Home Transmission Posthumous broadcasts of St. Nile the myrrh-streaming. Myrrh-Streaming Nile: predictions about the last times

Posthumous broadcasts of St. Nile the myrrh-streaming. Myrrh-Streaming Nile: predictions about the last times

Chapter 28: Prophetic Characteristics of People Before the End of the Age

For this reason I say to you... If the seventh number of years passes and five ascends to the halfway point of the eighth, there at half the number of the fifth (or five), therefore, what confusion will occur from the fourth to the fifth (i.e. after 7,400 years have passed from creation world, then between the fourth and fifth centuries, from the fourth century to the fifth, or, so to speak, during the twentieth century). What a theft that will be then! What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then there will be confusion with great strife (i.e. revolutions and the struggle of parties), they will constantly bicker and will not find either a beginning or an end. Then the eighth council will gather to sort out the dispute and reveal (lit.: create) good to the good and evil to the evil... The farmer separates the wheat from the chaff. Wheat is for humans, chaff is for livestock. We say: the good will be excommunicated, the good will be separated from the evil, that is, the faithful from the heretics, and for a short time people will be at peace. (This is also stated in Byzantine prophecies). But then they will again turn their (good) disposition, turn to evil for the evil destruction of those who are perishing, so that they will not recognize that there is a brother and that there is a sister, that a father is with a mother, and that a mother is with her son, they will not recognize the marriage crown. They will have only one destruction, one common fall into destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, there will not be five righteous people... And a brother will have a sister as a wife, a mother will have a son as a husband, the son will kill the father and commit adultery with matter; and other darknesses of evil will become customary. As evil deeds begin to inculcate in people, disasters will befall them.

The current gold will then go like the current foul (less than half a half). People, the more disasters they encounter, the more they will cultivate evil, that is, instead of repenting, they will become embittered against God. The atrocities that people will commit will surpass the atrocities of the people of the flood. Everyone will talk only about evil, only evil intentions, evil consent, partnership only for evil, everyone’s actions only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation; general evil disunion. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil is saved.

Then they will have treasures of gold, that is, they will have capital and say that they do not have it (that is, they will complain that they do not have enough). Then they will have gold in growth, they will increase growth upon growth; they will beg for alms in order to live, they will cry that there is nothing to eat. Their (main) goal will be the collection of capital (treasures) in order to acquire more property; since greed will increase, so will the disasters in the world increase. Then greedy deceivers will go naked to collect gold to pay in interest...

Prophecy about the increase in poverty, the persecution of poor peasants, their resettlement and the grain monopoly before the time of the birth of the Antichrist

The poor will be oppressed for the sake of regional expenses. The poor, not being able to devote part of their portion to expenses (required, regional), will leave their places and move to others in order to rest and be reconciled there, but there they will find the same thing and even in twice as bad. Then, no longer able to move to another place, they will go to the graves and say: “Pick us up too; You have rested enough, let us also rest a little, until the righteous Judgment awakens us.”

Much more will be said on the graves of the dead, and the lamentations of the wretched will rise up, like incense before God. Seeing such groaning, God will provide prosperity for the whole world (harvest), and the poor, seeing such prosperity, will praise God for the harvest with great joy; when the fruits are gathered in the threshing floor, a covetous man will come to the threshing floor, take the grain to his barns, and give a command that whoever demands wheat should go to him, the covetous man, and receive as much as he wants. Then the poor will go to the covetous for bread, that is, the peasants will buy their own bread from the monopoly and buy wheat. The covetous man will then take double the price for wheat compared to its previous price last year; the poor, seeing that covetousness has turned God's blessing into a high price, will grumble against God - all, small and great, we say: poor and rich - and the rich will grumble even more than the poor, for the poor are alien to covetousness: and, what she has two, she gives one for her soul, i.e. duty, keeps the other for himself; if he has one, he gives it away unwillingly; if he has none, he glorifies God for it. The covetous man will imagine that the poor man supposedly has property, and will begin to oppress the poor man in order to take it away from him. He will look for every reason for this, even the slightest, and will oppress him. She will be oppressed, but how? According to the court, everything that he has will be taken away from him; if he has nothing, he will oppress him in prison, where he will torment the poor man because he has nothing to give in order to be freed.

The covetous man will come to prison and torture the poor man in order to receive gifts from him under the pretext that he is collecting them for local expenses; his goal is to get his growth on gold, which he gave in growth for local expenses; That’s why he tries to make it abundant. And where does he come from in abundance? The covetous man wants to increase his income from the poor. She will increase his income from the poor, but the poor do not have what to give him what he is looking for... The poor man has nothing to eat, and he, the rich man, is still trying to take something away... The poor man marvels at this and wonders what to give to the covetous ? The covetous man also marvels, wondering what to take from the poor man? If you leave it this way, you will suffer a loss, that is, gold given for growth will not give growth. However, although he longs to take something away from the poor, he has nothing to give... The covetous man sees the rich man walking around in torn clothes, that is, the one who gave his capital in growth for local expenses and income for the poverty of the peasants did not receive it, and the poor man, that is, the peasant, walking in clean clothes, and the greedy man will feel sorry for the rich man, but the poor man will not feel sorry for him, since his clothes are clean; The covetous man does not understand that the clean clothes of the poor are the likeness of his pure heart, for he does not have any cunning of wickedness in his heart to deceive and pretend that he does not have (what to wear). But the rich man has... and by his wickedness (i.e., by complaining in withholding his gold) his heart was torn, as were his clothes. Such was and will be the heart of the rich; the heart of the poor man is and will be shining. But what poor person will have a shining heart? The one who is patient and who will endure the covetous, that is, will not be embittered by his unjust oppression. Blessed is the one who will endure to the covetous everything that he will do to him, for at the hour of Judgment, before the Last Judgment Seat, he will be recognized as a brother by the Terrible Judge, who will say: “Even though you have made one of these my brothers, the least of them, you have made me.” You see, you hear: who will he recognize the poor as at the terrible judgment seat? He says: “These are the least of my brethren?” (Matt. 25:40).

Chapter 29: Refutation of the Covetous and Appeal to the Poor

O covetous man! Your robber soul. How long will you torment the poor man?.. Someday you will hear a terrible saying that will be said to you: “Depart from Me, cursed, into eternal fire.” Yes, you are preparing it for yourself: but (do you know) in what ways are you preparing it for yourself, tell me? You do not know, therefore listen and look at the deeds with which you are preparing it for yourself. Preparing (for oneself eternal fire) is care, care and treasure. You prepare (fire) for yourself by only caring about earthly things; you prepare (fire) for yourself by only caring about the substances of the world. You prepare (fire) for yourself by (doing) nothing but hoarding earthly metals into your treasury. Hey, you prepare (fire) for yourself by collecting treasures and acquiring treasures. But what kind of treasure have you collected and what are you hoarding? You have accumulated and are accumulating: envy, evil intent, rancor, enmity. Hey, you have acquired a treasure, but what have you acquired? You have acquired and acquired: love of money, covetousness, extortion of growth from the poor. Hey, you have acquired a treasure, but what have you acquired? You have acquired fornication, adultery, masculinity, malakia, sodomy of a homosexual. Hey, you have acquired: wasteful gluttony, insatiable theft and dissolute drunkenness. To her, you attracted: vainglorious pride with your arrogant pride and arrogance. Yes, you have acquired the careless laziness of your carelessness with the absent-minded hopelessness of cowardice, with your godless oblivion. Yes, you have collected treasure, but what have you collected? Collected: cruelty, cowardice, blasphemy, anger, with which he became embittered against the poor. Hey, you have accumulated a treasure, but what kind of treasure have you accumulated? I have accumulated: verbosity, slander, condemnation, with which you judge that such and such is bad, such and such is despicable, and you yourself are supposedly better than everyone...

So, then (in those days before the Antichrist) everyone will think a lot about themselves, everyone will judge each other among themselves... The covetous will condemn the poor and say: “The poor man has (money)”; Because the poor man will not pay his yearly rent, the covetous man will begin to put the poor in prison and torture him, and will fleece them until he takes their silver and gold in order to collect growth on his money. The poor, seeing that the covetous man is torturing them, will also begin to accumulate and stockpile silver and gold for the sake of the covetous man. The poor will collect money for the sake of the covetous, but at the gathering the poor man himself will be deceived (by acquisitions) and will begin to accumulate for himself; having collected in abundance, he will want to double his surpluses, and when he succeeds in this, he will want to turn these double surpluses into quadruple surpluses; and so, having delayed in this achievement of quadrupling, he rested, fell asleep, and woke up in hell, and his body was buried according to the custom of the country. The covetous people see that the poor man has double savings, but now they have unjustified him, that is, they justify their extortion and extortion, saying: “You see the poor man who cried and said that he had nothing, we took pity on him; look how double his savings turned out to be.” When they said this, another poor man died, and when this one was buried, he was found to have quadruple savings. The covetous man, again seeing that another poor man had quadruple savings, again begins to justify himself and says: “What pity can there be for the poor now? Is anyone worth pitying?”
Oh, unfortunate covetous man, what did the poor man do to you that you extorted from him with violence and he didn’t have anything to give you? You didn’t look at the fact that he had nothing, but you oppressed him with violence... You saw that he had nothing to give you, and therefore you raped him even more in order to take silver and gold from him, to get growth by taking growth on gold (your own, given as interest for local expenses), because if you do not force the poor, you will not be able to get growth in gold. For this reason, you raped the poor, in order to take gold and get growth. The poor, seeing how evil you are, began to try and are trying to collect in order to pay you. When the poor, accumulating money, accumulated a surplus, then this surplus that they accumulated was through your fault, because you rape the poor man, and when he has nothing to give, you torture him in prison.

Seeing your atrocity, the poor began to forget Christ for the sake of acquiring gold. Thus, little by little, the poor forget Christ and acquire gold. Because of you, covetous man, in order not to end up in prison, the poor man multiplies (gold), collecting it, slows down in this collection, falls asleep and, having fallen asleep, opens his eyes in hell; But you, seeing that the poor have savings left, condemn him and the poor (all) for having savings? Because you humiliate the poor man in such a way in front of others, especially since you yourself have caused something (for which he is guilty), the Righteous Judge will humiliate you for this at His Judgment and will say to you: “Thou shalt not make the least of these my brethren. ..do not do anything to me.”

But you, poor man, why did you take on such soul-destroying things, that is, acquiring a lot and hoarding money? You spent your whole life in non-covetousness and God did not allow you to perish: now, at the sight of the violence of the covetous, you were captivated by covetousness, became a mate for the covetous, received a share of the covetous, and corrupted your soul, like Gehazi? All your life you have enlightened your soul through non-covetousness, and a covetous man attacked a little, got scared of his coercion and received a part of it - began to covet with him? Therefore, he became equal to him. Covetousness is the path to destruction. Non-covetousness is the path of salvation. He began to be covetous - and lost his salvation. This is why human salvation is in danger of destruction from covetousness. It is this damned covetousness that will bring misfortune into the world and destroy the well-being of the world. We say: if you forget the world, what prosperity is, misfortune will dominate everywhere. This damned covetousness will and has established discord in the world... In particular (disastrous and threatening) covetousness in monastic life, where this damned covetousness has been so successful with its discord that it threatens to destroy monastic life itself. And the blessed monastic life almost perished! And not only monastic life was upset, but almost the whole world was upset because of this damned covetousness.

Chapter 30: The root of evil is covetousness, that is, the love of money. The love of money is the spirit of the Antichrist

Covetousness is the forerunner of the Antichrist. The prophets, that is, the Holy Spirit in the prophets, prophesied the economy of the incarnation of God, that is, they proclaimed the truth to the world, but covetousness brought lies into the world. The prophets proclaimed to us the path of salvation, but the covetous proclaimed the path of destruction; just as through the apostles salvation and the grace of the All-Holy Spirit shone to us, so the much care of this world will darken the salvation of man; pernicious over-concern will draw people onto the path of lawlessness, onto the path of those who lie, those who offend with unrighteous theft, and those who hoard treasures with their deceitful souls.

