Home Nutrition Between heaven and earth: a shrine in the Crimean mountains. Temples of Yalta Orthodox shrines of Yalta

Between heaven and earth: a shrine in the Crimean mountains. Temples of Yalta Orthodox shrines of Yalta

Greetings to all blog readers! Today's virtual tour will be of interest to everyone who is going to. Even if you are not a deeply religious person, when driving near Mount Ai-Nikola, pay attention to the soaring domes. , not the only temple in Crimea which is built high in the mountains. He has amazing energy.

The striking combination of the beauty of the Crimean rocks and the gilded domes of the shrine attract the admiring glances of all those passing through the resort village of Oreanda, along the Sevastopol highway.

The Yalta-Sevastopol section of the road is perhaps the most picturesque on the entire coast of Crimea, there are not only luxurious hotels and restaurants, nature itself is not inferior to its artistry and alluring distances.

What awaits you at this sight of Crimea? Probably everything for which many people love our small peninsula so much: the boundless gloomy, then cornflower blue sky, immersed in the azure smooth surface of the horizon, formidable rocks and green mountains, as if bowing before the water surface of the Black Sea, a diverse collection of coniferous trees.

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And what air! Infused with pine needles & hints of juniper. And most importantly - a stunning view of the southern coast of Crimea. Stop at the edge of the white rotunda, enjoy the ringing of bells, which seems to hit a rock and scatter in the air stream for hundreds of kilometers.

Thanks to natural acoustics, it is especially exciting to be on the territory of the temple when the church male choir sings.

The long road from Yalta to Sevastopol meanders along the entire South Coast, and new scenes open up at every turn that will remain in your memory for a long time. If you are interested in car rental in Crimea,.

To get to the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael, just turn onto the Sevastopol highway T2709. In the village of Oreanda there will be a fork where you need to turn right, however, the shrine is clearly visible from afar. On the right is Mount Ai-Nikola.

Due to its location in a rocky area, the village is divided into Upper Oreanda and Lower Oreanda.

The road itself will lead you to the walls of the temple in Upper Oreanda.

It stands on the edge of the cliff, from where a panoramic view of the coast and the village of Oreanda opens.

And on the left rises the temple of the Holy Archangel Michael.

The Orthodox shrine was built in 2006 on the site of the destroyed ancient Christian monastery. The initiator of the construction of the temple was the family of an entrepreneur Mikhail Karashkevich from Yalta.

The philanthropist invested not only a significant part of the funds, but also his soul in the construction of the temple. Thanks to the support of other contributors, the construction of the church was completed in a year.

The church has a Sunday school. The church is active and anyone can visit it.

Near the church there is a bell tower, and near the viewing platform there is an icon and souvenir shop.

Icon painters from Western Ukraine worked on the interior of the temple, and the project itself belongs to an architect from Yalta Vyacheslav Bondarenko.

The viewing platform is a favorite place for everyone who visits the temple, from here you can see not only the picturesque landscapes of the southern coast of Crimea, but also the details that hold the attention of prying eyes.

Archangel Michael decorates the rotunda with his presence. He seems to protect the Crimean land.

Below, among the dense canopy of trees, a winding road is visible that leads further to the resort village of Gaspra.

In the distance, a lonely boat and the peaceful beauty of nature.

The most attentive pay attention to two figures of climbers. See on the left on the stone?

Great idea, very symbolic location! This composition is dedicated to the climbers who conquered Mount Ai-Nikola (from the Greek. St. Nicholas).

After a trip to the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael, only favorable impressions remained, I recommend visiting this attraction with the whole family. Keep in mind that a small section of the road is in the form of a mountain serpentine.

If you like the tour, visit another temple in the Crimea, which is considered no less beautiful due to its location.

Resurrection of Christ in the resort village of Foros.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Orthodox and Catholic churches for worship and sacred rites in Yalta.

Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

The Church of Alexander Nevsky is considered the main Orthodox cathedral of Yalta. The foundation stone for the construction of the cathedral was laid on the decades of the death of the emperor on March 1, 1891. The design of the cathedral was planned by the architect S. P. Kroshechkin, and the painting of the dome of the walls and individual elements was done by the Kiev artist I. Murashko.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Garden 2.

Church of John Chrysostom

The Church of St. John Chrysostom is one of the very first churches that appeared in Yalta. In 1832, the construction of a church along with a bell tower began on Polikurovsky Hill, according to the project of architect Georgy Toricelli. And the construction was supervised by the state-owned architect of Yalta and the South Coast Karl Ashliman. For a long time, the bell tower of the church served as a beacon for ships.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, Tolstoy street 10.

Church of St. Nicholas

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built according to the project of the architect V.N. Maximov in 1916. First, land was allocated at this place for a sanatorium for officers of the imperial fleet with tuberculosis. In 1916, a temple was built and consecrated in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker and the martyr Empress Alexandra.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Drazinsky.

