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Basic facts about Eaton in Russia and the world. Competitors unite - their customers worry EATON hybrid powertrain

Eaton Corporation
Exchange listing
R&D costs

independently develops components for manned spaceflight

Operating profit

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Excerpt describing Eaton Corporation

In June, the Battle of Friedland took place, in which the Pavlograd residents did not participate, and after it a truce was declared. Rostov, who deeply felt the absence of his friend, having had no news about him since his departure and worrying about the progress of his case and his wounds, took advantage of the truce and asked to go to the hospital to visit Denisov.
The hospital was located in a small Prussian town, twice devastated by Russian and French troops. Precisely because it was in the summer, when it was so nice in the field, this place, with its broken roofs and fences and its dirty streets, ragged inhabitants and drunken and sick soldiers wandering around it, presented a particularly gloomy sight.
In a stone house, in a courtyard with the remains of a dismantled fence, some broken frames and glass, there was a hospital. Several bandaged, pale and swollen soldiers walked and sat in the courtyard in the sun.
As soon as Rostov entered the door of the house, he was overwhelmed by the smell of a rotting body and a hospital. On the stairs he met a Russian military doctor with a cigar in his mouth. A Russian paramedic followed the doctor.
“I can’t burst,” said the doctor; - Come to Makar Alekseevich in the evening, I’ll be there. – The paramedic asked him something else.
- Eh! do as you please! Doesn't it matter? - The doctor saw Rostov climbing the stairs.
- Why are you here, your honor? - said the doctor. - Why are you here? Or the bullet didn’t kill you, so you want to get typhus? Here, father, is the house of lepers.
- From what? - asked Rostov.
- Typhus, father. Whoever rises will die. Only the two of us with Makeyev (he pointed to the paramedic) are chatting here. At this point, about five of our brother doctors died. “Whatever the new guy does, he’ll be ready in a week,” the doctor said with visible pleasure. “They called Prussian doctors, because our allies don’t like that.”
Rostov explained to him that he wanted to see the hussar major Denisov lying here.
- I don’t know, I don’t know, father. Just think, I have three hospitals for one person, 400 patients are too many! It’s also good, the Prussian ladies who are benefactors send us coffee and lint at two pounds a month, otherwise they would be lost. - He laughed. – 400, father; and they keep sending me new ones. After all, there are 400? A? – he turned to the paramedic.
The paramedic looked exhausted. He was apparently waiting with annoyance to see how soon the chattering doctor would leave.
“Major Denisov,” Rostov repeated; – he was wounded near Moliten.
- It seems he died. Eh, Makeev? – the doctor asked the paramedic indifferently.
The paramedic, however, did not confirm the doctor’s words.
- Why is he so long and reddish? - asked the doctor.
Rostov described Denisov's appearance.
“There was, there was one,” the doctor said as if joyfully, “this one must have died, but I can handle it, I had the lists.” Do you have it, Makeev?
“Makar Alekseich has the lists,” said the paramedic. “Come to the officers’ chambers, you’ll see for yourself there,” he added, turning to Rostov.
“Eh, it’s better not to go, father,” said the doctor, “otherwise you might end up staying here.” “But Rostov bowed to the doctor and asked the paramedic to accompany him.
“Don’t blame me too much,” the doctor shouted from under the stairs.
Rostov and the paramedic entered the corridor. The hospital smell was so strong in this dark corridor that Rostov grabbed his nose and had to stop to gather his strength and move on. A door opened to the right, and a thin, yellow man, barefoot and wearing only underwear, leaned out on crutches.
He leaned against the lintel and looked at those passing by with shining, envious eyes. Looking through the door, Rostov saw that the sick and wounded were lying there on the floor, on straw and overcoats.
-Can I come in and have a look? - asked Rostov.
- What should I watch? - said the paramedic. But precisely because the paramedic obviously did not want to let him in, Rostov entered the soldiers’ chambers. The smell he had already smelled in the corridor was even stronger here. This smell has changed somewhat here; he was sharper, and one could feel that this was where he came from.
In a long room, brightly lit by the sun through large windows, the sick and wounded lay in two rows, with their heads to the walls and leaving a passage in the middle. Most of them were in oblivion and did not pay attention to those who entered. Those who were in memory all stood up or raised their thin, yellow faces, and all with the same expression of hope for help, reproach and envy of other people's health, without taking their eyes off, looked at Rostov. Rostov went out into the middle of the room, looked into the neighboring rooms with open doors, and saw the same thing on both sides. He stopped, silently looking around him. He never expected to see this. In front of them lay almost across the middle aisle, on the bare floor, a sick man, probably a Cossack, because his hair was cut into a brace. This Cossack was lying on his back, with his huge arms and legs outstretched. His face was crimson red, his eyes were completely rolled back, so that only the whites were visible, and on his bare feet and on his hands, still red, the veins were strained like ropes. He hit the back of his head on the floor and said something hoarsely and began to repeat the word. Rostov listened to what he was saying and made out the word he was repeating. The word was: drink - drink - drink! Rostov looked around, looking for someone who could put this patient in his place and give him water.