Yes, the money-grubbers will collect treasures, but what treasures will they collect? They treasure lies with their deceitful disposition. They have rejected and are rejecting the truth from their feelings; lies penetrate and have penetrated their feelings. Their feelings became insensitive to the truth; they will not feel what is true, they will feel only what is false, they will submit to lies; they will not listen to the truth.

But do you know what is truth and what is false?

Truth is the economy of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, Christ; lie is the economy of the embodiment of destruction. That is, everything that economically and providentially prepared and prepares people for faith and following the Lord is, was and will be the truth; on the contrary, everything that prepares people to reject the law of God and their Savior is a lie; this lie economically prepares the coming of the Antichrist and his acceptance by the human race. Lies will lead to the embodiment of destruction, when great disaster will come to the whole world; just as the speech of the prophets foreshadowed the coming of the economic embodiment of salvation, so exactly the increasing worldly cares foreshadow the imminent embodiment of the economic embodiment of destruction in the world, i.e., the birth of the Antichrist, who will be entirely a vessel of the devil, will be destruction incarnate. Just as the Forerunner preached baptism with the Truth and thereby turned people to the path of salvation, so (on the contrary) too much care will darken a person’s feelings in order to make a person insensitive to his salvation, so that from the multitude of carnal worries he cannot feel salvation, that is, people will not feel neither the desire for an eternal future life, nor the fear of eternal condemnation (which is now obvious in the distrusted intellectuals).

To her, salvation will remain and will not be taken away from the world, that is, the opportunity to be saved and those who are saved will remain until the end of the world. Yes, and then there will be salvation, but for whom will it be? For those who will not submit to the works of the antitype (i.e., the forerunner of the Antichrist or the spirit of covetousness). The manifestation of the anti-type, that is, the manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist in the world, is this: the care of this world, the hoarding of earthly metals, the care of the beings of this world; These are the chief principles of evil, which destroy human salvation and lead them to the path of destruction. The path of destruction is the destruction of salvation, that is, the disappearance in people of zeal for salvation and the fear of eternal torment. For when destruction prevails in a person, then the person loses salvation (that is, the feeling of the fear of God), then people deviate into all sorts of destructive deeds, despairing as much as someone who is heavily in debt; This is how sinners despair about their salvation.

Therefore, David says: “Everything has turned aside, and there has been obscenity” (Ps. 13:3).

Hey, they evaded, but what did they evade? They strayed into untruth, into theft, into disobedience, into hoarding gold...

What is gold hoarding? The hoarding of gold is precisely the antitype, we say: the Antichrist (i.e., the forerunner of the Antichrists). For sensually the Antichrist has yet to come, but mentally he is already in the world; ever since he fell into the world with his damned throne, since then he has been in the world, causing all kinds of evil in the world. He tries to do this evil in every way; firstly, it takes away from a person the feeling of salvation through worldly over-protection and over-concern about the vanity of the world. Yes, they will work hard and worry a lot, but about what? They will practice a lot and acquire sodomy; they will care and acquire fornication, they will lay up the treasure of adultery. In this way people will lose their feeling and will not feel God. They will indulge in carnal drinking and eating luxurious dishes, in arranging themselves with the most beautiful buildings; in these buildings they will indulge in their carnal feelings, that is, pleasing their flesh, supposedly creating an everlasting feast for it. Since they will pour their feelings into the flesh, they will only perceive beauty and kindness that is consuming, to which they will only strive. Through such a desire for carnal uncleanness, people will be disgusting to God.

God is disgusted with them, just as he was disgusted with the antediluvian people, but still God showed mercy to the antediluvian people. He showed her mercy, but what kind of mercy? He had mercy on them with the ark of repentance, since God wanted the ancient people, looking at the construction of the ark, to repent; but they plunged their feelings into the flesh, became insensitive to God and to the ark, did not feel what the ark meant. It was this insensibility that brought them into the depths of the waters!..

Do you see to what state his insensibility has brought a man? So now it will destroy people, for even now people worry, worry and acquire money like the people before the flood. They loved this activity so much, like some beautiful and good dish...

Yes, this food is good (i.e. tasty), but not saving, this food is destructive; he who eats this food spends his life to his own destruction. And destruction takes possession of a person’s feelings, dragging him along the path of insensibility; a person no longer feels where the path of salvation is, but only spends his life in destruction. Hey, he spends his life cheerfully and in luxury, but how does he spend it? He spends his life with untruth, with theft, with embezzlement, with betrayal, with false tongues, with courage in communication, with gluttony, with pride, with murmuring hopelessness, in carelessness, that is, carelessness in the matter of salvation and blasphemous addition of guilt. all troubles against God, with cruel anger of the heart, with ungrateful enmity, rancor and covetous love of money.

And, since then someone will succeed in acquiring treasures for his thieves’ treasury with his covetous love of money, at the same time, at the same time, he will be more and more darkened by insensibility and hoard all sorts of deeds that will make him guilty of all the iniquities of the world, that is, all these fruits of covetousness will bring the world to extreme depravity, the crown of which will be the coming of the Antichrist.

Chapter 31: The Antichrist will be born when the world becomes spiritually impoverished and when worldwide anarchy sets in. The worldwide reign of the Antichrist

The Antichrist will be born from an unclean prodigal virgin. In this virgin debauchery will copulate, she will be a treasury of adultery; all the evil of the world, all uncleanness, all lawlessness will be embodied in her, that is, in what she conceived from secret fornication they will unite together in the womb of uncleanness and with the impoverishment of the world they will be brought to life. When the world becomes poor from the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, then this one will be quickened in the womb of uncleanness, from the most vile and wicked imaginary virgin, the worst of all that has ever been; a fruit will be conceived from secret unnatural fornication, which will be the container of all evil, in contrast to how Christ was the perfection of all virtue, and His Most Pure Mother was the most perfect among women. This fruit will be born when the world becomes impoverished in virtues.

She will be revived (i.e. born) during the impoverishment of the world; but what kind of impoverishment will befall the world? There are many types of this poverty that will surround and, as it were, gradually embrace the world. Firstly, it impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, wholeness of wisdom. Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district. Likewise, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of spiritual authorities.

After this impoverishment, “the love of many will dry up” (Matthew 24:12), “withhold from the midst it will be” (2 Thess. 2:7) - and an unclean person will be born from the womb of uncleanness. Then this unclean birth will produce signs and wonders through demonic dreams. The world will imagine that this Antichrist is meek and humble in heart, but in reality he will be a fox at heart, a wolf at heart; the confusion of people will be his food. When people transform, then the Anti-Christ will feed on life.

This will be the confusion of people: condemnation, envy, resentment, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication. This evil will be the food of the Antichrist. In contrast to how bad it was for Christ to do the will of His Father, so bad for the Antichrist will be to do the will of his father the devil. The Antichrist will feed on this.

And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there is no head (that is, abolished) in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he will say, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation, i.e. people, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him a universal ruler and autocrat , since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.

Therefore, when destruction brings great disaster into the world, then during these disasters terrible signs will occur. A terrible famine will come, and great greed (that is, insatiability) will come upon the world: compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied. A great disaster will come everywhere. Then the covetous will open their covetous granaries, that is, capitalism will be abolished, property will be equalized on the principles of socialism. Then gold will depreciate like dung along the road...

Chapter 32: The Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Antichrist

Then the evil of the world will be revived (that is, conceived and born) in the unclean womb of the virgin of evil, who will give flesh to the Antichrist. Then, for the lawless deeds of the world and its uncleanness, the grace of the Holy Spirit, which until now contains the world, will depart from the lawless world, and then the measure of the iniquities of the world will be fulfilled, according to the words: “And I will not be numbered with their chosen ones” (Ps. 140: 4); then the spirit of Antichrist, now active in the world, will be incarnated, that is, a person will be born who will be defiled and become the most perfect vessel of the devil in his mother’s womb: he will be born from a virgin of evil and in a virgin of fornication, that is, from an evil harlot, although outwardly signs and virgins.

By this, evil will be incarnate (i.e., the Antichrist will be born) without any male seed. She will be born with the seed, but not with the sowing of man, but with the shed seed she will be incarnate.

(The word “aulos” is placed here, which, depending on the sign on the upsilon, has two meanings, namely: poured out and immaterial. The saint means both of these meanings, firstly, to mean how the supposedly miraculous conception will take place antichrist from an imaginary virgin, which is prophesied by other holy fathers, and secondly, he uses the word “aulos” in the sense of the immaterial seed of the antichrist or his spirit acting in people (it is known, for example, that seeding with the shed semen is already being produced to obtain foals from the most famous stallions in the West).

What is an immaterial seed (antichrist)? The immaterial seed (antichrist) is malice, care, care and acquisition.

However, care is of different kinds, that is, not all care is disastrous and not all carelessness is good; The main thing for a person is concern for his salvation. The salvation of man is: love, meekness, chastity, non-covetousness, virgin purity, justice, mercy, mercy, which is the “oil” of human salvation, that is, the influx of the Gospel oil of the wise virgins. Righteousness is compassion towards man; There are two kinds of mercy: one is mercy expressed by generosity, the other is consolation with a word, with which someone consoles someone who is oppressed. If it is not possible to help the Unfortunate, then let them console (the unfortunate) with a consoling word. And for one comforting word with which you console the unfortunate, you will be worthy of the fact that the Righteous Judge will console you with His decisive words at the Righteous Judgment, when he says: “Come, blessed of My Father: inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

If you do not console the dejected with consoling words, then you yourself will then hear inconsolable words from the Righteous Judge: “Depart from Me, cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angel!” For merciful love frees man from the wrath of God.

What love does to a person is that he becomes meek and humble in heart. Enmity makes a person furious. Love always endures and never causes temptation; Evil memory is always impatient, always causes temptation to a person’s heart, so that his heart never has peace.

Rancor is the seal of the Antichrist, for rancor imprints a person’s heart, as it were, with the seal of the Antichrist.

Chapter 33: What is the seal of the Antichrist that now seals the wicked, and what is the one with which the Antichrist will seal upon his accession?

Malice is the seal of the Antichrist, and the heart of the vindictive is sealed with his seal. And when the Antichrist (that is, the spirit of the Antichrists operating in the world) puts this seal, then from this seal of rancor the human heart always dies (that is, it becomes as if dead, incapable of sorrow for sin, other spiritual feelings and fear of God). I say: this is how a person dies when his heart is sealed with hatred. This damned rancor makes a person so insensitive that people kill themselves with various deaths. It makes someone an apostate from the faith; another - suicide; forces others to go to the knife; makes another a traitor; makes another a blasphemer; another - sad; and does not allow a person’s heart to rest in the least. Unhappy people do not notice that all this produces rancor and leads them to death. (We should dwell on these lines a little: the saint, revealing the root of the main troubles of humanity, the cause of revolutions, children’s hatred of their parents and other disorders, tells us that all this is due to rancor, that is, proud condemnation of the shortcomings of our neighbors, disrespect for parents, subordinates to superiors, etc. If we delve into the spirit of the times and the way of actions of the opponents of the Church and State, we will see that they base their entire success precisely on poisoning people with condemnation and hatred, and, having poisoned, - to make obedient one's instrument. This poison of condemnation is poured out especially subtly in the works of Tolstoy and other celebrities of modern literature. Young people who read them with enthusiasm are poisoned from their youth by the poison of resentment and condemnation, are imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist, lose trust in the Church, in their parents and often commits suicide. The writer of these lines can personally testify to this, for out of his school friends, 6 people committed suicide).

So, when the Antichrist puts his seal on people, their hearts will become as if dead.

And then [i.e. that is, during that predicted disaster, the Anti-Christ will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign, for only those who have the seal, according to the Apocalypse (Apocalypse 13:17), will be sold bread] . Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed with the seal of the Antichrist; Christians, although they will neither be given nor sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses; those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead. For when a person is sealed with a seal, his heart will become even more insensitive; not being able to bear hunger, people will grab the corpses, and anywhere, sitting on the side of the road, devour them. Finally, he himself, sealed by the antitype, will be killed; on the seal the following will be written: “I am yours.” - “Yes, you are mine.” - “I go by will, not by force.” - “And I accept you by your will, and not by force.” These four sayings or inscriptions will be depicted in the middle of that damned seal.

