Home Chassis Italy in winter: thermal resort on the island of Vulcano. Vulcano Island. Lipari archipelago, Italy. volcano island italy

Italy in winter: thermal resort on the island of Vulcano. Vulcano Island. Lipari archipelago, Italy. volcano island italy

Vulcano is a small island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is part of the Aeolian Islands archipelago. This is the southernmost of the islands of the archipelago - it lies only 25 km from the coast of Sicily. On the territory of 21 sq. km. there are several volcanic craters, and one of them is active. True, the last eruption on Vulcano occurred in 1888-90.

According to ancient Greek myths, Vulcano was the home of the god of the winds, Eol, and the Romans made it the forge of the god Vulcan. The Romans began to mine sulfur and alum on the island - this industry was one of the main sources of income for the local population until the end of the 19th century.

In the middle of the 19th century, the Englishman James Stevenson bought the northern part of Vulcano and built a villa there. He also closed all the developments of sulfur and alum, and in their place, on fertile soils, planted vineyards. Today, local grapes are used to make the world-famous Malvasia wine.

Vulcano is a small island. Its population (about 500 people) lives mainly on tourism. And there are enough tourists here - they are attracted here by luxurious beaches, hot springs and sulfuric mud baths and, of course, the opportunity to see numerous smoking fumaroles. Usually people come to Vulcano for a day - you can get here from the neighboring island of Lipari on a hydrofoil. On Lipari, there are the main hotels and cafes, which, alas, are not enough on Vulcano.

Those who stay on Vulcano for more than a day can be advised to get acquainted with the local beauties - the mountains of Monte Aria, Monte Saracena and Monte Lucia, which are in fact the cones of stratovolcanoes, the Fossa cone with a large crater and the top of Vulcanello, which is connected to the island narrow isthmus.

The island of Vulcano, which is part of the Aeolian Islands, is the closest to Sicily - only 25 km. across the Tyrrhenian Sea. Vulcano attracts tourists with its "own" volcano, beaches, hot springs and sulfuric mud baths.

1. The most convenient way to get to the Aeolian Islands is from the Sicilian city of Milazzo by ferries and speed boats. Large Siremar ferries deliver cargo and cars to the archipelago.

2. But the fastest transport is Liberty Lines' high-speed hydrofoils, which run several times a day. The boat covers 25 kilometers to Vulcano in 45 minutes and 48 euros (round-trip cost).

3. Inside is spacious. Since this is a hydrofoil, there is practically no pitching.

4. The island of Vulcano is small - only 21 square meters. km., the population is 470 people, so one pier is enough to communicate with Sicily.

6. Immediately after going ashore, we are met by sulfur rocks, not for nothing that sulfur was once mined on Vulcano.

8. In addition to sulfur, we were also met by a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide - the source turned out to be a pond with gurgling substance. We will come back here and test it for ourselves.

9. In the meantime, our goal is the Foss volcanic cone, 425 meters high. We decided to check this figure on our own by climbing to the highest point of an extinct volcano and walking around it. At the beginning of the trail - a warning.

10. After reading, we begin the ascent.

12. You have to climb along the path of lava gravel, you need appropriate shoes.

13. As you climb to the top, views of the neighboring islands and the Tyrrhenian Sea open up. The Lipari archipelago, located north of Sicily, is formed by the islands of Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, Stromboli, Strombolicchio, Filicudi, Alicudi, Panarea, Basiluzzo. The area of ​​this group of islands is 115 sq. km, and the population - 14 thousand people.

14. All the islands are of volcanic origin, but only the Stromboli volcano is active. Around it, even arrange water excursions at night, when flashes are visible. Hot springs are found on the islands of Lipari and Vulcano.

16. In addition to black lava, the volcano is a fiend and soft rock.

17. On which you can easily leave your autograph.

19. Closer to the top, the path becomes narrow, hard and uneven.

20. It is impossible to shorten the path along the slope - gravel crumbles underfoot.

21. The views are getting more picturesque.

22. And here it is - the mouth of the extinct volcano Foss. Over the past 6000 years, there have been at least 7 major eruptions here, the last was in 1888-1890.

23. There are many smoking fumaroles on the slopes of the volcano.
Fumarole (from lat. fumare - smoke (sya)) - a crack or hole located in craters, on the slopes and at the foot of volcanoes and is a source of hot gases.

24. Fumaroles are subdivided into dry high-temperature, acidic, alkaline-ammonia, sulphurous or hydrogen sulfide (solfatars), carbonic (mofets).

25. The volcano "breathes" as it were, the amount of gases either decreases or increases.

27. The release of volcanic gas through fumaroles is a post-volcanic phenomenon and indicates the transition of a volcano to an intermediate stage between eruptions or its final attenuation.

28. Sulfur crystals are clearly visible.

29. Fumarole smoke contains a large amount of water vapor. Its main source is groundwater, heated by layers of magma lying close to the surface and high-temperature gases. The toxicity of these vapors was warned by the posters below.

