Home Heating Engine additives: which product is the best? The best additives for a car engine Additives for motor oils for engines

Engine additives: which product is the best? The best additives for a car engine Additives for motor oils for engines

The owner of a vehicle will never spare money when purchasing high-quality parts and auto chemical goods. Some motorists are even ready to give up purchasing new clothes for themselves, various goodies, just to save a certain amount, allowing them to purchase something for their favorite car. In principle, there is nothing surprising in this attitude towards the vehicle. We recommend paying attention to the additive added to the oil for high mileage engines. Experienced specialists confirm the effectiveness of using such auto chemicals, but only subject to full compliance with all technical recommendations.

Qualitative characteristics of additives

Many motorists who have already seen from their own experience the effectiveness of using automobiles confirm that they really work, allowing even an old engine to work smoothly and without problems. But not all motorists can experience this result; some have to pay bitterly for conducting experiments. It is not without reason that the opinions of motorists regarding the rationality of using additives are divided. Some actively praise them, while others, on the contrary, strongly discourage their use. There are many negative reviews, but in most cases it is not a specific product that is to blame, but the incorrect behavior of the car owner, who hastened to add auto chemicals without reading the instructions and without studying the manufacturer’s recommendations.

When to use

Let's compare the additive with tablets. You will not use medications unnecessarily, even if everyone around you praises them and convinces them of their incredible effectiveness and excellent healing effect. The same should be done with auto chemical goods; use additives, adding them to an engine with high mileage, only when the need arises. Experienced drivers consider auto chemicals, which are poured into oil for a diesel or gasoline engine, as a lifeline. If you begin to notice that your engine is not in order, you will only have a few options, from which you will have to choose the most suitable one:

  • carry out expensive repairs of the internal combustion engine;
  • purchase a new internal combustion engine (we note right away that buying a used engine is not recommended, since you can buy a “pig in a poke”; after installation on your car, it may turn out that it is also in poor condition);
  • add the additive to the engine oil.

The most affordable option of the three listed is the introduction of a “miracle cure”. In addition, you can get instant results, whereas repairs are not carried out in one day, nor is installing a new engine. A high-quality additive can revive the engine and allow the car owner to continue using the vehicle for some time, during which the motorist will have time to accumulate the required amount for repair work.

Types of additives for high mileage engines

Currently available for purchase:

  • anti-wear;
  • restorative;
  • detergents;
  • eliminating leaks.

In addition, there are options designed not only for the engine, but also to improve the performance of the fuel system and gearbox. Do not forget to notify the sales establishment employee about what fuel you use and what motor oil is already poured into the engine of your vehicle. Possession of complete information allows you to select the best additive and verify its effectiveness in practice.

Anti-wear additives significantly reduce friction. During testing, experts calculated that the friction of parts is reduced by 25%; accordingly, the wear of all components of the engine is reduced, extending its “life” for a long time.

Restoration options are actively used by owners of used cars who want to sell their vehicle at a higher price and, in order to do this, hide existing shortcomings. By introducing restorative additives into engine oil, it is possible to revive damaged components of the unit, as a result of which the compression in the piston group increases, allowing the vehicle to continue to be used for some time, eliminating the urgent need for major repairs.

Detergent additives are also popular among motorists. If you use such auto chemicals, the engine will always be clean, no deposits will interfere with its flawless operation. Immediately after being introduced into the engine oil, the additive begins to dissolve carbon deposits, as well as deposits that appear on the surface of the components of the unit. Detergent additives are especially recommended for use if the car has a high mileage.

Additives have unique properties, including the ability to eliminate minor defects. In particular, when scratches and microcracks occur, engine oil begins to slowly leak out. A deficiency negatively affects the operation of the engine; if a significant deficiency occurs, it can even cause engine failure. To prevent such sad consequences, accompanied by significant financial costs, many motorists decide to use additives that eliminate leaks.

Also popular are options such as energy-saving ones, which allow saving fuel consumption by at least 20%, as well as dehydrogenating additives, which prevent the formation of condensation in the fuel system and the subsequent destructive effects of moisture.

Features of application

If your vehicle has a diesel engine, the recommendations that are actively used by owners of gasoline cars are clearly not suitable for you. In a car shop, specialists can offer several options for additives that will be suitable for different types of engines, however, there are few such examples. All other additives are aimed at a specific type of internal combustion engine.

By adding additives to diesel fuel, its quality characteristics can be significantly improved. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find the highest quality fuel at our gas stations. Diesel additives help reduce carbon deposits in the cylinders. By pouring such additives into gasoline, it is possible to significantly increase the fuel’s resistance to detonation. Reasonable introduction of additives into engine oil will not go unnoticed, engine performance will improve.

The best offers on the market

Currently, there are a sufficient number of different additives that are poured into the engine; which one is best for your car is up to you to decide, taking into account the problems that influenced such a decision. Here are the characteristics of some of the most popular additives, which will allow you to make the right choice.

RVS Master additives of Finnish origin are rightfully considered one of the best. They are designed for both diesel and gasoline engines. What’s impressive is that RVS Master additives have a long-lasting effect. They are capable of having a positive effect on the operation of a car engine, covering a distance of up to 120 thousand kilometers after adding auto chemicals. The additive contains silicon and magnesium. The combination of these two substances promotes the formation of a thin layer on the surface of the engine, which performs protective as well as restorative functions. Thanks to these characteristics, the engine resource increases.

XADO additives are sold in gel form. When such an additive is introduced, a protective metal-ceramic layer is formed on the surface of the unit. The additive manufacturer assures that the use of such auto chemicals increases compression, increases engine life, and also reduces the level of exhaust gas toxicity by 8%. The additive also has cleaning properties. Its introduction is carried out in three stages. Initially, the additive is poured in, after which you need to drive the car for about 250 kilometers, then the additive is poured in again, and the car is used again, finally the additive is introduced a third time. Only such a triple introduction of the XADO additive will ensure maximum efficiency of its use.