Chapter 34: The disasters that will befall the world after the reign of the Antichrist: the sea will dry up; animals will die; time will speed up

Oh, unhappy is he who is imprinted with this damned seal! This cursed seal will bring great disaster to the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the newcomers, will say: oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so blessed, place and come to this damned place, to us, who have no human feelings left?! So they will say in every place where people will move from their place to another... Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their places, will command the sea to perceive the heat that was previously characteristic of it, which it previously had to avoid moving from place to place for relocation. And when the Antichrist sits on his damned throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? It will be the same with the sea. Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the earth, the oak trees and all the cedars will dry up, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, the water veins will dry up; animals, birds and reptiles will all die. The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month. For human wickedness has caused the elements to become tense, to hurry and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth century will end as quickly as possible. (That is, on the eighth millennium from the creation of the world).

Chapter 35: Preaching of Enoch and Elijah to people so that they do not accept the seals of the Antichrist and are always marked with a cross. Killing these preachers

When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. They will convince people not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, they will say: whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into heaven, for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal. And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, making the sign of the cross at every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to the torment of hell. If you are hungry and require food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be quickened (lit.: filled with life) with the help of the Most High God. If you do not show patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later.

People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful (that is, who thanks them with their lips)? It is not people who thank this, but the press itself only thanks (i.e., anger, having dominated people, expresses joy and joy through their lips, for it managed to destroy these people, as happens with villains, triumphant and rejoicing over the crime committed).

And what is their gratitude? Their gratitude is because Satan has sat in them, imagined in the feelings of man, and man is not aware of what is being done to him. The one who is imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he nevertheless hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more against you. Just be patient for a little while. Don’t you see that the one who accepts the seal of Anti-Christ will not live (that is, he is dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him)? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there with those who are sealed with it? Where is the crying and gnashing of teeth?

And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.
The Antichrist will hear that two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil; Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, for you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “You flatterer and deceiver! Daemon! It is your fault that so many souls perished in hell! Cursed be your seal along with your glory! This cursed seal of yours and your defiled glory have brought the world down to destruction; your destruction has brought the world to this state, the world has died and its end has come...” The antitype will hear such words from Enoch and Elijah and will say to them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?” And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.” Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such a contemptuous answer, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.

Chapter 36: After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will take off the guise of morality, and extreme atrocities will be committed. People will be identified with demons through deceit. A sign of this will be a gradual decrease in the growth of people. By the time of the Antichrist, the average height of a person will be 1 3/4 arshins

After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release his most wicked children (that is, he will give free rein to the evil spirits that he had hitherto restrained). These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, theft, theft, untruth, lies, torture, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to play fornication with them, like dogs on streets. And the Antichrist will command the evil spirits, obedient to him, to bring people to the point that people would do ten times more evil than before; His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most wicked children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally... People who have become so crafty in soul and in body will be diminished, they will be 1 3/4 arshins tall, we say: five spans body length human. By the acts of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons, and they will be one spirit with the demons.

The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and more vain than his most evil children, he will greatly rejoice that evil in humanity has increased, human natural properties have been lost and people have become more crafty than demons... And now at the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of humanity evil, will suddenly find from above a “two-edged sword” with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his defiled body. With the death of the Antichrist, there will be an end to murder among people; Cain marked the beginning of the murder, but the antitype (Antichrist) will bring about the end, that is, it will end with him.

Chapter 37: Who are the “goats” and who are the “sheep”

When the work of murder is completed and finished, heavenly and earthly bonds will immediately develop (i.e., universal gravity will be broken)... What will happen then - God alone knows. We know only one thing, that the deeds done in life will be tormented: fornication, adultery, sodomy, malaky, dissolute courage, slander, idle talk and condemnatory verbosity, slander, malice, envy, envy, hatred, rancor, enmity , enmity, anger, gloating, deliberate betrayal, pride of vanity, arrogance, love of money, covetousness, disobedience to the Church, luxury, gluttonous eating and other numerous iniquities committed in this life - all will be dismantled so that good deeds will be separated from evil deeds, like They separate the sheep from the goats.

These sheep are: love, peace, unanimity, chastity, meekness, non-covetousness, purity, righteousness, good observance of the law, obedience, humility, abstinence, fasting, good speech, diligence towards salvation, gratitude, good obedience to the Church, good obedience to spiritual life, keeping Divine Baptism unsullied in order to keep it pure, not omitting church services and the canon in monastic life; These are the essence of good works of salvation.

Posthumous broadcasts of the Monk Nile the Myrrh-streaming of Athos. Per. from Greek Manuscripts, Edition of the Cell of the Annunciation of Elder Parthenius on Mount Athos, 1912, pp. 72-88.

That is, they will not achieve any sense.

Socialists are already preaching universal sexual depravity.

And now, in most cases, no matter how much money a person has, it seems to him not enough, and he strives for more.

Disasters in cultural cities, e.g. earthquake in New York (1906), flood in Paris (1910), etc.

Obviously, there is a socialist desire here - to take away private property from everyone, even the poor. The disasters described are possible only with the strengthening of absurd socialist ideas.

By “covetous” we most likely mean the Jewish capitalist bankers who entangled almost all of Western Europe with networks of capital.

Of course, there are worries that stifle the sprouts of higher spiritual aspirations.

In the course of the speech, it is clearly seen that “feeling” is used here in the sense of the sense of inner, spiritual vision, the way in which we acquire higher knowledge. Compare: Proverbs. 1, 7 - according to the Slavic translation: “Reverence for God is the beginning of feeling,” in the Russian translation: “Reverence for God is the beginning of understanding.”

The meaning of the expression prp. Nile "feeling" has already been explained in the previous footnote.

That is, die.

This expression is explained above.

Probably, due to the perversion of spiritual abilities, a person’s bodily needs will also be distorted (abnormal greed for nutrition).

That is, the spiritual height of a Christian is always inseparable from mercy towards others.

This is quite possible in the case of volcanic movements of the seabed.

That is, when with the death of the Antichrist the killings on earth will end.

  • ← Venerable Nile the Flowing One and his prophecies about the final destinies of our world (Memorial Day November 12/25)
  • “YOU SPEND THE WHOLE DAY ON CARRANLY AFFAIRS AND CANNOT DO TWO HOURS ON SPIRITUAL AFFAIRS?” Word of St. John Chrysostom that we should not neglect the Church of God and St. sacraments. →

Now the time has come to consider the most important source here: “Posthumous broadcasts of Rev. Myrrh-streaming Nile of Athos." This work has a wonderful origin.

In the fall of 1813, one Athonite monk Theophan, who had fallen into sins, despaired of his salvation and decided to return to his homeland in Turkey for a worldly life, received miraculous help. While collecting dill in the forest in order to sell it and sail to Turkey with the proceeds, he met an old man who seemed to be doing the same thing. A conversation ensued in which the elder invited him to stay and live in the forest in the hut he indicated. Feofan agreed and began to live in it. The elder began to appear to him, either in reality or in a dream, and always with instructions. Theophan gradually corrected himself and was healed from mental illness caused by sins.

This went on for four years. Finally, in 1817, the main meeting took place. Feofan gathered a bundle of firewood and went to his hut. Suddenly this old man meets him and begins to expound his instructions as usual. His monologue lasted from twelve o'clock in the afternoon until six o'clock in the morning. And only when the elder said goodbye, Feofan discovered that he had stood for 18 hours with a bundle of firewood on his shoulder. When parting, the elder called himself monk Nil, who is called the Myrrh-Streaming One.

This saint lived and labored on Mount Athos in the 16th century in a secluded cave above the sea. After his death, at his request, he was buried by a student in a cave so that the body would be hidden from veneration. But according to God’s vision, this could not be avoided: soon fragrant myrrh began to flow from his body and flow in a stream towards the sea. People began to come and sail on boats and collect this ointment. Soon his disciple and other monks began to grumble about the influx of pilgrims and tourists, and the world stopped.

Before leaving after meetings in the forest, Rev. Nile ordered Theophanes to write down all his words in a book for the edification of many; and added that he chose him not as the best, but as the most worthless vessel, so that people would not think: good things naturally came from good things.

Feofan, being himself illiterate, resorted to the help of Fr. Gerasim, who knew how to write. Within a year, they wrote down everything commanded and handed it over to the Athos library. But the monastery authorities recognized the book as useless due to the abundance of denunciations of monasticism and kept it under wraps for almost a hundred years. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian monk, digging through a book depository, accidentally came across a manuscript, read it and was amazed. He barely persuaded him to publish at least an abbreviated number of copies for Russian monasticism. In 1912, this book of four hundred pages was published. Below are some of the places predicted in the book.

Prophetic characteristics of people before the end of the world

If the seventh number of years passes and five ascending to the halfway point of the eighth...

What kind of theft will happen then? What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then they will be more confused by great strife (addiction to disputes), they will incessantly bicker and will not find either beginning or end. Then the Eighth Council will gather to sort out the dispute and reveal good to the good and evil to the evil... the good will be excommunicated, the good will be separated from the evil, that is, the faithful from the heretics, and for a short time people will be at peace...

But then they will again turn their (good) disposition, turn to evil through the evil destruction of those who are perishing, so that they will not recognize that there is a brother and that there is a sister, that there is a father with a mother, and that a mother with her son, they will not recognize the marriage crown. They will have only one destruction, one fall into destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, there will not be even five righteous people... And a brother will have a sister as a wife, a mother will have a son as a husband, the son of the father will kill the father and commit adultery with the mother, and other evils will become a custom. As evil deeds begin to inculcate in people, disasters will befall them...

People, the more disasters they encounter, the more they will cultivate evil; instead of repenting, they will become embittered against God. The atrocities that people will commit will surpass the atrocities of the people of the flood. Everyone will talk only about evil, only evil intentions, evil will, partnership only out of spite, everyone’s actions only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation; general evil disunion. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil is saved... Since the love of greed will increase, the disasters in the world will also increase.

Prophecy of the reign of the Antichrist

The love of money is the forerunner of the Antichrist... Everything that economically and providentially prepared and prepares people for faith and following the Lord is, was and will be the truth. On the contrary, everything that prepares people to reject the law of God and their Savior is a lie, this lie economically prepares the coming of the Antichrist and his acceptance by the human race... Just as the Forerunner preached the baptism of the Truth and thereby turned people to the path of salvation, so (on the contrary) much care will darken a person’s feelings in order to make a person insensitive to his salvation, so that he cannot feel salvation from the multitude of carnal worries.

People will feel neither the desire for an eternal future life, nor the fear of eternal condemnation... Thus, salvation will remain and will not be taken away from the world, the opportunity to be saved and those who are saved will remain until the end of the world. Yes, and then there will be salvation, but for whom will it be? For those who will not submit to the deeds of the antitype (the forerunner of the Antichrist)... The Antichrist will be born from the unclean prodigal woman. In this virgin debauchery will copulate, she will be a treasury of adultery. Every evil of the world, every uncleanness, every lawlessness will be embodied in her. In those conceived by her from secret fornication, they will copulate together in the womb of uncleanness and with the impoverishment of the world they will be quickened... The fruit will be conceived from secret unnatural fornication, which will be the container of all evil...

This fruit will be born when the world becomes impoverished in virtues... But what kind of impoverishment will befall the world?..

Firstly, it impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, and chastity.

Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district.

Likewise, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of the spiritual authorities... After this impoverishment, the love of many will grow cold (Matt. 24:12), the one who holds back will be taken out of the midst (2 Thess. 2:7) and an unclean person will be born from the womb of uncleanness.

Then this unclean birth will produce signs and wonders through demonic dreams. The world will imagine that this Antichrist is meek and humble in heart, but in reality he will be a fox at heart and a wolf at heart. Confusion of people will be his food. When people transform (perish), then the Antichrist will feed on life.