30. It is noticeably warmer here, and the stones underfoot are very hot.

33. In addition to sulfur, there are some other white crystals.

35. The bottom of the volcano is solid, someone even went down there and left messages for posterity.

36. The vent can be circumnavigated by climbing to the highest point of Fossa.

39. The shape of the Lipari island arc is the result of volcanic activity that has lasted here for over 260 thousand years. The arc is formed by the junction of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. Plate movements and magma rising through fissures shaped the mountain ranges of Sicily and the Aeolian Islands.

40. In the haze, Stromboli volcano is the only island in the group with an active volcano. It is constantly active and famous for frequent small eruptions observed from different points on the island and the surrounding sea. The last major eruption occurred on April 13, 2009.

42. An autonomous weather station monitors the state of the volcano.

43. The diameter of the volcano along the crest is about 600 meters.

45. There is a very strong wind at the top.

46. ​​This is the highest point of Fossa - according to GPS 425 meters above sea level.

48. For the sake of such views, it was worth climbing here.

50. The relief of the island is complex. The highest mountain on Vulcano is Monte Aria (499 m). It is also an extinct volcano.

53. Statistics: route - 6.73 km, climb - 378 m, maximum height - 425 m.

54. After a tiring route, you can take a hot sulfur bath. Moreover, hydrogen sulfide mud and thermal springs of the island of Vulcano are considered healing and beneficial. In a small shallow lake with a diameter of about 50m and a depth just above the knee, hot springs beat with a temperature of up to 70 degrees. The average temperature of the mass is about 38 degrees. Hot springs also beat in the sea near the lake and the water there is warm all year round. In addition to the mud lake and hot springs, hot gas rises through the cracks in the rocks, which heats the stones, and next to the lake you can find places where the air temperature is like in a sauna.

55. The mud literally boils, and the hot vapors that come out burn the legs, so you should only walk on special flooring.

56. Taking such baths is useful in the following groups of diseases: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, and are used in the field of gynecology. Contraindicated in children. You can remember about swimming in hydrogen sulfide mud for a long time - clothes and towels retain this "aroma" for months.
A visit to the mud lake is paid - 2 euros per person, a shower - 1 euro.

In winter, it gives tourists many opportunities for exciting leisure activities. And the cold season is the best season to visit its thermal springs. One of the most interesting is located on a small island with black sand - Vulcano.

Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy): what will surprise Italy in winter?

Liparsky (or eolian) the skeletons are located in the Tyrrhenian Sea only 25 km from the coast Sicily. They are famous primarily for the active volcano on the tiny island of the same name. For frequent small eruptions, he was nicknamed the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean. Many tourists manage to see natural fireworks with their own eyes, and you may be lucky too.

Such a bright eruption is rare. Usually tourists manage to see emissions from active craters of jets of steam and volcanic ash.

Directly from the ship, go to admire the beauties of the formidable volcanic nature. The tour passes through picturesque places, so don't forget your camera!

Climbing up to the active volcano, follow the guide's instructions and don't forget to put on warm clothes: it will be cool at the top.

After climbing up to the cooled craters (the ascent will take a little less than an hour) and taking a selfie against the backdrop of frozen lava flows, it's time to board the ship again.


It is best to admire the volcanic landscape from the neighboring island -.

On the island of Lipari, be sure to take a walk through the old fortress. You won't be able to go astray - there are signs and old maps at every step.

This is a tourist place with a must-see old town, fortress walls and numerous souvenir shops. They sell jewelry with jewelry processed lava rock, and cosmetics with mud and salts of a thermal spring. The source itself is located on another, very small island. He will become the true goal of your

The island of Vulcano is especially beautiful in the rays of the setting sun.

Vulcano Island: geysers and black sand

People come to Vulcano for its mud spring. Baths in sulphurous thermal water, fungi, have a characteristic (not too pleasant) aroma and powerful anti-aging properties. Entrance to the springs is free. Enough to pay for the ticket (£2) and optionally purchase a shower coupon (£1). The thermal water temperature is 40 degrees all year round.

Advice: After paying with a token, the automatic shower turns on for only a few seconds. It will not work to wash off the persistent hydrogen sulfide smell under its thin streams after the bath. It is better to first plunge into the sea, and before leaving the baths, use the reduced version of the shower.

Not far from the baths in the sea comes to the surface geyser. Near it, sea water remains warm even in winter, so be sure to swim in its jets after taking a thermal bath. Those who brought a mask or goggles with them will have the opportunity to see with their own eyes a natural phenomenon of amazing beauty. Jets of hot water and steam rise from the bottom and "dance" in the sea foam.

Advice: take coral slippers or rubber slippers on a trip. Hot steam from the geysers near the fango baths now and then comes out of the ground to the surface, and walking on the sand without shoes is very hot. And be prepared for the fact that the bathing suit will not survive the course of natural spa treatments. Hot sulphurous water deforms and discolors both synthetic and natural fabrics, and the smell of hydrogen sulfide remains on things even after washing.

Sculpture carved from lava rock is one of the attractions of Vulcano. By the way, souvenirs on the island are made not only from black lava, but from yellow sulfur.


The zone of volcanic activity is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Strait of Tunis. We talk about the most interesting volcanoes that you can visit.


Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe, the symbol and heart of Sicily. The height of the peak is about 3300 meters, but it changes due to constant eruptions.