"Suprotek" is a restoring tribocomposition (according to the manufacturer), which has a positive effect on metal structures. Thanks to the following:

  • excellent engine cleaning from plaque;
  • removing rust;
  • prevention of corrosion;
  • providing a protective layer;
  • elimination of minor defects (scratches, cracks and chips).

The Suprotek additive provides a significant reduction in friction force, which helps prevent premature wear of the components of the unit. By the way, the tests carried out demonstrated that the vehicle is capable of successfully operating for several hours on only one additive, even if no oil is poured into the engine at all. All these amazing characteristics of the additive ensure a high level of popularity of this auto chemical product.

“Liqui Moly” is an additive from a German manufacturer that is particularly popular. It contains magnesium and calcium, and the base consists of liquid ceramics. Also, “Liqui Moly” contains the best additive – which provides a significant reduction in friction force. The positive effect of the additive has been confirmed by its long-term use. Vehicle owners have been actively using the additive for eight decades, confirming:

  • reduction of wear of parts;
  • reduction in fuel consumption;
  • improving engine performance.

The only problem when purchasing this additive may be its high cost. However, such a high price is justified by the amazing composition and incredible effectiveness of the additive.

We recommend approaching the issue of purchasing auto chemical products with maximum responsibility. Do not buy additives containing minerals. They can clog the oil system and cause unpleasant consequences. Study the characteristics of the additive that has piqued your interest, consult with experienced motorists, and only then purchase and add the product, increasing the performance of your vehicle.

Additives to reduce oil consumption- an excellent temporary solution if the internal combustion engine begins to “take” oil. This can be caused by various reasons; however, with the help of special additives, it is possible to ensure that the engine does not consume oil and the amount of lubricant “wasted” is slightly reduced. But if the oil burn is associated with a crack in the crankcase, then another class of additives designed for the engine (to plug the leak) will be needed. They have a higher viscosity and a different composition.

There is a fairly wide selection of additives for the engine to prevent it from eating oil. They are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. And there are even more contradictions and disputes regarding the use of additives to reduce oil consumption. Therefore, we will try to provide the most objective information about additives for reducing oil consumption in a diesel or gasoline engine, without relying on advertising or recommendations of any one person.

To do this, we will characterize the 5 most popular and frequently purchased products that car owners pour into their engines to reduce oil consumption.

The basis for this rating is real testing and application experience. And you can decide for yourself which product is best and whether it is worth using based on the benefits promised by the manufacturer and the results obtained after this test.

Why does the engine consume oil?

To understand why a situation arises when the engine begins to “eat up” oil, and whether it is worth adding some special product to eliminate the problem, you should first find out why the engine “eats” oil.

Oil consumption is not just a problem with oil scraper and compression rings. This includes wear of valve seals, oval-shaped wear of cylinder liners, clogged crankcase ventilation, and many other problems of a worn-out engine.

The reasons why oil consumption increases due to waste (including accompanying the appearance) may be:

  • a malfunction of the oil system due to which oil is not supplied to some engine elements;
  • oil is used that is not suitable for the given engine or has a poor quality composition;
  • the oil goes into the engine cooling system;
  • there is significant wear of the cylinder-piston group;
  • occurrence of piston rings;
  • worn out or some problems have arisen with the valve stem seals;
  • an oil leak occurred due to failure of oil seals/seals;
  • oil enters the exhaust system;
  • problems with crankcase ventilation.

It is worth noting that the use of additives designed to reduce consumption for one reason or another is only temporary phenomenon, since oil leakage indicates a malfunction in the engine. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to find a breakdown, and as early as possible, since the failure of one or another engine part usually gets worse over time. One breakdown may be followed by another, and this will automatically lead to negative consequences, expressed in the need for lengthy and expensive repairs.

The use of additives makes sense rather as a preventive and/or temporary measure when a slight oil burn occurs.

Quite a lot depends on the operating mode, because the urban cycle, with frequent engine braking, leads to “sucking” of oil through the valve guides. It is also necessary to remember that some lubricant consumption during engine operation is a normal phenomenon caused by the specifics of operation and design. Let's provide some background information.

Accordingly, it is only necessary to worry about the fact that the car has started to “eat up” oil if the engine consumption increases, as indicated in the table or the car’s operating manual.

How additives work

Modern developments in the chemical industry make it possible to use special impurities in additives, with the help of which the conditions for using individual parts and assemblies of a car engine can be significantly simplified. For example, some additives use so-called ultrafine diamonds for these purposes, which:

Protective coating on the surface of parts

  • create a special protective coating on the surface of rubbing parts, which prevents their significant wear and, therefore, increases the service life of both individual parts in particular and the engine as a whole;
  • fill small cracks on the surface of working parts that arose during operation, thereby restoring the normal size of the parts (thus reducing the gaps into which lubricant can get);
  • clean the surfaces of parts and engine volumes from dirt and deposits accumulated on/in them (perform a cleaning function).

However, claims about the listed properties are often just a marketing ploy taken to attract the attention of potential customers. Depending on the quality of the additive and its composition, in fact, the listed properties may have limited expression or not appear at all. This depends on the specific brand of additive for reducing oil waste, as well as the condition of the internal combustion engine (if its cylinder-piston group is literally broken, then it needs a major overhaul, and no additive will help it). Such an additive, which could be added when the engine eats up oil, should at a minimum contain substances capable of restoring the elasticity of “stiffened” oil seals and gaskets. Restore the mobility of the oil scraper rings by softening them, thereby preventing oil from entering the combustion chamber and reducing lubricant consumption. And only then include decoking components, which will reduce friction losses and improve fuel combustion by increasing compression.