Eaton is an energy management solutions company. The company offers customers energy-efficient solutions for managing electrical, hydraulic and mechanical energy. Eaton has 101,000 employees. The company sells in more than 175 countries around the world

At the beginning of 2014:

  • Headquarters in Dublin (Ireland)
  • Regional headquarters: Shanghai (China), Morges (Switzerland), Mexico City (Mexico); Cleveland (USA)
  • Innovation centers in the USA, China, India, Czech Republic;
  • Customers in more than 150 countries
  • About 102,000 employees worldwide;
  • Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer: Alexander M. Cutler.


Eaton is one of the world leaders in the production of equipment for:

  • quality assurance, distribution and management of power supply;
  • hydraulic components for industrial and mobile applications;
  • fuel, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for military and civil aviation;
  • components that improve performance, fuel economy and safety of passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

Electrical sector

It offers equipment and solutions in five areas united by a common purpose - energy management:

  • Ensuring quality power supply
  • Starting and protection of electric motors
  • Energy distribution
  • Automation
  • Integrated solutions in the field of power supply

Industrial sector

It combines three areas of the company’s business:

  • Hydraulics (Hydraulics Group): control systems, fluid supply, filtration
  • Aerospace Group: hydraulic equipment, fuel systems, piping systems, electrical, sensor and instrumentation equipment
  • Motor transport (Vehicle Group): automatic and mechanical

transmissions, drive systems

  • and other equipment that ensures rational fuel consumption and safety of commercial, agricultural and freight transport.

Performance indicators

2018: Revenue - $21.61 billion, profit - $2.15 billion

Eaton completed 2018 with revenue of $21.61 billion compared to $20.4 billion a year earlier. The largest revenues continue to come from electrical products (including UPS): their sales in 2018 reached $7.12 billion, while in 2017 - $6.92 billion.

In the Electrical Systems and Services direction, a turnover of $6.02 billion was registered, which exceeds the year-ago figure of $5.67 billion.

In the hydraulic systems division, annual revenue increased from $2.47 billion to $2.76 billion. Sales of aerospace products increased from $1.74 billion to $1.9 billion, and sales of automotive technologies increased from $3.33 billion to $3.49 billion.

Eaton also has a division called eMobility, which specializes in developing solutions for electric vehicles. At the end of 2018, turnover here reached $320 million, increasing from $283 million in 2017. In 2018, the company announced plans to invest $500 million in this business over five years and start earning $2-4 billion from it by 2030.

At the end of 2018, Eaton received $2.15 billion in net profit, while in 2017 it was $2.99 ​​billion.

Profit in the electrical products division increased from $1.23 billion to $1.31 billion, in the electrical systems and services division - from $770 million to $896 million. In the direction of hydraulic solutions, profit was equal to $370 million in 2018 versus $288 million a year earlier.

In the aerospace technology segment, profit increased from $332 million in 2017 to $398 million a year later. The automotive business brought the company $611 million in profit, and the electric vehicle business brought in $44 million versus $541 million and $50 million, respectively.