The confusion of people will be this: condemnation, envy, rancor, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication. This evil will be the food of the Antichrist. In contrast to how Christ's evil was to fulfill the will of His Father, so the evil of the Antichrist will be the fulfillment of the will of his father the devil. The Antichrist will feed on this.

And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there will be no head in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he says, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation. People, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him the universal ruler and autocrat, since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.

Later, when destruction brings great disaster into the world, then, during these disasters, terrible signs will occur. A terrible famine will come, and the world will be attacked by great greed (gluttony). Compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied. A great disaster will come everywhere. Then the covetous will open their covetous granaries (wealth will be abolished, property will be equalized on the basis of the equality of all). Then gold will depreciate like dung on the road.

And then, during that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign (for only those who have the seal, according to Apocalypse 13, 17, will be sold bread). Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed with the seal of the Antichrist. Christians, although they will neither be given nor sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses.

Those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead. For when a person is sealed with a seal, his heart will become even more insensitive, being unable to endure hunger, people will grab the corpses, and anywhere, sitting on the side of the road, devour them. The following will be written on the seal: “I am yours” - “Yes, you are mine.” - “I go by will, not by force.” - “And I accept you by your will, and not by force.” These four sayings, or inscriptions, will be depicted in the middle of that damned seal.

Oh, unhappy is the one who is imprinted with this seal! This cursed seal will bring great disaster to the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the newcomers, will say: “Oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so blessed, places and come to this cursed place, to us, who have no human feeling left?!” This will be said in every place where people move...

Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their place, will command the sea to take on the heat that was previously characteristic of it, which it previously had, so that people would not move to move from place to place. And when the Antichrist sits on his throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? It will be the same with the sea. Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the ground will dry out. The oak trees and all the cedars, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, the water veins will dry up, animals, birds and reptiles will all die.

The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week, and the year like a month. For human wickedness has caused the elements to become tense, to hurry and strain even more, so that the date prophesied by God for the eighth century will end as quickly as possible.

When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. The prophets will convince people not to accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will say that whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into paradise, for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal.

And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, creating a sign for every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to hellish torment. If you are in need of food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be revived (literally: filled with life) with the help of the Most High God. If you do not have patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later.

People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful (who thanks them with their lips)? It is not people who thank, but the press itself only thanks; anger, having dominated people, expresses joy and joy through their lips, for it has managed to destroy these people, as happens with villains who triumph and rejoice over the crime committed. And what is their gratitude? Their gratitude signifies that Satan is seated in them, imagined in a person’s feelings, and the person is not aware of what is happening to him. The one who is imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he nevertheless hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more against you.

Just be patient for a little while. Don’t you see that the one who accepts the seal of the Antichrist will not live, he is dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there together with those who are sealed with it, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30)?

And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.

The Antichrist will hear what two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil. Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, for you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “You flatterer and deceiver! daemon! It's your fault that so many souls died in hell! Cursed be your seal along with your glory! This cursed seal of yours and defiled glory brought the world down to destruction, your destruction brought the world to this state, the world died and its end came..."

The Antichrist will hear such words from Enoch and Elijah and say to them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?” And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.” Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such contemptuous answers, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.

After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Anti-Christ will release his most evil children, giving free rein to the evil spirits that he had hitherto restrained.

These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, theft, theft, untruth, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to wander with them, like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the spirits of evil, obedient to him, to bring people to the point where they do ten times more evil than before. His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most wicked children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally...

People, having become so crafty in soul and in body, will be diminished, they will be 1 8 arshins tall (1 arshin = 71.12 cm), we say: five spans (1 span = 17.78 cm) the length of the human body (from 88 .9 to 124.5 cm). By the acts of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons and will be one spirit with the demons.

The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and vain than his most evil children; he will greatly rejoice that evil has increased in humanity, human natural properties have been lost, and people have become more crafty than demons...

And then the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of human evil, will suddenly find a “two-edged sword” from above, with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his foul body.

With the death of the Antichrist, the killing of people will come to an end. Cain marked the beginning of the murder, but the antitype (Antichrist) salts the end, it will end with him.

What will happen according to this, God alone knows. We know only one thing, that the deeds done in the life of each person will be sorted out, so that good deeds will be separated from evil deeds, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32)27.

(3 votes: 5 out of 5)

For the monastic way of life there is no other more convenient place than Mount Athos, which I took from My Son as My inheritance, so that those who want to escape worldly worries and confusions would come there and serve God there unhindered and calm. From now on, this Mountain will be called My helicopter city. I love this place a lot, and the time will come when it will be filled from edge to edge, north and south, with many monks. And if those monks work for God with all their souls and faithfully keep His commandments, then I will grant them great gifts on the great day of My Son; still here on earth they will receive great help from Me; I will begin to alleviate their illnesses and labors and give them the opportunity, with small means, to have contentment in life, I will even weaken the enemy’s warfare against them, and I will make their name glorious throughout the whole earth,” this is what the Mother of God said to St. Nicholas in Her wondrous appearance with this saint to the venerable Peter, the first Athonite desert dweller, more than 1000 years ago.

Therefore, Holy Athos is the lot of the Mother of God- with his ascetics, with those which the whole world was not worthy of(Heb. II, 38), for more than ten centuries has always been dear and dear to every Orthodox heart. Many glorious men, whose names are written in the Book of Life, shone on this stronghold and torch of Orthodoxy; many vessels of the Holy Spirit, who did not want to be glorified by the sons of this age and who retired from the turbulent and vain world to the deserted heights of transcendental Athos, flourished in this ascetic city, in this monastic nursery, in this school of asceticism and piety...
Relatively recently - four centuries ago - here I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith(2 Tim. 4:7) and one of those who wandered through deserts and mountains, through caves and gorges of the earth was glorified by God (Heb. II, 38).
The name of this ascetic is Myrrh-Streaming Nile. With his exploits he surpassed not only his contemporaries, but also many ancient ascetics.
The birthplace of the Monk Nile was Greece. The saint's pious parents, who lived in the village of St. Peter, were called by God to a better world when Nile was still very young. His uncle, Hieromonk Macarius, took upon himself all the care of raising the boy. He vigilantly followed all the movements of the mind and heart of the future vessel of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And it was not in vain that the uncle’s tireless efforts about his nephew were not in vain: the boy showed rapid progress in mental and moral relations. Having reached adulthood, Neil took monastic vows and was ordained a hierodeacon, and later a hieromonk. At one time, uncle and nephew labored together.
Flaming with desire for great deeds, they retired to Holy Mount Athos and, having received a blessing from the abbot of the Lavra of St. Athanasius, they settled in a deserted, extremely wild place - waterless, very convenient for silence, called Holy Stones. It took them a lot of work to build a small temple and cells here. After everything necessary had been arranged, blessed Macarius rested peacefully in Bose.
After the death of his mentor, the Monk Neil moved to an even wilder place, inaccessible not only to people, but also to animals, allowing him to remain with the One God. As in the abandoned place, a church was built here and consecrated in the name of the Presentation of the Lord. “...What feats did the cave that housed this courageous ascetic see? How was she watered by the outpouring of warm tears, crying before God day and night? What kind of fight against demons and what kind of victories over dark forces? How was she sanctified by heavenly visions and the celestial displays of the Angels who appeared here to console the equal-angelic ascetic? We don’t know all this well; this is known only to the Omniscient God. But for us the very place of his exploits is a silent and loud preacher about their greatness; The glorification of his sacred remains testifies to them” (from the Lavra manuscript of the cells of St. Nile).
In this cave the saint ended his earthly journey, surrendering his peaceful spirit into the hand of God, and moved “where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing.”
At the cave, the brethren reverently buried his much-victorious and much-suffering body and placed an inscription over the headboard with a prohibition against opening the body of the ascetic, for before his death the monk himself made such an oath.
He who during his earthly life did not seek human glory, soon after death filled the whole world with the glory of his name. The Lord glorified His saint by the fact that his virgin body, dedicated to God from his youth, purified and refined by fasts, washed with tears, scented with prayers - God turned this most holy body into ointment, deigned it to flow from the tomb through a small hole and flow down a steep cliff to the sea (which is about 128 meters vertical) to appear to people.
This unprecedented phenomenon attracted many people who came from all countries of the Orthodox East. Countless healings and miracles occurred from the holy world and through the prayerful invocation of St. Nile. The Orthodox Church canonized him with the name Myrrh-Streaming and established his memory on the day of his death on November 12 and on the day of the transfer of his holy relics on May 7.
At the present time, part of the saint’s holy relics is located near the cave, in the Church of All Saints, and the rest is in the Lavra of St. Athanasius. They were moved here back in 1815.
The name of the Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming became even more famous after his appearance from the afterlife in the period from 1813 to 1819 to one Holy Mountain resident - monk Theophan, when in several conversations the Reverend Nile told him everything that was contained in the book "Posthumous broadcasts of the Monk Nile the Myrrh-Streaming."
“In terms of the wealth of material from the field of ascetic psychology,” says Archimandrite Alexander, “Broadcasts” can rightfully take a prominent place among such famous patristic works of this kind, such as “The Ladder”, “Words” of St. Ephraim the Syrian, Isaac the Syrian, Macarius The Great and others”...
Getting acquainted with the contents of the book, we see that it examines the spiritual life of a Christian, and, in particular, the monastic life, from a variety of angles.
But in our apostasy (from apostasy- heresy, schism) twentieth century “Broadcasts” are also attractive because they say a lot about the latest destinies of our earthly world.
The monk predicted that terrible times were coming about which the Lord spoke: But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?(Luke 18:8).
The Nile announced to those seeking salvation on the Holy Mountain under the Protection of the Mother of God that they should not be embarrassed, should not be horrified, should not lose faith in this Protection and should not leave Athos until the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God leaves it; so that the monks remain in repentance and hope of salvation, in silence, humility and obedience, trying to preserve inviolably what little remains of their former high monastic life. For for the wickedness of the wicked, the Holy Mountain will be plunged into the sea, this will be when the Mother of God will remove Her Veil from Her inheritance. Pious monks should hasten to leave Athos as soon as the miraculous Iveron icon leaves. The saint reveals in great detail about the times of the Antichrist: about the worldwide anarchy that will precede the coming of the Antichrist, about when we should expect this, about the degree of depravity of the last generation, about how cruelly the acceptance of the seal of the Antichrist will act on human hearts, about Sermons of Enoch and Elijah...
Many of the predictions of the Monk Neil have already come true, but much of what he predicted is coming true before our eyes.
In general, the saint’s prophecies are distinguished by amazing accuracy. In order not to be unfounded, we present one of the predictions that came true.
In a miraculous appearance that happened in 1817, the Monk Neil said to the monk Theophan:
“When four twenty-five years have passed, what will monastic life be like then? If another three twenty-five years pass: we say the number of the seventh year and five, rising to the halfway point of the eighth, there at halfway the number of five, what confusion will occur from the fourth to the fifth?..”
The Russian translator of the book published in 1912 to explain this place (Part II, Chapter 31, p. 170) includes a note by the first scribes who lived in the last century.
“Note of the first descriptors: the saint said this to Theophan in the summer of Christ 1817; from the creation of the world - 7325th. Therefore, the saint says: when four twenty-five years have passed, that is, a hundred years, and the year 7425 (1917) comes, then what will happen to monastic life? If the other three twenty-five years still pass, that is, 75 years, and the 7500th year (1992) comes, “the number of seven years and five,” that is, seven thousand and five hundred years, “rising halfway to eight,” that is, when we reach half of the eighth century (millennium), then in the middle of the five, that is, the fifth century, “what confusion will there be (from the fourth to the fifth)?”
We believe that from the fourth to the fifth, as the saint says, there are from 7400 to 7500; this is what we assume; who can interpret better,

1817 = 7325
+100 =+100
1917 = 7425
+ 75 =+ 75
1992 = 7500
— 50 =- 50
1942 = 7450

We, living in 1989, see with our own eyes what monasticism has become since 1917 (7425 from the creation of the world) - it has almost disappeared. And as for the confusion that occurred in the year 7450 from the creation of the world or 1942 A.D. - the critical year of the Second World War - everyone knows.
This amazing accuracy of fulfilled prophetic predictions encourages us to introduce the reader to those prophecies contained in the “Broadcasts” that have not yet come true (or have just begun to come true).