Advantages and disadvantages of additives

Real tests of certain additives have shown that when using them, both pros and cons appear. In particular, the benefits of additives for reducing oil burn include:

  1. The use of additives in an engine can actually not only protect the working surfaces of parts at first, but also extend their service life. The period of guaranteed action depends on the specific additive and the condition of the engine parts.
  2. The additive helps if the oil level in the crankcase has dropped to critical levels and there is no way to top it up. In this case, you can use an additive. Firstly, it will reduce the consumption of lubricating fluid, and secondly, with its volume, it will slightly increase its level. However, at the slightest opportunity, it is necessary to add oil in accordance with the marks on the dipstick (it is advisable to use a composition and brand similar to that currently in the engine).
  3. The additive can help in cases where the engine is significantly worn out, that is, it requires a major overhaul, but it is not yet possible to carry it out. In this case, the additive composition is capable of increasing engine life for some time. However, remember that this is only a temporary measure, and major repairs in this case are inevitable.

However, these additives there are also disadvantages. You need to know about them:

  1. The compositions have a short-term effect. Usually it lasts several hundred (less often thousands) kilometers.
  2. The same protective layer that helps reduce oil consumption during engine repairs is very difficult to clean from the surface of parts. And in some cases it is completely impossible.
  3. Numerous reviews from car owners and craftsmen indicate that after using additives, the parts they protect cannot be restored. This means that when performing ordinary, and even more so major, repairs, it will be necessary to completely replace them. And this automatically implies additional (usually considerable) financial costs.
  4. According to statistics, the cost of overhauling an engine that used additives to reduce oil consumption will be 20-50% more.

Remember that oil leakage or a significant decrease in oil during engine operation indicates a malfunction in the engine. Therefore, the use of additives makes sense only as a temporary measure. However, it is necessary to diagnose and repair the machine’s power unit as early as possible.

In general, we can conclude that the use of an additive that reduces oil consumption “waste” makes sense, most likely, if There are no plans to repair the engine in the future.(it is assumed to be recycled or disassembled for spare parts). Otherwise, the car owner may encounter the difficulties described above and additional costs when performing routine or major engine repairs.

Rating of additives that reduce oil consumption

As mentioned above, there is currently a wide selection of additives on the shelves of auto stores that can significantly reduce engine oil consumption. The following is a rating of such funds. The list does not aim to advertise this or that product, but is only based on real reviews and tests of car enthusiasts who have used them at different times.

If you have had positive or negative experience using such additives or have your own opinion about their use, share it in the comments at the end of the material. This will help other car owners in choosing one or another additive.

It is positioned by the manufacturer as an oil additive for cars with engines with significant mileage (more than 100 thousand kilometers or more after the next major overhaul), as well as for taxis. That is, for motors with large tolerances on individual parts. According to the manufacturer, the additive contains substances that provide extreme pressure and antifriction properties. This allows you to protect metal surfaces from damage from other parts during engine operation. The additive manufacturer promises that the composition poured into the engine oil will be enough for 5,000 kilometers. Numerous positive reviews from car enthusiasts who have used this product truly confirm its high effectiveness.

Everyone who used the Hi-Gear OIL Treatment Old Cars end Taxi oil consumption additive with SMT2 noted that it was very thick and took about two minutes to fill. The result of the application showed that Haigir for worn-out engines and taxis actually has a substance capable of reducing friction, and this additive also adds density and viscosity to the oil. In addition, it has a good effect on increasing compression by 1.5-2 units. Therefore, if your car’s engine is slightly low on oil, then you can use this particular product. Although after 4-5 thousand the consumption starts again.

An additive is traditionally used to reduce oil consumption. In particular, the contents of the package must be poured into the oil filler neck, after warming up and turning off the engine. (do not pour oil into a very hot engine, follow safety rules!). The product can be used in any internal combustion engines running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

Sold in 444 ml packaging. Product code - HG2250. The price of this product in the specified volume as of the summer of 2018 is about 560 rubles.

The Resource Universal additive from the Russian company VMPAVTO is positioned as a remetallizant, that is, a product designed to restore metal surfaces, as well as increase their overall service life. Recommended for use in engines where there is high oil consumption, increased fuel consumption, loud engine operation, and decreased compression of the internal combustion engine. The product can be used with any engines running on gasoline, liquefied gas and diesel.

The promised result is an increase in compression by 40% and a reduction in oil consumption up to 5 times already 300 km after filling. After use in an engine with slight wear, a negligible difference was noticed regarding oil waste; in terms of smoke reduction and engine quietness, the indicator was slightly better, but the compression equalization was completely confirmed; it increased by 1.5 - 2 atm across the cylinders. In many ways, the result was achieved by combining particles of an alloy of copper and tin in the composition.

The method of using the additive is as follows. The first step is to warm up a little and turn off the engine (make sure that it is not very hot, otherwise you risk getting burned). Next, shake the package with the additive thoroughly for 20...30 seconds, then add the contents of the package to the engine oil through the oil filler neck. After this, you need to let the engine run for approximately 10...15 minutes at idle speed. Please note that it is advisable to pour Resurs remetalizant into freshly changed oil with a filter!

Sold in small packaging with a total volume of 50 ml. The article number of this product is 4302. And the price of such an additive to reduce oil consumption is about 350 rubles for the period of time indicated above.