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Theodor Tyron

The Church of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron is the oldest church in Yalta with its own history. It is mentioned in the lists of Christian churches as early as 1778, and to this day it is called Greek. The church is named after the holy warrior Theodore Tyrone, who began his service in the Marmaritan Legion. In May 1901, A.P. Chekhov and O.L. Knipper got married in this church.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, per. Kolkhozny 5.

Chapel of Saint Nicholas

The chapel of St. Nicholas was founded in 1896 in memory of the marriage of the imperial persons Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna. At the same time, Emperor Nicholas I assigned Yalta the status of a city. This chapel was designed by N.P. Krasnov, a well-known architect in Yalta, and the funds for the construction were given by Mrs. Yu.I. Bazanov.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, Roosevelt street.

Chapel on the waterfront of Yalta

Chapel in memory of the murdered Emperor Alexander II and all the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia on the Yalta embankment. On July 17, 2006, the place for construction was consecrated, and on September 26, 2009, Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea consecrated the already built chapel. Funds for the construction were collected through contributions and voluntary donations, where the former mayor of Yalta Alexei Boyarchuk was directly involved.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Lenin, Yalta embankment.

Church of Saint Hripsime

The Church of St. Hripsima is an Armenian-style church, built by the order of the Baku oilman Poghos Ter-Ghukasyan, in memory of his daughter. The architect of this temple is Gabriel Ter-Mikaelyan, designer Vardges Surenyants, the construction of the temple was carried out from 1909-1917. In the construction of the temple, Foros volcanic tuff was used, which Armenians use in traditional construction.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Country 3.

Church of the Holy Mother of God

The Church of the Holy Mother of God was built in 1906 according to the project of the chief architect of Yalta N.P. Krasnov and made in the Western European style. After reconstruction in 1988, the whole interior was changed in the church and an organ was installed. Now organ music concerts are held here.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Pushkinskaya 25.

Lutheran Church of St. Mary

The Lutheran church of St. Mary was built in 1885 with donations from the German and Russian emperors, as well as at the expense of the parishioners of the church, according to the project of G. F. Schreiber. The construction of the church lasted 10 years, and its name was in honor of the daughter of the architect. After the revolution, the temple was closed, and in 1993 the Evangelical Lutheran community in Yalta achieved the return of its property.
The address: Crimea, Yalta, st. Chekhov 10.

Temples, chapels and churches of Yalta with addresses and telephones. Learn the history, features of architecture, interesting facts about the temples of Yalta.

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    0 m to city center

    The Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky is a memorial temple in memory of the Russian sovereigns Alexander II and Alexander III who died in Boza. In 1902, the cathedral was consecrated during the stay in Yalta and the personal presence of Nicholas II with his family and his retinue. The cathedral was built with special elegance and festivity, despite the fact that it was erected in memory of the dead. Such architecture was specially thought out so that, even being so far from the capital of Russia, the cathedral was a confirmation that Crimea is also Russia.

    0 m to city center

    The Church of St. John Chrysostom was founded on Polikurovsky Hill according to the drawings of the famous architect G. Toricelli. The General and Governor Count Vorontsov took a keen interest in its erection. By the beginning of autumn 1837, construction was completed. The location of the temple served as its entry into the world sailing directions, that is, the temple is listed as a place where any ship can moor and receive the necessary help. Under the USSR, the temple was adapted for the warehouses of the GPU, but in the very first year of the Great Patriotic War it burned down.

    0 m to city center

    The Armenian Church was built in 1917 on the slope of the Darsan hill on behalf of the oilman Poghos Ter-Ghukasyan and resembles medieval architecture in its structure. The famous master, Surenyants Vardges Akopovich, was engaged in interior decoration, and worked on the painting of the church until his death, where, by the way, he was buried. The church is interesting for tourists with its architectural tricks: it has two entrances, one is official, the other is fake.

    0 m to city center

    The Chapel of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia can be seen by every visitor to Yalta. It is located on the waterfront of Yalta, next to the pier. Initially, the church on this site appeared in 1881 and was dedicated to the memory of the deceased Russian Tsar Alexander 2. The consecration of the first stone was made by the Archbishop of Taurida Guriy. The building was erected in the northern style, typical of ancient Russia. It was decorated with rich ornaments. The entrance was located from the side of the sea, the other walls of the building were decorated with cross-shaped windows with bars. The construction of the church was completed in the summer of the same year. Images were acquired at the same time. All salaries were created in specialized workshops, and many relics were brought as a gift.

    0 m to city center

    The Theodor Tiron Church is one of the oldest temples in Yalta. It is one of the Christian churches known in the city in 1778, and to this day is called Greek. The first church was erected on this site by the Greeks several centuries ago. Later, the Christians moved to Mariupol, the temple gradually fell into disrepair and was destroyed.