O most reverend fathers, the removal of Salvation will be like this.
Firstly, in a short time ahead the monastery in which the face of the Queen of Salvation resides will be shaken. This means that the insensitive earth will feel that it has to be impoverished by its Guardian, who protects it to this day. After the shaking, all the trees planted will shake very much and all the planted trees, we say, all the rooted ones, will tilt into captivity for the sake of the Queen (i.e. there will be a martyrdom of the Orthodox monks on the Mountain). Athos will beat with a terrible noise, a thin voice will emanate; when the face of our Lady Theotokos disappears, there will be a terrible and trembling sign.
The sign will be this: all churches will be bowed down for the sake of removing Salvation, like a wire to Salvation and a bow. For this reason, I tell you, insensibility will be felt, and feeling will be darkened, and will not be aware that Salvation is withdrawing. So, I tell you, most reverend fathers, as long as the face of our Lady Theotokos is inside this Mountain, let no one be moved to leave this honorable Mountain; As soon as he moves to leave this honest Mountain, mental and physical punishment (permissiveness) will immediately be found on him. When they see that the icon of the All-Holy One has departed from this venerable Mountain, then you too can go wherever you please, as long as you keep your vow of monastic life intact and pure.


If the seventh number of years passes and five ascending to the halfway point of the eighth...
What kind of theft will happen then? What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then they will be more confused by great strife (addiction to disputes), they will incessantly bicker and will not find either beginning or end. Then the Eighth Council will gather to sort out the dispute and reveal good to the good and evil to the evil... the good will be excommunicated, separated from the evil, i.e. true believers from heretics, and for a short time people will be at peace... But then they will again change their (good) disposition, turn to evil through the evil destruction of those who are perishing, so that they will not know that there is a brother and that there is a sister, that there is a father and mother, and that mother and her son will not even recognize the marriage crown. They will have only one destruction, one fall into destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah, i.e. and five righteous people will not be found... And a brother will have a sister as a wife, a mother will have a son as a husband, the son will kill his father and commit adultery with his mother, and other dozens of evils will become customary. Since evil deeds begin to inculcate in people, disasters will befall them... People, the more disasters they encounter, the more they will cultivate evil, instead of repenting, they will become embittered against God. The atrocities that people will commit will surpass the atrocities of the people of the flood. Everyone will talk only about evil, only evil intentions, evil will, partnership only out of spite, everyone’s actions only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation; general evil disunion. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil is saved... Since the love of greed will increase, the disasters in the world will also increase.


The love of money is the forerunner of the Antichrist... Everything that economically and providentially prepared and prepares people for faith and following the Lord is, was and will be the truth. On the contrary, everything that prepares people to reject the law of God and their Savior is a lie, this lie economically prepares the coming of the Antichrist and his acceptance by the human race... Just as the Forerunner preached the baptism of the Truth and thereby turned people to the path of salvation, so (on the contrary) much care will darken a person’s feelings in order to make a person insensitive to his salvation, so that he cannot feel salvation from the multitude of carnal worries. People will feel neither the desire for an eternal future life, nor the fear of eternal condemnation... Thus, salvation will remain and will not be taken away from the world, the opportunity to be saved and those who are saved will remain until the end of the world. Yes, and then there will be salvation, but for whom will it be? For those who will not submit to the deeds of the antitype (the forerunner of the Antichrist) ... The Antichrist will be born from the unclean prodigal woman. In this virgin debauchery will copulate, she will be a treasury of adultery. Every evil of the world, every uncleanness, every lawlessness will be embodied in her. In what she conceived from secret fornication, they will copulate together in the womb of uncleanness and with the impoverishment of the world they will be revived... A fruit will be conceived from secret unnatural fornication, which will be the container of all evil...
This fruit will be born when the world becomes impoverished in virtues... But what kind of impoverishment will befall the world?..
Firstly, it impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, and chastity.
Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district.
Likewise, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of spiritual authorities... After this impoverishment, love will grow cold in many(Matt. 24:12), will be taken from the environment holding(2 Thess. 2:7) and the unclean will be born from the womb of uncleanness.
Then this unclean birth will produce signs and wonders through demonic dreams. The world will imagine that this Antichrist is meek and humble in heart, but in reality he will be a fox at heart and a wolf at heart. Confusion of people will be his food. When people transform (perish), then the Antichrist will feed on life.
The confusion of people will be this: condemnation, envy, rancor, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication. This evil will be the food of the Antichrist. In contrast to how Christ’s cruelty was to fulfill the will of His Father, so the Antichrist’s cruelty will be to fulfill the will of his father the devil. The Antichrist will feed on this.
And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there will be no head in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he says, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation. People, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him the universal ruler and autocrat, since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.
Later, when destruction brings great disaster into the world, then, during these disasters, terrible signs will occur. A terrible famine will come, and the world will be attacked by great greed (gluttony). Compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied. A great disaster will come everywhere. Then the covetous will open their covetous granaries (wealth will be abolished, property will be equalized on the basis of the equality of all). Then gold will depreciate like dung on the road.
And then, during that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign (for only those who have the seal, according to Apocalypse 13, 17, will be sold bread). Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed I print the Antichrist. Christians, although they will neither be given nor sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses. Those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead. For when a person is sealed with a seal, his heart will become even more insensitive, being unable to endure hunger, people will grab the corpses, and anywhere, sitting on the side of the road, devour them.
The following will be written on the seal: “I am yours” - “Yes, you are mine.” - “I go by will, not by force.” - “And I accept you by your will, and not by force.” These four sayings, or inscriptions, will be depicted in the middle of that damned seal.
Oh, unhappy is the one who is imprinted with this seal! This cursed seal will bring great disaster to the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the newcomers, will say: “Oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so blessed, places and come to this cursed place, to us, who have no human feeling left?!” This will be said in every place where people will move... Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their place, will command the sea to take on the heat that was previously characteristic of it, which it previously had, so that people would not cross for resettlement from place to place. And when the Antichrist sits on his throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? It will be the same with the sea. Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the ground will dry out. The oak trees and all the cedars, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, the water veins will dry up, animals, birds and reptiles will all die.
The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week, and the year like a month. For human wickedness has caused the elements to become tense, to hurry and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth century will end as quickly as possible.
When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. The prophets will convince people not to accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will say that whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into paradise, for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal. And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, creating a sign for every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to hellish torment. If you are hungry and require food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be revived (literally: filled with life) with the help of the Most High God. If you do not have patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later.
People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful (who thanks them with their lips)? It is not people who thank, but the press itself only thanks; anger, having dominated people, expresses joy and joy through their lips, for it has managed to destroy these people, as happens with villains, triumphant and rejoicing over the crime committed. And what is their gratitude? Their gratitude signifies that Satan is seated in them, imagined in a person’s feelings, and the person is not aware of what is happening to him. The one who is imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he nevertheless hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more against you.
Just be patient for a little while. Don't you see that the one who accepts the seal of the Antichrist will not live, he is dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there together with those who are imprinted with it? where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth(Matthew 25:30)?
And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.
The Antichrist will hear what two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil. Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, for you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “You flatterer and deceiver! daemon! It's your fault that so many souls died in hell! Cursed be your seal along with your glory! This cursed seal of yours and defiled glory brought the world down to destruction, your destruction brought the world to this state, the world died and its end came..."
The Antichrist will hear such words from Enoch and Elijah and say to them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?” And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.”
Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such contemptuous answers, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.
After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release his most wicked children, giving free rein to the evil spirits that he had hitherto restrained.
These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, theft, theft, untruth, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to wander with them, like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the spirits of evil, obedient to him, to bring people to the point where they do ten times more evil than before. His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most wicked children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally...
People, having become so crafty in soul and in body, will be diminished, they will be 1 3/4 arshins tall (1 arshin = 71.12 cm), we say: five spans (1 span = 17.78 cm) the length of the human body ( from 88.9 to 124.5 cm). By the acts of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons and will be one spirit with the demons.
The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and more vain than his most evil children; he will greatly rejoice that evil has increased in humanity, human natural properties have been lost, and people have become more crafty than demons...
And then the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of human evil, will suddenly find a “two-edged sword” from above, with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his foul body.
With the death of the Antichrist, the killing of people will come to an end. Cain marked the beginning of the murder, but the antitype (Antichrist) will make the end, it will end with him.
What will happen according to this, God alone knows. We know only one thing, that the deeds done in life by each person will be sorted out, so that good deeds will be separated from evil deeds, like a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats(Matt. 25, 32).

Prepared according to the edition: “Orthodox Rus'” - church and public body No. 22 dated November 28, 1989

You do not keep your constant determination, that is, your proposal in spiritual achievement is not constant, your mood is not peaceful, but like a whirlwind spins in your head; You don’t know what’s happening to you, you don’t recognize good as good, or evil as evil, just like Judas, who had such a sense that for him sweet things became bitter, and bitter things became sweet. This is clear from the fact that he hanged himself on a tree in order to make himself betrothed to eternal torment... God did not allow Judas to do what he wanted, that is, he providentially made it so that his first attempts at suicide did not succeed. God, as one who does not remember evil, rebuked Judas - whether he would repent like Manasseh, or like a thief, or like a harlot, he, this upside-down Judas, remained the same as he was before; again he turned his head and disposition, that is, his thoughts and heart, to evil, evading the mercy of God!.. He betrayed the Lord, but God, having mercy on him, commanded the branch (on which he hanged himself) to bow, and it bowed; but Judas, enslaved by evil, made a place for himself even higher, climbed onto this place, shortened the noose for his neck and threw himself from the highest place in order to accomplish what had not been accomplished and thereby complete all his evil!.. God again bent the branch, but this one, insatiable with evil , again tied the noose, arranging the third floor to the height of his evil, with which he destroyed himself; again climbed to the height of the third floor, tied a noose around his neck, and threw his unclean body from the third degree of height, we say: (a body defiled) by the murder of his father, adultery with his mother and the murder of his brother.

Note. Above, the saint said about the story of Judas: “As we hear” - and in fact, there is a tradition about Judas known in the East, to which the saint hints here. In one of the copies of the book about Saint Nile, this legend is given in its entirety, and we also consider it necessary to cite it.

Judas came from the village of Iscaria. His father's name is Rovel. Before Judas was conceived, the mother had a terrible dream and woke up screaming. In response to her husband’s question, she said that she saw that she would conceive and give birth to a male, and he would be the destroyer of the Jewish race. Her husband reproached her for believing in dreams. That same night she conceived (without, therefore, heeding this warning from God) and therefore gave birth to a son. Due to the fact that the remembered dream continued to frighten her, she and her husband agreed to throw the child away; They made a box and, having tarred it, put the baby in it and threw it into Lake Gennesaret. Opposite Iscaria there was a small island on which sheep were grazed in winter and shepherds lived; It was to them that the box with the baby was brought; the shepherds took him out of the water, fed the child with sheep's milk and gave him to a certain woman to nurse him; this woman named the child Judas. When he grew up a little, the shepherds took him from his nurse and brought him to Iskaria to give him to someone as a foster child; here Judas’s father, Rovel, met them, and, not knowing that this was his son, took him into his foster home. The father and mother fell in love with Judas, who had a very handsome face, and, grieving over their son thrown into the water, they adopted Judas. After this, a son was born to them, and Judas began to envy him, fearing that he might lose his inheritance because of him, for Judas was by nature angry and money-loving.