Essentially Oil Additive is based on molybdenum disulfide. Its task is to reduce friction between moving engine parts, as well as protect them and extend the overall life of the engine. But there was no logical confirmation that the Oil Additiv additive reduces oil consumption since it does not affect the viscosity of the oil or the softening of the rubber, and therefore cannot in any way affect its consumption. But in practice, there has been a decrease in noise during operation, that is, a decrease in friction, and therefore an increase in the service life of parts, as well as fuel consumption. Oil consumption can only be affected in a working engine with good oil, reducing its temperature and ability to oxidize. But you won't notice it quickly.

Suitable for any diesel and gasoline engines (can also be used in motorcycles and two-stroke internal combustion engines), as well as in engines with turbocharging and catalyst. note that It is necessary to accurately dose the amount of additive!. It is recommended to use approximately 5% of its composition from the volumetric amount of oil poured into the engine (that is, 50 ml of additive per 1 liter of oil).

Sold in 300 ml packaging. The article number of such packaging is 1998. The price as of the above period is about 700 rubles.

This additive for reducing oil consumption was originally created for use in engines with a turbocharger. However, it can also be used in other engines running on both gasoline (liquefied gas) and diesel fuel. The composition of the additive is characterized by the presence of a large amount of phosphorus and zinc, which provide reliable protection of the rubbing surfaces of working parts of internal combustion engines (especially important for diesel engines). It also prevents the oil from creating coke on very hot parts of the engine, which later, but does not immediately, prevent the engine from eating oil.

According to the manufacturers (largely confirmed by reviews from car enthusiasts), it has the following advantages: reduces fuel consumption, increases the overall engine life, stabilizes compression, reduces the friction force between engine parts, protects their surface from the formation of soot and deposits on them.

Sold in 325 ml packaging. Its article number is 3216. The price of one package of such an additive is about 820 rubles.

Suprotek Universal-100

The additive can be used in any gasoline (as well as liquefied gas) and diesel automobile engines with a volume of 1.7 to 2.4 liters, but not forced! Please note that using the additive involves several steps. In particular, if the engine mileage is less than 50 thousand kilometers, then in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, filling must be done in two stages. If the engine mileage is more than 50,000 km, then three stages are recommended. If the mileage is more than 200 thousand kilometers, then there are four stages. Detailed instructions for use are included on the packaging.

The manufacturer informs about the following positive effects from the use of the SUPROTEC “Universal 100” additive: an increase in engine life by 1.5...2 times, easier engine starting (including “cold”), a reduction in fuel consumption by 8...10 %, reduction in engine noise by 5...10 dB, reduction in oil consumption “waste”, as well as other additional advantages. Real reviews from car enthusiasts are also mostly positive, although not to such a high degree as the manufacturer indicates.

Please note that Do not allow the additive to come into contact with open areas of the body, especially in the eyes or mouth. The composition should be washed off from the skin or eyes with plenty of water. If the product enters the human body, you should seek medical help.

Packaged in 100 ml packages. The product code is 4660007120031. Its price for the summer of 2018 is 1,200 rubles.

Finally, it is worth adding that it is advisable to buy additives to reduce engine oil consumption in reliable and trusted auto stores having the appropriate licenses and permits for the right to trade. By doing this you will protect yourself and minimize the likelihood of purchasing counterfeits, of which there are currently a huge number on the market. Such reasoning is valid for both regular and online stores.


On the Internet you can find many mixed reviews about the use of one or another additive designed to reduce the amount of engine oil waste. Therefore, whether to use such compounds or not is entirely up to the car owner to decide. Anyway An increase in oil consumption indicates the appearance of some kind of breakdown(possibly insignificant). Only a tiny fraction of additives can briefly help reduce oil consumption if the car’s pest has not yet been “killed.”

And remember: if the engine is asking for capital, then not a single additive can shut its mouth...

The German drug Liqui Moly Ceratec is stated as a composition containing “special microceramics”. The Belgian Bardahl Full Metal, whose name hints at the metal-clad effect, promises the presence of C60 fullerenes (each C60 fullerene is a stable compound of 60 carbon atoms, a nanosphere with a size of the angstrom order). The Russian Suprotec Active Plus advocated friction geomodifiers. The manufacturer called the Ukrainian XADO 1 Stage Atomic Metal Conditioner “revitalizant and conditioner.” You won’t understand the principle of operation from the name, but the company is famous for its geomodifiers. And “revitalizant” is from this breed. Metal conditioners were represented by the American SMT Oil Treatment.

But something else is more important - the increase in torque and its growth in the low and medium speed zone. This is what ensures the improvement in vehicle dynamics that is noticeable to most drivers.

Mechanical losses

The first reason for the increase in power is the reduction of mechanical losses. They were measured on a stand using the scrolling method. The engine was warmed up to operating temperature and the fuel supply was turned off - the set speed was maintained by the electric motor of the stand. The power it consumes is approximately equal to the power of the mechanical losses of the motor.

And again all the drugs had an effect. The best performance is achieved by Suprotec and Bardahl, which reduced friction losses relative to basic tests of “clean” engines by 8–9% at high speeds and by 13–15% in starting modes and at minimum idle speed. By the way, the increase in engine torque obtained on the external speed characteristic is close to the amount of reduction in mechanical loss torque.


The second reason affecting the increase in engine power is an increase in compression. It was measured before and after testing on a fully warmed-up engine, maintaining a constant rotation speed (300 rpm) with the electric motor of the stand.

On a “healthy” engine, there is not just an increase in compression, but also its alignment across the cylinders. On average, plus 0.2–0.3 bar. A greater increase on serviceable engines should be alarming, because it is usually observed against the background of significant deposits in the combustion chamber.

Fuel consumption

The 20–30% reduction in consumption promised by many magicians is not there, but the 3–7% obtained is also a result. It is very important that savings significantly depend on the operating mode.