Eaton's financial report notes that rising product prices fully offset the negative impact of increased duties and inflation.

Eaton business in Russia

  • Eaton has been operating in Russia since the acquisition of Powerware, which had a representative office in Moscow, in 2004;
  • In 2007, Eaton's UPS line added single-phase products from MGE Office Protection Systems, now known as the Pulsar series;
  • In 2008, the acquisition and integration with the Moeller Group took place, which provided access to new segments of the electrical market, expansion of sales channels, and the ability to offer partners and clients comprehensive solutions;
  • On October 1, 2009, the opening of Eaton's corporate office took place in Moscow. From this moment on, all areas of business are represented on the Russian market;
  • On June 16, 2010, Igor Anufriev was appointed to the position of General Director of Eton LLC;
  • Today, Eaton is represented in the Volga, North-Western and Central regions. In the near future, it is planned to open offices in the Siberian and Ural Federal Districts.

2018: Elena Mironova - CEO of Eaton in Russia and Kazakhstan

2013: Eaton's business in Russia grew 2.5 times

From 2010 to 2013, Eaton’s sales in Russia increased 2.5 times, the general director of the company’s local office told TAdviser Igor Anufriev in November 2013. According to him, a large share in the sales structure of Eaton’s Russian office is occupied by the electrical sector, where the areas of “Quality Power Supply” and “Energy Distribution” are developing in approximately equal proportions.

Both the electrical sector and the industrial sector demonstrate good sales dynamics, while the growth drivers in both cases are different, notes Igor Anufriev. In electrical engineering, in particular, the company receives good returns from the expansion of its partner network and the synergy of two areas - solutions for quality and energy distribution.

As for the industrial sector, the hydraulic division, in particular, is also “growing up” with partners in the field of distribution and acquiring local OEM clients, says Igor Anufriev, citing as an example cooperation with the largest Russian player in the agricultural equipment market Rostselmash, to which the company supplies hydraulic transmissions for their Akros and Vector combines.

“In other areas, aerospace and automotive transport, the company is moving in accordance with projects that, due to the specifics of the business, are more long-term in nature,” he adds. For example, at the beginning of 2013, the company signed a contract for the development and supply of hydraulic equipment for the new MC21 passenger aircraft, which is being prepared for production by the Irkut Corporation,” says Igor Anufriev.

Eaton does not disclose revenue in Russia in absolute terms, but the company talks about plans to increase the current turnover in the country by $200 million by 2016. Igor Anufriev notes that the implementation of these plans will largely be facilitated by the intensive development of the electrical sector: to the indicated Cooper integration will be fully completed this year, allowing Eaton to offer customers more complete and effective solutions.

“According to our forecasts, the industrial sector will develop at an accelerated pace. The immediate plans include localization of production in the automotive components, hydraulic and aerospace business areas, he adds. “Another factor contributing to our growth in Russia is the boom in the construction of data centers, the market of which is not yet saturated.”

An increase in growth rates will be achieved, among other things, through a significant expansion of the network of distributors working in the field of electrical engineering. At the end of 2013, the company in Russia had more than 140 service partners in the “Quality Power Supply” direction, more than 250 IT partners registered in the Eaton Power Advantage program, and a total of more than 50 partners and distributors in the “Energy Distribution” direction.

According to the CEO of Eaton in Russia, as of November 2013, about 90 specialists work in the company’s local office. Over the past year, the team has grown by 30%, and Eaton predicts its further growth, including through regional development.


The Russian office of Eaton continued its strong double-digit growth in 2011, exceeding the sales plan by 11%.


In 2010, sales grew by 63%, and over the eight months of this year - by another 45%. Over the next five years, Eaton plans to grow its business by 13-14% per year. This volume will consist of the natural growth of end markets (approximately 7% per year), the company's 50% faster growth than the market (another 3-4% per annum) and growth through mergers and acquisitions (2-4%, with This is also an expansion of the company’s competencies).