Judas began to constantly offend his brother and beat him, for which his parents often punished Judas, but Judas became more and more inflamed with envy of his brother, carried away by the passion of the love of money, and finally, once taking advantage of the absence of his parents, he killed his brother. Grabbing a stone, he killed his brother, and then, frightened of the consequences, fled to the island on which he was raised, and here he entered the service of a Hellenic house, in which he eventually entered into an adulterous relationship with the wife of the owner’s son and, having killed him, fled to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, Judas was accepted into Herod's palace, where Herod fell in love with him for his agility and handsome appearance; Judas became the manager of the palace and bought everything he needed. His parents, not knowing that he had killed their son, and seeing that he was missing, grieved for him. So a lot of time passed; Finally, great unrest occurred in Iscaria, so Rovel and Judas’ mother moved to Jerusalem and bought themselves a house with a beautiful garden, next to Herod’s palace. It was then that Judas killed his father, as will be stated below through the mouth of the saint, married his mother, and they had a son. Therefore, by chance, in a conversation with his wife, it was revealed that they were blood relations - son and mother; Judas, leaving his mother, went to Christ with the intention of repenting, was taken by Christ as a disciple, made a treasurer and manager, but out of his love of money he continued to steal money and secretly send it to his mother, supposedly for the sake of feeding her.

And Judas knew his iniquity, that is, that he took his mother as his wife, killing her husband, who was his father, and, having killed the boy who was his brother, he learned from the words of his mother, since he did not know about this before; and hearing that Jesus was teaching in the outskirts of Jerusalem (that is, calling sinners to repentance), he went, found Him and joined Him to follow Him.

Seeing this Judas, Jesus Christ realized that he was a hateful, malicious and malicious man, but he accepted him with great joy in order to heal the soul of Judas. And Christ raised Judas to be a steward over all the apostles, so that he could manage everything; and Christ commanded the apostles: ask Judas for everything necessary for the flesh, whatever you need.

Hearing this command of Christ, the apostles carried it out with readiness, did not grumble about what Judas did, and never complained to Christ about him, although they saw many of his disobedience or outrages, for they accepted every word of Christ from Him, with the determination to fulfill it in practice.

That is why they did not grumble at all against their brother Judas. Then Judas was the brother of the apostles and the disciple of Christ; Christ washed his feet, like the other apostles; after his betrayal, he became the brother of the devil, a disciple of Dennitsa, and became, like one of the others, a devil. Then he was an apostle, now he is a devil... This (happened to him) because the apostles, fulfilling in practice (the words of Christ), became pillars of paradise, but Judas, although he listened to the words of Christ, did not listen to them willingly, resignedly and did not have the determination to do the job, that is, to carry them out in practice, (listened) with a murmur and obeyed reluctantly. The apostles clung to the words of Christ as if they were unshakable pillars, and they themselves became pillars of paradise; Judas clung to the words of Christ like a rotten pillar, and he himself became a collapse, that is, as if he broke away and fell away from the part of the Lord and the apostles, casting himself into the depths of hell.

He did not limit himself to having the power of external control over everything worldly, we say: over treasures, sales and purchases, but he wanted to take control of internal exchange as well; we say: Judas wanted to forbid people from bringing faith, ointment and divine glory to Christ, that is, he did not want to let people honor Christ as God, glorify Him as God, and pour precious ointment on Him, for which the people of that time spent as Even now people spend money to bring gifts to the church, we say: for the liturgy, which is the imprint of Christ; incense (burned in a censer and offered to the Lord in worship) is a type (or imprint) of the world (liated on the Lord during his lifetime); as the prophet-king David says: “May my prayer be corrected, like incense before You...”. The candle carried before the priest on exits is a type of the honest forerunner of the Baptist and his teaching in the desert before the coming of Christ, as the prophet said: “The voice of one crying in the desert, straighten the path of the Lord...” And again: “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” ..." And again: "Behold, the Lamb of God, take away the sin of the world..." And again: "I baptize you with water, but He who is mightier than me is coming, of whom I am not worthy to cut off the thong of His boots, He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire ..." (Luke 3:4-6 and John 1:36).

This (i.e., these sacrifices to Christ as God) was what Judas wanted to forbid, intending to prevent (their offering, i.e., the outpouring of peace on Christ) - but he himself was forbidden and overthrew with his boundless love of money, the insidious one with whom Dennitsa deceived him , to hell as follows.

One soul brought valuable ointment to Christ; Christ commanded that it be preserved for the time of the burial of Him, the Son of Man; Judas sought to sell it, for its value was excessive. Christ said: “Let it be preserved for the day of My burial...”

Something similar happened at the time when Judas trampled his father’s garden, taking the most beautiful flowers, called aromas; his mother was afraid to say anything to him, since he was a royal man; Judas did not ask his mother (for permission to pick flowers); but, being a predator and a ruler, he himself boldly picked the fragrant and precious flowers, left his father’s house and met his father in front of the door, returning from work to his house. The father, seeing the fragrances in Judas’s hands, asked: “Why did you pick these fragrances?” Judas answered with great insolence: “I need them, why are you asking?” The father, when he heard such a word from Judas, became angry and said: “You need it, but I don’t need it?” (That’s why) Christ said to Judas: “Leave it, I need it for the time of My burial...”

Judas said to his father: “How dare you speak to me, don’t you know that I am a royal man?” The father said to him: “Even though you are a royal man, why are you impudently saying this to me? Why should I be afraid of you? How dare you enter my house and take things without asking,” and the father tried to take them away from Judas’s hands. Judas, being arrogant and proud, could not bear the words of his father, did not allow him to hear even a small word, but immediately grabbed a stone in his hands and, hitting him on the head with it, killed his father - parricide Judas!.. With great arrogance he went he then went to his master and showed him the aromas. And the lord said to him: “How did they give them to you?” And Judas said: “I did not seek to be given them to me, but I killed him and took him!” The ruler said to him: “Is it true what you say?” Judas says: “I bear witness with my life that I killed him, my lord, for he reviled your command and insulted me.” The lord said: “Now I will send a man to find out if what you say is true, and if it is true, then I will expel you from my chambers and punish you properly, for it was not to him that you did such dishonor, but to me.” The lord sent a man, he found him killed; the messenger returned and announced what had happened; The ruler, hearing that this was true, became angry and extremely embarrassed. Judas, being wicked, resorted to the protection of intercessors; and they went with him (the palace people went to the king to intercede for him); The ruler, seeing that the palace people were indignant, was embarrassed, showed him leniency, took pity on him and, according to the law, ordered him to take the wife of the murdered husband as his wife.

Judas, like an evil vessel of evil, accepted this, but the mother did not want it and said that she was taking another, but did not want this, but the ruler threateningly commanded her so that she should not dare to take another, but only this one. In view of such a misfortune, his mother, unwillingly, accepted him - and Judas took his mother as his wife...

That is why Christ said (to remind Judas of all this) that let the myrrh remain for the time of My burial...

And a boil began to boil in the heart of the boiling anger, but Christ, as the Knower of the Heart, understood Judas’s plan...

On that day, after the washing of the feet of the apostles, when everyone had eaten and Judas was present, during the meal Christ sighed and said that of the twelve of you there is one who will deliver Me into the hands of human sinners. And the apostles said to each other: Who is he who will betray Him? Christ, seeing this excitement among the apostles, said that he stretched out his hand in front of Me, and Judas immediately stretched out his hand in front of Christ (towards the solilo).

Christ did not allow turmoil to occur, as is typical of modern people, but gave only one sign and did not say anything more...

Then He offered up the liturgical Sacrifice*, which we still offer today... Then, after the meal, Judas withdrew from the apostolic union, or better yet, from his brethren, and became an ally of Dennitsa and a brother to the devil...

And the insidious one said in his insidious and unclean thought: I will take gifts from those who seek Him, I will ask (more) and whatever I ask, they will give me... Immediately he went to the Jewish synagogue and said with a great voice: whatever you give me, I will give it to you. His? The Jews immediately presented him with thirty pieces of silver. Having received them, Judas said: follow me. Taking lamps, sticks, knives, ropes and other similar whips in their hands, they followed him...

Jesus Christ then prayed, after prayer he came to the apostles and said: “Watch and pray; you know neither the day nor the hour... for the Son of Man is betrayed. pray, for you know neither the day nor the hour, for the Son of Man is betrayed...” Again he went to the place of His prayer, prayed and said: “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me.” Immediately, at these words, Judas arrived with lamps, from the multitude of lights it became as bright as day, but the hour was night... And Judas said to the Jews: “Whoever I hug and kiss, grab him”... Then many soldiers entered to where the apostles were gathered together. Judas, with pieces of silver in his hand, the predatory unclean One embraced the Pure One, said: “Rejoice, Rabbi,” - he insidiously put his most vile lips to the undefiled Face and, having shown Him this honor before the soldiers, presented Him to them, retiring into the darkness of the love of money (i.e. that is, into darkness with his love of money, from the Light of Christ - to the devil)... And the soldiers seized Christ; The apostles, seeing Him captured by the soldiers, were very embarrassed. Peter grabbed one slave, threw him down, grabbed a short knife that he had and, prompted by jealousy, cut off the slave’s ear. Then Christ exclaimed and said: “Peter! Petre! Put the knife in its sheath, for (if) you give a knife, you also receive a knife..." And they took Christ as a thief to the judgment seat, and "feared in vain against the Lord and against His Christ" (Ps. 22). Then the reproach surrounded It! tormented!..

Seeing these passions of Christ, Judas, darkened by the love of money, became darkened and greatly repented, but did not fall to repentance, we say: to Christ - and, weeping bitterly, did not mourn his iniquity, like Peter, but went and cast down the pieces of silver where he received them, and said: “I have done evil, take your pieces of silver...” The scribes answered him and said: “You will see...” And they were concerned, saying among themselves that it was not worthy to put them in the corvan; Concernedly they asked what to do with them? Finally, they made a strange burial vault, which is still being found today...

Then Judas, throwing the pieces of silver there, withdrew into a deep place and, moving away, was concerned about what to do there (in the ravine). When he thought about this, a nasty thought came to his mind to commit suicide. The unclean one listened to the unclean one and did the deed in the following way. In the place where he was thinking, there was one tree, as if on purpose for execution. Judas immediately took off his belt, which was made of camel's hair, tied his neck with one end, and tied himself to a tree with the other... the branch bent at the same hour (that is, when he fell over to hang)...

God does not want the sinner to die, but rather for him to turn and live. God acted in every possible way so that Judas would not hang himself, for Judas was still a man. God expected Judas to repent. But Judas did not free himself from the noose in order to go, fall at the foot of the cross and say: “I crucified You, forgive me!.. My evil thought lifted You to the cross; have mercy on me...” If he had spoken these three words before the cross, fulfilling them in deed (expressing his repentance), Christ would have accepted him. But how to do it? This is the thing: so that he tears up bitterly, groans sobbing and weeps pitifully; but Judas did not do this (that is, he did not want to throw himself to the ground before the cross of Christ for his salvation), but threw himself to the ground in order to hang himself (despite the fact that) the branch was bowing, and on the cross was the most friendly Christ (of whom Judas could be undoubtedly sure that He would not reject his repentance)!..

Just as Basil the Great was friendly to Joseph (whom he baptized on his deathbed), so Christ was friendly to Judas, expecting words of repentance from him, but Judas (instead of saying these words, preferred) to tightly tighten his throat with a noose - Iscariot!.. Looks Christ will look into the distance on both sides of His cross to see if he will see Judas... He, Who thirsts for the salvation of people, also thirsted for Judas’s repentance and sought it... With a great voice, Christ cried out with a groan: “I thirst.” The Jews realized that He was demanding water and with their Jewish shamelessness, putting their lip on the reed, they gave him bile and vinegar to drink... Again He exclaimed and said: “It is finished”... Tell me now, why did Judas come to Christ to see Him? For the sake of your death or salvation? If for salvation, then why did he die, the unfortunate one? Because the most unstable (most fickle) did not have firm faith.

*The commandment about the Eucharist with the words: “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

« The Almighty has created this age for many,and the future is for the fewMany are created, but few will be saved

Do not try to worry any more about the multitude of those who are perishing. For, having received freedom, they despised the Most High, despised His law and abandoned His ways, and also trampled His righteous, and said in their hearts: “There is no God,” although they knew that they were mortal. Just as what was said before awaits you, so will thirst and torment await them, which are prepared.