The greatest savings, exceeding 10%, are observed at idle and at low loads, when the influence of mechanical losses is maximum. In rated power mode the effect practically disappears. This means that in city traffic jams, fuel consumption will be significantly less, and on the highway the savings will be no more than 2–3%.

Tribological composition Suprotec Active Plus for gasoline engines, Russia

Approximate price 1450 rub.

(requires two bottles per treatment) Promised to reduce noise, facilitate cold starts, increase engine life and wear protection.

+ When treating the engine in a relatively good condition, it gave the greatest effect. The results last a long time, so you can trust the stated validity period of up to 50,000 km. - Using the drug in two stages is not very convenient. When treating a “sick” motor, it was not as effective as in the first stage of testing. And a little expensive.


Changes in indicators argue with measurement error. On older carburetor cars, the gain would be more noticeable: when friction is reduced, their idle speed goes up, and in order to lower them, the mixture is leaner. There, the dependence of toxicity on the degree of enrichment is very steep - that’s why CO emissions fell from 3–4% to 1% and below. The electronics maintain a constant mixture composition, and the neutralizer additionally cleans the exhaust, so the effect is minimal. And the reduction in residual hydrocarbons on current engines is due to a decrease in oil consumption due to waste. Our measurements showed that engines after treatment with the preparations began to consume 15–45% less oil.


We assessed the content of wear debris in oil samples taken at the end of the tests, and also weighed the piston rings and bearing shells.

The effects of drugs from different groups are not the same. Bardahl and Liqui Moly compounds better protect crankshaft bearings, while Suprotec and XADO protect piston rings and cylinders, judging by the iron content in used oil samples. Apparently, bearings operating at lower contact pressures and more favorable lubrication conditions partially compensate for wear by taking “building material” from Liqui Moly and Bardahl preparations. And rings operating under conditions of limited lubrication, at higher temperatures and high contact pressures, are better protected by layers formed by friction geomodifiers.

In general, all treated engines have less wear products than the control engine by 12–60%, depending on the type of composition. This indirectly hints at an increase in engine life.

How are the patients?

The previous part of the tests confirmed what we had seen before. But, as far as we know, no one has tried to treat an artificially “damaged” motor, especially in a comparative mode. We remind you: we cut marks of a fixed depth on the bearing shells and working surfaces of the piston rings. Oil pressure dropped sharply, power decreased, fuel consumption and exhaust gas toxicity increased. Will additives help now?

They worked another 60 hours on each engine. The engines clearly improved, although to varying degrees: just a little when using SMT, significantly after Bardahl, Liqui Moly and Suprotec.

The oil pressure increased, the power of mechanical losses decreased, but the indicators did not reach the level of a “healthy” engine. Since the initial data of all “sick” motors are slightly different (it is extremely difficult to “spoil” the engines identically), we compared not absolute, but relative values.

The mechanism of each drug also affects the effectiveness of treatment. And the result also depends on the operating modes in which different friction modes can be realized. In principle, there are two of them: boundary, when the thickness of the separating oil layer is comparable to the average total height of roughness on the surfaces of rubbing parts, and hydrodynamic, when the thickness of this layer is significantly (at least three times) greater than the height of the roughness. Geomodifiers significantly improve performance in the idle and light load zones. They are more effective where boundary friction regimes predominate and hydrodynamics are insufficient. But in medium and high speed modes, where hydrodynamics rule, compositions like Bardahl are more effective. Why? We will explain this below when we look at the structure of the surfaces of parts treated with different compositions.

The only composition that gave a slight (4–6%) increase in the hardness of the surfaces of the main and connecting rod journals was Suprotec. We did not find any lasting effect when using other drugs.

We also sacrificed several liners, making them into samples for a friction machine in order to measure the friction coefficients in the liner-shaft pair. The oil in which the friction pair operated also contained the tested drugs. We studied the dynamics of changes in this parameter over the course of 250 thousand loading cycles.

Anti-friction additive for engine and transmission oils Liqui Moly Ceratec, Germany

Approximate price 1700 rub.

Claimed reduction in friction and wear over 50,000 km. Special microceramic particles are used together with an “additional chemically active” element that fills micro-irregularities.

+ The positive result for all tested positions is not the greatest, but visible and stable. Easy to use. Relatively inexpensive. - Is there any persistence of the effect for the declared 50,000 km? Tests have shown that the reduction in friction coefficient is not as significant as with other drugs
When using friction geomodifiers, a clear stage of pair breaking-in is observed: the friction coefficient is reduced by almost half. In the model treated with Suprotec, in the second half of the test it generally settled at a minimum level. With XADO, the reduction in the friction coefficient remained in the second part of the tests, but the rate of its change fell. Measurements of oil temperature confirm this, because it depends on the friction force.

For Bardahl and Liqui Moly compositions, on the contrary, the coefficient of friction first drops, and then begins to rise again! It seems that the layer formed by these compounds begins to work at a certain point. This means that it requires constant replenishment - therefore, these compounds must be constantly present in the oil, in contrast to the compositions of the group of geomodifiers.

In addition, we compared the microprofiles of the surfaces of the liners of “sick” motors in the areas of specially applied marks - before and after the healing procedure.

Engine oil additive SMT Oil Treatment, USA

Approximate price 700 rub.

Declared reduction in oil consumption and exhaust smoke, increased mobility of piston rings, increased power and reduced fuel consumption, increased compression.

+ The price is attractive, but rarely found on sale. There is a general trend of increasing engine parameters. - The resulting effects are slightly higher than the measurement error - it will be difficult to feel them during the operation of the car.
Tribotechnical processing of the engine smoothes the working surfaces, reducing the overall height of micro-roughness and the size of friction defects - marks that we created on purpose. And small risks that formed naturally during engine operation may completely disappear. The explanation is simple: the drugs in this group contain enough “building material” that can be used to repair damaged surfaces. The leader in this matter is the drug Bardahl.