    0 m to city center

    The Roman Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a beautiful architectural monument of the early 20th century. It was erected by the famous architect N.P. Krasnov in 1906. Divine services began almost immediately in the temple, but the construction was never completed - the bell tower has not been built to this day. Above the entrance to the church there is a Latin inscription: "Dedicated to God and the Immaculate Mother of God Mary." The interior decoration surpasses the appearance of the building and causes genuine admiration among parishioners and tourists. There is a beautiful organ in the temple, and in 2000, a statue of the Virgin Mary herself finally appeared.

Yalta is famous for its palaces, parks, embankment and magnificent natural appearance. The city is surrounded by majestic rocky ridges and sea waves stretching near them. Magnificent Lebanese cedars, cypresses, decorative palm trees, magnolias and other exotic plants are found everywhere in this resort capital of the Crimean peninsula. But Yalta is not only famous for this. It keeps in itself a great spiritual experience, expressed in the life of local Orthodox Christians, and not only. We will talk about the most remarkable Orthodox places of worship in Yalta. And we will start our top 3 Orthodox churches in Yalta with the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

Today it is the main temple of Yalta. It is one of the main attractions of the city. Located 5 minutes walk from the promenade off the main street.

The history of the cathedral begins with the name of Emperor Alexander II, who died at the hands of the People's Volunteer rebels. It was in memory of the death of this sovereign that it was decided to build a religious building. The famous architect N.P. Krasnov designed the church. The land for construction was donated by Wrangel. The first stone was laid in 1891 by Empress Maria Feodorovna, the widow of the late sovereign. The cathedral was built in just 11 years and consecrated in 1902 during the visit of the last emperor of the Russian state Nicholas II and his family.

Cathedral in honor of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky

In breading, the cathedral is two-tiered and has open galleries. Made in an unconventional neo-Russian style. There are numerous decorative elements such as pilasters, chests of drawers, portals, hearts. A mosaic made by students of the Italian Salviatti reveals itself. From the outside, the building looks very elegant. The internal reconstruction has recently been carried out and now the cathedral looks absolutely excellent.

I want to note that the building contains a large number of relics of the holy saints of God. You will not find such a number of shrines in any other temple of Yalta. An almshouse operated at the temple, the building of which has survived to this day. It now houses a public school.

In Soviet times, the temple was closed, but during the Great Patriotic War, by decision of the German occupation authorities, it was reopened for worship. After the liberation of the city, the church was turned into a sports hall. Only in 1995 the premises were handed over to the Orthodox community.

To date, the temple has been completely restored. It hosts regular services. It is the most favorite temple for Orthodox Yalta residents. It has a rich spiritual, cultural, historical and architectural value.

Church of the Archangel Michael

Church of the Archangel Michael in Oreanda

In second place in our top 3 Orthodox churches in Yalta is, of course, the Church of the Archangel Michael. It is located not in Yalta itself, but in the suburbs - the village of Oreanda. The history of the temple is small, it is young and was built only in 2006 at the foot of the mountain of St. Nicholas - “Ai-Nikola”. The religious building is located in a picturesque place near the Yalta-Sevastopol highway. Today it is one of the main attractions of the southern coast of Crimea.

According to legend, there was an ancient monastery in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker nearby. These memories were confirmed by the facts, when archaeologists unearthed the ruins of an ancient Christian monastery in these places.

The church was built entirely at the expense of local benefactors. In addition, all work on the facade and interior was done by local and Ukrainian craftsmen. An interesting feature of the temple is that it is located in a good acoustic space. Often, an audio recording is turned on in the room with the singing of male and female Orthodox choirs, the sound from which can be heard far beyond the temple complex.

Temple of John Chrysostom

Despite the fact that even before the arrival of the Ottoman Turks, Greek Christians lived in the settlement, the described church is historically considered the first cathedral church of the city. It was built in the 19th century. The building in its original form has not been preserved, since it was destroyed in 1942.

Church of St. John Chrysostom

Today, the temple has been completely restored according to the sketches of an authentic building. Since 1998, regular services have been held there. Nearby is a cypress park. The cathedral is rightfully considered one of the main attractions of the Yalta embankment, as it is visible from different parts of the central part of the city.

The church owes its creation to Count Vorontsov, who ordered the construction of a cult building at the expense of the city. G. I. Toricelli’s sketches were used, in which elements of pseudo-Gothic are traced (although it seems to many that the church was built in the style of Arabic script). The domes are covered with gold leaf. The three-tiered bell tower rises 45 meters above sea level.

The temple was consecrated in 1837. The cathedral was rebuilt several times in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The architect Krasnov participated in the restoration work. Baron Wrangel was an active donor.

An interesting feature of the Church of St. John Chrysostom is that it is marked on topographic maps as a navigational sign and is a guide for sailors to this day. Indeed, the church is hard to miss if you are on the waterfront or in the city center. With this room, we end our list of the top 3 Orthodox churches in Yalta.

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