God did not want to destroy manbut the created ones themselves have dishonored the name of Him,Who created them, and were ungrateful to the One who prepared life for them. Therefore My judgment is now drawing near” (3 Ezra 8:1, 3, 55-61).

“Then those who have now departed from My ways will have pity, and those who rejected them with contempt will remain in torment. Those who did not know Me, receiving benefits during life, and They abhorred My law, did not understand it, but despised it, when they still had freedom and when the place for repentance was still open to them, they will know Me after death in torment. Do not be curious anymore about how the wicked will be tormented, but investigate how the righteous, to whom the age belongs and for whose sake the age belongs, will be saved. ...There are more who will perish than those who who will be saved like a wave greater than a drop" (3 Ezra 9, 9-13, 15).

Posthumous broadcasts of St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming (1815)

Prophetic characteristics of people before the end of the age

Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming (1815): “Then (in those days before the Antichrist) everyone will think a lot about themselves, everyone will judge each other among themselves

What a theft that will be then! What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then there will be confusion...(i.e. revolutions and the struggle of parties), they will constantly bicker and will find neither beginning nor end... They will have only one destruction, one common fall into destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah, i.e. and five righteous people will not be found... And a brother will have a sister as a wife, a mother will have a son as a husband, the son will kill his father and commit adultery with his mother; and other darkness evils will become a custom. Since evil deeds will be instilled in people, disasters will befall them..

...People, the more disasters they encounter, the more evil they will cultivate, i.e. . instead of repenting, they will become angry with God Everyone will talk only about evil, only evil intentions, evil will, everyone’s actions will be only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation; general evil disunion. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil is saved.

Then they will have treasured gold, i.e. will have capital and say that they do not have it (that is, complain that there is not enough). Then they will have gold in growth, they will increase growth upon growth; they will beg for alms, they will cry that there is nothing to eat. Their (main) goal will be the collection of capital (treasures) in order to acquire more property; since greed will increase, so will disasters in the world increase

The root of evil is covetousness. The love of money is the spirit of the Antichrist

Covetousness is the path to destruction. Non-covetousness is the path of salvation. He began to be covetous and lost his salvation. This is why human salvation is in danger of destruction from covetousness. It is this damned covetousness that will bring misfortune into the world and destroy the well-being of the world. The world will forget what prosperity is, and misfortune will dominate everywhere. This damned covetousness will and has established discord in the world...

Covetousness is the forerunner of the Antichrist. Prophets, i.e. The Holy Spirit in the prophets prophesied the economy of the incarnation of God, i.e. They proclaimed the truth to the world, but covetousness brought lies into the world. The prophets proclaimed to us the path of salvation, but the covetous proclaimed the path of destruction; just as through the apostles salvation and the grace of the All-Holy Spirit shone to us, so the much care of this world will darken the salvation of man; disastrous over-concern will draw people onto the path of lawlessness, on the path of those who lie with lies, those who offend with unrighteous theft, and those who hoard treasures with their deceitful souls.

The money-grubbers will gather treasures, but what treasures will they gather? They treasure lies with their deceitful disposition. They have rejected and are rejecting the truth from their feelings; lies penetrate and have penetrated their feelings. Their feelings became insensitive to the truth; they will not feel what is true, they will feel only what is false, they will submit to lies; they will not listen to the truth.

But did you know what is truth and what is false? Truth is the economy of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, i.e. Christ; lie is the economy of the embodiment of destruction. Those. everything that economically and providentially prepared and prepares people for faith and following the Lord is, was and will be the truth; on the contrary, everything that prepares people to reject the law of God and their Savior is a lie; this lie economically prepares the coming of the Antichrist and his acceptance by the human race. Lies will lead to the embodiment of destruction, when great disaster will come to the whole world; just as the speech of the prophets was a foreshadowing of the coming of the economic embodiment of salvation, so exactly increasing worldly cares foreshadow the near implementation of the dispensation of destruction in the world, those. the birth of the Antichrist, who will be entirely a vessel of the devil, will be destruction incarnate. Just as the Forerunner preached baptism with the Truth and thereby turned people to the path of salvation, so (on the contrary) too much care will darken a person’s feelings in order to make a person insensitive to his salvation, so that he cannot feel salvation from the multitude of carnal worries, i.e. people will feel neither the desire for an eternal future life, nor the fear of eternal condemnation (which is now obvious in the distrusted intellectuals).

Salvation will remain and will not be taken away from the world, i.e. opportunity to be saved and those who escape will endure until the end of the world. And then there will be salvation, but for whom will it be? For those who will not submit to the works of the antitype (the spirit of covetousness). The manifestation of the antitype...is this: care of this world, treasure of earthly metals, concern for the beings of this world; These are the chief principles of evil, which destroy human salvation and lead them to the path of destruction. The path of destruction is the destruction of salvation, i.e. . the disappearance in people of zeal for salvation and fear of eternal torment. For when destruction prevails in a person, then the person loses salvation (that is, the feeling of the fear of God), then people deviate into all sorts of destructive deeds, despairing as much as someone who is heavily in debt; This is how sinners despair about their salvation.

Therefore David says: “ All evaded, together with indecency there was"(Ps. 13: 3). They evaded, but what did they evade? They strayed into untruth, into theft, into disobedience, into hoarding gold...

What is gold hoarding? The hoarding of gold is precisely the antitype, we say: the Antichrist (i.e., the forerunner of the Antichrists). For sensually the Antichrist has yet to come, but mentally he is already in the world; ever since he fell into the world with his damned throne, since then he has been in the world, causing all kinds of evil in the world. He tries to do this evil in every way; firstly, it takes away from a person the feeling of salvation through worldly over-protection and over-concern about the vanity of the world. ...They will practice a lot of sin and commit sodomy; they will care and acquire fornication, they will lay up the treasure of adultery. Thus people will lose their sense, they will not feel God. They will indulge in carnal drinking and eating luxurious dishes, in arranging themselves with the most beautiful buildings; in these buildings they will indulge in their carnal feelings... Since they will give their feelings into the carnal, then they will only feel beauty and kindness, which they will only strive for. Through such a desire for carnal uncleanness, people will be disgusting to God.

God abhors them, just as he abhorred the antediluvian people, but still God showed mercy to the antediluvian people... He had mercy on them with the ark of repentance, since God wanted the ancient people, looking at the construction of the ark, to repent; but they plunged their feelings into the flesh, became insensitive to God and to the ark, did not feel what the ark meant. It was this insensibility that brought them into the depths of the waters!..

...So even now it (insensibility) will destroy people, for even now people worry, worry and acquire money like the people before the flood. They loved this activity so much, like some beautiful and good dish...

Yes, this food is good (i.e. tasty), but not saving, this food is destructive; he who eats this food spends his life to his own destruction. And destruction takes possession of a person’s feelings, dragging him along the path of insensibility; a person no longer feels where the path of salvation is, but only spends his life in destruction. He spends his life cheerfully and in luxury, but how does it conduct it? He spends his life with untruth, with theft, with embezzlement, with betrayal, ... with gluttony, with pride, with grumbling hopelessness, in carelessness, that is, carelessness in the matter of salvation and blasphemously placing the blame for all troubles on God, with cruel anger of the heart , with ungrateful hostility, rancor and... love of money.

...All these fruits of covetousness will bring the world to extreme depravity, the crown of which will be the coming of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will be born when the world becomes spiritually impoverished and when worldwide anarchy comes. The worldwide reign of the Antichrist

The Antichrist will be born from an unclean prodigal virgin. In this virgin debauchery will copulate, she will be a treasury of adultery; every evil of the world, every uncleanness, every lawlessness will be embodied in it, i.e. in those conceived by her from secret fornication they will copulate together in the womb of uncleanness and with the impoverishment of the world they will be quickened. When the world becomes poor from the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, then this one will be quickened in the womb of uncleanness, from the most vile and wicked imaginary virgin, the worst that ever was; a fruit will be conceived from secret unnatural fornication, which will be the container of all evil, in contrast to how Christ was the perfection of all virtue, and His Most Pure Mother was the most perfect among women. This fruit will be born when the world becomes impoverished in virtues.

...But what kind of impoverishment will befall the world? There are many types of this poverty that will surround and, as it were, gradually embrace the world. Firstly, impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, chastity. Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district. Likewise, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of spiritual authorities.

After this impoverishment, “the love of many will dry up”(Matt.24, 12), "Keep from the environment it will be"(2 Thess. 2:7) - and the unclean will be born from the womb of uncleanness. Then this unclean birth will produce signs and wonders through demonic dreams.

The world will imagine that this Antichrist is meek and humble in heart, but in reality he will be a fox at heart, a wolf at heart; confusion of people will be his food. When people transform (i.e. die), then the Antichrist will feed on life.

The confusion of people will be this: condemnation, envy, rancor, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication. This evil will be the food of the Antichrist. In contrast to how bad it was for Christ to do the will of His Father, so bad for the Antichrist will be to do the will of his father the devil.

And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there is no head (that is, abolished) in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he says, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation, i.e. people, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him the universal ruler and autocrat, since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.

Therefore, when destruction brings great disaster into the world, then during these disasters terrible signs will occur. There will be a terrible famine Great greed (i.e., insatiability) will come upon the world: compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied. A great disaster will come everywhere. Then the covetous will open their covetous granaries, that is, capitalism will be abolished, property will be equalized on the principles of socialism. Then gold will depreciate like dung along the road...

The Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Antichrist

Then the evil of the world will be revived (i.e. conceived and born) in the unclean womb of the virgin of evil, who will give flesh to the Antichrist. Then, for the lawless deeds of the world and its uncleanness, the grace of the Holy Spirit, which until now contains the world, will recede from the lawless world, and then the measure of the iniquities of the world will be fulfilled, according to the words: “And I will not reckon with their chosen ones”(Ps. 140, 4); then the spirit of Antichrist, now active in the world, will be incarnated, that is, a person will be born who will be defiled and become the most perfect vessel of the devil in his mother’s womb: he will be born from a virgin of evil and in a virgin of fornication, that is, from an evil harlot, although outwardly signs and virgins.

Evil will be incarnate (i.e. the Antichrist will be born) without any male seed. With the seed he will be born, but not with the sowing of man, but with the poured out seed he will be incarnate. (The word “aulos” is placed here, which, depending on the sign on the upsilon, has two meanings, namely: poured out and immaterial. The saint means both of these meanings, firstly, to mean how the supposedly miraculous conception will take place the Antichrist from an imaginary virgin, which is prophesied by other holy fathers; and secondly, he uses the word “aulos” in the sense of the immaterial seed of the Antichrist or his spirit acting in people...)

What is an immaterial seed (antichrist)? The immaterial seed (antichrist) is malice, care, care and acquisition.

However, the essence of care is of different kinds, that is, not all care is disastrous and not all carelessness is good; The main thing for a person is concern for his salvation. Man's salvation is: love, meekness, chastity, non-covetousness, virgin purity, justice, mercy mercy, which is the “oil” of human salvation, that is, the influx of the Gospel oil of the wise virgins. Righteousness is compassion for man; There are two kinds of mercy: one is mercy expressed by generosity, the other is consolation with a word, with which someone consoles someone who is oppressed. If it is not possible to help the unfortunate person, then let them console (the unfortunate person) with a consoling word. AND for one consoling word with which you console the unfortunate, you will be worthy of the fact that the Righteous Judge will console you with His decisive words at the Righteous Judgment, when he says: “Come, the blessing of My Father: inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” If you do not console the dejected with consoling words, then you yourself will then hear inconsolable words from the Righteous Judge: “Depart from Me, cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angel!” For merciful love frees man from the wrath of God.

What love does to a person is that he becomes meek and humble in heart. Enmity makes a person furious. Love always endures and never causes temptation; rancor is always impatient, always causes temptation to a person’s heart, so that his heart never has peace.

Grudge is the seal of the Antichrist, for rancor seals a person’s heart, as it were, with the seal of the Antichrist.