Geomodifiers give the same effect, but it is less pronounced - the process resembles polishing. We cannot say how long the recovery effect will be. After all, the previous part of the tests, carried out on a friction machine, showed that metal-clad compositions require their constant presence in the oil.

Engine oil additive Bardahl Full Metal, Belgium

Approximate price 2500 rub.

Positioned as a new generation additive based on C60 fullerenes, which reduces friction, restores compression and reduces fuel consumption.

+ The composition worked well in all positions. The reduction in friction was the most significant, hence the visible effect on fuel consumption and power. - The effect is great, but not “long-lasting”! The composition requires reuse at every oil change. Will it pay off?

Results of the long journey

So, all compositions have a positive effect on the working surfaces of friction units. The height of microroughness decreases, and the operating conditions of the bearings improve, since the boundary friction zone is reduced and, accordingly, the hydrodynamic friction zone increases. Defects in friction surfaces are reduced or completely healed - the load-bearing capacity of the engine bearing units is restored. Antifriction layers are formed, which significantly reduce friction forces. Geomodifiers even slightly increase the hardness of surfaces! As a result, the mechanical loss power and wear rate are reduced. As a result, this means a reduction in fuel consumption, an increase in engine power and its service life.

Will the ingredients harm the oil? Tests have shown that the physicochemical parameters of oils when working together with tribo compounds change almost in the same way as during normal aging. Conclusion: no harm done.

Tests have shown that the tested compositions make life much easier for motors. Which composition to use depends on the initial condition of the engine. To improve the performance and increase the service life of new or slightly worn engines, compositions from the group of geomodifiers are preferable. Moreover, they are used on a “fill in and forget” principle, without constant re-processing. But engines in a “pre-infarction” state need potent agents - such as Liqui Moly and Bardahl. Such therapy should be lifelong, but it will delay death, reduce oil appetite and increase the reliability of the engine, reducing the likelihood of its unexpected failure.


The issue of using additional additives in motor oil has long divided the audience of car owners into two irreconcilable camps. Those discussing with “officials”, in most cases, take the official position of oil producers, which states that the finished oil already contains everything that is needed for normal operation of the equipment. Those who use multi-brand services, or service equipment in garages, allow or recommend additional additives. Let's figure out whether additives in motor oil are harmful?

Additional additives are added when the car owner wants to solve either individual problems that arise during operation, or when he wants to protect the engine and increase its service life.

Independent assessments indicate that conditions in Russia are dire. The main thing is that our climate, daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, dirt in the air and on the roads, operating conditions, fuel quality and the average age of the vehicle fleet are not the best conditions for increasing engine life. For comparison, the average age of a car in Germany is nine years, and in Russia it is seventeen, that is, almost twice as old. Of course, the engine life will be completely different. But even in Europe they use additives in motor oils. In Italy and Greece additives are more popular than in Finland or England. Germany, as a country with a well-developed automotive and chemical industry, has the largest number of manufacturers of additional additives. And car owners in Germany also use additives.

Additives solve certain operational issues, such as: wear, oil leaks, oil smoke and waste, decreased compression, noise, pollution. That is, all the issues that the package of active substances added during the production of commercial oil is intended to solve.

Most additives are similar substances that are used in the production of commercial oil, only in higher concentrations.

When developing a certain type of motor oil, the manufacturer decides many issues, and one of the main ones is the cost of the finished product. Additives are the most expensive components; manufacturers calculate their concentration so that the oil meets normal operating conditions. And if operation is not normal, then the additive components begin to quickly deplete, reducing the oil’s service life. And a decrease in oil life is fraught with a decrease in engine life. Frequent oil changes are an expensive undertaking, and not only because of the cost of the oil itself. Manual labor and time to plan the procedure are required. That is, frequent replacements are not beneficial to the car owner, and here additional additives come to the rescue.

How can additives help an engine?

The first and most common problem. Around the middle of the service interval the oil thins out, this is a natural process, but it can lead to a loss of pressure in the oil line and increased oil consumption. During operation, the oil thins out due to the destruction of the polymer thickener and the oil begins to lose viscosity. To restore viscosity characteristics, the car owner can use the Liqui Moly Visco Stabil thickener additive. The use of the additive will increase the oil viscosity, increase the pressure in the system and reduce oil waste. Thereby preventing premature wear due to low oil pressure.

Problem two. No matter how much you improve a standard oil, it anti-wear properties will be insufficient. Especially for modern engines, which have reduced internal friction to achieve greater fuel economy. Reducing friction is achieved by reducing the area of ​​friction surfaces, as a result of which the load on them seriously increases. Modern engines no longer have a million-dollar lifespan, like their ancestors from the 90s. The way out is to use additional anti-friction additives, such as. The additive in combination protects the engine from wear, facilitates the movement of parts, reduces operating noise and fuel consumption, in total this allows to increase the engine life. The secret is microceramic boron nitride particles, which are the slipperiest substance on Earth. Cera Tec can be used with any motor oils; microceramics does not chemically interact in any way with the standard additive package. You can select an antifriction additive for a specific case. Or seek advice on the company forum.

A common problem is oil leaks and him high consumption. Flow is built into many modern engines. But consumption of more than a liter per 1000 km is a reason to think about it. In most cases of increased oil consumption, the engine designer is to blame. To obtain more power, the engine's operating process is made increasingly “hotter”. As a result of constantly elevated temperatures, the valve stem seals “dry” and begin to leak oil into the combustion chambers. The result is high oil consumption without the characteristic smoke, since the catalyst copes with the smoke quite successfully. At some point, this can lead to oil starvation, which will negatively affect engine life. Liqui Moly will help restore gaskets, oil seals and valve stem seals to working condition. As an active component, this additive contains esters (essential oils), which not only restore rubber, but also increase the stickiness of the oil film. That is, by using this additive, the consumer reduces oil consumption and further reduces engine wear.

