovah was going to give his people the opportunity conquer Canaan only four centuries later. Jehovah allowed this period so that the Canaanites could develop civilization. What have the Canaanites come to?”

Just imagine the situation! At that time, a whole army of sectarians was marching around Russia, who did not explain to anyone who the “Canaanites” or “Canaanites” were, and did not say a word about which “Canaan” they were talking about, but they told everyone that Jews or Jews, who worship Jehovah (Yahweh), should very soon, in the near future (!) "conquer Canaan" and win "predominant tribe" !

By the way, regarding the hint ( cutting) "Jehovah's Witnesses", which is among the Jews "It will be possible to conquer Canaan only after 4 centuries"... It is very likely that the countdown of time does not start from some “prehistoric times”, and not from the moment of the “baptism of Rus'”, but from 1613, when the Romanov (Roman) dynasty came to power in Russia. I shared my thoughts on this matter in my article. "Confession of a "clairvoyant", what happened and what will happen..."

Make a link to 1613 "the four hundred year period of the conquest of Canaan" I was inspired by Peter Lastman's painting "Abraham on his way to the land of Canaan", written in 1614. Well, it was not out of the blue that the artist Lastman had the idea to paint this picture! Most likely, this idea was then discussed in the Jewish community!

Also in this chronology, like a ball in a billiard pocket, fall the prophecies “about the Jewish revolution” of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, which he published in the “Diary of a Writer” for 1877:

“...The Jewish revolution must begin with atheism, since the Jews need to overthrow that faith, that religion, from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!” “Godless anarchism is close: our children will see it... The International ordered that the Jewish revolution begin in Russia... It is beginning, because we have no reliable resistance against it - neither in government nor in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth, they will begin to corrupt religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stalls, they will flood the world with blood and then they themselves will get scared. The Jews will destroy Russia and become the leaders of anarchy. Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution is foreseen, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the face of this world. But this will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood.”. . (Dostoevsky F. M. Diary of a Writer. / Compiled, comments by A. V. Belov / Editor-in-chief O. A. Platonov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. - 880 p.).

Everything that Dostoevsky described 138 years ago was fulfilled exactly a few decades later. Dostoevsky was not mistaken even in the figure - during the period of transformation by the Jews "the face of this world" According to historians, the Russian people lost precisely "100 million heads" .

Today there is no reason to doubt that the so-called “Great October Socialist Revolution,” the course of which was controlled by Trotsky and Lenin, was conceived and carried out solely so that the Jews would be at the head of the Russian and other peoples living in Russia!

Lenin, Trotsky and Jewish revolutionaries ("proletarians" of all peoples and countries).

In support of these thoughts and this historical vision, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that "the first Soviet government consisted of 80-85% Jews" . By the way, this is also a historical fact!

Well, after this chain of facts, who can say that the revolution of 1917 was not an attempt at the final conquest of Canaan by the Jewish Jews?

Joseph Stalin did not allow the Jewish dream to come true. But that's a different story.

Brothers and sisters! If you and I are not yet completely rams or sheep, we should all now connect the facts presented here together, including the revelations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and conclude that the Jewish tribe with the God Jehovah at their head now wants to finally conquer not some then there is abstract Canaan, and Rus', Russia! And we, the Slavs, the Russian people, who are the state-forming people of Russia, are called by this Jewish tribe the “predominant tribe” because we really are the “predominant tribe” in relation to them.

Moreover, they are not going to spare any of us in the upcoming final battle “for Canaan”!

Remember the words of Chaim Ackerman, who answered a question from a Jew from Russia who asked: "How to justify the extermination of women, children, and old people during the conquest of Canaan?"

The rabbi's answer is unprecedented: “Only the Almighty knows who each specific child will become when he grows up. Therefore, if you act according to His command, you will not be mistaken. And if the Creator of the world said that it is necessary to destroy everyone, including even infants - this means that He saw that they would later follow in the footsteps of their fathers" . (C) Chaim Ackerman

Here is the goal to which even today this “chosen tribe” is striving, in relation to which the legendary Christ said: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44)!