What is the seal of the Antichrist that now seals the wicked,and what is the one with which the Antichrist will sealaccession?

Malice is the seal of the Antichrist, and the heart of the vindictive is sealed with his seal. And when the Antichrist (i.e. the spirit of antichrist operating in the world) puts this seal, then this seal of rancor always makes the human heart sink(those. becomes as if dead, incapable of grief over sin, other spiritual feelings and fear of God). I say: this is how a person dies when his heart is sealed with hatred. This damned rancor makes a person so insensitive that people kill themselves with various deaths. It does something different an apostate from the faith; another - suicide; forces others to go to the knife; makes another a traitor; makes another a blasphemer; another - sad; And does not allow a person’s heart to rest in the least. Unhappy people do not notice that all this produces rancor and leads them to death.

(We should dwell on these lines a little: the saint, revealing the root of the main troubles of mankind, the cause of revolutions, children’s hatred of their parents and other disorders, tells us that all this is due to rancor, i.e. proud condemnation of the shortcomings of others, disrespect to parents, subordinates to superiors, etc. If we delve into the spirit of the times and the modus operandi of the opponents of the Church and the State, we will see that they base their entire success precisely on poison people with judgment and hatred, and, having poisoned, make it obedient with your instrument. This poison of condemnation is poured out especially subtly in the works of Tolstoy and other celebrities of modern literature. Young people who read them with enthusiasm are poisoned from their youth by the poison of resentment and condemnation, are imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist, lose confidence in the Church, in their parents, and often commit suicide. The person writing these lines can personally testify to this, for out of his school friends, 6 people. ended in suicide).

So, when the Antichrist puts his seal on people, their hearts will become as if dead.

During that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign, for only those who have a seal, according to the Apocalypse (Rev. 13, 17), bread will be sold. Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead.. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed with the seal of the Antichrist; Christians, although they will not be given or sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses; those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead. For when a person is sealed with a seal, his heart will become even more insensitive; not being able to bear hunger, people will grab the corpses, and anywhere, sitting on the side of the road, devour them. Finally, he himself, sealed by the antitype, will be killed; the following will be written on the seal::

“I am yours.” - “Yes, you are mine.” - “I go by will, and not by force.” - “And I accept you by your will, and not by force.”

These four sayings or inscriptions will be depicted in the middle of that damned seal.

The disasters that will befall the world after the reign of the Antichrist;the sea will dry up; animals will die; time will speed up

Oh, unhappy is he who is imprinted with this damned seal! This cursed seal will bring great disaster to the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the newcomers, will say: oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so blessed, place and come to this damned place, to us, who have no human feeling left?! So they will say in every place where people will move from their place to another... Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their places, will command the sea to take on the heat that was previously characteristic of it, which it previously had, so as not to would move to move from place to place. And when the Antichrist sits on his damned throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? It will be the same with the sea. Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the earth, the oak trees and all the cedars will dry up, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, the water veins will dry up; animals, birds and reptiles will all die.

The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month. For human wickedness has caused the elements to become tense, to hurry and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth century will end as quickly as possible. (That is, on the eighth millennium from the creation of the world).

Preaching of Enoch and Elijah to people not to acceptThe seals of the Antichrist were always marked with a cross.The slaying of these righteous

When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. They will convince people not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, they will say: whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into heaven, for the sake of the fact that he did not accept the seal. And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, making the sign of the cross at every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to hellish torment. If you are hungry and require food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be revived with the help of the Most High God. If you do not show patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later.

People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful (i.e. who thanks them with their lips)? It is not people who thank this, but the press itself only thanks (i.e., anger, having dominated people, expresses joy and joy through their lips, for it managed to destroy these people, as happens with villains, triumphant and rejoicing over the crime committed).

And what is their gratitude? Their gratitude is what Satan has sat down in them, imagined himself in the feelings of man, and man is not aware of what is being done to him.The one who is imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he nevertheless hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more against you. Just be patient for a little while. Don't you see that the one who accepts the seal of the Antichrist will not live(i.e. dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him)? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there with those who are sealed with it? Where is the crying and gnashing of teeth?

And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.

The Antichrist will hear that two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil; Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, for you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “You flatterer and deceiver! Daemon! It is your fault that so many souls perished in hell! Cursed be your seal along with your glory! This cursed seal of yours and your defiled glory have brought the world down to destruction; your destruction has brought the world to this state, the world has died and its end has come...” The antitype will hear such words from Enoch and Elijah and will say to them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?” And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.” Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such a contemptuous answer, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.

After the killing of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will take off his disguisemorality, extreme atrocities will be committed.People will be identified with demons through deceit. A signThis will result in a gradual decrease in the growth of people. At the timeAntichrist, the average height of a person will be 1 ¾ arshin

After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release his most wicked children (that is, he will give free rein to the evil spirits that he had hitherto restrained). These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, embezzlement, theft, untruth, lying, torture, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to roam with them like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the evil spirits, obedient to him, to bring people to the point that people would do ten times more evil than before; His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most wicked children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally... People who have become so evil in soul and in body will be diminished, they will be 1 ¾ arshins tall, we say: five spans the length of the human body. By the acts of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons, and they will be one spirit with the demons.

The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and vain than his most evil children, and will greatly rejoice in the fact that evil is in humanity multiplied natural human properties have been lost and people have become more crafty than demons

And then the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of human evil, will suddenly find a “two-edged sword” from above, with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his defiled body. With the death of the Antichrist, there will be an end to murder among people; Cain marked the beginning of the murder, but the antitype (Antichrist) will bring about the end, that is, it will end with him.

Who are the “goats” and who are the “sheep”

When the work of murder is completed and ends (i.e., when with the death of the Antichrist the murders on earth end), heavenly and earthly bonds will immediately develop (i.e., universal gravity will be disrupted)... What will happen then - God alone knows. We know only one thing, that the deeds done in life will be tortured: fornication, adultery, sodomy, malakia, lewd courage, slander, idle talk and condemnatory verbosity, slander, malice, envy, envy, hatred, rancor, enmity, enmity, malice, gloating, deliberate betrayal, vain pride, arrogance, love of money, covetousness, disobedience to the Church, luxury, gluttonous eating and other numerous iniquities committed in this life will all be dismantled, so that good deeds will be separated from evil deeds, just as sheep are separated from goats.

These are the sheep: love, peace, unanimity, chastity, meekness, non-covetousness, purity, righteousness, good observance of the law, obedience, humility, abstinence, fasting, good speech, diligence towards salvation, gratitude, good obedience to the Church, good obedience to spiritual life, keeping Divine baptism spotless in order to preserve its pure, non-omission of church services and the canon in monastic life; These are the essence of good works of salvation.

About human impenitence and God's long-suffering

God is long-suffering and patient with immeasurable mercy, waiting for repentance. For the sake of His immeasurable mercy and long-suffering mercy, God awaits the repentance of people, having mercy on them as on children: He has mercy on the young and is patient with the old. ...Today children know all the wickedness, do all the indecent things, but they don’t know what repentance is and don’t even know its name... And God expected repentance from the old man from childhood to youth and did not find it: from his youth he spent his years in vain in vanity their. As they say: youth is vain? For the sake of touching repentance, God demands this even in old age. The repentance of an old man, therefore, should be a pitiful cry of repentance: that is, he must remember all the lawless deeds that he committed from childhood to his youth, from youth to old age... Until the evening, God awaits repentance from the old man; We say: he is watching until his death to see if there is any repentance in the old man; if even in old age he does not see repentance in a person, then he becomes angry with the old man for his insensitivity.

And then the elder finally opens his eyes (spiritual eye, inner vision), finding himself in the hell of punishment, and is executed for his disobedience, for not resorting to repentance for his iniquities. God allowed him to repent, but he ruined himself from morning to evening(i.e. the entire time of his earthly life), by the evening he rested and fell asleep, and by dawn (woke up) in the torments of hell...

People today have become very knowledgeable, but what are they knowledgeable about? In the authenticity of earthly things and on these earthly things, corruptions of corruption, They establish themselves and, for the sake of much guardianship of treasures, destroy themselves. They treasure, fill the pantries with various delicacies; then, looking at the pantries full of delicacies, they rejoice and say: “This, God could, and I will glorify him”... Oh, crazy, crazy old man! At midnight your soul will be taken from you; with all your treasures, you will wake up in the torments of hell and you will be cruelly tormented for these various delicacies that you have treasured. So, you have collected these corruptible things of corruption, filled your storehouses with them for your torment, you will be tormented in a fiery flame; then you will remember those who (during life) did not collect vain and false things, like you, a madman, who did not care about your salvation, did not make efforts to quickly free yourself from the torment and flame of fire, with which you will burn ardently in the midst of torment and ask for one drop of water... You will ask for a small drop of water to cool you down language is yours, who brought you here with the immeasurable idle talk of your condemnation(indicates how great the sin of condemnation is).

How to escape the flames of fire

And today people, like the one who did not care about his salvation, neglect salvation, preoccupied with vain and false things, preoccupied with the material objects of the world this for his punishment in the unquenchable fiery sea. Here they labor in vain and falsely, in untruths, and there they will continually be tormented and ask for a drop of water to cool their tongue...

Oh man! (While) you have a time of coolness here, cool your tongue with repentance with tears of tenderness from a contrite heart, cry about (your) exile, abstain from sin! Keep yourself from all those who practice iniquity, i.e. from sinful thoughts, cry for yourself, but not in front of people, like the Pharisees, but alone, in the secret of your heart, just as you cultivated sins in the secret of your heart. Contrite yourself that you have become a transgressor of your promise given in the presence of St. Baptism; With tender words, cry tears of repentance, repent of the iniquities you have committed and your evil deeds.

If you want to extinguish the fiery flame and do not want to be executed in the torture of martyrdom, then do this: have love for each other, maintain purity of chastity, have abstinence with humility; with a tender heart, confess the deeds you have done. I pray and ask you... abandon the condemnation with which you condemn each other with idle talk. This is, I tell you, the means to free yourself from that fiery river that will drag a person for his deeds into outer darkness, to where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. This damned condemnation puts a person on the opposite side, where the goats are. This damned condemnation exposes man to a bitter death. This damned, condemnatory slander leads a person into the belly of the great apostate (The mouth and larynx bring food into the stomach, and the sins of the tongue lead a person into the belly of the devil, making him satanic food). This damned, condemnatory verbosity plunges a person into the bliss of impurity. This damned, mental condemnation leads a person into enmity; Because of this, people fight with each other and greatly anger God.

On self-justification of one's condemnation

Today a person makes such a condemnation of his neighbors, and through this cultivation his thoughts are darkened by demonic wickedness, he begins to be mentally tempted by everything (that is, he finds something condemning in everyone), and he justifies himself with a thorough justification (that is, he not only justifies himself, but blames others for his sin), attributes everything to the temptation of others.

…Do not justify yourself in a person (i.e., do not blame another person for your sin) and do not justify yourself with temptation. Neither people are to blame before you, nor temptations-causes (sins), but you yourself gave place to your passion, and therefore blame people for seducing you...

By your will, you gave place to passions in yourself, they dance around you as they want, you became at one with them; Why are others to blame for this? ...If everyone knew his own passions by which he is tempted, he would never, in his temptation, make another guilty.

A person is entwined with passions like a tree with ivy. What happens to a tree when it allows ivy to grow on it? Ivy has the ability to influence and ascend a tree, but only when the tree trunk accepts it; then he goes upstairs; if the tree does not accept him, ivy will never grow on the tree (that is, if the tree itself does not provide its branches for him to climb). If ivy had such power to climb trees on its own, even if the tree did not want to accept it, then all the trees on earth would dry up... We say: if the main apostate, or the ruler of darkness, had the power to ascend to the mind of a person and darken the meaning him against his will, then a person could never turn out to be bright, but would always be in sin and completely darkened. The apostate has the power to seduce, but over whom does he have power? What mind has the power to darken a person? The one who accepts temptations; he is shot by the bow of the apostate, the leader of the power of darkness.

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