Engine contamination. As a rule, even if the operating instructions are followed, contaminants accumulate in the engine after 40-50 thousand kilometers. If nothing is done, the contamination progresses, which leads to increased wear as a result of poor oil circulation and coking of the rings with loss of compression. Numerous online publications are devoted to this topic, but the main solution to the problem is the regular use of oil flush additives. Flushing additives can be quick, effective for 5-10 minutes, and long-term, designed for 150-300 km, the latter being the most effective. How it works? Flushing consists of the same detergent components that are used in motor oils, but in much higher concentrations. In addition, solvents are used to thin the oil and improve its circulation in thin gaps. Naphthenic oils, which have excellent cleaning properties, are often used instead of solvents in long-term washes. Proper flushing does not tear off large particles of contaminants, but gently and layer by layer transfers contaminants into a dissolved state, allowing them to leave the engine during the process of draining the old oil. Also, the washes, like motor oil, necessarily contain anti-seize components that protect the engine during the wash process. Flushing restores the performance of the oil system, reduces wear, releases stuck rings, eliminates smoking and maintains the performance of engine hydraulic mechanisms, such as hydraulic compensators, hydraulic tensioners and VTEC or VVTi type variable-phase clutches. Flushing additives are almost completely drained from the engine when the oil is changed and do not affect the properties of fresh oil, unlike the so-called “flushing” oil. The use of flushes can significantly increase engine life. Select a detergent additive. depending on the case is possible . Or seek advice on the company forum.

One more problem - noisy operation of hydraulic compensators. Increased noise during operation of the gas distribution mechanism is a sign of a malfunction, which in the future can develop into expensive repairs. To normalize the operation of hydraulic compensators, a special additive is used - Liqui Moly. This additive normalizes the operation of all engine hydraulics and eliminates operating noise. Its mechanism of action is to eliminate contaminants in oil channels and increase the durability of the oil film due to polymer components. Thus increasing the reliability of the gas distribution mechanism.

We have looked at the main cases of using additives in motor oil, but certainly not all possible options. Now, knowing the composition and effect of additives, you yourself can conclude whether additives in motor oil are harmful.

An article about additives for motor oil: are they needed, types of additives, composition, features, characteristics. At the end of the article there is a video about engine additives.

Manufacturers claim that their composition is the best, ultra-modern formula, production based on nanotechnology, and the like. It gets to the point where they promise almost a major overhaul of the engine.

But how much truth is there in such statements? Let's figure it out and evaluate which additives are worth the money they ask for in car dealerships.

Are additives needed for automobile oil at all?

Many skeptical car enthusiasts argue that oil additives are not needed at all - this is nothing more than an attempt by automotive chemical manufacturers to expand their range and increase the profitability of companies. They have one argument: motor oil is a composition that initially contains all the necessary components for the normal operation of a car engine.

It is difficult to argue with this, but precisely in the case when we are talking about normal operation, and not about the situation in which most cars are used in the urban cycle.

Firstly, not everyone conscientiously warms up the engine before driving. We’re late for work, there’s no time to warm up, we have to hurry... and okay, once we can drive with a not warmed up or not fully warmed up engine. Common situation?

Secondly, the oil should be changed after 15 thousand kilometers. And everything would be fine, but look at the kilometers traveled when we are talking about the urban cycle: an hour’s journey to work, an hour’s journey back, and the mileage is only 50 km. And people come to change the oil “based on the odometer,” and not based on engine hours. One can only imagine what an amazing composition of waste substances is obtained in the engine by the time the oil is changed.

It would seem that the simplest solution is to state in the technical documentation that the oil needs to be changed more often. But not a single manufacturer will agree to this, since economically this is fraught with the loss of customers and, consequently, a decrease in profits. And this is where oil additives come into the picture.

Initially, such additives were advertised as a way to extend the life of an old, problematic engine. But now we are talking about the fact that new cars also need such a “magic” additive. It is extremely important for the car owner to know exactly what composition he is pouring into the engine, whether this composition is safe and whether there is any benefit from it, and whether money is being thrown away.

The secret of the composition: the manufacturer’s “trick” and the buyer’s risk

Unfortunately, manufacturers of automotive chemicals are in no hurry to reveal their secrets and inform the consumer about what exactly is included in their additives. It turns out to be a rather unpleasant thing: the same drugs must have a description indicating the elements included in the composition, and in the case of oil additives, the manufacturer makes this composition a secret “trick”, inviting the buyer to take his word for it.

Adding an additive to oil can lead to a variety of consequences for the car. New components can seriously change the characteristics of the oil itself.

Also, do not forget that this composition will be exposed to high temperatures. In the internal combustion chamber of the fuel, the oil “improved” by the additive will be present together with metals, which, as is known from school chemistry courses, can serve as catalysts for the development of various chemical reactions. Therefore, if the composition of the additive is unsuccessful and not well thought out, this can make a motor oil with a modified chemical formula unsuitable for use.

There is only one conclusion - you can use an additive only if it is “tested”, that is, it has a composition that is truly useful and effective. Still, the “secret ingredients” are a pig in a poke and the risk of completely ruining the car’s engine.

Therefore, before buying an additive, you should familiarize yourself with the range, characteristics, composition of the product and reviews from motorists - this is the only way to be safe in case of a poor-quality composition.

Motor vehicle oil performs the following main tasks:
  • cools engine parts that rub during operation;
  • lubricates them, reducing the coefficient of friction;
  • cleans the surfaces of these parts from small debris and chemical reactions.
Over time, oil loses its quality, gradually becoming clogged with small components and debris, and also changing properties under the influence of pressure and extreme temperatures.