2016: Fall in income due to restructuring

Eaton's revenue fell 5% in 2016. Net profit also fell slightly. The restructuring launched by the company had an effect.

Eaton's sales in 2016 amounted to $19.7 billion versus $20.9 billion the previous year. Net profit decreased from $1.98 to $1.93 billion.

Sales in the electrical products segment at Eaton decreased slightly in 2016 - to $6.96 billion. In Europe and the Middle East, the situation is stable. The growth was driven by an increase in orders for products and service solutions for residential buildings and lighting, and the Asia-Pacific region recorded strength in the solutions segment for providing high-quality power supply, Arnold said.

Eaton's revenue in the Electrical Systems and Services division at the end of 2016 reached $5.7 billion compared to $5.9 billion in 2015. Operating income here decreased from $776 million to $711 million due to the mentioned restructuring costs.

In the hydraulic systems division, revenue fell from $2.5 billion to $2.2 billion. In the trucking business, sales were $3.2 billion in 2016, up from $3.68 billion the year before.

2015: Results of the second quarter

In 2015, Eaton's sales were $20.9 billion.

On August 10, 2015, Eaton reported achieving net income per share of $1.16. The growth in the published reporting period was 5%.

According to the company's management, the growth in operating profit in the second quarter was due to high operating profit margins and strict cost control, the figure was adjusted by the negative impact of foreign currency exchange rates of 5%. Without the negative impact of foreign currency, operating earnings per share could have increased by 10%."

Revenue was slightly lower than expected due to weaker positions in most markets. Sales in the second quarter fell by 7%: a decline of 6% was recorded due to the negative impact of exchange rates and a 1% drop in organic sales.

The company expects operating earnings per share to grow in the third quarter of 2015 in the range of $1 to $1.10. Taking into account lower organic sales growth and restructuring measures, operating profit will fluctuate between $4.40 and $4.60, which is 6% lower than previously forecast. 3% of this 6% is due to the cost of the restructuring program.

2014: Sales growth by 3%

Sales in the second quarter of 2014 were $5.8 billion, up 3% year over year. Operating income for the second quarter of 2014, excluding tax costs of $37 million for the integration of recent acquisitions, as well as unexpected expenses and gains, was $529 million, which is 2% higher than the result of the same period in 2013.

Alexander M. Cutler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eaton, noted:

“Our results in the second quarter of 2014, taking into account unexpected expenses, were above the forecast average. As we expected, sales during this period increased by 3%, and in the first quarter of 2014 - by 4%. The overall segment margin, which was impacted by $39 million of restructuring costs in the Industrial sector, was also fully in line with our expectations. High margins were demonstrated by the Hydraulic, Aerospace and Automotive divisions, as well as the Electrical Products segment. The Electrical Systems and Services segment showed weaker margins.
“A number of unplanned circumstances also impacted the company's earnings during this period,” Mr. Cutler said. “First, we completed the sale of two small aerospace businesses for a pre-tax value of $156 million. Second, we settled two multi-year litigation, with Meritor and with Triumph, and related litigation, which cost us $644 million before taxes.”

Sales in the Electrical Products segment were $1.8 billion, up 4% from 2013, while operating income was $300 million. Excluding acquisition and integration costs of $12 million for the quarter, it amounted to $312 million, which is 10% higher than in the second quarter of 2013.

Sales of the Electrical Systems and Services segment amounted to $1.6 billion, similar to 2013. Core sales increased 1%, offset by a 1% decline in currency translation. The segment's operating income was $194 million.

Aerospace sector sales were $486 million, up 9% from the same period in 2013. Operating income in the second quarter increased 3% compared to 2013 to $69 million. These figures already included $2 million in restructuring costs during the quarter.

“We are pleased with the overall volume of orders from the Electrical and Aerospace businesses,” said Mr. Cutler. “We continue to forecast that our end markets will grow 3% overall in 2014.”


The company's sales volumes in 2013 amounted to a record $22.0 billion, which is 35% higher than in 2012. Operating income, excluding $163 million for the integration of recent acquisitions, reached $2.0 billion and exceeded last year's figure by 42%. Operating earnings per share increased to $4.13, which is 5% higher than in 2012. Operating cash flow in 2013 was $2.3 billion, which is 37% higher than in 2012.