This goal determines the entire policy of the current leaders of the European Union, the USA, England and a number of other countries, which all naturally belong to the “chosen ones” of God.

Add to this the information that the Jews do not consider us goyim to be human. Only they, “God’s chosen ones” - people, and the rest are like animals!

On this I consider it possible to put an end to my story.

Who has read all this and who will continue to believe the Jews that in Canaanite(read in Slavic) cities with the names Sodom and Gomorrah, debauchery and homosexuality reigned, he would simply be a fool. Well, Christian priests who will continue to tell the people this Jewish lie can now be safely equated with Jews.

In continuation of this topic, I suggest reading another article of mine from two years ago: https://cont.ws/@antonblagin/8...

SODOM AND GOMORRAH, two cities, the mention of which in the Bible is associated primarily with the exceptional depravity of their inhabitants. The Book of Genesis describes them as “cities of the plain” that God destroyed with “fire and brimstone.” Two other cities, Admah and Zeboim, were also destroyed, and God spared the fifth, Zoar, so that Abraham's nephew Lot and his two daughters could take refuge there. Having disobeyed God, Lot's wife looked back at the dying Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt. Sodom and Gomorrah are perhaps the most famous biblical cities, which have become a universal symbol of depravity and immorality and divine retribution. Sodom is associated in particular with the sin of sodomy, but both cities were distinguished by the depravity of the inhabitants and the mistreatment of strangers. According to one of the legends, the guest here was offered a bed, the length of which he had to correspond to: those who were too tall were cut off, and those who were short were stretched.

The exact location and circumstances of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah remain a mystery. According to the Bible, they were located at the southern end of a depression surrounded by mountains (the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea), lying approximately 400 m below sea level. Lot, who chose the fertile Jordan Valley as his residence, pitched his tents near Sodom itself. The Bible tells about the battle of four kings against five kings (Genesis 14) in the “Valley of Siddim”, where there were many asphalt lakes (in old translations - “tar pits”). Both ancient authors and modern researchers point to the presence of asphalt (or bitumen) in the vicinity of the Dead Sea, especially in the south.

Near the southwestern tip of the Dead Sea rises a rock composed mainly of crystalline salt; the Arabs call it Jebel Usdum, i.e. "Mount of Sodom" This block of salt (about 30 m high) as a result of erosion and weathering has turned into a rock resembling a human figure. Biblical and Muslim traditions, as well as travelers of ancient and modern times, identify her with Lot's wife.

Archaeological finds also confirm the location of Sodom and other "cities of the plain" in this region. Bab Ed-Dra, a pilgrimage site, was discovered by archaeologists in the mountains east of the southern shore of the Dead Sea; judging by the pottery found there, it was particularly frequented between 2300 and 1900 BC. Scientists did not find any settlements where participants in the religious festivals held in Bab-ed-Dra could be accommodated, although they should have been located somewhere nearby. There remains only one place where the ill-fated “cities of the plain” could have been located - under the waters of what is now the southern bay of the Dead Sea. There, south of the El Lisan ("Language") peninsula, the maximum water depth does not exceed 6 m, while to the north of the peninsula, echo sounders recorded a depth of more than 400 m. This area was once a fertile plain called the Siddim Valley. Since then, the water level in the Dead Sea has risen (it is now rising by 6–9 cm per year).

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by the Lord occurred after Abraham failed to find even ten righteous people in Sodom. According to Genesis (19:24-28), the Lord rained “brimstone and fire” on the “cities of the plain.” Modern research has shown the presence of oil and asphalt deposits. The unpleasant smell and fumes, which, according to the ancient authors, rose from the Dead Sea and caused metals to tarnish, can be explained by the action of some kind of natural gas, the origin of which was, of course, unknown to the ancients. Then the disaster occurred because the oil and accompanying gases were ignited either by a lightning strike or by an earthquake (not uncommon in this region), which could destroy household fires and cause a large fire. It is noteworthy that Abraham, who was near Hebron, could see smoke rising from the valley, like “smoke from a furnace,” which is quite consistent with the picture of burning oil and gas fields. Therefore, the cessation of pilgrimages to Bab Ed-Dra ca. 1900 BC may indicate the time of the death of Sodom and Gomorrah at the end of the 20th century. BC.