Motor oil loses its quality very quickly if the car is used with a cold engine during aggressive driving. Actually, the quality is lost by those additives that are present in the motor oil when it has not yet been used. In order to restore or even improve the properties of motor oil, additives are used.

Various organic chemical compounds are used in the production of additives:

  • layered;
  • polymer;
  • geomodifying friction processes;
  • conditioning surfaces of metal parts;
  • clad surfaces of metal parts.
As mentioned above, as a rule, the qualities of additives are advertised without mentioning their specific chemical composition. Therefore, it makes sense when choosing to rely on the rating of these products, compiled on the basis of expert conclusions and consumer reviews.

This additive, produced in Seattle (USA), is considered one of the best. The European branch of the manufacturer is SADAPS Bardahl (France and Belgium) and Maroil Bardahl (Italy).

According to the manufacturer, the Full Metal petroleum oil additive is created using carbon compounds (C60 fullerenes), which help reduce the level of friction of engine parts, restore the compression level of the internal combustion engine and reduce the consumption of automobile fuel used in the engine.

According to the conclusion of specialists who tested the additives, Bardahl products indeed significantly reduce friction, which leads to an increase in engine power and a decrease in fuel consumption.

But you should not consider the composition a panacea - its effect is not very long-lasting, the additive needs to be added with each oil change, and the cost of the additive is somewhat steep: a 400 ml package will cost the buyer about 2,300 rubles.

2. SMT2

Also an American anti-friction oil additive, which, in addition to reducing the coefficient of friction of automotive parts, prevents scuffing that inevitably forms in the piston assembly over time. The manufacturer also points out that, along with the usual “classical” properties of SMT2 additives, it reduces the level of smoke in engine exhaust gases.

Experts noted that this additive actually has the declared property of restoring metal surfaces. The reason for this effect is the presence of components that actively adsorb to the surface of parts: esters, quartz carbonates and other active compounds.

The disadvantage of SMT2 is its scarcity - we rarely have this composition on sale. But there is good news - if the engine is not too worn out, there is no need to spend money on a more expensive additive, which the manufacturer positions as a new generation composition; the classic SMT is sufficient.

Important point: this additive is only suitable for the engine; this additive cannot be poured into a gearbox (especially an automatic one)!

The SMT2 additive is available in two versions: with a volume of 235 ml and costing about 1000 rubles. and a volume of 1 liter costing from 2800 rubles.

Experts characterize the German composition Ceratec as a product that is guaranteed to retain its declared properties for 50 thousand km of a car race. According to the results of the tests, the use of this additive reduces the friction rate by approximately half. The consequence is an increase in engine power and efficiency.7

On the other hand, the effect of using this additive is not at all as powerful as one might expect from the manufacturers’ advertisements. The only undoubted advantage is the duration of the effect.

Ceratec is offered in 300 ml packaging costing RUB 1,900.

This Ukrainian product is distinguished by the stated effects of reducing the coefficient of friction of automobile parts, leveling acquired micro-notches on metal parts, increasing the value of engine compression and its overall resource.

According to the test results, it turned out that the specified effects actually take place, but to a slightly lesser extent than indicated by the manufacturers. The effectiveness of the composition is largely related to the type of oil used in the car and the general technical “health” of the engine.

Another nuance is that the effectiveness of the additive can only be observed after a fairly long period of use. At the same time, the price of the additive is high for fairly average indicators.

Car owners also noted that the instructions for the additive contain a lot of complexly written points, which can be difficult to understand.

The XADO additive is available in 225 ml bottles, the price of such a container is 3,400 rubles.

This is a Lithuanian additive with antifriction characteristics that is quite popular among car owners. The additive creates a very reliable film of oil on the metal surfaces of parts, which is preserved even under significant loads on the car. Due to this film, friction is reduced, the wear interval of parts increases, the engine power increases and its “appetite” decreases.

Their positive aspects should also be noted that this additive is very “correct”: it does not clog the engine oil filter. One package of the additive is designed for an engine with an oil system volume of up to 5 liters.

The downside is the classic “problem” of additives: the declared efficiency is significantly higher than the real one. But the price of Lithuanian products is pleasing: 230 rubles. per jar 300 ml.

This product, made in the USA, is called “anti-friction air conditioner”. The principle of its operation is to increase the level of ions in the outer layers of metal parts as the engine temperature increases. As a result, the stability of parts increases up to 10%, engine exhaust toxicity decreases, and engine power increases. This composition also reduces the noise level of the engine and increases its service life.

Energy Release air conditioner can be used in internal combustion engines, transmissions (but not in automatic transmissions!), in hydraulic boosters, joints and bearings.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that if the engine is “started” and is in poor condition, the effectiveness of the additive rapidly decreases: it is good on units that have not yet been “killed”.

This additive is sold in 470 ml containers and costs from 2000 rubles.

Russian products close the top seven additives. This is a fully synthetic composition with microceramics that can be used in both motor and transmission oils (again, excluding automatic transmissions!).

The manufacturer claims efficiency per 100 thousand kilometers, but in reality this figure is much lower and depends on the quality of the oil and the condition of the engine.

The packaging is enough for a car oil system up to 5 liters. Xenum is produced in 300 ml volumes and costs about 950 rubles.


Which additive to choose is, of course, up to the car owner to decide. But I would like to advise you to purchase this “vitamin for the engine” only in trusted stores and not to trust small online merchants, so as not to stumble upon a fake.

Remember that it is better to change the oil sooner than to risk pouring a dubious additive into the engine, which could completely destroy the car.

Video about engine additives:

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