The most active craters are located in the center, from the north- and south-east, with some reaching a diameter of 200 meters. There are many small towns around the foot, which in the past were under constant threat. Several times, lava even reached Catania, which is located three dozen kilometers from the volcano.

Now, during the eruption, hot streams descend to the seashore along the eastern side of the mountain, where there are almost no settlements. But nature still shows its strength: the last major eruptions of 2001-2002 destroyed the funicular, ski slopes and the station at the top of Etna. In addition, ash emissions from a capricious volcano greatly interfere with the operation of the airports of Catania and Reggio di Calabria and generally affect the ecological situation in the region.

The landscape of these places is amazing. All the surroundings are covered with lava: black - more recent and grayish-brown - from ancient eruptions. Islands of southern greenery look like bright spots in a lifeless landscape. But the higher you climb, the less vegetation remains. Along the way, you can see ruined houses filled with lava - reminders that the danger is real. Further, the landscapes become completely "lunar" - no buildings, only black sand and stones.

Snow lies on the top of the mountain almost all year, except for the summer season. In winter, you can go skiing here. And the best time for excursions is from May to October.

To climb the volcano, it is most convenient to drive from the south side, through the town of Nicolosi, then towards Rifugio Sapienza (altitude 1923 m), where there is a funicular station, parking, souvenir shops and cafes. Small craters with traces of yellow sulfur begin here, which you can climb.

The funicular will take you to a height of 2500 meters. If you want adventure, you can go further on foot (the journey will take about 2 hours). For an additional fee, everyone is taken to the upper station in off-road vehicles. When climbing, even in the warm season, be sure to have warm clothes, suitable shoes, water, sunglasses and cream with you.


Little Stromboli, which belongs to the group of Aeolian Islands, is a unique place.

The island appeared due to the activity of the volcano, which is still constantly erupting. Every 10-20 minutes it ejects hot lava hundreds of meters up. These lava eruptions are visible from afar, so Stromboli has long served as a lighthouse for sailors. When the volcano fell asleep for a while, they had to build a real lighthouse on a rock not far from the island.

Stromboli is sometimes called Aeolia, because in Homer's Odyssey it was here that the wind god Aeolus lived. The heroes of Jules Verne's novel Journey to the Center of the Earth return to the surface through this volcano. And director Roberto Rossellini filmed here the film "Stromboli, the land of God" with Ingrid Bergman in the title role.

Today, no more than a thousand people live on Stromboli. There are three villages on the island, many hotels and villas, beaches with black volcanic sand. A regular ferry service connects Stromboli with the neighboring islands, Messina, Milazzo, Naples and Reggio Calabria.

Unlike other volcanoes, Stromboli can be climbed right during the eruption. Hiking trails of varying difficulty are laid along the slope.

It is most interesting to see it in the evening, so most excursions start in the afternoon to get to the top with the advent of darkness. In this case, you will have to stay on the island overnight. Climbing is only possible with a professional guide. You will need special equipment, which is rented on the spot.

From Milazzo and other cities organize one-day boat trips to the Lipari Islands. In the evening travelers arrive at Stromboli and can see the eruption from the sea. Tours are organized by many local companies that offer discounts when booking online.


Vulcano is another island in the Aeolian archipelago, which gave its name to all such geologically active mountains. In ancient Roman mythology, the god of fire bore the same name.

Now the volcano is sleeping, only one of the craters releases gas and hot steam. Vulcano is relatively low and the ascent does not take long. If you wish, you can take a guide who will tell you more about volcanic activity. From the top there is a beautiful view of the neighboring island of Lipari.

Vulcano has beaches with soft black sand, you can swim until mid-October. Spas at local hotels offer mud and sulfur treatments. Other attractions include underwater excursions and tours to thermal grottoes.


The world-famous Vesuvius is located 12 km from Naples and 10 km from ancient Pompeii. Although the last eruption occurred in 1944, it is still considered active and very dangerous.

The volcano consists of two peaks: the more ancient Mount Somma and Vesuvius itself, which appeared after the famous eruption in 79 AD, which destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae.

Today, about 700 thousand people live at the foot. Vesuvius is under round-the-clock observation by scientists from the volcanological observatory, which is located on the slope.

You can climb the volcano throughout the year, but during the winter months the park is open only in the morning. You can get there by car or bus from Naples, Pompeii and Boscoreale. Then you need to go on foot, the rise will take about 30 minutes. Entrance to the park is paid.

Phlegrean fields

The Phlegrean Fields are several craters located on the shores of the Pozzuoli Bay, northwest of Naples. Thermal springs spring here, steam and gas emissions occur. Lakes formed in place of extinct craters.

In the city of Pozzuoli, many ancient Roman buildings have been preserved, including amphitheaters and baths. This city, founded by the Greeks and subsequently conquered by the Romans, for a long time remained the main port of the empire.

The neighboring town of Baia was in ancient times a favorite vacation spot of the Roman aristocracy. But due to volcanic activity, the layers of the earth began to move, and most of the ancient buildings were under water. You can see this underwater archaeological park on glass-bottom boats or during a deep-sea dive.

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