“We expect our markets to grow 3% in 2014,” said Alexander M. Cutler, Eaton's chairman and chief executive officer. “We also believe that operating earnings per share will again reach record levels in 2014.” According to our preliminary estimates, in the 1st quarter it will be $0.95-$1.05, excluding the costs of integrating our recent acquisitions in the amount of $76 million.”

“Overall, we forecast 2014 operating earnings per share of $4.50 to $4.90, excluding integration costs of our acquisitions, which are estimated at $168 million. This forecast does not include gains from the sale of two aerospace business units, Mr. Cutler added. “On average, operating earnings per share in 2014 could grow by 14%.”


In January 2012, Eaton gave a company development forecast for 2012. While the global economic outlook for 2012 remains uncertain, largely due to Eurozone sovereign debt concerns, we are confident that 2012 is likely to be a year of strong growth for the global markets in which we operate.

“According to our estimates, in 2012 our markets will grow by 5%, while the market will demonstrate slightly higher growth rates than foreign markets. We expect to outpace the growth of our end markets in 2012 by approximately $320 million,” says Cutler. “In 2012, we expect additional profit in the amount of US$90 million due to the divestiture of acquired assets completed in 2011. Changes in currency exchange rates in 2012 are expected to reduce our earnings by approximately $550 million. Overall, we expect our profits to grow 4 percent this year compared to 2011."

"We believe operating earnings per share will again be record levels in 2012," Cutler said. “We estimate first quarter operating earnings per share, excluding integration costs of our recent acquisitions of approximately $0.01, to be between $0.80 and $0.90. We expect full-year 2012 operating earnings per share, excluding integration costs of approximately $0.05 for recent acquisitions, to be between $4.15 and $4.55. Based on these projections, our 2012 operating earnings per share will show growth in the range of 5 to 15 percent."

“In light of our strong performance in 2011 and our guidance for 2012, we are increasing our quarterly dividend by 12 percent, raising the quarterly dividend from $0.34 to $0.38 per share,” Cutler said.

2011: Sales growth by 17% to $16 billion

In 2011, sales reached $16 billion, up 17% from 2010. Net income was $1.35 billion, up 45 percent from 2010, and net earnings per share of $3.93 was 44 percent higher than 2010.

Operating income in 2011 was $1.36 billion, up 42 percent from 2010. Operating earnings per share in 2011 were $3.96, an increase of 41 percent over 2010.

Eaton Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Alexander M. Cutler:

“The 17 percent increase in sales in 2011 reflects strong growth despite a highly volatile global economy during the year,” says Cutler. “We raised our earnings guidance three times during 2011 as market performance exceeded our expectations at the start of the year.”

“When I look at 2011 overall, I can confidently say that it was a record year for us on many fronts,” says Cutler. “Sales exceeded $16 billion for the first time, our segmented operating profit grew one and a half percent to 14.2 percent, our sales in emerging markets reached 27% of the total, and operating earnings per share were 15 percent higher than our previous record.

We completed nine acquisitions in 2011, with gross proceeds of approximately $320 million in 2011.

During this period, Eaton has 70,000 employees and sales in more than 150 countries.

Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN ) is an American industrial group operating in the markets of 150 countries. The main activities of the company form 5 segments:

  • Electrical- production of low and medium voltage equipment for industry and infrastructure.
  • Fluid Power control equipment for monitoring the flow of liquids for industry and transport.
  • Truck gearboxes for heavy vehicles.
  • Automotive propulsion systems for passenger cars.
  • Aerospace components for the aerospace industry.

In December 2007, the company announced the acquisition of Moeller GmbH.

Eaton Corporation
Exchange listing
Key figures

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R&D costs

independently develops components for manned spaceflight

Operating profit

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Year of foundation
R&D costs

independently develops components for manned spaceflight

Operating profit
Number of employees

Auto industry

Eaton Fuller manual transmission

It switches quite hard, but is almost trouble-free, but still, incorrect switching of the divider threatens irreparable damage to the gearbox.