From the top of the Mount of Olives in the Kidron Valley, from the Russian Candle bell tower, you can see in the east the place where the sinful and dissolute city of Sodom was located in biblical times. The 45-meter-high salt mountain with a well-known fantastic fate reminds us of this - this is the petrified figure of the wife of righteous Lot. The mountain is located on the southwestern shore of the Dead Sea. There once was the city of Sodom.

The Old Testament speaks of two cities - Sodom and Gomorrah, whose inhabitants were mired in debauchery and were incinerated for their sins by fire sent from heaven. Both of these cities were located “in the Siddim Valley, where the Salt Sea is now,” precisely in the area of ​​future flooding, where archaeologists later discovered traces of silt deposits. To be more precise, they were located in a fertile valley at the mouth of the Jordan River.

Shepherds tended fat flocks of sheep and goats; twice a year, residents collected beautiful fruits from the vineyards, from which wine was made. In general, wine was the most favorite drink among the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and everyone drank it, both old and young. Many people got drunk to the point of insensibility, fell right on the streets, and others, after drinking wine, indulged in vice and sin.

The Bible says that “the inhabitants of Sodom were wicked and greatly sinned before the Lord.” The inhabitants of Gomorrah and surrounding cities were also subject to the “sin of Sodom,” “like them they committed fornication and went after other flesh.”

The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah was very great, and their sin was heavy, and God sent angels there to make sure whether the inhabitants of these two cities really acted so wickedly. Lot, Abraham's nephew, received the angels in his house, but the Sodomites besieged his house, demanding to hand over the strangers in order to “know” them.

“And the Lord rained brimstone and fire from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah. And he overthrew these cities, and all the surrounding countryside, and all the inhabitants of these cities, and all the growth of the earth.” Thus, the Lord turned both cities and the surrounding area upside down. And in the place where they were, a salt sea formed, which we now know as the Dead Sea. Perhaps in the 21st century BC, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an earthquake. As for the fire and brimstone that fell on the sinful cities on the southern coast of the Dead Sea, this probably refers to the ignition of gases escaping from the bowels of the Earth in these areas.

Now these two cities are not on any geographical map, but the names of the cities are quite specific. There are records of some pilgrims who claim that at one time they saw the ruins of houses and streets under the waters of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea itself is quite large, its length reaches 76 kilometers, its width is 17, and its depth is 356 meters. It is drainless, that is, water does not flow out of it anywhere, and actively evaporates. And it is replenished by the waters of the Jordan River. Since the sea is located in the lowest part of the Ghor tectonic depression, geologists naturally assumed that its formation could have been caused by earth movements that caused the subsidence of the soil - the very same one on which Sodom and Gomorrah could have been located.

This means that about two thousand years BC, some kind of natural disaster occurred at the mouth of the Jordan River - an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, which could lead to the subsidence of the soil. On the other hand, Sodom and Gomorrah could have become victims of the Great Flood, which also flooded the Dead Sea area. Over the years, the waters subsided, leaving behind a crevice with settled water, at the bottom of which Sodom and Gomorrah were quite possibly buried.

True, not so long ago another version of the death of two biblical cities appeared. The famous German traveler and writer Erich von Daniken expressed at first glance a completely fantastic hypothesis about a nuclear explosion and drew a parallel with two Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So, Erich von Däniken believes that even at that distant time a nuclear explosion could have occurred at the mouth of the Jordan River - and not just one, but two. Paradoxical as it may sound, two atomic bombs were dropped over both cities. However, the writer does not answer the questions that involuntarily arise, who dropped these bombs and why.