Automatic transmission AutoShift (UltraShift)

The EATON automatic transmission has been nicknamed “intercom” and “calculator”, since its controls are really similar to them. The nice thing is that in case of slippage, with one press of a button any gear can be forced into gear.

EATON Hybrid Powertrain

For the first time, the company managed to create a gas control system for a truck tractor. This is due to the company having all the necessary production facilities and some experience in this area. At the same time, for about several years, Eaton engineers suffered setbacks during testing. Having eliminated most of the errors, 2 types of similar transmissions were created. The carrier of the first automatic hybrid transmission was Peterbilt 386 hybrid, the carriers of the second were Peterbilt city models and the hybrid version of the DAF LF. Operation immediately pointed out the shortcomings of the system. They were poor frost resistance of batteries and a poor system for converting from electric to diesel drive. At the same time, the fuel consumption of carriers of both types of gas propulsion systems has significantly decreased. Competing company ZF is still testing its hybrid transmissions, but some of the Eton's shortcomings have already been eliminated.

see also

  • Allison



  • Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
  • Companies by alphabet
  • Companies founded in 1911
  • US companies
  • Auto parts manufacturers

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In September, the Moscow representative office of Eaton Corporation held the fifth annual Power Club partner forum. According to the organizers, 120 representatives of partner companies took part in it. Compared to previous events, the composition of participants has changed significantly - for the first time, about a third of them represented companies specializing in electrical equipment (former partners of Moeller, acquired by Eaton in 2008).

Since last year's partner forum, Eaton's business in Russia has undergone significant changes. Previously, this diversified concern was known in our country mainly as a supplier of uninterruptible power supply systems. The Moscow representative office of Eaton was created in 2004 on the basis of the Powerware office, after the concern acquired this UPS manufacturer. Then, after Eaton acquired the single-phase division of MGE UPS Systems in 2007, in addition to the Powerware series uninterruptible power supply systems, Pulsar series UPSs began to be supplied to the Russian market (previously this brand belonged to MGE).

In October last year, a corporate office was opened, which was tasked with developing other areas of Eaton's business - in addition to the electrical segment, these are components for the aircraft and automotive industries, and hydraulic systems.

In February 2010, a new organizational structure of the office was approved, and in June he was appointed its general director. Igor Anufriev. Previously, he served as General Director of Gilbarco Veeder-Root* in the CIS and Baltic countries. Kyesti Kozlov, who previously headed the Eaton representative office, continues to work for the concern, but now Russia is not part of his area of ​​responsibility.

Eaton's headquarters is located in Cleveland, America, but the concern's business is global - its clients are companies from more than 150 countries, 55% of sales are carried out outside the United States. In 2009, Eaton's global turnover amounted to $11.9 billion, of which $3 billion came from the EMEA region, with approximately half of the turnover coming from the electrical division. Eaton management views this year as a transitional stage towards stable aggressive growth. This is expected to be achieved, among other things, through further acquisitions of other companies.

As Igor Anufriev reported, Eaton’s Russian corporate office is tasked with increasing sales volume fivefold by 2016, developing not only the traditional electrical engineering direction for Russia, but also increasing its full presence in other markets, primarily in aircraft manufacturing and the automotive industry. industry. Some progress on this path has already been achieved - a contract has been signed with the Irkut Corporation to develop a hydraulic system for the new MC-21 passenger airliner, which from 2016 should replace the Tu-154 and Tu-204 aircraft. In addition, according to Igor Anufriev, the largest Russian automobile plants have become interested in Eaton’s solutions.

The head of Eaton's Russian corporate office emphasized that active attention to the development of new business areas in our country does not mean that the electrical segment will develop “on a residual basis.” Moreover, he expects a synergistic effect by using the capabilities of a strong single company: “Some strategic industries, such as aircraft manufacturing, are under almost complete state control. These projects are supervised by large “statesmen”. Building relationships in one segment makes it possible to continue the dialogue on other business platforms in which we are present, in terms of offering our innovative technologies.”

Igor Anufriev emphasized that Eaton will continue to invest in business development in Russia. The increased attention of the concern's management to the Russian market is evidenced by the fact that Eaton's Moscow corporate office is in a privileged position - it reports directly to the concern's president in the EMEA region, which allows it to make quick decisions. Only three vendor offices have such a high status in the EMEA region. Currently, the Moscow representative office employs 50 people. Its staff will grow - according to Igor Anufriev, the area (1.4 thousand m2) can accommodate approximately 100 employees.

Last year, employees of Moeller Electric, a subsidiary of Moeller that previously represented its interests in Russia, moved into Eaton's new corporate office. After Eaton acquired the Moeller company, which became part of the electrical engineering division of the concern, contractual relations with former Moeller partners were transferred to its Russian representative office.

Today, the products of Eaton's electrical engineering division are promoted in Russia through two sales channels: Power Quality and Power Distribution. Through the traditional Power Quality channel, devices are supplied to ensure high-quality power supply - UPS of the Powerware, Pulsar and E Series series, DC systems, load distribution devices, specialized software. The Power Distribution channel went to the Russian office of Eaton as a “dowry” after the acquisition of Moeller; electrical equipment “goes” through it - devices for distribution and control of electricity (more than 25 thousand items).

After the acquisition of the single-phase division of MGE, the integration of the UPS sales channels of the Powerware and Pulsar series had barely completed when the Russian office of Eaton was faced with a much more difficult task - to try to combine “the horse and the trembling doe” “in one harness”, i.e. to integrate the Power Distribution channels and Power Quality. These channels operate according to different financial and logistics schemes. Sales through the Power Quality channel are carried out according to a traditional two-level distribution scheme, the main part of the partners are IT companies. 8 distributors supply UPS: Erimex, Landata, Kopitan, TEV, Verysell, Katharsis, SEM Electro, Spectrum Electro. They import equipment to Russia and handle customs clearance. 165 authorized Eaton partners purchase equipment from them. Regarding the Power Distribution channel, historically, former Moeller partners operating mainly in the electrical market purchased products from Moeller Electric. Now this function is assigned to Eton LLC, which independently imports and clears customs equipment. Then it is sold from the Moscow warehouse to partners for rubles. Partners can enter into a direct contract with Eton LLC only upon achieving a certain sales volume. Direct partners include distributors operating in the electrical market, original equipment manufacturers and integrators (OEM partners), and panel equipment manufacturers. At the same time, according to Igor Anufriev, in the foreseeable future Eaton does not plan to switch to direct import of UPS, preferring to outsource the functions of import and customs clearance of uninterruptible power supply systems to distributors.

Many of Eaton's Power Quality channel partners work only with UPS products, just as many of Eaton's Power Distribution channel partners work only with electrical devices. However, there is also overlap - some channel members interact with Eaton in both directions. The main task of the management of the electrical sector of the Eaton representative office is to maximize their number. As Igor Anufriev reported, many partners are interested in entering “adjacent segments,” which will give them the opportunity to expand their customer base by offering comprehensive solutions from a single manufacturer. According to him, two distributors traditionally involved in the supply of UPS also showed active interest in sales of electrical equipment.

As reported Evgeniy Rebizov, Head of Power Quality, and. O. Head of the electrical sector of the Russian corporate office of Eaton, the organizational structure of the representative office already combines the functions of supporting sales of both channels - marketing, product management, service.

A serious step in channel integration should be an updated partner program, which will be presented in early 2011. It provides a single report on partner purchases for both sales channels, a unified principle for assigning statuses, and a common marketing support program. “Now we are studying the features of the channels, we want to take into account all the nuances,” she explained Ekaterina Zakharova, Corporate Communications Manager.

This year, Eaton's electrical segment is showing good growth rates - as Evgeny Rebizov reported, sales through two channels in the first half of the year increased by more than one and a half times compared to the same period last year.

* Specializes in the supply of integrated solutions for gas stations. Part of the Danaher Corporation.

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