According to his hypothesis, the explosions were so powerful that they left nothing of the cities. And those of their inhabitants who were warned in advance (like Lot’s family) left the dangerous area in a timely manner. And only Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. In this Daniken sees the impact on humans of the consequences of an atomic explosion - radiation.

Daniken's hypothesis seems to be confirmed by further words of the Bible. It says that Abraham “looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the surrounding countryside and saw, behold, smoke rising from the earth like smoke from a furnace.”

Not a single person, not a single creature, no vegetation is visible - everything was burned by fire, everything turned into ashes and smoking ruins. From this the writer draws his conclusion that Sodom and Gomorrah became victims of an atomic explosion.

However, his hypothesis contradicts the data obtained by scientists as a result of research in this area. No increased radiation was observed at the mouth of the Jordan River. True, about four thousand years have passed since the collapse of the two cities, the radiation could have disappeared without a trace. But the found traces of silt deposits are more likely to indicate the unexpected flooding of Sodom, Gomorrah and three other biblical cities during the Flood. So who is right? The answer to this question may be provided by the research of the next generations of scientists who will live and work in the third millennium of human civilization.

Sodom and Gomorrah are two very famous cities in the Bible. Lot, Abraham's nephew, once decided to settle in Sodom. Genesis 13:10 says that the area was “watered with water like the garden of the Lord.” It was obviously a very rich and fertile land. The people who lived there were probably wealthy, and their standard of living was higher than that of people from other areas. They did not lack either food or water, since their land was fertile and well irrigated. This is what attracted Lot to the land and why he decided to live there. As Genesis 13:10 says, “Lot lifted up his eyes and saw,” and based on what he saw, he made his choice. However, what we see as beautiful when we “lift up our eyes,” the Lord can see completely differently (1 Samuel 16:7). And what Lot saw was significantly different from what the Lord saw when he looked into the hearts of the people who lived in that land. In Genesis 13:13 we read:

Genesis 13:13
“The inhabitants of Sodom were evil and very sinful before the Lord.”

While Lot saw an incredibly fertile land, the Lord saw extremely wicked hearts. As He says in Genesis 18:20:

Genesis 18:20
“The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grave.”

And, in the end, saving Lot’s life, the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. As Lot left Sodom, he received advice from the Lord that was completely opposite to what Lot had done in the beginning:

Genesis 19:17
“When they were brought out, one of them (the angel of the Lord - author’s note) said: save your soul; do not look back…»

In choosing Sodom as a place to live, Lot made the decision after he “lifted up his eyes and saw.” And now he had to flee and not “look back.” As soon as Lot left, the Lord destroyed the area.

However, what was the sin of Sodom? Ezekiel 16:49-50 says what the Lord saw:

Ezekiel 16:49-50
“This was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister and her daughters: in pride, satiety and idleness, and she did not support the hands of the poor and beggar. And they became proud and did abominable things before Me, and when I saw this, I rejected them.”

I was amazed to see that “fediness and idleness” were ranked alongside pride in the list of “the iniquities of Sodom.” And although pride is usually condemned, at least outwardly, to the other two vices - satiety (of food) and idleness (when people live without doing anything) - the attitude is completely different. Quite the contrary, often even Christians consider them their goal. Of course, we don't mean that we need to be exhausted and hungry. However, despite what the world tells us, we SHOULD NOT strive for satiety and idleness. We must pursue the Lord, His Word and His purposes. The meaning and purpose of our life should not be idleness and wealth, but the fulfillment of God's will. We must strive to know ourselves and help others to know the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. And just as Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the face of the earth, so this world will one day come to an end. And just as the Lord took Lot out of that place before destroying it, so He will take us out of this world before doing to it what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah.

So let us be ready and vigilant. The Lord is coming. And “just as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot came out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the sky and destroyed everyone; 30 So it will be on the day when the Son of Man appears... Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever saves his soul will destroy it; and whoever destroys her will bring her to life” (Luke 17:28-33).

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